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Coming Events
on the
Social Register
Laurp! Grange
Laurel Grange No. 1678 will
hold its regular meeting Thurs
day evening, October 7 at 7:30
p» m. Officers for the new year
will be installed. Refreshments
will be served.
To Hold Dance
The September group of St.
Michael's church, Berne, is spon
soring a mixed dance in their
parish hall, Saturday evening.
Oct. 9. Music will be furnished
by the Shenandoah Valley gang.
Refreshments will be served
Club To Meet
The Stitch and Chatter club
of Jackson township will meet
at the home of Mildred Smith,
Wednesday, Oct. 13 and not Oct.
12 as previously announced.
To Hold Dance
There will be a round and
square dance in the parish hall
at Burkhart, Sunday evening,
Oct. 10. The Shenandoah Valley
orchestra will furnish the music.
Jackson Grange
Jackson Grange No. 407 will
hold their regular meeting in
the grange hall Friday evening,
Oct. 8 at 8 o'clock. There will be
a speaker from the Noble county
hospital association at this
meeting. They will also hold
their installation service, follow
ed by an oyster supper.
Rebekah Lodge
The Noble Rebekah Lodge will
have practice Monday evening,
October 11 at 7:30 p. m. in the
Lodge hall. All officers are urg
ed to attend. Rebekah Lodge in
spection will be held Tuesday
evening, October 12 at 7:30 p.
m. with Mrs. Elizabeth Dagen
hart serving as the inspecting
Square Dance
The Aurelius Township School
Community club is sponsoring a
square dance at the Macksburg
school building on Friday even
ing, October 8, from 9:00 p. m.
to 12 midnight. Refreshments
will be sold. The public is invit
ed to attend.
Sumemrfield O. E. 8.
The reception which was to
have been held by the Summer
field O.E.S. honoring the Deputy
Grand Matron, Mildred Day on
October 9 has been postponed
until Thursday evening, October
21 at 7:30 p. m.
Photo Developing-—^Gillespie's
Look Who's Mere!
Mr. and Mrs. Haskel Pryor of
Senecaville, formerly of South
Olive, are announcing the birth
of a son at Guernsey Memorial
hospital, Cambridge, Oct. 2. The
infant weighed eight pounds and
one ounce.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mallett
of Stafford, are announcing the
birth of a son, Oct. 3 at Mari
etta Memorial hospital.
The daughter born recently to
A/1C and Mrs. Donald Sanford
of Creston, Washington, has
been named Carmen Lee. The in
fant weighed six pounds and ten
ounces at birth. Grandparents
are Mrs. Angie Bates of Seneca
ville route 1 and Mr. and Mrs.
George Sanford of Sarahsville
route 1. Great grandparents are:
Mrs. Ora Wilson of Senecaville
route, Mrs. Elizabeth Bates of
Caldwell. Mrs. William Zever of
Mt. Pleasant and Rev. W. G.
Sanford of Belle Valley.
Kevin William is the name
given the seven pound, 11 ounce
son born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert
W. Cunningham, Salesville route
1 at Guernsey Memorial hospi.
tal, Cambridge, Sept. 26. Mr. and
Mrs. William T. Robertson of
Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. John
W. Cunninham of Salesville are
the grandparents. Mrs. Cunning
ham is the former Joan Carol
A daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Theiman of Low
ell route 1, Sept. 29 in Marietta
Memorial hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. James Morgen
stern of Elba, are the parents of
a daughter, born Sept. 29 at
Marietta Memorial hospital.
A daughter, named Pamela
Ann was born Oct. 1 to A/1C
and Mrs. Clarence Ward of Sav
annah, Ga., formerly of Coal
Run community. Grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Vic Wagner,
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ward.
Great grandparents are Mrs.
Blanche McKitrick, Mr. and
Mrs. Amos Wagner, Clarence
Ward and Mrs. Emma Bolinger,
all of Coal Run community. Wil
liam Reed of Caldwell, is the
Autos driven by Dale V. Thil
lis, Coal Run route 1 and Her
bert R. Grislip, 30, of Canton,
were slightly damaged Monday,
when they collided at a traffic
light in Marietta. Phillis was
cited by police on a charge of
reckless operation.
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during October 1 thru October 9.
United In Marriaoe, Sundav Sent
1M- y*mk ':•$*
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, was attired in a
beautiful white embroidered net
chapel length gown, redingate
style with pleated underskirt of
net, it featured an illusion net
bodice over satin with a peter
pan collar and long sleeves that
came to points over the hands.
Her veil of silk illusion was
caught to a cap of white satin
trimmed with seed pearls. She
carried a white Bible, a gift of
the bridegroom, topped with a
white orchid from which fell
white satin streamers tied
lovers knots.
Miss Edna Marquis sn-ved as
her sister's maid of honor and
she was attired in a l'uchia color
satin and nylon net gown styled
with formal bodices and full
skirts. She wore a matching
bolero of satin and a headdress
of matching nylon tulle and
carried a colonial bouquet of
white tarnations and yellow
Miss Deanna Marquis, a cou
sin of the bride served as bride-
?ii iii'
1 v«
MR. AND MRS. JOHN \V. iiAKriv.
The First Presbyterian church of Caldwell was the scene of
pretty wedding on Sunday, September 26 when Miss Virginia
Lee Marquis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Marquis of West
street became the bride of John William Harper, son of Mr. and
Mrs. G. D. Harper of South Olive.
Rev. L. E. Pritchard officiated at the double ring ceremony
which was preceeded by a period I
of nuptial music with the bride's
sister, Irene Marquis singing "I
Love You Truly," "Ah, Sweet
Mystery of Life," "Oh Promise
Me" and "The Lord's Prayer,"
with Mrs. II. J. Startzman at
the organ.
The church was beautifully
decorated with arrangements of
gladiolas and branched candela
bra.? completing the setting.
maid. She was attired in a gown
identical to that of the maid of
honor's and she earned a colon
ial bouquet of white carnations
and yellow roses.
Mr. Dale Addis served as Mr.
Harper's best man and the guests
were seated by Charles Ball and
Junior Ball.
The bride's mother wore a
navy frock with a corsage of
white carnations and red roses
pinned to her shoulderline.
The groom's mother wore
black with a corsage of white
carnations and red roses.
A reception was held immedi
ately following the ceremony in
the home of the bride's parents
with approximately 90 guests
Aides for the reception were:
Gertrude Miller and Barbara
Shriver, sisters of the bride and
Mrs. Hazel Howiler and Mrs.
Cora Marquis, aunts of the bride.
The new Mrs. Harper is a
graduate of Caldwell high school
with the class of 1954 and has
been employed in her father's
grocery store.
Mr. Harper is a graduate of
Dexter City high school with* the
class of 1953 and is employed as
a tool dresser in the oil fields.
The newlyweds will be leav
ing soon for Hobbs, New Mexico
where Mr. Harper is employed.
Mrs. Sophia Gray of Main
street, visited Tuesday with rel
atives and friends in Columbus.
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Mr, And Mrs. Daniel Barlock, Newlyweds,
Honored Sunday Afte
Mary Barlock entertained on
Sunday afternoon, September 26
with a miscellaneous shower
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Barlock, newlyweds. at her
home in Belle Valley.
The refreshment table was
centered with a beautiful three
tiered wedding cake.
Those present were Mrs.
Mary Mizik. Mrs. Steve Varhola,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Thomas, Mrs.
Milo King, Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ro*Sea
mster. Mr. and Mis. Steve Dnf
falo, Mr. and Mrs. Buster Meth
eney, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Rice,
Mrs. John Wukelich. Sr., Mrs.
Pete Minyo, Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Iversek. Mrs. Anna Gnoyiak,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas, Mr.
and Mrs. Milo Mika, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Cartell, Mrs. William
Baranehik, Mr. and Mrs. John
Wukelich, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Ajri
drevv Smee, Mrs. Marie Mazg^.v,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mazgay, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Hannum, Mr.
and Mrs. Nick Duffalo, Mr. and
Mrs. John Mizik. Mrs. Susie Hal
lahan, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lori,
Mrs. Emma Lesko, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Caldwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leasure,
Mrs. Minnie Clark, Mrs. Mary
Yunger, Mrs. Susie Barlock, Mrs.
Helen Gaydos, Mrs. Willna
Mauskey, Mrs. Helen Macenko,
Haga Family, Mrs. John Shrou
dish, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Macenko,
Sr., Mrs. Marie Rudy, Mary
Paxton, Nellie Matheney, Lillian
Taylor, Opal Renner, Carrie
Mr .and Mrs. Loyal Craft, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Boyd, Mrs.
Franklin Michael, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. George
Barlock, Mrs. Franklin Michael,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyd, Mr. and
Mrs. George Barlock, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wuckelich, Mr. and
Mrs. Myron Starr, Mrs. William
Starr, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mac
enko, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Zelenik, Mr. and Mrs. William
Reigsch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. John
Minyo, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Minyo, Mrs. Thelma Barlock,
Mrs. Susie Uro, Mrs. Michael
Mizik, Mrs. Susie Pakes. Mrs.
Always Select
rnoon With Shower
Benny Bober, Mrs. Anna Stasko
and Mrs. Anna Riski.
Those sending gifts but unable
to attend were: Mr. and Mrs.
John Rxski, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Springer, Mrs. Anna Mizzy, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray McVay, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul McVay, Mr. and Mrs.
John Denny, Mrs. Pearl Ralston,
Mrs. Dorothy Varhola, Mrs.
Susie Matty. Libby Brown. Mrs.
Agatha Smith, Mrs. Anna Eston,
Martha Sklenar, Mrs. Irene Uhl,
Maggie Evanko, Mr. and Mrs.
John Sklenar, Jr..« Mr. and Mrs.
John Sklenar, Sr., and Mrs. Dave
Thursday, October 7
Dickie Poland. Feme C.
Friday, October 8
Lucy McCandless, Eugene F.
Saturday, October 9
Homer Weedon, Wanda Ull
man, A1 Christopher, Lura Fow
ler, James R. McGregor.
Sunday, October 10
Flora Oliver, Wanda Davis,
Virginia Ward, Arabelle Watson.
Tuesday, October 12
Ida Brotton, Mrs. Andrew Mil
ler, Mrs. Leonard L. Long, Roger
Wednesday, October 13
Rebecca Jo Mundy.
Thursday, October 14
Mrs. Vernon Boeshaar.
Friday, October 15
Inez Clark, Wilson Poling,
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bates
and Mrs. Ren Zerger, all of Sum
merfield, are enjoying a vaca
tion with a motor tour of the
western states. They will spend
sometime with their daughter,
Mrs. Annabelle Archer and fam
ily of Phoenix, Ariz. They also
plan to visit in Old Mexico. They
will be accompanied home by
Mrs. Bessie Archer of Chester,
W. Va., who has been visiting in
i a y
in every way bread is served.
Then you'll know
bread can really be.
Thursday, October 7, 1954
Observe Golden Wedding Anniversary
First National Bank Building
Phone 125
4 *4 AS
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyd, of Lewis street, observed their golden
wedding anniversary on Sunday, September 26, with four genera
tions of the family being present for the celebration.
Myrtle Ferguson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elnrfcfer Ferguson,
and Ed Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, were united in mar
riage on September 29, 1904, by Rev. Ross at the Methodist church
parsonage in Caldwell. The Boyd's have sjbent their entire liie
in Noble county.
At noon a delicious dinner was served cafeteria style frd
table which was centered with a beautifully decorated cake.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Boyd and son, Connie/
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyd and son, Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Craft
and son, Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and son, Roy, of
McConnelsville, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Heddleeon and children, Mrs.
Leora Michael and children, Mr. and' Mrs. James Ferguson and
daughters of Columbus, Urban Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Dannie
Bariock, Mr, and Mrs. Loyal Craft and children, and the honored
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were presented with many lovely gifts.
The four generations represented were Mrs. Myrtle Boyd, Mrs.
Pearl Craft, Mrs. Leora Michael, and James Michael.
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