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ftige Stx Mrs. Edgar -DEATH NOTICES F, Kacey C. M. Harey was notified Wed nesday morning oi the sudden death of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edgar F. Racey, which oc curred at her home in Columbus. Mrs. Racey was found by her husband in the family car in the garage. The garage doors and car door were open and officials believe that Mrs. Racey was stricken with a fatal heart attack as she prepared to leave on a short trip. An autopsy is being performed to determine the cause of death. Mrs. Racey. the former Sherry Cobb, is well known in Caldwell, having visited here a number of times. She is survived by her hus band, one son, Edgar, Jr., and a grandson, Matthew, all of Co lumbus and her mother, Estelle Cobb of San Antonio. Texas. Funeral arrangements are in complete. Alonzo F. Lady Funeral services for Alonze Fletcher Lady, of Pleasant City, were held Saturday, Feb. 19 at 2:00 o'clock at the Pleasant City Methodist church. Rev. Eugene Emerson and Rev. Floyd Gaugler •were the officiating ministers. Burial was made in Village View cemetery at Sarahsville. Mr. Lady died in Guernsey Memorial hospital Wednesday at 6:40 p. m. after being a patient there nine days. The body was taken to the home from Scott funeral home Thursday. A son of the late William and Sarah Fogle Lady, he was mar ried to Pluma Robinson of Sar ahsville in 1906. He was a mem ber of Pleasant City Methodist church, Dyson Lodge, 816, I.O. O.F., Foster Encampment of I.O.O.F. Lodge. 270, and Point Pleasant Knights of Pythias. Surviving are his widow two daughters, Miss Georgia Lady of the home, and Mrs. Quindola Watkins of Pleasant City two grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Isa Hannahs of Columbus. One sister is deceased. Jay T. Nowell Jay T. Nowell, 54, of Colum bus, formerly of Noble county died Friday evening at 9:00 p. m. in the St. Anthony's hospital in Columbus, following an illness of three days. Mr. iNowell, a brother-in-law of Mrs. Clarence Kelby of Har riettsville, spent most of his life in Cambridge and Columbus. He was a member of the Elks Lodge and the Eagles Lodge of Paden City, W. Va. A son of the late Elmer and Delia Orr Nowell, he is survived by the following: two children, Mrs. Jean Riley of Glen Dale, W. Va., and Joe Nowell of Har riettsville, a student at Marietta college one sister, Mrs. Pauline Lyttle of Cambridge, two broth er, Vane Nowell of Niles and Fred Nowell of Columbus. His wife, Mayme Walters Nowell, died in 1949. There is also one brother deceased. Funeral services were held on Monday at 2:00 p. m. in Bundy funeral home in Cambridge with Rev. J. E. Semrau officiat ing. Burial was made in the Northwood cemetery. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Ouso No. fitKifi Estate oi Chai les E. Ogle, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Homer Keyser, of Caldwell, Ohio, R.K.D. 4, has been duly appointed executor of the estate of Charles E. -Ogle, de ceased, late Dudley, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four montha. Dated this 2nd day oi rem uary, 1955. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said County 32 33 34 ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT BJCAVEK TOWNSHIP Noble County, Ohio For the Fiscal Year Kuding December 31. 1954 Population 870. 1950 Total Salaries and Wages Paid During the Year 1954 S 4.982.50 Tax Valuation ... eftH.T356.00 Tax Levy .. Mills Batesville. Ohio February 15th, 1955 1 hereby certify the following re port to be correct. GEORGE HYETT. Township Clerk RECEIPTS General Property $ 1,782.1 Sales Tax (Local Gov't i $ 596.00 Gasoline Tax $ 7,200.00 Refund from School Board on gas bill at Manual Training Shop $ 42.63 Cemeterus- Sal of lots and Other Receipts $ 10.00 Auto Registration 2 Total Miscellaneous Receipts __ $11,712.20 PAYMENTS General Executive Services— Compensation of Trustees $ 1,755.00 Compensation of Clerk $ 300.00 Expenses of Trustees and Clerks ___ $ 101.00 Total Genem! Fvrrutirr Servues Town Hal! Gas Bills Total Town Hal) Fire Protection Other Fire Protest um Expenses Total Fiie Protection Highways*— Road Maintenance and $ 2,156.00 $ 4B.B0 16.60 75.00 75.00 Repair -Labor and Materials Road Machinery and Total Highways Cemeteries—Compensation of $ 7,388.46 $ 63.40 $ 7,451.86 Officers and Employees ... $ Other Cemetery Expenses ... $ Total Cemeteries $ Miscellaneous- General Supplies $ Deductions by County Amntui For Elections $ For Workmen's .H? vh 171.75 12.55 1«4.30 77.38 Compensation s County Health Department S Total Miscellaneous $ Total Payments 18.68 18 40 182.86 $10,096.62 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS BY FUNDS Balance. Januuary 1, 1954 (Clerk's) ... $ 2,527.65 ^Receipts During Year $11,712.20 Total Receipts and Balance $14,239.85 Payments During Year $10,096.62 Balance. December 31, 1954 (Clerk.Vi $ 1143.20 John T. Craig .John Thermon Craig, 67, Bethcsda resident, who died on Sunday, was buried Tuesday afternoon at the Elbenezer ceme tery. Rev. Francis Smith was the officiator. A retired farmer, he was the father of John Craig of Marietta, former employee of The Noble County Leader in Caldwell. Mr. Craig is now employed with the Marietta Times. Born at Hunter, June 27, 1887, he was a son of William and Josephine Moore Craig. He leaves two sons, John L. and Howard of Marietta, and a brother, Herman E. Harrison of Montana. Frank S. DeVoe Funeral services for Frank S. DeVoe, 83, of Lewisville com munity, were held in the Lewis ville Methodist church Sunday at 1:30 p. m. by Rev. Clarence Jones. Burial was made in Friendship cemetery. Mr. DeVoe died at noon Thurs day, Feb. 17, after an illness of two weeks. A life resident of Lewisville community, he was a member of Lewisville Methodist church. Surviving are five children, Harry and Virgil of Lewisville, Robert of Newark, Mrs. Lela Polen of Lewisville and Mrs. Lucille Flauhaus of Amsterdam six grandchildren and one great grandchild. His wife died seven years ago. —su Michael R. Eppley Michael Ray Eppley, son of Kenneth and Martha Mae Estadt Eppley, was born at a Youngs town hospital, Sunday, Feb. 13 and died three days later on Wednesday morning, Feb. 16. In addition to the parents, he is survived by one sister, Sandra Kay and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. iDelmar Eppley of Mc Connelsville and Mr. and Mrs. Harley Estadt' of Caldwell. The body was removed to the Estadt funeral home in Caldwell where services were held Friday morning at 10 o'clock with Rev. Fr. S. J. Pekalla officiating. In terment was made in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Samuel L. Yoho Samuel Lester Yoho, 30, of Whipple route 2, died Tuesday at 6:30 a. m. in Marietta Me morial hospital. He was born Nov. 153, 1024, at Phillipi, W. Va., a son of Carey P. Yoho and Mrs. Cena Boyles Yoho Menke, both of whom sur rive. On May 3, 1946, he was mar ried to Mildred Leomia Heater, who survives with two children, Martha Ann and Linda Marie, both of the family home two brothers, Robert E. Yoho of Dayton and Donald A. Yoho of the U. S. Air Force and one sis ter, Mrs. Thomas Rilling of Akron Funi i i! vires will be held at 2:00 p. m. Thursday. Burial will be made in the Silent Grove church cemetery. NATIONAL CONVENTION H. M. Ayers, manager, Wash ington Electric Cooperative, Inc., 617 Second street, Marietta, L. E. Hedge, Brookfield township and Alfred Brown, Dexter City, members of the board of direc tors, attended the national rural electric cooperative convention held in Atlantic City, N. J., last week. LEGAL NOTICE la tiie Common Pleas* Court Noble County, Ohio. Case Number 9505 Ervin Cowglll, Plaintiff, vs. Maude Glover, an incompetent Athens State Hospital Athens, Ohio Paul »lover, Oak Park 9 Sarnia Rnnrf Apartment IK London, Ontario, anad.« Bcrnit-e Jacobs 9414 Carton Avenue Cleveland 4, Ohio Defendants, Paul (Hover, whose addict i Park, 9 Sarnia Road. Apartment 18 D, London, Ontario, Canada, will take notice that on the 14th day of Febru ary, 1955, Ervin Cowgill filed his peti tion in the Common Pleas Court of Noble County, Ohio, in Case Number 9505 against the above named party et al. praying for an order quietinj title to the following described rea estate: & •A".' is -. \f A Oak Situated in the State of Ohio. County of Noble and Township of Seneca and being Lot Numbered Two 2) in the unincorporated Village of Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. Said party is required to answer on or before the 9th dav of April. 1955. 33 38 L. C. YOUNG, Attorney for PlaintiIT CARD OF THANKS I am taking this opportunity to thank my many friends and neighbors for, their kindness dur ing the illness and death of my husband, Ed. (Boyd. Also for the beautiful flowers, the comfort ing words of Ira J. Brandon, the singers and any others who as sisted us in our time of need. Mrs. Ed. Boyd and Children 34 8.40 CARD OF THANKS I wish in this way thank my friends, relatives, fellow em ployees and V.F.W. Post, No 4721, for the nice cards and gifts which 1 received while a patient in Guernsey Memorial hospital Also ail those who visited me during my convalescing period My sincere thanks. Dwight F. Wiley Caldwell, Ohio 31 C* Tax Filinq The Easy Way o.-. To Speak fc tt* "r, S. A FRANCIS HART Francis Hart of Belmont county, 1954 International Farm youth exchange delegate, is shown above when he was in Werken, Belgium last year. Hart will be the principal speaker, Friday evening, March 11, when the annual 4-H club advisors kick-off banquet is held at the grade school cafeteria in Caldwell. Associate Agent Paul Jonard said that Hart, 28 years old, liv ed four months last summer on farms in Belgium. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Staley Hart of Belmont and has led 4-H clubs in that countv for five years. Look Who's Here! Ali U.iJ *li w. Cut of Ava route 1, are announcing the birth of a son on Feb. 15 at the Good Samaritan hospital in Zanesville. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Caldwell of Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. George Cartell of Ava route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weisend of the Summerfield community, are announcing the birth of a son on Feb. 16 at the Good Sam aritan hospital in Zanesville. The new arrival has been named Bruce Robert. Mr. and Mrs. George Teem of Detroit, Mich., announce the birth of a son on Feb. 12. The infant weighed six pounds, eight and one-half ounces and has been named Donald Bradley Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Uro of Belle Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton of Reinersville route 1, are an nouncing the birth of a son at the Marietta hospital, Feb. 21. Mrs. Charles Orr To Observe 91st Birlhday Mrs. Charles Orr will observe her 91st birthday anniversary on March 3. Mrs. Orr, who is in ailing health, is residing with Iter daughter, Mrs. M. L. Harper of Caldwell route 4. A card and letter showei* is being planned. Mrs. Orr has been a 111 iong resident of Noble countv EXTENSION MEETING Noble Countians interested in crop production and pasture im provement should plan to attend a meeting in Caldwell Tuesday, March 1 at 1:30 p. m. There will be an agronomist for this meet ing giving a special talk on soil and plant science, dealine with crops. It will be held at the tension office. T* r. .»!£-. JSv, V y.:.. 4/\vr#s urtut Mm WW Ml tow V ex CONDITION IM.I*ROVED According to word received here, Ervin Til ton of Akron, formerly of Noblo county, is much improved after recently undergoing major surgery in a Akron hospital. He is recuperat ing at his home. TRANSFER OF FUNDS Elk township trustees have fil ed application in Common Pleas court to transfer $1500 from the general fund to the road and bridge fund. Hearing will be held Feb. 25 in Common Pleas court beginning at 10:00 a. R. H. Ullman, Foster Forshey and Nelson Williams are the trustees. Forest C. Johns of Massillon visited the past week with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Johns of Fair ground street. THE JOTJBNAL. CALDWELL. OHIO -".fr -Hs- in J-:N (ini0-A) i* siiniii:i'y itelf and ran be uspd by taxpayers whose total income was leisa than $..000, made up of wages front which the tax has been withheld and no more lhan $100 total of other wages, dividends and interest. For those folks there is no standing in line, no adding, dividing or multiplying—just answer a few easy questions, sii?n and mail, and your District Director does I he rest. These forms are available at •our locjil Internal Revenue Office. —Personals— Mr. and !\lrs. Gilbert \V. Week ley, and Mr. and lyirs. George Hurst visited the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Velosky and family of Dayton, Ky. Atty. and Mrs. John Hazard of Bronze Heights, were in Colum bus on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. David Clark and daughters, Judity and Jill of Co lumbus and H. L. Bates of Cald well were Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clark of near Pine Lake. Mrs. Edna McCune of Miller street, is visiting this week in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bigley and son, Kenneth of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mrs. Thelma Bigley of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. John Swank of Keithtown. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kilburn and daughter, Sherry Lynn have returned to their home near Lewisville after an extended stay at the home of Mrs. Kilburn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ball of Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. George Mallett and children of Circleviile, were Sunday callers in the home of her father, Harry Smith of Spruce street. Weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Mary Walters of Mill street were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell and family of Johnstown and Mrs. Hunter and daughter, Mary of Byesville. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Arch er of Mill street were Taylor Johnson of Columbus and Stan ley and Milton Johnson of Rey noldsburg. Additional callers at the Archer home during the weekend were: Miss Eula Archer of Sarahsville route 1, Mrs. Laura Blake of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ball of Can ton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davis and son of Dexter City, spent the weekend in Canton, visiting the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mendenhall. Mrs. Nettie Martin of Dexter City, was returned home Sunday from St. Francis hospital, Cam bridge, where she has been re e i v i n t! a e n i i Garfield Bates of New Con cord and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown and family, Main street, visited over the weekend with a n s a a o w i n a n family of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ral ston visited the weekend with her parents in Circleviile. Mrs. Pearl Ralston and Mrs. Mabel Thomas are spending this week in Columbus with the for mer's daughter, Mrs. Robert Radeliff and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Gardner of Akron, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Gardner's sister, Freda Tilton of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wheel er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and children, Janice and Norma Jean of Marietta, were Sunday dinner guests with their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters of Macksburg. Mrs. Sadie Addlesburger and Mrs. Ella Walters ot Macksburg, were in Caldwell on business last Wednesday. Kenneth L. Gibson, w o i s stationed with the U. S. Armv at Fort Knox, Ky., is enjoying a leave with his parents, Mr and Mrs. John Gibson ot Caldwell route 6. Sunday guests at the home of Clara M. Moseley ol Lewis street were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horton of Columbus Donna and Robert Moseley of Marietta and Mr. and Mrs. George Moseley of City. MARRIAGE PERMIT One couple filed applu ai probate court for marriage lic ense according to Judge Vernon Archer. They were: Thomas H. Bond, laborer, of Ava and Mari lyn M. Semon, clerk, of Olive, cart of Caldwell. Roilie Fleeman and son, John and Richard Whitman, all of Co lumbus, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fleeman, south of Caldwell. Both Fleeman and Whitman purchased new 1955 Pontiacs from the local Fleeman Pontiac agency. Mrs. Joan VanFossen and Miss. Carolyn Clark of Caldwell, visit ed Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark of Summerfield. Miss Rose Lichwarcik, who is employed in Columbus, visited the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lichwarcik of Caldwell route 6. Miss Barbara Baber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bober of Caldwell route 6, visited over the weekend with Miss Garnet Clark of Muskingum college at New Concord. Famous STIt.WVttLRRY (AMPS', CHUNK AVONDALE CORN K!{((«EH i a weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Davis ot Cumberland street, visited Mr. and Mrs. Doc Davis of South Olive recently. GARDEN PEAS 2 ,f (pQkAoiwd VYlcntmn and Ttmv. Imprinted Kroger Preserves w„r K KOl-l'iR reamv, fresh Pii.^UT BUTTER 24jar I I I S a v o i e TOMATO SOUP 3 ^ns' CAMi'iHU.'S Mil l' Appetizing. Vegetable Soup 2 N C:J Chicken Noodle 2 N"„,' COUNTRY CLUB Packed in four '4-Ib. prints Fres-Shore Tuna WHITE CREAM WHITE REAM STYLE Imi No. 303 can KHOC.EH Spcei.iI low price. No. 303 cans 4 Si KIA'S Siut'oib SI KEY'S Smooth, spicy 11 oz. *2 bottles (OEM IIAKHOH CHUM lb. can I/ART Guests love 'em. qt. TOMATO CATSUP 2 IIAKHOH ALASKA SALMON I/ART Guests lo Sweet Gherkins IDEAS FOR GOOD EATING DURING LENT 25 exciting new Fish Recipes IN MARCH 7?&ft Kroger's got the cream of this season's ceiery crop crack ling-crisp, tender, rich in vita mins and minerals. Enjoy it ten, in hot or cold dishes. For Your ErnU-n Fish! S'JKIST LEMONS SEEDLESS Tart-sweet. GMPEHW! I III. baf Add color and /est to meals. CELLO RADISHES Sinali. iirin and green. Brussels Sprouts full «t. Pvt. Harry Bruner of Ft. Knox, Ky., spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. Dick' Davis of Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. William Iloben sack and daughter, spent the weekend with friends in Cleve land. Miss Nancy Secrest of Colum bus, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sec rest of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rum mer and Mrs. Mary Wiley of Caldwell, visited over the week end with Kenneth Harper and the Day King family of Akron. Mrs. Betty Tredico and sons of Mansfield, visited her father, R. W. Hazard and William Hill and family, Thursday. Nellie Mae Beckctt of near Caldwell, spent the weekend in Columbus on business. TH?r* Wi 5 K!( AN 3 cans W Jj|| gj| Freshly ground when you buy 3-1 b. bag §2.31. I pound J: hb Lenten favorite. No. Vi can 4 T' COFFEE CAKE JIT FY PASCAL V, \, 1- S. V. A, *•»,», *«i- »«, v wt- Mr. and Mrs. Sale Johns of Steubenville, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. M. C. Johns of Caldwell. Nelle Headley, Madge Fer guson and Nola Clymer visited friends in McConnelsville Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Racey of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Racey of Caldwell. Among the callers the past week at the home of Sarah and Lydia Gant, East street, were Henry Butler, Rev. John Grimes, Marcus Gant and family and Ross Watson. Mrs. Olive Moore has returned to her home on Lewis street after visiting for the past five weeks with her son, Mr. and Mrs. James Moore and family of Dayton. '7S&W America's favorite by far. Buy at. this special low price. Omnicide Punch Ml-C DRIKKS cans S rcsli, crisp K KOtiER SLICED Tastes better! Toasts KKOCEK Thriity treat. SUGAR COOKIES KROGER APPLE NECTAR each CHOCOLATE DEVILS FOOD Kroger Layer Cake ,,, SIM ,'. Imp. Pkg. White Cake Mix PIE CRUST MIX.. u° Special Imprinted Package JIFFY BISCUIT MIX 10c 9 pk °s. JIFFY Spe«\ Imp. Pkg. 10c 29c ir "-id n stalk of In mesh bag 10c ha« & .4f_': .'•/tfj & i W* -yf 4 Serve 'em baked, mashed, fried jr« im:* MAINE U. S. NO, 1 Thursday, February 24, 1953 i £v wi& ClhoiinA ih& (Jaunty Guests during the past week end at the home of A. W. King of Railroad street were: Henry King, Mrs. Rebecca Ryan, Rich ard Ryan and sons of Byesville Miss Kay King and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd King of Columbus Wil liam King and son of Zanesville Mrs. Hattie Wiley and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Schafer of Caldwell and Miss Olive King. Mr. and Mrs. George Christo pher of Norwalk, visited this past weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher of West street. Ethel Hazard, Eleanor Ilayes and Evelyn Davis of the Hazard Beauty Shop and Mildred Buc key and Emily Hune of the Mil dred and Emily's Beauty Shop are attending the Beautician's convention in Columbus this week. lb- Pkg. CHEESE FOOI Economical. WINDSOR CLUB 2 Z, 79e Qi 8' k I RO/t Tender KROGER PEAS 2 37c KROGER BROWN n SERVE. Clover Leaf Rolls pk5. BISMARCK Fresh, flavorful Kroger Rye Bread r. i f* -a I llftis No-waste treat—Stock up at this low price. cms W *0* Ktmns sims rmWHiOBMXPf Straight or Elbo OR MACARONI Kroger Spaghetti 15g 0 loaf