Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, Marcf* JtW4 PLEASANT" PLEASANT CITY Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and daughter, J&ckie, visited over the weekend With relatives in Zanesville. Mrs. Olive Miley visited Sat urday with Lizzie Gregg who is seriously ill at her home in Byesville. Mr. and Mrs. Max Schafer and son, Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weinstine, of Columbus, spent the weekend with relatives and friends and attended the Guernsy county tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kelly of Canton, were weeknd guests of her sister, Mrs. Iril Nicholson and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foust of Sarahsville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman one even ing the past week. Mrs. Lucille Johnson and daughter, Marlehe and Mr. Ralph Murphy of Cambridge, visited Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Tobe Johnson James and John Williams and family of Cincinnati, were called here Monday by the death of their grandmother, Mrs John .Williams. Mr. Carl Miley, who has been a patient at the Bethesda hos pital, Zanesville, for the past ^^vo weeks underwent surgery on •1^,-xday morning. Visiting him past week were Mrs. Flo fllilev, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shriv er and Mr, and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty. Mrs. Cora Nicholson called on Mrs. Lizzie Allen in Buffalo on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Abies. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sestina, of Cleveland, and Mr. George Hvizdak of Athens, spent the weekend with their father, Rev. Andrew Hvizdak and their moth «r, Mrs. Hvizdak, who is a pati ent at the White Cross hospital, Columbus. Mrs. Susan German and son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bayly tnd, Merlin were Saturday Cam bridge shoppers. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nichol son of Zanesville, spent Wednes day pvening with his parents, Mr. tnd Mrs. Iril Nicholson. A large number of local fans attended the Guernsey County Basketball Tournament at the Cambridge armory the past two week ends and Saturday night witnessed the crowning of the local "Tigers" who were named bounty Champs" after defeating the Byesville Falcons. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sprout and family attended funeral ser vices Sunday afternoon at the Meek Funeral Home, Seneca Ville, for her uncle Mr. John E. finley. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Secrest visited over the weekend with NOW! SAVE ANNUAL SALE OF tm W CONTRO-LO BURNERS CITY NEWS her mother Mrs. Allic I-Iawcs and sister, Mrs. Olive Marsh, Colum bus. Myron Burt and Darrell Danford, teachers at Carrolton, Connie Williams, Capitol Uni versity, Columbus, and Joan Ontko, Ohio University, Athens, spent the weekend with their parents. Visiting in Columbus the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pennel and family was his sister, Mrs. Frances Secrest Willscreek WILLSCRKKK Batesville basketball team took the champ ionship at Caldwell last Friday night. This was a surprise es pecially for Sarahsville who had the championship won a month agcty Oh well, this proves that Batesville had a little the best team in the county and that you can't be sure of anything. l*he oil wells on Seneca Lake are still booming. So says Virgil Watson. We hope it still holds out. Mr. Rayner, our candidate for commissioner, was here last Fri day. He is one among four on the Republican ticket. We hear that Sam Hyett of Batesville is very poorly. Clifford Stephens, wife and Mary Goodhart were callers here last week. Evan Carpenter and Austin Carpenter of West Lafayette, were home the latter part of last week. Fishers have been thick on the creek the past week and are catching plenty of fish, especially crappies. One set caught 77. Clifford Franklin, another can didate for commissioner, was here last week, soliciting votes Three will be defeated. John Shamhart of Caldwell, was a caller here last Friday. We hear that Joseph Carpen ter has bought property in Sum rherfield and will soon move there. Roy Leach and family were visitors at Acel Leach's last Sun day. Quite a lot of moving in our neighborhood soon. Edgar Roe will move othe Austin Stevens farm, Joseph Carpenter to Sum merfield, Acel Leach to his farm in Beaver township, Mancel Flood to the Sam Leach farm and Myron Roe to his father, Edgar Roe's farm on 573. Hay mows are getting close to the bottom. Hay is high. Some of our boys will attend the tournament at Marietta the coming week. Batesville drew Roger Carpenter and family of Summerfield, were visitors at Otto Carpenter's last Sunday. MSMA tw//'"/" CHROME TRIM give you greatest possible heat flexi bility. Light instantly, auto matically. mjsn PATTENS fUSUALLY $299.95 1 Now $249.95 makes range Caldwell Implement and Sup ply Company, local John Deere dealer, will be host to the com munity's farmers and their fam ilies at the John Deere Day show to be presented at the Cald well high school auditorium on Saturday, March 6. The program, which will begin at 7:30 p. m., will consist of five entertainment and educational pictures, includ ing the full-length, full-color picture, "Mr. Christmas." The story of "Mr. Christmas" re volves around a small town's centennial celebration and the selection of the guest of honor for the event. "Some of Hollywood's out standing character players are featured in the cast," states Frank Estadt. "It's a highly dramatic story of down-to-earth, every-day folks as real as your next-door neighbor. There are plenty of smiles in the picture and a world of suspense." The picture, made specially for John Deere Day audiences, was filmed in beautiful color, the first time that this particular process has been used for such a purpose. The Gordon Family in Picture The Gordon family, which has appeared in many John Deere Day pictures, is featured again in a film to be shown to this year's audience. The picture "The Safety Pin," finds Tom Gordon, a stubborn but lovable character, learning safety on the farm the hard way. Those in the audience who have seen previous Gordon family pictures will notice an addition to this popular family, a new granddaughter. "The Job Ahead" The concern of many people close to agriculture is the task that faces farmers in raising enough food in future years to accommodate the constantly in creasing population. Details of the problem and what is being done about accomplishing the task are graphically shown in another John Deere Day film, "The Job Ahead." Incorporating animation with actual field scenes, the film demonstrates how new methods and new ma chinery have paired up to boost production in every type of farming. This picture, like the other John Deere Day pictures, is in full color. To See Educational Films The John Deere Day audiences will see also "Oddities in Farm ing," a film dealing with the rare and unusual in farm machinery and farming practices, as well as the picture, "What's New for 1954." "What's New," always a favorite with John Deere Day audiences the country over, con sists of a parade of new John RANGES AT LIFT-OFF DOOR a stunning new beauty in white porcelain with gleam ing chrome accents. Otliw Tappon Rang** borgofn=5»rfrtd ct $139.95 up SAVINGS UP TO $50 FOR LIMITED TIME ONLYI PATTEN'S North Street Phone 58 Oft comes off with a flick goes back on just as quick. Makes oven-clean ing so easy CHROME-LINED OVEN reflects heat, so you get the most out of it. Heats fast, save* gas, browns evenly. Lib0ral old rang• irado-ln months to pay "ST Caldwell W THS (MTrrt JOHN DEERE DEALER TO BE HOST TO FARMERS AND THEIR FAMILIES x* .* IV -VJ-TF J* "4 5 4- 1 Deere equipment which will be on the market in the coming months. The film demonstrates many interesting features of these machines, as well as show ing many of them in use on farms under actual field condi tions. Program Free to Fanners In announcing the program, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parcell and daughters of Beverly, spent Sun day with relatives here. Mrs. Thelma Clark and daugh ter, Judy, Mrs. William Fogle and children and Howard Ball, all of Zanesville, spent Wednes day evening with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell spent Sunday evening with W. G. Dearth. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addles berger spent Saturday in Mari etta. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hesson of Berne, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Addles berger. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eichhorn were calling on Mrs. Rilla Luke of South Olive. Mrs. Minnie Thompson and daughter, Dorla and Miss Hazel Hayes attended the dance at Burkhart, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Dettro and family of Senecaville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Le land Clark and family. Mrs. Viola Mayle and children, Mrs. Dorothy Morrison and Miss Betty Crum of Carlisle, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison and family. Jack Poland of Ava, was cal ler at Middlcburg, Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Nora Clark and daughter, Ethyl and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gil dow spent Saturday at Parkers burg. Earl Hayes who is employed near Alliance, spent the weekend with his wife and family. Alex Bettinger, Lee McCool, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt spent last Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schott on Dexter City route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson and family were callers at Car lisle, Thursday evening. '•S-, S 4* jw n '"t if hr* r. i afti. Mr. Estadt pointed out that the program will be free to all farmers and their families. Ad mission, however, will be by ticket only. Farmers who have not received tickets in the mail or who require additional tickets, may obtain them by calling at Caldwell Implement and Supply Company. Mr. Estadt said. NIDDLEBUKC HEWS MIDDLEBURG Adeline Clark of near Elba and Mr. Harry Mitchell of Dexter City route two, attended the church supper at Cumberland, Friday evening, Feb. 26. Mrs. Freda Clark and Mrs. Myrtle Harriman and son, Eugene, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Lenora Estadt. Walter Love of Chesterhill, was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and sons last week. Mrs. Evelyn Antttl, Mrs. Ida Brotton, Mrs. Clara Morrison, Mrs. Fern Carnes and son, Eugene and Mr. Francis Thomp son visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt. Mrs. Thelma Clark and family of Zanesville, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and sons. South Olive SOUTH OLIVE Mr. and Mrs. Elwuod Lewis and son, Larry and Mr. Eben Lewis of Middleport, visited Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cheatham, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Harper vis ited their son, Richard Harper and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Swain of Alliance, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hughes of Cambridge, visited his sister, Mrs. Marjory Love, Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Swain and sons spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lensey Swain and family of Columbus. Mrs. H. G. Farson visited her sister, Mrs. Marjory Love, Wed nesday and Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ramage are par ents of a daughter born in Thompson hospital one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Weston and family and Ruth L. Harper and Willard and Willa Ruth Har per visited Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper and son, Sunday even ing. Miss Hazel Gessel and Wayne Harper visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Elvin Gessel and fam ily. "Butch" Swain attended a sur prise party for Mike Long of Dexter City, Saturday. FEKCE Do you wonder if you should keep a flock of chickens in 1954? Then come over on our side of the fence know the facts about NOBLE Quality Chicks and you will discover that money is made from chickens EVERY year if they're MEAT BIRDS, with PRODUCTION POWER and INHERITED LIVABILITY. New Hampshires White Rocks White Leghorns our specialty chicks, are Ohio- U. S. Approved Pullorum-Clean. JUST PHONE 91 OR SEND FOR FREE CHICK FOLDER WITH 1954 PRICES. A. R. BEYER—-Prop. A Pullorum-Clean Hatchery Caldwell, Ohio wmm Pleasant Hill PLEAS A N'T HILL Mr and Mrs. Buiy rt.itiicr and daughter visited Floyd Davis and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles West and son of Middleburg, visited Ver non West and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young and children of Zanesville, scent last weekend with Ella Belle Cater and Leslie Cater and fam ily. Several from here attended the basketball tournament last week. Miss Clyta Cater spent Wed nesday with her grandparents, Walter Davis and family. Ben Robinson and family spent Sunday with Vernon West and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis and son were Sunday visitors at Leslie Cater's. Mrs. Carl Miley Visited her husband at the Bethesda hospi tal in Zanesville, Sunday. Ward Robins and family of Columbus, spent the weekend with relatives here and at Sar ahsville. Archer's RMge A U S K!l.)GE and Mrs. Oliver Anderson visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark and Natie Wickham and daugh ter, Pauline, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kirkbride and family of Young Hickory, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leasure of Reinersville, James Clark and Miss Nancy Cox of Caldwell route, attended the jamboree at Wheeling, Saturday night. Natie Wickham and daughter, Pauline were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Everly of Summer field route, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark and family have been attending the revival meeting at Ava the past week. Miss Nancy Cox and James Clark visited Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and sons. Mrs. Robert Blaney and son, Robert Allan of Zanesville, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Bertha Lahue and Ronnie. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leasure and son, Bob of Reinersville were calling on Mr. and Mr, Zedrick Clark, Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and family of Ava, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Reed and family on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Reed and family of Renrock, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Reed on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leasure and family of Reinersville, visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and family, Sunday. You're snvlfecl to the bia s a SENECAVILLE NEWS SENECAVILLE Did: Potts of Byesville, has opened the Hill Top restaurant and filling sta tion. Mr. Potts will not only be ready for the fishing season, but hopes to receive his share of the trade during the heavy traffic to and from the Seneca Lake oil boom. Attends Funeral The body of John Finley, a native of this community, but who has lived for several years in New Kensington, Pa. and pass ed away there, was interred in our local cemetery, Sunday after noon. Funeral services were held at the Meek funeral home. Those attending from a distance includ ed his widow, Mrs. Inez Stran athan Firiley and Mrs. Jane Bur lingame of New Kensington, Mr. and Mrs. Alfanso Taylor of Co lumbus, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Showers and Ray Finley of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Strafnathan of Cambridge and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Sprout of Pleasant City. Mrs. Robert Christian left on Thursday for Nebraska where she attended the funeral of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Eugene Bar ron. Class Meetings The Faithful Few Class of the Methodist church met in the social rooms of the church on Wednesday evening with Mrs. Helen Ray and Mrs. Ocia Ander son as co-hostesses. The program and contests were in charge of Mrs. Fern Channell and Mrs. Vera Barlow. The Willing Workers class of the Presbyterian church was en tertained Tuesday evening, Feb. 23 at the home of Mrs. Doris Burscn. Mrs. Doris Denver, the president, had charge of the busi ness. A parcel post sale was plan ned for March 26 at which time, soup, sandwiches, pie and coffee will be sold. It was also decided to send fifteen dollars of groc eries to a needy family and the class will purchase trees for the church lawn. A contest was conducted with Mrs. Donna Harding and Phyllis Denver receiving the prizes. The wonder box was awarded to Mrs. Wanda Hill. Helping Hand Society met at the Presbyterian chruch, Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Harry Rose and Mrs. Edgel Wilson as hostesses. Mrs. Rose also con ducted the program. Attends Institute Mr. Homer Gibson, superinten dent of Seneca Lake park, ac companied by the following sup erintendents of other Ohio Parks Frank J. Crume, Wm. Atterholt and Fred Dinger attended the I Great Lakes Park Institut which,was held at Pokagon park N. E. Indiana last week. The object of this institute was to 'J "a Phone 200 1 lilt// SPONSORED BY M. A. BSIENZA SUPPLIER OF SINCLAIR PRODUCTS i inffryMW instruct in mak ng the parfka more attractive and to accofn* modate and insure more conven iences for the people. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Secrest and daughter, Jane of Barberton, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Secrest. Mrs. Secrest remained for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Ruth Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Calla han of Newark, recently visited his parents Mi. and Mrs. Ken Callahan. Miss Doris Campbell of Mary land, spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hinten. Mr. a nd Mrs. Roger Miley have returned from a trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Davis spent the past week visiting friends in North Carolina. Mrs. Mary M. Cantor has been dismissed to her home here after being a patient for several weeks at the G. M. hospital. Mrs. Mabel Williams has been dismissed from the G. M. hospi tal after undergoing surgery. Preston Pride of Windrock, Tenn., is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Harrison Singleton and family. Mrs. George Bruner has re turned to her home in Zanesville after spending several months with her father, J. L. Davis. Mrs. Mary Jane Wolfe recent ly visited relatives in Cuyahoga Falls. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hinten spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morrison in Akron. Mrs. Morrison has been very ill. Mrs. U. C. Corwin and chil dren spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Smith and family in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence House of Columbus Grove, spent Tues day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor House. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Williams and son and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gandee of Alliance, spent the weekend with the former's moth er, Mrs. Alice Williams. Mrs. Leah Keller and Mrs. Lily Hinten were Zanesville shoppers Tuesday. Miss Betty Haessly of Salem, spent the weekend with Miss Dorothy Hall. LEGAL NOTICE In the Common Pleas Court of Noblf County, Ohio. Case Number 9380 Georg J. Sopko, Plaintiff. —vs— Florence Mae Sopko, Defendant. Florence :»Iae Sopko, whose place of res id nee is unknown, is hereby notified that Georg.- J. Sopko has filed his petition against her for di vorce in Case Number 9390 in the Common Pleas Court of Noble' Coun ty, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hearing on or after the 26th day of March, 19G4. Grounds claimed for divorce, willful absence. L. C. YOUNG. Attorney for Plaintiff. 32 33 34 35 36 37 IHUBSDAY 8:00 f. M. Cairiws!! H!§h School Auditorium PLUS Dft 11 ft S BOND And His Musical Farmers Caldwell, Ohio