Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, May 5, 1955 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS tBREE APARTMENTS for rent, fine locations, unfurnished. Lo cated in Caldwell. WiELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 stanchion barn, cement floor with with drainage, crib, brooder house, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im mediate possession. It's a bar- Sl ain near Batesville. WONDERFUL location, brick home with seven rooms and bath. Ample space for another residence property on same lot. IT'S A MODERN home, on slag road, located one mile from town and church. Forty acres. All necessary buildings. Home Strictly modern, insulated, bath and furnace. If you are perfect ly satisfied to take your bath in a "wash tub", don't come to see this farm unless you want some of the better things in life. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up Stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South ori U. S. Route 21. A GOOD LOT on North Street, excavated for full basement and garage. Very reasonably priced. A bargain. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 526 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 BUILDING LOTS for sale, extra large, and in a good locations. GOOD FIVE room house, with flar. iartial bath, electricity and Large lot, just off of U. S. Route 21. Priced for quick sale. SEVEN ROOM strictly modern house with full bath up and partial bath down, gas, electri city, furnace and built-in kit chen. Good location in Caldwell on paved street. 40tf. FOUR ROOM, strictly ipodern house with attached garage. Gas furnace, bath, electricity, built-in kitchen. This is a nice one-floor home in Caldwell. Chester J. Howiler—Realtor 5I6V2 West Street Caldwell, Ohio Phone 250-W BUILDING LOT on Belford St. R. O. Winberg, 615 Miller St., Caldwell, Ohio. 44 45 46pd LOTS FOR SALE at Lindsey Court in Caldwell. Ernest E. Parry, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 45 46pd SIX ROOM modern house with gas, electricity, built-in kitch en, full basement and .70 acre of land. Phone Caldwell 363. 44 45 46pd FIVE ROOM house, with extra lot, located in Belle Valley. Joe Krempasky, 7208 Elton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Phone Cleve land, Ohio. Phone Cleveland OL 1-4335. 42 43 44pd GOOD FIVE ROOM house with electricity, modern kitchen, wall to wall carpeting in living room, Venetian blinds at all win dows, four extra lots, located just off of U. S. Route 21, north of Ava. Priced for quick sale. An drew Horrrick, Ava, Ohio. 42 43 44pd GOOD SEVEN room house, with two bathrooms and extra lot. A good buy, if interested. Phone Caldwell 316-R. 42 43 44pd LARGE BUILDING LOT on U. S. Route 21, with basement all ready laid up, city water, also a drilled well. Across from state park, Park Heights. Write Mr. Chalmer Wells. Trailer Court, Route 3, Circleville, Ohio, or see Elijah Danford, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6, or Dewey Wells, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4. 42 43 44 For Sale—FARMS 14 ACRES OF LAND with seven room well built house, ready to move in. Furnace, two fire places, drains in for bathroom lavatory and toilet included and a double drain sink in kitchen. Priced at $3200. Located nine miles out. For appointment phone Cambridge 3-1141 or write Murreys Leather Shop, 926 Wheeling Avenue, Cambridge, Ohio. 43-46 HOME OF THE LATE J. T. Wat son, with 79 acres of land over looking Seneca Lake. Modern 10 room house, fine for a summer resort. Free gas. Owner, Estella A. Watson, Seneca ville, Ohio, Route 1. 44 45 46pd Redmond Archer AUCTIONEER Scrahsville, Ohio Fhone 6-R-l2 8* f*®' f. EVERY i&ia *4 FOR SALE For Sale—FARMS 66 ACRE FARM, located south of Caldwell on U. S. Route 21, good pasture land. Dr. D. H. Webster, 605 Lewis Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 240-M. 44 45 46 For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS 1950 FARMALL tractor, with plows in good condition. Priced cheap. George Hesson, Summer field, Ohio, Route 1. 44 45 46pd CHIEF GARDEN tractors, three models in stock. Two speeds forward and reverse. Attach ments for every job. See the new Chief rotary mower, with two h.p. four-cylinder Lawson engine. Buckey's Hatchery, Cald well, Ohio. 43 44 45 HEAVY DUTY tractor dump trailer chassis, price $200.00. With tires, $265.00. R. D. Buckey, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57k 42 43 44 WHEAT BINDER, mowing ma chine, and hay rake. All horse drawn. Cheap. Also two bee hives. Wilbur. Grimes, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4, on Davis Ridge. 42 43 44pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK FIVE HEREFORD cows with calves at side also a 1947 GMC Vi -ton pickup, with stock racks. Howard Thompson, on State Rt. 78, near East Union. 44 STARTED CHICKS: 225 White Rocks 100 White Leghorn pul lets, three weeks old 175 New Hampshire pullets 50 White Leghorn pullets, one week old heavy cockerel chicks each Thursday at $8.00 per 100. Extra day-old chicks each Thursday. Buckey's Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 HORSE, 12 years old, sound, a good worker and a double set of work harness. John Keyser, Ava, Ohio, Route 1. 44pd THREE GRADE Whiteface heif ers, three years old, due to freshen the first of June, and two heifers, one year old. Call evenings. Maywood Love, Har riet.tsville, Ohio. 44 45 46pd POLLED HEREFORD bulls. R. W. Dennis, two miles north of Caldwell on U. S. Route 21. 43 44 45pd 12-YEAR-OLD MARE, sound, will work single or double, wt. around 1250 pounds. Chub Gar vin, Dexter City, Ohio, Route 1, in Three Forks. 43 44 45pd FOUR 8 MONTHS old registered Guernsey heifers and one 7 •months old Holstem heifer. T. B. 'accredited and Bang's tested. A. U. Hurst, Ava, Ohio. 43-45 THREE PAIR of pigs, 5 weeks old, also two horse wagon, good as new. Mrs. James Hesson, Dexter City, Ohio 43-45 pd 60 HEAD OF PIGS. 10 Berk pigs, purebred also five derm bulls. G. W. Ankrom, Quaker City, Ohio, Route 1. 43-46 pd ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Call Calvin Mendenhall at Cald well 709-F-22 or Floyd Henderson at Caldwell 100. 27tf For Sale—SEEDS FEEDS MYERS HYBRID seed corn at Estadt's Produce & Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. George Estadt, owner. 39- 44 NEW IMPROVED Eshelman's Red Rose chick starter at Es tadt's Produce & Feed Store, Caldwell, Ohio. George Estadt, owner. 39 44 For Sale—PLANTS TOMATO, CABBAGE and sweet potato plants. Contact Mrs. Dick Schafer, 616 Belford Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 45 46 PANSIES, fresh dug from the garden. Also garden plants. Ira Pryor, 1415 North Street, Cgldwell, Ohio. 44pd CABBAGE, TOMATO, mango and pimento plants. George Frye, Fairground Road, Cald well, Ohio. 44 45 46 STRAWBERRY and raspberry plants. State inspected No. 1, one year plants. Choice of one dozen varieties (strawberries) and three varieties (raspberries). Write for price list. Ready to dig by April 1. Gilbert W. Week ly, 206 Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 271-R. 34tfc Dead Stock Removed! HORSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone 1313 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. 19 yeaps of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets lof scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter If yon wish or in the mail day of sale. The Maricila Live Stock Market, Inc. *flce and Acme Sts. Highway lits. 7 and 50-N •miiiiiiitiiiiiiliiil FOR SALE For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1940 CHEVROLET 2-door. A good work car. W. E. Ram sey, Sharon, Ohio. 44 45pd 1947 INDIAN Chief motorcycle. Good condition. Phone 272-J or contact Junior Braden, 10 Cum berland street, Caldwell, Ohiio. 43-45 pd 1941 SPECIAL Deluxe Plymouth 4-door, in good condition. Low mileage, one owner, and priced to sell. Grain binder, low wheel wagon, and Berkshire pigs ready to go April 25. Mrs. Isabell Pfalz graf, Lewisville, Ohio, Route 1. Box 82. Phone 7-5522. 42 43 44pd WILLEYS four-wheel drive jeep, knobby tires, new transmis sion and rear end, alumnium cab, mechanically in A-l condition. Will trade for car, livestock, grain, or what have you. Don Rutherford, Sarahsville, Ohio, Route 1. Phone Caldwell 322-F-3. 41tf For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS UPRIGHT PIANO. Contact Mrs. David Beckett, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 44 45 46 ANTIQUE CHERRY corner cup board, seven foot, and one con trolled flight model airplane, complete with wire and largo size cyclone engine. Phone Cald well 369-J. 44 TWO-PIECE living room suit, pi ano and bench, white wood kitchen cabinet base with por celain top, washing machine and twin tubs, six years old and in good condition. Contact Mrs. T. J. Williamson, 1008 Beiford St., Caldwell, Ohio. 44pd USED VENETIAN blinds, in various sizes. Phone 274-M or see Mrs. W. H. Carter, 704 West Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 BABY CARRIAGE, good condi tion. Mrs. Walton Starr, 515 Bridge Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 44 DINING ROOM SUITE, table, buffet and six chairs studio couch with storage space in the bottom chrome breakfast set end tables table lamps and cof fee table, all in good condition. -Herman Siarr, 825 Lewis Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 158-M. 43 44 45pd NEW LAWN MOWER, used one season and a pale blue formal, size 13. Inquire at 849 Walnut Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 43-45 pd KITCHEN CABINET, kitchen cupboard electric two burner hot plate electric churn lard press sausage grinder cattle de horner and two 20-gallon ..iron kettles. These items can be seen at my home. Mrs. Luna Butler, Sarahsville, Ohio. 43-45 WINDOWS, storm windows, and Venetian blinds, including three, 24 30 one 40 16/42, and one 20 30 twin. Also four inside doors small gas stove, ventilated mantel with mirrow, and bathroom lavatory. Phone Caldwell 288. 42tf MAGIC CHEF gas range, auto matic. Mrs. John Dudley, Belle Valley, Ohio. 42 43 44pd SEVEN NEW QUILTS, ftj-iced reasonable. Inquire at 716 Fair ground Street, Caldwell. Ohio. 42 43 44 FOR TRADE FOR TRADE I will trade a motor mounted International 45 baler for a 45 without motor. William E. Bond, Pleas ant City, Ohio, RFD., on State Route 146. 43 44 45pd FOR RENT FOR RENT—Twu rooms of the Wilbur L. Devoll garage build ing in Caldwell, Ohio, suitable for office rooms. H. D. Knox, Caldwell, Ohio, Phone 1. 44 45 46pd FOR RENT—Modern four room downstairs aparjtment, close in. Dr. D. H. Webster, 605 Lewis Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 240-M.- 44 45 46 FOUR OR FIVE room unfurnish ed apartment and garage. 1101 North street or phone 76-R. 43-44-45 & W 4 W r, *i? 3 THE JOURNAL. CALDV7E1L OHIO -XT Ml M|!f| a V.. r, FOR RENT FOR RENT—•Furnished one-room cottage, suitable for light house keeping, gas heat, hot and cold water, close to grocery store. Low rent with utilities paid. Phone Caldwell 329-R or inquiry at 808 Railroad Street Caldwell Ohio. 44pc FOR RENT—Downstairs apart ment, furnished or unfurnish ed, located one block from the square. Phone Caldwell 245-J 44 45 FOR RENT—One-half of a dou ble house, with five rooms and bath, located on North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. For further in formation phone Caldwell 363. 44 45 46pd FOR RENT Modern home in Caldwell also two garden lots, one on the share and the other for cash. Also 10 acres of bottom land for corn or oats planting Herman Muhlbach, 201 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Please call after 5:00 p. m. 44pd FOUR ROOM unfurnished down stairs apartment with utilities paid. Inquire at 532 Main street, Caldwell, Ohio. 43-45 PUBLIC SALE DAIRY DISPERSAL, Monday. May 9, at 1:00 p. m., eight miles above Waterford, Ohio five miles below Stockport, Ohio on west side of river: 11 nice Holstein cows and heifers, 3 Guernsey cows two Jersey cows. Brown Swiss cow Jersey-Here ford cow. Health papers fur nished. This is a nice clean herd. Several fresh and several to freshen this fall. Six can Es co cooler two unit DeLaval milker 12 milk cans good J. side delivery rake 10 tons good ensilage, etc. A real opportunity Some household goods. RUSSELL HILL—Owner. Harold Goddard—Auctioneer. 44 WANTED REGISTERED NURSE RCA Victor's growing: Cam bridge Plant needs a lull-time R. N. to staff a small dispensary serving 150 employees on 4 p. 12 p. m. shift. 5 day 40 hour week, No rotation or extraneous duties. Modern facilities, Com pany paid Ilospital-Surgical in surance. .For further informa tion, call or write J. K. Hart, RCA Victor, Cambridge, Ohio WANTED—Reliable tenant for a farm home, 2V2 miles from Summerfield. Carson Pepper, 1407 Dorsh Road, Cleveland 21, Ohio. 42 43 44 WANTED TO BUY WANTED ANTIQUES. Wil buy old furniture, glass, china, brass kettles, lamps, pictures, guns, pistols, colt revolvers, or anything old. Write description to George Ilelbling, 142 N. Main Street, Woodsfield, Ohio. 44ti WANTED—Small calves. Con tact Ira Pryor, 1415 North St. Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 292-M. 44pd NOTICES COMPLETE LINE OF bee sup plies. Ball's Cash Market, Cumberland street, Caldwell Ohio. 43-tf NOTICE—Saws Filed! All kind of hand saws, jointed and beveled, filed on automatic ma chine. Also set on trip hammer saw setter. Bring your saws to Ellis Murrey at Baker Sales & Service, Caldwell, Ohio. 43 44 45pd NOTICE For hauling of coal, garbage or trash, contact William Wells, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4 or phone 725-F-31. 42 43 44pd NOTICE—Get your orders in now for wood from Cozier Container Corp. I will start de livery in May. For details and price phone Caldwell 725-F-31, or see William Wells, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 42 43 44pd NOTICE—Wiring and repairing of small electrical appliances done reasonable. Phone Caldwell 329-J. 39 44 timer Custom-Fit I I W 5 Motor Sales Phone 108 West Street Cofdwcil, Ohio n n* jTj- W a £nkm IP 2 W AUTO BODY AND PAINT SPECIALIST —AT— FLEMM F0NT1AC CO. U. S. Route 21 South Phone 78 Caldwell, Ohio ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WE GIVE FREE ESTIMATES! «^«8 A E E Sub rutted thru Uie courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, May 4 Heavy hens lb. 24c Light hens lb. 22c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 34c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 32c Large gr. white egs doz. 30c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 30c Medium A white eggs doz. 30c Medium A brown eggs doz. 30c .Pullet eggs doz. 20c Current receipts doz. 27c Butterfat lb. 46c NOTICES IT PAYS TO POOL WOOL. An average of 7500 wool growers who pool cannot all be wrong. know pooling pays. Around 120.000,000 pounds handled by Ohiu Wool Growers Association during the past 37 years has netted farmers a gain of $3,000, 000 more than local prices. For information and bags see R. B. DeLong, Macksburg, Ohio, route. 44-47-pd THE ANNUAL DONATIONS for the upkeep of the Crooked Tree cemetery are now due. It was necessary for the caretakers to purchase a new mower, there fore if people would double their last years donation, it would be appreciated. Mail to Lila Chand ler, Dexter City, Ohio, Route. 44 45 46pd NOTICE—The Dexter City Board of Education is advertising for bids for good screened and weighed coal also slack to be delivered to the Dexter City School for the school year of 1955-56. Bids to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 7:00 p. m. on May 4, 1955. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Marjorie Ogle, Clerk 42 43 44 NOTICE—Remington Rand type writer and adding machine sales, service, supplies. Wright Typewriter Exchange, 722 Main Street, Zanesville, Ohio. Phone 32452, C. James, representative, 42 43 44 45 46 I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts, contracted by an3r one other than myself. Charles E. (Eddie) Weston. 43-45 pd "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Home" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORK Phone 113 Caldwell. Ohio YOUR car or trucl with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey. Agent Caldwell, Ohio. WHY WORRYr if afflicted with any skip disease? Ask about V-J-0 at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd NOTICE: For bulldozing, ponds, roads and clearing, write or see Donald Stewart, Coal Run, Ohio. Phone Beverly 738-F-ll. 31-2pd 0B! Fi .•!!!•: i Lett was born in 1880 and passed awav on April 23, 1955. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Lena of the home live sons, Glenn of Cleveland Gil bert of Cumberland Wayne Georgia Kenneth of Caldw route and Frank, Jr., of Ca well threee daughtrs, Mildr of Cleveland Gertrude a Betty of the home 15 grandeh: dren and two great grandeh dren three brothers, Arthur Millfield Carl of Zanesville asv.i Berg of Zanesville and one sist 1 Vina Lewis of Athene Card of Thanks We wish to thank the neigi bors, friends, Rev. Walter Brown the McVay funeral home a everyone who assisted us in o is bereavement. Mrs. Frank Triplett and Family. 44pd. IN MEMOST In loving memory of our sc Charles Leslie Foreman, whn was born on March 11, 1925 ar died on Mother's Day of th it year. Sadly missed by: his mother. Mrs. Nancy For* man, brothers and sister v 44pd. Photo TreveIomnsr--Ciniesntp^ JSiES W ALCUONELK Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. Welding and PLOW POINTS REBUILT! Round, Flat and Angle Iron. Long's Welding Br Repair Shop i Bob Long—Owner. I Miller Street—Caldwell, Ohic I IN MEMORY I n i o e o y o o u e a son and brother, Carl Lewis Baker, who was suddenly called away five years ago. May 9, 1950. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight, or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach. Sweet to remember him, Who once was here, And who, tho absent, is just as dear. You left a beautiful memory, A sorrow too great to be told, But to us who love and lost you, Your memory will never grow old. Sadly missed by: Fattier, Mother and Brothers. 44pd.• IN MEMORY In lovmg menvoy of our dear husband and father, Emmett Brown, who departed this life seven years ago, May 9, 1948. Sadly missed by: wife and Children 44pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my apprecia tion and thanks for all the cards, letters and every act of kindness shown me during my stay in the hospital and since my return home. Faye Rummer 407 Poplar Street Caldwell, Ohio 44pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for the many cards, notes and let ters which were received by me during my illness. They were deeply appreciated. Lula G. Blake Macksburg, Ohio 44 pd. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the oflice of the Board of Public Affairs, Sum merfield, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon on the 14th day of May, 1955, for the purchase of the following des cribed real estate: Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Noble and Township of Marion: Being a portion of Fraction Number 12 in the southwest quarter of Section 26, Township 7, of Range 7 as described on the tax duplicate of the Village of Summerfield. said Fraction Number 12 being shown on the plat of the resurvey of said Vil lage of Summerfield and recorded in Plat Book Number 1, Page 260, Re corder's Office of Noble County. Ohio commencing for the premises herein to be conveyed at the North corner ol' said Fraction Number 12, thence Southeast along the boundary be tween said Fraction Number 12 and the lands of E. T. Bircher for a dis tance of 275 feet to a point on said boundary line, thence turning 90" Southwest for a distance of 85 feet on a line parallel with the Northeast Southwest boundary line of said Frac tion Number 12, thence Northwest 275 i'cet to the Northeast-Southwest boun dary line of said Fraction Number 12, thence Northeast along said boun dary line to the place of beginning, containing in all herein conveyed one hall' acre, more or less. Said property is to be sold and con veyed to the highest bidder by gen eral warranty deed upon the follow ing terms: Cash on acceptance and delivery of deed. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. WILBUR OLIVER, President of Council. John W. Hazard, Attorney. 41 42 43 44 45 13 TERMS: CASH! CARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to ex press my sincere thanks for the lovely cards, letters, gifts and flowers which I received and those who visited me while I was a patient in the Aultman hospi tal at Canton. All were deeply appreciated. Mrs. Allen Archer 632 Park Ave., S. W. Canton. Ohio 41 When some see us smile But they little know the tears That are hidden all the while. His life is a beautiful memory His absence a silent grief He sleeps in God's beautiful garden In this sunshine of perfect peace But in our hearts he liveth still. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin* cere appreciation for the many expressions of sympathy, floral tributes, cards, and help of every kind during our recent bereave ment in the death of our mother, Mrs. Olive D. McKibben. The McKibben Family 44pd. 2 r- :i The tfiree motn factors of o used car buy ore selection, price, and condition. Each one by it self is not the set standard. But the combination of all three is what makes the difference between a good or a bad deal. A large selection, a fair price and a guarantee as te condition ft what you can expect at Bill's Motor S 4th & Union Streets Phone 358 21 head prime—130-215 lbs. 65 head choice—130-215 lbs. 31 head good—130-215 lbs. 11 head medium—105-215 lbs, 31 head good to prime—105-126 Mbs. .. 2 head plain—105-140 lbs. ... 2( head lights—85-100 lbs. 27 head lights—80. lbs. and down Balance of calves sold single or went back 22 head good to choice springers— weighing 54-64 lbs. 11 head common to medium springers— weighing 43-47 lbs. £1 head choice to prime clips 37 head good clips 50 head heavy clips 19 head medium ilips 35 head cul an common clips 5 head clip sheep BARNESVILLE E S ff* ?, i W I $4 'age IN MEMORY In memory oi our dear son, Hawley Lahue, who passed away eight years ago, May 2, 1947. 'Although eight years have passed away I'm lonely for you every day I miss your kindly voice and smile Your love that made my life worthwhile. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him dear. His smiling way and pleasant face Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Sadly missed by: Father, Mother. Brothers 44pd. and Sisters. 1* iT* w i Across from County Garag« McConnelsville, Ohio Market sale prices for April 30, 1955 CATTLE RECEIPTS 155 HEAD Chofoe steers S21.00 to S23.50 Good steers and heifers 818.00 to I21.00 Medium steers anil heifers $13.00 to $17.50 Stoeker steers and heifers $20.25 down Heavy bulls ... $13.00 to S16.10 Good cows S13.0U to S14.90 Medium cows $11.50. to SI3.00 Common cows £9.00 to $11.00 Shelly 09WB .. fS.75 to $7.00 HOG RECEIPTS 259 HEAD 100-180 lbs. __ $16.50 to S17.35 180-220 lbs. __ $17.35 to S17.90 220-250 lbs. $15.50 to $17.70 250-300 lbs. Sows $15.50 to $16.51) $11.00 to $14 JO 208 HEAD CALVES $24.50 $23.50 S21.00 SI8.00. $19.00 $18.25 SI7.40 $10.00 ew eiMPiiaiMiise TH€ HALL Of DtfT&lftUTOItS TO BE HELD AT SALE STARTS 7:00 P. M. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD INCLUDING POWER PORTABLE SAWS, ELECTRIC DRILLS, HARDWARE TOOLS* SOCKET SETS, OPEN END WRENCH SETS, ETC., HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT, TOASTERS, ELECTRIC AND STEAM IRONS, COOKWARE, DINETTE SETS, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, MIXERS, DISHES. PORTABLE SEWING MACHINES, LUGGAGE, ELECTRIC HEATERS. ELECTRIC BLANKETS, TOYS, DOLLS, COMFORTERS, QUILTS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND 1,000 OTHER ITEMS. ALL MER CHANDISE GUARANTEED. Not Responsible for Accidents! AUCTIONEER DENVER ROBERTS to $25.40 to S23.80 to S22.89 to S20.50 to S2O.90 to S20.00 to S18.80 to to farm. LAMB RECEIPTS 267 SKAD $21.85 to SS3.90 $12.75 to $18.25 $19.00 to S20.30 $18.50 to siy.oo S1S.25 to SI9.30 $13.00 to Slti.00 $3.00 to $12.00 $1.00 to $7.00 LIVESTOCK DARNESVILLE, OHIO Mil LUNCH SERVED!