Newspaper Page Text
Thiirtciay March 24, 1955 V-~K gri# FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS FOUR ROOM, strictly modern house with attached garage. Gas furnace, bath, electricity, built-in kitchen. This is a nice one-floor home in Caldwell. SIX ROOM modern house. Gas, electricity, bath, built-in kitchen, lull basement and gar age. Large lot on paved street in Caldwell, Ohio. SIX ROOM modern house, with 14 acres of land, gas, electrici ty, city water, bath, gas furnace. Less than three-quarters mile from public square. Chester J. Howiler—Realtor 516 West Street Caldwell, Ohio Phone 250-W WELL, IT IS a nice five room bungalow with gas, electricity, a nice sized cellar and two lots about five yards from U. S. Rt. 21. Priced to sell. WELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 Stanchion barn, cement floor with with drainage, crib, brooder house, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im mediate possession. It's a bar gain near Batesville. A WONDERFUL location, brick home with seven rooms and bath. Ample space for another residence property on same lot. IT'S A GOOD five room house with gas and electricity. A ten minute drive from Caldwell. Priced very reasonably. IT'S A MODERN home, on slag road, located one mile from town and church. Forty acres AH necessary buildings. Home gtrictly modern, insulated, bath and furnace. If you are perfect ly satisfied to take your bath in a "wash tub", don't come to see this farm unless you want some Of the better things in life. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. A GOOD LOT on North Street, excavated for full basement and garage. Very reasonably priced. A bargain. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 526 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 APPROXIMATELY five acres of land with two houses rented and one five-room house vacant. Modern and is located near fair ground, just outside of the cor poration limits. Can be seen by appointment. Blake Davis, Cald -Well, Ohio, RFD. 3. Phone 719-F 23. 38 COZY AND nice four-room mod ern home, except furnace. See this to appreciate it. Something different. Priced to sell, in Sum merfield. LARGER HOMES. Eight room, modern except bath, not com pleted seven room modern, full lot six room modem, except urnace, two lots six room house needs some repair all in Sum merfield. TWO FARMS 80 acres and 130 acres. Both have good size farm homes with barns and out buildings, off State Route 513, between Calais and Batesville. Make an offer. Chester J. Howiler, Realtor A. R. Fogle, Salesman Summerfield, Ohio 37 38 39 1'XDUR LARGE ROOMED house with two lots, barn, big garden space, several fruit trees, wrash house, cave with building over head and garage. Priced for quick sale. See Charles E. (Eddie) Weston, South Olive, Ohio. 36-38 COTTAGE 20' 30', on privately owned lot, 200' 150', at Seneca Lake. Garage basement, plenty of water, bath, electricity md partially furnished. Can be een by appointment on week ends. Call 174-W or write Vance McDonald, 817 Main street, Cald well, Ohio 36 37 38pd THREE-ROOM house one room 12 24 other two rooms 1 0 1 2 k i e n a n y 6 6 and a 6 6 closet, just off the bedroom. Full basement. House five years old. Make me an offer. Charles E. (Eddie) Weston, South Olive, Ohio. 36-38 SIX ROOM Modern house with gas, electricity, built-in kit chen, full basement and 70/100's acre of land. Phone Caldwell 363 33-40 pd Redmond Archer AUCTIONEER Sarahsville, Ohio Phone S-R-12 SVIRY mail day of sale. SIX ROOM HOUSE in Macks burg, with electricity, water, gas and coal heat, wash room and fruit room, with two acres of land. A. J. Constable, Macks burg, Ohio. 38 39 SIX ROOM modern home, on North Street in Caldwell, with two acres of ground. Gas, elec tricity, running water, bath, full basement. Phone 702-F-2 or see George Ralph in Sharon. 37 38 39 pd SEVEN ROOM MODERN house with city lot No. 304 and one half of lot No. 305. All hardwood floors, three rooms carpeted from wall to wall, basement, furnace, double garage with workshop and storage room., extra land, chicken house and some fruit trees. W. L. Clark, 1202 North Street, Caldwell, O. 36 37 38pd For Sale—FARMS EIGHT ACRE FARM located on State Route 285 three-fourths miles from Caldwell, with good house on road. New barn, garage 28 30 feet, one other house on farm. Lena Hogue, Caldwell, Ohio, route 6. 38 pd FARM OF 135 ACRES. Building and fences in fair condition. On good road. Contact Cam Wilson. 812 West Street, Caldwell, Ohio 38 39 40pd 149 ACRE ALL MODERN, six room brick home, large barn which includes 1954 Ford tractor, 1948 model Ford tractor, Ford pest digger, plow, cultivator, disc, manure spreader, corn planter, new wagon trailer, side delivery rake, mowing machine, sprayer, new grain drill, eleva tor, 23 hundred bales of hay, baled, 1,000 bushels of corn. Priced at $19,000 including ma chinery. Joe Secrest, Real Estate, 118 East 8th. Street, Cambridge, Ohio. 38 39 160 ACRE MODERN dairy farm, grade A milk. Modern six room home. Six miles from Cald well. Price to sell. Joe Secrest, Real Estate, 118 East 8th. Street, Cambridge, Ohio. 38 39 For Sale—BUSINESSES WELL ESTABLISHED hardware, inventory price plus rent of storeroom, including fixtures. Pleasant City Hardware, Pleas ant City, Ohio. 37 38 For Sale—MACHINERY TOOLS 26-INCH MALL power saw. Used only 24 hours. Virgil Watson, Summerfield, Ohio, Route 2. 38pd TWO WHEEL trailer, well built. Bed will hold"about 35 bushels. Also a piano, very cheap. Phone 732-F-13. Delbert Knox, five miles east of Caldwell. 38pd TRACTOR DISC harrow sale! Six foot, $165.00 seven foot, $175.00. R. D. Buckey Feed Store, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 37 38 39 CASE TRACTORS—Priced from $1275.00 for a VAC up to $4000.00 for a diesel. Try an Eagle Hitch Case when you need a good tractor. R. D. Buckey Feed Store, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 37 38 39 McCORMICK DEERING 9-hoe grain drill, in excellent condi tion. Both horse and traator hitches. Ralph Forshevi Lower Salem, Ohio, Route 1. 37 38 39pd CHAIN HOIST, V/2 ton electric sander and polisher, cylinder head torgue wrench, heavy duty Vfe-inch drill, timing set, cylinder ridge reamer and a vise. Wilbur L. DeVoll Garage, East and Olive Streets, Caldwell, Ohio. 37tf 1940 DODGE MOTOR and trans mission, priced at $40.00. Ken zel Knapp, Cumberland, Ohio, Route 1. 36- 38pd. For Sale—LIVESTOCK SPOTTED PONY COLT, 10 months old also registered Hereford bull, old enough for service. See Charles K. Boyd, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 37 38 39pd ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Call Calvin Mendenhall at Cald well 709-F-22 or Floyd Henderson at Caldwell 100. 27tf Dead Sleek Removed! IIOKSK.S and COWS HU'l DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone 1313 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. A I E A THURSDAY- 1:00 P. N. 19 yeans of satisfactory service far the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experience® management —•Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter if yon wish or The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N J!!v,,mw"r,3WT5!n!r! HTTrnTmrmi*trtf FOR SALE for Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS LOTS FOR SALE at Lindsey Court in Caldwell. Ernest E. Parry, Caldwell, Ohio. 38-40 pd «•., 11 FOR SALE FOR SALE—Livestock THREE GOOD MILK cows a Guernsey cow, four years old, and two Jersey heifers, first calves. All to freshen before April 15. Wiley Thompson, Sum merfield, Ohio, Route 1 (on Tabor Ridge). 38-40 YOUNG LIVE rabbits. Ideal for Easter. $1.25 each. Phone 231-J or see Robert Harris, 701 West Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 38 JERSEY HEIFER with calf at side, and a red heifer to be fresh the first of April. Carlos Rossiter, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 38pd 32 FEEDER PIGS, bacon type. James McAuley, Sarahsville, Ohio. 36 37 38pd FOUR DALMATION (coach) puppies. R. D. 'Buckey, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 57. 37 38 39 BETTER BABY CHICKS! Buy Ricketts Improved chicks with confidence. Our 26th year to serve southeastern Ohio. No bet ter production White Rocks in the business, also high produc tion New Hamps and White Leg horns. 95% livability guarantee first two weeks. Our 18th year to guarantee the livability and 24th year to bloodtest with no re actors the past several years. Get consistently good chicks. Ricketts Hatchery, 2134 Maple Avenue (State Route 77) Zanesville, O. Phone 39286. 35 36 37 38 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS WOOD FOLDING chairs, $26.80 per dozen. Deal direct with factory. Neweo Products, New comerstown, Ohio. 38 42 KIRBY ELECTRIC sweeper with all the attachments, including a floor polisher also a girl's spring coat, size 5, blue gabar dine, in good condition. Mrs. Ira Pryor, 1415 North Street, Cald well, Ohio. 38 TWO-PIECE living room suit, dining room suit, six chairs, table and buffet, four rocking chairs, radio, two sewing ma chines, four eight-day clocks, six new comforts and quilts. A. J. Constable, Maeksburg, Ohio. 38 39 FM ANTENNA 12-ft. extension ladder 8 cu. ft. Frigidaire Ra diant heater 9 12 rug and pad single size maple bed, complete glass door cupboard five-piece breakfast set folding cot dress er stands, and other household items. Mrs. Harry Davis, 533 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 253-M. 37 38 39pd LARGE CIRCULATING heater, 8flft)00 BTU. Capable of heat ing two or three large rooms. $75.00 will buy it. Original in vestment $200.00. .May. be seen at the Journal-Leader office. 37 38 39pd STEAM TABLE and grill. See E. J. Hutchins, Caldwell, Ohio 37 38 39pd 8-PIECE WALNUT dining room suite and a walnut bedstead Nola Clymer, Dexter City, Ohio Phone Dexter City 36-F-3. 37 38 39 For Sale—SEEDS FEEDS CERTIFIED Hybrid seed corn, Ohio C-38. A fine crop, well matured, double graded. At my seed house in Lewisville or see your local seed dealer, including Bode Brothers, Summerfield Noble Tractor Sales, Caldwell or M. G. Long Hardware, Bates ville. Leander O. Kuhn, Lewis ville, Ohio. 37 38 39 40 APPROXIMATELY five tons of mixed baled hay. Alfalfa, clo ver and timothy. Arthur Mur rey, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4 (Salt Run). Phone 741-F-4. Home evenings. 37 38 39pd TEN TONS of mixed hay at $20.00 per ton. F. W. Bishop, Summerfield, Ohio. 36 37 38 BALED HAY. Phone 711-F-2. 36 37 38pd. NOTICE TO OUR FARMER PATRONS—We have a com plete line of farm field seeds, certified-treated seed oats, fer tilizers and lime for Spring: use. Priced right. Place your order now and be sure you have it. The Caldwell Implement & Supply Company, Caldwell, Ohio. 38 43 iw in the 1 ii ?ATCI A. AUCTIONEER Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. immmtu STRAWBERRY PLANT, State certified Robinson, Scarlet Beauty and Fairland. Frank Mc Aulev, Caldwell. Ohio, Route 3. 36-41pd. STRAWBERRY and raspberry plants. State inspected No. 1, one year plants. Choice of one dozen varieties (strawberries) and three varieties (raspberries). Write for price list. Ready to dig by April 1. Gilbert W. Week ley, 206 Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 271-R. 34tfc For Sale—CARS TRUC 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN, with powerglide, radio, heater, seat covers and other extras. Like new, 11,680 actual miles. Priced reasonable. Charles A. DeVoe, Lewisville, Ohio. 37 38 39pd 1942 INTERNATIONAL long wheel base truck and a 1942 Ford auto. Harry Miley, Sarahs ville, Ohio, Route 1. 36 37 38pd 1950 DODGE CORONET 4-door, radio, heater, directional and back-up lights, two-tone paint, very clean. Charles F. Wiley, Fairground Road, Caldwell, or inquire at the Dodge-Plymouth garage. 37 38 39pd For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS ESQUIRE SHOE polish, Kiwi shoe polish, all colors shoe strings, all sizes anklets and ny lon hose. Milligan's Shoe Store, North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 38 39 40 NIGHT CRAWLERS in any num ber. 35c a dozen. Jimmie Whealdon, 602 Main Street, Cald well, Ohio. 38 UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC milker, used four years a 1951 Ford pick-up truck, six cylinder, in good condition. Dana Foraker, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. Home after 3:30 p. m. 37 38 39pd PUBLIC SALES HAVING MOVED in with my father, I will offer for sale at public auction, on Friday, March 25, 1955, beginning at 12:30 p. m., at my farm located three miles northeast of East Union and three miles west of Summerfield, on County Road No. 51 at the Charles Snyder farm (follow the auction signs from State Route 146 and East Union), the follow ing household goods and live stock: Livestock—Registered cow, six years old registered cow, four years old and a registered heifer, two years old. All have been test e.d for JBangs. Machinery—Seven foot Fergu son mower, drag type, and lawn mower. Household goods—Frigidaire refrigerator (7 cu. ft.), kitchen cabinet, three quarter bed, wal nut cot, coal range, 2 davenports, 3 oak rocking chairs, walnut drop leaf table, kitchen table, 6 straight chairs, 4 small stands, 2 old cupboards, electric toaster, radio, victorola, 2 sets of silver ware, trunnel bed, old fashioned bed, 20 gauge shotgun, living room suite, china closet, 5 throw rugs, lots of dishes and utensils and many other items too numer ous to list. If you have anything you would like to sell you could con sign it to this sale by contacting either owner or auctioneer. Terms of sale: Cash. CHARLES SNYDER, JR. Owner Route 2, Summerfield, Ohio Watson Sales Service 607 Cumberland St., Caldwell, O. James Watson and Dick Shaw, Auctioneers. Leroy Miller, Clerk (Not responsible for accidents) 37-38 Business Opportunity PAINT, HARDWARE, appliance and heating business for sale. Average yearly net profit, $5,000. Inventory and equipment, $22. 500. Will take some real estate in trade and will help finance Write Box 90, The Journal, Cald well, Ohio. 3fi PLOW POINTS REBUILT! Round, Flat and Angle Iron. Long's Welding & Repair Shop Boh Long—Owner. Miller Street—Caldwell, Ohio WE GROWN ii rsery lor Evergreens (100,000 priced 50c to $5.00), Fruit Trees, Shade Trees, Berry Plants, Rose Bushes, Grape Vines, Hedge Plants, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Flowering Shrubs, Lawn Seed, Vege table Plants, Peat Moss, etc. Visit BURKHARTS at BARNESVILLE and save on or igional cost, save shipping charges, receive nursery stock adapted to Southeastern Ohio. 'NU&ZW FLOMl. State 8 South Phone 14ft Barnesville, Ohio Open daily 7 to 6 Sundays 1 to 5 THE JOUftNAL. CALtJWELL. OHIO ihliisli", !. For Sale—FRUIT APPLES, $1.25 per bushel bas ket. Cider in fresh, emptied whiskey barrels, $17.00 per bar rel. C. C. McNeal, Crystal Ice Company, Marietta, Ohio. 38tf For Sale—PLANTS KST Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, March 23 Heavy hens lb. 24c Light hens lb. 16c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 36c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 34c Large gr. white eggs doz. 34c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 32c Medium A white eggs doz. 34c Medium A brown eggs doz. 32c Pullet eggs doz. 25c Current receipts doz. 30c Butterfat lb. 46c LOST LOST—Large tarpaulin about a week ago near Reinersvillc. Reward. Contact Gene Lambert, Reinersville, Ohio. 38pd LOST—Pair cream colored fabric gloves with heavy stitching. Lost on the corner of North and Lewis Streets, Sundav evening, March 20. Reward offered. Find er please contact Bernice Mills, 602 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone 77. 38pd LOST—One concrete mixer. Re turn to R. D. Buckey Feed Store, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 37 38 39 FOUND FOUND Two beagle hounds Owner may have by identify ing and paying for ad. H. A Crum, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1 37 38 39pd WANTED TO BUY WANTKD TO BUY used sc^wTl bus. Must be 24 passenger or more. Write to John Wickham Sarahsville, Ohio, Route 1, giv ing directions and location. 38 39 40pd WANTED WANTED—Salesman for appli ance selling. Automobile is re quirement and applicant should be between 21 and 35. Salary and bonus. Patten's Appliance Center, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 58 38 39 40 PAPER HANGING, painting and general repair. Write F. B. Boyd, Sharon, Ohio. 36-38 MAN OR WOMAN for part time credit and insurance investiga tion for a National Commercial Reporting Bureau on a Fee Basis around Caldwell and vicinity Write Post Office, Box 1046, Co lumbus lfi. Ohio. 36 37 38 FOR RENT FOR RENT four or five room un furnished apartment and ga rage. 1101 North Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 76-R. 38tf FOR RENT, one-half of a double house, with five rooms and bath, located on North Street Caldwell, Ohio. For further in formation phone Caldwell 363. 38 39 40pd ROOM FOR two trailer homes Can be hooked up to the sew erage system. Phone 145-M Caldwell, Ohio. 38 FOR RENT—Three room furn ished apartment, completely modern. Available after Apri. 10. For further information call Caldwell 198-W. 38pd FOR RENT—Four-room unfur nished apartment. On first floor, private, close in, bath, available April l. See Dr. D. H. Webste Caldwell, Ohio. 37tf FOR RENT—Two-room furnished apartment, upstairs. Inquire at 532 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio 37 38 39 31-ACRE farm, four miles of Caldwell on slag road 5 acres in alfalfa 10 acres corn ground rest spring-watered pasture land good 6-room house and barn with electricity fruit good well and cistern. Write Mrs. Chloe Murphy, 1895 E. 71st street, Cleveland 3, Ohio. 36 37 38 100 ACRES of pasture land. Plenty of water available. Frank L. Brotton, Cumberland. Ohio, Route 1. 36 37 Ijiipd. NOTICES OTHERS HAVE HK.fiN amazed. See for yourself how fast chicks grow on Wayne Chick Starter. It is a Rocket-fast, strong start that counts. You can depend on Wayne. Sunshine Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Cald weli, Ohio. Phone 124. 38 SPECIAL NOTICE! I take it all back, even my office. The den tist who was to take over my office had a nervous breakdown, so I had to take my office back again and will continue my prac tice of dentistry at the same of fice. My practice will be limited to making new plates, repairing old ones and removable bridge work.—Dr. H. B. Hune 38-40pd TREE TRIMMING done by con tract, insurance provided Phone Caldwell 264-M or see Harold L. Rossiter, 920 Belford street, Caldwell, Ohio. 38-40 I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts other than my own. Harley Teeters, Marion, Ohio. 38-40 pd TAKES ONLY ONE bag of Wayne Chick Starter to grow 50 chicks to 6 weeks. It pays off in "profit-pullets" sooner. Wayne has B-12 and Antibiotic Feed Supplement. Sunshine Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 124. 38 NOTICE—An opportunity you've been waiting for, sale of pure bred registered Hereford cattle, right in your own territory, with in easy driving distance, on Tues day, April 5, at the Fairgrounds, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Show and sale begins promptly at 10:00 a. m. Lunch available. Eastern Ohio Hereford Association. 37 38 39pd NOTICE—All baby pictures for publication in The Journal Leader should be accompanied by SI.00 lor each cut. When sev eral children are involved, the cost will be S2.00. The Caldwell Journal Publishing Company, Inc. 37 38 39pd NOTICE WRIGHT TYPE WRITER Exchange, 722 West Main street, Zanesville, Ohio, represented in this community by Carl A. James, can supply your every need. In Caldwell every Friday. For immediate re pair Phone 3-2452, Zanesville, Ohio. 36 41 NOTICE I have purchased a new lawn mower grinder, which will grind and sharpen all power and hand mowers, with out tearing them down. You will be more than satisfied with its work. W. W. (Bud) Hurst, 815 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 36 37 38 pd. BECOME A Beautician and Hair Stylist in an amazingly short time. Write Southertons Beauty Academy. Athens, Ohio, 34-39 INSURB YOUR car or trucl with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Jo to Buckey. Agent. Caldwell, Ohio. NOTICE: for bulldozing, ponds, roads and clearing, write or see Donald Stewart, Coal Run, Ohio. Phone Beverly 738-F-ll. 31-2pd. "We Buy and Sell Anything For {he Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell. Ohio NOTICE—35 rats killed with one pound of STAR Warfarin, 75c. Harmless, guaranteed. Donald D. Nichols Hardware, Cumberland Street. Caldwell. Ohio. 30-38pd Secretary to personnel man ager unusual opportunity for qualified applicant. Responsi ble for handling correspon dence and preparing personnel reports of confidential nature. Must be good stenographer and accurate typist. Five-day, 40-hour week, paid overtime. Complete company paid insurance program. Salary increase based n merit. SALARY OPEN. Interview can be arranged at your convenience. Call Mr. Harl at Cambridge 2-3531 dur ing business hours. RCA VICTOR Radio-"Victrola" Division Cambridge Plant Market Sale Prices for March 19, 1955 HOG RECEIPTS 302 Good and choice—Steers and heifers S19.00 to $22.00 Medium Steers and heifers S15.00 to $18.50 Stockers $21.00 down 14 howl prime—130-215 lbs. __ 38 head choice—130-215 lbs. 27 head good—130-215 lbs. 40 head plain to prime—105-125 lbs. 10 head medium—130-215 lbs. 3 head plain—130-180 lbs. 36 head lights—85-100 lbs. 85 head lights—80 lbs. down HEAD 150-180 lbg. S16.I0 to $17.301250-300 lbs. S14.75 to Slt».30 180-220 lbs. 816.90 to S17.30 Sows S11.60 to $13.5ft 220-250 lbs. Mo.': to $17.10 CATTLE RECEIPTS 169 HEAD lleavv bulls $13.60. to $15.80 Good cows __ $12.00 to S14.10 Med. cows __ $10.00 to S12.00 Common cows S8.00 to $10.00 Shelly cows $4 60 to $7.60 CALF RECEIPTS 319 HEAD LAMB RECEIPTS 334 HEAD 137 head high choice & prime clip lambs __ $21.50 to $22.60 84 head high good & choice clip iambs $20.60 to $21.40 35 head good clip lambs $17.60 to S19.75 39 head common & medium clip lambs $13.50 to $17.50 20 head light & cull clip lambs __ $4 00 to $13.00 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO __ S26.75 to $27.00 .... 823.60 to S26.10 $21.60 tc S24.50 __ $16.50. to S24.50 __ $18.00 to S24.25 $17.00 to SI9.50 $13.50 to $14.30 $8.70 to $12.20 NOTICES WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd COAL DELIVERED in loads from 50 bushels to 200 bushels from the following mines* Bves ville and Dogtown Lump Coal No. 7 vein Moscrip lump (triple screened), run of mine, stoker, slack Palmer & Boyd, run of mine or any other mine that you may choose. Also sand, gravel and crushed stone delivered. Amos Franklin, 204 East Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 207-W after 5:00 p. m. or leave orders during the day at Gill's Barber Shop. 23 24 25 pd. tf. iVmi vxii Hardesty, a son of Albert and Melessa Yonally Hardesty, was born near Har riettsville, May 21, 1885 and de parted from this life March 12, 1955. At the time of his death he was 69 years, 8 months and 19 days. He was united in marriage to Clara B. Bonar on February 9, 1910 and to this union was born six children. He leaves to mourn his departure, his widow, Clara, two daughters: Iona Abrogast of Cincinnati, Gladys Mclntyre of Canton three sons, Charles of Harriettsville, Cecil and Thomas of Canton one brother, Fred of Harriettsville one sister, Hattie of Stafford eight grandchildren, and a host of relatives and friends. He has one son, Harry, who died in infancy. He was a member of the Road Fork church of Mt. Ephraim, having united with the church many years ago. He spent most of his life in Noble county. For the past 14 years he has resided in Canton where he was employ ed by the Timken Roller Bear ing company. Luther had been in ill health for the past three months and had undergone major surgery twice in the past eight wreeks. He was a loving father and a kind husband and will be sadly missed by all -who knew him. Burial was in Forest Hill cemetery at Canton by the Schneeberger funeral home. Another leaf has fallen. Another soul has gone. But still \vf have God's promises, In every robins song. For He is in His Heaven, And though He takes away. He always leaves to mortals. The bright sun kindly rays, He leaves the fragrant blos soms. And lovely forests ereen, And gives u:' new found comfort, TVTv n we on Him shall :n Card of Thanks We wish to thank all those who were so kind to us during the illness and death of our hus band and father and also for the beautiful flowers and the of ficiating minister, and the Schneeberger funeral home Your kindness will never be forgotten. The Hardesty Family 38pd. IN MEMORY In loving memory of Mrs. Josephine S. Richards, v"ho died one year ago, March 13, 1954. Twilight and evening bell And after that the dark. And may there be no sadness of farewell When I embark. Sadly missed by: Charles C. Richards, Christina Spade and Eileen Larrick. 38 CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means to thank my many friends, rela tives, neighbors, teachers and to the Junior class for the beautiful cards, flowers and letters I re ceived during my stay the hospital. Vernon Ray Hughes, Jr. Caldwell, Route 3 38 fe rested, Eagt? SffVcn IN MEMORY. In loving memory of lily 4tabr mother, Weitha Ann Schafer, who was killed, March 25, M49. Mother's in our Fithet'n keeping, Sheltered in His strong embrace, Six long ye*rg her soiil feAs In that precious place 38r»d blood brought There no evil can harm her, There she's free from sin Mid pain In the Holy Father's keeping. Only peace and love can reign. Sadly missed by: daughter, Ivan M. IN MEMORY Keettn. In loving memory of Charles S. Rowlands who passed to the "Great Beyond" on March 27, 1950. Sadly missed by: Wife, Woodie Daughter, Bernice. 38pd. IN MEMORY "In memory of our darling mother, Annie L. Ackerman, who passed away March 26—seveit years ago." Sadly missed by: lite Family 38pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreciation for the many cards I received and to those who visited me during my illness in the Marietta Memorial hospital. They were all greatly appreciat ed. Joe Woodford 38pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to ex press our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors and to the McVay funeral home for the help and sympathy extended to us at the time of death of our infant daughter, Chervle Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Miller 38pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this way to sin cerely thank each and everyone who helped in anyway during the sickness and death of our dear sister and aunt, Weltha King. Cora Dennis and Family Cleo Downey and Familv 38pd. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. fi037 Estate of Minnie B. Love. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Cath erine Feidner, of Caldwell. Ohio, has been duly appointed executrix of the estate of Minnie B. Love, deceased late of Caldwell. Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their laims with said fiduciary within lour nionths. Dated this 35th day of Maich, 1965. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said County. 38 39 40 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. Estate of Winifred D?cea»sd. Notice is hereby given that Miles Dearth, of M. C. 57, Warren. Ohio, has been duly appointed exretftor of the estate oi Wrnitred Doartli, de ceased, late of Summerlield, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four ".tonthP. Dated this 7th day of March, 1955. W. V. ARCHER, T*: obate Jud£o or s&id Coxmtv. 36 MT 3S IllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllV WANTED TO BUY! Oil Well Casing Tubing Line Pipe We do Gas Well Swabbing, Well and Line Repair. Belntoni Pulling Co. BornesviUc* Ohio Phone 212-J or 107 IIHIIIIimillHIIIIIlllllllllllllllllHllllllt or reiiH'S Phone 108 West Caldwell, fOR A GCOD DEAL ON A NICE USED (AS —SEE Street Ohio i? QHB5fife