Newspaper Page Text
Page Four—B SUMMERFIELD NEWS SUMMERFIELD Robert Stokes athletic coach for the Summerfield schools has resign ed his position here and was in ducted into the U. S. Army. In Hospital Mrs. Martha Morgan of Quak er City, daughter of Mrs. Lou Philpot, is a patient in St. Fran cis hospital, Cambridge. Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Taylor vis ited the former's mother, Mrs. Juanita Taylor at the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, Sunday afternoon. Election Dinner The American Legion Auxili ary will serve meals all day on Election Day, Nov. 3, beginning at 11:00 a. m. Chicken and box dinners, sandwiches, chili, pie, coffee, etc. will be sold. The public is invited. Halloween Party Summerfield grnage No. 2073 will sponsor a Halloween party on Saturday night, Oct. 31. Fea tured will be a cake walk, a tur key raffle, guess cake and re freshments. Public is invited. Home From Hospital Catherine Shackles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shack les, is home from the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, where she had undergone surgery. She is improving and wishes to thank all of her friends for the beauti ful cards and the nice gifts and flowers she received while in the hospital. Sunshine Meeting Mrs. Leatha Dodds will enter tain the Sunshine Sufiday school class at her home Thursday night. Purchases Property Burt Leasure has purchased the Clara Gee property and moved in Tuesday. Injured In Accident Miss Carmen Creamer of Co lumbus, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode, is conval escing from a serious accident, which occurred on an Ohio State fraternity hayride. She was able to return to classes at Ohio Wes leyan university, Oct. 26, where she is a freshman. She is pledged to the Delta Gamma sorority. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Wire Fowler, Caldwell, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finney of Akron and Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Finney, who spent a few weeks at Akron, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Fogle, Saturday evening. Albeit Finncys also visited Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Valley PLEASANT VALLEY Cora Tucker and Amy Stevens called on Lydia and Sarah Gant Wed nesday afternoon. Mary Green and Joan Gant and son, Stephen, spent Friday with Martha Archer. James Wickham and wife of Zanesville, called at the home ol' Lydia Gant, Friday afternoon. Homer Gant and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Harper Ulmer of near Bucyrus last week. SINCLAIR Patented Anti-Rust FUEL OIL ... because it contains the amazing Sinclair Rust Inhibitor RD-119® No Extra Cost M. A. BRIEN2A Supplier ol Sinclair Froducts Phone 2(10 North Street Caldwell, Ohio we have a place it will just fit! trade today for a..» BIG Noble Chester King at Akron. Miss Gertrude Nary of St.| Clairsville and Miss Helene Mar cus of Bridgeport, visited HelenI Meek Saturday afternoon andl they enjoyed a steak fry at thel park that evening. The eveningl was spent socially at the Meek| home. Mrs. Ruth Bates, Eva Deloach.l Louise Singleton, Louise Tarlow.l all of Jacksonville, Fla., visitedl few days last week with Mr.l and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson. Theyl also attended the national Girls| Scout convention at Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson andl Mrs. W. E. Bond and daughter,) Barbara Jean spent their vaca tion with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar| Watson and children in New Jer sey. Ross Watson attended the| state grange convention at Cleveland the past week. Martha Stephens and Jean Cline were at Wheeling, We. Va. shopping Monday aftrnoon. McKinley Morris finished his work for the Texas Eastern in Pennsylvania last week and came home Friday evening. Chester and Lena Thomas of Norwich, were here last week on business. Don Warren and family of Dexter City, colled on James Palmer and wife, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Stallings and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bishop Friday. Other weekend guests were Mrs. Offa Bishop, Mrs. Lulu McDonald of Caldwell and Janice Bishop of Athens. Mrs. Harvey Thomas of Bear Run, visited a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. Delia Thomas and family of near Whigville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and daughter of Canton, visited his sister, Mrs. Tom Reed and family recently. Mrs. Herbert Groves, son, Charles and daughter, Mary of Akron, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hannahs Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hannahs and son, Charles, spent the week end recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sorg of Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Pearlie Snyder of Newark, visited the weekend with Mrs. Mary Martin. They and Mrs. Martin visited her husband, who is a patient at St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havener visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brewster at Painesvillc recently. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hannahs and family of Berne, visited re cently with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hannahs. Mrs. Leota Curtis returned to her home, Saturday after visiting for the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Jacobs and son, John of Newark. Mr. and Mrs. David Weisent, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weisent of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weisent and sons of Marietta, visited the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weisent. Mamie Friday of Newark, spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weaver at Dover and with Mrs. C. E. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bywatters and son have returned to their home in Michigan after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William War ner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and daughter, Shcryl, were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Oliver, Mrs. Rose Bates of the Summer field community and Mrs. Harry Clark of Sarahsville, visited a few days the past week with their daughter and sister, Mrs Leona Daly and granddaughter, Rita Burkett and other relatives in Titusville, Pa. Mrs. Daly has been dismissed from the hospital in New Jersey, where she was receiving treatment for injuries received in an auto accident. Wheat supplies in the Unitedl States September i were 14 per-| cent greater than a year ago. UNIC0 FRttLER AT YOUR FRIENDLY Farm Bureau Co Op. Phone 95 Caldwell Fredericksdale FREijii.Kiuis.sDAjuji. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craig and sons, Eddie and Jerry of Summerfield route, visited Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Craig. Mr. and Mrs. James1 Shaw and sons, Jeffery and Jimmy visited recently with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hannahs of Caldwell. Earl Shaw spent last week with his son, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Shaw and family of St. Clairsville. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and daughter, Mrs1. Edna Arnold, and daughter, Mrs. Edna Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater and daughter were visitors in Wheeling, W. Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and family of Green Valley, spent one evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. Orion Shacklee and daughter. Put nivfrien*!* 1. Join THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL, OHIO STAFF9BD NEWS HAPPENINGS STAFFORD Forest Clyde Reed, who is in the Coast Guard at Michigan, spent a few days with his grandparents here, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson. Mrs. A. J. Bonar has moved into the W. P. Gardner property formerly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miracle. Ida Robbins and Delia King visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Love of Road Fork. Miss Elsie Wright of Tabor Ridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Warfield and other friends here one day last week. Last Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swartwood were Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Yonally and daughter, Virginia of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hamilton and A. E. Robinson of Zanesville. Mrs. Alberta Hamilton visit ed this week with relatives at Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bonar and BECAUSE WE NEED MORE GOOD USED CARS—RIGHT NOW! And we're willing to pay you more for 'em, too! Why not bring your car in today and we'll show you what really good trade-in prices we're offering! In fact, why not check several places for trade-in prices—then compare them with ours. We know you'll like the difference. 2 BECAUSE OUR SELECTION OF NEW FORDS IS THE BEST IT'S BEEN IN YEARS! With production of Fords at a new high, we're closer to being able to supply the persistent demand for the "Worth More" car. Take a look and take your pick—there are 18 models to choose from! Quick delivery, too! the win, Edith Stevens of Road Fork, vis ited Mrs. A. J. Bonar, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gardner have moved to their property at Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hogue and family of Woodsfield, visited one evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and family. Mrs. Carolyn Camden and chil dren of Bluffton, are visiting at the Thompson home. Frank McVay visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc Vay of Dover, Thursday. Mrs. J. Prince spent a few days last week visiting relatives at Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Markey of Akron, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sher den Day. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Warfield spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warfield of Marietta. to PORD 0. H. Ava AVA Mr. aiid Mrs. Sonny Rayner are vacationing in the southern states and Texas. Mrs. Bessie Daw has returned home from visiting her daughter in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neiswonger were visiting in Cambridge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Buckey and children spent Saturday evening with Merrit Groves and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richards of Massillon, were visiting Major Yonnelly and wife over the week Mrs. Ina Shaw of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willey and children of Zanesville, were vis iting Fremont Ginn, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archer, Mrs. Bessie Daw and Mrs. Mar tha Wheeler were visiting Marietta, Sunday. PlCKEitPAUGH West Street Phone 84 Caldwell, Ohio in Mr. and Mrs. Hpward Bates were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates, Sunday. Today is the day to your NEW FORD! MIDDLi^jbLiRG Air. uiid Mrs. Bill Clark and family of Crooksville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and son, Tom. Mr. and Mrs. James McCune of Cambridge, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James Mor rison and Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Dearth and son, Glen. Mrs. Kathryn Poland and chil dren, Dick and Beverly visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Buckley and daugh ter, Barbara of Ava. Rodney Buckley of Ava, was a caller at Middleburg, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomp son and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Black stone and family of Jacobsburg. Clarence and Francis Thomp son, Miss Nora Shafer were call ers at Zanesville, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fogle and children of Maple Heights, sp^nt iiif BECAUSE A FORD'S WORTH 'ZJ. BECAUSE FORD OFFERS YOU FEATURES OF CARS COSTING HUNDREDS MORE! Sure, some of the costly cars have V-8 engines/power steering, completely automatic drive, smooth ride and other features—but Ford has them, too! (And for a lot lower price!) Test Drive a Ford and see for yourself! *MORE WHEN YOU SELL IT, TOO! Here's the acid test for any car its resale ing to recent used car surveys, a year-old Ford retains more of its original cost than any other car! Think it over ... for trade-in, selection, features, resale value, you can't beat Ford... get yours today! jM san! Thursday, OHoiht ?H, 1053 HIDDLEBURG NEWS Thursday at Mi'idUburg. Mrs. Art Fogle and Mrs. Rose Fogle were callers at Middleburg on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. James Harriman of Crooked Tree, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and sons below Mid dleburg. Mrs. Myrtle Harriman and son, Eugene, spent Friday with Mrs. Jewell Lamp of Oils Run. Mrs. Ada Dearth is a patient at Bethesda hospital. Zanesville, where she will receive observa tion and treatment. Mrs. Dearth was taken to hospital on Mon day. SALES TAX RECEIPTS Sales tax receipts in Noble county for the week ending Oct. 10 amounted to $2,056.67, com pared to $1,595.30 for the same period in 1952. Total collected to date in this county amounts to $31.182.41. value Accord I 1953 rati* «Utn t* Wert' laius r.CM-al '11 IWll-.d u th« roval neld tirst posal II. of Ohio. I th# i) bf Vlf. lding iopt jffice was shall edfif lace( in ai nbe. rticli Hi* at Ar- i" che Wat K«raJ uee ouse i the oval held first Josal •i. of Jliio. 1 the bv viir. the tiele, HI Of and such pro and the ions :)llds erest -half emi enty jom day the 1 be the trict le of the aject :.tion the .ners i) be pen -om- sliall mdl levy and such axes law, nee rient the may the •eof. Ml In sgate ided shall ry of vith- As- jsaid |Pn2 phe As Dm lall, nay jce- febly ?vy. pies 19 of rces atetl 'orlU not y or rade s of & two No such ien 3 to )llne •, or epa nces dis ners •hall the hole und om for ain act- the var: i or the Jing iims nts of e to tion ling the tioti i as for of of tred The oby this ,pe and :ion any on rth. be tof of ta- aid the te uiy arts ro- •ed as he. ed lie ute of by ue is: tnt on ed U\ Kin 3. oi ed, iiO. seir ll!V ir,3. uty