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4 |w 1 s i' j. J&>* \e •A %r ursday, January 20,1055 HARRIETTSVILLE Sunday hool at 9:30 o'clock next Sun day morning at the Methodist church. Birthday Party Mrs. Charles Johanning enter tained on Wednesday evening with a party in honor of her daughter, Ann's 12th birthday anniversary. Guests were: Joan Forshey of Caldwell route, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Estadt of Mid dleburg, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pryor and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ullman and Jewell of near Lower Salem, Mr. and Mrs Bill Schafer and Harry James, Mrs. C. E. Johanryng, Mr. Char les Johanning, Aundree and Harry Luther. Refreshments of cake and ice cream were serv ed, the honored one received many nice gifts. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman were dinner guests on Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ayers. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cun ningham were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cunningham and family. W.S.C.S. Mrs. C. E. Johanning enter tained the W.S.C.S. of the Meth odist church on* Thursday even ing. The devotional service was in charge of Mrs. Johanning and Barbara Wooster. Group singing was enjoyed. The business ses sion was in charge of the presi dent, Mrs. Emilene Schramm. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served to the following, Mrs. Blanch Schafer, Mrs. Emilene Schramm, Mrs. Jailia Ullman, Mrs. Bertha Joh anning, Mrs. Barbara Wooster, Ann Johanning, Aundree and Harry Luther Johanning and hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neuhart and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens of Marietta, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Feld ner and daughter, Norma jean were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Van Fossen. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fry fogle, Jimmy and Jane Ann were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ullman. Other afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelby. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stevens and Frank were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nobles and sons of Marietta. Mr. and Mi*s. Harley Beard more and Nolan Hendershot of Gallopolis, were Saturday even ing dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman, Johnny and Stevie. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm were business visitors at Cald well on Wednesday evening. Mr. Schramm attended an S. C. S. meeting and Mrs. Schramm, a poultry meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ullman of Mantua, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Ullman. Other Sunday guests were Char ley Schott and sons, Nicky, Jimmy, Dean and Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Ullman celebrated their 63 wedding anniversary on Sunday. Mrs. Nina Huffman, Johnny and Stevie, Mrs. Virginia Luke and Donald and Mrs. Julia Ull man spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Stella Schoeppner. mm$ km pits ^s mem mi ASRIETTSYILLE HEWS HAZARDS Mrs. Helen Wilson, Mrs, Mary Ellen Cunningham, Mrs. Emilene Schramm and Mrs. C. E. Johan ning spent Tuesday afternoon quilting at the home of Mrs Velma Kelby. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schoeppner spent Saturday evening with Joe Estadt of Caldwell. Mrs. Hattie Bonar of Colum bus, is caring for her mother, Mrs. T. P. Love who is ill. Mrs. Wilma Walters and son, Bill, Mrs. Hatty Hardesty and Fred Hardesty visited one day last week with Luther Hardesty of Canton, who underwent ma or surgery recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner and Dale were in Caldwell on Monday evening where Dale at tended a 4-H tractor meeting held at the Caldwell Implement Mrs. Opal Lee and Mrs. Stell Schoeppner assisted Mrs. Vir ginia Luke in quilting on Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFos sen and Mr. C. D. Miller were business visitors at Marietta on Thursday. Jean Ball of Waterford, visit ed recen'tly with her grandmoth er, Mrs. Ola Williams. Balesville BATi^oviLLii Mr. and Mrs. George Martin announce the birth of a son, Jan. 7 at the Barnesville hospital. Legion Auxiliary At the regular meeting of the Legion Auxiliary held last Thursday night. The auxiliary members were hostesses to the Legion members, serving chili, cake and coffee following the business meeting. A dance was held at the Legion hall, Saturday evening. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bob Long and son of Dayton, spent the week end with Mrs. Emma Long and Mrs. Helen Wolfe, the latter of Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Mont gomery were business callers in Caldwell last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hyett of Barnesville and Mrs. Ida Hyett were shoppers in Wheeling, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hedleston Ray Neuhart and sons were re cent visitors of Mr. Ralph House of Canton. Mrs. John Gilmore and daughters of Weirton, were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. House. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Flood and son, Scottv of Quaker City route, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Jimmie Flood. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Atkinson were Wheeling shoppers on Wednesday. Senecaville Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scur lock and Miss Virginia Potts of Crooksville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Freda Kerr and other relatives. Miss Lorrain Wood of Colum bus, recently visited friends here. Mrs. Minnie Calkins of Co lumbus, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Ben Triplett. yc: clothes says Reddy Kilowatt i ii lit UTTM r"iM-»t.Tidmarra moKi km soot •4 RAIN OHIO POWER CO. Pleasant City PI. HAS ANT I Y —The Plea- sant City Al.Y.i'. were hostess Monday evening at the Methodist church for the regular monthly meeting of the Guernsey county M.Y.F. group rally. A devotional and recreation hour was enjoyed by one hundred-fifty members present who represented all Guernsey county Methodist churches. ,A lunch was served by the local group assisted by their counselor. W.C.T.U. The Women's Christian Tem perance Union were entertain ed Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Leda Sheplar. Mrs. Marie Mercer was in charge of the de votionals and Mrs. Harry O'Mor row was program leader. A lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Sheplar. Revival Services Special revival services will begin at' the Methodist church next Sunday evening, January 23rd and continue through Sun day evening, Jan. 20th, beginning each evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Floyd Gaugler, pastor of the First Methodist church, Cald well, will be the guest speaker. The public is invited to attend. B. B. Game A large crowd of basketball fans from this community mot ored to Strasburg Tuesday even ing and witnessed the Pleasant City Strasburg basketball game. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest and son, John Everett visited on Sunday afternoon with relatives in Chaseville. Miss Leona Leonhart was a Cambridge shopper, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huff and daughter of Athens, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Huff and daughter. Mrs. Mary Ann Bond of route 1, and Mrs. Ruby Secrest at tended a Homemakers Counsel meeting in Caldwell, Friday af ternoon. Mr. Dean Shriver, Columbus, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Shriver. On Saturday evening he called on his cousins, Mrs. War ren Miley and daughter, Betty Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gregg spent Sunday with their son, Patrol man Lester Gregg and family at Gnadenhutten. Mrs. Alveretta Teel of Cam bridge, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Teel and Mr and Mrs. James Secrest and sons Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Ava, visited Wednesday evening with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ellison Mrs. Susan German and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. June Ger man of Buffalo, were Friday business callers in Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert Secrest of Columbus, visited over the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Secrest and her mother, Mrs. Mary Latchic and family of Cambridge Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and daughter, Janet of Mt. Eph raim, called, on Mr. and Mrs Warren Miley, Monday after noon. Little Carolyn Murphy of Chaseville, spent Wednesday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest. TOO MANY LUXURIES The greatest trouble with this modern living is to keep our am bitions pinned down to our sal aries. It's convenient Ifs comfortabfe£^_22 It cosfs NORTHBOUND BUSES LEAVE 1:07 A. M. 5:27 A. M. 11:25 A. M. (Express) 11:50 A. M. 4:55 P. M. Cleveland, Ohio $ 4.85 New York, N. Y, 13.10 Detroit, Mich. 8.2# SOUTHBOUND BUSES I.iiAVE 3:05 A. M. 11:15 A. M. 3:45 P. M. 9:25 P. M. 11:40 P. M. (Express) Jacksonville, Fla. $18.45 Miami, Fla. 24.85 Tampa, Fla. 22.55 S»ve An Extra 10% Each VSttf i-Trip Plut V. 8. Tmx xtra 10% Ea With a Round-Trip Ticket GREYHOUND TERMINAL HENRY'S RESTAURANT Phone 135 Caldwell, Ohio ...and to hundreds of placet the sGrssGthnc! new end the Highway lraval«r SIArrOKD STAFFORD and Mr Leland Holland of Canton, were last weekend visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherden Day. Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Blair and son visited Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mallett and family of Marietta, spent the weekend at their home near Sand Bar. Mrs. ^Esther Thompson and daughter of Mt. Tabor Ridge, spent Sunday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mir acle. Floyd Miracle was a Woods field caller, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chasles Miracle and daughter visited Saturday evening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith and family of Woodsfield. Miss Martha Lois and Lynn Eugene Steed have returned to their home here after caring for Mrs. Marie Mallett for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ullman and daughter of Circleville, called on friends here Sunday and at Road Fork. Miss Hattie Hardesty spent last week with her brother, Luther Hardesty. who is a pati ent in a hospital at Canton. Mrs. Hattie Bonar of Colum bus, is caring for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Love of Road Fork, who are* on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gardner of Woodsfield, visited relatives "'.v HEWS HAPPENINGS here, S. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins visited friends here Sunday af- Uumfinn Wailful Ridge W- i '•«_ ..IL'Cai. .Jr. and Mrs. William Horton attended funeral services for Mrs. Herbert Tom, held at New Concord Meth odist church, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leach and sons of Canton, spent the weeekend at Ace Leach's and O. O. Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith berger were callers at Clarence McAuley's Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton and daughter of Zanesville, spent the weekend at O. O. Horton's and Otto Carpenter's. Mrs. Martha Horton spent Thursday with Mrs. Annie Leasure. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leach and sons spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Horton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Horton and Welcome Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hill and son spent one day last week at Mona Kirkbride's. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton spent Tuesday evening at John Smithberger's. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter were Sunday visitors at Otis Horton's. STU&EBAKER A complete line of new 1955 Studebaker trucks as well as cars Elba ELBA Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Anna Goodwill, Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 12. The meeting was open ed with a prayer and all mem bers read a chapter from the Bible. A short business meeting followed after which refresh ments were served. The next meeting will be at C. C. Wharton home with Ada Darrah as hostess. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughey, Jr., and children were in Mari etta, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickle and family of Byesville, were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain. Jimmy Roger Hughey cele brated his third birthday, Jan uary 8. Carrie Stack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ad dlesburger at Middleburg. Rev. and Mrs. J. Barnes of Cambridge were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Swain were in Marietta, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughey, Jr., and family, Mrs. Clair Smith, Clara Reed and Jean Luke at tended services at Hall Chapel, Sunday. Mrs. Edna Schneeebrger, Al bert Boyd and daughter, Irene Schneeberger of Dexter City, were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. J. W. Hughey, Sr. of Elba and Annie Thomas of Zanesville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hughey, Jr. Stndebaker announces an upstanding new dealer for America's most outstanding new car s is really 011 the march I Dealers as well as car owners are switching to Stiide baker in ever-increasing numbers. Right here in town another upstanding dealer has joined the Studebaker success parade. Come in and see Studebaker's newest of the new—the far-advanced I Itra Vista & S S v V r" V^VNV ZILER GAR AGE 900 Mill Street Noiv showing and selling the 09 1 jQrr--i ... ., 1 fvik *-'v S E N E A Y I ihL,L, The topic for the evening was "Our Resolutions" with select ed reading given by Ethel De vine, Alberta Marquis, Mollie Keller, Ada Bird and Ruth Davis. Prayer for the new year Blanche Richey. The business session was in charge of the president, Mrs. Blanche Richey. The following officers were elected for the coming year: president Blanche Richey vice president, Ada Bird secretary, Laverna Secrest and treasurer, Alberta Marquis. Next meeting will be held on Feb. 10th. Willing Workers Class Mrs. Howard Harris entertain ed the Willing Workers Class of the Presbyterian church at her home Friday evening. It was the fourth anniversary dinner for the class. Officers elected for the coming year were: Mrs. Earl Burson, president Mrs. Hazel Ansberry, vice president: Mrs. here. Sensational Studebaker President -8s outstanding luxury and brilliant performance! T1 »e finest, most powerful Studebaker Com mender V-8s in history directly competitive with the lowest priced new Studebaker Champions in the lowest field—America's No. 1 economy cars mmmtumi The irien s Fellowship Group will meet in the Methodist church annex on Wednesday, Jan. 19, with R. L. Nelson, Elmer Mighen and Frank Peach as program com mittee. These meetings are prov ing to be quite interesting. Every man of this community are most cordially invited. Class Meeting The Class of Service held their first meeting of the New Year in the Social Rooms of the Meth odist church, Thursday evening, Jan. 13 with Mrs. Lura Kackley as hostess. The program and de votional.? were in charge of the leader, Mrs. Laverna Secrest. E E W S John Hollingshead, secretary Mrs. Donna Harding, treasures' Mrs. Gerald Hill, publicity and Mrs. Geneva Stobart, card chair man. Mrs. Robert Christian re ceived the wonder box. Birthday Party Bobby Denver was honored for his eighth birthday with party held at the Oddfellows hall, Saturday afternoon by his mother, Mrs. Donald Denver. Twenty-four guests enjoyed the games, contests and refresh ments. Record Dance The high school students eft joyed a record dance at the locfU gym after the Old Washingto|| Senecaville basketball game oh Friday evening. Personals Mrs. R. M. Secrest is visiting with her daughter and son-il ia w, Mr. and Mrs. James of Columbus. The Lakes have a new daughter named Tacy Alaire. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McClel land announce the birth of twin daughters. They are entitled to shares given by Standard Oil for being born on Jan. 10. Mrs. Donna Harding visitdtf Mr. and Mrs. Ned Wakley ©f Byesville, Wednesday evening. Miss Margaret Kozar of Can ton, is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Clifford Aplin and son of Canton, were visiting local relatives Friday. Mrs. Alice Davidson entertain ed her Sunday school class at the Methodist church, Friday evening. r!* of V-8»! iiid marvelous priee Finest kind of Studebaker servicing for cars and trucks §1