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Page Eight Lima Girl Will Wed Joe Taylor Uilman Of Harrietfsville The 6IigagtUitiil cllid 8ppr03 ching marriage of her only daughter, Miss Helen Irene Craig to Joe Taylor Uilman of Harriettsville, is being announc ed by the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Bessie R. Craig of Lima. The bride-elect's father is Harold F. Craig, Sr., of Kenton. Mr. Uilman is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Uilman, Harrietts ville. The wedding will be solemniz ed at 1:30 p. m. Nov. 20 in the Central Church of Christ with the Rev. Paul N. Runk, pastor, officiating at the open church service. Miss Craig, a graduate of South high school, attended Bowling Green State University and is employed in the offices of the Shell Oil Co. She is an exemplar of Beta Sigma Phi sorority. Her fiance graduated from Elk Rural high school and is a graduate of Mountain State col lege, Parkersburg, W. Va. Following service in the Eur opean theater during World War II, Mr. Uilman has been employ ed in the offices of the Buckeye Pipe Line company. Mrs. A. R. Beyer To Attend Brother's Wedding Saturday Mrs. A. R. Beyer, Fairground street, will leave Thursday noon by TWA for New York City, where she will attend the wed ding of her brother. Rayburn Wright. Mr. Wright will exchange vows on Saturday morning, Oct. 2, with Miss Doris Benoit. Miss Benoit is a sister of Patriica Benoit, who is "Mr. Pepper's Girl" on the well known. New York television show. Mr. Wright is an orchestrator and arranger for Radio City Music Hall in New York. Mrs. Beyer will return to Caldwell by plane on Sunday. Homemakers Club Of Belle Valley Holds September Meeting The Belle Valley Homemakers Club met Thursday, September 23 at the home of Mrs. Frank Boley with nineteen members and three guests present. The project for the day was preparing salads, with Mrs. Jessie Reed and Mrs. Goldie Preston giving the demonstra tion. Mrs. Imogene Devoid, Mrs. Leah Brown and Mrs. Marybelle Stiers were received into the club as new members. The next meeting will be held October 21 at the home of Mrs. Bertha Davis with the project "Making Christmas Wrapping Paper" and Mrs. Laura Foster will be in charge of the demon stration. 5 1 :4 —You need more than good linoleum You also need good installation —and that's where we come in. Our men have the training and ex perience that guarantees the per fect job every time. With no obligation to you, we will gladly give you on accurate estimate of a completely installed ARMSTRONG'S Linoleum Floor for any room in your house. Tour Choice of Newest Styles! jfcY.O Weiner Roast Held At Rossiter Home Observe Silver Wedding Anniversary •"5 *v .«*• i -.i I 'k -mi— DR. AND MRS. E. G. DITCH Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Ditch observed their silver wedding anni versary, Sunday, with a buffet dinner at their home at 1102 North street. They are pictured above just before they cut a beautiful four-tiered wedding cake, topped with a silver "25th" emblem. Dr. Ditch and Mary Louise Samuels were married at St. Boni face Catholic church in Louisville, Ky., on September 17, 1929. They came to Caldwell in July, 1931, where he began his prac tice of medicine. They have four children, Mary Louise Ditch Cox, Columbus, who received her degree in music education at Ohio State University, last August Eddie Ditch, who enlisted in the U. S. Army and is now stationed at Fort Devine, Mass. Samuel Ditch, sophomore at Mount Union college and Lynn Ditch, Junior in the Caldwell high school. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox of Columbus, MJSS Lynn Ditch, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Quick, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hazard, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ram sey, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bruns, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Estadt, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Harkins. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McVay, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vernon Archer, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moscrip, Mr. and Mrs. William Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Merry, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Young, Dr. Paul Huth of Cambridge, Mrs. N. S. Reed, Leonard Danford, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Moore. Dr. and Mrs. Ditch were pre sented with a beautiful pair of silver candelabras. Betty Kussiter entertained a number of her school friends on Friday evening, September 24 with a weiner roast at her home in Green Valley* Those enjoying the roast were: Martha Stevens, Darrell Moore, Bonnie Rich, Ronnie Groves, Marlene Sholtis, Bradford Hague, Marlene Seevers, Jim Stottsberry, Carol Law, Gerald Snode, Wanda Davis, Johnny Rutherford, Jewell Guiler, Loren Davis, Joyce Carter, Lewis War ner, Billy Bond, Melvin Davis, Barbara and Judy Rossiter and the hostess. Vi\r#/ 1 VJ i# ITU 4 41£P A N' v Vf'y 1|? •jbr v i Mr. And Mrs. C. C. Moore Observe Golden Wedding Mi. and Mit Cheats Moore, Jr. entertained Sunday Septem ber 19 honoring the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Moore, Sr. of Cumberland. A family dinner was served at noon with the following at tending: Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pitts and Carole of Bloomfield Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and Johnnie of Marietta Mrs. Mary Palmer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore of Cumber land Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Spar grove, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frick and daughters, Mrs. Bur ness Moore, Mrs. Elizabeth Cul bertson of Zanesville Mrs. Flora Perkins, Miss Dora Nelson, Mrs. Rila Ashton, Mr. West of Mc Connelville, the honored ones and the host and hostess and children. The custom of "Open House" was observed from 2 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon and from 6 to 8 o'clock in the evening. The refreshment table was centered with a three tiered wedding cake topped with the traditional miniature bride and groom and golden wedding bells. Caldwell WCIlJ Meets At Lois Ziler Home The Caldwell W.C.T.U. met on Friday afternoon, ^September 24 in the home of Mrs. Lois Ziler on W. Fairground street. Mrs. Ruth Johnson led the devotionals and "Planting Seeds of Wisdom" was the devotional theme. Mrs. Lois Ziler president dur ing the business session, at which time 102 White Ribbon recruits were reported by Miss Effie War ren. Mrs. Billa Patterson, who has very capably served for many years as LTL leader an nounced her resignation. As of yet a new leader has not been appointed. Miss Effie Warren was the program leader and she was as sisted by: Mrs. Mae Finley, Mrs. Billa Patterson, Miss Rosella Corwin, Mrs. Zoa Dickinson, Mrs. Jessie Young and Mrs. Adeline McKee. An announcement was made that the Noble County W.C.T.U. convention will be held Thurs day afternoon and evening at the Ava Methodist church. The meeting closed with the Aaronic Benediction. There were eleven members and one guest, Marianne Johnson present. DINNER "GUESTS* Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jatk Berry of Belford street were: Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Ray and Mrs. Cora Conger of McConnelsville: Mrs. Mildred Bowan and son, Clark of Malta Mrs. Zeda Nel son of Beverly and Mrs. Billa Patterson of Belford street. Fit Your Youngster Right No Guess Work Here! Our buckle, strap-type sho« will give your school child the ease and comfort wear so necessary in young grow ing feet. They're sturdily made. Carried in that verj desirable brown color. MILLIGAM'S SHOE STORE CAi.ii •t'ELL, O Legion Meeting There will be a regular meet ng of Noble Post, Amer can Legion Wednesday even ng, Oct. 6 at 8 p. Members are urged to attend and ar rangements will be completed for the fall conference to be held at Belle Valley on Sunday, Oct. 10. Annual Birthday Parly The annual birthday party honoring Dorinda Smith will be held at the Berne Grange hall on Sunday, October 3. A fcr.sket dinner will be served at noon with speaking and music in the afternoon. Everyone is welcome to attend this annual community party. Community Club The Dexter City Community club will meet Monday even ing, Oct. 4 in the high school cafeteria at 7 o'clock for a pot luck supper and business session. Mixed Dance The Summerfield American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring a mixed dance Friday evening, October' 1 in the Legion Hall. Arza Vaughn's orchestra will furnish the music and Jay Moore will do the calling. Refreshments will be sold. The public is in vited to attend. Legion Auxiliary The Caldwell American Legion Auxiliary to Post No. 252 will have an all day meeting, Wed nesday, October 6 beginning at 9:30 a. m. Members are urged to bring needles and scissors and plan to stay all day since the purpose of this meeting is to making Christmas gifts for the stores in Veterans hospital. A pot luck lunch will be served from 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. at which time, th'fe regular busi ness meeting will also be con ducted. A report of the fall con ference will be given and also a report of the proceeds from the refreshment stand at the fair. Alpha Rho Chapter Enjoys Outing At Seneca Lake Members of Alpha Rho Chap ter of Delta Kappa Gamma en joyed a picnic supper at the shelter house at Seneca Lake on Monday evening, September 20. Following the supper the busi ness meeting was held with the president, Mabel Flood in charge. Plans for the year were discussed and reports of the dis trict meeting which was held in Canton were given by Blanche Richey, Mary Crevey, Miriam Flood and Gertrude Hartley. The following members en joyed this delightful evening: Mary Arnold, Vera Bates, Mabel Bennett, Inez Clark, Mary Cre vey, Mary Elizabeth Culbertston, Eva Davis, Ruth Day, Beryl Fisher, Mabel Flood, Gertrude Hartley, Miriam Hawes, Ruth Kackley, Esther Kegg, Georgian Lady, Ethel Pryor, Helen Raney, Mary Revenaugh, Blanche Richey, Dama Reed, Rama Steen, Grace Taylor, Opal Van Dyne, Lucy Waller and Helen Douglass. OUR "FIT HER FTTTTRE' Flo Togs Coats are now in. Make your selection early. Try our de posit plan. Madge's Specialty Shop. North street, Caldweli. Ohio 13 THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO S3 Carlisle Grange Carlisle Grange No. 2344 will bserve their Booster night, on Thursday, Oct. 7 at 7:30 p. m. There will be' a program, fol ow'ed by a pie social and carni val. Ladies of the grange are isked to donate pies or cake. Re freshments will be sold. This nee ting will be open to the ublic. So£iMH O N 9 8 SOCIAL EVF.HTS W.C.T.U. Convention The Noble County W.C.T U Convention will be held Thurs day, September 30 at the Ava Methodist church. The afternoon session will be followed by covered dish dinner at 6:00 p. Mothers Club The Caldwell Mother's Club will hold their October meeting Monday evening, October 4 at 8:00 p. m. in the home of Joseph ine Giallombardo in Bronze Heights. A pot luck dinner will be the main event of the even ing and all members are urged to attend and bring a covered dish and their own table service. This months committee consists of the following: Thelma Estadt, chairman Lilliam Wal ton, Josephine Giallombardo and Eleanor Moore. Stitch and Chatter Club The regular meeting of the Stitch and Chatter Club will be held on October 12 at the home of Mildred Smith. Past and present members are invited to attend. Forest Grove Home Demonstration Group Holds Regular Meeting The Forest Grove Home De monstration Group met at the home of Mrs. Mildred Picken paugh on Wednesday, Septem ber 22 for their regular meeting. Projects for the day were mak ing aluminum trays, hassocks and preparation of salads, with 12 trays being completed. Lura Ramage and Etta Burrief feave the demonstration of preparing salads. At noon a delicious dinner was served. During the afternoon contests pertaining to the lesson were held with Jessie Parrish and Ethel lams winning the prizfes. Members present were: Gene vieve Foraker, Marian Earnhart, Violet Brown, Jessie Parrish, Goldie Foster, Roxie Hanes, Jessie Lawrence, Mae Gardner, Ethel lams, Nadine Wiley, Etta Burrier, Lura Ramage and the hostess. Children present were: Vic ky and Cy Wiley, Patty Foraker and Beth Earnhart. The next meeeting will be held October 13 at the home of Mae Gardner. CHURCH NOTES The schedule of church ser vices for Rev. Howard G. Hein's charge is as follows: Road Fork Baptist Church, Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship ser vice and communion, 10:30 a. m. evening service, 7:30 p. m. Miss Mary Kaysler, missionary from South America will show slides of her work. New Harmony Bap tist church, Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. missionary service, 10:30 a. m. Miss Kaysler will also be present at these services Thrus day evening at 7:30 p. m„ pray er meeting and Bible study Barry's Ridge Church, services at 2:30 p. m. ALL SHADES AND COLORS ESPECIALLY BLACKS! JPrict^tl I roia* •l"#* The first 12 ladies purchasing a new Fall and Winter Hat will be presented a lovely set of hand-painted salt and pepper shakers. Everyone purchasing one of these new Hats will be given a chance for a free hat to be given away in November. This hat will be your choice of the store. We also carry a large line of I I E S Nylon Lingerie Hosiery Orion Sweaters Jewelry! yiajdim'A died Shop North Street Caldwell, OK io 4 IS n, and the evening session will begin at 8:00 p. m. Everyone in terested in this organization invited to attend. is Summerfield Grange Friday evening, Oct. 1, Sum merfield grange is giving a pi gram with members of Olive Jackson and Laurel grange a guests. Summerfield will pn sent the one act play, "Lit'! Elmi's Photo." The Wharton trio will sing several selections as well as Emil Barnett of Cald well. At the close of the meeting there will be a pot luck supper. Each family is to bring their own table service. b. i The Merrimakers Club Meets At Young Home Recently Married At Summerfield V i* ». £, %t v.," A delicious pot luck lunch was served at noon and contests were enjoyed in the afternoon with Mrs. William Fleming re ceiving the prize. Members present were: Mrs. Charles' Scherr, Mrs. William Wood, Mrs. Walter Woodford, Mrs. Ernest Pierce, Mrs. Elmer Hupp, Mrs. Edward Merry, Mrs. William Rueker. Mrs. William Fleming, Mrs. Wiley Stringer, Mrs. Paul Seffens and the host ess. If it's advertised in The Journal Say so when you are buying. YOU SAW -.f. VWi&KSi v\ "t #5? A -K., MR. AND MRS. CLARENCE E. WILLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Willey were married Saturday, Sept. 4, in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Hanes, of Summerfield, with Mr. McKinley Bates officiating at the cere mony. Mr. Willey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Willey of Bay wood, Va. The bride is the former Margaret Lou Hanes of Sum merfield. The newlyweds are making their home in Akron. The recently organized Merri makers Home Demonstration club met Thursday, September 23 at the home of Mrs. Howard Young on North street. The project for the day was preparing salads and Mrs. Wiley Stringer and Mrs. Paul Seffens were in charge of the demonstra tion. Caldwell PTA Holds September Meeting The first meeting of the Cald well P. T. A. was held Monday evening, September 27 at the high .school building. The meeting was in the charge cf Mrs. Frank Tilton, the new president of the organiza tion. The room mothers presented the teachers with white carna tion corsages, and the teachers were introduced by Mrs. Clair Tipton. An interesting talk was given by Supt. George Webb. After the meeting adjourned the group enjoyed delicious re freshments in the school home economics room. The group was favored with several music selections by the school band. Mrs. Lola Craig of Zanes ville, visited recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Merry of West street. IT ON TV../a *STOP THE MUSIC" TV show! Amazing FLOATING ACTION, an Exquisite Form exclusive, distributes shoulder strap pull, relieves bosom pressure, gives you a bewitching contour... plus heavenly comfort, freedom and support (at top) STYLE 392... Fine Broadcloth, with the famous Exquisite Form circtestitched 4-section cup, and elastic inserts at sides White. A cup 32 to 36, cup 32 to 40, cup 32 to 42 STYLE 592 Long-line bra with Floating Action White broadcloth, with 5 inch band, and elastic inserts at sides. cap 34 to 42, cup 34 to 44. $4.00 IMPORTANT! V the bra that "stopped" the JAPA J3U STOP IN AND LET US FIT YOU 1YYlajrias'A Spsudaliu Shop North Street Phone 97 Thursday, September 30, 1954 Dobbin-Archer Vows Exchanged Recently Miss Leitha Dobbin, daughter »f Mrs. Leila Dobbin of Zanes 'ille and Marvin Archer, son of Mrs. Archer, of Caldwell, were inited in marriage on Septem ber 14. Justice of Peace Marshall of iciated at the wedding cere nony. Attendents for the couple were /tiss Vivian Gill and Ronald Hinder. The bride wore a pink nylon Iress complemented with a cor age of white blossoms and her ttendant was attirled in a navy ilue suit. Mr. Archer is employed at ^inscott's Pure Oil station in Zanesville, and Mrs. Archer at snded Lash high school in Zanesville. The newlyweds are making heir home in Zanesville. ennie James Missionary Society Holds ElediQfl Of Officers For New Cr The Jennie James Missionary Society of the Caldwell First Baptist church held their mon- +hly meeting Thursday evening, September 23 in the church din •ig room. The group enjoyed a pot luck upper after which the business meeting was opened with a pray er by Lois Dudley. The devotion als were led by Arlene Morris and each member present read a scripture verse beginning with the letter S. Dyring the business meeting officers for the eoming year were elected and the calendar for the new year was made out. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Jean Moore vice president, Miss Arlene Morris treasurer, Mrs. Edger Harper, sunshine treasur er, Miss Lois Dudley and news reporter, Mrs. Sarah Badgley. The meeting closed with group singing of the hymn, Love this World Through Me, Lord." Members present were: Miss Arlene Morris, Miss Jean Moore, Mis? Lois Dudley, Miss Irene Marquis, Mrs. Jeanette Lowers, Mrs. Sarah Badgley, Mrs. Wil liam Johnson, Mrs. Charles Doan, Mrs. Edgel Harper, Mrs. Ike McDonald, Mrs. Jessie Fin ley, Mrs. Elsie VanFossen, Mrs. Gerald Ramage and Mrs. Roy Wikander. SPECI AITSERVTCES~ There will be special services at Ogles Ridge church Sunday evening, Oct. 3, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. Talks and songs by the children and worship service with J. T. Barnes, the speaker. The public is invited. 4 v% a. STYIE 378. N y o n a e with low cut neckline. Elastic insert at cen ter. White or black. A cup 32 to 36. 6 cup 32 to 38, cup 32 to 40. $4.60 Be sore you stop a* our Exquisite Pom* Br© Department »o fill out your "Stop the Music" entry blank, and you will be eligible for o telephone coll that con win thousands of dollars for you ... just for naming the mystery tuftfti c^tp "W"** 4'. n-- •-M -4 4 A K r*n