Newspaper Page Text
Ms* Thursday, January 7, 1954 Safe# Tax Reitefjte •%h In This Couaty Treasurer of Stale linger W. 'i lucy predicted today tliat total .sales tax collections for the last six months of 1953 will be very close to one hundred million dollars." Prepaid sales? tax receipts re ported for the week ending December 19, 1953, added $4,649. 491 to the previous total, again of $20,753 or less than one-half of one percent over the same period of last year. The cumulative grand total on which Tracy based his prediction stood at $93,618,845 as of Decem ber 19. This figure represents a total gain of 10.6 percent over last year. Receipts reported for the week ending December 19 were $168, 486 more than the previous 1 week. Tracy now is making prepara tions to issue his six months re port of sales tax collections which wilf show totals and per centages of gain or loss for in dustry classifications and for all counties. In Noble county, receipts' for week ending Dec. 19 amount i, to $3,630.48, compared to $0 ,180.14 for the same period in 1952. Total collected to date for the last six months amounts to $54,416.06. Kennonslnirei K N O N S i U i —. There will be a regular meeting of grange Thursday evening Jan 14. All members are invited Coffee and vegetable soup will be the refreshments. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Russell Craig of near Senecaville, were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lashley recently. Mrs. U. J. Massie was visit ing Mrs. Victor Williams and Mrs. Hazel Williams, Nejv Years day. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Long and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wyscarver and children spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Parks. Ures, Massie is visiting rela tives in Canton and Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wilson and children of Cuyahoga Falls ftmrs ja! fa QIILTLD LINED ress Shirts ONE LOT Slightly Soiled On Sale 5 .hooJ Award ifipnvg] 100'r Wool Formerlv priced at $6.95 Watch For Our SPECIAL COUNTER spent New Years weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson. Rev. and Mrs. Doran Garey of Senecaville, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Craig were visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lashley, Wednes day evening. Visitors New Years day at the R. W. Parks home were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lahue and son, Garey, Mrs. Lelia Landaker, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Parks and children of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs, Ellis Long. Harold Moore and son, Larry of Akron, spent New Years day with H. L. Moore. Dewey Ankrom of Columbus, is spending a few days here. Keiihiown KEITHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis, Jr. and family of Cambridge and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pierce of Canton, Visited over the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis and family and with other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Rogers and sons spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Forrest Farson of Big Run and called on relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Edith Chandler and granddaughter, Nancy Teeters of Ava, spent the weekend at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. John Craig and family of Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelby and children of Waterford, visited on Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and family visited Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler and called at the home of his sister and family of near Ava. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chan dler. Mrs. Irene Landaker and daughters, Shelby, Susabelle and Linda visited recently with her mother, Mrs. Bessie VanFleet of Maple Heights. Fred Chandler has been quite poorly the past three weeks. If It's advertised tn The Journal Sav on wrieri vou are buvinsr ALL KIND OF INSURA SCE ta: Set Here Early For Sensational Savings At WW opc E U E Outstanding $3.95 HATS on Sale at $5.95 HATS on Sale at $7.50 HATS on Sale at Undershirts 48c Shorts and Briefs ___—„— $3.95 Sport Shirts—now $4.85 Sport Shirts—now $6.50 Sport Shirts—now $2.85 Flannel Shirts—now Dress Pants 0 On All Other Merchandise Not Listed! It To observe production of the 30,000,000th Chev rolet, officials posed with the milestone car against a festive New Year's background. With T. H. Keat ing, general manager, at thetwheel, others from Rill O'Neill To Seek Re-Election V I i 1 K i i V ill, Ohio's thirty-seven year old Attorney General, announced today that he would be a candidate for re election as Attorney General. As Attorney General, O'Neill has issued 3400 opinions, collect ed for the State of Ohio more than $7,000,000 and successfully disposed of 11,000 cases. O'Neill said that his office has success fully concluded more cases dur ing the past year than during any comparable period in the history of the State of Ohio. The last legislature directed O'Neill to undertake three new projects, which he expects to bring to completion during the next year. They are: (1) to con duct a narcotics investigation in Ohio and to make recommenda tions to the next session of the legislature, (2) to establish an anti-subversive division in the Office of the Attorney General, and (3) to establish a division within his office to enforce and restrain the atouse of charitable trusts. Grass meadows will need an application of manure plus phos- o Pi fiOO porr.rtr of 10 10 10 Beginning Continuing Until Jan. 16 0 Formerly priced at $30.00 and $48.50 Such Values you haven't seen in years! V Reductions! 69 48c ovr TOT Cotton and Wool 4 Pair $1.00 0 1 I 409 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO 30,000,000th Chevrolet Greets New Year Dinner guests of Mr. and Mi's. Earl Danford, West street, ori New Year's Eve' were Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Gaugler and daugh ter, Viola. William Lori has returned to his ship, the U.S.S. Norris at Newport, R. I. after spending a ten day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Lori, Bridge street. Mr. and Mrs.. Nelson Leasure, Caldwell, were dinner guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Archer and family, Colum bus, on Christmas. Mrs. Nora Whittle and daugh ter, Brenda Sue of Cambridge, and Billy Archer of Columbus, spent a few days with her par ents and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leasure, Cald well. Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bae Marshall and son, Wos, of Main street, were Mr. and Mrs Burton Lyons and son, Johnny Bill of Warner Robins, Ga., Ronald Price of Wellsville, and Mrs. Pauline Finley Knight and husband and daughter, Marcy, of Zanesvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and son remained for a week's visit. Pvt. Merrill Hesson has re turned to Fort Lee, Virginia, after enjoying a ten day fur lough with his wife at Zanesvilie id his parents, Mr. and Mrs, i! arry -Hesson of Maclrsburg and :her relatives. Mrs. OHIo Darrah of Caldwell ent the Christmas holidays ith Mrs. Margaret Longfellow impson and family of Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. William Earner Mid Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warn of Columbus, spent Christmas iy and enjoyed a .illoy. Visitors at the home of Mrs Sheila Johnson and'daughters, of ildwell over the Christmas i i liday, were Mr. and Mrs onard Johnson, Mr. and Mrs irold Johnson, Irene, George, Kiaine and Joyce Blatnik, all of ieveland, Mr. and Mrs. Bern i Johnson and children, Dar !.\ in and Butchie and Roy Johrt ri of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tarleton "i Zanesvilie, spent Sunday af 1 moon with Mrs. Ethel King of S.iuth Olive. Gray Tuecke, teacher in the l.'al high school, spent the 'hristmas vacation at the home i'! his parents at Cleveland. Miss Sally Evans of Lorain, •••pent the weekend with Iu i Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Tip- iwi), Lewis street. Mrs. Mabel Thomas has re wned to her home in McCon clsville after spending the Phone 108 the left are: E. W. Ivey, administrative assistan E. Hi Kelley, general manufacturing manager W. E. Fish, general sales manager E. N. Cole, chief engineer and W. J. Scott, executive assistant. turkey din- and gift exchange at the mie of their parents, Mr. and irs. Homer Warner of Glady o i i ii ys with her sister, Mrs. Pearl lialston and family. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Noble of Cambridge and daughter, Lynn, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Nolle Headley, Lewis street. Mrs. Edna Tarleton has return ed to her home on Cumberland street after spending the Christ mas holidays with her son, Willis and family of Salem. Lena aftd Lola Barnhouse, of Massillon and Lois Johnson of Columbus, spent the New Year's weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, Caldwell. Additional dinner guests on Sat urday were Mrs. Tom Sleight, of Massillon and Mrs. Elizabeth Fogle. Other guests on Saturday afternoon were Cora and Leona "Barnhouse and William Barn house of Belle Valley. Miss Laura Dobbins of Barnes ville, spent part of the holidays with Mayme Sealock, Spruce sti'eet. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller, Olive, on New Year's Day were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller and son, Orlis Mr. and Mrs. Carl Russell and twins, Rodney and Rebecca, ol Ravenna and Mr. and Mrs. Bern iard Saling and family. Sunday afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edgel Harper and Tommy, Ralph Huffman, Phylli* Bieden bach, Wilma Nau and Thad Pickenp'augh. Pvt. Harold F. Anderson has returned to his base at Aberdeen, Md.. after spending the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson. Miss Dorothy Anderson, of Columbus, also spent the weekend at hei home here. Miss Myrtle Morgareidge has resumed her teaching duties in the Bedford schools after spend ing the past two weeks with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Petei Morgareidge, Caldwell. All local college students who enjoyed the holiday vacation with relatives in Caldwell and Noble county resumed theii studies Monday at the various universities. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radeliff and children returned Sunday their home in Columbus after visiting the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rad cliff and Mrs. Pearl Ralston UHaian's F!os?er Mar! ..- flowers FOR ALL OCCASIONS Call 129—-Free Delivery Main Street Caldwell Check Our leal Before You Buy 1953 FORD 4 DR. CUSTOML1NE Radio Heater Eze-Eye Glass Fordamatie 1951 DODGE CORONET 4 DR. Radio Heater Seatcovers Nice! 1951 FORD 4 DR. CUSTOM 6 Cyl. Radio Heater Seatcovers 1950 BUICK SPECIAL Conventional Transmission Radio Heater Low Mileage Clean 1950 CHEVROLET 4 DR. I'ower-GUi'.e iiadio Healer —Clean 1950 FORD CUSTOM 4 DR. 8 CyL Radio Heater Clean 1949 KAISER TRAVELER 30,000 Miles Clean New Tires Four Other Cheaper Cars To Choose From. Dean A. Seed Motor Sales West Street—Off U. S. Route 21 Willscreek has Miss Lucy Jane Wheeler resumed her studies at Witten berg College, Springfield, after spending the holidays with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wheeler. Shenandoah Trail. Wliji-i0v^rvc.ii,rw We had some fine weather here last week. But a promise of some not so nice. Oh well, this is winter. John T. Watson was taken to the Memorial hospital at Cam bridge last Friday. We hear he had a stroke. Virgil Watson has moved one of his oil rigs to the Bay Good hart farm near Calais. Evan Brill has been visiting at his mother, Mrs. Nellie Arnold at Columbus. He returned home Saturday. J. C. Johnson and son made a business trip to Wheeling on Saturday. Acel Leach has bought the Mansel Flood farm and will soon move there. We will miss Acel and Becca. Mrs. Irvin Bates is still in very poor condition. Her sister, Mrs. Silas Carpenter, is very poorly. Lots of beefs are being killed. G. P. Moore has bought 25 hides so far and plenty more yet to be killed. Beef is cheap er than pork. Grover Smith, a surveyor from the Marietta division, was a social caller here last Satur day. Glad to see him. He says they will start this month on the Sam Leach and B&tesville bridges this month. Junior Moore and G. P. Moore were callers at Glass Powell's on Sunday. Miles Burns and son were callers here .Saturday. Clyde Teeters of Caldwell, was on the creek last Satufday buy ing fur and bee/ hides. John Bates is again on the sick list. Sylvan Wise and wife were callers here, Sunday. We hear that Daniel Hayes has had a stroke. Dan is 78 year old. We hope for his recovery. Several of our folks attended the funeral of John Groves on Saturday. Farmers have begun to plow for next year's crop. "I2c:|'" Bleached Maslin Yd.—23c "Mountain Mist" "Mountain Mist" Qui!' Baits SMC Qui!' Baits SMC 40 Inch Brown iusiin 40 Inch Brown iusiin (•(•oil (£ualil\ (•(•oil (£ualil\ 3 yds.—SI 00 3 yds.—SI 00 ••CANNON" ••CANNON" Turkish Towels Turkish Towels Irregulars Sizr 20 40 Irregulars Sizr 20 40 39c 39c CANNON' Kuslm Sheets Size 81 9!) Each—$2.39 51 Gauge Njrbns First Quality Pr.—89c Regular $2.98— Regular $1.98 $2.25— Regular 39c Pr.-QHILDRESTS Men's and Boys' Dress Jackets Less 20% NoBle Towns] NOBLE TOWNSHIP Betty Lou Bond started the New Year when she and Mr. and Mrs. Zed rick Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leasure spent the week end with Pvt. Jr. Clark at Fort Knox, Ky. They enjoyed a very pleasant trip and returned home on Sunday. A watch party on New Year's eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan lasted well into New Years morning. They served the traditional sauer kraut and weiners to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Archer and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Milligan and a very good time was had by all. Pvt. Fred Bond of Ft. Knox, Ky., spent the past weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bond. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Phelps and children of Canton. On New Years eve', Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bates were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Haines of Reinersviile. A most enjoyable evening followed play ing cards, watching television and just plain good old fashion ed conversation with grand friends (The Haines). Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bond of Byesville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Okey Bond, Saturday, Jan. 2. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan, accompanied by Mrs. Ollie King of Byesville. Friends and neighbors will be so glad to hear the present re port that Mr. James Harry Col ley seems quite improved. Mrs. Colley continues her daily visits and says she is much encouraged now. Mr. Harrison Warner's uncle, who resides with them, is quite ill at this writing. Private funeral services were held Saturday for the invalid daughter of Mrs. Walter Harri man. Mrs. Nellie Arndt and husband were visitors at Blaine Days the week. Returned back to Colum bus, Sunday. A N Begias Friday, Jan. 8... ... Ends Saturday, Jan. 16 "Cloth oi («old" Reached Pfiislin Yd.-SSi- 3C Inch Light Striped 3C Inch Light Striped 0«?!ss!g Flansiel Yd.-35fi 0«?!ss!g Flansiel Yd.-35fi .'{! Inch .'{! Inch I nbleai heri I nbleai heri Quilt Ltaiffg Yd—27 Quilt Ltaiffg Yd—27 "CANNON" "CANNON" Wash Cloths Wash Cloths uiars uiars Each—9c Each—9c *-2 w fi g-r. xf% t- L_« ."iLt Jii' -on- OiDDS and ENDS "CANNON" Pillow Cases Size 42 Each—55c Charm-Tred Shag Rugs Si-' l-\ .]( SI .99 LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES $1.99 Pag? Five 'on Man Named hew thuii uir*cier Atty. Warner Pornegerne of Coshocton, was named to the board of directors of the Musk ingum Conservancy district ar a meeting of the 18 judges of the MCD court in the Tuscarawas county courthouse in New Phila delphia, Saturday. He replaces Charles Sipe of Cambridge, who resigned after announcing plans to retire and move to Florida. Judge W. Vernon Archer of the Noble County Common Pleas court is a member of this court and he attended the meeting Atty. Pomerene is the senior member of the Pomerene, Burns and Milligan law firm of Coshoc ton. He will serve the unexpir ed portion of Mr. Sipe's five-year term, which ends in June, 1958. Other directors on the board are Walter Frye of Wooster and Rufus K. Brown, Jr., of McCon nelsville. Patented Anti-Rust ...because it contains the amazing Sinclair Rust Inhibitor RD-119® No Extra Cost M. A, SMEKZA. Supplier oi Siii-Lur Tiuducts Phone 200 North Street Caldwell, Ohio Pillow lulling Pillow lulling Tvne 128 Tvne 128 Yd.—55c Yd.—55c 81 I*»rh Bleached 81 I*»rh Bleached Quiii Lifting Yd.—79s Quiii Lifting Yd.—79s Stevens AM Linen Stevens AM Linen Toweling Toweling Regular 49c Yd. Value Regular 49c Yd. Value Yd,—39e Yd,—39e 80 Dress Prints Yd.—39c SIMTIX Lunch Cloths Fast Colors Size 52x68 Regular SI.'19 Value $1.98 MEN'S "Fruit-of-the-Loom" Dress Shirts Kegul ir S2 Y titles SIPS CHILDREN S COTTON DRESSES $ .39 ANKLETS MEN'S Work Sox Regular 29c Value Pair- 421 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio Men's and Boys' Flannel Shirts Less 20 °o od. not lup rts ire so is BO- of in an e «P in i i- 5- o 1