Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, November 19, 195^1 SUMMERFIELD NEWS I -11 i! LD _„inmei field .Grange No. 2073 sponsored a dance for grangers of Noble county and their families Tues day evening. The Shenandoah Valley gang furnished the music and Leslie Cater did the calling. George Philpot is the local grange master. In Hospital Mrs. Charlotte Williams is in a serious condition in Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. She was visited Sunday evening by Mrs. Howard Williams, Beulah Archer and children, Jean and Joe. Charles Wharton is a patient in the Guernsey Memorial hos pital, Cambridge, for an injured ankle from a fall. Thanksgiving Dance Summerfield American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a dance, to be held Thanksgiving night, Nov. 26, in the Legion hall. The Arza Vaughn orchestra will fur nish the music, with calling by Jay Moore. A door prize will be given, refreshments will be ser ved and the public is invited. Eastern Star News The following officers were elected for the local O.E.S. last Wednesday night: Worthy matron, Beulah Wat son worthy patron, Ross Wat son associate worthy matron Helen Reed associate worthy patron, George Reed conduct ress, Edna Truex associate con ductress, Catherine Dysert sec retary, Florence Wharton treas urer, Florence Smith trustee, Emily King and other officers for the coming year are yet to be appointed. Quite a number from this dis trict attended the school of in struction held here in the Mas onic temple, under the leader ship of the new deputy, Mildred Day, of the 15th district. Egger Death Friends here have received word of the sudden death of Elmer Egger, which occurred on Sunday afternoon, at his home at Lewisville. Enjoy Bus Trip The school children of the seventh and eighth grades, with their teacher, Dama Reed, en joyed a sight-seeing trip to Co lumbus Saturday. The round-trip was made in a chartered bus. Christmas Display The Christmas display of the Home Demonstration clubs will be shown in the basement of the Caldwell First Methodist church Saturday afternoon from 2:00 to 8:00 p. m. The public is welcome to attend. Personals Ervin Ilaga, who is working in Pennsylvania, spent the week end at his home here. Clyde Stephens has purchased the tract of land north of town known as the fairgrounds, McKinley Morris, who has been working in Pennsylvania, is home this week repairing his property here. Homer Dearth, who has been sick for sometime, is now able to be out on our streets again. Mr. and Mrs. William Warner and family visited the lutter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Eschbaugh, Quaker City route on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Calland an) Mr. and Mrs. Ed Williams of Marietta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Warner and J. F. Warner on Sunday evening. Mary Weaver and Thelmn Atkinson were shopping in Cald well a day last week. Carlos Meek and son, Duane of Senecaville, were supper guests of his parents, Mr. and Just sit back and relax—it quick, easy and convenient ..,. so low in cost... foe example: SOUTHBOUND Leave 3.03 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 3:40 p.m. 5:05 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 9:25 p.m. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. $18.45 MIAMI, I LA. $24.85 WASHINGTON, D. C. $ 8.95 CINCINNATI, OHIO $ 5.35 NORTHBOUND Leave 12:52 a.m. 9:05 a.m. 4:55 p.m. 4:42 a m. 12:50 p.m. 7:55 p.m. CLEVELAND, OHIO 4.85 PITTSBURGH, PA $ 4.25 DETROIT, MICH $ 7-80 NEW YORK, N. Y $13.10 UNION BUS TERMINAL Hanry'* Re*taunrat Phone 136 i C. xi. iv'k't-k UllU ilelen on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curtis visit ed the weekend with the form er's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall of Amhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson and Opal VanDyne visited their par ents, Mrs. Offa Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson on Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Offa Bishop and Effie Me Cune assisted Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bishop in butchering on Wednes day of last week. Those from here who attend ed the district meeting at Cam bridge last Monday, Nov. 9, were Rev. Charles Brown, Beulah Watson and Emily King. Mrs. H. L. Lien of St. Louis, Mo., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hare. Mary Kathleen King of Co lumbus. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis King over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode visit ed with relatives in Columbus over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson vis ited relatives in Massillon and Canton over a recent weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Weaver and Thelma Atkinson were in Cam bridge Monday of last week shopping. Mrs. Emily Havenor was in Columbus a couple of days last week visiting at her son's home, as they are leaving for Cincin nati soon where Mr. Havenor has employment with Cincinnati Post. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roe en tertained the following guests recently: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark and children, Sandra and Alan of Magnolia Merlyn Roe of Zanesville: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stephens of Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Virgil West of Cald well and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard West and sons, Charles, Bill and Ken and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roe and children, Janice, Carole, Shirley and Gene of Quaker City route. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris and daughter, Rita Marlene were visiting with friends at Findlay on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Carpenter and sons of Cambridge, spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Laura Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stephens and daughter, Barbara and Rome Morris and family spent Wed nesday at Otis Martins'. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carpen ter and sons, Dennis and Richy $ COM IN NOW AND FIND our ABOUT YOUTH CRUSADE TO SPONSOR MOVIE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sullivan and daughter of Zanesville were visiting with Vernon Moore and family oyer the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guiler and sons, Michael and Scott of Caldwell, visited at Richard Clark's, Sunday. Crocked Tree CROoKhiii TREE Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers and sons. Wayne and Freddie of Cuyahoga Falls, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Farsc-n and other relatives here. Mrs. Cora Lamp and Mrs. Nelda Gregg of Dexter City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp and family, Sunday. Mr. Emmett Way and Elmer Haines and Mrs. Elsie Chandler visited Sunday with Mrs. Em mett Way, who is a patient in Good Samaritan hospital, Zanes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp and Dwight Harper were shopping at Marietta, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and son, Joe of Keithtown, call ed at the G. E. Chandler home, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foreman called on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allen and family of Reineis ville, Sunday. Mrs. Delia Coffey died Sun day morning at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ida Smith .. Our Big Trade-In Allowances! All the New Frigidaire Rcnges! O u N E W E A S Y TERMS! 3itNlS-«l THE GRIPPING STORY THAT SHOCKED THE WOKID! 40 month. of eoithly hi-H *"r3®a55* miMviovtly penetraU'd Sponsored by the World's Youth Crusade, the reli gious film, "DeShazer" will be shown at the Caldwell high school auditorium, Friday evening, Nov. 27, beginning at 7:30 O'clock. The film is based on the life of Sgt. Jacob DeShazer, Doolittle flyer who was forced to bail out over Japanese-occupied China after the Tokyo raid. Captured with his comrades, imprisoned for 40 months in un speakably filthy quarters, half-starved, beaten with bamboo whips and sentenced to die, he returned to Japan after his near-miracle release to become a missionary to his former enemies. The public- is invited to the showing of this i-ilk,ius film. Batesville, Sunday. Several attended the sale ot Laura Stevens, Friday. Edgar Roe bought the farm. THE JOURNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO Sarahsville Rl. 1 s i N.T.I IJOI.TK Sgt. Donald Moore of Ft. Riley, Kansas, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mi's. Herman Snode have returned to their home in Clairton, Pa., after visiting rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell were visiting relatives in Cam bridge recently. Mrs. Freda Bcngert and Mrs. Louvine Zanotto of Cincinnati and Mrs. Lavina Springer of Ironton, were called here by the death of their mother, Mrs. Lucy Moore. Sarahsville won in the open ing basketball game with Man chester, 74-54, also Sarahsville reserves won 56-29. They were defeated in Friday night's game played at Batesville by a small margin of 60-56. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shafer were shopping in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Stevens have returned to Columbus after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens. Mrs. Charlotte Williams of New Mexico, is visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Knox of Cambridge, spent the weekend with Mrs. .Emma Kirkbride. Most people are busy hauling water from the state well near here. The hunting season has been called off here until 23rd on ac count of the dry weather. All the better for rabbits are report ed scarce here. VGMT BUY ANY OTHER^-v RANGE UNTIL YOU CHECK THE FEATURES OF THIS NEW FRiGIDftIR Hillllllili SH lectric Ran Big Storage Drawer Oven Temperature Control Automatic Oven Signal Lighl Even-Heat Oven USHBH EeitBiown KEI'i niovvii Mrs. B. E. Hale has returned home after spending the past week at the home of her son, Boyd and fam ily at Canton. James McMannis and Dale Hanson are employed at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Teeters and family spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Ocie Sullivan of East Union. Mayme Crooks spent the week end with Mary O'Brian". Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves spent a day recently with their daughter, Jessie at Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and Joe Chandler spent an eve ning recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler. Roy Chandler of Beverly, spent Wednesday nite and Thursday at the home of his parents, Ard Chandler and fam ily. Mareeda Willey spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Mitchell and family. Walter Morris received an in jury to one of his hands on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Salters and son, Jackie of Cambridge, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and family and also visit ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler. Sarahsville SARAHSVILLE —Mrs. Aroma Arnold and Mis. Jennie Nutt from Bellings, Montana, visited Mrs. Nellie Snode, Mrs. Eli Rog ers, Mrs. Owen Larrick, Mrs. Carr Davis and Mrs. Ellabelle Cater the past two weeks. Mr. Richard Gibson and Mr Harry Smith spent the weekend in Winchester, Kentucky. Mrs. Evelyn McVicker of Zanesville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bates. Rosa Marie Ickes of Pleasant City, spent Monday evening with Callie Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. George Leasure of Caldwell, spent Sunday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Don Moore and children, Diana and Donnie. Mike Kirk spent the weekend in Caldwell with Billy Leasure. Mr. Walter Smith of Caldwell visited his mother, Mrs. Mamie Smith, recently. Mr. Carl Elliott of Warren, was at his home here this week. Mrs. Agnes Palmer and bro ther, Clarence Depew of Youngs town, are visiting with Mr. and fUC-C- 40-/NCH MASTER MODEL NOW PR/CBP 0/ViV *199.95 Model RS-10 Equipped with Special Lamp and Timer. 0UB HOLIDAY SPECIAL! Lifetime Porcelain Finished Cabinet and Oven... PLUS Radiantube tilt-up Surface Units High Speed Broiler, waist high Handy Appliance Outlet Stainless Porcelain Cooking Top Easy-to-read Switch Knobs New Styling I DEXTER CITY Mr. and Mis. Frank King entertained on Armistice Day with a dinner honoring their wedding anniver sary. Guests were Mrs. Hattie Longfellow, Mr..and Mrs. Myron Willey of Zanesville, host and hostess. Fractures Ankle Erma Mi.soI, daughloi of Mr. and Mr-. chn'.iiJ Aiisei, tractur- South Olive SOl' i V i- :\[r. and Mrs. Eddie Weston entertained Sunday afternoon in honor of their son, Conn Edward's birth day. He received many nice gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Devoll, Jr. and family have returned to their home after several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown, Caldwell. Mrs. Ethel King attended the funeral of Harry Webber in Co lumbus. Tuesday of last week. Interment was in the South Olive cemetery. Jack Harper and Virginia Mar quis visited Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harper and daughter, Alliance, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Evans, Harry Whetstone and family and Allen Whetstone called on Wiley Harper and family, Sunday. The class play at Dexter City school last week was well deliv ered and well attended. Wayne Harper and Hazel Ges sel visited at the Elvin Gessel home, Sunday. Mrs. John Pryor was a busi ness caller in Caldwell one day last week. The South Olive choir furn ished music, Friday night at Chalfant chapel near Byesville. Pleasant Valley PL£ASAI\T YALLJLY J. J. Morris and wife were recent callers at the home of Edgar and Aroma Guiler. Junior Snyder and family were callers in Caldwell one eve ning last week. Homer Gant and wife were called to Cambridge one day last week on account of the serious illness of Mrs Harry Brewer. Among the ones in Caldwell Saturday night were: Marcu Gant and family, Lydia an.l Sarah Gant, Junior Snyder and family, Shelby Green and fum ily. Harper Ulmei, wife and son spent the weekend at the homo of Homer Gant and wife. C'l'mO'M-fis l'*iv To all who register at our "turkey window" A E I Stainless Steel Poultry Lacer! Every turkey is fit to be tied! Five stainless steel pins with lacing string! Easy, quick, neat and sanitary. A gift every housewife needs and wants. OFFER GOOD UNTIL STORE CLOSING NOVEMBER 25 Be sure to register Win yourself a holiday turkey. iTY NEWS— ed her left ankle, Sunday after noon, while playing on the school ground. She is a patient in Marietta Memorial hospital. Union Service The annual union Thanksgiv ing service will be held at the Baptist church in Caldwell on Thanksgiving Day from 10 to 11 o'clock. The public is invited. Choir Sings The South Olive choir sang Friday evening at Chalfant chap el, where Rev. Lela Howland, formerly of here, is the pastor. Rev. Helen Groves was the guest speaker. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wooster and daughter, Ruth and children of Casper, Wyoming, visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Long and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webber called on her mother, Mrs. Elmer Taylor in Beverly, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Gillespie of Caldwell, visited Sunday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Long. Mrs. Cora Lamp spent Sunday with her son, Curtis Lamp and family who recently purchased the Charles Boone farm, Crook ed Tree route. Mrs. Anne Hutcheson spent Saturday with her niece, Mrs. Delia Roberts of Beverly. Josephine Blake called on Helen Baker at Lower Salem on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hayes en tertained the following guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Erb and daughter, Thelma. Lloyd Erb and son, Pat, Bernard Taylor and Reece Kehl of Low er Salem. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Doebereiner and family of Waterford, visit ed Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Clifford Misel and family and with Mrs. John Smith and fam ily- _Lulu Sullivan of Marietta, vis ited Sunday with her aunts, Ara Worrall and Kathryn Sullivan. PHONE 1§ gprHnfcii & IT'S FREE WE'RE TALKING "TURKEY" FRANK REED INSURANCE & SURETY BONDS 43 Page Three—B Here & Yon HERE AND YON Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Poling were Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wickham and children, Pat and Mike of Zanesville and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warrick and chil dren, Rose Marie, Bobby and Charles of Canton. Milton VanDyne and Fred Cramlet made a business trip to Woodsfield, Wednesday. Mrs. Rose Bates was a busi ness caller at Caldwell, Monday. Recent visitors of Mrs. Fannie Kirkbride and Mrs. Genevia Kirkbride and sons were Ocea Johnson, Lena Johnson, Jimmie White, Ronnie Danlev, Milton VanDyne, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis and children, Emma Kemp, George Kemp, Emma Kirkbride, Orpha Swain, Osea Secrest, Helen Davis and daugh ter, Raymond Poling and wife and Mr. and Mrs. May wood Kirkbride. Shenandoah Trail —Hi 1'ILUL While going to Cumberland Fri day morning to substitute as teacher, Juanita Drake's car slid on the ice and turned over on its top. She was only slightly in jured. Mrs. Laft» Robins entertained the Ladies Aid society of Pleas ant Hill church at her home on Wednesday evening. Some farmers here are buying hay,-corn and water. It looks like the profit will he zero. Donald Sanford is on his way home from Korea where he has spent the past year. His wife, Patty, is working in the tele phone exchange in Columbus. Mrs. Roy Davis entertained the Missionary society of the Mt. Zion church, Thursday. Many farmers are taking ad vantage of the dry weather and ditching their bottom land. Ed Oliver has moved from the Dwight Bates farm to Pleasant City. I. O. O. "Tksft, liltUfjr °"iy io r. CALDWELL, OHIO BLDG. ... I hl"8' On, V Model RS-38 COMPLETELY INSTALLED FROM Mn r.R BOX TO li ANGE. MmU'l RS-20 5229.55 $398.95 Model KS-G0 Completely installed from meter box to range. YES! WIN GNL FOR THANKSGIVING y merely coming to our store and registering your guess-weight on the live turkey now displayed in our window. Register any time, any day, until the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 25, the day before Thanksgiving. Somefhing Kew on the 25th! On Wednesday, Nov. 25, all day, when you visit our store you will be generously treated with a hot turkey sandwich and coffee freshly roasted in a Frigidaire Thrifty-30. Oven right in our store. Don't miss this dual opportunity ... of winning a turkey and sharing with us free, a delicious turkey sandwich with coffee. RADIO a n A I A N E