Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 7. 1054 Phone 98 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS SIX ROOM HOUSE—Four rooms down, two up. Gas, electricity, city water. Sink in kitchen. Newly painted outside. Nicely decorated inside. Located one block from square on paved street. 22 ACRES, five room house, with electricity and running water in house. Cellar, barn, garage, and other outbuildings. On state highway, within 10 minute drive of Caldwell. SIX ROOM strictly modern house. Gas, electricity, city water, bath, gas furnace, built-in kitchen, full basement. Large garage and barn. Two acres of land. Located at edge of Cald well. FOUR ROOM house, gas, elec tricity, cellar, well and cistern. Two lots. Close to school and store. Located North Belle Val- NICE TWO-ROOM cottage with gas electricity, cistern. Other outbuildings. Close in. EIGHT ROOM house, electricity, bath, oil furnace, built-in kitchen and garage. Partial base ment. Large lot. Close to stores and schools. On paved street in fc- Cumberland, Ohio. GROCERY STORE with postof fice in connection. Complete ly equipped, including new elec tric meat case, deep freeze, etc. Nice clean stock. Large store building, in good condition. Gas and electricity. Doing a nice volume of business. Located on good highway in small village. Immediate possession. GENERAL STORE with six new ly decorated rooms in connec tion for living quarters. Com pletely equipped store, handling a nice line of groceries, feed and hardware. Store building in good condition. Gas and electricity. Doing a nice volume of business. Located on good highway in small village. Immediate pos session. NINE ROOM two-story house. Gas, electricity, bath, sink in kitchen. Cellar. Two-car con crete block garage. Out kitchen, four nice level lots. Located in Macksburg. ONE NJCE building lot in Cald well. Barn about 20 30 in cluded. Nice location. 81 ACRES. Five room house and other outbuildings. Running water in kitchen. Electricity. Good road. Priced to sell. EIGHT ROOM modern house, gas, electricity, bath, full basement. Nicely decorated. Garage, outbuildings?, suitable for office. Extra lot. Located in Macksburg. 112 ACRES. Good four room house. Electricity, sink in kit chen, cellar, garage and other outbuildings. Good tractor equipped with plow, cultivator, disc, and other equipment goes with farm. Located on good all year slag road. CHESTER J. HOWILER Realtor 516& West Street Phone 250-W A GOOD frame building with slate roof. Six good rooms up Stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sepa rate apartments. Very cheap South on U. S. Route 21. IT'S A GOOD 8 room house, full basement and furnace. Excep tionally good lot with garage, priced to sell. Outside town. WE ARE ready to talk to you about that small or large farm, if its for sale, or town property, any pjace, regardless of size. It will be to your in terest to come in. A VERY DESIRABLE building Jot on North Street. Priced for quick sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor Office 125 Residence 333 Licensed Broker. Caldwell, Ohio FIVE ROOM HOUSE in Dudley. See Stanley Stewart, Dudley, Ohio. 25 2G 27pd For Sale—FARMS MUSKINGUM COUNTY farms: 128 acres located on a paved highway. Good large home with bath, modern kitchen, gas fur nace. Both well and cistern water in house. Two barns, two poultry houses, garage. Plenty of water in fields. Underlaid with coal. Free gas for home and royalty from well. Priced at $16,500. Robert Henderson, Real Estate Broker, Masonic Temple, Zanesville. Phones: of fice 3-3177 evenings 2-0904. 23 31pd AUCTIONEER Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. EVERY FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS SIX ROOM house at 917 Fair ground Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Two story, good lot arid in good condition, both upstairs and down. Phone 3-0125, Zanesville, or contact Ethel Archer, 210 North Mead Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 25 26 27pd BUILDING LOTS on North Street. Ernest Parry, 1405 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 363. 51tf For Sale—LIVESTOCK DRAFT HORSES for sale. Sold on a straight guarantee. G. W. Ankrom, Quaker City, Ohio, Rt. 1. 27 28 29 30pd REGISTERED double standard polled Hereford bulls, six to 12 months old. Also brood sows. Mrs. Elma Wagner & Sons, Waterford, Ohio, Route 1. 27 28pd REGISTERED Hereford double standard bull, about 11 months old. Dark color. Nicely marked. M. P. Domino 15th bloodline. Wilbur Grimes, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4, on Davis Ridge. Phone Caldwell 715-F-22. 27 28 29pd FOUR JERSEY milk cows. Two fresh and two to freshen soon. Can be seen any day thru the week until 2:00 p. m. and any time on Saturday. Vernon Moore, Summerfield, Ohio. 27pd COLLIE PUP. Partly broke. William Barnhouse, Belle Val ley, Ohio. 26 27 23pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS PONTIAC *53 .Custom Catalina 8-cylinder, 2-tone ivory and laurel green. Factory equipped, hvdra-matic transmission, power steering, sun visor, spotlight, sponge cushions, radio, heater, back-up lights, directional sig nals, fender shields, lighted hood ornament, under-hood lamp, trunk lamp, glove box lamp, fuel door guard, undercoated, permanent antifreeze, automatic eye, windshield washers, bump or guards, front and rear. This car has been driven 10,000 miles and has had the best of care, ga rage every night, bath every week. Wait until you get behind the wheel. There's every thing you need lor extra safe comfort able driving. Bring the family in and look it over. You'll see why it is a real bargain at FLEEMAN PONTIAC Co. Phone 78 Cialdwell, Ohio 1948 PLYMOUTH deluxe 2-door, jet black finish, radio, heater, seat covers. A nice clean car. To day's best buy for $565. Fleeman Pontiac Company, Caldwell, O. Phone 78. 1949 FORD 8, Custom Fordor, blue finish, radio, heater, over drive, seat covers, good rubber, mechanical OK. Priced at $645. Fleeman Pontiac Co., Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 78. 27 1951 FORD F-3, six cylinder, •li-ton express, 4-speed trans mission, heater, four new tires, and four good tires extra. 38,000 miles and in A-l condition. A real bargain for $795. Fleeman Pontiac Companv, Caldwell, O. Phone 78. 27 1939 FORD. Extra good tires and heater. Price $100. See Wiley at Thompson's Garage.1, Caldwell. Ohio. 26 27 28pd For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS USED PARTS and accessories for late model cars and trucks Radiators cleaned and repaired Rodney Williams garage, Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. Telephone Mt Ephraim. 22tf. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS KELVINATOR electric refrigera tor. Price $75.00. Patten's Ap pliance Center, North Street, Caldwell. Ohio. Phone 58. 27 HUMPHREY GAS circulating heater, 65,000 BTU, thermo statically controlled. Like new. Roy Ogie, Caldwell, Ohio. 27pd COLDSPOT electric refrigerator Price $55.00. Patten's Appliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phqne 58. 27 CABINET RADIO and L. Smith standard typewriter. 606 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 WESTINGHOUSE electric range. Price $60. Patten's Appliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 53. 27 tr=- Dead Stock Removed! Dickson Rendering Co. PHONE 3.313 MARIETTA, OHIO A I E A LIVESTOCK AUCT10H! Thursday—1:00P.M. 9 19 years of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. 9 Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter mail day of sale. if yon wish The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike & Acme St*. or In the Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N FOR SALE For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS LEONARD electric refrigerator. Bargain of the week! Specially priced at $67.00. Patten's Appli ance Center, North Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 58. '.11 ELECTRIC hot plate, two burn er small portable washer, both like new, and a rollaway bed. Katherine Buckey, Ava, Ohio. 27pd MAYTAG washer, model J-2-L. Once you see it, you'll buy il! Priced at $78.50. Patten's Ap pliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 27 EASY SPIN dryer washer, 1949 model. Phone Caldwell 181-J. 27 MOORE'S gas heater. Must sell. Patten's Appliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phono 58. 27 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS MOLARSES for sale. Franklin Ostroski, Caldwell, Ohio, Rt. 4. Phone 735-F-4. 27pd PUBLIC SALE I WILL offer for sale at public auction, at th^ residence of the late George Addlesburger, in Middleburg, on Saturday, Jan. 23, starting at 12:00 noon, the following: three tables, coal range, cupboard, library table, trunk, chest, two beds with springs, cherry chest of drawers, radio, table lamp, two 9x12 linoleum rugs, 9x12 cloth rug, 2 sewing machines, kitchen stove, dresser, studio couch, brass ket tle, three steel drums, sled pat terns, tools, and other articles too numerous to mention. Also the property consisting of a house and two lots will be sold at the auction. Terms of sale: Cash. Not responsible for accidents. Auctioneer: Col. Tom Rossiter. MABEL HESSON, Administrator of the estate of George Addlesburger, deceased. 27 28 29J WANTED WANTED YOUNG man ta work evenings at gas station. Phone 44-J. Wilbur L. DeVoll garage. East and Olive Streets, Caldwell, Ohio. 27tf WANTED— Any kind of work for four hours per day in the mornings or all day on Saturday. Will work reasonably. Phone 197-M. 27pd MALE HELP WANTED— Busi ness of your own—$60.00 week ly to start, plus expense allow ance. Car necessary no invest ment, free training and finance. Write Box l.r)16, Parkersburg, W. Va. Phone Parkersburg 23261. 26 30 WANTED—Housewives. Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. LINDO Watertown, Mass. 25 26 27 WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Studio couch and a 9x12 wool rug. Must be in good condition. Write Box 61, Ava, Ohio. 27pd WANTED Highest prices paid for faw furs and beef hides. I will be at Estadt's Feed Store on Wednesdays from 9:00 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. R. Teters, Hos kinsville, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 2.# 26 27 28pd WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT coin ground. I. C. Johnson, Summerfield, Ohio.. Phone 728-F-ll. 27 FOR RENT FOUR ROOM apartment with private bath. 813,Lewis Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 28 29pd UPSTAIRS apartment with bath. 219 Cumberland Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone Caldwell 322 F-14. 27 LOST LOST Girl's billfold. Black with gold trim. Contains iden tification card. Valuable to own er as it was a Christmas gift. Finder please return to the Jour nal-Leader office. 27 LOST—Sack stand for a musical instrument Friday night at the Caldwell high school building. Call 98 or leave at The Journal Leader office, Caldwell. 27pd FOUND 1940 CLASS ring. Initials A.R.M. "S" on crest of ring. Call at The Journal-Lender office. 27 NOTICES LOCAL HAULING Byesville No. 7 lump and stoker coal, coal from Haines & Lawrence, Moscrip, Boyd & Palmer mines. Amos Franklin, 402 E. Main St., Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W. Call in evenings, or leave orders at Ot"'" Pnrhrr Shop. ptf rm J0¥RNAE| CALDWWT rv^ffo Phone 1)8 NOTICES N'OTICF—I will be at the follow in? places to make out income tax returns during the month of January: Friday, .Ian. 8. High roan's Siore in Sarahsville Mon day, Jan. 11, Fulda High School Wednesday. Jan. 13, Jackson Town House Friday, Jan. 15, my home in Berne Saturday, Jan. 16, liatesville Town House Tues day, Jan. 19, Mt. Ephraim Grade School Thursday, Jan. 21, at my home in Kerne Saturday, Jan. 23, Batesviile Town House Tuesday. Jan. 2(, Bode building in Sum merfield Wednesday, Jan. 27, PMA Office in Caldwell Friday, Jan. ,'if), Highman's Store in Sar ahsville Monday, Jan. 31, at my home in Berne. You can also see me at my home in the even ings. Edwin L. Cram, Berne, Ohio. 27 28 29 Photo Developing—Gillespie's NOTICE— I am now available to service outside jobs in elec trical wiring and repairing of electrical appliances of all makes. I plan soon to open an electrical repair shop on U. S. Route 21, opposite the Lone Elm restau rant, between Ava and Coal Ridge. Phone 348-F-21, Cald well, or see Nile E. Poland. 27 28 29pd NOTICE—The Trustees of Cen ter Township will hold their regular meeting the last Friday of every month at (1:00 p. m. un til further notice. Robert Merry, Township Clerk. 27 28 29 NOTICE—The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Farmers & Merchants Bank of Caldwell, Ohio, will be held Wednesday morning, January 13, in their bank rooms from 10:00 to 11:00 o'clock for the purpose of electing a board ol directors for the ensuing year and trans acting any other business that may come before them. H. W. Morgareidge, Cashier. 27 WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22 pd. G. T. JENNINGS TRANSFER P. U. C. O. No. 3586-1 Call Us STCVtnsVAii'Lihcs1 Y^coasi ioto»n For Licensed Moving and Hauling. —Also Dump Truck Service Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio NOTICE—COAL hulling. Trash and garbage hauling, and light hauling of all kinds. William Wells. Phone Caldwell 725-F-31. 13tf NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS— Annual meeting of the stock holders of The First National Bank, of Caldwell, Ohio, will be held in their offices ori Main Street, Tuesday morning, Jan. 12, 1954, from 10:00 o'clock a. m. to 12:00 o'clock noon for the pur pose of electing a board of direc tors. Donald L. Harkins, Cashier, The First National Bank, Cald well, Ohio. 26 27 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell. Obfci NOTICE—Annual meeting of the stockholders of The Caldwe.l Building & Loan Company will be held at the company's office, Caldwell, Ohio, on Monday, Jan. 11, 1954, from 7:00 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors and for the transaction of all other proper business. The Caldwell Building & Loan Company. By John C. Groves, Secretary. 25 26 27 NOTICE I HAVE taken over the Wilbur L. Devoll garage repair shop business in Caldwell. See me for general repair work, welding, body and fender work. Franklin llardesty. 38tf INSURE YOUR car or ti-uck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Jor Buckey. Agent,, Caldwell, Ohio CARD OF THANKS Our most sincere thanks to the Caldwell firemen, the Cozier Container Corp. employees, and neighbors who helped at the time of the fire at our home. Thanks, also, to the churches, lodges and individuals who gave donations and clothing, and to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Potts. May God bless you all. Walter Staats Family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the many acts of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our daughter. Also for the lovely flowers, to the Murphy funeral home for their kind and efficient service, Rev. Floyd Gaugler and the pall bearers. W:i'trr rrrtfl HnrrHian iESTIC COIL SLACK 6c per Bushel STOKER 12c per Bushel RUN OF MINE 12c per Bushel LUMP per MQSCRIP MINING COnPORMtO.N Belle Valley, Ohio Phone- Ca!c!w«r-I! 90 C.m I I !«ii- 10 h' ti»• j. :i. t| Sunday Fi\ shel MARKET Submitted thru the '-m: tesy of The Caldwell Produce Cp. Wednesday, Jan. 6 Heavy hens lb. 22c Heavy springers lb. 22c Old cocks lb. 12c Rabbits lb. 20c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 45c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 42c Large gr. white eggs doz. 43c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 40c Medium A white eggs doz. 3fic Medium A brown eggs doz. 33c Pullets eggs ___ doz. 30c Current receipts doz. 38c Butterfat lb.56c i_.— L. I'^.rish, son of Ben jamin R. and Phoebe Jane Keyser Parrish, was born in Jackson Township, Noble county, Ohio, on January 29, 1875 and departed this life at his home at 807 Young St., Caldwell on Dec ember 1, 1953. He was united in marriage to Etta L. Tilton, May 14, 1896 w*ho died July 20, 1924. To this union were born six children, two pre ceding him in death in infancy. The four surviving are Jesse R. of Zanesville Roy R., of Lyn wood, Calif. Florence P. Moore, of Walnut street, Caldwell, Ohio and Lloyd R., of Hollydale, Calif. In November, 1942 he was united in marriage to Sadie Miller, of Byesville, Ohio, who survives and also one step daughter, Mrs. Robert Mullen, of Clairton, Pa. One brother and three sisters also survive Aubrey R., of Bel ington, W. Va., Mrs. Alice Noyes, East street, Caldwell Mrs. Man son Landaker, of South Olive and Mrs. Cleve Reed, of Belle Valley. Also four grandchildren, three great grandchildren and several step grandchildren sur vive. Mr. Parrish was a member of the Sharon Presbyterian church and the Men's Bible Class of the Caldwell church. He was strict and earnest in his belief, enjoy ed reading the Bible and talking with others about what he had read. He was a kind and loving father, a good neighbor and was always ready to help others when his health permitted. Funeral services were held at the Murphy funeral home with Rev. Leslie E. Pritchard, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Rev Roy Wikander, pastor of the Baptist church and a grandson, Rev. Charles I. Moore, of Crest line Baptist church, Crestline, Ohio, officiating. Interment was made iri the Sharon cemetery. Card of Thanks We wish to express oilr sin cere thanks to the neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness shown during the death of our husband and father, Isaac S. Parrish, also to the ministers to those who furnished music for the beautiful floral offerings to the pall bearers and Murphy funeral home. Thanks again. Mrs. Sadie Parrish Jesse R., Roy R. and Lloyd B. Parrish Mrs. Florence P. Moore IN MEMORY In iuviiiji memory of Edna Mincks, wl\o passed away, Jan. 1, 1952. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last The world's weary troubles and trials are past In silence she suffergcl, in patience she bor© 'Till God called her home to suffer no more. Dad, Mom, Brother and Sisters CARD OF THANKS I wish in this way to extend my heartfelt thanks to the mem bers of the choir of the First Methodist church and also the Homebuilders Class for their wonderful gifts at Christmas time and to the others who also remembered me. Your thought ful kindness will never be for gotten and I pray God will bless you with happiness in the New Year. U- Hrrtb.i wzma CHICK SEASON Is Here... F. 0. ¥l Bookinr P-r1"-- frr PROBATE NOTICE Approval aud settlement ot Accounts Ac.-imrits arid vouchers of the fol lowing named persons and estate* have been filed in the Probata Court of Noble County, Ohio, for approvai and settlement. First and final account of A. L. Schaw-r. guardian of Walter Mallett. Schedule of claims of Helen Ehler mann, administratrix of the estate of T. M. Ehlermann, deceas-ed. First and final account of Helen Ehlermann, administratrix of the es tate of T. M. Ehlermann, deceased. First partial account of Emma Me Garry, administratrix w.w.a. of the estate of John Stingcl. deceased. First, account of Martha Shafer, guardian of Freddie rtoy Davis. Seventh account of L. E. Young, executor of the estate of 'Catherine Young, deceased. First and final account of A. L. Schafer. executor of the estate of Flora M. Cooke, deceased. Unless exceptions are filed thereto, said accounts \viu be for hearing be fore said court, on the 8th day of February, 1954, at which time said accounts will he considered and con tinued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested may file writ ten exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prioi to the date set for hearinsr. 27 W. V ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge By HELEN JOHNSON, Deputy Clerk LEGAL NOTICE For sale, bv the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 189-ACRE FARM, lo cated in Noble County. 12 miles north or C..UUv .11 and two miles east of Av^, on good county highway. Fa. in consists/ of six~room dwelling, in good condition, barn, tool shed, and other buildings. Approximately 60 acres of cropland, 40 acres of open pasture, and the bal ance in woods and woods pasture. Some good timber. A good supply of water by well, cistern, and springs in pasture. Farm presently leased for gas and oil, paying S1K5.00 annually. Terms- of sale: Cash or 20 percent down—balance over five (5) years at five (5) percent interest. Sealed bids will be received until 1 00 P.M. on January 21. 1954. at Room 317, Old Postolfice Building. Colum bus 15, Ohio, and will be opened pub licly there at 1:00 P. M. on January 21. 1954. Bid forms and additional informa tion. including specific directions as to the locaton of the farm for inspec tion purposes, are available at the County Office, Farmers Home Ad ministration. 902 Gaston Avenue Cambridge, Ohio. Bid torms are al so available at Room 317. Old Post- office Building, Columbus 15, Ohio. Tlie Government reserves the right to reject all bids. 27 28 Legat Notice Fnllic notice u ij'Trby given that Hip Ohio bell Telephone Compmiy fiaa tiled with Thf I'ublie T'tl'UIca Coro inlmlon of Ohio an Appllrartuu showing that tin- Company ta entitled, bPcausp of Increased costs In conducting lia business n:iti for other reutfoas a« sf-t forth In Bald Application, to reasonable and equitable lU'Tearttn and adjustments In IM r-»U-s and charges for basic and other enchant telephone services, lntra btate mesou^e toll telephone service, private line cervices and channels and teletytH-writer exchange service, and to revise IUi Exchange Hate TurlfT, KU.C.O. No. 1, Its General Kxchanre Tariff, I'.U.C.O. No. 3, Ite MeadnayTi.ll Telephone Service TarllT. P.O.C: u. No. 6, Us Private Line Tartfl, No. 1 and Its Teletypewriter Tariff, IM'.C.o. No. 2 to e.fect hiieii increases uiul adjust men la lu Iih raUn and cluuTie-, all at* more fully set forth In the Api'l. cation on nle with the Commission ami lu the eUnblts thureto Attached eM uiade a part thereof. The proposed revisions wttl eflee* Increase and adjustments In rates ami chargt-H throughout the territory tat which the Company operated. The prayer ol the Application re quests the ComujUnion to do th« fallowing: (a) Approve Uie proposed rate* and charges and the charn!'"! and the vrltb- Urawai pniuseO In siild AiipiicaUon (b) Approve the uilnK of the pro posed schedule wheats In the form attached to the Application or as they may be revved in order to reneet eucn revisions thereof may become efTect'.ve. pursuant to orders of the Commission, durliig the interim be tween the filing of the Application and the date upon which said pro posed schedule sheets become eflecti ve: and (e) Establish an effective date tor said proposed schedule sheets. A copy of the Application. Including a copy of the present and proposed schedule «!iret.«, may be inspected by anv interested party at the office of the Commission, State office Building, Frort Htreet, Columbus, Otlo, and at any business olJlec of the Company. The form of this notice has been approved by The Public OUlltles Com mission of Ohio. Estate of Rose MeCune, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that T. R. McCtme. of Belle Vall-y, Ohio, has been duly tppointed administrator of the estate of Rose MeCune, deceased, late of Belle Valley, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 4th day of January, 1954. W. V. ARCHER. Actirur Probate Judge of said County 27 28 29 If it's advertised In The Journal Ssv «o when yon are buyinjr. WE ARE BOOKING ORDERS! Dekalb chicks are outstanding in egg production and livability. YOUR DeKAT.I? rFALER for January Delivery. Every Bale Carries a Money-Back Guarantee. E S 0 1 5 e a e BINDER .... $|,O.80 per Bale Purina and Wayne Feeds CUMBERLAND MILLING CO. Baby Chicks-Field Seeds-Fertilizer & Lime Phone 64 Cumber land, Ohio field. THE OHIO BELI, TF.I.UPflOWK COMPANY liV W. 8. SPARLING Vlff PrttUmi 26. 27. 28 K- L. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. Estate of Brady Miller, Deceasod. Notice is hereby given that John W. Hazard, of Caldwell, Ohio, has been duly appointed administrator de bonis non of the estate of Brady Miller, deceased, late of Caldwell Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 30th day of December 1953. W. V. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge of said County 27 _a 2f NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 59do FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE THE CALDWELL BUILDING & LOAN COMPANY OF CALDWELL, OHIO SHOWING THE CONDITION OF illE ASSOCIATION AT THE CLOSE OP BUSINESS DECEMBER 31. 1983 ASSETS irst Mortgage Loans Advances for Taxes and Insurance Loans on Shares or $1,438,576.31 $ 512.17 Deposits $ 2.513.57 Stork iri Home Loan Bank $ 21.100.00 U. S. Government Oblig.-tlons $ 350.000 00 Other Investment Seedrities .S Cash on Hand and in Banks Offiee Building $ 3.000.00 S 284,457.11 $ 4.100 00 Summerfield. Ohio. TOTAL $2,104,376.101 TOTAL $2,104,376.16 STATE OF OHTO, NOBLE COUNTY, ss: Pr.ul M. Clark, being duly sworn, deposes and savs that he is the managing oiiieer ol Tin Caldwell Building & Loan Company, of Caldwell, Ohio, and that to the st ot his knowledge and beliel thf* foregoing is a true statement and correctly shows the financial condition of said Companv at the close of business December 31, 1853. FINANCIAL STATEMENT YDAK 1953 NO tiH. COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY He ipts Admission r.t Gat«-s $ 3.381.50 Admission at Grandstand S 1.75*4.00 Auto Parking $ 432.00 Concession and Entry Fees $ 2.541.90 Under Section 9887 $ 4.000.00 Under Section Am. H. B. 654 S 500.00 Loan 905.0C Member-ship and Season Tickets $ 1.212.50 All Others $ 574.33 Total Receipts $15.431-2^ Balance oh hand beginning of year 1: $ 599.86 Total Expenditures Balance treasury 27 Situated iti the State of Ohio County of Noble arid Township of Marion and in the Village of Summer field, and being a part of the south east quarter ot St-ction o2, Township 7 of Range 7 and adjoining the town of Summerfield. Ohio, commencing north 04 degrees west one rod from the northwest corner of Lot Numb -r 21 in said village, thence south 26'i degrees west 12 rods, thence north 64 degrees west eight rods thence north 26't degrees east 12 rods thence south 64 degrees east 8 rods to the place of beginning, containing 3/5 of an acre. (Excepting therefrom the Armory Building and lot on which it stands being the north one-third of the above described premises, containing 20/100 of an acre, more or less), leaving a balance of 40 '100 of an acre. Said property is to be sold and conveved to the highest biddei Terms of Sale Cash on delivery of deed. The right is reserved to rejec any and all bids. DEAN OLIVER, Mayor of the Village of Summerfield. Ohio" J. H. McGINNIS Oleik of the Council of the Village of JSuTnmerfield, Ohio. 23, 24. 2,i. IM, 27 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5959 Estate of Rose Fugle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Clar eno- William Fogle. of Caldwell, Ohio, R.F.D. 0. has been duly ap pointed executor of the estate of Rose Fogle, deceased, late of Noble Town ship, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said ilducnuy within four months. Dated this 18th day of December, 1953. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of/ said County 25 26 27 ALSCO ALUMINUM gives you everything you want in a Combination Storm Window or Door! Look at these amazing ALSCO advantages: AI ways perfect-fitting! Hold heat in save fuel! Rust-proof and warp-proof! Keep out dirt and soot! SELF STORING Windowf! Quick-change to screenj! Long-lasting beauti ful! More light... better view! 1405 North Street Caldwell, Ohio o n e 3 6 3 o e e E s OVER 3 MILLION NOW IN? Page Seven LIABILITIES Deposits Lonns lr Process Contingent Profit __ Statutory R«*serv Undivided Proi'its __ROB"T{T V.. 116.031.09 Expenditures Premiums Paid fspociat Attractions Rt pairs# and Improvements Payment or. Loans and Interest Federal Admission Tax State Industrial Insurance __ Federal Insurance Tax Lobor Advertising and Supplies .. Pulling Contest Purses All Others 5,725.81 1,834.82 $ 454.4^ $ 2, i 44 S ^2 0:i $ 121.5a $ 1.311 488.50 9' 230.00 $ 2,207.011 $14,381.65 $ 1.349.44 $16,031.09 J. K. WALKENSHAW. Secretary-Treasurer. LEGAL NOTICE Nptice is hereby given that interest in reversion reserved in a certain deed from the Village of Summerfitld to J. W. Bruce and sons datea tho 30th day 01 July. 1010 and recorded, in Volume 02. Page 244. Deed Re cords? of Noble County, Ohio, in the real estate hereinafter described will be sold at public auction on the 13 day of January, 195-1. at 10:0o o'clock A. M. at the office of the Clerk of the Council of the Village of Summer $1,058,728.42 i Hi.®) 1,000.25 $ 87,470.20 9 D5.O00 00 PAUL M. CLARK, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 4th day of January. A. D.* 1954. Seal) LOIS DUDLEY. Notary Public. My commission expires January 25. 11*54. CERTIFICATE OF AUDITING COMMITTEE OF THREE DIRECTORS We, the undersigned W. V. Archer. H. C. Jordan, Robert E. Lorenz. Directors of the said Caldwell Building 6c Loan Company, of Caldwell, Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing, to the best of our knowledge and belief, is a true sUitemunl and correctly shows the financial condition of said Company at the close "of bus nesa December ai. 195.} W. V. ARCH&K. II. JORDAN SHERIFF'S SALE iM PARTITION The State of Ohio. .Noble County. Common Pleas Court Case No :O50 J'OTE EMORY. Plaintiff —vs— ALICE TUTTLE. Et. A I., Defendants Notice is hereby given, that on Saturday, the 23rd day of Januarv, A. D„ 1953. at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M„ I will offer for sale at public auction at the West door of Court House in Caldwell, Ohio, the following real estate, situate in th* County of Noble and State of Ohio, and in tbe Township of Buffalo, to wit: Tract No. One Situated in the State of Ohio. County of Noble and Township ci Eufialo and being traction Number One in the southeast quarter of Sec tion 35, Tuwnsnip 8 of Range as platted numbered and returned on the tax maps of Noble County, Ohio, lor the year of 1925, containing One Hundred and Two (102) Acres, more or less. Tract No. Two Situated in the State of Ohio. Coun ty of Noble and Township of Buffalo and "being the northwest quarter of the wouihwest quarter of Section &6, Township 8 of Range 9. Containing Forty and Forty Hundredths (40.461 Acres', more or les3. Aporaised at Tract No. One. Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars. Tract No. Two, One Thousand $1,00".00 Dol lars. and cannot be sold lor less than two-Thirds of that amount. Said premises to be sold as the property of the parties to the above action, ot an order of sale in par:-. tion from the Common Pleas Cou:t of Noble County. Ohio, and direct, to m", the undersigned Sheriff. Terms 01 sale: Casti in hand, day of sale. Given under my hand this 22nd da\ of December, 1953. DONALD CONAWAY. Sheriff of Noble County, Ohiu L. C. Young. Attomev. 25 2ti 27 28 29 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 5958 Estate of Anna D. Huteheson. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Leigh ton D. Huteheson of 239 Newburn Drive. Pittsburgh Id, Pennsylvania, has been- duly appointed executor cf the estate of Anna D. Huteheson, de ceased. late of Dexter City. Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 18th day of December, 1953. W. V. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge of said County 25 26 27 Classifieds Pay Dividends ueen rts are so is so ot in an le JP in li a- e k i Baflt v.--.-.: i. j. clcfhea clean—priotq tor four hard-pre*5M| budget. Price* ton at RADIO and APPLIANCE CALDWELL OHIO