Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Man tOOM k K~\ #e) ., *&w ma v^iawi art FOR SALE For Sale—DWTXLIMJS LOTS IT'S A MODERN home, on slug road, located one mile from town und ulmivh. Forty acivs. All necessary buildings. Home strictly modern, insulated, bath and furnace. If you are perfectly satisfied to take your bath in a "vvash tub" don't come to see this farm unless you want some of the better things of life. A GOOD three-room house, new ly shingled. Good well water. Very reasonable. Good cellar. A GOOD frame building with slate roof. Six good rooms up staivs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sepa rate apartments. Very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. WE ARE ready to talk to you about that small or large farm, if its for sale, or town property, any ace, regardless of si'/e. It will be to your in terest to coma in. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor Ofiice 125 Residence 333 ed Broker. Caldwell, Ohio HOUSE—Four rooms .n, two up. Gas, electricity, water. Sink in kitchen painted outside. Nicely decorated inside. Located one block from square on paved street. 22 ACRES, ive room house, with electricity and running water in house. Cellar, barn, garage, and other outbuildings. On state highway, within 10 minute drive of Caldwell. SIX ROOM strictly modern house. Gas, electricity, city water, bath, gas furnace, built-in kitchen, full basement. Large parage and barn. Two acres of land. Located at edge of Cald well. FOUR ROOM house, gas, elec tricity, cellar, well and cistern. Two lots. Close to school and store. Located North Belle Val ley. NICE TWO-ROOM cottage with gas electricity, cistern. Other outbuildings. Ciose in. EIGHT ROOM house, electricity, bath, oil furnace, built-in kitchen and garage. Partial base ment. Large lot. Close to stores and schools. On paved street in Cumberland, Ohio. GROCERY STORE with postof l'ice in connection. Complete ly equipped, including new elec tric meat case, deep freeze, etc. Nice clean stock. Large store building, in good condition. Gas end electricity. Doing a nice volume of business. Located on i ood highway in small village. ONE NICE building lot in Cald well. Barn about 20 30 in cluded. Nice location. EIGHT ROOM modern house, gas, electricity, bath, lull basement. Nicely decorated. Garage, outbuildings, suitable for office. Extra lot. Located in Macksburg. CHESTER J. IIOWILER Realtor f16i West Street -Phone 250-W SIX ROOM home, partial bath, gas, electricity, basement, and parage. Price reduced in Sum merl'ield. !!3 ACRES, eight room .house, gas, water, electricity, barn, garage. Special price. In Sum inerfield. FIVE ROOM house, three lots, good well, barn and other out buildings. Make an offer to set tle estate. In Whigville. SIX ROOM, two story house, £ood basement, gas, water, electricity. Nice condition. Good :-.ize lot in Whigville. .SIX ROOM modern home, except furnace, two lots, in Summer field. HAVE SOME farms near Sum merfield, one with modern home. Also other propei'ty not listed above. CHESTER J. HOWILER Licensed Broker. A. R. FOGLE, Licensed Salesman SummerfieM. hio 33 34 35 SEVEN ROOM in Dexter City, just off State Route 21 four rooms and bath down, three up nice level garden two-car concrete block garage. Clifford Misel, Dexter City, Ohio. 35 3Gpd BUILDING LOTS on North et. Ernest Parry, 1405 Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 363. 51tf OOM house in Dudley, eras and electricity. Stanley Stewart, Dudley, Ohio. 33 34 35pd AUCTiOM i:ii Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDYVKLL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. r—- EVERY FOR SALE *or Sale-DWELLINGS LOTS FIVE-ROOM house in Sharon, including bath. Modern, with pas, electricity, water and tui naee heat. S. T. Boyd, Caldwell. Ohio. Route 2. 35 36 37pd HAVE SIX room house, gas, water, and a five room house unfinished, with gas, water and electricity in Summerfield. Both have extra lots and outbuildings. Will make good inexpensive homes. Immediate possession at ii special price. Chester Howiler, licensed realtor, A. R. Fogle, li censed salesman, Summerfield, Ohio. 35 36 37 SIX ROOM house with electric ity, and 59 acres of land on slag road. Spring water, never has gone dry. Good coal bank. Half-way between Sarahsville and Center Service on State Rt. 147. Will consider renting. Ray mond Poling, Sarahsville, Ohio. 35pd DUE TO ILL health, I will sell my six room house. Gas, elec tricity, water, fruit room, wash room and garage. 1.86 acres of ground. This can be purchased cheap. Located in Macksburg, Ohio. A. J. Constable, Macks burg, Ohio. 33 34 35pd For Sale—FARMS 116 ACRE FARM, one-fourth mile off U. S. Route 21, south of Dudley. Better known as the II. S. Shriver farm. Contact L. L. Woodford, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3. 35 36 37pd FOR SALE—303 acres in Mag nolia School District, Carroll County. Ten room house, elec tricity. running water, bath, shower in basement, enclosed sun porch. 60 60 barn, tile silo, three large machine sheds, granary attached to one tile hog house, storage above concrete block milkhouse, and milk par lor in barn. Located on school, mail and milk routes. FOR RENT—347 acre farm on State Route 75 in Tuscarawas County, near Stoneereek. Three dwellings, two large barns and other outbuildings. FOR RENT—160 acre farm in Morgan County. Six room house. Barn and two machine sheds. Concrete block milkhouse. OTHER FARMS in Noble Cotfn tv for rent or sale. E. E. JEFFERS ItOX 33—Dexter City, Ohio ,. Phone 18-F-3 97 ACRE FARM with seven room house. Located on State Route 78, five miles east of Cald well. Barn and other buildings. All tractor land. Leased for oil and gas. Ray Stottsbcrry, Sar ahsville, Ohio. Route 1. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS USED TAPPAN gas range, table top style. Price $75.00. An ex cellent buy. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 35 PHILCO DEEP freeze, in good condition. 12 cubic foot. Natie Wickham, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. 35 36 37pd CROSLEY HOME freezer. Only four years old. In good oper ating condition. Will accept $110. Patten's Appliance Center: Cald well, Ohio. Phone 58. 35 ADMIRAL refrigerator,, used very little. Has a four year warranty. Priced to move. Pat ten's Appliance Center, Ca'dwell_, Ohio. Phone 58. 35 EASY WASHER, in good oper ating condition. At our give away price of only $10.00. Pat ten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 35 USED TAPPAN gas range, table top style. Price $45.00. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, O. Phone 5tr. ^5 COMPLETE LINE of refrigera tors New and used. From $45.00. Kirehner & Barnhart Ap pliance Store, Caldwell, Ohio. WALNUT DINING room suite. China cabinet, buffet, table and six chairs. Call at 607 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 33 34 35pd USED COLDSPOT refrigerator. In good condition. Priced rt only $65.00. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. A I E A A15CT1 Thursday—1: 1!) years of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State ar.d financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter mail day of sale. ,'£•' L#* ,.S- 2f*' hv^MFnm 3 Montgomery-Ward wash ers. Like new. Priced as low $29.95 and $39J5_ Patten's rwo Appliance Center, Caldwell, Phone 58. 35 i\ HOUSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone 1313 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. If you wish or in the The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike & Acme Sta. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N FOR SALE For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS IRON BEDSTEAD, good as new, Warm Morning coal heater, used only one winter. Gerald Miller, in Olive, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 35pd FRIGID A IRE refrigerator. Used only three years. In good con dition. Priced to move. Patten's AppKance Center, Caldwell, O. Phone 58. 35 For Sale—PLANTS STRAWBERRY (June bearing and ever bearing) and Rasp berry plants. All are state in spected No. 1, one year plants. Write for price list. Gilbert W. Weekley, 206 South Cumberland Street, Caldwell. Ohio. 31 38 For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1950 4-DR. CHEVROLET sedan, in good condition, $775.00. In quire at the G. T. Jennings Furniture Store, Bridge street, Caldwell, Ohio. 34-36 1941 DESOTO five passenger. In good condition. Equipped with radio, heater, new seat covers. New battery. Priced reasonably. H. L. Bates, 516 Miller St., Cald well, Phone 79-W. 34-35-36 1951 FORD PICKUP with 8500 miles, and in excellent condi tion. Phone 138-F-21 or see Ed gar Love, north of Caldwell. Ohio. 35 36 37pd FORD V-8 4-door sedan. Black. Sealbeam lights and fog lights. South Wind gasoline heater. Fair tires with spare tire. Wil liam Kathary, Macksburg, Ohio. 35pd 1952 STUDEBAKER 2-door se dan. Actual mileage, 21,000 miles. In A-l condition. Bernard Bond, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. On the Belle -Valley-Sarahsville road. 35 36 37pd 1934 R.ton truck, in good condi tion. Charles Walters, Macks burg, Ohio. Telephone 45-F22. 35 36 37pd 1948 STUDEBAKER champion, Radio and heater. Ira J. Kuntz, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 263-J. 35 36 37pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK COON HOUND pup. Age ap proximately 12 weeks. Gilbert Weekley, 206 Cumberland Street. Caldwell, Ohio. 34tf TWO FRESH Holstein heifers. Several other Holsteins fresh and close springers. A. G. Vor hies, two miles east of county home. Phone Sarahsville 38-R-22. 33 34 35pd A FEW REGISTERED Hereford cattle cows, heifers, bull calves. Can be seen usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but appointment is safest way. Al bert J. Livezey & Son, Barnes ville, Ohio.' 33 34 35pd 12 MONTH OLD double standard Hereford bull. Nolan Shilling, Dexter Citv, Ohio, Route 2. 35 36 37pd WORK HORSE, in sound condi tion. May be seen on H. C. Everly's farm, five miles from Caldwell on State Route 78. 35pd HOLSTEIN BULL calf, a week old. Also 100 bales of straw. Marshall DeVolld, Belle .Valley, Ohio. 35pd REGISTERED Polled Herefords, one bull and four heifers. Mrs. El ma Wagner & Son, Waterford, Ohio. Route 1. 35 36 37pd For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS DISK HARROW for garden trac tor. Good as new. Walter Pol ing, 851 Walnut Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 35pcl FORD TRACTOR 1952 F-8, sad dle tanks, air, 147 inch wheel base. Will take 9jl foot dump body. Mileage 22,000. Also Frue hauf semi-trailer, refrigerator body. Telephone 1186 Marietta, Ohio, or write to 830 Third St., Marietta, Ohio. 35 36 37 ANTENNA and rotor, all chan nel. Ullman's Flower Mart, Caldwell. Ohio. 35 Classifieds Pay Dividends WB y» "p FOR SALE For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS WHOLESALE and retail home killed meats beef by the quarter or half: our own home cured hams and bacon. We eus torn kill, chill cure and smoke the year 'round. We also buy livestock. Sanitary Packing Co. S. A. Dean, Cambridge, route 6 Phone 3-4360. On Route 21. 35, 40 pd. WANTED WANTED—Salesmen and deal ers. Brand new product of rubber research stops flat tires. Motorists, truckers and fleet operator can now have puncture proof tubes for $1.98 per' tire. Plenty of advertising and pro motion. Get in on the ground floor! America rolls on wheels and your spare tire will make you plenty of money, if you move quickly. Big commissions. Write, wire or phone Tire Guard Com pany of America, General Office, 1018 Commercial Trust Building, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 35 WANTED—Would like baby-sit ting jobs. Phone Caldwell 161 F-3. 34 35 36pd WANTED— Responsible person, rrtale or female, from this area, to service and collect from auto matic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references and $600 working cap ital necessary, seven to 12 hours weekly nets to $400 monthly. Possibility full time work. For local interview give fuil particu lars, phone. Write P. O. Box 521, Minneapolis 1, Minn. 33 34 35pd LOST ONE CHEVROLET truck wheel and tire. Lost bctweeen Olive and Han iettsville. Reward. C. B. Crum, Caldwell. Ohio, in Olive. PUBLIC SALES HAVING SOLD my farm, 1 wii! offer for sale at public auction at my residence two miles east of Middlebuvg, on Rado Ridge Saturday, March 13, the follow ing. 14 Head of Cattle—Consisting of six dairy cows—one Jersey cow, seven years old, to freshen in April one Guernsey, four years old, fresh one Hereford cow, four years old, to freshen by day of sale one Whitelace cow, to freshen in May, eight years old one grade cow, six years old, to freshen in March one grade cow, nine years old, to freshen in March and one two year-old heifer, coming fresh two heifers, coming two years old one yearling heifer four calves, coming yearlings. (All cattle tested). Machinery and Tools: McCor mick-Deering separator, saws, sledges, bars, wedges, Syracuse plow, double shovel plow, single shovel plow, disc harrow, spike harrow, John Deere corn drill, John Deere mowing machine, two wagons, one low wheel hay wagon, hay fork, rop pulleys, and hay carrier. Household Goods: Including two kitchen cabinets, rocking chair, end tables, dresser, coal heater, telephone and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Miscellaneous: Cream cans, iron kettle and ring, set work harness, bridles, and some lum ber. Terms: Cash on day of sale. BERT MIRACLE—Owner. Auctioneers: Weddle Bros. (Not responsible for accidents' 35 36 Photo Developing—Gillespie's Beginning Monday morning, February 22, 1954, we will start to accept hogs for grading and sale from.8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. We will con tinue to accept hogs every Monday morning until further notice. Please contact us by phone or mail or at our Saturday sale to let us know the number you will consign. These hogs will be sold at going market prices. Bring your Iambs and calves in on Saturday morning and avoid the afternoon rush. These animals are weighed as soon as possible after you make consignment. This early consignment is to your advantage and en ables us to conduct our sale more efficiently. BARNESVlLLE LIVESTOCK Phone 49 Box 262 Barnesville, Ohm s, catJWPll, ottto 35 pd. LOST—Red davenport cushion on U. S. Route 21, between Belle Valley and Ava. Fell from truck. Reward. Phone Walter Quick, Caldwell, Ohio. 35pd LOST—Silk scarf on north side of public square, Saturday evening. Believed lost between City Restaurant and Noble thea tre. Scarf was of pastel color. Owner regards it as a keepsak Finder please contact Mis. Willis Ralph, 616 Fairground Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 145-M. 35 i PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC AUCTION Due to other interests, I will sell at public auction at my home farm my machinery and other farms located 2i miles south of Mt. Ephraim, one-half mile south of Route 146 on Mt. Ephraim-East Union road. Turn at auction signs or State Route No. 146. Tuesday, March 9, 1954 at 12:30 o'clock p. m. consisting of: REAL ESTATE Farm No.l 37 acre farm. Good house, full basement, furnace, bathroom, hardwood floors, electric, hot and cold running water, well fenced, productive ground, 12 acre new meadow. Farm No. 2 60 acres with good eight room house, electric and running water available, lb acrcs new meadow. These farms join. Will be offered separately and together. Look these farms over before sale date as they will be sold from the home farm where the machinery is located. The above farms have an abun dance of water. These farms are on good county road. School bus and milk routes at the door. POSSESSION of farm No. 2 Now. POSSESSION of farm No. 1 Ground now, house the first of April (Farms will absolutely be sold to the highest bidder). FARM MACHINERY John Deere No. 60 tractor, 12x38 tire rollomatic power troll live power take off, like new used only about 200 hours, John Deere tool barr to take care of all mounted equipment. Mounted three point hitch breaking plows (3 bottom), one pair 12x38 chains, John Deere Baler, like new disc, manure spreader, power corn sheller, wagon with new tires and automatic brakes, New Idea :orn picker, New Idea side de ivery rake on rubber, lime spreader, lime spreader attach ments for manure spreader, Ford tractor, Model NAA used around 100 hours, live "power take off, one set Ferguson plows, six foot side mower, water tanks, six row sprayer, rotary hoe, garden tractor, lawn mower, A. R. wood brooder stove, Buckeye electric brooder stoves, infra ray brooders and jther poultry equipment. All above equipment is in A-l con dition. Can be inspected any ame before day of sale. Also will iccept bid on any item if it is impossible for you to be in at tendance. See owner or auc tioneer. FEED one lot of corn and one lot of baled hay. TERMS 20% on real estate on day of sale. Can arrange terms on larger equipment. Small items, cash. Owner—W1LMER WATSON Summerfield, Ohio Rt. 1 James Watson—Auctioneer 34-35 Business Opportunity $400 MONTHLY possible—we will select a reliable person from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Merchandise Machines. No sell ing. To qualify applicant must have car, references and $720.00 working capital which is secured by inventory. Devoting 8 to 10 hours per week may net up to .$400 monthly with an excellent opportunity for taking over full time. We will allow the person we select liberal financial assist ance for expansion. For inter view, write, giving full particu lars, name, address, age and phone number to Master Mfg. & Sales Co., Dept. 959, 6523 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland. 3, Ohio 35 36 pd NOTICES NOTICE—COAL hauling. Trash and garbage hauling, and light hauling of all kinds. William Wells. Phone Caldwell 725-F-31. 13tf "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Nome*' G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Cain well, Obl INSURE YOUR car or truch with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Jot Buckev. Aerent. Caldwell. Ohio EAST NOTICES COME IN—SEE how you may win a Phileo electric range. Kirehner & Barnhart Appliance, Caldwell, Ohio. 35 NOTICE For high livability, fast growth and economy, start your chicks on WAYNE HIGH ENERGY CHICK STARTER, with 3-Nitro. The new 1954 for mula' tested 8% growth increase with 81% greater feed efficiency over last year's, formula. Sun shine Feed Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 35 NEW WAYNE Productive Effic iency means more feed power ner bag—less feed needed to build your chicks into profit pul lets. Feed WAYNE HIGH EN ERGY CHICK STARTER, with 3-Nitro. Feed in KRUM form: cuts wate boosts gains. Sunshine Feed Store, Caldwell, Oh 35 NOTICE—Snack Bar located in the C. A. Dye building, Belle Valley, Ohio, is now under new management. Mr. and Mrs. Aus n Thomas, Belle Valley, Ohio. 35 3G 37pd NOTICE—I am now equipped to refinish or repaint lawn chairs or furniture, also auto repaint ing. Long's Paint Shop, first place on right side on State Rt. 285, just outside Caldwell. Open only in evenings. 35 36 37 NOTICE—Need your trees ex pertly trimmed? Contact Davis Tree Service. Sarahsville phone 9 or Marietta phone 2940. Paul R. Davi.-: and Russell K. Davis. 35 3(j 37pd WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-b at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22 pd. NOTICE—For your baby chicks try Eshehnan New Improved Red Rose Chick Starter in mash or crumbles. Fine chick grain and fine steel cut corn. Estadt Produce & Feed Store, Cumoer land Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 32tf G. T. JENNINGS TRANSFER P. U. C. O. No. 3586-1 Call Us F°r Vcwm co*$t Moving anc V'r"j/ Hauling. —Also Dump True* Service Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio 1 will be at the following places to make out Income tax returns. Wednesday, March 3, Bode Store, Summerfield. Ohio. Saturday, March 6, BatesvHle. townhouse, I5atesvUle, Ohio. Tuesday. March 9. Ilishman Stor»\ SaralisviHe. Ohio. Frid.iv, March 12, at the P.M. A. Office. i ldwell. Ohio. Wednesday, March 10, at my home You may see at my home evenings at Rerne, Ohio. It—* I SLACK 6c per Bushel STOKER 12c per Bushel RUN OF MINE on Edwin L. Cmm 34 35 & NOTICE—Custom rug weaving 607 Cumberland Street, Cald .veil, Ohio. 33 34 3 NOTICE I HAVE taken over the Wilbur L. Devoll^ garage repair shop business in Caldwell See me for general repair work welding, body and fender work Franklin Hardesty. 18tf LOCAL HAULING Byesville No. 7 lump and stoker coal coal from Haines & Lawrence Mocrip, Boyd & Palmer mines Amos Franklin, 402 E. Main St. Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W Call in evenings, or leave orders at Gill's Barber Shop. 8tf Sales & Service Marietta Ignition Service Station 181 Front Street Marietta, Ohio Phones 411 143S fii)Me«• a 12c per Bushel LUMP 16c per Bushel M0SCRIP MINING CORPORATION Bc-lle Valley, Ohio Phone—Caldwell 90 Can be loaded 6:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m. except Sunday Experienced Slemrapfcer Shorthand and Typing Essential! We desire a girl who is ambitious, has the initiative to take hold and go ahead with a job. A girl that is looking for a job with a future and is not afraid of hard work. This is a permant job in our office. If you feel you can qualify, write Box 208, Cald well, Ohio. Give full information and references. Sa & Ha IAByRAlt"R^Inc0 STREFT CALDWELL, OHIO LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hfrcby (riven that an January 11, 1954. thori- was prosented to the Hoard of CommisBioners of the County of Noble, Ktate of Ohio, a petition of the Village of. Caldwell, Ohio, praying that the following n-f de scribed territory: TRACT A: l'art of the southeast quarter. Section 3?', Township 7 of Harisre 9 iti Nolile Townnhi|, Noble County, Ohio, commencing at an lro'" ntnkf on Section/Township line at t1 7 fe«'t west of boutheaat comer of said quarter section: thence north 3i.J4 decrees went 1HV.2 it-et to an Irou 'J $ i concrete marker thenca north 1 dftfrees east i:04.6 feet to center of Duck Creek thence north 463« decrees wf--»T 118.S feet in cpnter of Duck Crefk thence south 13'a deprrees west fe^-t to an irun/concrete markpr thence south 4Cli detfrees wi-st 2-~0 feet to snid section/township line thence south decrees et»t 854 feet «lon«r naid line to commencing point, containing 1.11 acres. TRACT B: Part of the southeast quarter of Section 38, Township 7 of Ranue 9 In Noble Township, Noble County, Ohio, commencing at the south east corner of naid iiuarter-seetlon, thence north 5 degrees east 136 feet along section line thence south (JTVz decrees west 227 feet thence south "D'i degrees v, c-31 105 feet to south line of said section: thence south 85^2 degrees east 800 feet to commencing point, containing 45/100 of an acre. TRACT C: Part of the Kouthwest quarter of Section 84, Township 7 Range 9 in Township. Noble County, Ohio, commencintr at the southwest corner of said section, thence north "i degrees ea^t 84fi fi-(.t to stake at guard rail on south side of If. S. Route Number 21 thence north 69 rees east 310 feet to former corpor ation line of Caldwell, .Ohio thence it'iutb decrees west 580 feet alont said corporation line to com mencing point, containing 1.20 acres, making a total of 2.7« Acres, more or less. be incorporated Into said Village of Caldwell. Ohio, which petition is now on file in the office of the Auditor of Noble County, Ohio, and designating the undersigned to act ns the aerent of the petitioner as required by lav. Said Board of Commissioners has set the 15th day of arch, 19.14, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. as the time for hearinr said petition in the office of the Com missioners in the Court house. Noble County, Ohio. L. C. YOUNG Asjerit and Special Counsel SO 31 82 3f 34 iiS Sti LEGAL NOTICE Betty Goodwill, residing at .508 Eas1 Central Au-nuc, Tempie, Texas, in hereby notified that Gilbert W. Good will has filed his petition against h'-i for divorce and other equitable relief in Ca?e No. 9381 of the Common Plf-ay Court of Noble County, Ohio kittl Attorney for plaintiff 29 30 31 32 33 34 3r, NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case -N'o. Estate of Margaret Evt'tly, Dec'-ased. Notice is hereby given th'it Mary Aiviier, of Sarahsville, Ohio, has been duly appointed administratrix of the e.vtate of Margaret Everlv, dec-eased. Int.- of Center Township. Noble Coun ty. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated tl 15th day of Februarv. 1954. W. V. ARCHER, Actfn? Probate Judge of said County 33 ''A 35 That's why you can be sure you'll get new car driving confl* dence at a used car price when you buy from us. We want to satisfy you now—so you'll come back in the future. Drop in and let's gef started on what we know will be a long-term friendship! ONLY YOUR FORD DEALER SELLS ^f£p^USED CAR5J AND TRUCKS! O. H. WEATHER LOCKED by if -3 i *£$ kf i Page Five =tai» NOTICE In the Probqte Court, of N\Me County, Ohio Ctise No. 5931 J. M. !IARI'E,H, Administrator of the Estate of S. J. Harper. Defeased, Plaintiff, G. 3VL HAIU'ER, et. al. Defendants. Woodrow Harper, whof*- place residence is unknown and cannot be ascertained, will tak,- notice that on the 24th day of August, 1953, the pJainint, J. Al Harper. Administrator of the Estate of S J. Hamper, at* ceaspd, fiifd ma petition against the said Woodrow Harper and others -in the Probate Court of Noble County. Ohio, the same being Cause No. 5931 in said Court, for the completion of a land contract pertainim? to certain real estate described said petition as follows: Situate In the State of Ohio-, County of Noble ^nd Township ot Olive, and being a part of. tha northwest quarter of Section Thir ty-Six (36). Township Six (0), of Range Nine l9). and commencing for the same- at a point bearing South 67 degrees. East from the South-east corner of Lot 15 in Kirk* bride's Addition to South Olive, Noble County. Ohio, nine rods and twenty-two (22) links distant be ing twenty (20) feet cast of the railroad center, th^nco South par allel with the railroad si:ty-fiv$ (65) feet distant thence East forty (40) leet right angles with said West line, thence North parallel with said West line sixty 'five (65) feet, thence West foity (40) feet to the place of beginning. Said premises/ being designated as Frac tion Number 66 in the Northwest quarter ol Section Thirtv-Six (36) Township Six (o) of Range Nine (91 the District Assessor of real property for Olive Township in said County for the year 1910, ahd being the fame premises that were conveyed to South Olive Lodge No. 763, I. O. O. F. by James Huff man by deed dated June 3rd, 1897, recorded in Volume 44, Page One (1) of Deed Records of Noble C'ounty. Ohio. Prayer of s«eid petition is for the completion of a land contract for the sale of said real estate and for other equitable relief. Said, defendant is required to answer said petition pn or before the 20th day of March, 1954, or Judgment will be taken agftir^st him. J. M. HARPER, Administrator of the Estate of S. J. Harper, deceastfiV By Fred F. FoX, His Attorney SI 32 33 34 35 3*5 37 Spoed uesn that said tause will be fur hearing on or after March 4. 1954. FKKD F. FOX Bnflt for R-t! din* clothes ile j/: priced 'or your hard-pretSM budget. Piicti a Only ALSCO has all these features for Lifetime Beauty and Savings Self-Sealing farhy IUUM SS3.35 A Y S RADIO and APPLIANCE CALDWELL OHIO r.D A.F. Voui! WIDE SELECTION ALL MAKES, ALL MODE1S LOWEST POSSIBLE TERMS THE BACKING CALDWEU.. OHIO MADE BY THE MANUFACTURER OF THE FAMOUS ALSC0 ALUMINUM WINDOW OF YOUIT RTUAFTLE V{- A & *1 fe -i 3 $ •Wv?* iw FAINT NO REPAIRS \SHES CLEAN WITH A GARDEN HOSE NO MONEY DOWN IMMlDIATt INSTALLATION •k AnchorwcSd Lifetime Bcikcd Enamel Point Hidden Clip Aluminum Nailing *k 8" Weather-Locked Lap Panel Aluminum Corners Aluminum Backer Strips Phone Today for free Demonstration Without Obligation "Now: as cheap as asbestos or insulated siding." immmm co. 1405 North Street Caldwell, Ohio Phone 363 For Free Estimate! a 'v