Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, January 20, 1953 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS GOOD SIX ROOM home in Whig ville. New price for three weeks only. Quick sale. Owner working out of town. FIVE ROOM home in Summer field, two lots special price. FOUR ROOM cottage in Sum merfield. Owner working out of town and wants to sell. GOOD EIGHT room home, excel lent location in Summerfield Special price. TWO FARMS—130 acres with six room house, and 80 acres with seven room house. Both have barns and outbuildings. Located just off State Route 513 on good gravel road, between Calais and Batesville. Priced to sell. Have other property for sale not listed above. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Realtor A. Raymond Fogle—Salesman Summerfield, Ohio. 28 29 30 A WONDERFUL location, brick home with seven -rooms and bath. Ample space for another residence property on same lot. IT'S A GOOD five room house with gas and electricity. A ten minute drive from Caldwell Priced very reasonably. IT'S A MODERN home, on slag road, located one mile from town and church. Forty acres. All necessary buildings. Home strictly modern, insulated, bath and furnace. If you are perfect ly satisfied to take your bath in a "wSsh tub", don't come to see this farm unless you want some of the better things in life. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. A GOOD LOT on North Street, excavated for full basement and garage. Very reasonably priced. A bargain. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 526 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 FOUR ROOM HOUSE with dou ble lot, gas furnace and water system, Inq. J. H. Stoldt, Pleas ant City, Ohio. 29-31 pd THREE ROOM HOUSE with with basement, located east oi' Coal Ridge on U. S. Route 21. Barn and approximately two acres of land. Owner, Andy Du ran, 14917 Lanning Avenue, Lake wood 7, Ohio. Phone AC-16359. 28 29 30pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1938 CHEVROLET, for sale or trade. Also 250 used slates for sale. W. O. Claypool, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 28 29 30pd 1953 MODEL HENRY automo bile, driven 22,000 miles. May wood Lucas, Lewisville, Ohio. 27 28 29 30pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK FORTY-FOUR EWES, half fine and half coarse, three years old. Due to lamb Feb. 8. One re gistered Shropshire ram. F. W. Bishop, Summerfield, Ohio. 29-31 12 PIGS, eight weeks old. Lucy Dimmerling, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. On Fulda Ridge. 28 29 30pd COLLIE PUP, three months old. Good stock. J. Fletcher Guiler, Summerfield, Ohio, Route 2. 28 29 30 pd REGISTERED black male Cocker spaniel, two years old. Very reasonable to someone in the country. H. C. Jordan, at Jordan's Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 28 29 30 REGISTERED Polled Herefords, ten bulls, six to 19 months old, and six heifers, six to eight months. Mrs. Elma Wagner & Sons, Waterford, Ohio, Route 1. 27 28 29pd For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS GOOD JOHN DEERE 10-inch hamiriermill. Franz McNutt, Cumberland, Ohio, Route 1, on State Route 215. 28 29 30pd NEW %-TON PICKUP truckbed one slightly used tractor man ure spreader. Andrew Bates, Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. 28 29 30pd For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE HAVE USED washers, gZs ranges, refrigerators, circulat ing- heaters, dryers, television sets and radios at prices to fit your pocketbook. Patten's Appliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 29 Redmond Archer AUCTIONEER Sarahsville, Ohio Phone 6-R-12 EVERY FOR SALE For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS WALL BATHROOM HEATER. Strictly new and has never been used. Phone Caldwell 68 oi contact W. S. Camden, 916 Main street, Caldwell, Ohio 29 pd KING OF HEAT coal and wood heating stove, $20.00. 18 ft. lad der, in good shape, $10.00. C. D. Alspach, 204 Bridge street, Cald well, Ohio. 29-31 pd SPARTAN CABINET Radio. Lil lian Jordan, South Olive, Ohio. 29-31 pd USED GAS RANGES, priced from $20.00 up, six to select from used seven-ft. electric re frigerator, priced to sell, only $55.00 used washers, six to select from, $10.00 up, three new gas circulating heaters, 60,000 BTU, 65,000 BTU, 75,000 BTU, will sell at reduced price: Whirlpool gas clothes dryer, save $50.00. Pat ten's Appliance Center, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58. 28 29 30 For Sale—SEEDS FEEDS 300 BUSHELS OF CORN, three truckloads of hay, first and second cuttings of clover 1000 seven-ft. locust posts. Delmer Wells, Dexter City, Ohio, Route 1. 28 29 30pd SECOND AND THIRD cut of baled alfalfa hay. C. J. Lori, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6, on County Road 13, one-half mile east ol' Hoskinsville. 27 28 29pd EAR CORN, in 100 or 200 bushel loads, delivered. Harold Mont gomery, Johnstown, Ohio. 27 28 29pd For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS* WINCHESTER model 7j target rifle, with peep sights front and rear. Like new. Used less than a year. Inquire at The Jour nal-Leader office, Caldwell, Ohio. 2,000 GOOD LOCUST posts also a baby play pen, like new. Craig Cleary, Summerfield, Ohio, Route 2. 29 30 31pd PAIR OF LADIES shoe Roller skates, white, size 7. In good condition. For further informa tion write to Box D, C/O The Journal, Caldwell, Ohio 29-31 pd BALED STRAW. John C. Milev, Sarahs ville, Ohio, RFD 1. Phone Mt. Ephraim exchange. 29-31 pd WANTED WANTED—Housework or job to care for the sick. References. Mrs. Itol Reed, Reinersville, Ohio, Route 1. 29pd WANTED—Papering and paint ing- jobs to do. Experienced. Robert Ramsey, Quaker City, Ohio, Route 1. Phone Quaker City 19-E. 28 33 WANTED TO TRADE two-bed room house, located in Cam bridge, for three-bedroom house in Caldwell. Contact Carl Saliba at Carl's Shoe Store, Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 28 29 30 BOOMING BUSINESS makes opening available for respon sible man or woman with car to call on farm women in Noble county. Full or spare time. Op portunity to make $40 a day. Write McNESS COMPANY, 120 E. Clark St., Freeport, 111. 32 33 ARE YOU THE MAN! Age 28-55 years, to call on farm trade selling the famous Home Comfort Stoves and Ap pliances. The territory is in Southeastern Ohio. Training on the job with experienced sales man. We furnish car and pay the expenses. Best commissions, lour quarterly bonuses, yearly bonus plus "personal expense. Wonderful opportunity for man who can furnish the best of refer ences, be sober and dependable, be free to travel. Home only on weekends. Man chosen will start training immediately. For per sonal interview write J. D. Can terbury, Box A, The Journal Leader, Caldwell, Ohio, giving: name, age, address, telephone number, marital status, job his tory or sales experience, etc. 27 28 29pd Photo Developing—|pil I e^pio's WANTED TO TRADE WILL TRADE FOR rental use a two bedroom home in Cam bridge for rental use of three or four bedroom home in Caldwell. Contact Carl Saliba, at Carl's Shoe Store, 408 Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 29-31 Dead Stock Removed! HORSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone 1313 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. i A I E A rvv is k tpt Nk is! 6 & A -1:00 P. M. 19 yeaite of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-ttie-counter if you wish or in the mail day of sale. The Marietta Live Slock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Sts. Highway Kts. 7 and 50-N WANTED TO BUY WANTED-—Good used baby bed. Phone 188 or see Mrs. Harry L. Hazard, 521 North Street, Cald well, Ohio, buok of E. Kirch ner home. 29pd WANTED TO BUY old fashioned china, cut glass, lamps and fur niture. Richardson's Antique Shop, 1121 W. Main Street, Zanes ville, Ohio. 29 30 31 32 WANTED TO BUY five to 60 acres of vacant land, suitable for planting pine trees. Write Box 62, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. 28 29 30 WANTED TO BUY beef hides, at Estadt's Feed Store, Cumber land Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 24tf WANTED—Raw furs and beef hides. 1 will be at Estadt's Feed Store each Wednesday from 9:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. C. R. Teters, Hoskinsville, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 2. Phone 304-F-21 22tf FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five room unfurn ished apartment, with bath. Located over Alexander's Shoe Store. Inquire at Frank Reed's Insurance Office, Caldwell, Ohio. 15tf Business Opportunity BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—lrT sulation franchise representing national firm for Caldwell and vicinity. Aggressive man, or man and wife, can earn minimum of $10,000 to $15,000 per year net. Sales, mechanical, farm or car pentry experience helpful but not necessary. Investment of $1,500 required for cost of truck, pneu matic blowing equipment and tools. Our factory-skilled men and sales organization will train you and your workmen. Write Box 90-W, this paper for complete information. 29 PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE—As I have quit farming, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, Feb. 5th beginning at 12:30 o'clock p. m. at my^arm located four miles North of Harriettsville, one mile from the Road Fork church, just off of State Route 260, the following: Real Estate: If not sold be fore day of sale, I will offer my 99 acre farm. I reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Livestock—Five head of milk cows cow, red pole, 8 years old, fresh in April: cow, red pole,, 8 years old. fresh in May cow, red pole, 6 years old, 1'res'h in April heifer, red pole, 4 years old, fresh in April Durm cow, 13 years old, fresh in Max*ch. Team gray mares, wt. 2500 lbs. 30 Leghorn hens, one year old Two dogs, one col lie, male, 14 months old and one Toy Terrier, four years old. Grain: Approximately 150 bushels of corn: 40 bushels of wheat 10 tons of mixed Timothy, Clover and Alfalfa hay and six tons of loose hay. Farm machinery: All horse drawn mowing machine, wheat drill, hay rake, wheat binder, corn drill, disk harrow, iron har row, hill side plow, triple shovel plow,, single plow, corn sheller, low wheel \vagon, old sled, single trees, neck volks, good set of work harness, two horse collars, one-half roll woven wire, two pair wire stretchers, log chain, vise two 20-gallon iron ket tles, one brass kettle, two kettle rings, two meat boards, scalding barrel, electric fence outfit, four 10 gallon milk cans, two milk buckets, disk strainer, roof lad ders. Household goods: Dining room table and eight chairs, oak cup board, bed stead and springs, bat tery radio, coal cook stove for out kitchen, two coal heaters and other items too numerous to men tion. Terms of sale: Cash in hand day of sale. Not responsible for accidents. C. C. BONAR—Owner. Auctioneers: Weddle Brothers. Clerk—W. C. Bonar. (Not responsible for accidents) 29 30 31 NOTICES NOTICE—A new line has been added! Guaranted & igni tion parts. Lockheed Master and Wheel Cylinder kits. Mike's Tire Shop, on the square, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 200. 28 29 30 Classifieds Pay Dividends W A N E CLEANING BUGS WILL PAY 100 PER POUND Rags will be inspected Rags must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader $ THE JOtmWAt, CALDtr/gj, onto p!r« MABKET E 0 Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Jan. Heavy hens Light hens Old cocks ... Large gr. A white eggs Large gr. A brown eggs Large gr. white eggs Large gr. brown eggs Medium A white eggs Medium A brown eggs Pullet eggs Current receipts Butterfat NOTICES NOTICE—For hauling of coal garbage or trash, contact Wil liam Wells, Caldwell, Ohio. Route 4 or phone 725-F-31. 29-31 pd PRODUCTS FOR POULTRY raisers! Reduce common colds in your poultry. Dr. Hess Coryza Tablets prevent laying slump caused by Coryza. Won't harm egg quality. Used in drinking water. Economical, easy. Get some today at Donald D. Nichols, 506 Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 63-J. 29 NOTICE—I will be at the follow ing places to make out income tax returns during the month of January: Thursday, Jan. 20—Mt. Ephraim School Building Saturday. Jan. 22—Bode Store, Summerfield Tuesday, Jan. 25—PMA Office, Cald well Wednesday, Jan. 26—Batesville Town House Friday. Jan. 28—PMA Office, Caldwell Saturday, Jan. 29—At my home near Berne Monday, Jan. 31—At my home near Berne. EDWIN L. CRUM. 28 29 30 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Call Calvin Mendenhall at Cald well 709-F-22 or Floyd Henderson at Caldwell 100. 27tf THE CALDWELL BRANCH of the Fan-Ju-No Dance Studio, with Mrs. Fannie Goodman and Mrs. Judy Morgan as instructors, is holding classes every Tuesday from 1:00 to 7:00 p. m. in the V.F.W. Hall on West Street, Cald well, Ohio. Classes of tap and acrobatic dancing and ballroom dancing are held each week. There is no age- limit. Come in and register any Tuesday. 27 28 29 COAL DELIVERED in loads from 50 bushels to 200 bushels from the following mines: Byes ville and Dogtown Lump Coal No. 7 vein Moscrip lump (triple screened), run of mine, stoker, slack Palmer & Boyd, ryn of mine or any other mine that you may choose. Also sand, gravel and crushed stone delivered. Amos Franklin, 204 East Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W after 5:00 p. m. or leave orders during the day at Gill's Barber Shop. 23 24 25 pd. tf. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd INSURB YOUR car or trucl with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey. Agent. Caldwell. Ohio. "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 CaJdwell, Ohio NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6034 Estate of C. Ray Croy, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Helen Croy ol Seneeaville, Ohio. R. F. D., has been duly appointed Executrix of the estate of C. Ray Croy, deceased, late of Seneca township, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are. required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 7th day of January, 1955. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate .Judge of Said Countv 28-29-30 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6035 Estate of Ellery Boord Deceased Notice is herby given that Pauline Boord of Dexter City. Ohio has been duly appointed Adminstratrix of the Estate of Ellery Boord, deceased, la it of Enoch township, Noble Count.\. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 28th day 1954. of December, W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said Countv. 27-28-2'I McCl'LLOCH SALES & SERVICE New and Used Power Saws Gibson Supply Co. 2400 E. Wheeling Ave. Ph. 21731—Cambridge, Ohio SLACK $.06 per bushel at Tipple U N O I N E $ 1 2 e u s e a i e STOKER $.16 per bushel at Tipple SCREENED LUMP $.16 per bushel at Tipple 2x6 EGG $.16 per bushel at Tipple MOSCRIP MINING CORP. BCLLE VALLEY, OHIO Phone Caldwell 90 Can be loaded 24 hours a day Seven days a week. Summary 19 ... lb. 18c 111. 12c lb. 10c doz. 29c doz. 28c doz. 2&c doz. 26c doz. 26c doz. 26c doz. 23c doz. 28c lb. 46c ANMM (U l'Oirr Ol- IHI, I.I UK iI T»IK VILLAGE OF SARAHSVILLE NOBLE COl'NTY, OHIO For the FIRCUI Year Endin* December 31, Of Fund Balance*, Balance Jan. 1 $ £14.32 (feaeral Fund Gasoline Tax Street Repair Fund 305.25 Totals General Village Funds 1.11**1? Treasurer's Cash Balance Total Cash Balance December 31. 19B4 Tax Rate for village purposes, 1955 |„, rotAl salaries und wajjes SCHEDULE B-2 Summary ol Expenditures General Government— Leftij.lative 1 Council) ft ltJLOO General executive 16S.00 Total General Guv«rorn«nfc & 277.00 Protection to Person ancfc Property—Police ft Totai Protection to Persoife and Property $ Highways—-General Village Funds Total Highways $ 19&32 Public Si»:-vice Enterprise#— Water Worlt* Electric Light Miscellaneous.— 60*0 R0,00 381.97 Funds Tj[ Grand Total Kxpvnditures SCHEDULE C-l 10*26 08*45 General Village Kundt Including Gwiwai, Amo Gasoline Tax, Cemetery, RECEIPTS: Propei ty Taxee— Gent-ral Property Tax Total Property THXM State Motor Vehicle License Sta»e Gasoline Tax $ Sales Tax and Financial 64.33 114.9c 252 00 Intitutions (Local. Gov't.) $ Total Receipts $ EXPENDITURES: Council—Salaries, Incidentals Etc. 900.00 1.331.23 112.0a 30.00 Mayor—Salary, office expense, etc. .. $ Clerk—Salary, office expense, etc. $ Treasurer—Salary, office. expense, etc. $ Total General Executive 60.00 75.00 Oft ices $ Police Protection—Marshal and Police Salaries $ Total Police Piotection $ Highways— Street Commissioner's Salary Street Repair Sidewalks and Crosswalks Street Lighting Total Highways .... i sc e 11 an eous— Legal Advertising, Merchandise Total Miscellaneous Total Expenditures 185.00 60.00 60.00 138.32 20.00 381.97 540.29 3.15 100.11 103.26 980.55 IN MEMORY In lovim memory of Eliza beth Lahue who passed away Jan. 16, 1954. From our happy home and circle, God has taken one we loved, They say time heals all broken heart?, But oh that seems untrue. For this year has passed so slowly, And our hearts still ache for you. And everywhere within our home, We see a vacant ehahr. Her charming ways and smil ing face, Are pleasant to recall. She had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by all. When night comes, my dear, And I lie down to rest, I think of you dear Mom. The one I loved the best, And often the tears run down my cheeks. Until at last sleep comes to me, And I hope some day to meet you, In that happy home above Sadly missed by: The Children 29 IN MEMORY In iuviiik memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Dora Cunningham, who left us 21 years ago January 20, 1934. Years of sacrifices, little of play, Loving and giving and smooth ing the way, Life is too short, Mother, ever to pay, Strong in adversity, ready to do, Gentle, unselfish, a friend ever true. Our proudest possession. Dear Mother, was you. Missed by: Mrs. Mack Johnson and Family and Homer Cunningham. 29pd. 1964. Population, l{)r0 Census: 19®. Sarahwiile, Ohio January 6, 1955. 1 hnrbv certify the follow,nt report to be correct. MARY ROSSITER-Villafe Clerk. SCHKDI E A-l Receipts and Expenditure*. Receipts $ !.070.23 $ 252.00 paid in 19M SCHEDULE B-l Summary of Receipts Property Taxes General Fund 64.33 Total Property Tanas I- 64.33 Mate Motor Vehicle Tax 114.M Gasoline Tax f. 252.00 Sales Tax and Financial Institutions (Local, Gov't.) $ 900.00 Tola! Revenue $ 1,331.29 Grand Total Receipts $ 1,331.25 Balance Dec. 31 547.32 Expenditures $ 822.23 $ 198.32 1.331.23 211.57 080.55 768.89 I 768.89 $ 768.8!) Mills 406 66 1.7' ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT STOCK LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Noble County, Ohio For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31. 1954 Tax Valuation $ 9,828.88 Tax Levy B.20 Mill School Enrollment 71 Salaries and Wages $11,315.04 Balance January lgt, 1954 ... $ 4,880 23 Total receipts and balance $26,887 61 County receipts $10,551.99 State receipts $10,152 84 Administration $ 480.3' Instruction $ 9,969.46 Transportation $ 3,627 35 Operation of School Plant __ $ 2.51' Other auxiliary agencies $ 1.305 70 Maintenance of school plant $ 2,114.21 Cafeteria and school lunches $ 1,137.19 Capitol outlay .. $ 586.83 Total expenditures $21,738.80 Balance December 31st. 1954 $ 5.148.81 I hereby certify the following re port to be correct. BLANCHE SMITH Caldwell. Ohio, Route 1. Clerk of the Board of Education NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6031 Estate of Luther U*11 ville. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that H. W Morgareidge. of Caldwell. Ohio, has been duly appointed Executor of the Estate of Luther Bellville, deceased late of South Olive, Noble County Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 7th day of January. 1955 W V. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge of said County ^8-:!fi-30 CN MEMORY In :vnembrance of our dear husband and father, Char les V. Clark who gave his life in the service of his country ten years ago, Jan. 18, 1945. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach, Sweet to remember him. who once was here. And who tho absent is just us dear. Sadly missed by: Wife, Thelma, Daughters: Norma ami Judy Carol. 29pd. IN MEMORY In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Margaret Everly who passed away one year ago Jan. 25, 1954. Treasured thought* of one, nc dear, Often brings a silent tear. Thoughts return to scenes long past. Time rolls on but memories last. Sadly missed by: Children: Mary, Willie and Aaron and Grandchildren. 29pd. IN MEMORY In loving memory of our dear Father, John Hornick who pass ed away threeo veai a to »i Jan. 18, 1952. A beautiful memory dearer than gold, Of a Father whose worth can never be told, With tender love and deepest regret. We. who love him. will not forget Sadly missed by Son, Daughters and Grandchildren. 29 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindnesses during the illness and death of our Uncle Charles E- Ogle. Alst for the beautiful floral offer ings. Special thanks to Rev Walter Brown, McVay funeral home, singers and pallbearers. Homer and Madge Keyser 29pd. SPARE TIME INCOME $400.00 to $500.00 MONTHLY possible—we will select a reliable man or woman from this area to refill and collect money from our New Automatic Merchandising Machines. No selling. To qualify applicant must have ear, reference and §594.00 to S1250.00 working capital which is secured by inventory. Devoting 8 to 10 hours per week may net from S400.00 to S500.00 monthly with an excellent opportunity for taking over t'ulltime. We will allow the person we select liberal financial assistance for expansion. For interview, write giving full particulars, name, address, age and phone number to GAY-LEE VENDING, Inc., Suite 402, 1010 Euclid Building, Cleveland 14, Ohio. 7&W 4 i-'iuiife Don't over-work that home freezer. Let us cut, wrap and SHARP FREEZE your meat. Best Available Material Used! 1 118 E. Maple Avenue Phone W52 New Concord, Ohio Look Who's Here! Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rex of Fairground street, announce the birth of a son on Saturday. Jan. 15 at the Good Samaritan hospi tal in Zanesville. The new ar rival weighed seven pounds, nine ounces and has been named Ran dal] Dale. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Thorla of Cald well and Fred Rex of Malta. John- Caldwell of Shawnee, is the great grandfather. as 33 ar qr Mr. and Mrs. Guy Oliver e€ Whipple route 2, announce the birth of a son on Jan. 17 at the Marietta Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. "Paul Hill of Fulda, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Jan. 2 at Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. The infant weighed seven pounds, eight ounces and has been named Barbara Alice. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp of Caldwell route and Mr. and Mrs. Bede Hill of Caldwell. Great grandparent is Mrs. Frank Nau of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hupp of Ava route 1, are announcing the birth of a son in Marietta Me morial hospital, Saturday, Jan. 15. The infant weighed five pounds and nine ounces and has been named James Arthur. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Hupp of Caldwell route and Mr. and Mrs. William Archer of Caldwell route 4. Mrs. Frank Nau of Caldwell route, is a great grandparent. Mr. and Mrs. H, T. Buck waiter of Chicago, 111., are an nouncing the birth of a nine pound daughter at thsir home in Chicago, 111. The maternal grandfather. Joseph Fields, is principal of the Sarahsville high school. Mrs. Fields is now en joying an extended visit with her daughter. The son born to Mr. and Mrs. William Wechter of Huntington, N. Y., on Dec 28 has been named William David. The new arrival weighed seven pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Mrs. Wechter is the former Betty Wells of the Sum merfield community. Grandpar- ent- new an ival Signed by FREU C. KOfiSttAAR, mm of the members of the Soldiers & Sailors Relief Coan missitm. Dated January 11, 1955. Paid Ac ei liSenien and Mrs. Oscar Wells of Stun* merfield route 1 and Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wechter of Rich mond Hill, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mason of Caldwell rout® 1, are the great grandparents. Mrs. Margaret Bowron Receives Recognition At Circle Meeting The Thimble Circle met Thurs day afternoon in the home of Mrs. O. R. Croy on Main street. The Circle held their annual ^business meeting at which time routine business was transacted and election of officers for the ensuing year was held with the following being elected: Presi dent, Eva Croy vice president, Roberta Cleary 2nd vice, Lorene Moseley treasurer, Anna Cleary secretary and press reporter, Nola Clymer flower committee, Mary Tipton and Wava McVay. The calendar for the coming year was arranged and the host esses for the new year are as follows: February, Lorene Mose ley and Roberta Cleary March, Iva Maring and Eva Croy April, Blanche Rogers and Ethel Ogle May, Mary Tipton and Eleanor Harper June, Anna Cleary and Elsie Kirchner July, Willis Hupp and Mrs. Harry Hutchen son August, Wava McVay and Charlotte Fleming September, Jessie Young and Nola Clymer October, Minnie Heddleson and Freda Robinson and November, BiJla Patters«n and Mrs. Howard Schafer. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Lorene Moseley, Roberta Cleary, Ethel Ogle. Mary Tipton, Anna Cleary, Willis Hupp, Wava McVay, Charlotte Fleming, Jessie Young, Freda Robinson. Minnie Hed dleson. Billa Patterson and the hostess. The Thimble Circle has the distinction of being one of the oldest social organizations in Noble county, having been in active existence for more than half a century. Mrs. Margaret Bowron is the only living charter member of the club and has been given a life membership with To the Taxpayers of Noble County— Betew J» an exact copy of th» rwolaMon submitted to the Noble County Commissioners: "We, the Soldiers and Sartors Relief €ommissioa »i Neble County, are requastinf the fallowiag a#FrepriatUm for our 1955 benefits: "Five hundred dollars ($500.00 fov relief f»r citizens of Noble County (ex-soldiers only). Also S900.00 for compensation for a service officer or S75.00 per month. I personally think this should be reduced to S50.00 per month, as there is very little veterans work any more in this county. "The above botfget was not in. time, they said, 'ins the appropriation and instead they granted the service officer §115.00 per month. "The place to save the taxpayers money is right here at home. It doesn't make sense to increase a budget when the Commission doesn't want it" QUITTING BUSINESS A U I O N R. F. Robinson end Co. General Store Located at Stafford. Ohio 17 Miles South East of Caldwell 17 Miles South West of Woodsfield, 30 Miles North of Marietta on State Route 145— Friday-Saturday, Jen. 28-29 Beginning at 11:00 a. m. Each Day Selling Friday, January 28, will be all hardware paints roofing: fence spouting nails bolts tubs buckets cooking utensils congoleum rugs flour salt feed stove pipe lard cans: screen glass wiro-glass sash glass crocks jugs: barrel pumps: brooms mops screen door: garbage cans: old wall telephones: table oil cloth radiant heater screen rope in U" 'V cellar jack: large sale 2 barrel trucks 2 plat form scales kerosene oil gasoline shoes over shoes boots, etc. for the entire family and hundreds of other items. Selling Saturday, January 29, a very clean and complete stork of Staple and Fancy Groceries dry goods by yard blankets underwear overalls sweaters caps: socks ties thread towels wash cloths shirts trousers: cosmetics: drills: gloves and all other articles about the store. Fixtures 4 glass top show cases check out counters 8 cu. ft. Cinn. electric meat case 6 hole ice cream box Mr Casky cash box McC'asky Cash register Philco upright freezer, like new candy case 2 shopping carts paper rollers a lot of modern shelving warm morning stove benches chairs racks: etc. 1940 Chevrolet Ton Slake Truck Above stock will be sold both piece meal and job lots, so as to cater to both individuals and dealers, so come one. come all bring sacks baskets boxes and be with us„ Not Responsible tor Accidents TERMS: CASH LUNCH SERVED R. F. Robinson & Company OWNERS Phove 7-5451 Staffcv*. OM» Sale conducted by Harold Flax, Sales and service of London, Ohio, Phone 777 Auctioneer Realtor Appraiser