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red ay. May 12, 1955 ,P- 1 I JMMERFIELD Dinner ts Sunday at the home of and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson w-i Mr. and Mrs. Durbin Hague ii Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Donald liaunahs and sons of Circleville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis and children, and Mrs. Ernest Davis of Sarahsville, in addition to Taylor Hague, in whose honor the dinner was held. Dinner Guests .Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Meek and M.iii, Duane, of Senecaville, Helen Md-k were dinner guests Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and \p- Charles Meek. Air. and Mrs. Ernest Bode, Mr. i Mrs. Forest Horton were lii iier guestp Sunday at the i'e of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Hor- At Funeral Si veral from this community iided funeral services for Lvduel Hayes held Sunday after i'ii at the Calais Methodist luw ch. Brush Party St veral guests were in attend nm for the Stanley Brush party k Friday evening at the home ASrs. Clarice Guiler. \t Conference i v. Lowell Kiger and Mrs. I y King attended quarterly srence of the Methodist ches held Monday in Barn le. i-",er Guests and Mrs. Bill McElfresh family, of Cambridge, Mrs. ard Martin and daughter Evelyn McElfresh, of Co us, were Sunday dinner ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mc- H1 ish. Class Meeting The Alpha Omega Sunday church will be entertained Tues school class of the Methodist day evening at the home of Mrs. Elsie Bode. Grange Meeting Next regular meeting of the ocol grange will be held Wed u^day evening, May 18 with an nn i esting literary program be planned. emakers Club e Homemakers club will Thursday evening, May 12 ie grange hall for a project veaving. i: onals •. and Mrs. Gessel, Mrs. 2 Guiler and son and Ruby s, of Caldwell, were week guests at the home of Mr. Mrs. Joe Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Bar vi ton, visited last Saturday Aim Mr. and Mrs. John Lesco. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner and J. T. Warner visited one day last week with Homer Warner, who is a patient in Guernsey Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Morgan, of Quaker City, visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Perry Philpot and Mrs. Lou Philpot. Mr. and Mrs. Donice Cunning ham and family, of Michigan, spent the weekend with Mrs. Nolle Cunningham. Richard Richeson, of the U. S. Navy, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richeson. w -nr- This is the engine that's writing a whole new chapter in the book of automobile performance records. This is the engine that has stock car timers doing a "double take" at their stop watches wherever experts gather to compare the abilities of the 1955 cars. For example, in the recent N ASC AR stock car competition at Daytona Beach, Florida, Chevrolet literally ran away from every other car in its class —and a raft of others besides. In the one-mile straightaway run for low priced cars, the first two places—and six of the first ten—went to Chev- ws Homer Warner, who has been a patient in the Guernsey Me morial hospital for observation and treatment, is now recuperat ing at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Otis King and Mr. and Mrs. Paul King attend ed the baseball game at Cleve land, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Esch baugh and daughter, Mrs. Car los Eschbaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Long, of Quaker City, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Warner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calland, of Marietta and J. I. Warner visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Reed, of W. Va., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moore and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gar rett, Sunday. Harold Gibson and Cecil Gib son, of Cambridge, and Earl Gib son, of Coshocton, were Sunday dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson. Mrs. Sara Ella Gibson and Opal VanDyne, of Cambridge, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Offa Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode were visiting in Marietta, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kearns and children spent a few days last week visiting in W. Va. The senior class of Summer field high school have now re turned home from the class trip to Washington, D. C. They were accompanied by Supt. Ward Bishop and Grace Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephens entertained with a dinner Sun day: Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stephens and son, Mrs. B. R. Malone, of Barn esville, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Stephens and children, of Levvis ville, Mrs. Eilnore Christman, Herb Snyder, Mildred Hannum, Medra Snyder and Albert Lose of Barnesville. Rev. Lowell Kiger. of Meth odist church, has asked as many of the graduating class as pos sible, to attend the morning serv ices Sunday at 11:00 o'clock. Baccalaureate sermon wiir_ be delivered by Rev. Lowell Kfger next Sunday evening, May 15 in the higrh school auditorium. Miss Evelyn McP^lfresn has ac cepted employment at the Buck eye Casualty Insurance Com pany in Columbus this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey King have received word of the birth of a new grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sponsil on April 27 at Cincinnati. The mother is the former Beatrice Allan. C. K. Pryor visited with Mrs. Ida Pryor of Caldwell, Thurs day. Mrs. Daisy Philpot has return ed to her home here after spend ing several weeks with her niece in Talmadge where she has been recuperating from an operation. Marlene Philpot, Wanda Bar nett, Mary K. King, Mr. and Mrs. Paul King, all of Columbus, visited with their parents here over the weekend. Mrs. Emily Havener is spend ing a few days in Cincinnati, where she is visiting her son, Vernon Havener, Jr., and family. 1Z JL xV ALL KIND OF INSURANCE 1*" V1" Li S am&m 5SS SR ",15s fe-y I'ia eiiiiii Minge WALNUT RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Rome Dimmerling, of Can ton, were callers on the ridge recently. M. I. Horton was a caller at Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Leach and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith and daughter and James Horton spent Sunday at O. O. Hortons. Mr. and Mrs. Hidge King have returned home after visiting relatives at Detroit, Mich., Akron and Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Slack, of Masisllon, spent Sunday at John Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Feldner and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Horton were weekend visitors at Mose Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warner and sons, of Canton, were Sunday visitors at Raymond Smithberg er's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horton end daughter were weekend visitors at Otto Carpenter's and O. O. Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith berger were visitor's at Rosa Smithberger's recently. George Horton spent the week end at William Horton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith berger were recent callers at Woodsfield. LJF, STAFFORD Mrs. Floyde Miracle had the misfortune of following from her back porch steps last Saturday and was rushed to the Marietta hospital in the MaUett ambulance. She was brought back the same day and no bones were broken, just a bad sprain. We wish her a speedy recovery. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherden Day were Paul Day of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. George Day and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day, of Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McConnell and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Freitag of Woodsfield route. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Davis and daughter, Mrs. Emma Moore of Byesville, were Saturday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore and daughters, Mrs. Dessa King and son and granddaughter, of Zanesville route, were Sunday afternoon callers at the Rob bins home. Mrs. Frank Thompson and daughter, Carolyn Camden and sons were in Woodsfield, Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miracle and daughter visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith and family, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Markle and son spent Friday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Markle of Woodsfield. Rev. and Mrs. James Gardner and son, of Harriettsville, spent Wednesday and Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gardner and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blair visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Blair last Monday. Mrs. Glenn Beebe and sons spent several days last week at the Floyde Miracle home. Z 1 -V ~T va*-, ems SS8S tffe* W8K SSWBIWS* WW&&& i xm Sj&iiSsS&S* A'A A'-t, -*1 it*" i'Vt 0* 31# ~9W *'i fi "-ssssssssssss: I Punchrline to the years hottest power story- CKevrolet "Turbo-Fire V8"! rolets. And in acceleration runs from a standing start against all comers, the Motoramic Chevrolet beat all other low-priced cars—and every high-priced car except one! What's behind this blazing perform ance? A compact honey of a V8 that only the world's leading producer of valve-in-head engines can build. Chev rolet's new "Turbo-Fire V8". It puts a new kind of fun in your driving life. You're in charge of J, 62 high-spirited horsepower or if you're looking for even more excitement, the new "Super Turbo-Fire V8" (optional at USE CHEVROLET COMPACT 408 410 Miller St. Phone 261 .Caldwell, TOT JOURNAL, CAL0WHU* OHIO iFi it SHARON Members of the Methodist Mystery club met at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Har mon, Wednesday evening, May 4th. Mrs. Eloise Hysell was co hostess. President Mabel Wheeler call ed the meeting to order. Meeting opened with scripture lesson Psalm 29 read by Mrs. Nellie Ralph. Members repeated the Lord's Prayer. A short business session was held followed by Bible study from Acts 8 to 14 chapters. Meet ing closed with club benediction. During the social hour ^lary Haga and Vera Harmon had charge of contests with Mabel Wheeler and Ruth Marquis win ning prizes. Hostesses served delicious re freshments to Avice Eicher, Martene Spriggs, Ruth Marquis, Pauline Haga, Nellie Ralph, Mary Haga, Vera Harmon and Mabel Wheeler. Ladies Aid Meets Members of Aiken Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church met in the basement of the church, Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Minnie Marquis and Mrs. Lucille Pickenpaugh hostesses. The scripture lesson Proverbs 31:10-31 portraying a virtuous woman was read also several readings were given in honor of Mother's day. Twelve mem bers were present. Gift box won by Mrs. Minnie Marquis. Bible contest won by Mrs. Rhea Mc Nabb. Hostesses served delicious re freshments. Next meeting June 2nd. All members urged to be present to help plan Mason's supper. Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. G. K. M&rquis entertained at dinner, Sunday honoring their son, Tommy's ninth birthday. The table was centered with a beautiful birth day cake with lighted candles. Places were arranged for Mrs. J. M. Winder of Los Angeles, California, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harmon, Deanna Marquis, host and hostess and honored guest. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Sharon cemetery association will be held at Grange hall, Thursday at 8:00 p. m. May 12th. Personals Mr. and Mrs. I. M. McDonald were dinner guests of their son, Willis and wife at Caldwell, Sun day. Mrs. J. N. Winder and Han nah Yerian of Los Angeles, Cali fornia are visiting with relatives here and in Athens county. Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Marquis and Darla May, of Amanda, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Marquis and Eva May. Mrs. Alice McAdams, of Can ton, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Frances Kuntz and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parks, of New Concord, were calling on friends here, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson, of Caldwell, called on Mrs. Mary Griffith last week. Florence Spear, of Valentine, Nebraska, visited last week with her mother, Mrs. Ocie White and family. Mrs. J. N. Winder,~ of Los Angeles, California, Mrs. Lillian Boyd and sons, Bernard and Donald and grandson, Victor, accompanied Hannah Yerian to Stockport, Sunday and called on Mi's. Marie Dotson and to near Chesterhill and called on Mr. extra cost) puis 180 h.p. under your toe! Pick the one you'd rather have fun with, then come in and get behind the wheel. You'll see why the Motoramic Chevrolet is showing its heels to every one else on the road! *Na#oao' Attociahon for Stock Car Avto toeing. 'SS PACEMAKER and Mrs. Oliver Miller. Mr. and Mrs. William Moro zosky and children, of Avon dale, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ralph and children, of near Caldwell, Mrs. Dorothy Geary and chil dren, of Hoskinsville, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ralph of Mansfield, spent Mother's day with Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger and Riley. Martha Morgareidge, of Co lumbus and Mary Haines, of Caldwell, were calling on Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Eicher, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr, of Zanesville, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Dovenbarger, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Marquis were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Marquis, at Caldwell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harmon, Larry, Sandra and Paul and Sandra Maning, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon and Leslie, of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Harmon and 'Ronnie spent Mother's day with Mrs. Ocie Harmon. Mrs. Pauline Sampson, of Chi cago, Mrs. Norma Bodkins and daughter, Linda, of Indiana, are visiting with Mrs. Sampson's mother, Mrs. Letitia Steen. Ad ditional guests on Sunday were Mrs. Hazel Mendenhall, of Zanes ville, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Steen and Mrs. Mattie Groves, of Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Jean, Candace and Neva were calling on Mrs. Jessie Parrish at Memorial hospital, Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Miracle have moved from Zanesville to the former Cissler farm, south of town. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Wheeler of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Dar win Stoneking and Elmer of Massillon, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dora Jennings. Mrs. Doris Smithley, of Zanes ville, Mr. J. B. Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Parrish, Mrs. Lucille Pickenpaugh, were calling on Mrs. J. B. Parrish at Memorial hospital, Marietta last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyd and Jackie, of Zanesville, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Boyd, Joan and Billy. Mrs. Maud Jennings is spend ing this week with her daughter, Mrs. Lillian Boyd. Mrs. Agnes Parrish and chil dren, of Columbus, spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Maud Jennings and sister, Mrs. Mary Boyd. .ere 1. Longer Valve Life! j| HPiRE AND YON Mrs. Faye Khune and Miss Clara Beymer were recent visitors of their mother, Mrs. Beymer of Sarahs ville, who has been very ill. Kenneth Nicholson has been confined to his home with meas les for the past few days. Terry Gibson and Donnie Moore have recovered from the same illness. Mrs. Angie Johns is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ira Johns. We understand our old pal, Billy Bates, of Dawson Ridge, received a large number of bir thday cards. We yonder who enjoyed them the most, Billy or our good and faithful mail carrier, Robert Smith. Raymond Poling visited Sun day a. m. with his mother, Mrs. Betsy Poiing of Center Service. Sunday visitors of Osa Secrest were her son, Jim and family of Byesville. Mrs. Secrest accom panied them home William Depew and wife were weekend visitors of her mother, Mrs. Barbara Luke of Cam bridge. Saturday callers from here and there were Ocea Sullivan, Rev. John Grimes and wife, Homer Jerles, Cecil Rutherford and wife, Mrs. Rose Bates, and Mrs. Charles Stevens. Clark McCandless was admit ted to a hospital in Zanesville on Friday for observation and treatment. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Poling during the past few days were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warrick and children, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Poling, Mike Wickham, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wickham, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and, children and Emma Kirkbride. Allen Dale Kirkbride, of Nashport, is visiting his grand mother, Mrs. Rose Bates and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith were honored at the home These valves are from test engines aerating under identical conditions. Valve at extreme right, from engine using non-lioron gasoline, has heavy de posits in the seating area (as indicated by arrow). These keep the valve from closing properly. Power is wasted, valve life shortened. Other valve, from engine using Boron Gasoline, has 32' less deposit, greatly increasing valve life and efficiency. i'V V »L, 'j if..'- ffk, »r WB ftfe ?Jf 'kjT 'JZ Sohio Boron Supreme, the world's first Boron Gasoline, not only improves engine perform ance. It offers important engine condition bene fits, too. Thousands of tests show that Boron i* A* it *e A V -V s air ,u: .... A W, 'MS ... of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox with a special prepared Mother's day dinner in honor of Mother Smith. We hope Bob is able to be on duty for Uncle Sam, Monday. "Another delicious dinner in honor of Mrs. Lena Everly and husband, Harden were enjoyed at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Everly and son David on Mother's day. Emma Kemp spent Sunday p.m. with Emma Kirkbride. Classifieds Pay Dividends Non-Boron How the world's first BORON* gasoline ,/T ... K •s 5 1 s i W rt«* v3" 4 W. w [1,* ft l&iii MT. EPHRAfM— Mr. and Mrs Mitchell Keyser and daughters spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bowers and family, of Cleveland, spent Sat urday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Bates. Sgt. and Mrs. Gene Graham and son left Sunday for Lincoln, Nebraska, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Guiler. Mrs. Victor Williams and fam ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Hazel Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibbs and Sandra Perkins spent Wednes day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell. Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and family, of Seneca Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Rich and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McVicker, Sgt. and Mrs. Gene Graham and son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell, Edith and James Wil liams, Mary and Gene Miller and Rex and Carl Rich enjoyed a hamburg fry and weiner roast at Seneca Lake, Tuesday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bethel Bates were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Chelcie McCon nell and son visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham and attended church at Old Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Parks visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William Rich and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bates and family, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. George Bates and family, of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. & $ Leroy Mill and son, of East Union, Mr. and Mrs. Gordan Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pin ley and daughters, T. R. Batps, Shirley Tucker and Ruth Huff man enjoyed a pot luck dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family. CL ini^jLiv-uAii Ij iJy Pro clamation of the Mayor, "Poppy Day" will be observed by the American Legion Auxiliary on Saturday, May 21. Lodge To Meet Cumberland Rebekah Lodge will meet on Monday evening, May 23rd at 8:00 p. m. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lepage, of Zanesville, spent Mother's day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Lepage. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Smith and children, of Cadiz, Mr. and Mrs. Brown and children, of Newark, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Calvin Mellinger and daughters. Mrs. Fay Rodgers and daugh ters, of Columbus, spent Sunday with their cousin, Mrs. Harold Yerian and family also recent guests in the Yerian home were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton and children, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Helen Hamilton, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engle, of McConnelsville. S-Sgt. Herbert Walters and wife, who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Walters, has answered overseas duties. John E. Henderson has an nounced that the topic which he will speak on at the commence ment exercises on May 26 will be "Duty and Privilege."' uernsey Memorials, LEWIS E. YOUNG, Manager North Street—Caldwell i -,v v 1 -V ..... y -v -i-•, j. i.iv:" v. PLEIASE WRITE NOW FOR YOUR ROCK OF AGES BOOK LET ON HOW TO CHOOSB A FAMILY MONUMENT! For Sunday Appointments Phone 268-M Or See Lewis E. Young, 845 Walnut Street. V- -.t, r//* St U -v Supreme saves the health of your engine and stretches the life of its parts. A Great New Motor Fuel Discovery by 2 2. 45% Less Ring Wear! 1 This radioactive piston ring test is one of the most accurate methods known of measuring the effect of X** gaMihnes on ring wea- Test after test re\eals 45% less piston ring wear with Sohio Boron Supreme. ... ''Cj-.ys .rfii 1 i I I1''' & ... "r 'i 4 V rh '•id i sX Inc. 1 5 'i:" hiiniii'M.tfSwii III ifiruiMiiriiIhur" i ^.4 Pafent appHed for. U S. Vf ademark retjfiiiaiion of.:- tcv for.