Newspaper Page Text
^Thursday, January 7, 1954 •AP31ETTSVILLE HEWS HARRll'M'J'SVILLE Mr. Unci IVfjtfl. M. Ayers entertain ed witKfc* six o'clock dinner on Tuesday evening. Covers were laid for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle and son, Jimmy, David Ayers and hosts. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schoeppner were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crum, Mrs. Shirley Schockling, Mrs. Doris Crum and Rosemary Crum aU of Caldwell a nd Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and daughters, Sandra, Linda and Mary Jo. Mr .and Mrs. Erval Stevens entertained on Sunday with a roast duck dinner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuhart, all of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fry fogle were hosts at a six o'clock dinner on Wednesday evening. Covers were laid for the fol lowing guests, Lt. and Mrs. George Lee of Phoenix, Ariz., John Hoffner and Jimmy Fry fogle and hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ullman and Jar^ r-f Circleville, were dinner giMMk Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. iBF sevens and Frank. In the afternoon, all called on Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Stevens. Attend Funeral Mrs. Lottie McConnell, Mrs. Charley Dennis and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman attended the funeral of Jim Antill held at Dexter City on Sunday after noon. Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and daughter, Mary Jo were shoppers at Marietta on Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dennis spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Enochs of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller and Mrs. Beryl VanFossen at tended a board meeting and membership kick-off dinner at the new Farm Bureau building held at Caldwell on Wednesday evening. Floyd Miller is captain of Elk township. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm and Danny, Mrs. C. E. Johan ning, Ann Johanning and Mrs Elsie Schenk of Lower Salem were New Year's eve guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hartshorn of Newport Pike. Miss Shirley Baker spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams of Kent, and was ac Patten's Appliance Center rhono M-t North street I BROKE MY drt-ASSES, DOC 30 1 HAVfc 10 3E fcXAMINlt-P^ ALL :NLVDT\ Bag* srT~y C"VJ companied home by Mr. and Mrs. Williams who spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baker. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Ayers and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfogle and Jimmy spent New Years eve with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. The evening was spent in playing rook. Dr. and Mrs. Earl Schoeppner and daughter, Karen, of Colum bus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner. Ensign David W. Ayers ret turned this weekend to the Naval Air Station at Glenview, 111., where he is enrolled in the C. I. C. officers school after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Avers1 of Harriettsville. Miss Mabel Baker spent Wed nesday evening with Miss Ruth Zimmerman of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelby of Waterford, visited on Friday with Mr. a nd Mrs. A. C. Kelby. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maenz of Salem, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Noll. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schoep pner and Miss Joan Schoeppner of Lower Salem, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and daughters and watched television. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schafer and Harry James, Mr. and Mrs. For rest Howell and Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelby and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kelby and Joe Nowell were guests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evening at the L. D. Schramm home and watched television. L. D. Schramm and Danny and C. H. Schoeppner and Dale attended a 4-H tractor club maintenance organization meet ing held at Caldwell on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Elza Craven of Lowell, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O Stevens. Mrs. Carl Stevens and son Frank, spent from Monday till Friday with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nobles and son, Billy of Wash ington, Pa. Capt. Earl Walker called his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Walker on Wednesday that he had landed in the states. He had been in Japan. Fred Friehauf was called to Cleveland on Tuesday by the death of his mother. Mrs. Rose Schoeppner and Mrs. Stella Schoeppner* were shoppers at Marietta on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. George Hesson and family of Summerfield route and Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Schoep pner and Dale spent Sunday ('veiling with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolr.^" CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Caldwell volunteer fire depart ment for their efficient service in saving our home from being destroyed by fire, when our garage burned on New Years Day, and to our neighbors and friends for their assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Merritt POST YOUtt £Y£- g| iCOUk'L i| NOT S BULK ROTONONE DR. LeGEARS STOCK and POULTRY TONIC DR. HESS NEW PIN THE FRIENDLY WAY PQN&LV *3! V YOU V te1 V J. PQDLTK STO SjblftUUMfcd 7, & S NiCHJL JSTv. fine STw.vt lO a./t. VOL SATISFACTION V V V -W I E A S E MASTITIS DR. HESS PANININ DR. HESS HOG WORMER POWDER DR. HESS POULTRY WORMER POWDER SULMET for POULTRY SULMET for CALVES CALF VITAMINS SARGENTS DOG WORM CAPSULES SARGENT'S SKIPBATH SARGENTS DISINFECTANT SARGENTS FLEA POWDER li mmmmo 'A Pleasant Vailey PLEASANT VALLEY Mar jorie Gant visited her parents, Homer Gant and wife on Christ mas. Mar^Ji Snyder and wife spent Christmas with C. R. Snyder and son, Junior and family. Lewis Bates and family spent Christmas with Carlos Archer and family. Mary Green and son, John, visited a few days last week with friends in Zanesville. Raymond Franks and family visited recently with Shelby Green and family. Angie Johns and son, Willie and wife, Carter Shafer and family called at the home of Lydia Gant, Sunday afternoon. Helen Ulmer and son, Lloyd visited last week with her par ents, Homer Gant and wife. Wayne Guiler and wife were recent visitors with Edgar Guil er and daughter. Ray Dettra, wife, son, David, and daughter, Daisy and son and Samuel and family were guests for dinner at the home of Mar cus Gant and family. Sunday. Wafeuf IMge WALNLT RLDGL Ivii. and Mrs. Paul Warner and sons of Canton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith berger. Mr. and Mrs. George Horton spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton. Mrs. Hobart Feldner and sons were Sunday visitors at M. I. Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton were visitors at Otto Carpenters Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Horton spent one evening recently with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Horton and son, Jim, spent New Years day with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter, Alice. Mr. and Mrs. George Horton were recent visitors with rela tives at Zanesville. Carolyn Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton and daughter spent Saturday night at O. O. Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hill spent Sunday afternoon at Mona Kirkbride's. Neil Stephens and family spent Sunday at Otis Martins of Tabor Ridge. Eere & Yon IlERH A.\L i ON Mr. and Mrs. Billy L. Simpson visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Simpson of Barnesville. Visitors on New YMrs day and Sunday at the home of Ray mond Poling and wife were Mr and Mrs. Junior Wickham and children. Pat and Mike, Loran Denton, Harry Sutherland and Mr. and Mrs .Billy Simpson. Mrs. Emma Everly was called to the bed side of her sister, Mrs Joe Beatty of Zanesville, who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Wick ham and family of Zanesville, visited New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Everly. Mrs. Mary Bates has returned to her home after spending a i't-w days with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Murrey of Canton. Mrs. Bates remains poorly at this writing. Recent visitors of Mrs. Genevia Kirkbride and family were Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Kirkbride, Jimmie White, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Danley and children. Helen, Ronald, Jean and Russell of the Navy, all of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jones and sons of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kirkbride and daughter, Tatsy Joan of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkbride and children, Kathy, Allen and Rus sell of Nashport, Joy Kirk, Karen Ann and Russell Davis, Kmma Kirkbride, Ocea Johnson, Ronald Earles and Marie Pol ing. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Poling, Mrs. Ruth Wickham and chil dren were dinner guests of Billy Simpson and wife on New Years liay. Mr. and Mrs. Clark McCand k s and Fannie Dye were din ner guests of Emma Kirkbride, Sunday. Music is well said to be the sj:eech of angels. Carlyle. Stop Taking Harsh Drugs for Constipation Avoid Intestinal Upset! Get Relief TUs Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! For constipation, never take harsh drugs. They cause brutal cramps and griping, disrupt normal bowel action, make re peated doses seem needed. When you are temporarily consti pated, get sure bur gentle relief—without salts, without harsh drugs. Take Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative contained in Syrup Pepsin. The extract of Senna in Dr. Caldwell's is one of the finest natttrsl laxatives known to medicine. Dr„ Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes jood, gives gende, comfortable, satis ying relief of temporary constipation for every member of the family. Helps you get "on schedule'' without re peated doses. Even relieves stomach sourness that constipation often brings. I Buy Dr. Caldwell's. Money back if not satisfied. Mail bottle to Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO CU"/E OLIVE Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Pitts were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crum and children, Bonnie Jean and Ronnie. Friday evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moore arfd Bill Moore and Saturday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pitts and family and Israel Pitts and daughter, Diana May and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Junior Pitts and Mr. and Mis. Earl Bar ton and Linda visited at the Gay Pitts home. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sal ing on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Saling and children, Bob, Judy and Linda, Mrs. Elmer Sahng and the host and hostess and children, Billy, Kenny, Sheila and Butch. Mrs. Bernard Saling and chil dren. Bill and Sheila and Mrs Edna Crum were visiting Mrs. Carlos Archer on Thursday af ternoon. Carletta Morrison has return ed to her home after spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and son, Stephen, were business callers in Cambridge on Monday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and son of Derwent, are spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks and daughter, Sheila Jo, were busi ness callers at Marietta on Sat urday. Sheila Jo underwent sur gery on her head. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Scott and family of Akron, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schafer. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wilson, Su2an and Billy, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson, of Crooked Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell and twins of Ravenna, spent New Year's eve with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scholt and baby spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mil ler and Orlis. NEWS Mr. and Mrs. George Macenko and daughter, Diane and Mrs. Edna Crum spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Macenko and daughters of Yorkville. Mrs. George Macenko and Diane, Mrs. Bernard Saling and children spent Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Andrew Crum and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bates vis ited Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Danford and daughter. Mr. arid Mrs. Wayne Danford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roe and family. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Bill Heppner were Mr. and Mrs Val Misjan and Mary Krupa, of Cleveland and Mike Krupa, of Akron. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schwallie and family of North Canton, and Edmund Schwallie, of Canton, were Sunday visitors at the Bernard Crum home. Mr. and Mrs. John Sharrock, of Senecaville, and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sholtis and daughter, Susabelle, of Caldwell route 6, visited Mrs. Nancy Foreman and Riley Foreman on Friday after noon. Other guests in the even ing were John Foreman and daughters, Helen Mac, Mary Ann and Gladys and son, John Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Fore man and family spent Sunday evening with his mother, Mrs. Nancy Foreman and brother, Riley Foreman. Jean Pitts was a guest one day last week of Mrs. Foreman. CARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to thank all my friends and neigh bors for the nice cards, letters, gifts and flowers which I receiv ed while I was a patient in the Memorial hospital, Marietta, also express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all thfese who visited me while there. WW 1 W? c. A. Fred II. Bode Sunmuriield, Ohio Classifieds Pay Dividends I1SH P. coir UPKK K W S New Ford tokes the lead in dll-Q vital fattors that make for lower-tost trucking! Now, only in Ford Trucks—gas-saving, LOW-FRICTION, high-compression, overhead-valve, deep-block engines in all truck models! 115- to 170-h.p.! Driverized Cabs, Power Brakes, South Olive SOUTH OLIVE— Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son, Ruth L. Harper and Willard and Willa Ruth Harper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Whetstone on Sunday evening. Mrs. Ruth Reed and daugh ter of Summerfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Weston and family. Repair work is completed on the Free Methodist church and church service was held Sundry Mr. and Mrs. Don Long of New York, visited at the .M. Harper home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown call ed on Mr. and Mrs. Howard De Voll, Jr. and family on Sunday Miss Hazel Gessel and Wayne Harper visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gessel and family Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter of Sarahsville, visited at the Howard Devoll home one day last week. Miss Edith Shilling of Elba, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Bak er over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ball and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huberty and family were guests New Years day of Mr. and Mrs Rolland Williams and family. Master-Guide Fordomatk New greater capacity! New Facfory-Built "6-wheeIers/' gross up to 48% more! 'WW* "tn '^wcw 0. K. KCKE1MIISII Mrs. Sallie Addis returned home after visiting Rev. Lenle\ Addis and family of Middleburg. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Brink ley spent a few days last week with Ruth L. Harper and family. They were accompanied by Willa Ruth Harper, who visited a few days with the Brinkleys in Canton Mr. and Mrs. Don Kimbrel, who have been living with Charley Tilton, moved to Cald well. Mrs. Thomas of Lewis ville, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herman Rubel and family. Mrs. Alma Jerles of Sarahs ville, visited her father, Joe Stephens. Mrs. Vinnie Warren was business caller in Caldwell on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Harper (nee Jean Brown, is a patient in Zanes ville hospital. She is a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Walter Brown Announcing for W FORD TRUCKS 130-H.P. six powtf UN, v=« STAFFORD Woodsfield callers last Wednesday from here were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McConnell, Mr. Harry McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hartshorn and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lafferree. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morton and family of Mt. Vernon, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Devore of Grays ville route and other relatives at this place. They were accom panied home by Mrs. Tillie Bonar for a short visit. Mr. Harley Anderson was tak en to the Memorial hospital at Marietta last Sunday. His condi tion is some what improved. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Odessa Miracle and son Elvin called on Mrs. Ida Rob bins, Wednesday Mrs. Wayne Bishop and son spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Moore of Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sherden Day vis ited last weekend with their sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day and Mr. and Mrs. George Day of Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Beebe and son, Perry of Waterford and Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Hogue and fam ily of Marietta, were Sunday guests at the Floyd Miracle home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rob bins and daughter, Dana of Day ton, spent New Years holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Way ne Robbins and Harold of Woodsfield. W. Bljir vp^rit Monday of- U W "V. '-aJJILL UUOB5*! PARKS' ap* Zfy 0 -7-f' Itt-RP. H)Wtv Mr. i- Power Steering, Drive for faster control! TODAY/ ¥RUCKS O k U K O Y O U E Y 315 Wesf s,r8#l 152-H.P. 170-H.P. V S Ctfci'J ING V=t -ii ft NOW! the 5 Ford engines offer mightiest concentration of Page Five—B HAPPOTGS ternoon with his son, Mr. atld Mrs. Floyd Blair and family tof Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crum and family of Cub Run, were recetit visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mallett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miracle and son, Elvin and Miss Mary Mallett spent Christmas with.Mi. and Mrs. Denzil Hogue and fato ily of Marietta. Miss Virgene Miracle of Co lumbus, spent the holiday week end with her parents, Mr. atid Mrs. Roy Miracle. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Freillig and daughter, Deborah, Woods field route, spent last Sunday ,iat the Harry McConnell home. Jimmy McConnell of the U. S. Navy, spent a two ,weeks fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McConnell and fam ily. QUARTERLY MEETING The second Quarterly Meeting of the Summerfield Circuit -of the Free Methodist church vwll be held at the Perryopolis church beginning Friday even ing, January 8 and continuing through Sunday, Jan. 10. Rev. W. H. Strausbaugh, pastor at Woodsfield, will supply the meeting in the absence of the District Superintendent. Preach ing Friday and Saturday nights, and morning and night on Sun day. In the Sunday morning ser vice the Lord's Supper and the Love Feast. Evening services at 7:30. Sunday school at 10:00 and morning service following. We invite you to be present Willi u- NoDie county's only complete Monument Shop Havre Monuments and Markers Foundations onstructed with Mechanically Mixed Concrete Phone 126-J East Street-Caldwell ——H power inch ever in any truck line! V-8 and SIX! For the power they develop, the engines in the 1954 Ford Truck line have less cubic inch displacement than engines in other-make lines. For example, Ford's 239 cu. in. Power King V-8 develops its 130 h.p. on as much as 43 cu. in. less displacement. Smaller-displacement engines normally need less gas! That's one big reason why Ford concentrated power offers greater economy! I •V# tp.yxtK -n WI f-VOO BIG per cubic s..:o Caldwell, Olio Phone 84 Jk V 5. V* 'SSx,