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PftflRB Si*—B SUMJKEHFIE S UM FI F1 E LD There will be chiI'.mn's service during the Sunday school hour this Sunday at the Methodist church followed by a Father's Day pro gram at 11:00 a. m. The Rev Lowell Kiger announces that his sermon topic is "Think on these things." Special music will be presented by the choir. On Furlough Dick Riche.son, of Great Lakes, 111., is spending a ten day fur lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Richeson. He will re turn to Norfolk, Va., Thursday. Attend Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havenor and Paul Havenor attended the Gulf Dealers meeting at the Berwick hotel in Cambridge last Thursday evening. Life Membership Following the installation, of the W.S.C.S. officers at the Methodist church last Tuesday evening, the Rev. Lowelll Kiger presented Mrs. Mary Weaver, the outgoing president, with a past president's pin and a life mem bership certificate. Attend Commencement Mr. and Mrs. George Philpot attended the commencement ex ercises at Ohio State University in Columbus last Friday even ing. Their daughter, Mary Mar garet was a member of the class and received her degree. Ball Game A ball game is scheduled for the local Babe Ttuth team to play at Be!1.!.1 Valley, Friday evening. Auxiliary Meeting The American Legion Auxili ary met Monday evening for their regular meeting. It was an nounced that the homecoming and carnival was a great success financially and also in attend ance. The auxiliary would like to thank all members of the com munity and everyone who helped in any way to make this such a success. Miss Helen Meek is president of the auxiliary. Personals M:^. C. H. Meek, Helen Meek and Lou Phil pot were visiting in Cambridge. Saturday. Leona Wheatley and Florence Wharton were visiting in Cam bridge, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weaver, Mrs. Frank Farley and grand daughter, Frances Farley were visiting in Barnesville, Friday. Mr. and Mis. Jack Hanes and children, of Akron, spent the AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT to those with I A I E E A I N Is unsatisfactory hearing re tarding your business and so cial life? Sonotone offers you scientific hearing correction, Wiith continuing care by a trained and qualified Consul tant. JUNE HEARING (ENTER Ciffospie'^ Drug Stores Caldwell, Oh io MON., JUNE 20 12:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Mr. J. B. Dickcrson, District Mgr. of the Zanesville Office, will be in charge. Take ad vantage of this opportunity for an examination of your healing problems. Consulta tion private, without charge or obligation. 107 Lind Arcade Zanesville, Ohio Phone 24452 HEWS LD weekend with Mr. and Mrs Dean Oliver. Mrs. Leona Barnes has return ed to her home in Cambridg after visiting the past week with Nelle Cunningham. Mrs. Guy VanFossen have re turned h6me after visiting the past week with her mother, Mrs Margaret' Sulton of -Bellaire. Mrs. Ralph Hannahs is spend ing a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Francis Sorg and son, Charles, of Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Neibarger and children of Mt. Vernon and Sylvia and Jimmie Celnor, ol Zanesville, visited over the week end with Hayes Sutherland aijd Mary Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Philpot and daughter, Elaine, were visit ing in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Garrett entertained with a chicken diri ner recently in honor of W. D. Moore's birthday anniversary. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Moore and son, Donnie, of Cald well Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and children, of Caldwei route and the host and hostess. Manifred Keyor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keylor, has accept ed employment with the Davies Tree Surgeons in Kent. Mr. Key lor will receive three weeks schooling in this field. Those from here that attend ed the regular meeting of the Seneca Sportsman club last Fri day evening were: Vernon Hav enor, Otis King, Tom Heed and Earl Day. Linda Heed, Lylan Garrett, Marilyn Wehr, Georgianna Car penter, Mark Kathleen King, Kathleen and Wanda Barnett, Evelyn McElfresh, all of Colum bus, spent the weekend at the homes of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King and Mrs. Bertie Ball were dinner guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Warner. Maj. and Mrs. Howard Wil liams returned to New Mexico Saturday after spending a couple of weeks here visiting with rela tives and friends. Mi. end Mrs. William Warner and family visited Saturday evening- with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eschbaugh and family of Quaker City. Whfgville WHIG ViL_i_ .Mr. and Mrs. George Berry attended the fu neral of Mrs. Clarice Wickham at Fredericksdale, Monday. Freda Guiler was calling on Mat Gulick, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Rose Gulick, Billy and Ruth Gulick were at Cambridge on Saturday. Emma West and Marilyn Wehr who are employed at Columbus, -.pent the weekend at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler and son, Myron spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Guiler. Forest Danford was at Sum tnerfield Saturday, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hadden, of Willard. spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. .Carter. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith and son, of Summerfield, spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Mat Gulick. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. 8®% ouse rasnt READY-MIXED Master Painters Stock White tc't Originally Pric *1 at ^$5 03 per Gallon. NOW—*3 92 West and Emma West were at Caldwell on Saturday. Freda Guiler spent Saturday t-vening with Rose Gulick. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hayes and children of Caldwell, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Guiler. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler and daughters, of Caldwell, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Watson were at Zanesville, Sunday af ternoon. Helen Spend*, of Caldwell, was calling on Mat Gulick one day last week. PAINT SPECIAL! Outside White P- Caldwell Implement Company Eos* Street Phone 225 Caldwell, Ohio Gallon Third Birthday tmrz '"is* f. tp. I WW v luiujoa V mi xi lyCjiviviivo Picture here "all dressed up" is little Teresa Ann Perkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Perkins, of Ava. She will observe her third birthday an niversary on Saturday, June 18. Homer Perkins of the Ava com munity is the only grandparent. Saratisvllle Rt. 1 SARAHSVILLE ROUTE We are having plenty of rain and cold weather. Some are still shoveling coal in the heating stoves and wearing overcoats. This community lost two high ly respected citizens the past week, Mrs. Wickham ar.d Mrs. Gordon, both were near neigh bors to each other. They will be sadly missed by a host of rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greger, of Cincinnati, were recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. Cleason fyfiles. Dr. and Mrs. I. W. Curtis, of New Concord, visited rplntivps Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Stevens, of Detroit, Mich., spent the week end with relatives and friends Mrs. Anna Archer was a Sun day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Red man Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Devol, of Columbus, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, of Zanesville, were greeting re latives and friends here recently. Mrs. Madge Nichols, of McCon nelsville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc Laughlin visited relatives in Cambridge, Saturday. Miss Ruth Elliott, of Warren, spent the weekend with relatives and friencls here. Stafford S1 AFi1\jiiuj iviia. Elsie Gardner and children visited Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gardner, of Woodsfield, Saturday. Mrs. Mary Boorman also called on the Gardners. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and son, Mary, Mrs. Dick Thomp son and baby, Mrs. Mary McVay, Lois Mallett and daughter, Mary were Woodsfield callers on Wed nesday. Nelson Hagerman, who is em ployed at Columbus, spent the weekend with his father, Char ley Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. John Holschuh visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode, of Summertield, Sunday recent ly- Mrs. Ira Miracle, of Florida, is visiting her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartshorn and family, of Woods field. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Miracle and son, Karen Hogue, of Mari etta, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miracle and son. Mrs. Miracle is much improved at this writing and is able to walk some after a recent fall. Mrs. Mary Boorman motored to Pittsburgh, Thursday and was accompanied home by her hus band, Harold Boorman, who flew by plane from Beverly Hills, California. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins, Patty Keller and Hattie Hardesty visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyde Mir acle, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Franks and family atended the eighth grade commencement at Woods field, Tuesdav, June 7th. PROTECT YOUR COWS WITH a Sinclair* \.. i i~ v„ 4,^' «r« CONTAINS NO DDT But plenty of Pyrethrum. Kills liable flies, horse flies, horn flies, house flies, mosquitoes. M. A. Brienza Supplier of Sinclair Products Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio TH1? TOTTpMif ptimr,T OtJTO QUAKER CITY Following a covered-dish supper, served at 6:30 o'clock to about fifty per sons, the June meeting of the W.S.C.S. was held at the Meth odist church Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened with quiet organ music by Mrs. Veda Hall followed by a devotional period led by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith. Rev. Robert Zinsmeister then conducted installation for of ficers of both groups as follows, these being: women's group, oresident, Mrs. Martha Johnson /ice president, Mrs. Laura Car penter secretary, Mrs. Hallie 3undv treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth smith secretary of missionary ducation, Mrs. Esther Ban romotion secretary, Mrs. Bea rice Bates secretary of supplies, iterature and publications, Mrs. Oora Betts secretary of student vork, Mrs. Helen Floyd secre ary of spiritual life, Mrs. Helen Wolfe membership committee. Mrs. Mildred Floyd, Mrs. Bessie Hay and Mrs. Maggie Loveall. Young women's group: presi dent, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, vice president, Mrs. Ruby Frakes secretary, Mrs. Esther Neiswong er treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Morgan spiritual life leader, Mrs. Audrey Ball. The program period followed with Mrs. Marie Hull in charge and consisted of hymns, a vocal solo by Mrs. Glenn Bundy, a song by four girls, Nancy Car penter, Sandra King, Joan Tay lor, and Linda Long. The meet ing was closed by Sandra King playing an organ solo. Business sessions were held and reports made. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. Glenn Bundy, of Columbus, and Miss Marjorie Crawford, of Barnesville. Class Meeting The Dorcas class of the Chris tian church met last Thursday evening at Garfield hall in reg ular session. During the busi ness period, the group voted to send ten dollars to CARE for overseas relief. Plans were made to hold a_ picnic for the July meeting. Ketreshments were ser ved during the social period by the hostesses, Mrs. Hattie Hart ley and Mrs. Minnie Hall. U A K E S I Y N E W S & A New Arrival I A daughter was born June 8 at the Barnesville General hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Car penter. of Quaker City. Maternal grandparents are Mr" aod Mrs. Joe Borton, of Barnesville and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carpenter, of Quaker City. The new arrival weighed six pounds and 14 ounces and has been named Rhonda Sue. A son was born June 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Blowers- at Coleman hospital. Indianapolis, Ind., named Paul Marion. The mother is the former Marian Eagon, daughter of Lawrence Eagon, Quaker City. Mrs. Eagon is spending several days with the Blowers family. A son was born June 8 at the Barnesville General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luyster, Broadway, Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sharrock, of this place are maternal grandparents. Dismissed Home Mrs. W. J. Moore was dismiss ed from Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge on Saturday and with her husband will spend the next two weeks at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paiil Barrett and family of Shreve. Bible School Vacation Bible school, which has been in session daily this week in Quaker City, will con clude with a parents and visitors night program this Friday even ing, June 17, at the Methodist church at 8:00 o'clock. Plessaisi Hill PLiji-vorii-* i nij-iLi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mansperger, of Cam bridge, called on Ella Belle Cater and family, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Robinson and children, of Olive, were Sun day visitors at Vernon West. Ira Longfellow and Etta Kirk bride called on her daughter, Jean Snode, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cater and Ciyta were shopping in Cam bridge, Saturday evening. Lydia VanDyne called on Mrs. L. J. Myers, Friday afternoon. i Lowest-priced V-8's! Now-get in on our record-breaking trades—for the lowest-priced, moet dura e V -8 i k u o a y t2s.# i. UM P. 9H i Only Ford gives you Short Stroke power standard in every modeL Up to 53% longer piston ring life, gas savings tip to 1 gallon in every 7. 2. mmm §ipd 4 Wins Scholarship V' 4 Mr 'mm*** w A ^2** 4 The Muskingum college schol arship committee has announced the awarding of 53 four-year scholarships ranging in value from $250 to $2,000 to members of next year's freshman class. The six $2000 grants and the four awards of $1000 were made on the basis of competitive examination. The thirty-nine $500 grants and the four for $250 are honor scholarships, limited to applicants from the uipper 10% of their high school graduating classes. All grants are divided equally for the four years of study. The only Noble county student winning a scholarship was Neil Rubel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Her man Rubel, of South Olive, and Summerfield. He graduated from Dexter City, with the class of 1955 and was the high ranking student of the graduates. His father, Mr. Rufoel, is a teacher in the Dexter City schools. 'Rubel received one of the $500 grants. If it's advertised in The Journal Say so when you are buying. Top allowances I Come in or give ub a call—we'll prow it. If your old truck runs under its own power, we re interested. ...on a new $• W ff' 5-Si Every engine Short Stroke! 2. New Driverized Cabsl ^2* 'J® New comfort! Five-inch foam-rubber seat in Custom Cabs! Cool, free-breathing woven upholstery! Easy entry! Full vie* biiity standard "m every cab£ -V 0. H. PICKEHPAU6H—315 West Street-Caldwell, Ohio S E N E A V I S ESN EC AVI! l.K Plans are nearing completion for festival and homecoming to be held June 22 to 25 inclusive. The queens jewelry and her attendants jew elry are on display at the Legion hall, as are also many of the gifts and awards. The Mercier attractions, rides and concessions of Canton and the free aerial acts by the Aerial Earls are ex pected to draw large crowds. Class Meetings The Class of Service of the Methodist church held their meeting for Wednesday, June 8 in the social rooms of the church with Mrs. Alberta Marquis in charge of the .program and con tests. The topic for the evening was "Our American Flag" with all the members taking part. Mrs. Zelah Wilson was winner in the contest. Mrs. Ada Eird was the hostess. Guests were Mrs. Frank Peach and Miss Myrtle House man. Hostess for July Mrs. Zelah Wilson. Wedding Told Friends have received invita tions to the wedding of Miss Janet Alayne Tipton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tipton to Donald I. Hendershot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anson Hendershot on Sunday, June twenty-sixth at six o'clock at the Methodist church hex-e, followed by the re ception in the church annex. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clendenning and son, Carl and daughter, Dee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Abels in New Philadelphia. Mrs. Lenora Thomas is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Sylvia Sterner at Midvale. Mrs. E. E. Pyles visited her sister, Mrs. Clyda Reef, of near Langs recenty. Mrs. George Richey and son, Tom have returned to Columbus after spending the past week with her father. Joe Crow. Office: 516*4 West Street CALDWEU i w«- «fi I1 ipy' 1 lit $.1 -i a Till!!v .7,it if V K w* *1 & jh, }i mis Most for your money! Insurance actuarial experts certify that. Ford Trucks last, longer. Trade NOW— and get mote truck for less money. j- ,1 i w |y 4' 3, A pjt ..'M Top poyload capacity! New, increased GVW ratings in "2-ton" and larger models! Bigger money makers than ever, Ford Trucks now haul up to one ton more payioad per trip! mot- 1955 E N E W S Mr. and Mrs. Kcrruth CorwS^ and daughter visited relatives in Newark recently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Calla han and children visited at Buckeye Lake. Sunday. Suzanne Hinten has returned from Detroit, where she visited her uncle, Paul Davidson and wife. Mrs. Johnny Curry and chil dren and Mrs. Harrison Single ton recently visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Bessie Montgomery in New Lexington. Miss Bertha Casner is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weaver in Granville. Dick Lynch, of Barnesvile, was a recent caller here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wolfe spent the weekend with their families in Columbus. Dr. and Mrs. Leo Myers at tended the graduation exer cises of his nephew, Donald Ed ward Myers, held at the Wash ington high school in Massillon on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Daniels, of Columbus, recently visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams have returned to their home in Rippdale, Pa., after spending their vacation at Seneca Lake and calling here. •Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Basford are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bas ford and Mrs. Albert Richey in Columbus. Marie Trudean, of Columbus, spent the past week with her great grandmother, Mrs. Martha Campbell. Mrs. Edna Ryan has returned to her home in Elm Grove, W. Va., after visiting her son, Stew art Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Callahan recently visited his brother, John Callahan and wife in Canton. Photo Developing—Gillespie's For All Your ?mnrftnc« N^edlt Service nsurance v TT 31VI Phone 250-W OHIO I 8