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Btght $ I ^oWinrd Soxdsdif Miss Mary Ann Shafer And John C. Shearer Plight Troth In First Methodist Church First ivitrthodist church ii» igniw^i was th£ setting on April 30 for the 4:30 o'clock ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Mary Ann Shafer and John Clyde Shearer. The Rev. Floyd R. Gaugler officiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her cousin, Walker O. Cain, of New York City.* Miss Shafer is the daughter of Mrs. Oliver George Shafer, of Caldwell, and the late Mr. Shafer. Mr. Larrick-Jensen Vows Are Read Saturday In Richmond, Ind. Announcement is being made of the marriage of Eileen Lar rick. sister of Charles Richards, of Belle Valley and Richard L. Jensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jensen of Urbana. The couple exchanged maijk riage vows on Saturday/May 7th in Richmond, Ind. The couple were attended by the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jensen. The bride chose a navy blue suit with white accessories for her wedding with $ corsage of red roses. The new Mrs. Jensen is a grad uate of Belle Valley high school. Mr. Jensen is a graduate of Urbana high school and has served the last 10 years with the U. S. Navy and is now stationed at Norfolk, Va. At the present time, Mrs. Jen sen will reside with her broth er in Belle Valley. Friendly Sewing Circle Holds Monthly Meeting The Friendly Sewing Circle was entertained recently in the home of Mrs. Estelene Danford on Caldwell route 4 with Mrs. Tessie Danford serving as com panion hostess. There were twelve members present and the roll call was answered by giving a household hint. The group hemmed tea towels for the hostess and games and contests were enjoyed during the social hour. Dainty refreshments were ser ved to the following: Madge Davis, Mary Davis, Minnie Hed dleson, Opal Pilcher, Gladys Seffens, Maude Shafer, Etta Kirkbride, Edna Tarleton, Nan nie Cheadle, Eileen Davis and the hostesses. The next meeting will be held Wednesday evening, May 25th in the home of Mrs. Bessie Loop instead of on Thursday evening, due to the commencement exer cises. An exchange of flower slips will be held at this meet ing. Shearer is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John D. Shearer, of Phila delphia, Pa. For her wedding the bride chose a waltz length gown of white taffeta with pink accents. Her veil of French illusion fell Irom a tiera of seed pearls. She Carried a nosegay of pink rose buds and white feather carna tions. Miss Margaret Ann Lindley, of Mansfield, a college classmate of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a ballerina length gown of pink tulle over rose taffeta and carried a nosegay of rosebuds and mums. David Shearer of Philadelphia, Pa., served as his brother's best man and the guests were seated by Gene Brown, of Morgan town, W. Va., and Ramon Gadea, of Marietta. A reception was held in the home of the bride following the ceremony. The new Mrs. Shearer receiv ed her AB degree from Oberlin College and did post-graduate work at the University of Mar burg in Germany. The groom is a graduate of Cornell University where he was affiliated with Sigma Pi and was elected to Phi Kappa Phi national scholastic honorary. Mr. Shearer also did graduate Study at the University of Man chester in England. He is now an administrative assistant in the Industrial Relations Department of Electromet Division of Union Carbide and Carbon in Marietta. The newlyweds are residing in Marietta. Woman's Bible Class Holds May Meeting The May meeting of the Woman's Bible class of the First Methodist church was held last Thursday evening in the church dining room. Mrs. Laura Fowler was the devotional leader and Mrs. Alice Blackburn had charge of the program, which included: a vocal solo by Mrs. Iva Guiler readings by Mrs. Pearl Keith, Mrs. Minnie Heddleson and Mrs. Nannie Cheadle. The president, Mrs. Edna Tar leton, conducted a short business meeting. During the social hour contests were enjoyed. Photo Developing—Gillespie'* Tucked Torso, Fitted to aT v h'Ufi iHn' i if/ •M'- A' I -x- $ f': &•'}' v V-C4. -5 Jr *3 A w $ jk i i k raj. -f $*. •y A* i pi -t: 4 St*.*' "J®"'j) as seen in WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION Here you have it, all that's new and young about fashion. One long, close sweep of tucks to the hips-then, whoosh, a full dancing skirt belling out beneath the saucy bow. Vicky Vaughn presents this beauty in Burlington Mill?' Amandine, blen'ded cotton and chromspun acetate that washes wonderfully and won't put up with wrinkles. Olive green, lavender, orange, pink, melon, blue or turquoise. Sizes 7 to 15. Just arrived a large assortment of Cotton and Nylon Dresses. Sizes 7 to 15 and 8 to 16. Vyiadqsi'A Sp&ajalfy Shop North Street Caldwell, Ohio Wed In New Jersey At the present time the newly weds are residing with the bride's parents at 30 Ralph St., Belleville, N. J. Presbyterian Circle One Meets In Matheney Home Circle No. One of the Presby terian Woman's Association met Tuesday evening, May 10th in tlje home of Mrs. Grace Math eney on North street with Mrs. Capitola Love serving as com panion hostess. Miss Thelma Rice had charge of the devotional service and Mrs. Nelle Startzman reviewed a chapter from the study book. Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs. Ruth Evilsizer and Mrs. Freda Robin son gave reports from the Pres byterial meeting. During the social hour contests were enjoyed with Ruth Evilsiz er in charge. Delightful refreshments were served by the hostesses to the following members: Lizzie Rad cliff, Freda Robinson, Eleanor Robinson, Mildred Hatcher, Amy Rucker, Nelle Startzman, Thelma Rice, Ruth Evilsizer, and guests, Katie McWilliams and Bobbie Hatcher. Miss Morrison Feted With Bridal Shower Miss Beverly Bird entertained Thursday evening at her home on Caldwell route with a bridal shower honoring Miss Martha Morrison. The guest list included: Ellen Mallett, Carol Mallett, Jane Can ter, Ruth Wells, Linda Archer, Nancy Morrison, Gertrude Crum, Donna Jean Dimmerling, Patricia Dimmerling, Ruth Dimmerling, Phyllis Mallett, Peggy Spence, Linda Dotson and the honored one. Miss Morrison received a num ber of lovely gifts. Those sending gifts but unable to attend were: Shelba Johnson, Emma Mercer, Patsy Truax, Maxine Morris, Janet Morris and Kathleen Carpenter. Wumb LLiL unEv mm 2 j- $ MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM A. COLEMAN Before an altar decorated with standing baskets of white gladolias and a candlelight setting, Miss Elaine Silke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Silke, of Belleville, N. J., and William Ancil Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman, of Pleasant City, were united in marriage on Saturday, April 16, at 5:30 .m. in the Belleville Reform church, with the Rev John A. Struyk officiating at the double ring ceremony. The pre-nuptial music includ ed "Oh Promise Me," "Melody of Love", and the "Lord's Pray er." The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a white taffeta gown featuring a scoop neckline with a chapel length train. She carried a bouquet of calla lillies. The bride's attendants were gowned in pastel shades of blue, pink and yellow and carried bouquets of contrasting flowers. The bride's mother wore a toast and gold colored frock and the groom's mother wore a beige frock with matching accessories. Both wore orchid corsages. Following the ceremony a re ception for approximately 200 guests was held in the V.F.W. hall in Belleville. The new Mrs. Coleman is a graduate of Belleville high school and was employed by an insur ance company in Newark, N. J. Mr, Coleman is a graduate of Pleasant City high school and is serving with the U. S. Navy at Norfolk. Va. Mr. Coleman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coleman and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKee were among those from Pleasant City that attended the wedding. Other out of town guests at the wedding were from New York, Penn sylvania and Massachusetts. Mrs. John Bates, Jr. Honored With Shower THE JOPRNAt. CAT-WCTTX. OI-ITO J: if -ft iV:i MX/teat 5 JSI Mrs. John Bates, Jr. was hon ored with a stork shower last Friday evening in the home of Mrs. John Bates, Sr., in Macks burg with Irene McKee serving as companion hostess. The rooms were appropriately decorated in the pink and blue color scheme. Dainty refreshments were ser ved by the hostesses to the fol lowing guests: Mrs. Clara Mc Kee, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rummer and Mary Willey, of Caldwell Mrs. Dallas Bates, Ronald and Dana and Mrs. Jerry Bates, of Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Misel, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Augustein and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Dexter City Mrs. Loren Carrell, of Coal Run Mr. and Mrs. Leo Boone and Janet, of Newcomerstown. Mrs. Josephine Davis, of South Olive Mr. and Mrs. Robert Diehl of Whipple Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carrell, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fritche and Barbara, of Lowell Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wagner, of Crooked Tree. Mrs. Helen Parks and Eliza beth, Mrs. Julia Bean, Mrs. Min nie Carpenter, Mrs. Mamie Antill, Mrs. Lizzie Hale, Mrs. Ella Walters, Mrs. Bessie Far ley, Mrs. Imogene DeVolld, Mrs. Virginia Frew^ Mrs. Rita McAtee, Mrs. Mabel DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nolf, Doris Whet stone, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hunt er, E. H. Chandler, John Bates, Sr., Sandra Bates and John Bates, Jr. of Macksburg. American Legion Auxiliary Observes 29th Anniversary h: §s Birthday Celebrant Honored With Party Mrs. Paul Yonker, of Belle Valley, entertained recently with a party honoring the sixth birth day anniversary of her son, Paul Joe. Social diversions occupied the evening hours. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following:: Mrs. Andy Veloskv, Mrs. Lillian Zeleznik and Debbie, Mrs. Arlene Mizik, Johnny, Jimmy and Joey, Mrs. Vivian Thomas and Veronica, Mrs. Pat Costley, Mary Beth and Jan Ellen, Mrs. Hermenia Wukelich, Kathie and Monica, Mrs. Donna Nichols and Denny, Mrs. Velma Haga, Dar lene and Johnny, Sharon, Denny and Danny Yocco, Suella and Joey Thomas, Mary Bonia, Mary Ann Barnhouse, Jimmy Taylor, Billy Bartlotta, Teddy Hannum, Yvonne, Brude, Darrell and the honored one. The honored one received a number of nice gifts. v Mrs. Bates received a number of nice gifts including gifts from the following who were unable to attend: Rev. and Mrs. William Kathary, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Long fellow, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reiter, Miss Linnie Goodwill, Miss Stella Rothley. Miss Bessie Rothley, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Antill, of Macksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Pyles of Newcomers town Bobbie McKee, of Canton Mrs. Goldie Haas of Marietta Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Harper, of Dexter City Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe, of Whipple and Mrs. Louise Carrell, of Coal "Run. 7 T-'t feir-mm First National Bank Buiidiag Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio The American Legion Auxili ary to Post No. 252 observed their 29th birthday anniversary last Wednesday evening. A dinner of lovely appoint ments was served in the legion hall on Main street at the begin ning of the meeting. Mrs. C. F. Appenzellar, presi dent of the 11th District and Mrs. Lawson, of Martins Ferry were present and Mrs. Appen zellar gave a most interesting talk on membership in the legion auxiliary. A very nice program was pre sented as follows: piano solos by Gary Lyons ballet dance num bers by Carolyn Gialiombardo and Barbara Lorenz duet by Evelyn Christopher and Marilyn Pitts, accompanied by Mr. Lyons a humorous reading by John Shamhart and Mrs. L. C. Young gave an interesting talk on her recent travel abroad. There were approximately SO in attendance. Kenneth Shafer Honored With Birthday Party Mr. and Mrs. Edison Shafer, of Mt. Ephraim, entertained last week with a weiner roast honor ing their son, Kenneth, who was celebrating his birthday anniver sary. Guests were: Ronald Moore, David Hague, Jerry Robinson, Jon Cle'ary, Junior Watson, Jimmie Bates, Larry Cowgill, Kay and Erma Casey, Dolores Bond, Edna Poulton, Jenny Marie Poulton, Jane and Cleo Ann Shafer. Games were enjoyed during the evening hours. Dexter City Seniors Enjoy Class Party Twenty-two seniors of Dexter City high school enjoyed their annual class party, Monday evening at the home of their advisor, James L. Carter and wife, South Olive. A pot luck dinner and weiner roast was enjoyed by the seniors, their guests with Mr. and Mrs. Willis B. Ogle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter serving as faculty guests. Baby pictures of each member of the class were displayed and used in a clever contest. Social diversions occupied the evening hours. On Friday, May 13, the senior class will leave for a three day tour of Washington with advisor James Carter in charge. ^ew And Different lub Holds Meeting Mrs. Goldie Foster entertained the New and Different club last Friday at her home on Cald well route. A delicious lunch was served at noon to the following mem bers and guests: Clarice Menden hall, Erma Foraker, Etta Burrier, Jean Ramsey, Roxie Haines, Mar ion Earnhart, Lura Ramage, Geneva Foraker, Goldie Foster and Beth Earnhart. Projects for the day were quilting and piecing quilt blocks. A short business session was conducted by the vice president, Geneva Foraker. Genera Foraker received the club prize Jean Ramsey, the guest prize, and Clarice Menden hall and Lura Ramage the guess ing prizes. The next meeting will be held Thursday, May 26th in the home of Louise Walters. NEW "Standard," "Deluxe" and "Super" models. NEW mode) for Casement Windows. NEW automatic features for easier temperature control. NEW flush mounting does not inter fere with drapes or curtains. NEW low prices that give you even greater value for your money. Mrs. Walter Quick Entertained Wednesday With Bridge Luncheon Mrs. Walter Quick entertained Wednesday, May 4th with a one o'clock bridge luncheon at her home on Main street. The rooms were attractively decorated throughout with ar rangement of spring flowers with pansies predominating. A two course luncheon of lovely appointments was served Invited guests were: Mrs Henry Brumbach, Miss Bernice Mills, Mrs. P. E. Blake, Mrs Harry Richcreek, Mrs. Vernon Archer, Mrs. Norman Reed, Mrs Forrest Racey, Mrs. Floyd Hen derson, Mrs. E. G. Ditch, Mrs John Hazard, Mrs. E. T. Thorla. Mrs. Lewis Moscrip, Mrs. Bolo i Barnhouse, Mrs. William Gilles pie, Miss Thelma Rice, Mrs Harry Knox, Mrs. Frances Tay lor, Mrs. Gerald Ramsey, Mrs John D. Wheeler, Mrs. Ward Murrey, Mrs. Alexander Wal ton, Mrs. Clyde Harris, Mrs Donald Harkins, Mrs. Lucien Young, Mrs. Norval Robey, Mrs Kyte Walkenshaw, Mrs. William Hobensack, Mrs. Bae Marshall Mrs. Paul McVay, Mrs. Clark Gray, Mrs. Arthur Beyer, Mrs Robert Moore, Mrs. C. R. Locke Miss Enid Okey, Mrs. A. McGregor, Mrs. Myron Merry and Mrs. Chester Huprich, of Zanesville. The high bridge prizes were won by Mrs. Chester Huprich Mrs. Don Harkins and Mrs Gerald Ramsey. Other awards were made to Mrs. Kyte Walk enshaw and Mrs. Harry Rich creek. V. F. W. Auxiliary Holds May Meeting The V.F.W. Auxiliary to Post No. 4721 held their regular meeting Monday evening in the Post hall on West street. The president, Pat Parks, con ducted the business meeting at which time "'Poppy Day" was discussed. The date for this is Saturday, June 18th. Lulu Mc Donald is the chairman of this project and Mrs. Clyta Moscrip is the co-chairman. Refreshments were served during the social hour. The long table was decorated with minia ture may poles from which pas tel ribbons fell. A large arrange ment of tulips and iris centered the table. The refreshment committee was: Donna Lee Barnhart, Etta Davis, Clyta Moscrip, Jessie Elliott and Mary Hanes. Constance Weston was -wel comed into the Auxiliary as a new member. American Red Cross iolds Annual Meeting The executive committee of the Noble county Chapter of American Red Cross held a meeting last Thursday afternoon in the Red Cross rooms of the court house. Ira J. Brandon, county chair man, presided at the business meeting. In the interest of water safety program, the group voted to send one person to the Aquat •-ligLliS— NEW 1955 PROVED in the World's Toughest Weather Spots!' ONLY i t- School, Purdue University, Lun berlost Camp, LeGrange, Ind. from June 12 to 22, inclusive. E. E. Cunningham, executive secretary of the' local chapter, will attend the executive direc tor's convention at Columbus on May 19 and 20. The 1955 Red Cross drive goal was set at $2,615.00 and to date $2,064.33 has been collected. DELIVERS Pay at Itttia at $0.00 pa waek Ask ocoii! exclusive RC A haclory Serine Contract. SEE THE NEW 1955 RCA AIR CONDITIONERS AT YOUR SUNBEAM STORE" Phone 20 -r 5)6 North Street €ailweSlf Ohio Past Noble Grands Of Rebekah Lodge Hold Annual Dinner Meeting The Past Noble Grands of Rebekah Lodge held their an nual dinner meeting recently in the home of Mrs. Walter Doug lass on North street, with Mrs. Glen lams serving as companion hostess. The table was attractively de corated with spring flowers. Following the dinner, a short program was presented with Amy Rucker and Effie Warren in charge. Mrs. Marilyn Bond was wel comed into the organization as a new member. A short business session was held at which time the follow ing officers were elected: presi dent, Amy Rucker vice presi dent, Nellie Ullman and secre tary-treasurer, Lucy Jennings. Past Noble Grands present were: Nellie Ullman, Lucy Jen nings, Inez Clark, Mary Rad cliff, Goldie Brown, Ruth Evil sizer, Lorene Moseley, Lulu Mc Donald, Effie Warren, Mary San ford, Bernice Marquis, Freda Robinson, Marilyn Bond, Helen Carter, Lela Keyser, Gladys Seffens and Amy Rucker. Narcissus Club Enjoys Dinner Tuesday Evening Mrs. Elsie Kirchner and Mrs. Evelyn Johnson were companion hostesses Tuesday evening when the Narcissus club enjoyed a 6:30 o'clock dinner in the dining room of the First Methodist church. Spring flowers were used in decorating the tables with cov ers arranged for the following members: Sophia Gray, Lela Keyser, Marion Robey Nelle James, Edna Tarleton, Jo Free stone, Katheryn Merry, Freda Robinson, Jessie Young, Mary Secrest, Winnie Johnson, Mil dred Zimmerman, Sarah Nichols, Mary M. Okey, Betty Murphy and guests were: Mrs. Martha Gaugler, Lois Boettler and John Kirchner, and the hosjtesses. Following the dinner a short business session was held with the president, Jessie Young, in charge. John Kirchner showed color slides of his recent trips to Cali fornia and other points Other features of the program were Mother's Day readings by Betty Murphy and Freda Rob inson. 1 ?f \i§ They deserve the best, especially to honor this Big Event in their young lives ... and at WEHR'S you'll find young men wearables that will regis ter a most happy cord! White Shirts .... And Fancies White Shirts Ail those who have not sent in then reports should do so at once. The National Red Cross Con vention will be held in June according to an announcement Sport Shirts Fore-in-hand and Bows Dress Socks Thursday, May 12, 1955 Caldwell B.P.W. Club To Honor Senior Girls In County With Tea Slocks $5.95 «p Sport Coats $20.00 Billfolds $1.98 LUGGAGE practical Gladstones Bags liSHT^BSEEZt V- W W: PANAMAS WW A 409 Main Street The Caldwell Business and Professional Women's club is giving a tea Sunday afternoon, May 15th at 4:00 p. m. in the Caldwell grade school cafeteria honoring the girl graduates in the county and their mothers. A short program is being planned by the commitees in charge. All B.P.W. club members are urged to attend this tea. Catholic Women's Club Of Belle Valley Holds Meeting Sunday Evening The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's club of Belie Valley was held Sunday even ing, May 8th with 22 members being present. A short business session was held and an announcement was made that on Sunday, June 5th, after mass, all mothers are going to be given the opportunity to bring their children to the church dining room to enroll in catechism. A bake sale and social was planned for Sunday, May 29th to be held at 6:30 p. m. in the church basement. Members present were: Anrie Kostelic, Anne Macenko, Helen Macenko, Leona Bania, Bonnie Bailey, Vivian Thomas, Wilma Moushey, JRtose Mazgay, Anna Wukelick, Betty Thomas, Mary Thomas, Susie Halahan, Susie Zalenzik, Helen Gaydos, Emma Lesko, Evelyn Halahan, Helen Mizik, Mary Mesarchik, Susie Uro, Susie Minyo, Margaret Mika, and Josephine Yakuchek. The next meeting will be held Sunday, June 5th and all mem bers are urged to attend. MOTHER'S DAY DINNER In observance of Mother's flay, a dinner was served Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ottie Carpenter, of Quaker City route. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carpenter and Max of Lewisville Mr. and Mrs. Bay Carpenter and Jeffrey Lynn of Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Carpenter, Cindy and Danny of Quaker City Mrs. Rome Thompson and Darlene, of Sum merfield Ruth Carpenter, of Barnesville, Ray Carpenter and the host and hostess. $2.95 $3.85 wi,h French CuHs Long and Short Sleeves N e k i e s $3.95 $2.00'» $4.85 $1.00'« $1.50 55c ond $1.00 up up for the GRAD! $22-50 STRAW HAT DAY... Sunday, May 15 GET A SMART HEAD START ON SPRING AND SUMMER! We've such a wide range of shapes to choose from— they will give your outfit a touch of smart distinc tion. TO $4-95 s Caldwell, Ohio