Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, October 29, 1953 Phone 98 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS WE NEED MOKE GOOD LISTINGS 87 ACRES. Good ei^ht room house. Sink in kitchen, elec tricity. Plenty of water. Barn and other outbuildings. Some timber and stripping coal. About one-half mile off State Route 78 on good slag road. SIX ROOM two-story modern house. Gas, electricity, bath, modern kitchen, gas furnace. Nicely decorated. Close to stores and schools. On good paved street in Caldwell. Reasonably priced. NINE ROOM two-story house. Gas, electricity, bath, sink in kitchen. Cellar. Two-car con crete block garage. Out kitchen, four nice level lots. Located in Macksburg. ONE NICE building lot in Cald well. Barn about 20 30 in cluded. Nice location. 81 ACRES. Five room house and other outbuildings. Running water in kitchen. Electricity. Good road. Priced to sell. SEVEN ROOM modern house. Gas, electricity, built-in kitch en, full basement, full bath with shower up and partial bath down. Newly decorated. Garage. Nice location in Caldwell. FIVE ROOM two-story house. Gas, electricity, large lot. Close to schools and stores. Located in Belle Valley. NINE ACRES Good seven room house. Electricity, full basement. Shower and toilet in basement. Other outbuildings. Located about seven miles from Caldwell on state highway. 57 ACRES Good four-room house. Good barn, electricity, chicken house, and other out buildings. Large cistern and good springs. About four miles from Caldwell. 80 ACRES of vacant land. Most ly tractor land. Good location for home. Priced right. EIGHT ROOM modei'n house. gas, electricity, bath, full basement. Nicely decorated. Garage, outbuildings, suitable for office. Extra lot. Located in Macksburg. SEVEN ROOM house, electri city, sink with running water in kitchen. Nicely decorated. Out kitchen with cellar, garage. Located Route 21 in Ava. 112 ACRES. Good four room house. Electricity, sink in kit chen, cellar, garage and other outbuildings. Good tractor equipped with plow, cultivator, disc, and other equipment goes with farm. Located on good all year slag road. CHESTER J. HOWILER 516J West St. Phone 250-W Licensed Broker—Caldwell A GOOD frame building with slate roof. Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sepa rate apartments. Very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. IT'S A GOOD 8 room house, full basement and furnace. Excep tionally good lot with garage, priced to sell. Outside town. WE ARE ready to talk to you about that small or large farm, if its for sale, or town property, any piace, regardless of size. It will be to your in terest to come in. A VERY DESIRABLE building lot on North Street. Priced for quick sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER-Realtor Office 125 Residence 333 Licensed Broker. Caldwell, Ohio QUARTER ACRE, corner build ing site. Also consider trad ing a truck for part or full pay ment, not over one ton. John Stacey, Walnut Street, Quaker City, Ohio. Phone 43-R-l. I7tf GOOD DWELLING for sale, stories. Located on farm pur chased for stripping. Interested persons should contact Lewis Moscrip, Caldwell, Ohio, or Mos crip Mining Corp., Belle Valley, Ohio. Phone 90 Caldwell. 15 1G 17 BUILDING LOTS on North Street. Ernest Parry, 1405 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 363. Sltf FOUR ROOM house, newly dec orated, new carpet, wall to wall, excellent condition thruout. Six lots, three of which are building lots on highway. These lots go with house or will sell separately. Also a poultry house and. other buildings. Mrs. Lucy Moore, 279 West Fork Road, Cin cinnati 11, Ohio, or see Bill Archer, Sarahsville, Ohio. 14 15 16 17 18 19 pd JAMES A. WATSON NOiiLL COUNTY A CTiOiSLER Licensed and Bonded PHONE 274-R CALDWELL New Address— 607 CUMBERLAND STREET CALDWELL. OHIO EVERY Your check FOR SALE For Sale—BUSINESSES RESTAURANT, with equipment and stock four room cottage and 1 ',2 acres, on State Route 77, 15 miles north of Marietta will trade for farm or will take house trailer on it. Kermit Border, Coal Run, Ohio. 16 17 18pd For Sale—FARMS FARM OF 105 acres by the own er, with eight room house, bath, furnace heat, water, and electricity. Barn and other out buildings in good condition. Four miles west of Lowell on the Lowell-Beverly county road. On school bus route. Albert Meiser, Lowell, Ohio, Route 1. 17 18 19 20 21 22 158 ACRE FARM, located nine miles southwest of McConnels ville, near Pennsville. Nine room home, recently remodeled, with bath. Two barns and a new silo. On mail, milk and school bus route. All crop land can be farmed with tractor. See or write Frank Mclnturf, Pennsville, O., Route 1. 17 18 19pd FARM FOR SALE. 160 acres with eight room house, gas and electricity. Two large barns, one 40 60, with three stories. Both have slate roofs and freshly painted. Scale pen with grain bin above. Plenty of outbuild ings Three-l'ourths of land can be cultivated with tractor. Fif teen acres of timber and plenty of water for cattle. Located one half mile off State Route 285 in Chaseville, Pleasant City, Ohio, Route 2. See George Wallo at Pleasant Citv, Ohio, Route 2. 15 16 17 18pd For Sale—BUILDINGS ALL BUILDINGS on the J. A. Lamp farm, located three miles from Miadleburg, Ohio. Includes barn, granary, house and other outbuildings. To be removed. See Curtis Lamp, Dexter City, Ohio, Route 1, or Mrs. Cora Lamp, Dexter City, Ohio. 17 18 19pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK SEVEN HAMPSHIRE pigs, ready to go this week. $11.00 each. Mitchell Keyser, route 5, Caldwell, Ohio. 17 FOUR REGISTERED polled Hereford bulls. Call after 4:00 p. m. B. F. Hohman, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 17 18 19pd WHITEFACE HEIFER, fresh, weight about 350 to 400 pounds. Andv Zudell, Coal Ridge, Ohio. 17p TWO COLUMBIA DELAINE rams, one year old. Adam Lothes^JLoivell, Ohio, Route 3. 17 18 19pd CORRIEDALE AND DELAINE rams at a very reasonable price. R. A. Robinson, lVa miles southeast of Old Washington, O. 16 17 FIVE 8-months-old registered Hereford polled double standard bulls nine Hereford heifer calves, Double Standard. Domino bred. Priced to sell. Wilbur Grimes, Davis Ridge, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. Phone 715-F-22. 15 16 17pd GUERNSEY COW, four years old, bred July 4 Whitefaced heifer calf, four months old Roan heifer, one year old Whitefaced steer, one year old, cnd a spotted pony mare colt, six months old. Ira Pry or, 1415 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 15 16 17 pd SHETLAND PONY, 5'i months old. Lawrence E. (Pete) Wil ley, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3. 16 17 18 POLAND CHINA so\y, weight 300 pounds, with pig. Ready for the knife. Sow and pig go together. Oliver Anderson, Cald well, Ohio, Route 2, in the Ren rock community. 16 17 18 SEVEN BELTED PIGS, eight weeks old. Elijah Danford, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 16 17 18pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1930 MODEL A Ford coupe. In good running condition. O. V. Dye, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. Phone 722-F-12. 17 18 19pd 1950 FORD 8-cylinder custom tudor, radio, heater and over drive. Will take cheap car in on it. Priced at $825. At home evenings. Richard Teeters, Keith town, Ohio. 17 18 19pd Dead Stock Removed! Dickson Rendering Co. PHONE 1313 MARIETTA, OHIO KiaiETTt LIVESTOCK AUCTION! Thursday—1:90 P.M. 19 years of satisfactory service tor the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State homled and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. .« over-the-counter mail day of sale. if yon wish or to me The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Fike & Acme Sta. —. ni. rn HI Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N FOR SALE For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1939 FORD 1 ''2-ton chassis, $150 fuel oil heater Briggs & Stratton motor lawn mower 1941 Ford coupe, and a gas stove, like new, apartment size. Wat son's garage on U. S. Route 21 at Ava, Ohio. Phone 347-F-31. 16 17 18 pd 1929 MODEL A FORD coupe, in A-l condition. Call at my home anytime. H. G. Williams, Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. 15 16 17 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS SEVERAL GOOD used radios, some table models. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell. 17 DAVENPORT with tailor-made slip cover. Phone 76-J or see Mrs. P. D. Cannavan, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 17pd USED MAYTAG washer. Square tub aluminum type. In good condition. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 17 DROP LEAF table and kitchen cabinet. In good condition. E. E. Walters, Mill Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 17 USED GAS refrigerator. In very good condition. Patten's Appli ance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 17 EASY SPIN DRYER washer. Priced as a "must move" item. Patten's Appliance Center, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 58. 17 For Sale—WEARING APPAREL BLACK COAT, size 42, Price $10.00. Good as new. Phone Caldwell 328-F-23. 17 WOMAN'S WINTER COAT, size 22£, bluish-grey, and just like new. Phone 139-W or may be seen at 1106 North Street, Cald well, Ohio. 17 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS SIX SHOCKS of new hay and several bushels of corn. John Sandor, Florence Addition, Cald well, Ohio. 17 18 19pd 1000 USED SLATES. Buckev, Ava, Ohio. 17 18 19 pd SCREENED COAL Junction State Routes 145 and 260, be tween Stafford and Harriett» ville, $3.50 per ton. All weather loading. M. F. Wendelken & Co. 9-21 FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three room apart ment with bath on Lewis Street. See Gerald Kimnach or Phone 252-W Caldwell. 17 18 19 FOR RENT OR LEASE—Busi ness building, approximately 2000 square feet of floor space. Can be used for small factory or general store. Living quarters attached. Located on U. S. Rt. 21, north of Caldwell at Flor ence. H. G. Keeton, Florence Addition. Phone Caldwell 111-F 23. 15 16 17 Business Opportunity SPARE TIME INCOME—$400.00 MONTHLY possible we will select a reliable person from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Mer chandise Machines. No selling. To qualify applicant must have car, references and $590.00 work ing capital which is secured by inventory. Devoting 8 to 10 hours per week may net up to $400.00 monthly with an excel lent opportunity for taking over full time. We will allow the per son we select liberal financial assistance for expansion. For in terview, write, giving full par ticulars, name, address, age, and phone number to Master Mfg. & Srles Co., Dept. 710, 6523 Euclid A 'enue, Cleveland 3, Ohio. If 17 .T THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Phone 98 PUBLIC SALES WE WILL SELL at public auc tion, located on Seneca Lake, two miles north of State Route 566, 1^4 miles from Coen's Church, (follow auction sign from State Route 566, the Sen eca ville-Mt. Ephraim road) on Friday, October 30, starting at 12:30 o'clock p. m„ EST.: Livestock and Chattels: 22 head of cattle—four Hereford cows with calves at side, good quality four milking cows four yearling steers, good quality two year ling heifers, good quality three spring calves, good quality. Al so two horses. Farm Machinery—Low wheel wagon wagon manure spreader on rubber, practically new, disc Hoosie^ grain drill set of har ness, collars and bridles slec, two hay ropes and forks HC round baler, practically new corn sheller pair of platform scales set of farm scales De Laval electric separator also 1000 feet good lumber. Hay-Straw 1000 bales of mixed hay 275 bales of straw. Household Goods— Six cubic foot deep freeze Warm Morning heater approximately 150 lbs. of frozen meats Speed Queen washing machine Home Com fort range other articles too nu merous to mention. Terms: Cash. JOHN M1LLHONE—Owner. Senecaville, Ohio, Route 1 James Watson—Auctioneer. Walter Miley—Clerk. 16 17 V. LOCUST POSTS, any length. C. B. Shackle, two miles west of Summerfield, Ohio, on State Rt. 146. 17 18 19pd RABBITS Dressed, pets and bred does. Warehime Rabbitry, U. S. Route 21, one-fourth mile north of Ava, Ohio. 17 18 19pd THE UNDERSIGNED will offer for sale at public auction on Friday, November 13, 1953, at the late farm residence of Alva A. Stevens, located just off of State Route No. 513, between Batesville and Summerfield, Ohio, the following real estate: A farm consisting of 108 acres, more or less, located just off of State Route No. 513 between Batesville and Summerfield, O., well watered, with eight room house, two barns, crib, wash house and on improved road. Said premises are appraised at $8,825.00 and must bring the ap praised value. Terms of sale: $200 cash day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. Also 18 acres of land, more or less, known as the fairground property, located near Summer field, Ohio. Said premises are ap praised at $400.00 and must bring the appraised value. Terms of sale: $100.00 cash on day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale and delivery of deed. Farms, including buildings, open for inspection Sunday, Nov. 8, 1953, and Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1953. Laura B. Stevens, Administratrix of the estate of Alva A. Stevens. James Watson—Auctioneer. 17 18 19 AUCTION Thursday, Novem ber 5th. Warehouse Auction Clearance $25,000 New Mer chandise to be sold. SAVE MONEY. Everything will be put up for. Auction. Power portable saws, electric drills, hardware tools, socket sets, open end wrench sets, household equip ment, paint, toasters, electric and steam irons, cookware, din ette sets, electric appliances, mixers,* dishes, portable sewing machines, luggage, electric heat ers, shot guns, power rifles, comforters, quilts, electric blankets, toys, dolls, watches, jewelry and 1,000 other items. All merchandise guaranteed. Terms: Cash. Free Prizes. Hall of i s i u o s I n e o i u i Sale Thursday, November lii'i, at 7:00 p. in. at the Shamrk Ranch (former Doudna Domestic Coal fllACKSBURS No. 8 Plenty of Coal Any Time Any Kind! GOOSE HUN NINE GOOD USED CARS LOWER PRICES- BETTER BUYS! We have plenty of nice, clean used car# and trucks at all times. See us first before you buy for the best in every and any trade. BILL'S MOTOR SALES 93 Fourth St. Phone 358 McConnelsville Located Below the Sunoco Station, Across from County Garag* McCONNELSVILLE, OHIO Rani 1 it 1 i e S o u o a a o n i River road. Sale managed t.n Cashman Auction Sales, McCon nelsville. Auctioneer: R. J. Cashman. 17-18 eh. NOTICES INSURE YOUR car or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey. Agent. Caldwell, Ohio. NOTICE—COAL hauling. Trash and garbage hauling, and light hauling of all kinds. William Wells. Phone Caldwell 725-F-31. LOST LOST Black female beagle hound, small type. Wearing collar with owner's name and telephone number when last seen. Liberal reward. F. O. Stille, Caldwell. Ohio. Phone 134. 17pd WANTED HELP WANTED—Girl or woman for housework and help with children. Mrs. William Semple, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. Phone Sarahsville 13-R-4. 15tf WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Boy's bicycle, 20 or 24 inch wheel. Phone 226-J or see Mrs. James Hill, Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 WANTED—A good coal heater. Write Box 61, Ava, Ohio. 17pd WANTED TO BUY old fashioned cherry chest-of-drawers, re gardless of condition. Richard son's Antiques, 1117 W. Main Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 15 16 17 18 19pd WANTED TO BUY—All makes of cars, trucks and tractors for scrap and parts. We buy all kinds of scrap iron, body tin, roofing, spouting, oil drums, old batteries, radiators, copper, lead, brass, and all other metals, rags and rope. Deliver to the Fore man Iron & Metal Co., on State Rt. 78 in Olive or phone 327-F-4. Foreman Iron & Metal Co., Riley Foreman, Prop. NOTICES October 25,1953 Dear Friend: Can you afford to vote 5 mill levy on yourself for school pur poses when you can not be sure that you will receive full value for the money expended? If you believe you have not had your money's worth in the past, vote NO on the 5 mill levy for school purposes in Aurelius Local school district, Washing ton county which will be on your ballot November 3, 1953. Signed: Victor G. Neely, F. H. Donaldson, Mae E. Thomp son, H. L. Thompson, Edwin Mincks, Louise Mincks, Dan L. Farley, Vinnia Farley, J. F. Ward, Bertha Ward, Zella E. Neely, N. E. Laughery, Charlotte Laughcrv, Goldie Decker, C. C. Wharton, C. J. Decker, Mae Hug hey, Henry Hughey. B. E. Seevers, Gladys Seevers, Elba, Ohio. NOW—Seil all your milk, i-educe digestive upsets, cut labor costs, and raise better calves at lower cost than on whole milk— use amazing Wayne Calfnip milk replacer. Sunshine Feed Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 17 COME AND GET that new wrist watch now—Buy out-right or trade your old watch while you can get a real bargain. We need some used watches. If you have anything worth working over we will allow you the limit either on pocket or wrist watches. E. E. Walters, Jeweler, Mill Street, Caldwell, Ohio. ]7 G. T. JENNINGS TRANSFER P. U. C. O. No. 3586-1 MARKET RXP0F.T Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, UcL 28 Heavy hens 1 lb. 22c Light hens lb. 15c Heavy springers lb. 26c Old cocks —lb. 12 Rabbits lb. 2& Large gr. A white eggs doz. 60c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 5s Large gr. white eggs doz. 5fc Large gr. brown eggs doz. 53c Medium A white eggs doz. 45c Medium A brown eggs doz. 45c Pullet eggs doz. 35c Current receipts doz. 45c Butterfat lb. 5lic NOTICES A PROFITABLE future depend.. upon a good start. Start your calves right with Wayne CALF NIP milk replacer. Sunshine Feed Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 17 NOTICE—The annual meeting the Noble County Agricultural Society will be held on Satu day, November 7, 1953, between the hours of 1:00 m. and 3:00 p. m. in the Fair Board office in the Noble County Courthouse, for the purpose of electing five directors. Anyone who is a resi dent of Noble County holding a 1953 Membership Card is eligible to attend the meeting and vote. J. K. Walkenshaw, Secretary Treasurer. 15 16 17 NOTICE Bring in your old watch and trade it in on a new cne. A good allowance offered now for your watch in trade. \W need some used ones. E. E. Wai ters, Jeweler, 1005 Mill Street. Caldwell, Ohio. 16 17 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio TO THE VOTERS OF CENTER TOWNSHIP My name will be on the ballot for trustee, but due to ill health, I am withdraw ing as a candidate. Thanking you for past favors. Yours respec tively, Charles Beymer. NOTICE—APPLES for process ing and fresh use, now ready. Orchard east edge of Barnes ville. Watch for farm sign care fully as road work is being don on State Route 147 where you turn. Livezev Fruit Farm. 14 15 16 17 18 LOCAL HAULING Byesvilh No. 7 lump and stoker coal coal from Haines & Lawrence Moscrip, Boyd & Palmer mines Amos Franklin, 402 E. Main St. Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. Call in evenings, or leave orders at Gill's Barber Shop. 8tf Speed Queen Call Us For Licensed Moving and Hauling. STCvensVAfi Lines —Also Dump Truck Service— Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O. Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd SLACK $1.50 per Ton at Tipple STOKER $3.00 per Ton at Tipple RUN OF MINE $3.00 per Ton at Tipple LUMP $4.00 per Ton at Tipple MOSCRIP MAM CORPORATION Belle Valley, Ohio Phone C?!dwe!! 90 We Have Installed a FOR BETTER, MORE NOURISHING FEEDS USE THIS BLENDER! Highly Recommended by Veterinarians and Cattlemen. Built for getting dirt* clothe* clean-'-priceq for your hardpre»»tii budgft. Pricet tort 1 1 $99.95 BRADY'S RADIO and APPLIANCE CALDWELL OHIO ESTIC COAL 1^0 per Bushel at Mine BMER COAL COMPANY Located Three Miles East of Dexter City on State Route 563. min in« "aHimninHw DOMESTIC COAL e Baby Chicks-Field Seeds-Fertilizer & Lime Phone 64 Cumberland, Ohio Feeds 3 HILLING CO. III E e BELLE ABLIIiB. STILL Candidate For 80£RD OF EDUCATION ¥ML£¥ SCHOOL Election: November 3, 1953 Your Support and Vote Greatly Appreciated! SUPPORT FUFIIS B.WILEY CANDIDATE SHARON TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Second term ELECTION: November 3, 1953 FOR BETTER ROADS! JtE-ELECT EDWAB9LEASORE OR STOCK TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Your Vote And Influence Appreciated Election: November 3. 1953 MEMBER OF THE BELLE VALLEY LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Your Support Appreciated ELECTION: November 3. 1953 RE FLF.CT JAMES PALMER Candidate For MARION TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE £Xrr.hibncfiD Your Vote And Support Greatly Appreciated V o 1 I O GLENN KING Candidate For TRUSTEE" OLIVE TOWNSHIP Experienced Farmer and Qualified Your Support Solicited and Appreciated Election: Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1953 E E D. K. WHARTON Candidate For Marion Township Trustee Your Support and Vote Greatly Appreciated SEBASTIAN "Bast" CROCK Candidate For Olive Township Trustee Your Support and Vote Greatly Appreciated Election: November 3, 1953 Support CLYDE E. WEJJsY Candidate For Sharon Township Trustee Election: Nov. 3, 1953 S I I' K I ARTHUR L. DAVIS Candidate For TRUSTEE of OLIVE TOWNSHIP SECOND TERM One Good Term Deserves Another! Election: Nov. 3, 1953 Page Seven DISTRICT t'aiJ Political Adv.— JOHN F. SKLEHAR DoS/1 A A, I.ti! i» Adv. Paid Political Adv. I