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lursday, October 7 1954 iditor's Note Mr. and Mrs. •is Bellinger and their sons, /is, Jr. and Robert of Canton, neriy of Noble county, re tly enjoyed a three weeks to Alaska. Mr. Bettinger is son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy tinger of Dexter City route and Mrs. Bettinger is the ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Ball of Warner. An account :heir trip, as written for the iton Repository, is as follows: fter 3 weeks—and 7 flat s—a Canton family of 4 trav 10,000 miles to spend a ation in the fabulous terri of Alaska. ot springs in a frozen laad Indian fishing wheels were the outstanding sights Mrs. Lewis Bettinger sons 1 Lewis Jr. and untnessed in the land of midnight sun. he Bettingers, who live at Auburn PI. NW, made their ^quarters in Fairbanks after ing over the 1,527-mile skan highway from Dawson ek, British Columbia, ae highway is mostly gravel ?pt for a few miles of black pavement, Bettinger said, lodgings, food and gasoline available every 25 miles the highway. Their gas s and oil expenses totaled and the highest price per Dn was 69.9 cents in British on. "om Fairbanks, the four Can ans visited other parts of ika either by plane or car. y received certificates of ibership in the Arctic Circle for flying over Fort Yukon he circle. Bettinger also got cond certificate for flying to jebue and Nome, on Alaska's coast on the Arctic Ocean. ?ttinger said it never got during" the two diays he it at Kotzebue and that he top larsh Drugs for Constipation )iil Intestinal Upset! Get Relief This Gentle Vegetable Laxative Way! Constipation, never take harsh drugs, ey cause brutal cramps and griping, tupt normal bowel action, make re .ted doses seem needed. sure but gentle relief when fou feniporirily constipated. Take Dr, dwell's Senna Laxative contained in up Pepsin. No salts, no harsh drugs. Caldwell's contains au extract of ina, one of the finest natural vegetable atives known to medicine. Dr. Caldwell's Senna Laxative tastes od, gives gen(le, comfortable, satis* ng relief for every member of the nily. Helps you get "on schedule" .hout repeated doses. Even relieves mach sourness that constipation en brings. Buy Dr. Caldwell's 30f! sice today, aney back it not satisfied. Mail bottle Box 280, New York 18, N. Y. ..and See what you gat for OVER you 'll go V V •t could take color pictures any time during the 48 hours. Rus sian territory was visible from the air in this part of Alaska, which is mostly populated by Eskimos, he added. During this two-day period Mrs. Bettinger and their two boys visited Mt. McKinley and had the opportunity to see sev eral wild herds of reindeer moose, bear and caribou. Bettinger enjoyed salmon fish ing at Valdez and watched the native Indians catching salmon with their fishing wheels, which are paddle wheels equipped with buckets. "Every resident with whom I talked wanted statehood for Alaska," he said, "and everyone liked the land and climate, which is very dry. Alaska gets its water from melt snow, ice and hot springs, Bettinger said. The hotel in which* the Cantonians stayed utilized the 139-degree spring water for heating, washing and in the indoor and outdoor swim ming pools and mineral baths. The hot spring water also is piped under the hotel's gardens, which produce mammouth vege tables. The largest vegetable harvested so far is a 70-pound head of cabbage. Alaska's farm are very fertile after the tundra (which means "moss" in Russian) is removed and the ground thaws. The small farms in the Matanuska Valley are the most fertile and produce over six million dollars worth of vegetables per year. Bettinger said one woman claimed she raised 30 tons of potatoes on one acre of her farm. Despite the fact that Alaska has very little rainfall, the Can tonians found the territory had thousands of lakes. Bettinger SII YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER BAKER SALES SERVICE oirth D. S. Rout® 21 ... Phone K-M Caldwell, Ohio to fit M-Mj* 2-Dr. $•**. D«tivef»d locally via end local tcx«« axtra. Now'* the time to trad*... up and Over to Olds! You'll get sweep-cut styling, panoramic vision, "Rocket" performance, exclusive color toning...and ffc# best d*al In town by farl Your price depends upon choice of model and body style, optional equipment and accessories. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities become of shipping •harges. All prices sub feet to change Without notice. Check our easy tarmtl *1 sons, Lewis, Jr., and Robert with their three-foot totem pole—the largest of the many souvenirs they brought back as mementos of their three-week vacation in AU ska. ^6 1 said the lakes were created ^ftei the tundra was removed and the frozen ground thawed and set tied. The Bettingers also visited the most northern dairy in the world, the glaciers, the museum and University of Alaska in Fairbanks and saw gold dredges in operation. Mrs. Thomas Leasure Buried At Mt. Tabor Mrs. Harriett Leasure, 83, widow of Thomas Leasure and a former resident of Mt.. Tabor, died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Smith berger of Marietta route 4. Mrs. Leasure was born July 30, 1871, in Monroe county, daughter of the late William and Anna Dillon Denbow. Her hus band died seven years ago and one son, Clarence, preceded hei in death. Surviving are four sons, Fred of Summerfield, Ray, Clyde and Woodrow, all of Marietta one daughter, Mrs. Smithberger at whose home she died 24 grand children 16 great-grandchildren two brothers, William and Hampton Denbow both of Lewis ville and two sisters, Mrs. Etta Knopf and Mrs. Mary Gramlich both of Bridgeport Short funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock from the Doudna and McClure funeral home in Mari etta, followed by services at Mt Tabor Methodist church. Inter ment was made in the Mt. Tabor MORGAREIDGE RITES Funeral services for Mrs. Allie Morgareidge, 78, near Caldwell who died Tuesday at 5 p. m. in a hospital in Kankalee, 111., were held Saturday afternoon at o'clock from the Murphy funeial home. Rev. Floyd R. Gaugler officiated and interment was made in Olive cemetery. Mrs. Morgareidge passed away while on a visit with her daugh ter in Illinois. Her death was the first in this immediate family for 71 years. Floyd Sargent of Plainfield spent Sunday with the Bernard Boyd family. ypto ect&ttO rm jOuT.^Ai omo SHARON An enjoyable day was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger on Sunday, when relatives and friends gathered for a reunion of the Harmon and Baker fam ilies. The table fairly groaned with good food and was enjoyed by the following: Mrs. OUie Long, Mr. and Mrs, Cyrus Trott, William and Ray mond Harmon of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ralph of Mans field, Mr. and Mrs. Don Leonard and James of near Hoskinsville, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralph, Shir Ivy. Carolyn and Benny of near Caldwell, Mr. and Mr,, Ernest Pickenpaugh of Hiramsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archer, Mr. and Mrs. George Marquis, Dean na and Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Dovenbarger and Riley, Jr. The afternoon was spent pleasant conversation. Church Notes Sunday school at 10:30 follow ed by morning worship service at 11:30 at Presbyterian church. Installation service for new pas at 7:30 in evening followed by reception in church basement. Kveryone welcome. No services at Methodist church until Oct. 17. Weekend Guests Mrs. Olive Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foreman and son of Toledo, spent the weekend with Mrs. Foreman's mother, Mrs. Letitia Steen. Hazel Men denhall of Zanesville, Was Sunday guest at the Steen home. Masonic Banquet Members of Sharon Lodge No. 136 F. and A. M. will hold a ban quet at the Presbyterian church Saturday evening, Oct. 9, hon orning past masters at the lodge Ladies Aid of Church will serve. Eighty Eighth Birthday T. L. Marquis will observe his eighty eighth birthday, Friday, Oct. 8th. In Hospital Miss Leota Winder is recover ing from a fracture of her hip at Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. Attended Convention Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Pickenpaugh and Jessie, Mrs. Minnie Marquis, Mrs. Anna Archibald, Mrs. Jessie Marquis, Mrs. Ocie Harmon, Mrs Vera Harmon and Mrs. Cora Marquis attended the W. C. T. U. convention at Ava, Thursday Personals A/1C Robert D. Cunningham of Brookfield, spent Friday eve ning with Josephine Boyd and her family. Mr. and Mrs. John Collins of Zanesville, Mr. and Mvs. Clay Shields, Marcus and Larry of Wooster, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Courtney. Mrs. Jane Archer spent Sun day with Mrs. Laura Blakt at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferrell of Zanesville, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Ocie Harmon. On Sunday they motor ed to Gallipolis and visited with Mrs. Harmon's granddaughter Shelba Jean Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hogue and son, Deltin Wade of Alliance spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archibald of Canton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Archibald. Mrs. Mary Griffith is visiting with her brother, B. B. Wheeler at Caldwell. Annette Archibald of Zanes ville, spent the weekend with home folks. A A J* S A nre cmr toAN & savings co. orncis *tt eve* omo stf pwcne book *44* E I Y O A N JOSEPH STICH—Manager 520 West Street CALDWELL, OHIO Phone 69 Mrs. Bertha Brennan and daughter, Martha of Columbus, ailed on her niece, Mrs. A vice Richer last Tuesday. Charlene Haga, who is taking beauty culture course at Akron visited recently with her par ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ray Haga. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquis visited recently with her broth er, Edgar Lyons and family at "am bridge. Mrs. Avice Etcher called or her aunt, Mrs. Allen Addis a Caldwell last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cody Dixon oi Waterford, called on Mrs, Letitia Steen and family Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nessel road and children of near Ren rock, spent Sunday with he: mother, Mrs. Mamie Parks CUMBEKLAMD Cumber land grange will meet on Mon day evening, Oct. 11th at 8:0i m. with Master Everett Le page in charge. The refresh ment committee is-: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klingler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sakash, Elizabeth Halnska, Myron Hickle, Ruth Koontz and Mrs. Ruthie Davis. Mrs. Lucy Waller visited her sister, Mrs. George Hawkins and husband in Columbus from Fri day until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bates re cently visited with friends in Pittsburgh. Pa. Mesdames Vera Bates, Elma West, Lena Shaw, Amanda Dud ley, Ruth Carr, Elizabeth Barn ett, Isa Conn, Mr. and Mrs Harry Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Char les Hawkins attended Friend ship Night at Byesville on Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bond and daughters of Zanesville, spent Friday evening with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bond. They have sold their home in Zanes ville and will soon be locating in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Conn George and Patty Sue Conn, Mr and Mrs. Harry Conn visited on Sunday at the Irvin Conn home in Newark. Mrs. Jessie Conner accompan ied her sister, Mrs. Charles Nel son and husband of Cambridge on a visit with relatives in Mis souri and will also visit other places of interest. If it's advertised In The Journal Say so wh*n .Y«u are bin in?, ir^-4 8 4. one 20 "fWITfc Tl At Golden Wedding Anniversary Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Macenko, Sr., sur rounded by members of their family,, when they observed their golden wedding anniversary on Sept. 17th. Pictured 1. to r., they are Paul Macenko, Joseph Macenko, Sr., Mrs. Joseph Macenko, Miss Mary Macenko, Mrs. Margaret Mika, Steve Macenko, Mike Macenko, Joseph Macenko, Jr., Andy Macenko, John Macenko and George Macenko. i A-jJt &M MIDDLEBURG Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Clark and boy& were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark and son, Ray mond, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Barn ett and children of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and children of Barberton, fpent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and family. Mrs. Evelyn Antill ?nd sons, Jeff and Jack, Mrs. Ida Brotton, Mrs. Lenora Estadt were callers at Little Hocking Friday after noon. Mrs. Lydia Pryor, Mrs. Blan che Shafer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crum on Flag one day last week. Walter Love of Chester Hill, was a caller at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pryor home, Tuesday. Elizabeth Morrison and Dickie Poland spent Tuesday afternoon with Laurie Harrison. Charles Mitchell and Mrs. Myrtle Harriman and son, Eu gene spent Friday at Zanesviile. John Cozzens of Ava, visited Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Juinur 1) n nmerlt n,'. and family. Mrs. Lenora Estadt, Mrs. Fern 5r a i m. m? Originally $219.95 AND YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR CU. FT. KI Rkil RAlOK FOR THE PRICE OK A PHUCO 1146 AND YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR 516 North Street Caldwell, Ohio HC IF W? A St a otoS '4 Mr Carries and son, Eugene visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Olevia Archer of Fulda. Mrs. Ida Brotton, Mrs. Evelyn Antill and son, Jeff, Lenora Estadt spent Wednesday after noon with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Antill and family of Macksburg. Mr. and Mrs. James McCune of Cambridge, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and family here. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and children, Barbara and Judy attended the jamboree at Wheeling Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrison, Kathryn* Poland and Jimmy Morrison attended show Sunday evening at Caldwell. Yontz ALL 51 vV LINES OF Phone 14 iP h- JPage TKfe»—BL KEITIITOWN Mr. and Mr*. Dwain Carter and daughter Nor ma of Hamilton, visited over th» weekend at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Park er. Mr and Mrs. Charles Burk hart and family of near Dayton, visited Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leo Burkhart. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Waller and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Foraker vis ited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Waller and family1 at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis, Jr. and family of Cambridge, visited Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMannis, Sr. and family. Mr-, and Mrs. Nolan Porter and Mrs. Elmer Groves visited Sunday p. m. with the latter's husband, who is still a patient in St. Joseph's hospital in Park ersburg, W. Va. He is slowly improving from recent surgery. Richard Landaker of the U. S. Navy, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Leigh ton Landaker and family. Cpl. Clarence Chandler of the U. S. Army, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Cinda of Beverly, were dinner guests on Saturday at the home of his par ents, Mr. and tyfrs. Ard Chandler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chandler and family of Stow, spent the weekend with relatives ia this vicinity. Visitors over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Burkhart were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hurst of Caldwell, Mrs. Joanne Dunn of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Manford Young, and sons, Jackie and Jimmie and Blaine Young at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhsrt and children, Bruce, Ricky and Becky of Centerville. To save time dip ripe toma toes for salads in boiling water for about 1 minute, chill in the refrigerator and peel when you jn.' ready to use therm INSURANCE Caldwell, 2 J* w •t' V-p. Ohio if 5s- mm. 11 i% V V v 6 A i u-f:: .V J, No Defrosting! No Dials to Fiddle With! So Automatic It Thinks for Itself! Never too moist or dry. It's air conditioned to keep foods fresher, longer than ever before in a refrigerator. Packed with the luxury features every woman wants. Huge 2 cu. ft. zero degree freezer. Dairy Bar storage door. Butter Keeper. Cheese r' Ful* AdjuBt*ble ShelvM" P°rCelain Cri^™-