Newspaper Page Text
Eggs four of -DEATH NOTICES- Albert F. McBrlde Albert P. McBride, 81, a form er resident of the Dudley com munity, died last week at his home in Akron. He was a son of the last Civil War veteran of Noble county, Jacob McBride and Adeline Moore McBride. Survivors are: his wife, Daisy the home one daughter, Faye McGee of Akron two brothers, Bill and Leslie a sister, Hattie Tilton of Tulsa, Okla. a niece, Ruby Andersenn of Belle Valley and two nephews, Dwight and Marian Noble of Caldwell route 3. One grandson preceded him in death. Funeral services were Sunday in held Akron and burial was made there. James Edward Ayers juncs Edward Ayers, 79, former resident of Harrietts ville, died at his home 1915 Clark avenue, Alliance, Tuesday morning, Dec. 21, at 1:40 o'clock, following an illness of five months. For a number of years he was custodian of Chapman hall at Mt. Union college. He had lived in Alliance for 26 years, going to that city from Harriettsville, where he was born and reared. He was a member of the Road Fork Baptist church. He and his wife, Christina, had been mar ried 47 ye&rs on Feb. 13. He is survived by his wife, iour daughters and one son, in cluding, Mrs. Donald Miller of Akron, Mrs. Stanley Douds, Mrs. Wesley Lee and Mrs. John Shus ter, all of Alliance and Roy E. Ayers of Louisville nine grand children one great-granddaugh ter and two brothers, Sherman Ayers of Harriettsville and Charles Ayers of Dalton and one sister, Mrs. Charles McFee of Akron. Funeral services were held on Thursday, Dec. 23 at the Cas sady-Turkle funeral home in Alliance with Rev. M.^Drake of ficiating minister. Interment was made in Fairmont Memorial cemetery, Alliance. Mrs. Ray Brill 1* uncial M'rv'icc.i for Mrs. Bes sie Brill, wife oi Ray Brill, well known resident of Beaver town ship, were held Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from St. John's church near her home. Rev. Ola Teters officiated and intei ment was made in the church cemetery by the Ebcrle funeral home. Mis. Brill died Monday at 2:00 i- m. at her home following a J(ng illness. She was born in Beaver town ship on Sept. 6, 1887, where she Jived her entire life. She is survived only In her husband. Twila Jane Carries Graveside services were held Friday afternoon in the Calais cemetei y for Twila Jane Carnes, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs! Virgil Carnes of Summerfield route, who died at birth Thurs day afternoon at Good Samari tan hospital, Zanesville. Surviving, in addition to the parents, are two brothers, Virgil, Jr., and David Lec and the grand pa i ents, who are Roger Carnes of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. John Fames worth of Sum merfield route 2. Joseph Hayes Joseph L. Hayes, !»•}, da-d in the home of his son, Leonard, Barnesville, Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 following a i! tness. Born Jan. lingering 3, 1861, in in? was Batesville, a son of Martin and Nancy Hayes. Surviving are the following children: Earl of Columbus Mrs. James Depew. Chauncey and Leonard, Barnesville Mrs. Clay ton Waller of Canton Mrs. Janice Hodkins of Uhrichsville Merlin of South Bend, Indiana, and Mrs. John Evans of Colum bus fifteeen grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren a lister, Mrs. Emma Pedin of Oak land, Nebraska. The body is at the Campbell luneral home where services will be announced later. Burial will be in the Southern cedie tary. Mrs. Pfuma Devoll Mrs. Pkima Devoll, 71, of Na varre, a native of Summerfield, died Monday night at her home on a farm near Navarre. She was the daughter of and Mrs. M. Robinson. Mrs. Devoll had made her home in Zanesville for 25 years, moving in 1936. Five years ago their son, his wife and their five children burned to death when flames destroyed their home Bear Massillon. Surviving in addition to her husband are nine children, Ros oe and Roy of Zanesville, Char les of Chicago, Orville of Phila delphia, Mrs. Bernice Mansfield of Johnstown, Pa., Mrs. Goldie Maurer of Riverside, Calif., Mrs Bula Slabaugh of North Indus iry, O., Walter of Massillon and Mrs. Gladys Keller of Massil Ion 44 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren a sister, Mrs. Howard English of Byes ville four brothers, Burt Rob inson of California, Elijah Rob msoa of Frienly, W. Va., Friend Robinson B-iach City, Charles Robinson of Massillon two hal brothers, James Robinson Wooster and Glenn of Michigar six half-sisters, Mrs. Edna Yodrr of Canton, Elizabeth Robinson i Apple Creek, Maxine Robinsc of Redfield, O., Evelyn Robit son of Canton, Margaret Robin son of California and Mrs. Don thy Jacobs of Mansfield. The body is at the Arnold and Lynch funeral home in Massil Ion where services will be held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon Burial will be in Union cemetery near Navarre. Mrs. Friend Wilson Mrs. Ila Barnes Wilson, 6 Surviving are her husband and the following children: J. T. Wil son of Sandusky, Franklin Wil son of Indio, Calif., Mrs. Donahi Archer of Circleville, Mrs. Joseph Thornberry of Toledo and Ward Wilson of the home. There are seven grandchildren surviving and one sister, Mrs. Richard Snider of Columbus. The body was removed to the Brubach funeral home in Sum merfield but services are incom plete. News Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stich and daughter visited the Christ mas holiday weekend with rel atives and friends in Newark. They were accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Lucretia Fitzeli who is spending this week at the Stich home. Mr. and Mrs. Durban Hague of Akron Rev. and Mrs. Paul A. Bradt and Ruby McBride of Fresno Mrs. John Steele, Cam bridge and Rev. Clyde Still of Hoskinsville, visited last week with Mrs. Lydia Gant at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carter Shafer on East street. Mr. and Mrs. 11. B. Young of North street, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nichols, their son, Mr. and Mrs. Dayle Young and family and Mrs. Young's moth er, Mrs. Mary Rea, all of Colum bus. Mr. and Mrs. George Daugh- tery and daughters, Leslie and Sandra are spending this week with relatives in Cleveland. Harry Johnson, who has been confined to his home on Spruce street for the past three weeks with pneumonia, has completely recovered and resumed his duties with the state highway department, Tuesday. Miss Lois Johnson of Colum bus and Mr. and Mrs. Dale John son and family of Elyria, visited the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd and son, Jackie, Zanes ville, were Mrs. Cora Boyd, Miss Delia Boyd of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Boyd and children of Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Carter of North street, visited over the holidays with the latter's par ens, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Davis of South Olive. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ball of Fairground street, were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Parry, Mrs. Donald Barnes and Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Robert King of Summer field route and Dr. A. J, Ball and Mi. Jo^es New Lexing ton. Siaiiord STAFFORD Mr. and Mrs. Roy Keller and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins and family of Union City, Ind., and Dayton, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Hogue and family of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Beebe and family of Virginia, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miracle. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blair, Mrs. Delia King and Mrs. Harold Blair's father were Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blair of Cub Run. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lisk of Marietta, spent the weekend with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hamil ton and son of Zanesville, were weekend visitors at the Frank Swortwood home. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Day and son of Canton, were weekend visitors at the Shcrden Day home, Alonzo Bartenslag and Rose Johnson were Sunday eve ning callers at the Day home. The Navy probes the atmos phere 40 miles high above the North Pole for information on cosmic rays. IN GERMANY *•*..«$ "ri & 5 .Vfc 7-A 1 wife of Friend Wilson, promin ent resident of Summerfield, died at Guernsey Hemorial hos pital, Cambridge, Tuesday even ing at 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Wilson was removed to the hospital Monday for treat ment but elapsed into a coma Tuesday and never rallied. Her death came as a severe shock to the Summerfield com munity and other friends. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes and was born and reared in Bar nes Ridge. She was a member of the Methodist church, the East ern S'ar and American Legion Auxiliary. 4 I .f*v' ""-SP".. 'i I *., i ,4,j }-v EDGAR K. SMlTUBEKGJliK Edgar R. Smithberger, who re cently completed hxs basic train ing at Fort Knox, Ky., has land ed in Germany where he will be stationed with the Tank battal ion. He is the husband of Hazel Ann Seliafer Smithberger and they have one son, Raymond of Lower Salem route. He would enjoying hearing from his many friends and the complete address is as follows: Pvt. Edgar R. Smithberger, U.S. 52355851, 141st Tank Bn., APO 165, New York, N. Y. Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. John R. Watson of the Mt. Ephraim community, announce the birth of a son on Dec. 24 at the Guernsey Me morial hospital in Cambridge. The new arrival weighed seven pounds, three and one-half ounces at birth and has been named John Robert. The mater nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Amos Day of North street and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. Garfield Watson of Mt. Ephraim. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson of Quaker City, are the great grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis of Mill street, announce the birth of a nine pound, 10 ounce daugh ter on December 26 at the Mari etta Memorial hospital. The new arrival has been named Sharon Ann. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sanford of Mill street and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. "Toad" Davis of Locust street. Mrs. James Wilson of Walnut street, is the great grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crum of Woodsfield route 3, are the par ents of a daughter born Dec. 11 in the Barnesville hospital. The new arrival weighed seven pounds, 15 Vz ounces and has been named Mary Agnes. The mother is the former Miss Stella Burkhart. Grandmothers are Mrs. Agnes Crum of Caldwell route 1 and Mrs. Cecilia Burk hart of Lewisville route 1. Mr. and Mrs. John Koval of* Caldwell, announce the birth of a seven pound, 14 ounce son on December 24 at the St. Francis hospital in Cambridge. The in fant has been named Jackie Lee. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver of Fairground street and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koval of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarland of 1449 North 19th street, Cam bridge, are announcing the birth of a son, Dec. 21. The infant weighed eight pounds and has been named Michael John. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Mansperger and Mrs. Thelma McFarland, Cambridge and a great grandmother, Mrs. Belle McFarland. also of Cam Bridge. The McFarlands are for mer residents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schilling of Beverly, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, Dec. 26. The infant weighed seven pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents are Mrs. Stella Schilling and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Noll. Great grandpar ents are Alex Noll of Caldwell and Joe Schilling of Lowell. He has been named James Leo. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith oi Elba, are announcing the birth of a son, Christmas Day at Marietta Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker oi Elba, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Dec. 26 at Marietta Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Addles burger of South Olive, are an nouncing the birth of a daugh ter, Dec. 21 in Marietta hospital. Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter of Macksburg, are announcing the birth of a son at Memorial hospital. Marietta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Childers the of Gallipolis, are announcing ...v. birth of twin daughters, Mon day, Dec. 27 at the Holzer hospi tal in that city. Mrs. Childers is the former Bernice Ziler of Noble county. Marilyn Louise weighed in at five pounds and 11 ounces and Martha Eileen four pounds, 13 ounces. TTTE JOURNAL. CAT,DWELL, OHIO Coming Events I on the I Social Register To Hold Dance There will be a dance at St. Henry's hall, Harriettsville, Jan. 1st, beginning at 8:30 p. m. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music and the public is invited. Refreshments will be served.. Fulda Grange The Fulda grange will hold their regular meeting Wednes day evening, Jan. 5, beginning at 8 o'clock. The first and second degree will be given. A pot luck lunch will be served. All the officers are asked to come at 7 o'clock. Bake Sale There will be a bake sale on Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 1st and 2nd in the basement of the Belle Valley Corpus Christi church sponsored by the Cath olic Woman's club. The sale will be held between the hours '1 9:00 a. m. and 12:00 noon. Olive Grange The regular meeting of Olive Grange No. 398 will be held on Thursday evening, Dec. 30 at 7:30 p. m. There will be work in the first and second degrees Master Lamar Dowling will con duct the business meeting and the lecturer, Betty Gordon, will have charge of the program. A pot luck supper will be served and everyone is to bring their own table service. There will also be a 25 cent gift exchange. All members are urged to attend Mothers Club The Caldwell Mother's club will meet Monday evening, Jan. 3 at 7:30 p. m.* in the home oi Mrs. William Hobensack of Bronze Heights. The newly elected officers are president, Evelyn Hobensack vice president, Josephine Gial lombardo secretary, Thelma Estadt treasurer, Lillian Wal ton and sunshine treasurer, Ruth Wood. A program will be pre sented with Pat Vogel in charge. Mixed Dance There will be a mixed dance Saturday evening, January 1 at the Brookfield school building sponsored by the Mother's club. Nelson's orchestra will furnish the music and the public is in vited to attend. New Year's Eve Dance There will be a New Year's Eve dance Friday evening, Dee. 31 at St. Michael's Parish hall in Carlisle sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Society. The Shenandoah Valley gang will furnish the music and the public is cordially invited to attend. To Hold Dance A New Years Eve' dance wiii be held in the Strader buildinu at Belle Valley, Friday evening, Dec. 31. Music will be furnished by the Thompson orchestra and the public is invited. New Years Eve' Dance A New Years Eve dance will be held Friday evening, Dec. 31 in the Eagle's hall in Florence addition for members and their guests. at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr family of Zanesville, spent Christmas Day with his mother, Mrs. Effie Orr and daughter, Florence Oir West street. Square Dance The Aurelius Township School Community Club is spon soring a square dance New Years Eve, Friday, Dec. 31 beginning at 8:30 p. m. Nelson's orchestra will furnish the music with Junior Dawson calling. An ad mission of 50c will be charged. The public is invited to attend. Legion Meeting The regular meeting of Noble Post No. 252 of the American Legion, will be held Wednesday evening, Jan. 5 at 7:30 p. m. A large attendance is desired. A discussion regarding member ship in the Auxiliary State Pat rol will be a feature of thi meeting. The usual joint meeting with the ladies auxiliary will follow this meeting. Club Meetihg The Dexter City Community Club will meet Monday evening. January 3 at 7:30 p. m. in the school home economics room. Laurel Grange Laurel Grange No. 1678 of Kcithtown will holds its regular meeting Thursday evening, Dee. 30 at 7:30 Personals Sanuny and Eddie Ditch and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cox spent the holidays at the home of then parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Ditch and daughter of North street. Wiilard Hickman, Donnie Hickman and Jerry Heddlesun were among those from Cald well who attended the national championship game between the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, Sunday in Cleveland. William A. Lori, who is scr ving with the U. S. Navy Newport, Rhode Island, is en joying a ten day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rom? Lori of Bridge street. Sgt. and Mrs. Richard Murrey and daughters of Chanute Field, 111., enjoyed the Christina: holidays with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Glen McFerren, Fair ground street. Visitors over the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jennings of Sharon, were: Mr. and Mrs. John Baylog and chil dren and Charles Jennings and daughters of Zanesville and Mr. and Mrs. John Barnhouse and sons of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yarana, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mishlan and family of Cleveland, spent the holiday weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Vein ovich of Maple Heights and with Andy Mishlan of Belle Valley. David Fleming of Columbus, spent tiie holidays with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming, Walnut street. A/2C Marvin Carpenter of Chandler, Ariz., is enjoying the holidays visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Car penter and family of Summer field route. SfSSSKltt a $ Alt MORES (LOS® NEW YEARS DAY Close Thursdoy at Noon. Store will observe regular closing hours Friday, Dec. 31. EMBASSY Stock up. PLAIN OLIVES Jfi:? K K i I HO/I N ORANGE KROGER FROZEN KROGER FR03 RIPE V 69c MARY LOU BRAND Sweet Who! PICKLES 2? jar ioav«s Cinnamon Rolls 19g RYE BREAD 200 I i o N A K I N a S i u -h .- o o a KROGER CAKE 39g KROGER BREAD 21c FRftiCH -i# REGULAR A'UCur oz. JUICE oana GRAPE JUICE 2 39e CHEESE Vitamin-rich Easy to cook. CELLO SPINACH oU *c,v. Mm ,, a Sr if Crisp ana lender so good in slaw or salads Priced to save at Kroger. s u i i n i a u e cabbages Small, firm. IT. S. No. i A Kroger value. Personal Mention and Brief News Round the County Guests over the holiday week end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Imhoff of Oaklawn avenue, were Dr. Imhoff's parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Imhoff, Sr., of Bellaire. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bond of Pleasant City route 2, enjoyed a turkey dinner Christmas day with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Claramonte Finley of Marietta. While Mrs. Gerald Schnee berger of Dexter City com munity, was visiting her parents in Livingston, Calif., her aunt, Mrs. Mary Schenk of Lakeland, Calif., won $56.00 in the "Irish Sweepstakes". She was the fourth winner. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sester ham of Canton, spent the holi days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Athel Pitts of Lewis street. Tomato JUK* 39c Cll expertly baked to taste better and toast better. 20 ox. (oaves 2 for 37c KROGER BAKED pk*. of 8 Krojfer Baked Snack lb. loaf For a richer eup of coffee, add Pream 4 oz. can for only 28c. SPOTLIGHT COFFEE 3 pound bag lb. $2-79 12 oz. bag BRUSSELS 290 GEMS I arr- *»—--'ul. Plump, crisp Good as they look. OHIO POTATOES Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ball of Fairground street, spent the Christmas holidays visiting in New Lexington with their sons and families, Dr. A. J. Ball and Dr. O. D. Ball and were among the Christmas dinner guests at the home of Dr. A. J. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson of Summerfield and Rev. and Mrs. Eugene Emerson and family of Pleasant City, were Christmas day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bond and family of Pleasant City route. Mr. and Mrs. James Velosky and son, James of Dayton, Ky., spent the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Week ley of Cumberland street. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Steen of Maple Heights, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frye of Zanesville, Sunday even ing. Umzfri" »MtVi ft BAG Vigorous, full-bodied flavor. FRENCH BRAND Drip or regular grind. VACUUM PACKED 89c 25* T0MAI0SS 19e **•. $ KINGAN'S CIRCLE K Holiday treat Ih. i:A u- Thrifty MARGARINE $1.03 lb. 2 lbs. 43c AMERICAN, PIMENTO Kroger Sliced Philip Morm, Old Gold, Kool pkgs. to- 4 25M 59* king size v Xt v. A? .-4# Jb- 'X» v Thursday, December 30, 1954 1 -V 4 I -V X* I "V Jfr v v" 7 m* 4, 4': Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radcliff and family have returned to their home after spending the holidays with Mrs. Pearl Ral ston and family and Mr. "and Mrs. William Radcliff of Cald well. Home Demonstration Agent Miss Mabel Sarbaugh is spend ing this week visiting with lier parents and other relatives in Sandyville, near Canton, Mrs. Myrtle Preble of Ames* bury, Mass., is spending the holi days at the home of her daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moor® and son, Skipper of Mill streak She returned to her home, Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and children of Caldwell, were holiday callers it the home of Mr. and Mi#. George Rice nf North rtrrs'"^ We at KROGER wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage, and wish you a Happy New Year! "*v KROGER Tender beans, rich pork. :c\'v mm tuns 4 & Selected cabbage Rich, tangy flavor. 1T.9GES KRAUT 2 KROGER 'brand Smooth and full-bodied CATSUP AVONDALE BRAND Economical to serve. KIGKEY BEAKS EMBASSY BRAND Tempting, rich flavor. SALAD DBLOSING CANS PORK & BEANS 2 £25* 214 02 BOTS. J} LP CAN 39 QT. JAR 12 o CAN EMBASSY BRAND, Staffed Man/a .villas OLIVES 2 3 ja£ K I N i A N S K -P W A N LUNCHEON LOAF 49* 35d 12 01 can C1GAHETTES Popular Brands Lucky Strike Philip Morris Camel- Old Gold CARTON&< $194 Winston, & M. Herbert Tarty ton FILTERTIPPED ctn. $2-13 200 ctn. fgj y-