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3)* The only news I have this week is some 4-H clubs that are hurrying to get organized by the deadline. The Summerfield Boys club will organize Thursday, May 12 at 7:30 p. m. at the Summerfield high school. The Caldwell Boys Club will organize Friday. May 13, 7:00 p. m. at Glenn Slay's. The Mt. Ephraim Girls Club will organize Friday, May 13 at 8:00 p. m. Any other clubs that hay n't had their organization meeting should have it right away or get in touch with me so we can find an advisor. The 4-H Season is getting well under way. Some progress is being made on the 4-H Fair barn. The Officers and Adcisors con ference will be coming up soon. Don't forget to get your enroll ment blanks in by the 16th of May. This means that some of you ftiUst htitry to dfganize.' Or ganization material and project material is available in the Ex tension office. I'll be back next week with more 4-H news. Noble-ly yours, Paul Jonard, Associate' County Agent Caldwell Jr. S.O.S. The Caldwell Jr. S.O.S. 4-H club met Monday evening, May 2 in the Home Economics room at the high school. Plans for the Mother and Daughter banquet was made. The banquet will be May 23 at 6:00 o'clock at the grade school. Committees were named, Kay Heddleson, Jeaneen Ball, Judy Hinkle, decorations Janice Weekley, Marilyn Merry, Judy Feldner, program Sandra Staats, Jane Elliott, Barbara Beyer, clean-up. The next meeting will be June 6th. News reporter Jeaneen Ball. Caldwell Pepperettes The Pepperuttes met May 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Henry Brum bach. Seven members were present. Grace Brumbach gave a demonstration on breakfast rolls. Mary Jane Slay gave a talk on patterns. The next meet ing will be May 17th. Ellen Jane Beyer will serve refreshments. Grace Brumbach served refresh ments. Sudy Richcreek will give a demonstration on how to cut out a pattern. Ellen Jane Beyer will give a demonstration on rolls. News reporter Mary Jane Slay. nwrigi I I wi sea 4*-H Sarahsville Early Risers wfMWMwww To make this still more it.4*. -f M'/r "sfiS +T r- r„ $ i v y The Sarahsville 4-H club met in the Sarahsville high school. We organized the club under the supervision of Roy Wentworth and Paul Jonard. The following were elected to office: president, William Bond vice president, Dwight Watson secretary treasurer, Mel Wentwbrth news reporter, Hobart Bond health safety, Larry Stott.sberry recrea tion, Gary Davis. Roy Wentworth is our club advisor. We named the club Sarahsville Early Risers. There were ten members pre sent. The next meeting will be May, 16th, 1955. news reporter Hobart Bond. Hoskinsville Buttonaires The Hoskinsville Buttonaires had their last meeting held on the 2(ith of March at the home of Wara Geary. Janice Sklenar called the meeting to order. The secretly called the roll with all eight members present. Patsy Hayes and Delores Beckett gave their demonstration. news re porter Delores Beckett. Rich Valley Busy Boys The Rich Valley Busy Boys 4-H club met at the home of Jean Lawrence, four members present. Roll call was answered by giving the club pledge. No date has been set for the next meeting. Projects were discussed. After the close of the meeting games were enjoyed, and Mrs. Lawrence served refreshments, news reporter Marion De lancey. The Lucky Thirteen The meeting was held at the home of Tom and Phil Yontz. We opened the meeting by roll call and answered by our projects. Two new members were Gary Kimbrel and Eddie Courtney. We discussed helping with the new 4-H barn. The next meeting will be at Vernon Ray Hughes. Mrs. Yontz served refreshments. There was recreation before and after the meeting. News reporter Roger lams. Belle Valley Ramblers The Belle Valley Ramblers met at the home of Robert Gay dos on May 3, 1955. Games were played and refreshments were served. Five new members were added to the club. The next meeting will be held at the home of Herbert Hurst, May 17, 1955. News reporter Edwin McElroy. T* f'Tffim rirffiifrri i LOOK AT THIS NEW CHEVROLET BEL AIR! The Maytag Co. is going to give it to some lucky person! All you have to do is to get your FREE TICKETS at Marquis Foods with your purchases and deposit your stubs at Patten's Appliance Center, on the square. i Large Size Be sure you stop here to get your Picnic Supplies early for Decoration Day. This is a feature of the MAYTAG SPRING PARTY and the CHEVROLET COMPANY, PROCTOR & GAMBLE, makers of TIDE, and w •***&* l££y J.-U Xfl' -wy./si v 1*** s* w 4 X' v V 4 A nWiiMMfflfiflliiMyiI*iirlig|^piyii|linfM 1 1 1 I I To Girls' State HELEN SARISKY Miss Helen Sarisky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sarisky, Florence Addition, has been selected by the American Legion Auxiliary, Noble Post, No. 252, as their delegate to Buckeye Girls' state for 1955. Miss Sarisky will leave Sat urday, June 18, where she will spend one week at Capital uni versity, Columbus. The purpose of girls' state is to educate the young women in the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship and to give to these citizens in a realistic manner, an opportunity to learn the pro blems of government with special emphasis upon the con tribution women can make to the welfare of their county. Summerfield Sewing Sisters The Summerfield Sewing Sis ters had their 4th 4-H meeting, Friday, April 29. The meeting was called to order by the presi dent and roll was called by the favorite movie star. For recrea tion we played softball. News reporter Kathryn Kerns. PROPERTY SELLS Mr. and Mrs. Dean D. Riddle, Ohio Fuel Gas company em ployee, have purchased the John W. Wheeler property on the corner of Spruce and Walnut street and possession will be given on Sept. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler recently purchased the former George Samuels home on North street from Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Ditch. ON T.V. PROGRAM Gary Lynn, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stotts berry, of Caldwell route, was a guest on the 'Movie Marshall" television program over WTRF TV in Wheeling, W. Va., on Tuesday, Mav 10th. we are —and Giant Size 4? mm v v v 5 1 J1S A «Kf* 05 THE JOUKNAL\ CALDWELL", DITTO oiiriiaft fiiisl Dad had read the paper until he was misty eyed and the paper rather worn. We all agree that the Maxwells had their happiest years in Noble county and we love Caldwell. May thirtieth is Pop's birth day and I promised him I'd sub scribe to the paper for him for that event and I'd start it soon. You know he's Scotch and afraid I'll pull a deal on him. So send it to him and let me know what my bill is. Send it to him for a year and if he moves I'll renew it. I am living in the Susquehenna River Valley in the famous Triple Cities area of Endicott. Johnson City and Binghamton. We major in shoes and Inter national business machines. I enjoy it but look ahead to my visits back in Ohio. I saw Bob last week and compared notes. With Dad, Bob and I all pastors. There's a lot of competition in the family. Circle One W.S.C.S. of tlx First Methodist church held their regular meeting Thursday evening in the home of Opal Brumbach on North street with Alice Guiler, Nadine Reming ton and Marion Robey serving is companion hostesses. Helen Carter had charge of the ivotional service and Mary Slater presented the program. Delicious refreshments were served to the following: Garnet Blake, Helen Carter, Marylois Colley, Estelene Danford, Martha Caugler, Grace Henderson, Helen ilinkle, Adaline Jordan, Ruth Knox, Genenieve McDiffitt, Kleanor Moore, Martha Parrish, Helen Pezzopane, Mary Slater, Irma Smith, Ruth Davis, Vir ginia Hall and the hostesses. Mother's Day Party Held In Macksburg The Maeksburg Merry Maids 4-H club held a Mother's day party in the church basement on May 5th. A short program was present ed and delicious refreshments were served to the following: Mrs. John Bates and Sandra. !\[rs. Rodney Rowlands and Donna. Mrs. Everett Parks and Elizabeth, Mrs. Iva Hesson, Wilma and Wilda Jackson, Mrs. Harley McAtee and Judy, Mrs. Clyde McAtee and Marilyn, Mrs. Paul Frew and Marilyn, Mrs. Frank Gildow and Janet, Mrs. Clyde Rowlands and Fran ces and Mary and Linda Mincks. The group sang "Happy Birth day" to Mrs. Rodney Rowlands who was celebrating her birth day anniversary. Mother's Day Dinner Held Al Parks Home Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Parks, of Fairground street, entertained Sunday with a Mother's Day dinner honoring the latter's mother, Mrs. W. S. Camden. A dinner of lovely appoint ments was served to the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cam den, Mrs. Glcnna Hayes, Johnny and Patsy, the host and hostess and children, Sally, Kitty Jo, Reeky and Eddie. V1 3 14" & $, 1955 Mr. John Wheeler V ice President la Charge of Memories Last week was' very special to me. My church had helped me ~(Jt a sharp new Olds, and then gave me time off to go visit my parents in Columbus. It was a happy time and the crowning thing came when I stumbled onto a Caldwell Journal stale in date but not really stale to a "native.'' It was fun. I tried to visualize the names and faces and I wondered if they had receding hairlines, grey "top pers" that middle aged "my feet hurt" look. I suppose some do and some don't. I've quit pulling out my grey hair I'd be bald. s Be good and don't forget there are some of us who live a lonj? ways away but never put our roots down for Caldwell's still ho m\ Rev. Pauline M. Maxwell 1405 Monroe Street Endicott, New York Circle One, W. S. C. S., Meets In Brumbach Home ClAtR "V V""V-Jr 1 ,7f" v-',l« 0 I ox: i CONTAINS NO DDT —But plenty of Pyrethrum. Kill? itable flies, horse flies, horn flies, house flie*, morqvitoei. M. A. Bricnza Supplier of Sinclair Products Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio USSIHl Mainfenance Bills Allowed For Village Babe Ruth Award Students Named A :A ATTEND MEETING Mrs. Martha Patten, Mrs. Susie VanFossen and Rev. Roy Wik ander, of Caldwell, attended a Baptist Missionary meeting on Tuesday at the First Baptist church in New Philadelphia. v -Vfl 7 MARIANNE RICHCREEK ROBERT BARNHOUSE Miss Marianne Richcreek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Richcreek and Robert Barnhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bolon Barnhouse, were selected as the outstanding students of the senior class for 1955 and will be the recipients of the annual Babe Ruth award. This announcement was made today by Principal Gilbert W. Weekley, although the actual selection of the students is made by the entire student body from the school. The names of Miss Richcreek and Mr. Barnhouse will be engraved on the Babe Ruth plaque, which is the permanent property of the school. The students were selected for their outstanding pport manship in every department of the school. Last year, the coveted awards went to Linda MeVay and Stanley Clark. Bills for the operation and maintenance of the Village of Caldwell were presented and paid at their last regular meet ing of the council. The bills are as follows: Joe Elias, rent for April, $30.00 M. F\ Jerlis, telephone service, $1.54 Robert Long, welding, $3.00 Journal-Leader, one gun notice, $1.75 Wright Typewriter Exchange, one rib bon, $1.00 Caldwell Light and Water Co., traffic light, $31.86. Caldwell Lumber and Build ing Company, title, $17.40 Mike's Tire Shop, gas, oil, $8.32 R. C. Moore Lumber, cement, sand, gravel, $100.39 William Hep pner, gas, oil, $15.37. MAYTA Ifr -V Jean Hesson To Attend State 8PW Convention Jean Heson, president oi the Caldwell B.P.W. club, will attend the 35th annual convention of the Ohio Federation of Business and Professional Women's club to be held in Dayton, May 27, 28 and 29. Convention headquarters will be at the Hotel Baltimore where delegates and alternates will register at four stations accord ing to districts. "For Clearer Vision" will be the theme of the 1955 meeting with the B.P.W. club of Xenia as the host. AMBULANCE TRIP Mrs. Ethel Murphy, of South Olive, was taken by the McVaty ambulance to the Guernsey Me morial hospital on May 3. She underwent major surgery on Wednesday of last week. This has previously been reported as Mrs. Ethel Caldwell. Just £ox looking you get at our Tickets are available at MARQUIS' RED fT WHITE SUPER MARKET, West Street, KEGERREIS STORE, Cumberland Street, and PATTEN'S Appliance. Store. f1 f?'4f «. ,4\». a- Reunion Of eburg Classmates Planned For May 30 Members of the high school classes during the first decade of the century at Middleburg high school are making plans to hold a Golden Reunion Memorial Day, May 30 in Caldwell. The group plans to convene at the court house square in Cald well between the hours of 10:00 a. m. and noon on May 30. Luncheon and an afternoon of renewing old acquaintances and old memories and visiting vari' ous community landmarks is the order of the day. Classmates are busy com municating with each other about the reunion plans and among those expected to attend are: Guy C. Williams of Chicago, 111. Ethel Williams Heddleson and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Wil liams, all of Granville Ada Wil liams Persing and Ella Williams Persing, both of New Middle town Maggie NeNptune Mallett of Columbus Nell Williams Addis of Cambridge Grace Wil liams Withers of Petersburg: Nora Eichhorn Davis of New comerstown and Clara Lee Moseley of Caldwell. It is hoped that all class mem bers of the high school classes between 1900 and 1910 will make a special effort to join the group May 30 in Caldwell for this reunion event. Farm Planners Meet In County, Wednesday Noble ountv was host to farm planners of the U. S. Soil Con servation Service from Wash ington, Morgan and Monroe counties on Wednesday, May 11. This was an all day affair with approximately six SCS represen tatives taking part. Stanley Locke, of Washington, D. C., field forester of the SCS was in charge of the affair and Tom Bradley, of Zanesville of the SCS, for this area was also in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to develope better woodland conservation for Noble county and southeastern Ohio, u i n e i a n i -.Thursdsv. Mav 12. i?55 Thursday, May 12, 1955 The Caldwell Public library has received a number of new adult books this week for its patrons. The books have now been catalogued and are ready for distribution. The new books include the following: r\ j$ 1 for this beauty! Big trade-ins! Easy terms! 2*. t: Phone 58 For Reading iafion A Gift From the Sea, Anne Lindbergh The Scotswoman, Inglis Flecher Bottoms Up, Cormelia Skinner From Lexington to Liberty, Bruce Lancaster Dutch, Theodore Bonnet The Good Shepherd. C. S. Forester Coromandel, John Masters The Beating Wave, Nevil Shute Billions. Blunders and Baloney, Eugene W. Castle. Templeford Park, Alice Acland Blizzard, Phil Slong The Quicksilver Pool, Phyllis Whitney Recollection Creek, Fred Gibson The Saint On The Spanish Main, Leslie Charteris Whispering Canyon, Stuart Brock Quick On The Shoot, Geo. Appell Good-by To Gun smoke, Ralph Cathin The Lone ly Grass, Nelson, Nye Dusty Wheels, Len Smith Big T. Ram rod, Leslie Ernenwein Death And Mr. Potter, Rae Foley Mur der Makes An Entrance, Clarence Kelland. Much Ado About Murder, Fred Leon Black Terrace, Kathryn Kendall Your Daughter, Iris Jerome Weidman Fool's Heaven, Mary Howard Runaway Nurse, Ethel Hamill Toberta, Frances Hancock We All Have Our Sec rets, Breta Ruck The Willow Tree, Rebecca Marsh, Roses Are Red by Emily Noble. Prisoners Total 24 During April Sheriff Donald Conaway, re ports that for the month of April, there were 24 prisoners in the Noble county jail with 295 meals being served. Following are the offenses charged: One grand larceny two petty larceny one breaking and entering one assault with the intent to kill one drunk driver one bastardy case one parole violator. Two for consuming alcohol in a motor vehicle four vagrants six drunk and disorderly con duct one for reckless operation one insanity and two for investi gation. Don't Scratch That Itch! In Just 15 Minutes, If not pleased, your Hie back at any drug store. Try instant-drying ITCII ME-JtOT at any time of day or night to RILL germs ON CONTACT. Fine for eczema, ringworm, foot itch and other surface itches. Today at RAL STON'S REXALL STORE, Caldwell, Ohio. TY! Favorite for 3 generations! For 3 generations, more women have owned MaytagS than any other washer. Here's why Maytag gives cleanest clothes long, long service. See it today 1 Prices .Start At 1.95 low t!c» liberal up Center North Street