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Thursday, Mat^ 4 1*4 r,'sident 1948 Dean -DEATH NOTICES- Elizabeth Mill er Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, 95, for ™ev. of Harriettsville, ciicd Monday night at the home "t a daughter, Mrs. Glen Mor rison, Zanesville, where she had Jived for the past 10 years. A daughter of Nicholas and t. aroline Sailing Sehott, she was burn at Fulda on Dec. 1, 1860. Most of her life was .spent in the Harriettsville community, where .she was 'a member of St. Henry's church. At Zanesville, she at tended St. Nicholas church and was a member of the Altar and Rosary Society. In addition to her daughter at Zanesville, she leaves seven sons: Alex of Caldwell, I. J. Miller of Zanesville, Edward and Urban of Mechanicsvile, la., Arthur of Des Moines, la., C. A. Miller of Clay Pike and Harry of Canton. There are 20 grandchildren and a number of great grandchildren. One son, Leo, is deceased. The funeral was held Thurs day morhing at St. Nicholas Catholic church and burial was in Mt. Olive cemetery there. Clinton Luke Charles Clinton Luke, 53, of Dexter City, a trustee of Aure lius township, died in the cab of a road grader he was operat ing Thursday afternoon. Death occurred a few minutes after he stopped the maintainer, while waiting for other highway work ers to complete a job. Death was due to a heart at tack according to N. S. Reed, M. D., county coroner. A native of Beallsville, Clin ton Luke was a son of David and Luella Varner Luke. He had resided near Dexter City for the past 30 years. He leaves his wife, Ida Hes son Luke three sisters, Mrs. Emma Moore of Lancaster, Mrs. Ida Craig and Mrs. Alice Schrody both of Woodsfield. The body was taken to the McVay funeral home. Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, ser vices were held at the residence. Officiating ministers were Rev. William Kathary and Rev. Lin ley Addis and burial was in Ogle's Ridge cemetery. Dr. Louis Mark Dr. Louis Mark, 61, renown ed chest disease specialist and owner and medical director of Rocky Glen sanatorium at Mc Connelsville died Thursday, Feb 25. He passed away at Univer sity hospital, Columbus, where he was a patient for treatment of cancer. The deceased physician and specialist, well-known in Noble county, was a graduate of Mai- quette university, Milwaukee, class of 1915. He was one of the first to use the technique of col lapsing lungs in the treatment of tuberculosis. In addition to owning the country's largest private sana torium at McConnelsville, he was a director of Jane Case hospital in Delaware. Services were held Sunday afternoon at Temple Israel in Columbus. Burial was also in Coiimibiio Rodney L. Dan ford Rodney L. Danford, 59, form erly of Sarahsville, who made hi home with his sister, Mrs. G. II Douglas of Canton, died ther Tuesday night after a long il! ness. A Canton resident for 40 year Mr. Danford w&s a retired sale man. He was the son of WiPiu" Taylor and Margaret VanMet Danford of Sarahsville. He was member of Trinity Reform* church. Surviving is another si ter, Mrs. W. R. Milhorn of lumbus. Funeral services were conduct ed Thursday evening at th Arnold funeral home in Cantt with Rev. C. H. Wingert officia: ing. The body was then taken i Sarahsville where graveside se vices were held Friday afternoc at 1 o'clock at the Village Vie\ cemetery. Charles M. Parks Charles M. Parks, 83, of Whip pie, a brother of Mrs. Tabitha McCullough of Dexter City, and Mis. Anna Wheeler of Caldwell, died Tuesday afternoon at home. Survivors also include or brother, Newton Parks of Syca more Valley one step-daughter, one step-granddaughter and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at Marietta and burial was in Creighton Ridge Church of Christ church ceme tery. Carl C. Moore Carl C. Moore, 77, prominent farmer of near Quaker City, died Friday evening at the Barnes ville General hospital, following a lingering illness. Mr. Moore was a member of the Methodist church of Quaker City and the Odd Fellows lodge there. He leaves his wife, the form er Lula Flood one son, Donald of the home one daughter. Mrs. Zula Cross of near Cambridge one brother, Ernest of Quaker City one sister, Mrs. Foster Towle of New Hampshire and five grandchildren. The body was taken to the Eberle funeral home, Quaker City. Miss Betty Ackley Funeral services for Miss Betty Ackley, 34, of Buffalo, N. Y., were held Sunday at 2:00 p. m. at the McVay funeral home. Rev. Walter Brown of Dexter City, was officiating minister and burial was in Olive cemetery. The previous Friday, services had been held at the auditorium of Eggertsville high school, near Buffalo, where .she was the principal. Miss Ackley was a daughter of Mrs. Mabel Williams Ackley ol Buffalo and the late Phillip Ackley, both natives of Noble county. Her grandfather, John lams, of Caldwell RFD, and an aunt, Mrs. Frank Boyd of Dexter Cifv, QUALITY USED CARS 1951 Ford 6-Cyl. Custom 4-Door Radio Heater Seatcovers Clean 1951 Kaiser Special 4-Door 1950 Chevrolet Styleline 4-Dr. Radio Heater Powcrgliile Low Mileage 1950 Studeboker Champion 4-Dr. Overdrive Clean 19500ldsmobile "88" 4-Door Hydramatic Radio Air Conditioning Seatcovers Nice 1950 Ford 8 Custom 4-Door ttaiiio Heater Lots of Lxtras Isicc 1949 Mercury 2-Door Loaded Nice 1949 Ford 6-Cyl. Custom 2-Door Radio Heater Seatcovers -Sunvisor 2-Tone Nice Packard mu I' attended the services in Club 2-Door Reconditioned Nice 1947 Dodge 2-Door Radio Heater Fluid Drive 1946 Plymouth Special Del. 4-Dr Radio Heater Clean 1946 Ford Super Deluxe 2-Door 1946 Mercury 4-Door 1946 Chevrolet- Styleline 2-Door Radio Heater Seatcovers Read Molar Phone 108 Caldwell, Ohio Wilbert N. Williams Wilbert N. Williams, HOISIiNG IHE SAFE ON A JEEP /f Genera] W.S.C.S." A 'meeting of the W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church will be held on Tuesday evening. March 9 at the church at !i:00 o'clock. An interesting lilm will be shown. Sodality To Meet The Young Women's Sodality ol Corpus Christi Catholic church. Belle Valley, will meet il 7:00 o'clock, Thursday even ing, March 4, at the church base ment. enter Grange Center grange, No. 2285 will hold their next meeting, Thurs day evening, March 4. The range will feature a McGul'fey nit ht, so called because so many selections from the old McGul'fey it-aders will be read during the I norary program. Refreshments v ill be served. Club Meeting The Home Demonstration club ol Dexter City, is having their postponed February meeting at the home of Mrs. Bess Hayes on March 5. A sack lunch will be enjoyed with the hostess serving I lie coffee. The lesson will be are and repair of electrical ap pliances." V.F.W. Auxiliary The regular meeting of V.F.W. Auxiliary will be held on Mon day evening, March 8 in the hail of' West street. The election of officers will be held. Sewing- Clinic There will be a sewing ma chine clinic held at Fulda school, Tuesday March 9, beginning at 30 o'clock. Hot lunch will be served by the school. Cafeteria Dinner St. Michael's church, Carlisle, w ill serve a cafeteria dinner on Sunday March 7, beginning at 12:30 p. m. Games and amuse ments will be played in the af ternoon. This social is sponsor id by the Altar and Rosary ociety of the church. Women's Association The first quarterly meeting of the Women's Association of the I'irst Presbyterian church will be held at the church on Tues day evening, March 9 at 7:30 p. m., in the Sunday school room. Circle No. 1 Members of Circle No. 1, W.S.C.S. of the First Methodist church will meet at the church on Thursday evening, March 4 at 8:00 o'clock to attend the ser vices at which Rev. Olin Stock well, missionary, will speak. After the services they will ad ,( urn to the home of Mrs. Alex P'?zzopane, north of Caldwell, i'ur the regular meeting. jk Mi w "V v 4^ -A5 CM JfV-'#'. I Fred Tilton, Hubert Martin, and Jay Kimbrell are shown here lifting the stolen Kegerreis safe on the back of a jeep, while Sheriff Don Conaway looks on. It was bx'ought from an abandoned field near the top of Ashton hill to the sheriff's office in Caldwell. The safe was found by Tilton of Dexter City last Wednesday afternoon The money contents of $156.00 was missing. New York. The deceased was a native of Youngstown and was born Feb. 24,1920. She passed away on her 35th birthday anniversary after being stricken with leukemia. She was well known in the Caldwell community, having visited here on numerous oc casions. 82, died Saturday morning at a nursing home in Columbus. He had been a patient there for the past 18 months. The deceased was a native and lifelong resident, with the excep tion of the last 18 months, of the Mt. Ephraim community, where he was a member of the Meth odist church. He was the son of John an* Sr"~ Willi comic Pancake Supper There wili be a pancake sup per at the basement of the Cald well First Methodist church on Monday evening, March 8. The M.Y.F. group, who is sponsoring the supper, will serve the public from 5:00 to 7:00 o'clock p. in. ff K "W jF*-- v «v/ He leaves two sisters, Mrs. Sadie Foi:d of Kimbolton, and Mrs. John Yoho of Senecavilh' route 1 and one granddaughter. The body was brought to the McVay funeral home. Rev Floyd R. Gaugler officiated at funeral services held Tuesday afternoon at the funeral home. Interment was in Mt. Ephrain cemetery. Ora C. Schafer Funeral services for Ora C. Schafer, 55, a native of Har riettsville, were held Frida\ afternoon at Bridgeport. Ill where he resided. He was a son of the late Char les and Emma Schafer of Har riettsville. Survivors include his wife and one son, of the family home two brothers and two sis •rr- of M— SOCIAL EVENTS FisMa Grange Fulda Grange wili meet on Thursday evening, March 4 at o'clock for the regular meetin.i.',. The program will be in charge the lecturer, Anna Paisley. F.O.E. Auxiliary Regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Noble Aerie F.O.E will be held at their hall in Florence, Thursday evening at o'clock. Potluck supper will be enjoyed and there will be CA11TWVLL, TRB JOURNAL, '*'&0. V •C a shower for the lodge's new kit chen. Inspection Changed Annual inspection of Sharon lodge, No. 136, F. & A. M., will be held Tuesday, March 16, in stead of Friday, March 12, as originally planned. R. W. Watson of Frazevsburg, will be the in specting officer. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 p. m. ac cording to W. M. Eddie Chand ler. The present district deputy. Malcolm Parks, is a member ot this lodge. Music Festival The music department of Dex ter City schools, under the super vision of James Carter, will pre sent a festival, ^Friday evening, March 12 at the school auditor ium. It will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock. There will be spec ial vocal and instrumental num bers, in addition to the chorus. Woman's Bibe Class The Woman's Bible Class of the First Methodist church will meet at the church on Thursday evening, March 4 at 7:00 p. in. for the March meeting. IIMIIIItllHIIIMIIIIilMH""""""'1"*11"*111111*""11*"1"1!,] I Happy Birthday! Monday, March 1 Frieda Clark, Mrs. Ann West. Thursday, March 4 Betty Griggs, Harry T. Moore. Friday, March 5 Kathryn Poland, Carl Rich eson. Saturday, March 6 Louise Wilson (85). Sunday, March 7 Mable Starr, Ethel Hazard, David King, Gary Lahue. Monday, March 8 Jerry Hupp, Gilberl W Week ley. Tuesday, March 9 Dana Morrison, Mrs. Harold Clark, Lueien C. Young, Jr. Wednesday, March 10 Jon Kraps, Blake Pryor, Mrs. Tom V. Saunders. Thursday March 11 Russell Alan Clark, Mrs. Mar tha Stephens, Bruce Washing ton, Alan Clark, Barbara A Fowler. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all of you who remembered me writh flowers oi cards or visited me while I was a patient in Bethesda hospital. Zanesville. I appreciated it very much. Homer Weedon OT7TO Mew Ar.d Diforenl Club Meets At Foster Home The New and Different Club of near Caldwell, met for the monthly meeting on Feb. 25, at the home of Goldie Foster. The day was spent quilting, binding comforts and embroidering quilt blocks. At the noon hour a lovely din ner was served cafeteria style. Members in attendance were: Mrs. Edna Foraker, Mrs. Laura Rauiage, Mrs. Louise Walters, Mrs. Ruth Walters, Mrs. Ruth Wiley. Mrs. Mabel Wilson, Sr., Mrs. Nadine Wiley, Mrs. Roxie Haines, Mrs. Marian Earnhart, Mrs. Violet Brown and the host ess. Guests were Mrs. Phena Big ley, Mrs. Doris Smith, Mrs. Jean Ramsey, Mrs. Clarice Menden hall, Mrs. Jaunita Ramsey, Mrs. Etta Burrier, Mrs. Roberta Big ley and Mrs. Pearl Elliott. Childien present were Larry and Jacque' Walters, Danny Wiley, Beth Earnhart, Jerry Ramsey, Vickie and Cy Wiley. The business session was held in the afternoon with the presi dent, Mrs. Louise Walters presid ing. The club prize was won by Ruth Wiley and Doris Smith re ceived the guest prize and Vickie Wiley, the children's prize. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks for all the cards and gifts which I received on my birthday, Feb. 16. They were all deeply ap preciated. Mrs. Donald Bates C'larksville. Tenn. 'v asm yo(/ dA/Mrf Myi ARTHUR GODFREY sll rhuki KROGER Yellow Poly Bag ONIONS .. 3 Big Stalks of Crackling Crisp Pascal 24 Sfase, Julia McGregor In Honorary Sorority Miss Julia McGregor, daugh ter of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Mc Gregor, North street, was one of two students recently initiat ed into Sigma Theta Tau, Senior Nursing Honorary sorority at Ohio State University Medical Center. This national organization is based on scholarship, leadership and commendable contribution to nursing service. Miss Mc Gregor is also a member of the Torch Club, a Junior Honor or ganization. She will receive her black band on March 11 indicat ing seniorship. The senior class of nursing has also honored her by electing her as president. Pleasant City lad Annapolis Alternate David H. Gander of Pleasant City, was designated as third alternate by Rep. Robert T. Secrest for appointment to the United States Naval Academy from the 15th Congressional dis trict. William A. Giles of Crooks ville, received the principal ap pointment to Annapolis. George W. Strahler of Water ford, was selected as first alter nate and Richard C. Gibson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gib son of Marietta, formerly of Caldwell, was named second alternate. Tti/O/ GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ,1 KROGER— ^5, Sweetened to perfection. 46-oz. jjfegg «dhi BLENDED JUICE Kroger-Orange and grapefruit juice. 46-oz. ORANGE JUICE KROGER BRAND- SO very good! 46-oz. Can Get 10c coupon for Milani's 1890 French Dressing with each head. CURLY LOCKS 4 L, /li r'V ,V 4% DEBRA ANN BATES Pictured above is Debra Ann Bates, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horner Bates, of Walnut street. She is four years old. Grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leasure of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Perley Bates, of Pleasant City. Great grandparents of G. W. Bates and Mrs. Susan And erson of Pleasant Citv. DISMISSED HOME Mrs. Betty Teeters of Ava, re turned home Friday from Guern sey Memorial hospital, Cam bridge, where she underwent surgery, Feb. 23. Her condition is improved. v HURRY TO KROGER FOR FREE ENTRY BLANKS CHUNK STYLE STAR-KIST KROGER -p- Special Imprinted Found Package Save 5c! 24/2 Can Tih large K? 48 Size Hi Heads Jmm U. S. No. 1 K vi \ms\'S .••'ill)A Mesh Bag Potatoes 50 Babe Grapefruit 10 4rSd SI \K1ST 300 Size LEMONS Pascal Celery .s 19e ELBOW MACARONI KRAFT Big: Lenten Value. A Macaroni Must! Velveeta Cheese Food Dozen -Sl'-'-i 'S X.S f. rh':.-y Go to Kroger for Complete Details On How To Win 2503 Hawaiian Prizes. CHUM Economical Lenten Dish Bake into a Loaf. ALASKA SALMON Macaroni and Cheese See Hosiery Offer On Box. KRAFT DINNER .... 2-27 KROGER Five Delicious Diced Fruits. COCKTAIL ROGER Vacuum Packed in Sugar Syrup. WEET POTATOES .... s&i Smooth and Tasty Deliciously Blended. iff KROGER Clt BRAND Solid Packed Fine Flavor. TOMATOES WONDALE HRAND Kroger—Fresh from our bakery. Special for the Lenten Season. KROGER FINEST Luscious, Bite Size Wedges. PINEAPPLE CUTLETS TJ KROGER BRAND Refreshing and Healthful. RAKE JU'CE w- Page Three Cub Scouts To Hold Blue And Dinner The annual blue and gold cub scout covered dish dinner will be held Friday evening, March 5 at the First Church of Christ on North street, beginning at 6:30 o'clock. All, cub scouts and their fam ilies are to attend and bring their own table service and a covered dish. The various dens will present skits that they have been work ing on the past several weeks. The covered dish dinner was originally scheduled for Thurs day evening but postponed due to the sectional tournament at Marietta, with Caldwell playing Sulem Liberty at 9:30 p. m. Lenten Services Planned By Pleasant City Charge Rev A. RigiMe, a.-.h.i of the Pleasant City Lutheran par ish, has announced there will be Lenten services throughout the Lenten season at the three churches that comprise the par ish. There will be services at St, Paul's church, Pleasant City on Wednesday evenings, at Har mony church, Buffalo on Thurs day evenings and at the Mt. Zion church, Pleasant City on Friday evenings. The time is 7:30 o'clock at each church. The pastor's sermons will be a series on "The Fundamental Teachings of the Church." if -a, 61 Oz. Can LB CA1 NO. 2VJ CAN CAN No. 303 2 CANS I No. 303 & 0 i, V CANS HOT CROSS BUNS PKG. jt y vv '«»*. s 1