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*age Eight Marilyn Semon Bride Of Thomas Bond In Beautiful Ceremony Announcement is being made of the marriage of Marilyn M. Semon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis of Caldwell route 4 to Thomas H. Bond, son of Mrs. George Mathenev. The wedding was an event of Feb. 12 at 4:00 p. m. in the par sonage of the First Church of Christ in Caldwell with the pastor, Rev. Ira J. Brandon of ficiating at the double ring cere mony. The bride was attired in a street length of pink linen, styled with a high necklace and black accessories. She carried out the traditions of something old, new, borrowed, blue and a penny in her shoe. The bride wore a shoulderline corsage of white carnations. Attendants for the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rayner. The bride is a graduate of Caldwell high school and the bridegroom is a graduate of Belle Valley high school. Mrs. John Parks Entertains Bridge Club With Dinner Mrs. John Parks of North street, entertained her bridge club with a dinner Monday eve ning at 6:30 p. m. The table was decorated using the George Washington motiff Covers were arranged for the following members: Mrs. Harry Richcreek. Mrs. Glen lams, Mrs. Walter Quick, Mrs. Helen Ehler mann, Mrs. Madge Ferguson, Mrs. Nelle Headley, Mrs. Violet Morgareidge, Mrs. Kyte Walken shaw, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs. Howard Tarleton, one guest, Mrs Charles Evilsizer, and the host ess. Three tables of bridge were put into play following the din ner with Mrs. Walter Quick re ceiving the high prize and Miss Thelma Rice the floating prize. Merrimakers Club Meets In Hupp Home !. Elnnji Hupy of Bronze Heights, entertained the Merri makers Home Demonstration club Wednesday. The project for the all day meeting was "Weaving" with Mrs. Paul Seffens and Mrs. Wiley Stringer in charge. Mrs. Grace Henderson, chair man, presided at the business meeting. A pot luck lunch w is it joyed by &11 at noon. Members present werV: Mrs. Paul Seffens, Mrs. Wiley String er, Mrs. Ernest Pierce, Mrs. Harry Richcreek, Mrs. Glen lams, Mrs. Lorene Moseley, Mrs Howard Young, Mrs. Edward Merry, Mrs. John Blackburn, Mrs. William Rucker, Mrs. Jack Corwin, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. Floyd Henderson and the host ess. The March meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Ed ward Merry on West street. The topic will be "Which Weigh Lady''. Mrs. Crum Hostess To Jolly Ten Club The Jolly Ten Club met on Thursday in the home of Mrs Anita Crum of Caldwell route for their February meeting. The day was spent quilting and a delicious dinner was ser ved at noon. Members attending were: Mrs Betty Archer, Mrs. Margaret Warner, Mrs. Bernice Leasurt Mrs. Emma Shelton, Mrs. Marie Dimmerling, Mrs. Dorothy Arch er, Mrs. Evelyn Gressel. Mrs. Albert Hill was a guest. Children present were: Rosa Ann and Donny Warner, Char les Dimmerling, Bonnie Lcasure and Dale Hill. Mrs. Emma Sheltcn khuiI the club prizes. The next meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Evelyn Gres s'.'I on March HI. 11 fT" TP *$§ a* V z* A i I JL k To Observe Golden Wedding WWrarafr i iiMiriiii.'iiiBiniijyiinjii 1 'v 4 The custom of 'open house" will be held in their honor in the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coyle of Hoskinsville on Sunday, Feb. 27 during the afternoon hours. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. Homebuilders Class Of Methodist Church Meets The Homebuilders class of the First Methodist church in Cald well met Monday evening in the church dining room, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and Mr. and Mrs. i r. Moore as hOSt: A put iuck dinner was vujuyed A short business session was held with the president, Hope Webster, presiding. An interesting progr&n, was presented, including readings by Martha Buckey and Alice Guiler. M. D. Hitchens' Honored With Dinner Friday Mr. and Mrs. Morton D. Hit chens were honored last Friday evening with a surprise dinnet at their home on Caldwell route 6. This dinner planned by their children Covers were arranged for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs J. Willard Hickman, Joanne and Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stiers, Barbara and Rickie, Mr and Mrs. Bill Niswonger, Dannie Lee and the honored ones, Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcns. Illlllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Gibson Refrigerator 7 cu. ft. Leonard Refrigerator 6 cu. ft. Frigidoire Refrigerator 7 cu. ft. Washers $15.00 up Westinghouse Range 2 Automatic Bendix Washers $40.00 Each 515 West Street Phone 11 1 k,. I J* MR. AND MRS. J. E. WILLIS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis of Caldwell route 2 will observe their golden wedding anniversary on March 1. The Willis' were united in marriage on March 1, 1905 in Cald well by Rev. Ross. Mr. Willis is a son of the late John and Elizabeth Pedicord Willis and Mrs. Willis is a daughter of the late William and Eliza beth Smith Morris. The couple have four children. namely: Elmer Willis, Mrs. How ard M. Duffin and Miss Hilma Willis of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. Charles J. Coyle of Hoskinsville. Grandchildren of the Willis' are James, David, Dianne and Gary Coyle. Mr. Willis has one sister, Mrs. Oliva Morris of Rich Val ley. Mrs. Willis has three broth ers, Theodore Morris of Canton Walton Mortis and Amos Morris of Caldwell route thie.- and one sister of Canton. I Friday Niters Bridge lub Enjoys Dinner In Tome Oi Mrs. Harkins Mrs. Bea Harkins entertained the Friday Niters Bridge Club at her home on West street Thurs day evening. The Valentine theme was car ried out in the decorations and at 6:30 o'clock a dinner of lovely appointments was served. Thelma Rice and Ruth Knox won the club prizes and Helen Young received the guest prize. Members present were: Opal Brumbach, Ruth Knox, Bernice Mills, Grace Henderson, Virginia Baker, Frances Taylor, Thelma Rice, Florence Archer, Lillian Beyer. Eleanore Moore, Mary Richcreek and the hostess. Guests were: Mary Quick, Ruth Wheeler, Helen Young, Det Blake and Jean Hazard. Noble Rebekah Lodge Holds Regular Meeting Noble Rebekah Lodge held their February meeting last Fri day evening in the O O.F. build ing on the corner of West and North streets. The regular business session was held with the Noble Grand, Edna Davis, in charge. The lodge gave special recogni tion to Mrs. Delia Orr, one of the lodge's oldest members, who will observe her birthday on March 3. Delicious refreshments were served by the charge committee Mrs. Ada Ackley entertained the Victory Bridge Club Wednes day evening in her home on Cumberland street. Dainty refreshments Madge Kc we re ved by the hostess. Oneda Starr received the high prize and Mary Scherr received second. vser was. a yu*t. Members present were: Lulu McDonald, Hattie Wiley, Olive Groves, Mary Sanford, Frances Collier, porothy Dyer, Inez Clark, Louise Clark and the hostess. WHITE A N BLACK A speaker has been engaged and an interesting program has been planned. Dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock in dining room of the First Methodist church. Wheeler Bible Class Meets In B. B. Wheeler Home Tuesday Evening The Wheeler Bible Class of the First Baptist church met Tues day evening in the home of their Sunday school teacher, B. B. Wheeler on main street. Mr. Wheeler, who has been confined to his home for some time, was surprised with this unexpected meeting in his home. Mrs. Roy Wikander led the group in singing several old hymns. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Gerald Ramage and Mrs. Ed Iekes. Mrs. Raymond Moore had charge of the devotional ser e and the program. Mrs. Moore used "The Healing or Our Tentions" as her theme and the scripture reading was taken from Psalms. Members answered the roll call by giving a Bible verse be ginning with the first letter of the month. The president, Mrs. Harry Col ley, conducted the business meet ing at which time plans for the remodeling of the kitchen of the church were discussed. During the social hour deli cious refreshments were served. Members present were: Mrs. Henry Simonton, Mrs. Ed Ickes, Mrs. Harold Brown, Mrs. Frank Reed, Mrs. Harry Colley, Mrs. Raymond Moore, Mrs. Irvil Con ner, Mrs. Charles Milligan, Mrs. Roy Wikander, Mrs. Carter Sha fer, Mrs. Gerald Ramage, the honored one, B. B. Wheeler and two guests, Mrs. Leota McGee and Mary Griffith. Worthwhile Class Completes Re-modeling Of Kitchen In Church Mr. and Mrs. John MeKibben, Mi", and Mrs. Guy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo DeVolld, were the hosts and hostesses Thursday evening for regular meeting of the Worthwhile Sunday school class held in the basement of the First Church of Christ. President Gerald Hayes had charge of the business meeting with Ira J. Brandon and Robert Whitcomb in charge of the de votionals. The remodeling of the kitchen has been completed by the class and the collection taken Thurs day evening was sufficient to pay for the entire job. Slides of the tournament of roses at Pasadena, Calif., were shown by Walter Quick. During the social hour, re freshments were served to 42 members attending. Olive Homemakers Hold Their Regular Meeting in Victory Bridge Club Meets In Ackley Home The Olive Ilomema Coun cil held their February meeting Wednesday evening in the home of Mrs. Faye Hayes on Bridge street with Mrs. Martha Watson serving as companion hostess. "Waffle Weaving" was the pro ject with Lillian Still and Mar tha Watson in charge. A delicious pot luck dinner was enjoyed at noon by the fol lowing members: Helen Bjork man, Donna Lee Barnhart, La vona Whitcomb, Ruth McKitrick, Leora Shackle, Gladys DeVoll, Gladys Hill, Hattie Van Fleet, Lillian Still, Lail Gill, Ann Kid der, May Whealdon, Ruby Merry and the hostesses. Guests were Mrs. William Hayes and Mark Bjorkman. Classifieds Pay Dividends The Smart look the comfortable look that's news in shoes re fleeted here in our smartly styled, while and black saddle oxfords. They're conveniently priced. rs .win i:--,i TOE STO' L^iauiill, OLiU THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO i O N Bosses Night" Planned By Caldwell BPW For Monday Evening, Mar. 7 The Caldwell Business and Professional Woman's club will be entertaining their bosses at "Bosses Night" Monday evening, March 7 instead of the previous ly announced date of March 8. w Caldwell WCTU Holds Annual Frances Willard Tea In Jennings h'ome The Caldwell W.C.T.U. held their annual Frances Willard Tea Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Lois Jennings on East street. The meeting opened with group singing, followed by the devotional service with Mrs. Mary Dyer as leader. The presi dent, Mrs. Lois Ziler, presided during the business session at which time a letter to the local union from Sen. Bricker was read in regard to "Legislation of Interest". Mrs. Margaret Clark, president of the Noble county Union, was present and gave an interesting talk. World Day of Prayer was an nounced for Feb. 25 at 7:30 p. m. in the First Presbyterian church. An announcement was also made that all members should pay their dues before March 1. Mrs. Bertha Ullman had charge of the program and read an interesting article and poem by Frances Willard. Mrs. Billa Patterson gave an interesting talk. Members present were: Hope Webster, Mary Dyer, Billa Pat terson, Elsie Kirchner, Ola Shaf er, Lillian Harkins, Betty Mur phy, Rose Smith, Lois Ziler, Bertha Ullman, Elizabeth Ball, Roberta Cleary, Ora Berry, Mat tie Groves, Effie Warren, Mary Tipton, Opal Ullman, Minnie Heddleson, Jessie Young, and guests were: Mrs. Margaret Clark and Mrs. Fayne Rayner of Ava Pearl Keight, Nannie Chea dle, Katheryn Merry, Belzora De Voll, Freda Robinson, Elsie Gor rell and the hostess. The closing prayer was offered by Opal Ullman. Tea was served from u table of lovely appointments to the above mentioned. The March meeting will be held in the home of Mattie Groves on Belford street. Amazon Chapter, OES, Holds Regular Meeting There were 52 members in at tendance at the regular meeting of the Amazon Chapter No. 30, O. E. S. Tuesday evening, Feb. 15. Mrs. Lawrence Nichols, Wor thy Matron and Walter H. Brown Worthy Patron, presided. Members were asked to bring to the next meeting articles of warm clothing to be sent over seas for the coming winter. Mrs. Virginia Baker was chair man of the committee which served during the social hour. She was assisted by: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Archer, Mj. and Mrs. Leighton Archer, Jewel Baker, Twila Ball, Mary Lois Barnhart, Enid Barnhouse, Jane Bates and Ora Berry. Friendly Neighbors Club Holds Meeting The Fiiendly Neighbors club met Thursday in the home of Mrs. Cleo Waller with Mrs. Wilma Waller serving ns com panion hostess. Miss Joanne Waller. Mrs. Erma Foraker and Mrs. Doris Edwards were welcomed into the club as new members. Mrs. Dorsa Morris and Nora Hughes received the club prizes and Nellie Chandler and Joanne Waller received the guest prizes. The guessing contest prizes were won by Edith Chandler and Grace Radcliff. An announcement was made that the next meeting would be held on March 17 in the home of Cleo Briggs. Those present wore: Mrs. Dorsa Morris, Mrs. Edith Chand ler, Mrs. Lola Mitchel, Mrs. Win nie Slater, Mrs. Jessie Swank, Mrs. Blanche Woodford, Nora Hughes, Mrs. Edna Garvin, Nel lie Chandler, Mayme Crooks, Mrs. Grace Radcliff, Mrs. Erma Foraker, Joanne Waller, Doris Edwards, Pamela Edwards, Phil and Stevie Chandler. CU JtaAi- Elba Ladies Aid Holds Meeting In C. C. Wharton Home To Observe Golden Wedding, Mar. 1 MR. AND MRS. L. B. DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Davis, Cumberland street, will observe their golden wedding anniversary March 1. The Davis' were united in marriage on Wednesday, March 1, 1905 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon McCarty of Dexter City. Mr. Davis is the son of the late Randy and Victoria Davis and Mrs. Davis is the daughter of the late Simon and Ester McCarty. Mrs. Davis has one sister, Maggie McCarty of Dover, and Mr. Davis has three brothers, Charles of Cambridge, Harry of Dexter City and Herschel of South Olive. The Davis' moved to Dover in 1910 where Mr. Davis was employed at the Dover Electric Light Co. and in 1949 retired and moved to 705 Cumberland street. The Ladies Aid of Elba met Wednesday afternoon in the C. C. Wharton home with Ada Dar rah serving as hostess. There were six members and one guest present. The meeting opened with pray er by Edna Williams, followed by the scripture reading by Mrs. Williams. A Bible quiz was held. During the business meeting the ladies completed plans for their cookie recipe books. Delicious refreshments were served. H.T.H. Bridge Gub Enjoys Luncheon At Ogle's Inn, Tuesday Mrs. Paul McVay entertained the H.T.H. Bridge club with a 12:30 o'clock luncheon. Tuesday in the dining room of Ogle's Maple Shade Inn. The patriotic theme, in keep ing with the observance of George Washington's, birthday, was carried out. Members attending were: Mrs. Ward Murrey, Mrs. Walter Quick, Mrs. John Wheeler, Mrs. Bay Marshall, Mrs. Kyte Walk enshaw, Mrs. Bolon Barnhouse, Mrs. A. G. McGregor, Mrs. L. C. Young, Mrs. Harry Knox, Mrs. Donald Harkins, one guest, Frances Taylor, and the hostess. Mrs. Ward Murrey won the club high scoring prize Mrs. John Wheeler second high, Mrs. Bae Marshall consolation, Mrs. A. G. McGregor the traveling prize and Frances Taylor the guest prize. Carol Bates Honored With Surprise Party Mrs. Myron Bates and Miss Betty VanDyne entertained re cently at the Bates home in the Mt. Ephraim community with a surprise birthday party honoring the former's daughter, Carol. During the evening hours games and contests were enjoyed Delicious refreshments were served from a refreshment table centered with a decorated birth day cake. Guests were: Johnny Ruther ford, Ronnie Groves, Martha Miley, Evelyn Kirkbride, Linda Moore, Becky Groves, Betty Williams, Melvin Wentwortti, Bud Ginn, Bill Bond, Jack Brooks, Dickie Archer, Larry Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Dyne, Myron Bates and sons, the honored one, Carol Bates and the hostesses. The honored one received many nice gifts including several from friends who could not at tend. Photo Developing—Gillespie's FOR YOUR HOME ENJOYMENT! Order thern ready to serve and enjoy this delicacy in your own home. Order PIZZA PIES ... the way you want them! Phone SOS-F-ZI BELLE VALLEY, OHIO Quilting Held At Alva Garvin Home After the burning of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramsier of Caldwell route, a number of friends and neighbors gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin where the ladies sewed, making comforts and quilting quilts to be given to the stricken family. Those assisting in this project were: Mrs. Edna Boyd, Martha Reed, Allie Garvin, Edith Gar vin, Guila Garvin, Edna Davis, Greeten Woodford, Vesta McFar land, Iva Stewart, Thelma King, Sara King, Marjorie Ogle. Edna Brown, Grace Radcliff, Sophia Miller, Edna Garvin, Minerva Dutton, Fern Woodford, Cax-rie Reed, Gilbert Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Alva Garvin. The ladies returned a second day, thus completing the project. VISITED IN WASHINGTON Judge and Mrs. W. Vernon Archer and daughter, Carol Ann of Caldwell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sklenar, Sr., of Belle Val ley, visited the weekend and until Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Secrest of Wash ington. high-schoolers! (J Thursday, February 24, 1953 •uitiMMmMMMtniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimitiHnimHMMMni Happy Birthday! Friday, Feb. 18 Jimmy Tilton. Monday, Feb. 21 Edna Brown, Elizah Danfoni, Edna McKee. Tuesday, Feb. 2% Paul McKinley King. Wednesday, Feb. 23 Frank Bates. Thursday, Feb. 24 Marilyn Gessel, Kenneth Var Fossen, Anna Wiley, Stan Ma gay, Marilyn Guiler. Friday, Feb. 25 Helen Miller Pickenpaugls, Charles Pickenpaugh, Nor Clark, Garry Clark, Clarkx Zimmerman, Jane Gillogly. Saturday, Feb. 26 Mrs. Robert Smith, Marie Poling, Walter Harriman, High Carter, Inez Hannum, Mae Whealdon, Gerald Ramage. Sunday, Feb. 27 Beth Wood, Joyce Milligan, Lawi'ence Nichols, Norma Car ter, Pearl Snyder, Robbie Wheeler. Monday, Feb. 28 Anson Fry, Freda TlltOn "Jean Miller, Ralph Hicks. Tuesday, March 1 Anna West, Ellen Douglas. Mrs. O. R. Croy, Harry Miley. Wednesday, March 2 Donald Franklin. Wednesday, March 2 Mrs. Charles Orr (91), Sandra Kay Feldner, Pearl Goodwin. Woman's Literary Club Holds February Meeting The Woman's Literary club held their February meeting on Tuesday evening in the green room of the First Methodist church. Rama Steen, vice president, presided during the meeting in the absence of the president. Mrs. Steen named her commit tees for the ensuing year. They were as follows: program, Opal Brumbach, Betty Murphy, Mary Secrest and Mayme Sealock social, Lillian Beyer, Margaret Brienza and Frances Taylor nominating, Bertha Ullman and Elsie Kirchner and flower, Inez Clark. An interesting program was presented including: travelogues and slides by Grace Henderson and Ruth Knox an article en titled "A Vacation Trip" by Mayme Sealock and Genevieve McDiffitt gave a selection from the National Geographic. The roll call was answered by naming "A Country I Would Like To Visit." A* .v% k A with by Formfit Your own ideas decidc the designing of Bobbies! High -schoolers, representing you oil the Bobbie Fash ion Board, cuc Formfit designers to your wants. That's why Bobbies have that wonderful, "made-for you" way about them—meet all your requirements so perfectly! Be fitted today in Bobbie Bras, Britches and Girdles to suit your needs Shown: Pro No. 441 in inowy broadcloth, 30AA to 36A, $1.50. Bobbie Britches No. 819 in airy-light elastic net, $3.95. 313 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio r' i/npwLi