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Thursday, M*y 5, lttS $37,750.86 In Auto Fees Received Here Huril Herd High in fat March And April In Dairy Herd Records Official" Dairy Production records for March and April are now on file in the County Extension Office. They include production records on six herds owned by Forest Neuhardt, Clark Jennings, Urbane Hurst and Sons, David Beckett, Virgil Moore, and Dale Hedge. Noble county and its six muni cipalities will share in the initial distribution of $37,750.86 of 1955 motor vehicle license fees that went out this- week from the office of State Auditor James A. Rhodes. Auditor C. R. Atkinson said that the local distribution would be made as follows: Batesville, $249.90 Belle Val ley, $375.70 Caldwell, $3,504.72 Dexter City, $1,020.68 Sarahs ville, $102.00 Summerfield, $340.00. The road and bridge fund for the county received the lion's share in the amount of $32,157.80. All counties, regardless of size, share alike in the 5% equaliza tion fund. For Noble county this amounts to $19,300.00. P!ea?anl CI Enjiiscd In Wreck A Pleasant City man was seri ously injured Saturday afternoon when his car went out of con trol and crashed into a tree on state route 672, three miles east of Cumberland in Guernsey county. Howard Church, 36, was taken to St. Francis hospital for treat ment of a fractured skull and internal injuries. His condition was described as fair Sunday night. The State Highway patrol said the man was driving alone to ward Cumberland when he lost 'control of his car on a curve and it skidded across the road, smashing broadside into a tree. GIRL SCOUT S MEET The Caldwell Girl Scouts met at the V.F.W. hall on West street on Tuesday, May 3. The roll call showed 14 members presented. The next meeting will be May 10 at 6:30 p. m. The Hurst herd showed high fat production in both March and IT MEANS SO MUCH MORE '0 C-'VF...OR GIT... A HAMILTON Othei Gifts- Pearls Earrings arid Sets Necklaces and Sets Compacts Costume Jewelry 4 50c up Gifts ... for th* Graduates! Watch Repairing Diamond Mounting Done Here! OUR FREE SERVICE! We invite you to come in, have voiy watch checked FREE on a Watch Master. OUR GUARANTEE—All watch repairs are electron ically checked and timed on our Watch Master. E. Y E W E E Located in Harper bulHfflif Formerly Jay's Jewelry Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO founds fat production per cow respectively. In March the Jen nings' herd was second with 31.9 pounds and Forest Neuhardt third with 30.6 pounds of fat. In April the Neuhardt herd placed second with 33.1 pounds of fat and Virgil Moore third with 32.8 pounds of fat. During both months, Virgil Moore placed first in total milk per cow with 792 pounds in March and 941 pounds in April. Urbane Hurst & Sons had the second herd in milk produced per cow for both months. Their re cords were 756 for March and 783 for April. The $ t/duA, ON MOTHER'S DAY WITH AMERICA'S FINE WATCH WT- Tf David Beckett herd plac ed third in milk production for both months with records of 664 pounds and 783 pounds respecti vely. During March there were 8? cows in production in the six herds. Of this number 13 pro duced more than 1000 pounds of milk and 16 produced more than 40 pounds of fat. Of the cows producing 1000 pounds of milk in March two were owner by Forest Neuhardt, three by Urbane Hurst & Sons, five by Virgil Moore and three By David Beckett. The highest milk production was recorded by Virgil Moore's Holstein cow, Barbara, with 1440 pounds of milk and 46 pounds of fat. A Jersey cow called Bindle owned by Forest Neuhardt had high fat record of 62 pounds. She pro duced 1260 pounds of milk. In April both milk and butter fat records were higher. There were 95 cows in production in the test herds. Seventeen of these produced more than 1(KK) pounds of milk and 24 more than 40 pounds of fat. In the 1000 pound milk class, Neuhardt's had two Jersey Hursts, three Holsteins, one Jer sey, one Guernsey Becketts, two Holsteins, one Holstein-Short horn and one Ayrshire and Vir gil Moore, seven Holsteins. In the 40 pound butterfat class were six, Jerseys from Neu hardt's four Jerseys from Jen nings one Jersey, one Holstein, and one Guernsey from Hursts two Holsteins, one Holstein Shorthorn and one Ayrshire from Becketts five Holsteins from Moore's and two Jerseys from Dale Hedges herd. The highest individual milk production on April came from Queen, a Holstein sow ov/ned by Virgil Moore. She produced 1700 pounds of milk and 56 pounds of fat. The highest individual fat re cord for April* came from Bindle, a Jersey cow owned by Forest Neuhardt. She produced 68 rounds of fat and 1260 pounds of iat. Three other herds were in cluded in the Noble county test ing program during March and Aprjl. Dexter City School Notes Of Interest A large crowd attended the junior class play at Dexter City high school under the direction of the junior class sponsor, Mrs. Oneda Starr. The class presented Mrs. Starr with an orchid. The junior class of Dexter City high school and the class advisor, Mrs. Oneda Starr, entertained the senior class, teachers and guests including Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest at a three-course banquet held at Beverly Hills restaurant, Saturday night. The tables were beautifully decorat ed with spring flowers. A pro gram was given following the dinner. CONDITION IMPROVED Mary McCauley, who w as seriously injured in a automobile wreck several days ago, was dis missed from the Guernsey Me morial hospital to her home on Caldwell route 3, Wednesday. Her condition is much improved. PROBATE NOTICE Approval and Settlement of Accounts Accounts and vouchers of the fol lowing named persons and estates have been filed in the Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio, for approval and settlement. First and final account of Rosa Smithbtrger, guardian of Forest Smith. First and final account of Maude Harrison, administratrix of the estate of John Harrison, deceased. Ninth partial account of Ben Boley, guardian of Ernest S. Schott, First and final account of Kenneth Kearns, administrator of the estate of Delia Coffey, deceased. First and final account of W. Hughes Barnes, guardian of Mary Wilson Barnes. First and final account of Mary McVay, administratrix of the estate of Guy McVay, deceased. Third partial account of Harry Ilutcheson, guardian of Wilda Hutche son. Second partial account of Wanda Wheeler, guardian of Larry Allen Rucker. Final account of Ben Boley, guar dian of Ernest S. Schott. Unless exceptions are filed thereto, said accounts will be for hearing be fore said court, on the 4th day of June, 1955, at which time said ac counts will be considered and con tinued from day to day until finally disposed of. Any person interested may file writ fen exceptions to said accounts or to matters pertaining to the execution of the trust, not less than five days prior to the date set for hearing. W. v. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge. Helen Johnson Conaway, 44 Deputy Clerk. Mothers Day Diniar Planned At St. Henrys The annual Mother's day chick en dinner will be held at St. Henry's parish hall, Harrietts ville,, Sunday, May 8. Dinners will be served from 11:00 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. The price will be $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children under 12 years of age. There will be a $5.00 door prize awarded at 1:00 p. m. The winner must be present when the drawing is made. Games and a parcel post sale will be held following the dinner during the afternoon. A dance is planned for the evening with music being fur nished by the Shenandoah Val ley gang. Ladies who wish may wear formal for this dance. Wheat Farmers Hay Apply For Allotment Farmers on land on which ho wheat was seeded for grain for any of the years 1953, 1-954 and 1955 may apply for a 1956 wheat acreage allotment, according to William Archer, chairman of the Noble county Agricultural Stabi lization and Conservation com mittee. To be considered tot an allot ment on a farm which had no wheat seeded for grain for any of those years, the farmer must apply in writing to his county ASC committee by August 1, 1955. Blank application forms are available at the county ASC office in Caldwell for use in filing requests for allotments. County-Wide Marble Tournament Planned Sponsored by the V.F.W. Post, No. 4721, Caldwell, a Noble county marble tournament will be held at the community park on West street, Saturday, May 14, beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. Commander Jack Barnhart said the schools could arrange their own play-offs or select two from each school to participate in the county wide tourney. The winner will be eligible to compete in the state tournament at Salem on Saturday, May 21. Any student who has not reached his 15th birthday prior to April 15 is eligible to com pete, providing he has passing grades and certified by the teacher. Detailed rules and regulations may be obtained from Com mander Barnhart at Barnhart's Appliance store. Prizes will be awarded to the county winners. RETURNED HOME County Treasurer Ralph Hicks was returned to his home in Sarahsville on April 30th in the McVay ambulance from the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, where he had been a patient for the past two weeks. Mr. Hicks resumed his duties in the courthouse, Monday morn ing. NAMED VICE PRESIDENT Ned Pickenpaugh, of Walnut street, was named vice president of the district M.Y.F. when they recently held a rally at Barnes ville. Carolyn Moore, of Dexter City, was named treasurer. There were 13 members of the Caldwell M.Y.F., along with their council ors, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Colley, present at this rally. Seventy-eight per cent of veh icle involved in fatal accidents in 1954 were traveling straight ahead. LEGAL NOTICE In the Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio Case Number 6022 M. A. RALPH, Administrator of the Estate of John Otis Ralph, deceased, Plaintiff. —V9.— EDWARD HARMON, et al., Defendants. In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio, I will offer for sale at public auction on Saturday, May 14, 1955, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the West Door of the Court House in Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio, the following described rAal pctflfp Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Noble and Township of Noble and described as follows: Being the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 19, Townshif* 7 of Range 9, containing forty (40) acres. Also Tract or Fraction Number 6 in the southeast quarter of Section 19, Township 7 of Range 9 as platted, numbered and returned by the Dis trict Assessor of real property for said township for the year 1910. Con taining in all 50.50 acres, more or less. Also the following described tract: A part of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 7 of Range 9 bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of Section 19, running thence north 43,i degrees east along the said quarter section line 78 rods to a point in the road, thence along said road 30 degrees west 25.72 rods, south 221 degrees west 9 rods, thence south 1314 degrees west 46.50 rods to the sec tion line, thence south 85!2 degrees east along the section line 20.36 rods to the place of beginning, containing six (6) acres, more or less. Except the coal in and underlying all of said premises heretofore sold and con veyed. Being recorded in Volume 82 at Page 573, Deed Records of Noble County, Ohio. Said premises were appraised at Nineteen Hundred Dollars ($1,900.00) and must be sold for not less than two-thirds of said appraised value. The terms of sale are One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) on day of sale, and balance upon confirmation and de livery of deed. M. A. RALPH, Administrator of the estate of John Otis Ralph, deceased. 42 43 44 45 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6046 Estate of Ernest S. Schott, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Edward Schott, of Ava, Ohio, has been duly appointed Administrator of the estate of Ernest S. Schott, deceased, late of Noble Twp., Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 26th day of April, 1955. W. V. ARCHER, Acting Probate Judge of said County. 43 44 45 fBf Tenth Anniversary Of VE Day, Sunday There will be no special cele bration in Caldwell or Noble county next Sunday, May 8, when the tenth anniversary of VE day is observed here. May 8, 1945 was the date when it was first learned that all World War II fighting had ended in Europe. Hitler was dead. The Nazis government had fled to Denmark, The Allies took Ber lin. The German military forces surrended unconditionally. Now it is Russia in the lime light and we have more of the ruthless aggression all over again. The above statement was re leased today by Jack Barnhart, commander of the local V.F.W. Post No. 4721. Warne T. Hall Will Sail For Far East Warne T. Hall, boilerman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hall, of 613 North street, Caldwell, is scheduled to sail for the Far East early in May aboard the destroyer USS Cowell. Mr. Hall is manager of the & K meat department in Caldwell. The ship will join the 7th Fleet for a six month tour of duty. The Cowell was transferred from the Atlantic Fleet last January to her new home port of Long Beach. During the last few months she has taken part in gunnery exercises, plane guard and air craft-carrier escort operations, and anti-submarine warfare training. Charles J. (oyle Is Speaker At Muskingum Charles J. Coyle, local rep resentative of the New York Life Insurance Company, spoke to the consumer economics classes at Muskingum College, New Con cord, on Thursday, April 28th. His subject was "Life Insurance, Its History and Development In Our Lives." Mr. Coyle has recently com pleted his New York Life train ing course and as a result at tended a career conference held in Cincinnati early in April. Coyle was his company's lead ing new agent on individual lives in Ohio, Michigan, West Vir ginia and Kentucky. NOTICE In the Probate Court of Noble County. Ohio Case Number 6030 ALVA R. GARVIN, Administrator of the estate of Chauncey O. Tilton, deceased, Plaintiff. —vs— CLEM GARVIN, et. al. Defendants. Elmer Wheeler, whose address is 708 S.A. St., Monmouth. 111. Ruth W. Johnson, whose address is 708 S.A. St., Monmouth, 111. Albert Garvin, whose address is 7000 Main St., Box 1144, Jacksonville. Florida Mrs, Lois Dooling, whose address is 7281 Saurine Blvd., Adams City, Colorado Emma Bycroft, whose address is R.F.D Sciota, Illinois Mrs. Delia Phelps, whose address is R.F.D. Travis City, Michigan Ernest Ilutchins, whose address is R.F.D. Travis City, Mich igan Clyde Mohler, whose address is Rapid City, South Dakota Earl Mohler, whose address is Buffalo Gap. South Dakota Manson Kirkbride, whose last known address was 745 Bates Street, Zanesville, Ohio Mrs. Hallie Mohler, whose address is Buffalo Gap, South Dakota Mrs. Hazel Seiger, whose address is Box 256, Edgeniont, South Dakota Laur ence Powell. whose address is Janasket, Washington Walton Powell, whose address is Box 256, Edgemont, South Dakota Wallace Powell, whose address is Box 256, Edgemont, South Dakota Harry Powell, whose address is 5051 Kathey Ave., Carmichall, California: Lewis Powell, whose last known address is Mrs. Clem Dut ton, Dexter City, Ohio Mrs. Mabel Ely, whose address is Zephyr Hills, Florida Harry Johnson, whose last known address was 528 Hedgewood Avenue. Zanesville, Ohio Bonnie Jean Kuhne, whose address is R.F.D No. 1, Halfway, Missouri Mrs. Kath ryn Rainey, whose address is R.F.D No. 1, Hail way. Missouri Linus Til ton, whose address is 745 Clay St., Custer, South Dakota, will take notice that on the 28th day of March, 1955, Alva R. Garvin, administrator of the estate of Chauncey O. Tilton, deceas ed, filed his petition in the Probate Court of Noble County, Ohio, in Case Number 6030, against the above-named parties, et. al. praying for an order to sell the real estate belonging to the said Chauncey O. Tilton. deceased, which real estate is described as fol lows Situated in the township of Jackson, county of Noble and state of Ohio and: Being that part of the East half of fractional Section four (4) Town ship five (5) of Range (9) that lies North West of the road leading from Washington, Guernsey county to Lowell, Washington County, Ohio, in the North-west corner of said fraction and bounded by said road and con taining between four and five acres, be the same more or less. Reference is hereby made to Vol. 96, Page 14, of the Deed Records of Noble County, Ohio. Said parties are required to answer on or before the 11th day of June, 19S5.V EDMUND G. JAMES. 40-45 Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE In the Court of Common Pleas, Noble County, Ohio. Case No. 9514 PATRICIA K. SMALLWOOD, —Plaintiff— —V9— GARY T. SMALLWOOD, •—Defendant— Gary T. Smallwood, residing at Regimental Headquarters, 3rd Army Cavalry Regiment, Fort George Meade. Maryland, is hereby notified that Patricia K. Smallwood has filed her petition against him for divorce and other equitable relief in Case No. 9514 of the Common Pleas Court of Noble County, Ohio, and that said cause will be for hearing on or after the 21st day of Mav, 1955. PATRICIA K. SMALLWOOD By Fred F. Fox Her Attorney 40-43 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Case No. 6045 Estate of William Carter, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Homer Weedon. of Caldwell, Ohio, has been duly appointed cxecutor of the estate of William Carter, deceased, late of Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four t^.onths. Dated this 25th day of April. 1955. W. V. ARCHER. Acting Probate Judge of said County. 43 44 45 6tm tP&AAOMlt Wi Mr, iUid Viigil Boyd and children, Melanie and David, of Marrietta spent the weekend in Caldwell visiting relatives. Mrs, Eva Oborne of Akron and Miss Lydia Milton, of Zanes ville, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Harry B. Sanford, who is ill at her home on West street. Myrtle Morgareidge has re sumed her teaching in the Bed ford school after spending a weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morgareidge of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Shafer of Youngstown visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Minus Goodwill and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shafer of the Sarahsville community. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mor row and son, Johnny Ray, and Mrs. James L. Bell of Steuben ville visited over the weekend with Mrs. Nettie Tilton of North street. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Franks and daughters of Alliance visited Sunday with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Landaker and her father, Charles Feldner, all of Spruce street. RAF K.?i$ f^SYTRFFT 2 for75c 12-OX. TIN armouryHASH S A BIN 'O CRACKERS 31C BEEF STEW 37r ie-oz. TIN •XCHILI 31c ie-oz. TIN |ABM0UBf tHWI BEEF 35C 11 Ol TIN ff ire?» lb Box STRIETMANN ORACKERS lb. S OOKIES HARD gloss glo-coat tiafiP OlOj! k 7 $ v* V v* Mt and Mrs,. Carl Moore and Katie Oilman of Warner, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ullman of Bel ford street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kline and Mrs. Sam Morris of Circleville were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ralston on North street. Mrs. Etta Carter of Caldwell is visiting with her daughter Reah Shroyer of West Lafayette. Talitha Hill of Parkersburg, W. Va. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of North street. Mrs. Joan Black and children of Zanesville visited with rela tives in Caldwell this past week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter of Colutnbus spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carter of West street and Mrs. Thelma Bigley of Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rossiter, Susan and Timmy of Bel ford, street, Charlotte Clark of North street and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clark Jr., of Byesville spent the week end with Mrs. Herbert McAtee of Wabash, Ind. £C fSJ v KRAFT'S r- S vJ i' DOLLY MADISON "CANDIED" TENDER TIPS STFT^C'.ESS NEW HI PI FLORIDA CALIFORNIA rdwn and £vsudL& Cbowhi Jtha Qounkj. ii $ & form freib •4 A s& jf -fjt/ r-.-v 3 lbs.—$1 0° MB iifi uttu» i i i i Mrs. Alice Noyes, Mrs. Lola Huteneson, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Landaker and Mrs. Mildred Long of Caldwell spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Byron Noyes of Zanesville. Mr. Noyes is recuper ating from recent surgery which he underwent at the Bethesda hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Radcliff and children of Columbus visited the weekend with local relatives and friends. Mrs. Jack Berry was called to Englewood, Colo., Saturday by the serious illness of her son, Herman Hesson. Mrs. Martha Cain of Caldwell route visited with her cousin, Orpha Swain at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gibson in Sarahs ville, Friday. Pvt. Kenneth L. Gibson of Fort Knox, Ky., visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson of Caldwell route. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowlands, Dexter City route, Sunday were, Mrs. James Lamp of Dexter City ans Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shively of Marietta. 7 S -1?5 LB. SAG fV.»• n .Page PivG'i.' i .m Mr. and Mrs. Clement Davis and family of Columbus visited the weekend with his father, Ray Davis, West street. Russell Keith of Columbus, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keith of Caldwell route 6. Al Christopher, student at Ohio University, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Christopher, of West street. Janet Parks of Columbus, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Parks Not la street. Pat McDiifftt of Columbus* spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Don McDif fitt of West street. Tom Ferguson, student at Ohio University, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson of Belford St. Garnet Clark, student at Muskingum college, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark of Caldwell.. Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Wells and family of Circleville, visited the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Danford of Caldwell route. i u iWMMI 1 i lilf k 16 oz. Jar 21 0z. Jar SPitY 3 LBS (Slab) lb. w 4c 39c