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Psge Eight Caldwell Club Completes Plans For National BPW Week At Dinner Meeting The Caldwell Busmen And Professional' oiiib held their regular dinner meeting Monday evening, Oct. 4, in the dining room of the First Presbyterian church. The dinner tables were beautifully decorated with arrangements of colorful flowers and unique favors, and centerpieces being imagin ary television antennas, carrying out the committee's theme. The radio and television com Scribe Honored I V* s 1 -W ^WW- MARY ANN CISAR Members of the Journal-Lead er staff entertained Thursday, with a 12 o'clock luncheon at Henry's restaurant honoring Miss Mary Ann Cisar, a member of the staff, who sailed from New York City aboard the M/S Gripsholm, North German Lines for Germany, on October 6. Miss Cisar's ship will dock in Biemerhaven, Germany and from there she will travel to Munich. Germany where she will join her brother and family. Miss Cisar's "Second Look" column will continue to appear in the Journal and Leader. Narcissus Club Holds September Meeting Freda Robinson ind Marion Robey entertained the Narcissus Club at the former's home on Walnut street on Thursday, September 30 with a one o'clock luncheon. During the business meeting, Mrs. Lela Keyser presided, fol lowed by contests which were enjoyed by the following mem bers and guests: Mary Secrest, Sarah Nichols, Jo Freestone, Jessie Young, Winnie Johnson, Gertrude Har per, Nell James, Edna Tarleton, Sophia Gray, Mary Tipton, Elsie Kirchner, Kathryn Merry, Bev erly Ralston. Mary Okey, Mil dred Zimmerman, Lela Keyser and guests, Maggie Glidden and Gertrude Davies and the host esses. Elbows anc Ci. ff* ill Won! 0««t! SAnWAtt threesome Sf i BIUYJAC: nittee was in charge of the meet ing. The -members were: Leone Barnhouse, chairman Ila Cly mer, Ruth Wheeler, Lorene Moseley, Ester Snider and Flor ence LaGraen who wa$ unable to attend. Following the dinner, the regular business meeting was held with the president, Betty Murphy in charge. At this time six guests were welcomed by the group. They included: Joan Watson, Helen Raney, Mayme Sealock, Ethel Pryor, Nola Clymer and Lois Boettler. The minutes of the last meet ing were read by the secretary Jean Hesson and a report of the club's financial standing was given by Violet Morgareidge, the treasurer, at which time she also announced that the club had turned $200.00 over to the Polio Foundation. Four new members were wel comed into the club. They were: Ethel Pryor, Mayme Sealock, Beverly Johnson and Nola Cly mer. National BPW week was an nounced for the week beginning October 10. Activities scheduled for the local club for that week include: Sunday, October 10, the District BPW convention tc be held in Caldwell with the news service committee in charge Monday, October 11 the group is taking advantage of the Chest X-Ray unit, which will be in Caldwell on Monday from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. and from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. and Tuesday morning. The group will be going to the Caldwell-Dresden high school football game, They will meet at the court house and fall in line behind the high school band and march to the ball field. All BPW members will be wearing red carnations in celebration of BPW week. After the business session an interesting program was held pertaining to the evenings theme. "Name That Tune" TV show was presented with Elizabeth Buckey, Adah Musser, Mary Secrest and Marylois Colley be-' ing the wining contestants. An other amateur TV show present ed was an imitation of Herbert Shriner's quiz program with Minerva Frazier and Bernice Webber winning the prizes. At the close of the meeting the years budget was read by Nelle Startzman and approved by vote of the group. Photo Developing—Gillespie's Uo it Guaionutd by Good Houttkttplnj Points of greatest wear knee* of jeans, elbows of jacket and cuffs and elbows of shirt. carry a writ 1en guarantee to outwear the rest of the garment. Independent lab oratory tests prove they actually wear JMMI/ ttlMt t«ng«r. NEW! WARM! Completely GuaranteedI Authentic Western StylingI An 8 oz. blue denim jacket completely lined with plaid cotton flannel. And tor the first time, with guaranteed Saf Lbo's! Sanforized, washable with rustproof snap fasteners. aq Proportioned sizes 4 to 12 Madge's Specialty Shop North Street Caldwell, Ohio Miss Martha Miller Feted With Shower Mis. Gerald Miller and Mrs. Frank Reed entertained Monday evening, September 20 with a bridal shower at the Miller home on Spruce street, honoring the former's daughter, Martha. The refreshment table was beautifully decorated with ar rangements of fall flowers and an attractively decorated cake. An umbrella, which was filled with lovely gifts, was hanging from the center of the table. Those present were: Mrs. Wil liam Hill, Mrs. William Lahue, Mrs. Lelia Landaker, Mrs. Wal ter Staats and daughter, Sandra, Mrs. Hersel Jordan and daugh ter, Linda, Miss Shelva Wheel er, Mrs. Capitola Love, Mrs. Lucille Fowler, Mrs. Florence Bridgeman, Mrs. L. E. Potts, Mr. and Mrs. James Landaker and daughter, Cindy, Mrs. James Robinson, Mrs. Wayne Davis and daughter, Kay, Mrs. Subray Dahood. Mrs. Blaine Love, Mrs. John McKibben, Mrs. Earl Wells, Mrs. John Parks, Miss Janet Parks, Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer, the honored one and the hostesses. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were: Mrs. Madge Love, Mrs. Clyde Stowe, Mrs. John Riski, Mrs. Merle ^rown, Mrs. Dannie Wickham, Mrs. Har ley Blake, Mrs. Evelyn Davis, Miss Betty Sanford and Mrs. Ernest Weekley. Miss Miller and Glen Potts will be married this month at Baltimore, Md., where he re cently accepted a position. Dinner Held Honoring Birthday Celebrants A birthday dinner was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milligan, Sr. of Byesville, former residents of Noble county honoring Mrs. Mil ligan, Twila Alexander, Bessie Stout and daughter, Willy Ann, who all recently celebrated their birthday anniversaries. A pot luck dinner was served cafeteria style at noon to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Milligan, Jr., David and Becky Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Philander Milligan, Woodrow, Sammy and Betty Lou of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stout, Sr. and Willy Ann and Louise, Mrs. Twila Alexander, Kaye and Faye, Jeanie and Janie of Blue Rock. Mrs. Bryan McKee and Charles, Mrs. Orpha Swain and Mr. and Mrs. Milligan. In the afternoon a social time was enjoyed by all. The honored ones were presented with many nice gifts. SS 33 Brookfield Demonstration Club Meets At Ziler Home The Brookfield Home Demon stration Club met Thursday eve ning, September 23 at the home of Mrs. Freda Ziler with nine members present. The project for the day was preparing salads with Mrs. Paulino Wickham and Mrs. Lucille Johnson giving the demonstration. The next meeting will be held October 28 at the home of Mrs. Pauline Wickham with the de monstration being on "Using the Broiler of Your Stove Proper ly." Plans for the Christmas at home show will also be made. v llW. rrm JOURNAL CALDWELL. Birthday Celebrants Honored With Party Classifieds Pay Dividends mbination you ~#v: ,• sT. at! n't be The best linoleum you can buy won't look well nor wear well if it isn't properly installed. Our men are factory trained and you can depend on them for a good job Iv every time. Your Choice Of Newest Styles! omo Qouhnal Sociokf. PH ON 98 Wed In Double Ring Ceremony & 4 i n MRS. FRANKLIN LASURE Miss Freda Sorg, formerly of Summerfield, became the bride of Franklin Lasure at the St. Mary's Catholic church in Lancaster on Saturday morning, Sept, 4. Rev. Charles Foeller officiated for the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sorg of Lancaster route 1, formerly of Summerfield. Mr. Lasure is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Lasure of Zanesville. The young couple is now making their home in Zanesville. The congregations of the Man chester and the Dudley churches met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Morris of Caldwell route, Thursday evening, September 30 honoring Mrs. Stanley Doudna and Sherman Shafer who obser ved their birthdays recently. The evening was spent socially and group singing was enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Noble Wiley, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wiley, Mrs. John Stack and son of Caldwell route 2 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott of Reiners ville Mr. and Mrs. Walter How iler of Brownsville Mrs. Howard Gill and son, Mrs. John Nichol son, Julia Jean, Alva Michael and Gerald Hetter, Mrs. Lydia Smith, Warner and Reuben Stewart of Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bettinger and sons of Sar ahsville Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Doudna and family of Caldwell. Sherman Shafer of Caldwell route, Mr. and Mrs. Edgel Harp er of Caldwell and the host and hostess and daughter, Arlene. Missionary Society Of First Church Of Christ Holds September Meeting The Missionary Society of the First Church of Christ in Cald well met Tuesday evening, Sep tember 28 at the home of Mrs. Ewell Smith, of Belford street, with Mrs. Clifton Elliott and Mrs. Earl Harmon serving as companion hostesses. Mrs. Frank Radcliff had charge of the devotionals and read the scripture. Mrs. Ira Brandon led the group in pray er and gave an interesting report on the Missionary Convention, which Rev. and Mrs. Brandon attended in Toledo last week. Mrs. Harold Dyer, the presi dent, presided during the busi ness meeting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mrs. Harold Dyer, Mrs. Chester Hayes, Mrs. Ira Brandon, Mrs. Frank Radcliff. Mrs." Everett Hill, Mrs. Gerald Lovett, Mrs. Waldo Devolld and Miss Delia Boyd. in Marilyn J. Guiier Will Wed Carl R. Gessel, October 30 •4 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guiier, of Summerfield, are announcing the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Joan, to Carl Robert Gessel of Macksburg. The custom of "open church" will be observed when the ceremony is read at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 30, at the Whigville Methodist church. Miss Guiier is a graduate of Summerfield high school, class of 1954. The prospective bride groom is the son of Mr.»and Mrs. Carl Gessel of Macksburg and graduated from the Dexter City high school with the class of 1952. A reception for invited guests will be held at the Guiier home in Summerfield following the ceremony. Circle Four W. S. C. S. Meets At Wheeler Home Circle Four of the Caldwell W. S. C. S. met Tuesday, Sept. 27 at the home of Mrs. Edgar Wheeler on Belford street with Mrs. .Fred McDonald serving as companion hostess. The devotionals were led by Mrs. Robert Winberg. During the social hour delici ous refreshments were served by the hostesses to the following: Miss Evelyn Weaver, Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. Loren San ford, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. Myron Merry, Mrs. Malcolm Parks, Mrs. Robert Ball, Mrs. Merle Barnhart, Mrs. Robert Dennison, three guests, Mrs. Billy Jones, Jr., Mrs. Subray Dahood and Mrs. Robert Ralstpn. Home Economics Club Elects New Officers The first Home Economic meeting was held at the Cald well high school on Friday after noon, October 1, at 3:00 p. rn. Officers for the following term were elected as follows: president, Beverly Henry vice president, Joyce Wharton secre tary, Mary Lou Arnold treasur er, Joan Miller song leader, Juditb Wharton reporter, Leona Schoeppner and club mother, Mrs. Jewell Wickham. The president appointed ft pro gram committee consisting of: Martha McAuley, Barbara Wood, Shelba Wheeler and Wanda Woodford as chairman of the committee. DISMISSED HOME Mrs. Marvelous McCauley was dismissed Sunday from Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eddie Bailey in Belle Valley. The trip was made in the Mc Vay ambulance. STRICKEN ILL "Dick" Sanford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanford, under went emergency surgery for ap pendicitis, Saturday at Marietta Memorial hospital. He was stricken ill while working at the Barnhouse Chevrolet garage on Miller street. COAUWS- SOO/V... h, fit f'1''- V^Wr1 jSfe /iks Buckey Motor Sales U. S. Route 21 South Caidwaii, Oltid 5 I Miss Sandra Manifold Becomes Bride 01 Gerald D. Conard In Sept. 25 Rites At the altar were arrange ments of white gladioli and chrysanthemums, interspersed with ivy. Preceding the cere mony, a half hour of wedding music was presented. Miss Louise Carr served as the bride's maid of honor and Bar bara Joan and Tawney Sue Long, nieces of the bride, were flower girls. Clarence Conard served his brother as best man. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride's dress featur ed a strapless bodice worn with a scalloped jacket of chantilly lace with a three quarter length shirred peplum and a Queen Elizabeth collar. Her finger tip veil of illusion fell from a scal loped pearl crown. White mums centered with a removable cor sage of pink carnations formed her wedding bouquet. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Manifold had chosen a dark blue dress of sheer crepe and lace with black accessories. She wore a corsage of pink carna tions. The bridegroom's mother wore a light blue nylon dress with black accessories, ascen tuated with a dark pink carna tion corsage. A reception was held follow ing the ceremony in the church social rooms. Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, Mrs. Frances Barnett of Cumberland and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Manifold of Zanesville. The bride is employed at the Ohio Power company in New ark and the bridegroom is em ployed by the Pittsburgh plate glass company in Mt. Vernon. Upon their return from the wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Utica. IN KOREA Pvt. Robert D. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill of Summer field route, is now serving with the U. S. Army in Korea. Pvt. Hill would enjoy hearing from his many friends. His complete address is: Pvt. Robert D. Hill, U. S. 52355295, Co. F, 21st Inf. Regt., APO 24, P. M., San Francisco, Calif. 1 a- there's plenty of in a penny! y-' Thursday, October 7, 1954 White slipper satin labhioned the wedding gown cf Miss Sattdfa Manifold, formerly of Caldwell, for her wedding Saturday at 2:30 p. m., to Gerald D. Conard. The ceremony took place at 2:30 p. m. in the St. Louisville Church of Christ with Rev. Irving E. Mitchell officiating at the double ring rites. The bride is the daughter of St. Louisville, former well known residents of Noble county. Mr. and Mrs. Glade Manifold of iriKmlW MRS. GERALD D. CONARD Mrs. Laura M. Fowler Hostess To L'Deen Club The L'Deen club met Thurs day, September 30 at the home of Laura Fowler on West street. The regular meeting was held. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour to the following: Edna Wehr, Grace Metheney, Mary Combs of Cambridge, Ella Motta of Byes ville, Joan Spears of Barnesville, Enid Buckey, Mrs. Archer, Anna Jordan, Rose Smith and the hostess, Mrs. Fowler. Past Matrons, hmr ^, l|^|g K T. i i W«w mra 4* 1 w k I I \1 I i fct* V 0. E. S. Enjoy Dinner Meeting Several past matrons of Amazon Chapter, No. 30, O.E.S. attended the district past Ma tron's dinner held at Pleasant City last week. Dinner was ser ved at 6:30 p. m. in .the dining room of the Pleasant City Meth odist church. A program was presented by neighboring chapters. Poems were read honoring the deputy grand matron, Mrs. Mildred Day of Suriimerfield community, who is a surgical patient in Guern sey Memorial hospital, Cam bridge. s still & "Wt W- U N E S O A A I N S Items Reguloriy Selling for as Much as 6.95! Now Buy Two for the Price of One .. Plus o Penny! Come in A-S U'J 1&L df -SSSgwi 1 i and*get your Courtesy Advance Order form today. Check items you wan* and pick up during the sole. 4s Advertised in UFI 100K POST COLLIER'S COUNTRY G'NTLEMAN v..iW: mmmmm RSLSTDN'S BE1A1.L yS 4 .Phone 296rJ Caldwell, Ohio ST0BS