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Thursday tn 1955 Caldwell Midgets Down Senecaville The Caldwell little leaguers trimmed Senecaville 13-5 last itfeek with an 11-run splurge in the first inning. Jack Jolley and Gerald Rex shared pitching duties for Caldwell, giving up only three hits. Caldwell—13 AB Moore, lb _.. 4 1 Buckey,' rf 3 2 0 Boyd, rf 1 0 0 Col ley, p-ss ..... 4 2 2 T. Yontz, 3b 4 1 1 P. Yontz, 2b 4 1 2 Rex, ss-p Thomas, If 4 1 1 3 xs 0 •Ramsey, If 10 0 Secrest, cf ... 4 1 0 Jackson, .4 3 0 McDonald, rf 1 0 4 Hazard, If 0 0 0 Totals .. 37 13 7 Senecaville—5 AJB Cantor, rf _. 4 10 Crowe, 2b 4 11 Hively, ss-p 4 10 Brown, 3b 3 10 Hill, 3 0 0 Kerr, p-ss 3 0 1 Clendenning, cf .. .3 0 0 Neuhart, lb 3 0 1 Meek, If S 1 0 Totals 30 5 3 Caldwell 11 1 0 10 0 —13 Senecaville 2 3 0 0 0 0— 5 RECEIVE AWARDS Two Caldwell students at Ohio University have received spring sports awards. Al Walton, Chau tauqua Court, received a num eral sweater for freshman base ball, while Tom Ferguson, 1020 Belford street, was awarded numerals for freshman track. JOINT OPERATION Mothers of both the Babe Ruth and Little Leaguers are cooperat ing in the management of the refreshment stand at the Com munity Park during the local ball games. Mrs. Harold Lewis is the general chairman. All profits are being turned over to the general fund of the park. DONATES MONEY Noble Lodge, F. & A. M., voted to donate $50.00 to the Com munity park, Monday evening, at their regular meeting. Harry A. Semon, general chairman, said that Billy Gillespie, of Gilles pie's drug store also donated a complete first aid kit. St s Gift for Sport Shirts Straw Hats Neckties Stretch Socks Dress Slacks Cuff Links Billfolds Dress Oxfords Suit of Clothes S3 irl .4-K CLUB NEWS Summerfield Sewing Sisters The Summerfield Sewing Sis ter's club met on June 10 in the home of Helen Moore. Sewing was the project for the evening and refreshments were served by the hostess guriaff tfepe soc ialho .u x.prH social hour. Those present were: Carolyn Guiler, Gloria Guiler, Barbara Barnett, Kate Bishop, Vivian Moore, Elaine Philpot, Loretta Henry and the advisor, Mrs. Irene Bates. The next meeting will be held at the home of Elaine Philpot on June 24 at 7:00 p. m. News re porter Kate Kerns. ATTENDING SEMINAR John K. Shamhart, Cliff road, representative of the P.C.A. in Noble, Morgan, Monroe and Washington counties left Wed nesday for Columbus where he will attend a three-day Seminar at Ohio State University. A large number of field men, directors and secretary-treasurers of the P.C.A. in Ohio and Indiana are expected to attend. unday Ideas i n Belts or Suspenders 95c Shirts and Shorts ... 59c 99 Short Sleeve $1.95t0 $3.95 $1.95 $6.50 $1.00 ""d $1.50 $1.00 $5.95 $14.00 $1.00 $1.50 $1.98 $5.00 $4.95 $12.95 $29.95 $48.50 Polo Shirts ... $1.95 $2.95 White "Arrow" Shirts ... $3.95 Work Clothing of All Kinds! Pajamas $3.25,0 $4.50 JiimeM&d jlii irk MEN AND BOYS' STORE t0 Rossiter Children a sf I SUSAN AND TIMMY ROSSITER Susan and Timmy are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Rossiter of Belford street. Susan is 28 months old and Timmy is eight months old. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Clark, Sr. of North street and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rossiter of Sarahs villc. The mother is the former Betty Clark. $1.50 to $1.95 Caldwell Defeats Summerfield The Caldwell little leaguers topped Summerfield 6-1 in a game last week on the latter's diamond. Jackson and Rex were the Caldwell pitchers, permitting only one hit. Tom Yontz had two of Caldwell's five hits. Caldwell—6 AB E Ramsey, rf 3 1 0 Buckey, rf 1 0 1 Hazard, rl .. 0 0 0 Rex, c-p 4 0 0 James, cf 4 0 0 Colley, ss 4 1 0 Moore, lb 4 1 1 T. Yontz, 3b 4 1 2 P. Yontz, 2b ..... 3 1 1 Secrest, If 1 0 0 Thomas, If 2 1 0 Boyd, If 0 0 0 Jackson, p-c 8 0 0 McDonald, If ... .. 0 0 0 Totals 33 6 5 Summerfield—1 AB Singer, lb ...... 3 0 0 L. Wehr, 3 0 0 G. Wehr, ss ..... 3 1 0 Brownfield, 2b 1 0 0 Bates, If 2 T) 0 J. Crum, 3b ....... 3 0 0 R. Leasure, 3 0 0 Guiler, cf 2 0 1 Thompson, rf 2 0 Leasure, lf-2b 2 0 0 Totals 24 1 1 Caldwell ..... 101 040—6 Summerfield ..... 000 001--1 Journal Mail June jo, 1955 Journal Mail Bag (dwell, Ohio Iar Editor: I am sending you an S.O.S. St mebody has sent me a list of in mes for my "Lonely Hearts Club" but did not give their last names or addresses so it isn't any help to me as it is. 1 would like to know who MABEL who lives over the hill in the valley and has two broth ers who kin read and write both of them being school teachers and GRACE who sleeps in four bedrooms and ELIS who is a pencil pusher from Duck Creek and PEARL who is a red hot mama and SADIE who is a school teacher. She is maybe a cousin of mine but if so she ain't a kissing cousin and WILLIS who has an antique storage warehouse and a sister who is a politician and a good prospect for my 'L.H.C." and RAY who is a traveling insurance tycoon and WAVA, who is 'or was' a librarian and a female Liberace. Please will anybody send me the names and addresses of these good prospects. Sincerely yours, The Hometown Baifcer A. Wade Wells Newark, Ohio MM s i o PANoK/Vmc it tttt County "Operation Youth" jwETtAt.., orrro Students Sponsored Locally By K. of C. Council Two Caldwell residents ar participating in Xavier Univer sity's prize winning citizenship training program "Operation Youth" in session June 11th through June 19th in Cincinnati They are Kenneth Crum. Cald well, and Jack Hrinko, of Cald well route 6. Crum is a student at Summer field high school, and Hrinko at tends Belle Valley high schoo' Both are juniors. The boys are attending the program on scholarships provid ed by the Knights of Columbus, Council No. 2565, Caldwell. Winner of Three Freedoms Foundation awards since its inception in 1950, "Operation Youth" encompasses a three phased plan of activity to bring into fresh persccptive the mean ing and basis of American prin ciples of government. In the course of the week, the boys will hear and question prominent leaders of government, educa tion, and industry, conduct the political organization of their own groups to form a govern ment in the American pattern, and enjoy a program of diversi fied recreation. Among the prominent persons who are leading sessions will be Michael V. DiSalle, former Direc tor, Office of Price Stabilization Hon. Eugene J. McCarthy, Con gressman from Minnesota Rev. William P. Hetherington, S. Chairman, Classical Language department, Xavier University and George Ratterman, Cieve land Browns quarterback. Mothers' Club Donates $109 For Community Park Caldwell Mothers ciuij has suspended all operations for the three summer months, ac cording to Mrs. Evelyn" Hoben sack, president during the past winter. In reviewing their activities during the school term, it was pointed out that the club donated $100.00 to the Community Park in Caldwell for needed improve ments. This money was raised by bake sales and serving various dinners. They also donated sheets and pillow cases and ibed protectors for the clinic at the Caldwell grade school building. The next meeting of the irroup will be held in October with Mrs. Margaret Brienza as chairman, assisted by Ruth Winberg, Frances Matthews and Pat Parks. Training Workshop Will Be Held Al Belle Valley Home demonstration agent, Mabel Sarbaugh, announces there will be a training work shop for advisors and 4-H club members at the Belle Valley high school Home Economics department on Thursday, June 23, beginning at 1:30 p. m. Miss Roberta Lee, home econ omist of the Ohio Power Co., from Cambridge, will be in charge of the meeting. Demon stration on freezing fruit, vege tables, 6alads, sandwiches and summer drinks will be the after noon projects. All 4-H members who are en rolled in these two projects as well as their advisors are invited to attend this important work shop meeting. RECEIVES TREATMENT Marion Parsons, of Sarahsville, received lacerations of his left cheek when a piece of nail went through his jaw while working on his barn last Tuesday. He was treated and dismissed by a local physician. RECENT MOVE Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Spence have moved from Lewis street to the Hayes apartment on Main street. Tsmmv Wed., juiic JEAN WALLACE BRIAN DONLEVY "THE BIS CDSgi SrNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY WEDNESDAY. JUNE 19-22 M-G-M's GREATEST SUSPENSE-DRAMA IN YEARS! COLOR ... CINEMASCOPE' SPENCER TRACY-HOBERT RYAN fn i&ack rock fRANCiS DEAH iAQGE ERNES! BORGNINt Soon 'Cell 2455 Death Row" "Seminole Uprising' i ROBERT TAYLOR Color and CinemaScope 'Many Rivers To Cross' THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY, JUNE 1617-18 The most startling story the screen has ever dared revea! RICHARD CONTE CORNEL WILDE fl Second Feature WAYNE MORRIS in TWO GUNS AND A BADGE it (men Russtii mm Nine Months Old V & JIMMY MUUK& Jimmy, son of Mrs. James Moore, of Summerfield, and the late James Moore, was nine months old on June 15. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Moore and Mr and Mrs. James Warner, of Summerfield. Great grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes and Mrs. Ida Washing ton. of Summerfield. Five Receive Degrees At Ohio State, Friday A« uhio State University spring quarter graduating class of 1864 received diplomas at 9:00 a. m. Friday, with President Howard L. Bevis delivering the commencement address in Ohio stadium. There were five in this group from Noble county who received their degrees. They included: Harry D. Lowe, Caldwell bachelor of laws Mary O. Sort:. Caldwell, bachelor of science in education and Alvin F. Vavrek, Caldwell, bachelor of science in business administration. John iR. Vorhies, Sarahsville, doctor of veterinary medicine and Mary Margaret Philpot, bachelor of science in home economics. She received her degree "cum laudc". Gets Doctor's Degree At Columbia University Prof, ft' •'. G. Hamilton, a native of Noble county, has re ceived his, doctors degree in education at Columbia Univer sity, New York City, N. Y. and has accepted the professorship of education at California State University. Dr. Hamilton received his B.S. degree in education at Ohio University, Athens and alter serving his country in World War II, he completed his educa tion by getting his masters degree and professional degree in education at Columbia Uni versity, N. Y. He did his graduate worjc at Ohio State University, Columbus, while serving on the faculty of Kent State University. Dr. Hamilton is a Noble county boy, having spent his childhood in the Renrock community. He has a brother, Charles, who was one of Gen. Chenaults "Flying Tigers" in World War II and is now superintendent of Construc tion for the Odoore Co., in Cin cinnati. They are both sons of Mrs. Helen Carr Hamilton, of Columbus. Young People To Piedmont 4-H Camp A council workshop is being held at Piedmont 4-H camp from June 16 to 19. This is a special training camp to prepare young people to be councilors at Junior and Senior 4-H camps to be held in July- They will be accompanied by home demonstration agent, Mabel Sarbaugh, Floyd Hender son, extension agent and Paul Jonard, associate agent. ENJOY HIKE Girl Scout troop, No. 4 enjoy ed a hike Tuesday night for thei regular meeting. A map cours was also studied with the hik terminating at the grade schoo! building. There were 14 mem bers present with Leader Eve lyn Hobensack and her assistant. Thelma Moore. RECKLESS DRIVING Emerson Skaggs, of Cleveland, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Brady Archer Sunday for reck less driving. He appeared before Mayor Homer Johnson and was fined $10 and costs. Team W jmrnerfield .... 7 0 1.000 aid well 4 3 .570 i uffalo 3 4 428 I -elle Valley 0 7 .000 Summerfield Wins Over Caldwell 6-3 In a Babe Ruth league game Tuesday evening, the league leading Summerfield nine down ed Caldwell 6-3 on the former's diamond. Dick Gibson, winning hurler, struck out 12 and allow ed three hits, while Bob Chic wak, Caldwell pitcher, fanned seven and permited four safeties. Summerfield—6 Stern, lb Larrick, If Wise, ss i R. Carpenter, 3b _. Gibson, C. Carpenter, 2b .... Warner, Spence, rf Dimmerling, ef Crum, 2b Dodds, cf Totals Caldwell—-3 Miller, Lewis, lb Ferguson, ss Milligan, 3b Chicwak, Ramage, If Robertson, rf Semon, 2b R. Johnson, cf Jackson, S. Johnson, 2b Totals Totals ,, The following from Noble county will attend: Doris Way, of Crooked Tree Barbara King, of Three Forks Kay Heddleson and Jeanne Ball, both of Cald well Dorothy Paisley, of Brook field Janice Sklenar, of Hos kinsville Hobart and Biilie Bond, of Sarahsville Detmar Greathouse, of Brookfield and Melvin Wentworth, of Sarahs- & Round Square St. Michael's Hall—Berne Sunday, June 19 Shenandoah Valley Orchestra PUBLIC WELCOME AB 3 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3 Caldwell Tops Belie Valley 10-3 Caldwell played host to Belle Valley last Thursday evening and copped a 10-3 decision. Dave Ferguson and Tom Lewis com bined their pitching efforts for a two-hitter, while the victors hopped on Cobb for 10 hits. Caldwell—10 Wikander, If Semon, 2'b Milligan, 3b Ferguson, p-jlb Chicwak, ss Lewis, lb-p Robertson, rf Miller, AB 2 2 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 0 31 Belle Valley—3 Steed, ss Gaydos, Lisak, 2b Macenko, If Cobb, Yoho, cf McElroy, lb Rossiter, 3b Hickman, rf Totals post 10 AB 3 1 4 4 1 1 4 3 1 22 Minyo, ss 3 Rossiter, cf ... .. 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 R. Johnson, cf S. Johnson, If Hayes, 2b ... 2 Jackson, 2 Ramage, cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 Western Horse Show Planned For June 26 The Pioneer City Riding club will hold its second annual All Western Horse show, Sunday, June 26, at 1:00 p. m., at the Washington county fair grounds Marietta, under the sponsorship of the alumnae of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. This Point show is being pro duced under the rules of the Southeastern Ohio Horse Exhibi tors association and will be judged by Russell Stotts, of Zanesville. Mrs. Ben H. Putnam, Jr., general chairman of the show, has announced that admissions for the show are $1.00 per per son, children under 12 years 25 cents each, and that tickets will be available at the gate. A light luncheon will be served on the grounds. In the event of rain the show will be held at a later date. ATTEND WORKSHOP There were 53 4-H advisors and members that attended the clothing workshop at the cafe teria in the Caldwell grade school building, Wednesday. Miss Edith Berry, clothing specialist from Ohio State University, conducted the workshop on methods of sewing to be used in the 4-H projects for this year. -sii: h\| ,•.VI THIS Yi.AH' MARIETTA WED. MTE JUNE ^,4 ONLY MOONLIT? I.VS. 9 P. M. DANCING 8 nil MIDNITI Rhythm Masters Orchestra FARE. Child 7 5e—Adult SI. Dante A bachelor is a rolling stone who gathers no boss. I\ V' Vs The marine reserve unit will complete their summer train ing course Saturday of this week. Pfc Robert Evilsizer of Cald well is also a member of the reserves and on maneuvers. Buffalo Wins 8-4 Summerfield Tops Over Belle Valley Buffalo 9-5 Buffalo scored four runs in Summerfield kept its league the bottom half of the third record clean by topping Buffalo inning to defeat Belle Valley 9-5 in a game jplayed last Thurs 8-4 in a Babe Ruth league game day evening on the loser's dia last Tuesday evening. mond. Belle Valley—4 AB Summerfield—9 AB ft Steed, 3b 2 1 0 Macenko, rf 3 .. 0 0 Trehern, 2b 2 Ball, rf 2 IS. a DKlVE-iN THEATRE On Rt. 21—North of Byesville Thursday. June 16-.Buck Nite! "Hansel And Gretel" See the Fabulous ivuieinins" Life-like little people they walk, they sing, they dance, they almost breathe. Also "Riders To the Start" Wm. Lundigan Martha Hyer Also ARTOON' Friday.Saturdav, June 17-18 "THE STEEL LADY" Red Cameron Tab Hunter Also "Africa Adventure" Adventures in Africa with Robert Ruark on Safari Also CARTOON' Sunday-Monday-Tuesday "HONDO" John Wayne Geraidine Page Also "THE NAKED SPUR" James Stewart Janet Leigh Also NEWS-CARTOON! Wednesday-Thursdav. «"VICE SQUAD" Edw. Robinson Goddard Also "LITTLE CAESAR" D. Fairbanks Jr. E. Robinson Page Thrp# i—ii mm ,v, "24 W/' Sgt. Robert S. Ralston is caught here in one of his rare serious moments, when members of the 77th special infantry company of the U. S. marines were on maneuvers at Parris Island, S. C. From left to right they are: Sgt. Thomas J. Em mert, Sgt. Billy S. Gill and Capt. Eugene H. DeTemple, all of Zanesville Sgt. Robert S. Ralston of Caldwell and Sgt. William H. Page of Zanesville. 0 Stern 4 0 Gaydos, 2b 3 0 Reed, ss Lisak, lb 3 3 0 Crum, ss 0 0 0 Hrinko, 3 0 1 Wise, 2b 3 3 1 Cobb, If 3 0 1 1 B. Warner, 3 0 1 Ankrom, If 2 1 2 Ankrom, If 3 0 1 Lester, cf 2 0 0 Dobbins, 3 0 K. Cale, cf 1 0 0 Lester, p-cf 4 0 1 Dobbins, 3 2 3 J. Cale, lb .... 4 0 0 J. Cale, lb ... 3 1 0 Oney, 2b ... 0 0 0 0 Farrar, rf 0 0 0 0 0 ... 4 1 0 R. Carpenter, .: s 2 1 1 1 Gibson, 3b 3 0 Yoho, cf 3 McElroy, -3 0 1 1 2 0 Dimmerling, cf 3 0 2 Spence, rf 3 0 0 0 Larrick, If 3 1 0 Totals 26 4 5 Totals ... 29 9 7 Buffalo—8 AB Buffalo—8 AB ft Brown, ss 3 2 1 Brown, 3b 3 Longinie, 3d 2 1 1 Longinie, ss .. 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 Ball, cf-rf 3 2 1 0 Theherne, 2b 3 0 0 0 Farrar, rf 1 0 0 0 Oney, rf 1 1 1 0 D, Batyk, 0 0 0 Kozlib, 0 1 0 Totals 27 5 7 D. Batyk, 0 Summerfield 204 101 1—9 Totals 20 8 7 Buffalo ... 101 210 0—5 Belle Valley .. 013 00—4 Buffalo .. 124 lx—8 Photo Developing-—Gillespie's /?AlUA£-§M ^DRIVE-IN THEATRE Route 40 West—Cambridge, Ohl» THI RS.-FRI., JUNE 16-17 (THCRS. NITE—BUCK NITE) 'EXECUTIVE SUITE Wiiiiam lloiden—June Ally son "BLACK EAGLE" with William Bishop Cartoon News SATURDAY, JUNE 18 "BOTANY BAY" In Technicolor Alan Ladd—James Mason 'JUNGLE MANEATERS" with Johnny Weismuller Cartoon ^cvvs SUN.-MON., JUNE 19-20 "THE RAID" in Technicolor Van lleilin—Ann Bancroft "GYPSY COLT" In Technicolor Ward Bond—Frances Dee Cartoon TUES.-WED., JUNE 21-22 "PRINCE VALIANT" In Cinemascope Robert Wagner—Janet Leigh "FAST COMPANY" Howard Keei—Polly Berger Cartoon WED., JUNE 15 llfp 4^* n.ivTi THURS.-FRI.-SAT., JUNE 16-17-18 HUMPHREY BOGART LAUREN BACALL —FN— fttfi r*«**'»## THE BIG SUN.-MON.-TUES.-WED., JUNE 19-20-21-22 ASMKOCKSTpJRY.. of Juvenile High School Hoodlums! {fob*-*-. BH! I. i i i f- 1 |j Hi V *mkk GLkuN FuRD Anne FRANCIS-Louis CAiHEPN aaKWiS'W ftiirwerw" V 0