Newspaper Page Text
Page Four—B SHARON NEWS SHARON xiie «I uniOi OxaSb of girls of the Presbyterian church met in the basement of the church recently and packed Christmas boxes and presented to shut-ins, also sang Christmas carols accompanied by their teacher, Miss Irene Marquis, fol lowing this they accompanied Miss Marquis to her home at Caldwell for a party and gift exchange. Personals Mrs. Letitia Steen and son, Byron visited with her son, Henry Steen and family at Can ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bowen and son, Mark of Zanesville, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Eicher, Friday. Dinner guests on New Years day of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wiley and their daugh ter, Mrs. Gerald Ruppel and family. Billy Boyd spent the weekend with his grandmother. Mrs. Cora Boyd and Delia at Caldwell Pvt. William Morrison of Fort Campbell, Ky., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Morrison and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquis were calling on his father, T. L. Marquis and family on Thurs day. Deanna Marquis visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis and daugh ters at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stewart of near McConnelsville, were calling on Mrs. Jessie Marquis Sunday. Mrs. Ocie Harmon visited with relatives at Zanesville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan lams of Canton, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Archibald on Sundav. Mrs. Lura Courtney and son, Clyde visited with her daughter, Mrs. Irene Koons and family at Zanesville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nessel road and children of near Ren rock, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick Marquis, New Years day. Mrs. Ellis Eiriu visited her aunt, Airs. Al-s_:_ Addis and uncle William Gordon at Caldwell last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Ralph of Adrian, Mich., visited with his mother, Mrs. Mabel Dovenbarg er and family last week, also visited his sister, Mrs. Dorothy Geary and family of near Hos kinsville and brother, Earl Ralph and family of near Caldwell. Earl Jennings and grand daughter, Judy McLaughlin vis ited with his sister, Mrs. Lillian Boyd, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Archer, Joan and Billy of Columbus, vis ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer during the Christmas vacation. Judy Walters visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Boney and Lorena last week. Mrs. Mabel Dovenbarger and Riley, Jr., were visiting with her sister, Mrs. Lydia Archer last Friday. Marcus and Larry Shields of Wooster, spent last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney. Sammy, David and Brenda Cartell of near Hiramsburg, spent several days last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Okey Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kissel and daughter, Cheryl and Ken neth Barnhouse of Dayton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ramsey and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Derwood McCune of Wooster, were calling on Miss Florence McCune at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Marquis on New Years day. Miss Jane Marquis of Cam bridge, spent New Years week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Clifford Marquis. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Marquis and children of Cambridge, were calling 011 his parents, Sunday. IN MEMORY In loving memory of our mother and wife, Elizabeth Zaleha, who passed away January 3, 1949. OF W. Li-.tlitAhix, Manager North SI reel—( aid well John Zaleha and Family I'd. Guernsey Memorials, Inc. PLEASE WRITE NOW FOR YOUR ROCK OF AGES BOOK LET ON HOW TO CHOOSE A FAMILY MONUMENT! For Sunday Appointments Phone 207-R Or See Fred W. Legraen, 409 East Street. FLAMES ODORS FLUES VENTS SENECAVILLE NEWS SENECAVILLE Mrs. Lois Willis and daughter of Colum bus, spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Millie Shriver. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leeper and daughter, Virginia and Bruce Leeper of Florida, recent ly visited the former's sister, Mrs. James Lemly and Mrs. Ruth L. Burns. Wm. Armbruster of Cam bridge, spent Saturday with Robert Christian and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey of Cleveland, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bailey. Mrs. H. M. Keller and chil dren and Mrs. D. P. Keller were shopping in Caldwell on Satur day. Mrs. Bessie Evans, who has spent the past several months with her son, Ed Evans in King ston, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Neuhart were dinner guests Sunday of their son, Willard and wife in Cambridge. Miss Cuma Rich, who has spent the past several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Til ton of Stow, returned Tuesday. W. W. Oliver of Elyria, greet-| ed friends here recently. Galen Burson of Gary, Ind., and Wilber Burson of Zanes ville, visited Tuesday with their brother, Earl Burson and family. Mrs. Clara Meek and son, An electric water heater is as safe as an electric light There are no flues, no flames, no odors, no vents. And thick insulation keeps the outside of the tank cool to the touch. Electric water heaters are automatic... you never have to light up or shut off. never have to worry about it overheating. When you're in the market for a new water heater think of rlectric— thc water heater that's EXTRA SAFE. POWER c* 7k, OHIO tow DOWN PAYMENT 0 EASY MONTHLY BUDGET TERMS VffiU 1C MODERN whe* yam THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO MEET THE PASTOR AND THE WHOLE FAMILY 1 luluicli uuUvt id lit. V. Lu A 1 ui uilt X' ii oi Dripiidl 111UXL11 mm liit-iuuCio Oi iiaij family. The unusual family group was used this year as the Yuletide greeting. Pictured, 1. to r., first row, are Dannie, Mrs. Wikander, who is holding Anna Faith, John, who is sitting on Rev. Wikander's lap and Sharon second row, Mary, Ruth, Judy and^David. David is 12 years old and the senior member of this impressive looking family group. Duane recently visited relatives in Middletown. Miss Joan Antz of Cleveland, is visiting at the C. O. Marquis home. Pfc. Clifford P. Aplin, wife and son have been visiting his sister, Mrs. C. T. Harding and other relatives here. He expects to leave for overseas in the near future. Mrs. J. D. Wood of Columbus, recently called on Mrs. Jessie Peach and other friends here. Mrs. Wm. Bowden is visiting her son, Ben Bowden and wife in Newark. Mrs. Kate Allan has returned jr 1 a*. Jt VI 4- v** tKfi w '2, wm% 3 distinctive lines 14 brilliant body styles ou'li. risi) that each new feature in the*54Ford is an extra dividend in driving enjoyment.. estab lishes Ford, even more in '54. as the "Worth More" car. You get a special dividend in styling with Ford's distinctive new appearance. You get sparkling new interiors, loo, that ate a dividend in themselves. And each of the new Fords gives you special divi dends in ride and performance with new Ball Joint Front Suspension, the greatest advance in chassis design in 20 years with your choice of Ford's new low-friction Y-block V-8 or 1-block Six, I he most modem engines in any car todayl With -.8 brilliant new models to choose from, you'll find I he exact car to suit your tastes and requirements. (!nmp iii See and Test Drive the o4 Ford. IJMiS. ar tpi fill lit 8 New Boll-Joinf front Su*pfimin This revolutionary V'f k from a two weeks visit with her children. Tom Allan and Mrs. Harry Hickey in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Secrest visited Sunday with Edgar and Odella Finley of near Walhon ing. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Aplin and son and Mrs. Mollie Aplin recently visited Mi*, 'and Mrs. Herbert Christian and family in Byesville. Misses Eunice and Sue Snyder have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Christian and family in Zanesville. Mrs. P. E. Rich has returned after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jean Suffridge and family in Cincinnati and assisting them in moving into their new home. 54 FOR Movement of wheats is on hall joints, whether in up and down motion o in steering moiion riRht nr left. POWOI SlRCrilJ| Swill HIGH- SHORT new suspen- sion is exclusive to Ford in its i field- tt ?l!ows greater up and down wheel travel for a snnviiliFi ndfl. And It helps keep wheels in trup alignment fir consistpntly easy handling. Plus five 5Ur# U floe:-, up to ol vnnr steer mg work for vo'i, mates park ing .» piewjre. iwes ymi with the, normal tPPl of MWimj OH th« itreigtitawayi optional T| Powet HIJK8J Power do«s up to on* third of the w"'l ot stopping for you! Vo'.i less f«tigie), more in the stop nd go driving ot congested traffic. power rilWBT-Uil WHIIfUWi Dnngannoi DUNG jol took up again Jan. 4 after the Christ mas holiday. Mr. W. E. Blackburn has sold his farm at this place to Ed Stewart of Reinersville. Will had spent almost his entire life on the farm he recently sold. The Jordan family spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Kerns vis ited her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McBride of Sum merfield, Saturday. Those who spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stew art were: Mrs. Charley Clark and children, Donna Nancy and Jerry of near Keithtown Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells ,and chil dren, Roberta and Marie, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stewart and little son, Timmie of Marietta. Mrs. Nelda Griggs of Fair view, was a recent guest at the Jordan home. Fredericksdale FREDEHK 'KSDALE Mrs. Edna Arnold returned home on Saturday after spending a two weeks vacation with her daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nash and sons of Columbus. Helen Davidson has returned to Ohio State at Columbus after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davidson. Mr. Clyde Craig and family of Zanesville, visited the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Craig. Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw and family of St. Clairsville, visited the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davidson and Mr. Earl Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and family, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater and family of Pleasant Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller visit ed Sunday with Maggie Beymer and family of Sarahsville. Classifieds Pay Dividends the a The new 13Ghp. Vbiock\V/°© OVIKHiAD VALViS TUBBUISHCI COMBUSTION c»/Aywfii«s STSOKf, lOW-FfUCTION DtUQN Bom NEW 1954 Ford DOUBLI-DICK INTAKi MANIfOLD engines the I-block Six have overhead valves for most effi cient high-cotnpression operation on today's fuels. Valves are free-breathing to give ou the most GO free turning to seat tightly and maintain high compression. Both engines have a deep-cast block with skirt that extends well below the crankshaft for greater strength and rigidity smoother, quieter performance and assists* you only In America's costliest cars DliP-CAST Y" BLOCK might find 4-Way Powet Seat Windows op«n or clos« at the touch ot a button under each window nr on left front door. Prn.'®r m?v ot*rjt» aiv the four Power-Lift Window*. Fordtmtatic PiivE Push one ot twn controls and the front rest bops You set the smoc fluid Toraue converter plus the instant go" ot an automatic ir.termO'iiate gear. Ford alisn oRors gas-saving Overdrive. up or down push the other and it goes front pr har«. It's it IMI con- ventaKO and comfort feature. ilqkf f@c!«iy your dfciy for Test Srlvt 0. H. PICKLHPAUUH CALDWELL, OHIO QUAKER CITY QUAKER CITY Those from a distance attending the funeral of John B. Groves on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 29 at the Met odist church, Quaker City were Charles Groves and Mrs. Ina Beers of Sydney Mr. and Mrs. Myron Groves of Brook ville Robert Secrest of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sprague and son, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Reed and Mrs. Carrie Hickle of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Vince Sebak of New Phila delphia Mrs. Ina Williams of Cuyahoga Falls Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Gordon of Newark Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vorhies and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Swigert of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Johnson of Dresden Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Knight and son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klein and son, Mrs. Louie Bailey and family, all of Akron Mr. and Mrs. Virgil West, Warren Martin, John Groves, Clarice Racey of Cald well Mrs. Clarence Mendenhall. Mrs. Tessie Danford and Wayne Danford of Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Glen King. Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Clark, Morris and Burt Bigley of Rich Valley Myron Frame of Cambridge and Jacob Bates of Cumberland. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Smith and family, east of town and with Mrs. Grace Webster. Miss Monna Jean Lingo is a patient at Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, for treat ment. Miss Lingo is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lingo Thursday. January 7, 1954 and is a junior at Kent State University and has been spend ing her vacation with h$r par ents here. Mr. and Mrs. George Loveatt and daughter, Betty of Charles ton, W. Va., spent New Years and the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lurid Cline and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Loveall. Amel Canel and Herman Hall of Santa Monica, Calif., who have been guests of the form er's brother, Jules Canel and family have returned home. Mrs. Thomas Woodford of Old Washington, Mr. and Mrs1. Bruce Beymer, Mrs. Earl Beymer, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevens and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howell, Mrs. Mae Ford of Cambridge route and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott of Salesville route, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lingo attended funeral services for her brother, William S. held at the McCracken funeral hom^ Cambridge on Monday aft noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Hartley and son, Jay cf Cambridge and Mrs. Gertrude Spencer and son, Alvin of this place, were dinner guests on New Years of Mr. and Mi*s. W. J. Moore. Walton Cline has returned to Tucson, Ariz. ,after spending a month with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lurid Cline and with rel atives at Barnes ville. Good temper is an estate for life. He preaches well who lives well. Cervantes. COLLEY INSURANCE First National Hank Building Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio worth more" car declares a dividend The new tlS'h.p. block OVSRHIAD VAlViS MIQM TunavmNCt COMBUSTION CHAMB IKS SHOP7 STROKf, low-friction OlSION The greatest engine advances since the original FORD V-8 the Y-block V-8 and extra-long engine life. Their modern short-stroke, INTtKl MANIFOI.O v on DflF-CAST SLOCK friction design cuts friction losses gives you more usable horsepower, more miles per gallon of gasoline. New high-turljnlence combustion chambers assure a more thorough mixing of fuel and air for faster, more efficient combustion. Plan to Test Drive a '54 Ford. You'll find these new Ford power plants are the greatest engine advances since the original Ford V-8. 54 FORD More than ever... THE STANDARD fbr THE AMERICAN ROAD *M oxfre ee*f. low- 9J0JU