Newspaper Page Text
Tnur?day. Jtme 16. 1956 tA i «il A *'v, fir. #v* P„ »w« Fok SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS ONE BEAUTIFUL apartment for rent, unfurnished, located on tin Street in Caldwell. WISLL IT'S a mighty good 67 icre farm located on state i hway, practically all tractor -d, eight room house with all essary outbuildings and elec w'i-:. It's a bargain just outside town._ 45 tf WltlLL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional 'wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 stanchion barn, cement floor y with drainage, crib, brooder use, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings f-• never failing spring. Im diate possession. It's a bar n near Batesville. A WONDERFUL location, brick home with seven rooms and :h. Ample space for another i idence property on same lot. A. GOOD FRAME building with -late roof Six good rooms up irs with separate stairway, st floor can be converted into ing rooms, making two sep tc? apartments. Very cheap. S jth on U. S. Route 21. A GOOD LOT on North Street, excavated for full basement ani garage. Very reasonably priced. A bargain. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 526 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 SIX ROOM HOUSE, gas, elec tricity, water in kitchen. Par tial basement, outbuildings, and rge lot. Located in Dexter City. VEN ROOM, strictly modern louse. One and one-half bath, A ilt-in kitchen, furnace, goed able garage, corner lot, good ation in Caldwell. A-N ROOM home with electric ity, oil heat, partial basement, mining water. Three rooms ited for business. Have a ne and income from rent. C'iose to schools and stores. On /ed street, driving distance to working plants in Cambridge, A nesville and Caldwell. Get our rv low price on this home now. BUILDING LOTS for sale, extra large, and in a good locations. GOOD FIVE room house, with partial bath, electricity and liar. Large lot, just off of U. S. Route 21. Priced for quick sale. Chester J. Howiler—Realtor 516^ West Street Caldwell, Ohio Phone 250-W SIX ROOM HOUSE, located in Dexter City, with electricity, gas, water, all on one floor, out building, good big lot, already plowed for, for sale or rent, at a low -price:" ^Contact Carl' DdQah tis, Dexter City, Ohio. 50 51 52pd BRICK HOUSE, modern, located in Bronze Heights, with three bedrooms and an extra lot. H. H. Hatcher, Bronze Heights, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 362-J. 50 51 SIX ROOM house on Main Street in Cumberland. Fur nace, water system, shower, ga rage, storm doors and windows, large garden spot. Price $2,750. Roy Lyon, Cumberland, Ohio. Phone 132-R-3. 50 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, located in Belle Valley corporation limits, with partial basement, garage, barn, outbuildings, eight Tots with three in garden gas and electricity, hot and cold water in house. Earl Brown, Belle Valley, Ohio. Phone 349-F 13. 49 50-51 pd FIVE ROOM HOUSE with base ment, garage, gas and elec tricity, and four lots located in the north end of Belle Valley. John J. Wukelich, Jr., Box 313, Belle Valley, Ohio. Phone 349 F-23. 48 49 50pd SIX ROOM modern house, with gas, lectricity, built-in kitchen, full basement and .70 acres of land. Phone Caldwell 363. 48tf SIX ROOM house, bath, working basement, deep well and three acres of land in Water town. Can share ride to Ohio Power plant. Ill health reason for selling. Lo cated on State Route 76. W. N. Smith, Waterford, Ohio, Route 1. 48 49 50 THREE ROOM HOUSE with ap proximately three acres of land, basement, barn, gas, elec tricity and a good well, located East of Coal Ridge on U. S. Rt. 21. Priced at $1800.00. Andrew Duran, 14917 Lanning Avenue, Lakewood 7, Ohio. Phone AC 16359. 47-52 pd Redmond Archer AUCTIONEER Sarahsville, Ohio Phone 6-R-12 EVERY FOR SALE HOUSE FOR immediate pos session. Contact Milan Mika, Coal Ridge, Ohio. 47-52 pd LOTS FOR SALE at Lindsey Court in Caldwell. Ernest E. Parry, Caldwell, Ohio. 48tf For Sale—-BUILDINGS BUILDINGS FOR SALE To be removed from the premises located on the following farms in Bristol, Manchester and Meigsville Townships, Morgan County, Ohio, in the vicinity of Bristol, Unionville and Reiners ville, Ohio: Bryson Garvin farm, Clarence Keeton farm, Walter William Schimmel farm, Carl F. Devitt farm, Samuel Gilliland farm. For further information see representative at Ohio Power Office, Stanbery Building, Mc Connelsville, Ohio, or phone 380, McConnelsville, Monday through Friday 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Bids to be mailed to Ohio Power Company, P. O. Box 501, McCon nelsville, Ohio, before midnight Friday, June 24, 1955. 50 For Sale-—FARMS 5a ACRE FARM, located seven miles east of Caldwell in Enoch township, on Route 42 at Fulda. Farm is known as (the John Schwallie farm, located' on good gravel road, school bus and mail routes, good seven room house with gas and electricity available, full basement, barn and granery. All buildings have slate roofs. Good well of water, cistern at house and at barn, some timber, underlaid with coal. Anyone interested should contact Anna Schwallie, Cald well, Ohio route 4 or Mrs. Dick Schockling, Caldwell, O., Route 1. Phone 729-F-31. 49 50 51pd DUE TO bad health I am offer ing my farm of 132 acres for sale, 60 acres of tractor land almost all new fences on good county road close to state high way: good house two barns all other outbuildings in good con dition free gas Bell telephone milk, mail and school bus routes by the door electricity by the house one producing oil well good prospect for more oil and gas. Can give possession this fall. John Blackstone, Lewis ville, Ohio. Phone 7-1857 Mon roe County. 49 50 52pd For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS CHILD'S AUTOMOBILE and a tricycle, like new. Mrs. Charles Blake, Cliff Road, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 122-W. 50 USED APPLIANCES—Good used Westinghouse electric range, $99,9®| good used Whitfcftbuse range", $49.95 used Frigidaire re frigerator, $90.00 also a good se lection of used TV sets, from $35.00 up. Brady's Radio & Ap pliance Store, West Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 11. 50 NINE PIECE walnut Waterfall dining room suite. Virgil Mor ris, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. 50pd 1947 MODEL SERVEL Electro lux refrigerator, can be used with either bottled or natural gas, with a deep freeze unit in the top. In very good condition and priced reasonable. Inquire at Shelton's Inn, three miles west of Summerfield, Ohio. 50pd A 9 12 RUG and pad in good condition. Contact Mrs. Ray mond Bosold, Oakland Avenue, Caldwell, Ohio. 49-50-51 pd SIX CUBIC FOOT Frigidaire re frigerator oak buffet with mirror two pair drapes, material sailcloth, 45 inches wide and 2Vi yards long, complete with hooks and traverse rods 9 15 Wilton rug 9 12 Wilton rug with pads 12 12 Congoleum rug. Cath erine Feldner, 527 Main street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 194-J 49-50-51 pd WAXED BIRCH bassinet, one year size, complete. Also one deluxe folding play yard, with pad. Both good as new. Mrs. Dale Garrett, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. 48 49 50pd FOR SALE—Livestock ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Call Calvin Mendenhall at Cald well 709-F-22 or Floyd Henderson at Caldwell 100. 27tf TWO SORREL DRAFT colts, two years old four Durham bulls and pigs for sale anytime. G. W. Ankrom, Quaker" City, Ohio, Route 1. 48 49 50pd HORSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone 1313 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. A I E A J570CK A Y 1:80 P. i 19 yeans of satisfactory service for the livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2. sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter tf you wish or In thfr mail day of sale. The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pfke and Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N For Sale i v^vioi k FOR SALE FOR SALE ror Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS For Sale—MACHINERY TOOLS TWO POLLED Hereford bulls, one bull 20 months old, and the other one 11 months old. R. W. Dennis, two miles north of Caldwell on U. S. Route 21. 50 51 52pd SEVEN WEANED pigs, $25.00 a pair. Marshall DeVolld, Belle Valley, Ohio. 50 THREE JERSEY heifers, one fresh and two corning fresh soon, from artificial dams. Good type. W. H. Snyder, Summer field, Ohio, Route 1. Farm is lo cated one mile north of Summer field. 50 51 52pd BROWN SWISS cow, fresh with second calf. Calfhood vaccin ated. Vernon W. Slater, Cald well, Ohio, Route 6. 50 51pd YOUNG RABBITS, 50c each. Mrs. J. H. McAuley, Sarahs ville, Ohio. 48-50 pd BABY CHICKS! Last hatch on Thursday, June 16. Place your order now and be sure of chicks. Buckey Hatchery, Caldwell, O. 49 50 For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1954 CHEVROLET, 210. four door 1954 Dodge, one-half ton pickup 1953 Plymouth, Cam bridge, four door 1952 Mercury, four door, overdrive, radio and heater 1951 Dodge, Coronet, four door 1951 Plymouth, four door 1950 Ford, eight cylinder, four door and other cheaper cars to choose from. Dean A. Reed Motor Sales, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 108. 50 1948 WILLEY'S station wagon, six cylinder, with overdrive, for sale or will trade for a four wheel drive jeep. Contact Bill Semon at the & Shell Serv ice station, corner of Main and West Streets Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 56. 50 51 52pd 1953 HYDROMATIC Studebaker land cruiser, with radio, heater and seat covers, light green in color. Also boy's 24-inch bicycle and Singer vacuum sweeper, hand cleaner and attachments. C. R. VanFleet at Davis Ridge school house, or phone Caldwell 326-F-2. 50pd. For Sale—PLANTS A LARGE number of varieties of late cabbage and tomato plants, sweet potato, mango, pimento and Hungarian peppers, also new peas, two pounds, 30 cents. Mrs. Ellis Eicher, Sharon, Ohio. 49-50-51 pd PLANTS—Tomatoes, early and late, celery plants, early cab bage and cauliflower. G. W. .Crttit, ^lS -^©ir'gpou7TC^' Stfeet, south end of Cozier Container Corp. 48 49 50 51 pd For Sale—MACHEV ERT -TOOLS ONE NCN CASE pickup baler with auger, in A-l condition. Ready to bale, a good bargain. W. D. "Bunk" Metheney in Belle Valley or phone days 309-F-31 or at night 739-F-ll. 50-51-52 NEW SIDE RAKE, priced at $260.00, and No. 200 rakes on rubber, $375.00. R. D. Buckey, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 50 MONTGOMERY WARD garden tractor, 2xk h.p. with gear shift, used one year, and a Mon arch power lawn mower, with 21 inch cutter, reel type. Natie Wickham, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 50 51 52pd STEEL TRACK and hay carrier. grapple fork and two hay ropes used one year. Five stock cows with calves at side and rebred. Milk cows from three to nine years old, mostly Holstein. Dana Foraker, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. Home after 3:30 o'clock p. m. 50 51 52pd mm AUCTIONEER Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. hand ti El THE JOy*R AL, JJAL£waK.£ffiQ QUICK ON AND OFF side mounted mower for Ford trac tor. R. D. Buckey, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 50 CHIEF garden tractor specials! Model No. 251—$199.5® model No. 251-R with reverse—$228.50. We will give a $36.50 cultivator free of charge with each of the above tractors. Economy Chief with cultivators, $189.50. Offer limited to tractors in stock. Buckey Hatchery, Caldwell, O Phone 315-J. 49 50 51 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS TWINE FOR your baler. Full weight, insect and rodent treated. R. D. Buckey, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 57. 50 FRESH PICKED black raspber ries. Richard Gee, Hirams burg, Ohio. Turn right at Hi ramsburg store and the Gee home is the third house on the right side of the road. 50pd GUITAR, in good condition, priced to sell. Inquire at 507 Spruce Street, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone 302-J after 3:00 o'clock p. m. 50 51 ONE HUNDRED bushel of hand picked and sorted corn. W. J. Lahue, Summerfield, Ohio. 49 50 51pd 160 SEASONED LOCUST posts, 25c each. Charles M. West, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 2. 48 49 50pd FOR RENT FOR RENT—Five room apart ment, unfurnished. Two rooms and bath up and three rooms down. Inquire at 602 W. Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 50pd FOR RENT—House in Belle Val ley, with bath and coal furnace heat. Stove and reference fur nished. Reasonable. Virgil Mor ris, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. 50pd FOR RENT—Nice cool sleeping room, will accommodate two. Inquire at 415 North Street, or phone 292-M, Caldwell, Ohio. 48 49 50 FOR RENT—One-half of a dou ble house, with five rooms and bath, located on North Street, Caldwell, Ohio. For further in formation phone Caldwell 363. 48tf TWO ROOM furnished upstairs apartment with utilities paid Inquire at 532 Main Street, Cald *weil,^0hK.= *49-51 23 ACRE FIELD, consisting of seven acres of clover, about four acres of alfalfa and timothy, and remaining acres mostly timothy. Exceptionally good yield. Located one-half mile .west of Coal Ridge. Andrew Kominar, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. 49-50-51 pd GOOD HOUSE in Belle Valley. Harry Davis, Belle Valley, Ohio. 49-50 FURNISHED APARTMENT. In quire at 902»North Street, Cald well, Ohio. 48 49 50pd WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN to stay with elderly woman in Belle Valley. Call Caldwell 186-R or 27. 3 WANTED—Camp cook and help er for five weeks of camp, be ginning June 27 thru July. Only one Saturday and Sunday work, Man or woman. Must give refer ence. Write John Ashcraft, Se neca Lake Baptist Assembly, Senecaville, Ohio. May be con tacted at Purdy cabin, entrance to Seneca lake park and beach. 48 49 50 Briqqs & Stratton Parts We Carry A Complete Line! Mike's Tire Shop Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohi-u i I N hs_ West- Caldwell, Ohio ft K mim? filial AUTO BODY AND PAINT SPECIALIST —AT— FLEEMAN PONTIAC CO. U. S. Route 21 South Phone 78 Caldwell, Ohio ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WE GIVE FREE ESTIMATES! !ife'3 Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, June 15 Heavy hens lb. 22c Light hens lb. 16c Old cocks —lb. 10c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 32c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 30c Large gr. white eggs doz. 28c Large gr brown eggs doz. 28c Medium A white eggs doz. 28c Medium A brown eggs doz. 28c Pullet eggs doz. 20c Current receipts doz. 25c Butterfat ib. 46c WANTED TO BUY WANTED 19- inch wooden spoke wheel for 1930 car. Larry Estadt, 816 Main Street Caldwell, Ohio. 50pd WANTED ANTIQUES. Will buy old furniture, glass, china, brass kettles, lamps, pictures, guns, pistols, colt revolvers, or anything old. Write description to George Helbling, 142 N. Main Street, Woodsfield, Ohio. 44tf WANTED TO BUY. Six and one half ft. mine props. Cash paid when loaded on truck. 300 props to a load. Clarence Garrett, Barnesville, Ohio. Phone 877. 50- 52pd LOST LOST—One pair of false teeth, believed to have been lost in Belle Valley. Finder please write or call Tom Rossiter, Sarahsville, Ohio, Route 1 A $5.00 reward is being offered for their return 50pd NOTICES NOTICE: TREE trimming done by the contract. Insurance provided. Contact Harold L. Ros siter, 920 Belford Street, Cald well, Ohio or phone 264-M. 49-50-51 NOTICE—High productive lay ing chicks every week at Noble Hatchery. Call us for your "chick" needs. Noble Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 91. 48 49 50 BEGINNING MONDAY morning June 13th, we will open at 7:30 a. m. and close at 4:30 p. Noble Farm Bureau Co-Op, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 95. 49-52 NOTICE—Use your grain with Wayne Poultry Mixer for a growing mash that will give you real feeding economy, promote growth and development pullets ne^fi to become top producers. Get our mixing recommendation for the Wayne Growing Pro gram. Sunshine Fetd Store, Cum berland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 124. 48 50 3 ADD FEED POWER and nutri tional balance to vour grain with WAYNE POULTRY MIX ER. Get our recommendations for mixing a good growing mash with your grain and Wayne Grow-em rugged and ready to lay at low cost per bird! Sun shine Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 124. 47-50-2 NOTICE: For bulldozing, ponds, roads and clearing, write or see Donald Stewart, Coal Run, Ohio. Phone Beverly 738-F-ll. 31-2pd. "We Buy and Sell Anything For the Home" O. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell. Ohio WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd INSURE YOUR car or trucl with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe BlirVsV A nont Pg]Hnra]l nhin NOTICES NOTICE—In to set your 5% discount on voar Spring lertitm-r purr-haw, bhfwtu.E LIfESTOL Market Sale Prices for June 11, 1955 HOG RECEIPTS 233 HEAD 160-180 lbs. $19.65 to $19.80 i 250-327 lbs. $15.40 to $17.40 180-220 lbs. $19.90 to $20.30 Sows $11.00 to $14.00 220-250 lbs. __ $17.10 to 20.101 CATTLE RECEIPTS 206 HEAD Choice Steers $20.00 to S22.60 Choice Heifers S17.00 to SZft.00 Good Steers and Heifers S16.50 to S2G.00 Medium Steers and Heifers S14.00 to SlT.Ott Bulls 813.40 to $1(5.80 Good Cows S12.50 to S14.00 Medium Cows $10.50 to $12.00 Common Cows $ 8.00 to $10.00 CALF RECEIPTS 301 HEAD 29 head Prime—130-215 lbs. $20.00 to $23.00 60 head Choice—130-215 lbs. $18.50 to $22.10 14 head low choice—185-215 lbs. $19.00 to S20.2" 33 head good—130-215 lbs. $15.50 to S18.20 31 head good to prime—105-125 lbs. $15.10 to S19.00 36 head medium—130-215 lbi. _—«_ $15.10 to $16.00 4 head plain—130-215 lbs. ——.—~ $13.00 to $11.00 20 head heavies—220-260 lbs. $14.00 to $20.00 37 head lights—70-100 lbs. $13.00 to $15.50 LAMB RECEIPTS 65 HEAD Medium to choice springers (unsorted) $19.00 to $22.20 Clip lambs common to good $4.00 to $14,(M Old sheep $2.00 to $6.00 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OillO account* miist be paid for by July I, 19S5. The aidwell Implement A Supply iy»- JH0U52 NOTICE: THE FULDA Local Board of Education will accept sealed bids for painting the in terior of the Fulda school build ing. This contract will consist of the following: One coat of varnish on the woodwork: patch plaster as needed and two coats of paint. Bids must bp in the hands of the clerk no later than 8:00 p. m., Tuesday, July 5. The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Lillian Sni der, Clerk, Caldwell, Ohio. Rt. 1 50-52 NOTICE—No fishing or swim ming allowed on my property Trespassing is prohibited. By order of owner, Andy Zudell. Coal Ridge, Ohio. 50 51 52pd THERE WILL BE a special com munity meeting at the Forest Grove School Building Thursday evening, June 27 at 8:00 p. m. There is important business con cerning the school to be discus sed. Robert Blake, Clerk, Sharon School District, Sharon, Oho. 49-50 WE WILL BE CLOSED all day Thursday, June 30th. Noble Farm Bureau Co-Op, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 95. 49-52 COMPLETE LINE OF bee sup plies. Ball's Cash Market, Cumberland street, Caldwell, Ohio. 43-tf CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, letters and flowers that I received while I was a patient at St. Joseph's hospital. To those who visited me, the Crum Ridge Church of Christ, the Main Street Church of Christ and the Crum Ridge Sewing Circle, Em ployees of the Elk Compressor Station, friends and neighbors who helped my husband and sons, I shall be grateful always. Mrs. Walter MaUett 50pd. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank each and everyone for the many cards I received and all those who visit ed me while I was in the Beth esda hospital. Also the Rev. Floyd Gaugler, the Rev. Palmer Manson and the Rev. Ira J. Bran don for their visits and words of comfort. Fred McWilliants 50pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Gaugler and to all my friends, neigh bors and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers that I received while in the hospital Mrs. W. S. Camden Caldwell, Ohio 50 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends for cards received and those who called on me during my stay and in the Bethesda hospital. Thank you very much. A. M. Sec rest 50pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means of thanking all my friends and rel atives for the birthday cards and handkerchiefs that I received on my birthday anniversary. They were all appreciated very much. Allie Archer 50pd. CARD OF THANKS In this small way, I want to express my appreciation to all those who remembered me in their prayers, those who visited me and those who sent cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in the Bethesda hospi tal, and since my return home. Karen Buckey Caldwell, Ohio 50 Complete Auto Body Repair Also Mechanical Repair In Rear of R. D. Buckey's Feed Store REASONABLE RATES PTTOVT 1P-J t's Market Time For "Home Grown Yegelabies And Fruits, Agent Says Ohio produces generous quantities of high quality fruits vegetables. The marketing seasoa for these "home grown" product! is just beginning says Floyd Henderson, Agricultural Agent Noble County. Food shoppers can save money by purchasing locally growrt, "in-season" foods, while getting the additional benefits of aualit* and freshness. For the month of June, the county agent lists early cabbage, greenhouse tomatoes, head let tuce, strawberries, spinach, peas and other green vegetables as come of the more popular home grown products. This is the time to buy peas and strawberries for home canning or freezing, he says, and to use the other plenti ful in the menu frequently, July will bring home grown snap beans, red beets, cucum H»rc rQorvVusrr-iai field grown OBITUARY Clara Evelene King Gordon, daughter of William and Ellen Clark King, was born in Noble county on March 20, 1905. She was united in marriage with Fred Gordon on April 15, 1921 and remained a resident .of Noble county most of her life. At the age of 50 years, two months and 22 days, on June 11, 1955 at 11:35 p. m. she departed this life in her home near Sar ahsville. She had been suffering from a long illness. Survivors are: her husband, Fred six daughters, Mrs. Mar cella Parsons, of Sarahsville Mrs. Ruth Fogle, of Caldwell Mrs. Sula Fox, of Caldwell Mrs. Wilda Hughes, of Canton Mrs The] mi} Lee, of Harrietts ville Miss Lola Gordon of the home, two sons, Floyd of the U. S. Navy in Newport, R. I. and Carroll of the home a brother, G. C. King of Prince George, W. Va. and two half-brothers, Sam and Ben King, of Caldwell, and ten grandchildren. Two chil dren and a sister preceded her in death. Mrs. Gordon was a Christian the most of her life and was a good neighbor. Her home was open to the weary for rest and to the sorrowing for comfort. She will be missed in the home and -by her host of friends. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, June 14 at the East Union Methodist church with the Rev. J. L. Mason officiating. Burial was made in the East Union cemetery. Precious, oh, how precious, He alone can know What a blessed respiete after human woe Only He can measure their eternal gain, When they leave forever earthly care and pain. Precious, oh precious, armour here laid down, Warfare here accomplished won the victor's crown Gained his sweet approval 4 and His welcome smile, For the patience laborer of a little while. Sadly missed by The Family. 50 IN MEMORY In Vint memory of Noah P. Stephens, who passed away June 24, 1950. Five years ago dear, since you went away And oh, how- we miss you every day You were so patient and so kind What a beautiful memory you have left behind. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget. But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to face it, And courage to bear the blow But what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. CARD OF THANKS We wish to publicly thank the Murphy funeral home for the honorable and considerate way in which they conducted the fu neral of our beloved sister and aunt, Iva S. Maring. Due to the unavoidable absence of all but one near relative it was a very trying time for all concerned and we are grateful for the long friendship of Clair and Theodore Murphy. Sisters, Nieces, Great Niece and Great Nephew VI in tomatoes, and cherries to the market. Homemakers who wish to process these foods for winter use should make plans now te schedule time and procure sup plies for this busy season. Toma toes will be in even greater sup ply and therefore lower in price in late July and August. Home grown sweet corn will begin to reach the market in July, but will be more plentiful in August if the weather is not too dry. Yellow Transparent and Lodi apples the best varieties for applesauce ripen between late July and early August. Ohio peaches will come in August, with Red Haven, Golden Jubilee and Hale Haven varieties reaching peak supply. Red Haven is particularly well adapted few home freezing. Elbertas will be available in September. Latest word is that the southern peach crop has been completely des troyed by freezing weather this spring. Mr. Henderson advises home makers to watch the marketing season for Ohio grown .products in order to take full advantage of local supplies, peak quality and lower prices. Good Crofl frrfgaffon Recharges Root Zone Irrigation is more than putting water on soil says Virgil Ovfcr* holt, Ohio State University extension agricultural engineer. It means getting water into the soil to recharge the root zone of crops with available moisture.. Farmers can determins thfe rate of infiltration before each irrigation cycle. They'll need a shovel, bucket of water, number 10 can, watch, and ruler to do this. Overholt suggests farmers re move the top and bottom of the can to form cylinder. Force this cylinder several inches into the soil. Mark the inside of the cylinder an inch above the soil and fill with water to this mark. Allow the water to soak into the soil. Fill the cylinder again and record the time it takes the water to disappear. The length of time required for the second application of water to disappear is about the time required for an inrh of ir rigation water to soak into the soil. Water should never be applied faster than this rate, Overholt says. Rate of infiltration of submit also should be measured, if crop roots extend into it. To do this, remove the topsoil and force tha cylinder into the subsoil. Then follow the same procedure as for topsoil. Overholt advises farmers to use the slower rate of irrigating where subsoil and tonsoil rate differ. Rate of infiltration be comes slower as summer pro gresses and should checked before each irrigation cvcle. Covered ground such as weadows or pastures usually take in water twice as fa#rt as bare soil, the specialist adds. CARD OF THANKS Words cannot express the thanks deep in our hearts for every act of kindness and help of our neighbors and friends during the loss of our loved one. Our sincere thanks to each and everyone. The BurUngame Family 50 Sadly missed by: His Wife and Family Mrs. Noah Stephens. Route 3 Findlay, Ohio 50 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincert thanks to all who visited me, arid for the nice cards I received while a patient at Marietta Me morial hospital. Also my thanks to Dr. Williams and the hospital staff for their kindness. All were deeply appreciated. Mr. Edson Claris 50pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my kind friends for the cards and letters that I received during my stay in the hospital and after returning home. They were all appreciated very much. S. O. Jamisdft 50pd. ft I if 8"# & fa Americanism: Business man. complaining of inefficiency of time, using pull to secure a com petitive advantage. -r tk im to BV The three main factors of a u$£d car buy are selection, price, and condition. Each one by it* self is not the set standard. But the combination of all three is what makes the difference between a good or a bad deal. A large selection, a fair price and a guarantee as to condition ft what y o u a n e e a 4 th & Union Streets Across from County Garage Phone 358 McConnelsville, Ohio