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Perfect Attendance Students And Those On Honor Roll Announced For (aldweli High Perfect attendance students and those on the honor roll for the first six weeks of school at Caldwell have been announced by Principal Gilbert W. Weekley. The roster is as follows: fULDA SCHOOL NOTES The Fulda ior class will sponsor a mixed dance on Satur day night, Nov. 13. Refreshments will be served, and toward the close of the pai-ty, a turkey and two ducks will be awarded. Perfect Attendance Perfect attendance during the month of Octobcr: Grade 1—David Kress, Larry Shafer, Dickie Tonnous, Bobby Sclioeppner, Pollyann Kirkbride. Grade 2—Tom Singer, Bernard Joe Wickham, Barbara Kress, Linda Michel, Theresa Ritter beck, Janie Schell, Judy Schoepp ner, and Cecilia Tonnous. Grade 3—Judy Arnold, Bette Michel, and Shirley Ostroski. Grade 4—Donald Hill, Herman Hohnian, Elaine Smithberger, and Donna Tonnous. Grade 5—Howard Ritterbeck. "Grade 6—Janet Singer, Robert Ostroski, and Carlos Estadt. Grade 7—Ann Lee Dimmerling, Jean Crock, Rita Arnold, and D©nald Hohman. Grade 8—Phyllis Dimmerling, and Phyllis Schockling. Grade 9—Mary Rose Arnold and Marvin Rupple. Grade 10—Kathleen Schott. Grade 11—Robert Smithberger, Geneva Schockling and Muriel Singer. Class Kihgs Ordered The junior class placed their order for class rings and expect to parade them as Christmas presents. MOTHER DIES Mrs. Jennie Cartwright, 80, mother of Mrs. Edith Williams, Mt. Ephraim, died Saturday at the home of another daughter, Mrs. Ora Wilson of Roseville. She had resided with her daugh ter in Mt. Ephraim for about two years. Funeral services were held Tuesday and interment made in Roseville. Farley-Yositz A Perfect Attendance Seniors: Mary Lou Arnold, Robert Barnhouse, Charles Blake, Barbara Bober, Donald Bridgeman, Larry Brown, Lester Crock, Leonard Danford, Larry Estadt, Phil Fleeman," Dennis Gerst, Claire Hayes, Jerry Hed dleson, Beverly Henry, Margaret Ickes, Duane King, Patricia Lowers, Wilma Nau, Ruby Parks. Marilyn Pitts, Marianne Rich creek, Mary Louis Safigan, Leona Schoeppner, Norma Schott, Wilda Shamhart, David Smith, Judith Smith, Doris Swain, Merwin Tilton and Robert Warner. Juniors: Leon Bates, Sammy Bates, Elsie Boyd, Ralph Brum bach, Janice Chicwak, Shirley Cunningham, Gary Davis, Larry Dav:s, Steward Devolld, Lynne Ditch, Roger Dyer, Julia Estadt, Sally Evilsizer, Donna Farley. Joe Frederickson, Mary Lou Gardner, Dianna Gillespie, Jean Hayes, William Hill, Aloha Hupp, Joy Johnson, Joe Lori, Carolyn Pitts, Russell Porter, Mary Lou Reed, Larry Ross, Jean Ann Rucker, Helen Sarisky, Marilyn Schott, Marlene Warner, Fred Watson, Joyce Wharton, Shelva Wheeler, Larry Wilson, Ned Pickenpaugh and Allen Manson, Sophomores: David Archer, Jeaneen Ball, Ellen Beyer, Janet Buckey, R. D. Buckey, Alan Brown, Gracie Brumbach, Ray mond Clark, Kenneth Crock, Judy Davis, Patsy Doudna, Billy Estadt, Doris Estadt, Tim Flem ing, James Groves, Larry Hayes, Patsy Hayes. Kay Heddleson, Ray Heddleson, Judy Hinkle, Judy Hutcheson, Robert Kidder, Barbara King, David King, Leroy Leasure, David Long, Gary Lyons, Ralph McAuley, Paul McCauley, Mary Margaret McDonald, Sudy Richcreek, Nobie Rummer, James Safigan, Leda Sealock, Bernice Stewart, Don Thomas, Gloria Walton, J. ALL LINES OF INSURANCE Phone 14 Caldwell, Ohio Savings Insured To $10,000 Real Estate Loans 1 i w v-vvAdf ic m-A sl A. 5- k 1 1 mm w- v' Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION South Fifth Street Zanesville Tjifnew /Qt S A' V* .L-ii ©rid the big Stodcbaker... Mc,i World's greatest V-8 value! JttSL I s" See the ?en$otiona! n^w President V~§f, to© new Studehaker so much better made... worth more when you trade BU6KEY MOTOR SALES U. S. Route 21 South Under Ohio snies By DIVISION R. Wells, Judy Wharton, Barbara Wood, Wanda Woodford and Charles Whealdon. Freshmen: Loretta Archer, Nancy Archer, Karen Buckey, Virgil Clark, Robert Chicwak, Robert Devolld, Beulah Garvin, Marion Garvin, Andrew Gerst, Charles Gregg, Phyllis Harden, Kenneth Jackson, Charles John son, Anna Lichwarcik, Martha McAuley Walter McKee, Melvin McKitrick, Don Miller, Jarnes Miller, Donald Miller, Catherine Miller, David Milligan, Jim Mor rison Larry Neff, Patricia Nichols, Sandra Parrish, Jane Porter, Pauline Reed, Tom Rob ertson, Harold Ross, Joan Safi gan, June Shamhart, Norma Snider. Eighth Grade: Delores Brown, John Carter, Janet Clark, Jacqueline Davis, Darlene De vore, Judy Feldner, Mary Sue Frederickson Judy Henry, Ron nie Johnson, Steven Johnson, George King, Terry Lanlz, David 1 tri, Eddie Lori, Marilyn Merry, Donna Nau, Diane Ogle, Nancy Tilts, Malenna Poulton, Bill Ramage, Larry Semon, Dale Shackles, Mary Jane Slay, Bonnie Stasko, Francis Thomas, Janice Weekley, Joy Wells, Joy Willey. Seventh Grade: Barbara Bey er, Connie Carpenter, Caroline Chicwak, Mary Jo Collier, Nor ma Doudna, Jane Elliott, Sam Gregg, Jim Hayes, Roger Dams, Marvin Jackson, Rosemary Kus nerak, Tom Lewis, Janice Loop, n.trbara Merry, Joann Miller, Fairy Morgan, Judy Noon, Norma Pitts, Helen Reed, David hafer, John Shondrick, Lan d«-n Smith, Ruth Warner, David W'ikander and Wayne Wiley. Honor Roll Seniors: Robert Barnhouse, md Judith Smith Juniors, None Sophomores: Janet Buc iv y, Judy Davis, Joey Hill and il'iry Lyons Freshmen: Karen Kuckev, Virgil Clark, Sandra 1 irrish, Pauline Reed, and June shamhart. Eighth Grade: Sally Hill, Konnie Johnson, Donna Nau, l.arry Semon, Mary Jane Slay, and Bonnie Stasko. Now in direct competition with the very lowest priced V-8s! Seventh Grade: Barbara Bey- 1, Connie Carpenter, Caroline hicwak, Mary Jo Collier, Linda I'trdan, Gary Keeton, Diane McDonald and Darrell Secrest It it's advertised in The Journal Say so \vh»n you are buying ~5 I Champion THB JOURNA Of WllDUf TUEfie AKE HALF A M'l A"f£S fubtic OP LANDS me STATE• ALL OF OUR GAME specie S~~WA TBRFOWL UPLAND SAMB AND FUR&BARIRS ARE POUND WITHIN THB BOUNDARIES' mttlTB TO PfV/SfO* Of Wtt-DLtre INFORMATION $ £DUCAT/OV 3€CT' tSOO Du&liN RD., COL um frail fZ. FOP. A LIST AND LOCATIONS Of THESE FREE AKeJg* CUMBERLAHD SCHOOL CHATTER The honor roll for the first six weeks period is: Seniors: Carol Bates, Sanna Culbertson, Marjorie Moore and Georgia Rosman. Juniors: Barbara Frisbee and Betty Smith. Sophomores: Carole Cogar, Alice Dudley, Norma Hall, Joanne Hickle, and Lonnie Step hens. Freshman: James Stephens and Virginia Paisley. Eighth Grade: Dee Anne Ford, Lynn Hall, Shirley Stevens, Wanda Tom and Shirley Bell. Seventh Grade: Naomi Kack ley and Sandra Ward. Sixth Grade: Darlene Craigo, Carol Frisbee, Dianna Hutchins, Wanda Klingler, Eddie Moore and Larry Tom, Fifth Grade: Carolee Ford, Janet Howell, Sharon Mellinger and Donna Stevens. Fourth Grade: Nila Boyd, Charlotte Huff and Sara Lou Martin. Third Grade: Ronald Frazier, David Frisbee, Betty Jo Malvin and Delores Palmer. Second Grade: Joanne Frazier, Kathleen Revenaugh, Charles Tom, Richie Barnett and Patty LaGrange. First Grade: Carol Cowgill. Pauline Dingey, Douglas Hall, Sue Maust, Billy Maust and Gary Stevens. Class tPlay The Seniors have chosen for their play "The Nutt Family, three act comedy. The cast has been chosen as follows: Phineas Nutt, Ronnie Hooper Meta Nutt, Sanna Culbertson Ima Nutt, Georgia Rosman Wall Nutt, Don Miller Orestus, Deane Drake Sylvia Gaylord, Carol Bates Cerise, Margie Moore Bca Wise, Shirley Fox Helene Shelton, Dora Palmer Larry Smart, Ward Barnett Vivian Tepper, Audrey Engle Charlotte Neal, Saundra Doer Lila, Doro thy Rex. The director is Miss Eileen Monroe. No definite date has beeen set for its presentation Junior Class The Junior class is having a dance on Nov. 26 at the gym. Music will be by the Rhythm Ramblers. Making Mivnry The Seniors are selling bill folds, furniture cre»m, lemon extract, and vanilla. REMOVED TO HOSPITAL Mrs. Addic Head of the Dudley community, wai? removed Friday afternoon in the Murphy ambul ance to Good Samaritan hospital Zanesville, for treatment. Mrs Head fell recently while in Cambridge and sustained injur ies to her legs. I fi *3^*3 Reserves It «For ChrrtlM3$! i i "I M", J*tay'% Fin# Watch Vrxlutl l*nr GAT "G" 17 jewels. sitely styled omo Ph LV' S3S 4 %-r case ,v with matching ex pansion bracelet. & J'M i Hams i ton f- i .• v *».: vjW- RrND'X Pertect Attendance Students At Dexter City High School Listed For First Period Perfect attendance record for the first six week's of school at Dexter City has been announced by Principal Willis Ogle. The studfents are as follows: Grade One Nancy Dotson. CaiJa Dowling, Kenny Harper, Sandra Nau, Larry David Rad cliff, Mary Jo Reed, Veronica Saling, Roy Lee Wickens. Grade Two Gregory Devol, Lois Doan, Everlyn Head, Ruth Hcin, Susan Martin, Patricia Nau, Cletus Porter, Bonnie Sabo, Carol Saling, Charles Stewart, Billy Swain. Grade Three Mike Bolen, Larry Bonar, Buddy Davis Jimmy Dotson, Bill Fogle, Larry Miller, Bobby Nau, Eugene Rit terbeck, Tommy Saling, Jimmy Warren, Maureen Dowling, Mary Hein, Marlene Misel, Emily Reed, Emma Reed, Sandra Sal ing, Joy Vaughn, Sandra Wick ens. Grade Four David Carter, Larry Doan, Gary Sabo, Rickey Sharra, Mary Jean Fogle, Mari lyn Head, Teri McElfresh. Grade Five Mike Long, Le roy Reed, Carlos Porter, Gerald Heeter, Lloyd Bonar, Janet Sal ing, Norma Harper, Alfred Swain. Grade Six Stephen Binegar, James Martin, Kathryn Hard estv, Paul Schneeberger, Gerald Clark, Mary Mallett, Karl Nau, Nancy Clymer, John Saling, Phillip Doan. Grade Seven Lewis jplid den, George Mitchell, Herman Nau, Terry Pryor, Sarah Bruce, Izez Addlesburger, Bernice Read, Gladys Porter. Grade Eight John Binegar, Duane Brown, Albert Head, Richard Mallett, David Seirs, Ruben Stewart, Sue Moseley, Irene Shilinbki. Grade Nine Ronald Arnold, Junior Blair, Donna Clark, Phil Davis, Howard Dutton, Jack Gessel, Julia Heeter, Connie Houston, Margie Johnson, Susia Landaker, Susan Long, Mary Jo Martin, Larry Maxwell, Marilyn McAtee, Raymond McMannis, Fred Meador, Janis Porter, Thelma Pryor, Francis Row lands, Janet Rubel, Joyce Wal ler. Grade Ten Thomas Clark, Rosie Farnese, Betty Farson, Loretta Henthorne, Jeanne Johnson, Earl Lincicome, Garry Maxwell, Erma Misel, Donna Moore, Charles Neuberger, Nor ma Saling, Helen Webber. Grade Eleven—Evelyn Arnold, Kay Binegar, Nancy Boord, Ethelmae Clark, Vernon Hughes, Alice Lamp, Noel McFarland, Carolyn Moore, Mary Pryor, Doris Way. Grade Twelve—Norma Addis, Carol Dennis, Anibole Farnese, Earl Gill, Elwyn Harper, Jeane Hesson, Shelbia Landaker, Caro lyn Meador, June Swflin, Mar garet Swain. CUMBERLAND The Wo men's Service Guild of the Presbyterian church will meet on Tuesday evening Nov. 16. The committee is Rosemary Bay, Betty Frisbee and Doyle F,ay Howell. The Booster's elub is sponsor ing a dance revue presented by Mrs. Marjorie Holschuzers Sel lars dance class of Zanesville on Saturday evening at 8 p. m. at the high school auditorium. Ad mission 25 and 50 cents, also the Junior high school class has been selling raffle tickets and at the above program, there will be a turkey-chicken and sugar given away to the lucky numbers. Com$ and enjoy this evening on Monday. Cumberland Rebekah Lodge will meet on Monday evening, there will be election of officers and refreshments served by Lena Shaw, Frances Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and Mr. and Mrs. Will Yerian. Mrs. Frank Moore has return ed home after a visit in the homes of her sons in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keyes is re receiving treatment at St. Fran cis hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Apperson of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs Harry Gregg of Carl street, vis ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Charles Bates. The Apperson have just returned from a visit in California and have taker pictures which they showed wit! their projector at the Bates home. Parks Memorials Noble County's Only Complete Monument Shop Barre Monuments and Markers Foundations Constructed with Mechanically Mixed Concrete 12*5-J Fast Siree*"C«tclw«l! K J** it ROPER WHIRLPOOL mi i v QUAKER CITY QUAKER CITY The Beaver Hills Garden Club met last Thursday evening with Miss ME*el Flood near Batesville with Mrs. Ruth Morgan assistant host ess. The devotional period was in charge of Miss Flood. The business meeting was in charge of the president, Miss Beatrice Lewis. Mrs. Edith Cline gave a demonstration on arrangement of greenery and Mrs. Wilma Watson demonstrated the mak ing of corsages. Refreshments were served during the social hour. The December meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Marie Betts with a covered dish dinner and gift exchange. There will be a school of instruction on making Christmas decorations out of dried material and the making of Christmas candles held in Garfield hall on Nov. 16. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Miles Anthony and daughter of Barnhart, Mo. visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reid, Mrs. W. J. Moore attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs. Everett Smith held at their home near Fairview on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and son of Dayton, spent the week end with their mothers, Mrs. Helen Wolfe and Mrs. Emma Long, the latter of Batesville. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hall, north of town, spent last week with his son, Dean and family in Wiscon- WEST ST. CALDWELL V** 0? v Dry All Fabrics Softer and Fluffier You just can't beat the luxurious skin. Cheniles, corduroys, pillows, "feel" of cloihes dried in the Auto- shag rugs and turkish towels come matic GAS Clothes Dryer. Baby's out as bright and fluffy as brand diapers dry so-o-o soft and sweet- new. Only GAS dries clothes so pM smelling—they pamper the tenderest fectly—yet costs so little. SEE YOUR GAS CLOTHES DRYER DEALER! AtORfC K 0 MONTGOM, UNIVERSAl TEMKO SPEED QUEEN A,B.C. THOR "Radio Betty Newton informs, educates, entert ains! Hear her, Mon. thru Fri. 9.45 a. m. WILE." A• v Thursday, -November 11!_1954 sin and visited with relatives in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Yourex ana daughter spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Susan Walker of Iroriton and with her sister of Edgar Chrisp and fam ily of Ashland, Ky. William Andrews of Lancaster and Frank Stidd of Bellaire, were recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Knight. Mrs. Robert Knox and daugh ter, Jean of Cleveland, were overnight guests Friday of Mrs. Gertrude Spencer. Simeon Brown and Mrs. Carl Carper visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dale West, Bel mont. Class No. Nine of the Metho dist Sunday school will meet on Friday evening with Mrs. Cora Betts, west of. town. The W. S. C. S. of the Metho dist church will meet this Thursday evening at the cl Mrs. Ray Patterson af a meeting of the Londoi Homemakers club held in bridge on last Thursday. Subject To Approval Loans LQ Hours: Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday fl a.m. to 12 N. er in •s- in nt s. ig •s. e. it i- lt i- am- Mrs. D. M. Spratt of Cumber land, is spending a few days with her son, John and family of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith and daughter of Dresden, were guests Saturday night of her mother, Mrs. Leota McBurney and family, west of town. Homer Wilcox, Mrs. Kenneth Frakes and Miss Vita Yost are on a vacation trip to Florida. $100 YOURS TODAY Pay only $5.77 a month if you wish As long as 25 month's time. Or pay as fast as you wish ... in 30 days, 60 days or 6 months, it's up to you. The cost is small. Call and see. FHONS 6$ i "7 jr .frmaiiUfr !-I