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Page Six rying out and Ivelyn. Croy Dinner Mrs. Eva Croy QouAmil Sndsiu C'arpenter Dinner A holiday dinner and gift ex change as held Christmas day at the home of Eugene Rome ind O N I 9 8 family Dinners Featured In Many Homes On Christmas Day In Caldwell And County The traditional family dinners were enjoyed Christmas Day in the many homes thruout Caldwell and Noble county. The many dinners were as follows: Christopher Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher entertained Christmas day with a chicken dinner. The table was decorated Mar the yuletide theme covers were arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. George Christopher and Bill Christopher of Norwalk Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hartley and family of Covington Miss Dolores Christopher of Cambridge, the host and hostess and Albert and Rutherford Dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rutherford entertained at their home near Sarahsville, Christmas Day, with a holiday dinner, Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Her ael Garrett and Lylan Garrett, Summerfield, Mr. and Mrs. Le l»nd Lutz and son, Frederick, of Lancaster, Miss Treva Garrett and Dwight Tilton, both of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. William Truex and son, David, of Mans field, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruther ford and sons, Gene, Bruce and Jerry Dale, near Sarahsville, Mrs. Chloe Bozman and son, Loren Bozman, Jr., of Zanesville. entertained with a family dinner, Chrisimas Day, at her home on Main street. Guests included Mr. L. C. and Mrs. Gray, Miss Jill Gray and Mrs. Jean Priehard of Nelson ville, Mr. and Mrs. John Math eney and son, Johnnie, of Steu benville, Mr. and Mrs. H. Henry, Beverly of Caldwell. D. and Judy Henry i Blackburn Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Blackburn. Walnut street, entertained the following guests Christmas Day at their home: Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Spangler of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Fulton of Hir amsburg, Ed. Blackburn of Keithtown and Mrs. Anna Jor dan, Walnut street Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Carpenter of Mrs. Quaker City route. Those attending were: Mr. and Lee Carpenter and Max of Lewisville Mr. and Mrs. Bay Carpenter and Jeffrey Lynn of Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Darlene Virgil of Summerfield Woodrow Carpenter, Ruth and Hay Carpenter of Quaker City route and the host and hostess. Bigley Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Norris Bigley of Rich Valley, were host and host ess at their annual family Christ mas gathering on Sunday, Dec. 26. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brush and Ronnie of Warsaw Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Bigley and Frances Groves of Reinersville, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Boyd, Rex, Max and Nila Lee of Cumberland, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Bigley, Robert nnd Virginia of Rich Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson of Maple Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Farson, Richard, Jacqueline and Norris Russell of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Noble Farson and Jerry of San Diego, and Calif, and the host and hostess. Lori Dinner Mr. Mrs. Home Lori of Bridge streeet, entertained with a turkey dinner Christmas day. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs Nathan Price and family, Mr and Mrs. Leo Wells and family of Canton, William Lori of the U. S. Navy, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Lori and family, Mr. and Mrs Alfred Shafer and family, Bern ard Lori of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Rome Ritterbeck and daughter of Summerfield the host and Pryor Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Pryor of South Olive, entertained with dinner for their family on Christmas day. Covers were placed for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Myron Pryor and daughter, Diana Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Quaye Pryor and daughters, Nesta Dawn and Brenda Kaye, Mr. and Mrs. Don Kimbiel and daughter, Robin Shdrry, Terry Pryor South Olive. and Groves Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Groves entertained Sunday with a tur key dinner at their home on Fairground street. Covers were arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Groves of Akron Mrs. Nellie Reed of Mt. Ephraim Mrs. Thena Groves and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Racey and the host and hostess. Rucker Dinner Mr. and Mis. Thomas Rucker entertained with a Christmas dinner at their home on Hill road. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball of Canton Mr. and Mrs. Bill Archer of Byesville Thomas Urdak of Clovis, New Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Joe Arch er, Wayne Archer, Joy and Steve Johnson, Suzannne and Tommy Rucker and tho host and hostess. Archer Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Joe Archer of Mill street entertained Wednes day with a dinner. Guests included: Mr. and Sherb Johnson of Columbus Mrs. Zoe Harris of Reynolds burg Mrs, Betty Haberbasch and daughters, Judith Nan and Beth of Wickliffe and the host and hostess. Boyd-McKee Dinner Mrs. Bertha Boyd and Mrs. Paul McKee entertained at their home on North streeet Christ mas day with a turkey dinner. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Boyd and children, David and Milanie of Marietta Mr. and Mrs. Roland Boyd and sons, Eugene and Myron, Ade line McKee of Caldwell Paul and Walter McKee of the home and the hostesses. Social diversions occupied the afternoon hours. Seffens Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seffens en tertained Sunday with a holiday dinner at their home on Cum berland street. The dinner table was decorat ed carrying out the Christmas theme and covers were arranged for the following: Mrs. Hugh Seffens, Mr. and Mis. Herman Lacey of Belpre Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seffens and Joan Seffens of Marietta Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seffens of Lan caster, the host and hostess and Donald Seffens Sunshine Class Enjoys Annual Christmas Parly Mtinbt-rs of the Sunshine Class of the Summerfield Meth odist church and their families enjoyed their annual Christmas party Monday evening. A chicken dinner was served, followed by an interesting Christmas program and carol singing. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bach and family, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dysert and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Philpot and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Craig and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dodds and family, Mr. and Mrs. Buss Truax and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otis King, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Batten, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Claude York, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wharton, Mrs. Robert Johnson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wharton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bircher, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGinnis, Rev. Lowell Kiger, Donna Reed and Elaine Philpot. Good Neighbors Club Meets At Stier's Home and hostess. the host and hostess. In the evening the entire fam ily visited with Mr. Pryor': mother, Mrs. Hose Pryor of Matheney Dinner Mrs. Grace Matheney of North street, entertained Christmas day with a turkey dinner with the lollowing attending: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maheney and sons, Billy and Paul of Byesville Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGlashan and the host and hostess. i The Ava Jolly Good Neighbors Club met last week at the home of Mrs. Ethel Stiers. The day was spent making Christmas decorations. The regular business session was held, followed by a Christ mas program. The program consisted of. Musical selections by Bernadell Sayre and readings by Gladys Dudley, Florence Gillespie, Mild red Calvin, and Agnes Sayre. A gift exchange was also a feature of the meeting. Members present were: Anna Davis, Lela Mae Davis, Betty Clark, Lela Stiers, Grace Bond, Agnes Sayre, Mildred Calvin, Patty Buckcy, Cecil Buckey Audrey Allbritton, Etta Rayner, Alice Rayner, Gladys Dudley, Florence Gillespie, Margaret Clark, and the hostess. Guests were: Dorothy Perkins, Mary Belle Stiers and Berna dell Sayre. Children present were: Chuck ie Clark, Danny Allbritton, Frances and Frankie Calvin, Raymond Buckey and Jimmy Perkins. The next meeting will be held ot the home of Mrs. Lela Stiers. Engaged To Wed MARLENE Y. SHOLTIS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sholtis of Caldwell route 6 announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Marlene Yvonne, to Thomas Bradford Hague, son of Mr. and Mrs. Okey Hague of Senecaville route 1. Miss Sholtis is a senior at Sarahsville high school. Mr. Hague is a graduate of Sarahsville high school with the class of 1954. No definite date has been for the wedding. Cline Home Scene Of Xmas Party Saturday Mrs. Miss Lillie Stephens and Miss Shelba Johnson entertained Saturday evening with a Christ mas party at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Jack Cline of Summerfield. The rooms were attractively decorated carrying out the Christmas theme. Games and dancing were enjoyed by the group. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses to the following: Janet Morris, Roger Christman, Kathleen Carpenter, Bill Keylor, Patsy Truex, Myron Guiler, Patty Kuhn, Joe Dodds, Donna Reed, Ralph Christman, Carol Triplett. Terry Wharton, Charles Key lor, Manifred Keylor, Marilyn Wehr, Joe Keylor, Linda Reed, Donnie Watson, Kathleen Bar nett, Ronald Hannum, Homer Carpenter, Kenneth Bates, David Hanes, Byron Wehr, Dale Christ man, Racey A. Morris, Jean and Jack Cline. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED The marriage of Miss Frances Lemester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lemester of Obtez, to Pvt. Robert L. Rich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rich of Co lumbus, former residents of the Mt. Ephraim community, is be ing announced. The ceremony was an event of Dec. 22. The bridegroom is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Finley of Mill street and attended elementary school in Mt. Ephraim. tfeUllllUIIIMiailllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIMMIIIMIIlllllllllHIIMI k I Happy I Birthday! s Monday, January 3 James Sholtis. Tuesday, January 4 Joseph E. Stephens (!-!. Wednesday, January 5 Ethel Larrick. Thursday, January ti Connie Potts. Friday, "i January Jon David Fast. Saturday, January 8 Minerva Frazier. Sunday, January 9 Sally Hill, O. H. Pickenpaugh. —Personals— Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Seffens of Lancaster, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seffens of Cumberland street and Mr. and Mrs. John Shamhart of Cliff road. Mrs. Ode DeVoll of West street spent the Christmas holidays visiting with her daughters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis of Cambridge and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ferguson and fam ily of Pittsburgh, Pa. Additional guests at the home of the Fer guson's were Mrs. Fred Ferguson and daughter, Ruth of Akron. Lt. Thomas L. Zimmerman of Fort Knox, Ky., is spending this week with relatives in Caldwell. He will be accompanied back to his base by his wife and three children who have been spend ing the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Christmas holidays. Additional weekend callers at the Wilson home were: Mr. and Mrs Claude Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wil son and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith and Dexter City Apollo Morris' Observe Golden Wedding, Sunday set THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Mr. and Mrs. Appollo Morris of Reinersville observed their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, December 26 at theii home. Mr. and Mrs. Morris were married at the home of the lat ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Edgar in Summerfield on December 28, 1904. Close relatives joining in the celebration were their two daughters Mrs. Floyd Lowe and Mrs. Carl Bond of Reinersville two sisters and a brother of the bride, Mrs. D. A. Wiles, Mrs. Lee Hartman and John Edgar all of Zanesville one brother of the groom, John J. Morris of Cald well. The custom of "open house" was held between the hours of 2:00 and 4:00 p. m. and again from 6:00 to 8:00 p. m. Delicious refreshments were served to the guests and the hounored ones recei%'ed many nice gifts. Berne Homemakers Club Meets At Leasure Home The Homemaker's Club of the Berne Community met last week at the home of Mrs. Ruby Lea sure for their December meeting and Christmas gift exchange. The projects for the day were quilting and preparing materials for rug making. The club prizes were won by Mrs. Kathryn Warner and Mrs. Agatha Hannahs. Blanche Smith received the guest prize. A gift exchange was enjoyed by the members and their chil dren. Members present were: Mrs. Ruth Spence, Mrs. Anna Miracle, Mrs. Roma Jean Wharton, Mrs. Bernetta Schell, Mrs. Mabel Hes son, Mrs. Kathryn Warner, Mrs. Kathleen Garrett, Mrs. Ida Dim merling, Mrs. Agatha Hannahs, Mrs. Gertrude Kuhn and the hostess. Children present were: Sheryl Lynn and Sharon Lee Garrett, Winona Kay Spence, Myron Dale and Gary Hannahs and Brenda Sue Wharton. Guests were: Mrs. Bertha Hor- ton and Blanche Smith. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Kuhn. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Charles Evilsizer, Spruce street, was admitted to Guern sey Memorial hospital, Cam bridge, Monday and underwent surgery on Tuesday morning. Mrs. Raymond Trenner of Ava route 1, was admitted Dec. 22 to Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, for treatment. David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Biedenbach, Summerfield route 1, was admitted to GM on Dec. 22 for treatment when he was overcome by gas fumes. Dismissed from this hospital on Dec. 24 was Eugene Baker. Summerfield route 2. Mrs. Joseph Dudley of Belle Valley, was admitted on Dec. 24, and dismissed the next day. Dismissed from St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, on Dec. 24 was Mrs. May wood Lucas of Lewisville and on Dec. 26, Mrs William Trott was dismissed to her home on Pleasant City rout* 1. Admitted on Dec. 25 were Mrs. William Ritterbeck of Caldwell route 4 and Miss Shirley Tucker of Sarahsville, who underwent surgery the following day. Admitted on Dec. 26 was Mrs. Robert Scott of Caldwell route 6 and Russel McBurney of Quaker City route 2. Mrs. Homer Jerles was re moved from her home on Cald well route 6 to the Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge Wednesday. While in the hospi tal, Mrs. Jerles will be under going observation and treatment. The trip was made in the Mc Vay ambulance. Mrs. Esther Mrs. William Rucker. Evelyn Wilson, who is attend ing beauty school at Columbus, visited with her mother, Minnie Wilson and brother, Larry of Cumberland street over the children of and Mr. Cecil Wilson and Mrs. and children ford's parents, Mr. C. of Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sanford and sons, Bobby and Jerry of North street, spent the Christ mas holidays with Mrs. San- and Mrs. H. Milligan and son. Jack of Salem. Farnsworth of Summerfield route 2 was dismis sed from Thompson's hospital on Thursday. She was removed to her home in the McVay ambul ance. Clarence 'Carter was dismissed from the Guernsey Memorial hospital to his home in Sarahs ville Thursday. Mr. Carter had been undergoing treatment. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. Ralph Denius, a resident of the Batesville community, was injured in a fall while working at the county garage Thursday. He was removed in the McVay ambulance to the Good Samari tan hospital where the injuries were treated. Mrs. Alice Spiker was re moved from her home in Maple Heights to the Guernsey Me morial hospital, Monday even ing after suffering a heart at tack at her home. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. Pauline Wheeler of Mapk Heights, was admitted to the Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge Tuesday afternoon. She is undergoing observation and treatment. Classifieds Pay Dividends ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Of i MISS SUE SHOLTIS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sholtis of Caldwell route, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Sue, to Junior Cun ningham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hart Cunningham of Caldwell route. Miss Sholtis is a graduate of Sarahsville high school with the class of 1954 and Mr. Cunning ham of Caldwell high school with the class of 1954. Mr. Cunningham is employed at North American Aviation, Inc in Columbus. No definite date has been set for the wedding ceremony. Brandsons To Hold "Open House", Sunday, Jan. 2 The tradition of "open House" by the Ira J. Brandons will again be observed this year on Sunday ofternoon, Jan. 2, at their home on Walnut street. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon will re ceive their guests from 2 to 5 O'clock, Sunday afternoon. Pastor of the First Church of Christ on North street, Mr. Bran don is completing his fourth year in this capacity. Members of the church and all other friends in the community are invited. August Ahrendts of Caldwell, is vacationing in the Rockies. Qrmj. i 313 Main Street Caldwell, Oh io *18 Values io $24.95 W9 I Unlined Suits am Couple At Home Following Their Marriage Dec. 11 Residing at 315 Wilson AveniH in Columbus are the new Mr and Mrs. James Shilling. The wedding was an *14 *19 Volues to 32.j.00 event December 11 at 12:45 p. m. n the First Methodist church Winchester, Ind. The bride was attired in street length dress of white fail with brown accessories and white orchid corsage. She is the daughter of vi» Mr. ari Mrs. A. D. "Jim" Tilton of Call well and is employed at tl American Jersey Cattle club Columbus. Mr. Shilling is the son of and Mrs. Nolon Shilling of Macksburg and is employed at the Ohio Fuel Gas Co. in Colum bus. The couple was unattended. Brownie Troop 2 Enjoys Annual Christmas Party After enjoying the community treat in Caldwell, Saturday afternoon, Brownie Troop 2 of Florence held their regular Christmas party at the Union hall. Christmas decorations were used in the room and two large cakes decorated the table. Following the serving of Next meeting will 8 at 2:00 o'clock p. m. Miss Linton Engaged To Wed Pfc Antill re freshments, each Brownie re ceived a Brownie belt and coin purse. The leaders also received many lovely gifts. be held Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Linton of Elba, are announcing the en gagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Pfc. Charles W. Antiil of Cherry Point, N. C., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Antill of Lower Salem. Miss Linton attended the Salem-Liberty high school and Pfc. Antill, who is serving with the U. S. Marine Corps., attend ed Macksburg high school. Photo Developing—Gillespie's ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT i k Year Clearance Starts Monday Morning January 3rd COATS SUITS DRESSES Winter Coals at *28 Values __. .95 ues to $29.95 ALL fA V 'MS MISS SHIRLEY MORLAND Mrs. Mary Morland of Der went, announces the engagement of her daughter, Shirley, to Robert W. Boney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Boney of Caldwell route 5. Miss Morland is a senibr at Belle Valley high school. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Sailing Home Scene Of Club Meeting, Tuesday Mrs. Emma Sal ing entertained members of the Owls Knob Hustlers last Tuesday at her home on Caldwell route. The day was spent quilting and a delicious dinner was ser ved at noon. Members attending were: Mrs. Lucy Dimmerling, Mrs. Theresa Huffman, Mrs. Julie Arnold, Mrs. Agnes Thompson, Mrs. Cleo Feldner, Miss Marilyn Thompson and the hostess. Guests were: Mrs. Sophie Schott, Mrs. Teresa Thompson, Norman and Jeffrey Feldner. Mrs. Theresa Huffman receiv ed the door prize. The next meeting will Mr. and $ Included are oil-wool tweeds, fleeces, cashmer blends and imported fabrics Both short and full-length styles in sizes 5 to 15 and 8 to 18. Over 200 Dresses at OFF Just 50 MISSES' JUNIORS PETITES HALF SIZES CHILDREN'S-BOYS' Christmas Exchange Week- Dec. 26 thru Jan. 2, 1955 No Cash Refunds! to V2 OFF be held at the home of Mrs. Julie Arnold. Mrs. Wayne Guiler of Columbus, were callers on Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leach of Caldwell. Thursday, December 50, 1951. Thelma Rice Entertains Afternoon Bridge Club Thursday With Luncheon The Afternoon Bridge 33 *48 Values to ,,.95 Values Clul* was entertained last Thursday at the home of Thelma Rice on North street. A luncheon was served at one o'clock. The table was decorated with a white Christmas tree, candles and place cards. Tin rooms were decorated with the yuletide theme. A Christmas gift exchange was held and bridge was enjoyed with Eleanor Moore winning the prize. Members present were: Mary Richcreek, Marjorie Harris, Grace Henderson, Opal Brum bach, Eleanor Moore, Bernict Semon, Marion Robey, Florence Archer and the hostess. Helen Davis Hostess To Ladies Bible Study t# The Ladies Bible Study of Sarahsville held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Helen Davis on Dec. 23 with the following members pre sent: Mrs. Ilo Beatty, Mrs. Dessje Carter, Mrs. Shirley Davis, Mrf, Mary Davis, Mrs. Inez Davidsoll, Mrs. Inez Everly, Mrs. Lura Stottsberry, Mrs. Orpha Swain, Mrs. Bonnie Robinson, Mrs. Lucille Watson, Mrs. Edith Wentworth, Mrs. Genevieve Jacobs, Mrs. Edith Fields, Mrs. Edna Arnold and the hostess. Guests were: Misses Wanda Davis, Janie Davis, Nancy Jacobs and Gary Davis. Seecrt sisters for the past year were revealed and each sister received a gift, following a draw ing for the coming year. Election of officers was held with the followfhg being elected: president, Mrs. Ilo Beatty vice president, Mrs. Shirley Davis secretary, Mrs. Dessie Carter and treasurer, Mrs. Inez Everly. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Genevieve Jacobs on Jan. 20 with Mrs. Bonnie Robinson leading the study on the Uth chapter of Acts. If it's advertised in The Journal Say so when you are buying. \j s .95 All-Wool Suits *29 *39 Values to ^j v.95 Values to $39.95 AND Coats Snowsuits Jackets GIRLS' my A