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Page Six Additional Acreage Makes Storage Space Far Road Materials Noble Countians can now well be proud of their county high way garage. During the past several months, county highway em ployees have been periodically engaged in making needed re pairs to the old building, and obviously laboring to make the surrounding grounds a bit more presentable. Improvements on the building, according to County Engineer Homer Weedon were done with the idea of projecting additional safety for the employees of the county highway system. Pre viously, all vehicles entered the garage from the southern ex posure, which always created a traffic hazard because of the nearness of State Route 78. The changeover has eliminated this phase of moving the county equipment directly from the state highway. Five large en trances or doors were construct ed on the northern approach to facilitate this particular opera tion. For needed conveniences, one door was permitted to re main on the south side of the garage. All others were closed permanently with concrete blocks. The five doors on the northern section of the building will en able the county engineer to house necessary equipment from the cold weather, and at the game time maintain the repair department with a certain de gree of efficiency. However, a glance at the present housing facilities of the county garage does not permit the county en gineer sufficient storage space for vital supplies and equipment. The entire building has been painted a bright yellow and its appearance indicates a well maintained and efficient operat ing unit. Landscaping the area sur rounding the garage, has great ly enhanced the entire county setup. It required the moving of several thousand feeet of ground, and this was done with county equipment. The ground was used to fill an existing gulley which previously was used to no ad vantage. With this work completed, ad ditional acreage was developed to stock vital road materials and will also provide sufficient park ing space for the county equip ment and employees' cars. Where possible erosion could result, landscaping these banks was accomplished with seeded grass and covered with straw. With the availability of city water, County Engineer Weedon has installed an open wash rack to wash county mobile equip ment. Superintendent of county highways, Elijah Danford, stat ed Tuesday, these improvements have enabled the working crews to operate more efficiently. Superintendent Danford noted with a great deal of satisfaction how rapidly trucks can now be loaded from the huge material stock piles as pictured in the ac companying photo. In all, Noble countians can 3 *4* •V, Area Improvements Greatly Enhance County Highway Setup "fe t- look at the county garage and observe its present setting and fully appreciate the improve ments that have occurred during the past several months. Heads Stafford Masonic Lodge Carl JVieVay, spruce street, was elected Worshipful Master of Stafford Lodge, No. 30, F. & A. M., Monday evening at their annual meeting. He succeeds Edgar McVay and will be in stalled in December. Other officers for the coming year are: Delbert Ball, S. W. Glen Harmon, J. W. Ralph Ull man, S. D. R. J. Lawley, J. D. A. E. Robinson, secretary Donald Miracle, treasurer and Frank Swartwood, tyler. The Caldwell man, who is em ployed at Texas Eastern, will be the youngest master ever to serve the Stafford lodge. Photo Hevelonine—(lil'psnip's REPRESENTING EQUITABLE LIFE USUMME COMPANY OF IOWA Retirement Income Life Plans Educational Mortgage LEWIS S. MGSCRIP, Jr. KLMI un Street Caldwell, Ohio HE A STOttii WINDOWS... ...STORM DOORS As modern as tomorrow Self storing Never need painting Will not pit or cor rode Your fuel savings alone will pay for them End the costly nuisance of your windows steaming and sweating And they are reasonable TERMS. For a Free Estimate Dial 3-2303 OR WRITE TO Buckeye Insulation Company 3182 N. Maple Zanesvilie, Ohio v. Pictured above is only a section of the area where major improvements were made during past several months. Where formerly a deep gul ley existed, available dirt was moved to the area, now that section provides acreage to store and stock pile vital road materials, such as slag and river gravel. v v X\*\ 5- TMS jf ft rfte The live newly constructed entrances on the north side of the county garage building eliminates a driving hazard from State Route 78. Building newly painted a bright yellow, gives Nobl^ coun tians reason to point with pride to the work accomplished by Engines Homer Weedon and Superin tendent El'jah Danford Edgar Poland, School Board Mead, Dies Of Inrariss Beceived In Fall a» Edgar N. Poland, 61, president of the Belle Valley board of education, and resident of the Ava community, died Tuesday morn ing in Guernsey Memorial hospital Cambridge. He had been in the hospital for one week suffering with injuries sustained in a fall at his home. He had fallen from the root of a building on his property while making some repairs. At the hospital, he was found to be suffering with two fractured vertebrae, cracked ribs, broken nose, serious bruises and 1 os sible internal injuries. He was a son of John and Mary Firth Poland. His entire life was spent in Noble county. Survivors include his wife, Pansy Sowers Poland four daughters* Mrs. Margaret Waters and Mrs. Rhea Hein of Akron, Mrs. Arrowanda Ilolstein of St. Clairsvillc and Mrs. Daisy Buckley of Ava three brothers, Lloyd and William of Byesville and Chester of Coal Ridge two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Bailey of Byesville and Mrs. Mary Sigman Detroit 15 grandchildren and ne great grandchild. The body was returned to the csidence from the McVay fu neral home on Wednesday. Rev, Robert Bowen, pastor, and Rev Leonard Price will officiate at funeral services, which will be held at the Ava Free Methodist church, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Burial will be in North wood cemetery, Cambridge. Journal Classified "V1T P-m TV THE JOURNAL JW5* 'K Fnsr Sssru Kainss One Ne?/ Director Lester G. Thoria is the new director of the Noble county fair board, filling the vacancy which existed when Dewey A! Cald well did not seek another term. The four directors who were reelected for another term were Alfred Brown, Joe Parrish, Frank Radcliff and N. H. Bigley. An organizational meeting of the board of directors was held Thursday evening. N. II. Bigley was again named president. L. E. Hedge is the new vice president and J. Kyte Walkenshaw will continue as secretary-treasurer. DIUVERLESS WRECK The automobile owned by Carl Decantes of Dexter City, left the highway in front of the Matheney home, Caldwell RFD, where it was parked and careen ed over a hill and into the woods. The auto came to a stop GOO feet from its original parking plaee. The accident happened Sunday at 4:30 p. m., after the emer gency brake loosened on the Your Buying Pays Of! in Our Good, Clean Used Cars! 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE 4-DOOIT Lot's Deal! 1951 CHEVROLET STYLELINE 2-DOOR 1950 OLDSOMBILE "76" COUPE 1950 PLYMOUTH CONCORD 2-DOOR Deluxe Nicc 1951 FORD DeLUXE 2-DOOR 8-Cyhiider Sharp 1948 MERCURY 4 DOOR 1947 KAISER 1948 KAISER 1939 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR 1939 PONTIAC 4-DOOR Dean A. Heed Motor Sales IMwuw Wc-i ^IreH—Off "s. JTALDWELJL,, OHIO -Jl Two Million Tons Of Coal Mined In Noble County, '52 Production Expected To Increase During The Coming Year There has been a 400 percent increase in mining from the Meigs Creek Bed in the past eight years and nine mines in Noble county last year took nearly 1 Is million tons of coal from this seam. Ohio coal production in 1952 totaled 35,487,231 tons and could double by 1975, says Marian S. Klein of the state division of geological survey. He cautions "depressing fac tors" might dtyelop to lower this figure estimated for the coming years. Production of coal in Noble county in 1952 totaled 1,866,647 tons, Totals published for our neighboring counties were: GueVnsey, 47,002 Monroe, 10,000 Morgan, 33,321 Musk ingum, 1,341,999 and Washing ton, 167,797. Of 691 mines reporting last year, 289 were strip mines. No figures are given on Ohio's total coal reserves. However, an in dication of the extent of the re serves is provided by a summary of a detailed report on "Meigs Creek No. 9" seam. Reserves on this seam are estimated at four billion tons, of which less than 1.2 percent has been enhausted. The four billion ton reserve in this one coal bed alone amounts to more than twice the total of all coal mined since Ohio entered the Union 150 years ago. The remaining reserv es in the Meigs Creek Bed are believed to be the largest in any of Ohio's easily available coal deposits, except perhaps the Pittsburgh No. 8 seam. ^inci Offenses Result In Fines '!ui' .lay alti'nioon, two cases succession were brought be fore Mjfyor Homer Johnson in his court in City Hall, both by State Highway Patrolman Wil liams. Joe Parrish of near Sharon, was charged with making a left turn without giving any signal. His fine was $5.00 and costs. George Harper of South Olive, was fined $10.00 and costs by the mayor for driving a truck with too high a load. He was arrested by the patrolman after some of the stone he was hauling from the Merry quarry west of Shar on, flew from his truck, narrow ly missing the windshield of the patrol car. Last Friday, Nov. 13, Junior O. Clark of South Charleston, W. Va., was fined $5.00 and costs after he was charged with driving left of center by Patrol man Milcy. RETURNS TO CANAL ZONE Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pickcn paugh and family of Rodman, Canal Zone, have been visiting with relatives in Caldwell in cluding Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Elliott of Maple Heights and his parents, Mrs. George Pieken paugh and the late Mr. Picken paugh. Carl Pickenpaugh left Sunday for the Canal Zone and his family who has been here since June, will leave by plane the 24th to join him. CAR DEMOLISHED A Nash automobile owned by Harold Robbins of the Carlisle community, was completely de molished Sunday evening when it careened down a hill and hit a tree. There was no one in the vehicle at the time and it is be lieved that the brakes let loose. Robbins is now working in Z mesville. CHECK THE USED CAR AND TRUCK, SURE! BUT CHECK THE DEALER, TOO! You'll find that... FORD DEALERS are reliable merchants in business to stay FORD DEALERS don't depend on used car profits to stay in business FORD DEALERS have facilities to check every used car And remember ONLY FORD DEALERS SELI A 1 USED CARS AND TRUCKS See your Ford Dealer F.D.A.F. MEET IN TOKYO r-: A II .' MK\ KI -ORG A/2C Paul King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis King, of Summer field and A/2C Cletus Sorg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sorg, of Lancaster, formerly of Summer field. are shown in the above picture taken when they met while on leave in Tokyo, Japan. Airman King is stationed at Honshu Island while Sorg is stationed in Tokyo. Their com plete addresses are as follows: A/2C Cletus C. Sorg. AF 154 57557, 100 Air Transport Sqd., Box 195, A.P.O., 226, €».M.. San Francisco, Calif, and A/2C Paul B. King, AF 15450673, 511 AC and W Group, Detach 3. APO 919, PM San Francisco, Calif. Korean Veterans May Now Reenlist ojm- Gallie Moore, oi the Mari etta recruiting office, in charge of recruiting in this county, has announced that men who have been discharged from service over 90 days and not over one year can re-enlist in the army one grade lower than when dis charged. Men who have been discharged over one year and less than two years can re-enlist two grades lower than when discharged. This applies to all armed ser vices, navy, air corps, marines and army. DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. James Crum and infant daughter, Deborah Sue, were re moved in the McVay ambulance Monday morning from Thompson hospital to the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mi's. Herman Smith, Caldwell route. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Nile Poland was remov ed Monday morning to Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, for observation and treatment. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. na YOURS AT NO EXTRA Two-rail "breather bumper" in front. Directional signals, front and rear. Wrap-around bumpers with 'bomb* guards. Built-in ventilation system, with individual controls tor left and right side. Dual windshield wipers. Dual horns. Dual sunshades Sparc wheel, tire, tube and jack. Side arm-rests, front and rear. Cigarette Lighter with a second lighter in the Super and Roadmaster 4-door sedans. Automatic dome light. Dual map lights on instrument panel. Two-way ignition switch for park ing lot protection. Automatic glove compartment light Buick Special Name Address grave! Bills presented and paid at tins meeting were the following: Carl A. & T. Dellenbaugh, services rendered, $10.00 W. C. Davis, attending commissioners meeting in Columbus, $20.50 (I lbert B. Long, postage, $6.00 William Lilienthal & Sons, sup pies, $72.00 A. R. Hicks, con vention expenses, $37.50 Banks & Baldwin Law Publishing Co., 1953 Deibel's Ohio Probate Ser vice, $7.50 The Journal, publish ing times for holding common pleas courts, $7.80 The Leader, publishing times for holding common pleas courts, $7.80. Kegerris store, basket liners, $2.37 Russel C. Keith, coal for court house, $89.90 Permian Oil & Gas Co., gas for jail and county garage, $28.38 Permian Oil & Gas Co., gas for jail and county garage, $3.35 Caldwell Electric Light & Waterworks, light and water, $47.45 Caldwell Electric Light & Waterworks, light and water, $13.06 C. R. Bishop, cleaning sewer, $33.00 Lorenz & Sons Hardware, supplies, $47.30 Ralston Phar macy, supplies, $10.33 Margaret E. Conaway, laundry and clean ing, $13.00 Hazel Thomas, meals for prisoners, $67.10 Donald Conaway, incidental account, $2.53 Shell Oil Co., sheriff's ac count. $6:65 International Car bon & Ribbon Co., Inc., ribbon coupon book, $5.75 Mrs. T. H. White, account of George N. Turr, $125.00 Avalon sanatorium, Inc., hospital care, $216.45 Rocky Glen sanatorium, sanatorium treatment, $300.00 Ralph Archer, destroying dogs, $9.00 Gilbert B. Long, expenses to Columbus, $17.15. REMOVED TO HOSPITAL Sister M. Aquinas, teacher in the Fulda schools, was removed last week to Good Samaritan hospital for treatment for a heart condition. The trip was made in the Estadt ambulance. REMOVED HOME Mrs. Paul Hill and infant son were removed in the Estadt ambulance from the Thompson hospital to their home in the Fulda community on Monday. UNDERGOES SURGERY Mrs. Tina Cunningham, Cald well, underwent major surgery on Friday at Memorial hospital, Marietta. Her son, Edgel Cun ningham, of Columbus, visited her on Sunday. THE GEEATEST I N 5 0 E A Y E A S liuielz Hanui fyeatulel Look What You Get Built-in the Buick At No Extra Cost! Starts as low as. .Optional Equipment. Accessories and Sales Tax Extra. If you would like a demonstration of any one of the three BUICK SERIES, fill out your name and address and mail it in to us. Would like to have Special or Super Demonstration. Baker Sales & Service Phone 72-M South U. S. Route 21 Thursday, November Commissioners Award Contract For Improving Roads In Elk Township II W Wundcrlick was awarded a contract to furnish and spread nil) yards of on various roads in Elk township, at _the Nov. The con sular meeting of the Noble county commissioners. ti iet Drice for the gravel was set at $1.85 per yaid. Clerk of Courts John Synder was allowed expenses by the inmissioners to enable him to attend the clerk of courts conven ti n at Columbus on Dec. 2, 3 and 4. Earl Ritterbeck injured In Wreck Earl Ritterbeck of the Berne community, is a patient in St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, suffering with severe lacerations of his face and a possible frac tured skull. He was injured in an automobile apeident Monday morning at 10:30. Ritterbeck was brought to the office of a local physician by James Ritterbeck, of Zanesvilie, after the car in which they were riding struck a bridge on county road 43', southeast of Caldwell. The injured had been thrown thru the windshield of the car by the impact. From Caldwell, Ritterbeck was taken to St. Francis hospi tal in the McVay ambulance where his condition is reported as good. Investigation of the accident is being made by the county sheriff's department. Union Thanksgiving Service Is Planned Sponsored by the Noble county ministerial association, the Union Thanksgiving church service will be held Thursday morning, Nov. 26, at the First Baptist church in Caldwell. The service will begin at 10:00 o'clock and continue for one hour. Rev. Walter H. Brown, pastoi* of the Dexter City Methodist church, will deliver the annual Thanksgiving message. It is expected that congrega tions from all the churches will be represented. The other ministers will take part in the program. RETURN HOME Mrs. L. W. Shrader and Judge and Mrs. Vernon Archer return ed to their homes on Saturday after visiting with the former's husband, Major L. W. Shrader, who is attending Staff and Com mand School at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Ala. SUFFERS STROKE Mrs. Elizabeth Fogle, of Cald well, suffered a stroke a week ago while visiting at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Mar tin Feldner, Ridge Road, Zanes vilie. Her condition is reported serious. Mail can be sent in care of Martin Feldner, Ridge Road, Zanesvilie, Ohio, route 3. COST ...ON ALL SERIES Kobe cord in all 4-door sedans. Self-assisting trunk lid. Foot-operated parking brake. Starter control in accelerator pedal. All locks "mastered" to require only one key. Tilt-away front scats 2-door models. One-piece curved windshield. Full-width curved rear window, one piece. Heavy insulation against heat and sound. Oil filter, full flow design. Oil bath type of air cleaner with silencer. Vacuum booster pump for wipers. Torque-tube drive. Coil springs on all four wheels. Two-wa shock absorbers. Cowl-hinged safety hood. 2-Dr. $2252 48 Caldwell, Ohio •n P- le t le