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Four ssi Has San Twenty-three living past mas ters of Sharon Lodge, F. & A. M. No. 136, will be presented past master pins at a banquet to be held Saturday evening, October 9, at 6:30 p. m., in the basement of the Sharon Presbyterian church. Past masters to be honored in clude, Ray Ellison, S. W. Burlin game. E. D. Lowe, F. W. Burlin gaine, O. B. Caldwell, J. C. Wal ters, E. B. Swank, Irvin Boney, S. W. Parrish, John Boney, C. C. Burlingatne, H. C. Harmon, R. G. Swank, G, K. Marquis, John Dudley, C. I. lams, George Ralph, L. K. Marquis, I. M. Mc Donald, Jr., Ray Shrivfcr, Willis McDonald, Byron Steeti M&l G. M. Parks. All Masonic brefhern are cor dially invited to attend the ban quet and the program which fol lows. Banquet tickets may be secured from members of the lodge. At a recent nset ting of fedt son Grange No. 407, the follow ing officers were elected to serve lor the corning year: Master, Howard Smith over seer, Clyde McAtee lecturer, Doris Way steward, Nestor Dav rah assistant steward, Ehvyn Harper chaplain, Lila Chandler treasurer, Norah Darrah secre tary, Bessie Harper gatekeeper, Albert Way Ceres, Mary Harp er Pomona, Virginia Wagner Flora, Gertrude Way lady assis tant steward, Enid Harper alffl pianist, Sarah McAtee. The next monthly meeting will be held October 8 at which time the new officers will be m stlaled. followed by an oyster supper. All officers and members are urged to attend. i ,iiW Mil., fcUTO BODY if a*.*- Great Grandson Killed Mrs. Minnie Singer of Fulda, attended the funeral of her four year-old great grandson, William Windling, Jr., last Tuesday, who was instantly killed in an auto accident near the family home in Canton last Saturday evening. The accident involved a second car, driven by a Harrisburg, Penna., resident, who also suf fered fatal injuries. The youth's father, driver of the Canton car, also suffered serious injuries. The youth, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Windlins, Sr., is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blake, former Noble county residents. Mrs. Blake was the former Lydia Singer, of the Fulda community. In addition to Mrs. Singer, other attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Singer and daughter, Janet, of Caldwell route. Former founfiam Enjoy Local Visit Mi. :»n-1 Mrs. Clay M. Barnes, formerly of Noble county and now living in suburban Balti more, Maryland, visited with Mrs. Pluma Smith of Sarahs ville and friends in Caldwell on Saturday and Sunday. They are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Clare Mershon and Clara Barnes of Columbus. Mr. Barnes is District Super intendent of the Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia area for the Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corporation with headquar ters in Houston, Texas. This gas line furnishes natural gas, primarily to New York City. Their son, Robert Clay grad uated from Lane high school in Charlottsville, Va., in June, 1953. He entered the Air Force Service in September and this last July was sent to Korea as A/2C. At U. S. Route 21 South Phone 78 Caldwell, Ohio ALL WORK GUARANTEED WE GIVE FREE ESTIMATES! Save 5 V^ays 1 with St 1953 PLYMOUTH 1 1950 CHEVROLET 1 1948 TIAC 1947 CHEVROLET 111! IJ 1954 DODGE ILW. CranSiwrti 4 Dr. Automatic Transmission New Tires & Seat Covers 4 Dr. Sedan Radio and Heater Seat Covers JM Club Coupe Radio and Heater Good Rubber 4 Dr. Sedan Radio and Heater Fluid Drive 4 Dr Sedan Automatic Transmission New Paint 2 Dr Sedan New Paint & Seat Covets Good Rubber 2 Dr. Sedan Radio and Heater Clean 2 Dr. Sedan Radio and Heater 4 Dr. Sedan New Paiut and Covets Heater and R%diO 1 Ton Stake V-« Engine 306 Miles Iff!! 510 Cumberland Street Phone 23 Ton Express I & 1 i One Owner Frank Citvin Heads Haley's -vidge Grange Frank Calvin was elected Master of Halley's Ridge Grange at their regular meeting which was held Monday evening, September 27. Other officers elected were: overseer, James Johnson lec turer, Ruth Johnson, steward, Clifford Buckey assistant stew ard, Paul Archer chaplain, Edith Archer treasurer, Frank Tarle ton secretary, Mabel Tarleton gatekeeper, Ora Bond Ceres, Ruth Ann Danford Flora, Patty Buckey Pomona, Berndel Say re lady assistant steward, Mary Ruth Stiers and committee chairmen: economics, Alice Rayner executive, Everett Ray ner youth, Mildred Calvin and legislative, Arlin Still. Hitchhiker Receives Sentence To B. I. S. James Lee Atkins, 16, of Reed, W. Va., who attacked Robert Light, 19, of Beckley, W. Va., as he slept in his car at the junction of Routes 21 and 313 early last Monday morning was sentenced to the Boys Industrial School, Friday by Judge Theo dore Stubbs, Cambridge. Atkins was hitchhiking and was picked up by Light. He struck Light on the head three times with a mace fashioned out of a child's baseball bat. The youth said that he had intended to knock Light uncon scious and then steal the car. He said he wanted to go to work in Indiana. Atkins was picked up in Noble county, following the assault. SAIL FOR TURKEY Major L. W. Schrader with the U. S. Air Force at Patterson Field, Dayton, his wife and son, Larry, sailed Sept. 29 for Ankara, Turkey, where he will be stationed for the next two years, with the Turkish Em jassy. Enroute, they will visit it Casablanca, Africa, Leghorn, Spain, Naples, Italy, Tripoli, Africa, Peraeres, Greece and rrivt at Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct. 19. Mrs. Schrader is the daughter of Mrs. C. M. Racey, 016 Fairground street. BOOTH FESTIVAL DONATION The MYF of the Caldwell First Methodist church will be calling n the people in Caldwell Thurs iay evening, October 7 for the purpose of taking up donations canned goods for the Booth Festival which -is to be held on Monday evening, October 11 at the Belle Valley Methodist church. The campaign will get underway around 4:30 p. m. and everyone wishing to donate to this should have their canned oods ready when the young people call. LAWN IS DAMAGED The lawn of the late Frank Clark ome on Miller street was badly damaged, Sunday night when a car, driven »by Don Gerst )f Caldwell route, got out of control, jumped the curbing and plowed through the lawn. The accident was investigated by Deputy Sheriff Arthur Taylor. The home is occupied by Misses Inez aisi) I.'h ('kirk. 9 & Jfclfc' Heater. CLUB COUPE Radio and heater. Heater. Had io and heater. THE- JOTTRNAL, —Personals— Ralph Shaier ol' Caldwell has returned to his home after visit ing with friends and relatives in San Bernardino, Calif. Mrs. Elsie Kirchner and son, John have returned to their home on North street after a month's vacation trip through the western states. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Connoll and Mx-s. Dallas Hunt, all of Pitts burgh, Pa., were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Keyset', North street. Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming have returned to their home on Walnut street from a ten days visit to their home in Pittsburgh, Kansas. Lewis Waller has returned to his home in Hallsville after visit ing with friends and relatives in Noble county. OLIVE GREEN REVIVAL The fall revival services of the Olive Green Church of Christ will begin next Monday even ing, Oct. 11. Services will be held each evening, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. ESCAPES INJURY Don Parrish of the Caldwell Sharon road escaped with only a hip injury, Sunday afternoon, when a flat tire caused him to lose control of his car and it turned over several times. He was alone at the timev of Ihe accident. BUYS LUMBER At the meeting of the Noble county commissioner^, Monday, they purchased the following lumber from Archer brothers, 3 5 thousand 12-14-16 feet of three' inch oak planks at $75.00. The total cost was $262.50. BAD CHECK CHARGE Virgil H. Watson, 42, of fedrn merfield route, was arrested on Wednesday morning at Belpn by the Sheriff's department in Marietta for Guernsey county authorities on a warrant charg ing him with issuing a worthless check. IN ACCIDENT Harold R. Fleeman, 31, of Lower Salem route, damaged th* front end of his automobile at 7 p. m. Tuesday when he Struck a concrete bridge on the Gt r mantown road, according to In state highway patrol. ADMITTED TO HOSPITAL Herbert (Jlltnan, of Belford street, Caldwell, was admitted to Marietta Memorial hospital on Sept. 29 for observation ami treatment. Also admitted that day was Mrs. fienr^Dent ol' Whipple. IN CANTON HOSPITAL Wilson Lytle, 88, prominent Macksburg resident, is a patient in Aultman hospital. Canton, where he underwent an opera tion for the amputation of In right leg. His condition is repoi 1 ed as being only fair. DISCHARGED FROM ARMY Two discharge certificates have been recorded at the of fact or Recorder Benny J. Fowler, including Ronald Eugene Si fens of Caldwell and Robert D. Havener of Summerfield, from the S. Ann v. Our Price Book Price U Save 1951 Sfudebaker V-8 .. $795 $940 $145 Automatic transmission Radio and heater Low mileage 1950 Nash Tudor $295 $470 $170 1950 Sfudebaker $295 $600 $305 1949 Dodge Fordor $495 $590 $ 95 1947 Ponliac Fordor $195 $305 $110 SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! 1952 Pontiac-^-Loaded. 1949 Pontiac-*-L!ke new. 1947 Ford Tudor—Original thruout 1946 Plymouth—Clean WORK CARS! 1939 Chevrolet .. $ JJ 1937 Chevrolet ^0 YOUR CAR IS ALWAYS WORTH MORE ON TRADE AT Phone 78 South U. S. Route 21 Caldwell, Ohio L. OTTTO Reinenville Girl Is Viciim Of Polio Two young people of neigh boring communities have been stricken with polio and are now patients in Marietta Memorial hospital. They include Judith Rolls, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rolls of Lowell route 4 and Miss Marjorie Tay lor, 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Reinersville. Miss Rolls wag stricken with polio last Friday and Miss Tay lor on Sept. 24. HIKE IS PLANNED The Girl Scout troop of the V.F.W. will hold a hike to the Roadside Park, Saturday after noon from 4 to 6 o'clock. In the event of rain before 10 o'clock Saturday morning, the hike will be postponed. Written permis sion must be obtained before car transportation is permitted. There were 24 members present at the regular meeting Tuesday nite with Leaders Evelyn Hob nsack and Josephine Giallom bardo in charge. For the hike, Girl Scouts must bring their own weiners and table service. Flavorful! Buy at this low, low price. C. C. PACKER'S ISABEL An economical dessert. PEUN£ PLUMS 4 & v &L. JCROr.'T Eight Applicants Pass Examinalion FRANCO Tkfb kind with til© extra-good SPAGHETTI JOAN OF ARC Finest on the market BUTTER BEARS 8 KROGER BRAND Sweetened just right. w» w* 'J' -V*' -v' it cake Eight applicants successfully passed their driver's examina tion Monday, conducted by the state highway department, and they were granted a driving per mit, according to Cpl. C. W. Myers of Marietta. Those who passed the test were Lucille M. Jones of Cald well route Frela Irene Harmon of Caldwell route Judith Lenore Williams of Caldwell route Shela C. Spear of Caldwell route Carl Robert Ogle, Dexter City route and Shirley Iaou Patsey of Adena. Two chauffeur's permits were issued to James Max Phillis of Lowell route and Harry Pres ton Pewanger of Coal Run route. There were three who failed their examination last Monday. GIVEN FINE Woodrow Huffman was fined $5.00 and costs Monday by Mayor Homer Johnson for his failure to observe a signal light at the corner of Spruce and West streets, near the postoffice. He was arrested by Marshal Jack Oliver. .. 5 i Special pm "FIESTA" BAB CAKE s?fT» Tfrr *"t CKAiiAM AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL tslCf EACH Volume 4 Now on Sc!e! Start your set now! Volumes 1, 2 and 3 are still available. O N Y Golden Ripe Beauties j, Bake a luscious banana p"1 cream pie! ••SB' District Rural Carriers Hold Fall Conference The fall banquet meeting of the Rural Carriers IK SALE ENDS IBS NO. 2 CANS 715/,0Z$1 CANS No 303' CANS YELLOW WHOLE KERNEL Vacuum Packed KROGER BRAND Tangy flavor Made from finest cabbage. •y 12 oz.' CANS 5 irfe 9f w 111 lit IP I! 46 Ol. CANS and Auxili ary association of the 15th di. trict was held Saturday evening at the Cumberland Presbyterian The dinner was preparedjwd served bv the Women's Guild of the church. Dewey Gibbs served as toastmaster and RevJ*^L Brown of Caldwell postoffice, gave the invocation. Principal talks were given by Walter Nethers, state vice presi dent of the Rural mail carriers and by Mrs. Nethers, who is state president of the aux**,a^ A large number from Noble county postoffices attended. TO COMPLETE AUDIT Charles M. Shank, «ate examiner out of the office of Auditor Rhodes, who has. been conducting an audit ot the vi lage records, said today that hopes to be completed on this project by next week. The pre sent audit was started on June 29. It is the first to be held for the village of Caldwell since Sept. 1"). 1949. Saturday PACKER'S LABEL Firm and tasty. AVOVJM? firie for con carne. %lil Strong, absorbent, firm textured. Come in today and take advantage of this money-saving price. Fleecy-soft and gentle to your skin. FLEECE FACIAL TISSUES 6 5100 -"Alt' $ IT |F i jf! A "fhtirsfo?, flgtofeer ?, ttoi V. F. W. Conference To Be Held Sunday Mrs. Ethel Moure ut Caldwell district president, will bp in charge of the fall encampment of the ladies auxiliaries of De partment of Ohio to Veterans of Foreign Wars which will be held Sunday, Oct. 10 at McCon nelsville. In addition to Mrs. Moore, a large delegation of members from the local auxiliary will also attend the conference. Registration will begin at 9:00 o'clock at the Eagle's Hall with the meeting getting underway promptly at 10 o'clock. There will be ritualistic work tb be exemplified by the McConnels ville and Zanesville auxiliaries. The encampment opens on Saturday evening with a dance and social activities at the Post home to which all members arc invited. RETURNED HOME Mr?. Mary Antill was return ed to her home in Macks bu Tuesday morning from the etta Memorial hospital. Th was made in the McVay a ance. s 9 WIITO' AVONDALE BRAND CJfr. A thrifty buy. KIDNEY BEANS 10 ?°zs$ Young', liner tasting A thrifty treat. AVONDALE PEAS AlE ,-,-v 4" 4 .f^ i/v bio ?m WINHIHG GROUPS! WIN YOUR CHOKE Of A thini .-'7''' Wl'l A tKlnin* new -a, -y A luxurlou* «ll vacotton t'l# for t*n or dauflht»r And there are DOZENS OF OTHER WONDERFUL PRIZES to choose from in this Columbus Branch contest. Get entry blanks at your Kroger store. Just fill in the Heart's Desire entry blank and deposit it in the box provided in any Kroger store. That's all you have to do. There are no statements to write, nothing to buy. Contest closes November 1954. '5' "WjC i. /M ht "Yi&s Fr.-h lisp Tender CABBAGE 11K U. S. No. All Purpose In Mesh Baf. aho No. 303% CANS 1 8 No. 303' CANS U CANS 'T JA No. 303$ 1 *W CANS CREAM STYLE YELLOW Stock up now? No. 303 CANS rolls rimes golden-Juicy, delicious 5C APPLES 4 29C Potatoes 10 LBS.