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Thursday, October 29, 1953 i SHAROH HEWS SHARON aiiuron Loyal Temperance Legion met at the home of Kaye and Victor Boyd on Tuesday evening, Oct. 20. Vice president Kaye Boyd called the meeting to order. Opening song, "Our Glasses Upside Down." Scripture lesson Psalm i(i:12-13 read by Kaye. Lord's prayer, in unison. Pledges and slogans were recited. The lesson period was spent in practice for the county W.C. T.U. convention in which nine of the Sharon members too.k part. Games were enjoyed. Mrs. Thelma Boyd assisted by her daughter, Josephine, served delicious refreshments to Rose and Daryl Wheeler, Deanna, Tommy and David Marquis, Linda Wiley, Clair Pickenpaugh, Riley Dovenbarger, Joan, Kaye and Victor Boyd and the advisor, Vera Harmon. Annual Bazaar Members of the Aiken Ladies Aid will hold their annual bazaar and chicken dinner in the base ment of the church on Thursday Keithtown KEITHTOWN Sunday visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves and sons, Dale, Ronnie, Garold, Roger and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Her man Farson and daughters, Shirley and Donna Lee. Wilbur Hale and son, Charles of Columbus, visited over the weekend at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eiherman of Columbus were weekend vis itors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swank. Johnny Craig of Marietta and Nancy Teeters of Ava, spent a couple of days recently with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler. Harley Chandler and Max Phillis, who is employed at Akron, spent the weekend at the homes of their parents here. Ella Burkhart has returned home after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. George Tweedale of Cleveland. Russell Chandler of Crooked Tree, was a caller at the Ard Chandler home, Sunday even ing- The W.S.C.S. of Keith church will meet at the grange hall on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 4 at 1:00 o'clock. All members are urged to be present and bring someone with you. evening, Nov. 5. Serving will start at 5*00 o'clock followed by an auction of needlework at 7:30. Dinner per plate $1.00. Your patronage will be appreciated. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clark an nounce the birth ol' a son, Ran dall Ray at Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, Oct. 20. They were removed to their home here on Friday. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McCutch eon and Jeanette Price of Zanes ville, were calling on Mrs. Mc Cuicheon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Marquis and daughter, Eva May, Sunday. Rev. B. J. Yorke of Carrollton, was calling on friends here on Friday. Mrs. Edna Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ruppel and son, David spent the weekend with rela tives at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer, Mr. Zue McFerren, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger and Riley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Baker at Zanesville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hogue of Alliance, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Boyd. On Saturday eve ning Mr. and Mrs. Hogue, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, Kaye and Victor were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rummer and children of near Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Boyd were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd and son, Jackie at Zanesville, Sunday. Jackie is re covering nicely from an appen dectomy. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Buckey and children, R. D., Karen, Greg ory and Charlotte of Caldwell, were dinner guests of Mrs. Mamie Parks, Sunday evening. Josephine Boyd spent Sunday at the Calvin Cox family on Caldwell-Sharon road. Several from here attended the W.C.T.U. county convention at Caldwell, Wednesday. Several from here were at tending the homecoming at Olive Green Methodist church, Sun day. Billy Boyd spent Saturday night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ramsey at Cald well. Sammy, David, Brenda and Danny Cartel] of near Hirams burg, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Caldwell. Mrs. G. E. Marquis is confined to her home with illness. For All Your Insurance Needs Howiler Insurance Service Office: 5K5V& West Street Phone 250-W (MTTMVriT,, V9* I.-jhk jiwfcji & fe [z/Jfel e e ELL MAID" rOR THEIR HOT LUNCH! "CALDWELL MAID" MILK is the favorite of all school children where hot lunch projects are operated. This enriched, body building product is manufactured by a home-owned company, home operated, employes all Iqcal people and the payroll remains in your community. Cumberland CUMBERLAND Cumber land Rebekah Lodge will meet on Monday evening with noble grand, Eula Carr in charge. The refreshment committee for Nov. are Lena Shaw, Linnie Dudley, Nellie McDaniels, Margaret Kackley and Isabel Bruce. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist church will met on Tuesday eve ning. The devotionals are in charge of Lois Klinecnecht, pro gram, Peggy Hickle and the re freshments Mildred Herron, Margaret Secrest, Mary Monroe, Ida Moore, Grace McFerren and Anna Yerian. Cumberland grange will meet on Monday evening, Nov. 9. Re freshments will be served by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis, Mrs. Neva Conn, Mrs. Mildred Her ron, Mr. and Mrs. William Gar vin, Isabel Bruce, Jesse Con ner, Raymond Hall and David Squire. Mrs. Ira Ritzman of Columbus, spent Saturday with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bond. She and her mother transacted business in Cambridge. S/Sgt. Robert H. Bates has re turned to Perrin air force base, Texas, following a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bates. He is personnel affairs technician on the base. Ureter's tiis ARCHER'S RIDGE Mrs. Eva Gerst is visiting with her son, E. S. Gerst of Zanesville this week. Mr. Natie Wickham was at South Olive. Monday, to help on the Free Methodist church. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family the past week were Junior and Edward Clark, Harry, Delbert and Roger Anderson of Renrock and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and sons. Mrs. Bertha Lahue and Paul ine Wickham were visiting with Mrs. Nadine Reed and children, Monday. Clarence Schott and Wilbur Kinnen and son, Dale of Cald well, were visiting Dallas Pais ley, Sunday afternoon. Shopping in Zanesville Friday were Mrs. John Anderson and son, Kenny, Mr. and Mrs. Del bert Clark and sons, Gary, Dale and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Minus Goodwill of Sarahsville, were visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ida Smith, Saturday. Those attending church at Perryopolis from this community the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark and family, Mrs. Stella Depew, Hazel Depew, Mrs." John Anderson, Mrs. Ida Smith, Mr. Natie Wickham and daugh ter, Pauline and her son, Larry and Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son. MILK "CALDWELL MAID" dairy products for all school children in Noble County. CALDWELL P10OMCE CO. Phone 75 Caldwell, Ohio WMMM UUtJi— UJWUmim* PLEASANT PLEASANT CITY The Lions club held a dinner meet ing at the Coffee Shop, east of Cambridge, Thursday evening, Oct. 22 at. 7:30. The president Jack Hannon, Jr. was in charge of the business during which time the following additional of ficers were elected, second vice president, Paul Thompson, third vice president, William Worth ington Lion tamer, Joe Stolts board of directors, Kenneth Sec rest, Hubert Bayly, John Eibel and Dick Stevens. It was voted to hold their meetings on the second and fourth Thursday night of each month with the Methodist and Lutheran church es societies alternately serving the dinner. Mr. Clarence Tuekey international representative of the Lions from Jeffersonville, was present and also guests from Caldwell and Cambridge. Personals Miss Nancy Secrest of Cald well was a Wednesday overnight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daugh ter, Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dettra of Chaseville, visited last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Coleman. Miss Blanche Moore of Sharon, Pa., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Van Wag enen of New York, visited last week with Mr. Ira Danford and other relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Beryl Secrest at tended the Craft-List wedding in Cumberland, Sunday after- Bafes?ille BATFSVILI,! Mrs. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Eileen Riley and daughter, Kathleen of McKeesport, Pa., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Briscoe Goodhart. The Friendship class held their October meeting Wednesday evening in the S. S. room at the church with Marie Betts and Delores Powell as hostesses. Mrs. Leslie Wehr spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Betts. Mrs. Oliver Montgomery re turned to her homo Friday after receiving treatment at the St. Francis hospital at Cambridge. Mrs. Frank Atkinson and son. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moore visited Sunday with Mrs. Delia House at Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Morgan'and family of Massillon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bris coe Goodhart. Mrs. Clara Whitacre of Akron, is visiting with Mrs. Emma Long. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilmore and daughters spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. House. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Roman were business callers in Cambridge on Saturday. Mrs. Elsie Morris and daugh ter, Luellen, Mrs. Anna Doug las, Mrs. Blanche Atkinson and Mrs. Martha Eagon attended the W. C. T. U. convention at the Methodist church in Caldwell last Wednesday. JUST ASK FOR THEL FOR WALLS AND WOODWORK Completely washable No paint odor Dries in 20 minutes So easy to apply my Ay! \. CITY NEWS noori. Quite a number from here at tended the Martin-Luther show at the State theatre, Cambridge, the past week. Miss Mary Russell of Detroit, Michigan, was a Friday night guest at the home of her nephew, Warren Miley and family. On Saturday they motored to Mari etta and visited Mr. Melvin Rus sell and Mrs. William Russell and daughter, Helena. Miss Rus sell remained in Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Trott, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Trott, Jr. and son, Roger Lee spent last Sunday in Canton with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Vivian Nelisher and family. Mrs. Hazel Bayly and son, Merlin called on Mrs. Frances Secrest, Tuesday evening. The W.S.C.S. will hold their regular meeting, Friday evening in the Methodist church base ment. Miss Evelyn Weaver of Caldwell, will be present and show pictures. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty, were Sun day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Halleek Secrest and daugh ter, Nancy arid son, Darrell of Caldwell. Crooked Tree CROOKED TREE J. B. Chandler and W. F. Merkle of Kent, visited recently at the G. E. Chandler home and relatives near Keithtown. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Farson called on their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Way and daughters, Saturday. Mrs. Clara Reed of Elba, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Winn Boone of Marietta, called on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boone, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler called on Mr. and Mrs. Forest Farson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson and children of West Jefferson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith and daughter, Helen Sue of Wilmot and Miss Virginia Wicl ens of Wooster, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Way Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Way and daughter, Doris and Mr. Emmett Way visited Sunday with Mrs'. Maude Way who is a patient in the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Carrel and Janet Sue Wilson and Mrs. Lila Chandler called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler, Sunday evening. and Mis. James Harriman visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Harriman anct sons of near Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murrey of Hebron, Mrs. Ira Boney and son, Bud, of Canton, spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Lila Chandler and son, Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Verpon Hughes and sons, Larry and Vernon Ray of Keithtown, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and son, Jeffrey. 'Rolls or brushes on lika a dream tough and completely washable because it's made with waterproof latex odorless washes out of brush or roller with just soap and water! C&Mwell Implement & Supply Co. Phone 225 East Street Pleasant Kill PLEASANT HILL Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanDyne and daughter, Betty Lou visited with Mr. Hayes and family in Clarington last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and daughter, Wanda and Edna Arnold spent Sunday with Leslie Cater and family. Ben Robinson and family of Olive, called on Vernon West and family one evening last week. Mrs. Carr Rogers entertained the Pleasant Hill Bible class on Friday evening. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. L. D. Robins. Betty Lou VanDyne spent Sat urday with Maxine Laughlin in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Snode of near Cambridge, called on rela tives here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis and daughter of Byesville, 'were Sunday visitors with Ira Davis and family. Whigville Mrs. Lizzie Martin of Summerfield, spent a few days the past week with Mrs. George Berry. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin were at Woodsfield, Monday. Mrs. Gladys Roe was calling on Mrs. Mat Gulick, Friday af ternoon. Mrs. Wayne Hayes and chil dren of Caldwell, spent Thurs day with Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Harold VanDyne of Ashland, spent Saturday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Seiber and daughter, Naomi of Newcomers town, were calling on friends here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Ward spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cleary. Kenneth Roe. who is employ ed at Canton, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Gulick, 'Mrs. S. A. West and Helen Wat son were at Caldwell, Friday. Myron Guiler of Columbus, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Johnson of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Carter were at Cambridge on Tuesday evening to see Mrs. Becca Gennett, a cousin of Mrs. Carter's, whp passed away on Monday, Oct. 19th. The Community club will meet in the town hall, Thursday evening, Oct. 29th instead of Friday. Oct. 30th. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin are in charge of the program. Pot luck supper will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler and daughter of Caldwell, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bates. MT. MT. EPHRAIM The W.S.C. S. met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Rich with Mrs. Zola Williams as companion hostess. Devotionals were led by Mrs. Jewel Powell, Bertha Shaf er talked on Week of Prayer and Mrs. Dora Miller led the pro gram. Plans were made for the election day dinner along with a bazaar. Refreshments were served to thirty-five members and guests. Programs for the year were given to each mem ber by the president, Mi's. Jane Bates. They had been hand printed by Mrs. Marie Bates. Personals Mrs. Marie Hines, Miss Lucille Long of Akron and Mrs. Ida House of Barnesville, called on T. R. Bates, Saturday evening. Mrs. Joann Powell spent Tues day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Perkins and fam ily in Ava. Mrs. Arthur Moore returned to her home Saturday after un dergoing observation at the Guernsey Memorial hospital. Mrs. Rex Moore is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bates at Weirton, W. Va. Mrs. Davis Miller and son, Roy Lee and Mrs. Rosie Miller of East Union, spent Thursday with T. R. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams of Zanesville, spent Sunday af ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Secrest. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beardsley of Fredericktown, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mi's. Arthur Moore and family. Miss Marilyn Mendenhall of Zanesville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Edith Williams. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell spent the weekend with Mrs. Laura Caldwell at Trydelphia, W. Va. Margaret Shackles of Cam bridge, called on Mrs. Luella Pringle, Sunday. Ella Fink and Luther Stiles made a business trip to Cleve land, Friday. Mrs. Reah Bates and Mrs. Donald Bates spent the week end with Pvt. Donald Bates at Camp Campbell, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shafer, Belle Connor and Mrs. Mildred Herron sppnt Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Gibson in New ark. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and ",!! Hy. CT. T. i:. 0 O r.. BUY ON OUR CONVENIENT TERMS CAR WASHINfi $1.25 Si Use Ot Water And Washing Rack Repair Lubrication Weldilif In charge of Franklin Iiardesty Wilbar DeVoll Garage Page Five— II Bates spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates and family in Zanesville. A large crowd attended the Halloween carnival at the school building. Friday evening. Donald Forbes of Senecaville, won the quilt and Chelcie McConnel (he basket of groceries. Mrs. Roxie Groves guessed the pieces of candy in a dir.h and Dickie Archer and Bobby Hague sold the most tickets and received a box of Clark bars. The proceeds go to buy a deep freeze for the school. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell, Evelyn and Janet Powell and P. S. Moore spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest and family at Caldwell. Sarahsville SARAli^.ViLLi. ..Irs. Mar garet Everly is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. Harden EveHy had as their dinner guests re cently Rev. and Mrs. Robert Terman and daughters of Byes ville. Mrs. Madge Nichols has left for McConnelsville to make her future home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Everly in Old Washington, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Snode-Of Cambridge, visited Sunday even ing with Mrs. Nellie Snode. Mr. and Mrs. James Secrpst of Bysville, visited Mrs. Oscar Secrest, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd feabb of Cleveland and Mr. and 'Mrs. Orten Willey of Byesville, called on Nellie Shackles, Saturday. Word has been received here of the serious illness of Mrs. Lucy Moore at the home of her daughter in Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stottsberry have recently purchased the filling station formerly operated by Mrs. George Young. Mr. Charles Beymer has been ill at his home. Miss Clara Barnes of Colum bus, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Heddleaon and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and family spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibson. Phone 14-J East A Olive Sis. Culdwell nnimiiiiMwitnmMnminnninniii0 -A-flip-cfan Ami bt&vHM of automatic fuel supply Id considering the purchase of a new range, consider first the certainty of fervice.. the availability of fuel whenever you need it. Hot, dean, economical LP-G AS is deliv ered to you automatically. It's always on hand for your use. It is not subject to the Y/hims of snow and sleet storms, broken power lines and other causes of serious inconvenience. Ybu can depend on LP-G AS at all times and under all conditions. of fin© cooking Mrvict When you have a long-lived ROPER LP-G AS Range in your kitcben and LP'GASj dependably supplied to your home, you enjoy the finest cooking service imaginable.! Stop in and talk it over. See the beautiful new ROPER Ranges. You'll find a model? that's just right for ypu. Ask about the small down payment and low monthly payments.} 0HALD a KICH0LS mone 63-J Cumberland street