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JsSft ... •, if SiM$i': V\ 4: n V A *2 us# $ At '"X v# rt? PLEASANT CITY The Daughters of the Cross Sunday school of Methodist church were entertained Friday evening for their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. William Worth ington, Sr. Club Meets Mr, and Mrs. Francis LaFol lette were hostesses at their home on route 2, Sunday to a three course chicken dinner in honor of the thirty-fourth wed ding anniversary of his parents, Mr. adn Mrs. Ira LaFollett.e. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Tarleton and son, Gene and daughter, Orvetta, of Cumberland route, Mrs. Jennie Watson honored guest and host esses. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Iril Nicholson had as Sunday evening dinner iguests Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwyller and sons, Marty, Jimmy and Rudy, Jr., of Sharon, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nicholson and son, Bruce and daughter, Judy, of Zanesville. Mr. Schwyller and Chester Nicholson were oversea buddies during World War II. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Morrow are visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph O'Morrow and children, of Columbus, while the Rev. and his wife are on vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. James Willis and sons have returned home after enjoying a week's sight-seeing trip through New York. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bayly and son, Merlin were shoppers in Cambridjge, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Mur phy and son, Jimmy and daugh ters, Rachael and Carolyn, of Chaseville, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest and son, John Everett visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edison Murphy and daugh ter, Barbara at Carrollton. Mr. and Mrs. William Strana than, of Chillicothe, spent sev eral days the past week with his brother, Harry and family. Miss Barbara Oliver, of Co lumbus, visited over the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Oliver and her sis ter, Mrs. Francis Buckey and family. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mustard and son, Alan have as their guest, his mother from Cleve land. Mr. H. D. Flanagan visited a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Landon Johnson at ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR If not pleased, our 40i- hack. This (STRONG fungicide SLOUGHS OFF the outer skin to expose buried germs. Kills it on contact. Get greaseless, instant drying T-4-L at any drug store. Today at RALSTON'S REXALL STORE, Cald well, Ohio. f? V O K E jg„ •r CITT HEWS rarrwriri. Ci'r.tori. Mrs. Anna Shimp, of Derwent, is ill at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Hazel Bayly. Mrs. Ruby Secrest and son, John, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ellison have resumed their employment at Ohio Fuel Gas and J. C. Penny Co., Cambridge after spent a week's vacation at a cottage on Seneca lake. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pennell and Ida Pennell, of Derwent, and Mrs. Frances Secrest of this place, were callers in Coshocton on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warrep Miley and daughter, Betty visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miley and daughter, Evelyn at Canton and viewed the Sesquicentennial parade in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and daughter, Jacqueline spent a few days the past week with rela tives in Massillon. Miss Audrey Miley, of Colum bus, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Will iams. Crooked Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Overcleft and son, Wr. James, of New York City and Mrs. Cora Lamp of Dexter City, visited with Mr. and1 Mrs. Curtis Lamp and fam ily last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harriman and family called at the G. E. Chandler home last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp and family called on his mother, Mrs. Cora Lamp at Dexter City on Friday evening. FIRE CALL The local fire department was called Wednesday night at ap proximately 10:30 to exinguish a fire near the Hayes apartments on the corner of Main and East streets. It was reported that a trash fire got out of control but no property damage resulted from the incident. The nuftiber one and two trucks from the local department attended the re. V*SOlMO^F»|2«J ft. gar A "IOCKIT" FOR aVRRY POCKIfl And you'll find one priced just right for you! Choose from thirteen gorgeous models in Oldsmobile's three thrilling series luxurious Ninety-Eight, the brilliant Super "88" fend the budget priced "88"! Oldsmobile "88" 2-Door Sedan illustrated. o COOL driving get an AIR-CONDITIONED OLDSMOBILE! tiM wviwfit irnW W PRO! Tree CROOKED TREE Mrs. Jessie Diamond and son, of Bel videre, 111., spent a few days last week with Mrs. Lila Chandler. J. B. Chandler and Mrs. Cora Rossiter, of Kent, Ard Chandler of Keithtown and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler spent the week end at Gay, W. Va., and attend ed the homecoming on Sunday at that place. J. B. Chandler and Mr. an^ Mrs. G. E. Chandler were at Caldwell, Thursday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Haines. Mrs. Haines is slowly recover ing. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Goldie Beda, of Toronto, is car ing for her. Silittii (3u TE COURT •a* In thel u dic of John Emmet Mincks, Emmet Gerald Mincks, guardian, versus Emmet Gerald Mincks, et. al., transcript of land sale proceeding filed from Wash ington county, Ohio. In the will of Elijah Russell, deceased, hearing had. Will ad mitted to probate and record. In the estate of Charles Ogle, deceased, requisition to disallow and reject claims filed. In the estate of Elijah Russell, deceased. Application for letters of administration with will annexed filed. Waiver of admin istration filed. Bond approved and filed. Letters of administra tion w.w.a. issued to Paul Wheel er. Will of Alma Norris filed. In the land sale of Michael Pyciak, Clair Murphy, admr., versus Michael Pyciak, et. al. Petition to sell real estate to pay debts filed. Waiver of summons to consent to sell filed. In the estate of Charles Ogle, deceased, journal entry filed. All papers in this case certified to common pleas court. Will of J. E. Smith, deceased, filed. Application for probate of will filed. Waiver of notice and consent to probate filed. Testi mony of witness taken and filed. Will admitted to probate and record. In the estate of J. E. Smith, deceased, application for letters testamentary filed. No bond re quired by will. Letters testamen tary issued to Rose Ann Smith. In the guardianship of Janet Krempasky. Application for ap pointment as guardian filed for hearing August 2, 1955 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. In the guardianship of Cor delia Craven. First and final ac count of Everett Crum, gdn. filed. Hearing October 10, 1«55 at 10:00 o'clock a. m. AL Mary Kavalick, et. al., to Anna Rose, of Belle Valley, lot 186. Mary Misak, deceased to John Misak, Sr., et. al., of Belle Val ley, lot 186. Affidavit for trans fer. John Misik, Sr., to Anna Rose, of Belle Valley, lot 86. John Torhan, et. al., by Sheriff Donald Conaway to Clyde Har ris, of Belle Valley, lots 52, 53 and 54. O. R. and Margaret Archer to James and Mamie White, lot 377. Caldwell Improvement Com mittee. Cora Lowery to John L. and Louella Betts, of Beaver town ship, 30 acres. L. A. and George Hesson to William Hesson, of Jefferson township, 105 acres. Wade and Nora L. Longfellow to Fred and Margaret Tilton, of Olive township, 1.77 acres. Ray Neuhart. et. al„ to Ruth Neuhart, of Batesville, you oe-r I xk Affidavit for transfer. ... a. acre. i FOR JUST A PEW DOLLARS MORE I JOUMaJU, JA» 4»|f» Carlisle Bhe Jays The Carlisle Blue Jays met at the heme of Mabel He»son on August U, 1955. The afternoon was spent making plans for the weinet roast which was held that evening at Stafford road side park. Games were enjoved by all. Refershments were ser ved to the following: Rita and Judy Gressel, Janice Mallett, Judy Carter and Nancy Leasure. Those who attended the wein et roast are as follows: Herman and Evelyn Gressel, Vicci Gres sel, a rue Leasure, Frankie Gres sel, Lynn Ann Mallett, Clara Mallett, Violet Canter, Edward and Berniee Leasure, Bud Mal lett, Bonnie Jean Leasure, Carol Mallett, Jane Richeson, Judy and Rita Gressel, Janice Mallett, Judy Canter, Nancy Leasure, Betsy Gressel and Mabel Hes son. News reporter Nancy Leasure. Rich Yalley Bmry Boys The Rich Valley Busy Boys 4-H club met at the home of Gerald Elliott, Monday evening, August 15 with club advisor, Charles Ramsey in charge. All members were present. Projects books were brought up to date. We will have another meeting August 22 at Edward Ogle's. Plans were made for a weiner roast and hay ride on Wednes day. News reporter Marion Delancey. Summerfield Hillbillies The Summerfield Hillbillies met at the home of Bill Gulick on Monday evening, August 15 with 6 members present. The evening was spent discus sing taking different projects to the fair. After the meeting was adjourned, refreshments were served. News reporter John Warner. Ava Topnotchers At our last meeting there were ten members present. They were: Ruth Ann Phelps, Patricia Buck ley, Sarah Buckey. Barbara Stiers, Winona Brown, Dianne Perkins, Sandy Lapp, Judy Ray ner and Sandy Rayner. We talk ed about meeting with another club and helping in the 4-H stand. After the meeting we had our judging and then refresh ments. Our next meeting will be August 29th. We will talk about fixing our booth. News reporter Judy Rayner. ENJOYING VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Archer of Pasadena, Calif., are enjoy ing a two weeks visit in Noble county with their many former friends and relatives. This is their first visit back in 20 years. Mr. Archer was the son of Cyrus Archer, who left here 75 years ago to settle in Kansas. Super "88" Holiday Coup6 For the sheer joy of driving—if far no other teeeea—tdke a "Rocket" and take to the roatl! For here's a car with a "Go Ahead" lift that sends your spirits soaring—sky-high! For the most exhilarating action of all, let the mighty "Rocket" Engine and Hydra-Matic Super Drive* flash you away in a burst of smooth power that means new safety in any situation you meet. So come in—get our generous appraisal on your present car and check our low prices! There'a a thrilling 'Rocket" to fit your pocket! *Optionml mt O E 3 I VISIT THE "ROCKIT ROOM" ... AT YOUR OLDSMOBILK DKALIR'S! SALES & SERVICE Phone 72-M U. S. Route 21 South DON'T MISS OLDSMOBILrS 90-MINUTI SPECTACULAR "ONI TOUCH OP VKNIIS" SAT., AUO. 27 NBC-TV CAtMtLL, Qlfio STAFFOruu jvir. and Mrs. Hedge King and Mr. and Mrs. Smith ,of Summerfield, called on Mrs. Delia King, Wednesday afternoon. Harold McConnell and son, Mrs. Henry Franks, W. W. Sut ton, Lee Burke and Mrs. Junior Mallett were in Woodsfield one day last week. Mrs. Neil Ullman spent a few days last week in Celumbws. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crum and Mrs. Wm. King were Marietta shoppers recently. Rev. and Mrs. James Gardner and son, of Harriettsville, visited relatives here and at Woodsfield last week. Miss Eleanor Yockey, of Co lumbus, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Yockey. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harts horn and family visited Sunday p. m. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Hartshorn and daughter. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holland were Mr. and Mrs. Asher McConnell and family, of Texas, Miss Pearl Holland and friend and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Holland, of Canton. Kennonsburg KENNONSBURG Mrs. Wm. Lashley entertained with a Stanley Products party, Thurs day evening. Mrs. Marie Frame was the demonstrator. Thfe ice cream social and cake walk was well attended at the grange hall Friday evening. The third and fourth degrees will be conferred on a class of can didates, Thursday evening, Aug. David Wyscarver is visiting relatives in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomp son and son and Mrs. James Thompson and daughters, Shir ley and Mrs. Dean Phillips, of Barnesville, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lashley, Friday. David McVicker, of Burbank, Calif., was visiting his grand father, D. G. McVicker last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kefauver, of Cuyahoga Falls, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Massie. Mrs. U. J. Massie is visiting here sister in Martins Ferry. The latter underwent major surgery there, Monday. YOUTH INJURED Cecil Warner, 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Warn er, of Caldwell route, w«s treated and dismissed recently at the Thompson hospital in Caldwell for a compound fracture of his left arm, head injuries and abrasions of the body. He was injured when he accidentally stepped on a power-take off shaft on a tractor at hi? father's farm. mimm W V. IKtpll MT. KPHRAIM Mr. and Mrs. Ciyde Archer, of Sarahs ville, Harry Miley and daugh ters, Patsy and Barbara spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miley and daughter at Canton Mr. and Mrs. Hay Adkins and family, of West Virginia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Williams and daughters. Russell Moore is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Moore and family at Zanesville. Harmon Moore, of Kennons burg, visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell spent the weekend with relatives in Canton and Cleve land. They were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buehl and family, of Berea. Mrs. Josie Williams, Carolyn, Roger and James Williams spent Sunday night with Mrs. Hazel Powell. Mrs. A. N. Secrest visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest and son at Caldwell. Mrs. Mary Wolf is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beattey moved from here last Tuesday to their new home in Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bates and son, of Byesville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Bates. Mrs. Edna Ryan and son, of Pittsburgh, Pa., are visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ros siter. Mrs. Linnie Cowgiil slid son, Larry visited a few days last week with Charles Shafer and Mr. and Mrs. George Russ and family at Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Moore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Daughterv and family near Akron. Mrs. Moore remain ed for a visit. The annual W.S.C.S. picnic will be held Thursday evening, Aug. 25 at the home of Mrs. Dora Miller. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish and own table service. BEFORE Phone 43 sf wm II MINERALS AND ORES from the four quarters of the earth are transformed in huge electric furnaees at ELECTROMET into ferro-alloys. Ferro-alloys are used for many differeut purposes in steel making. Ferrochrome, made at Marietta from ores mined in the South Pacific, Africa, and Turkey, is the important alloy-ingredient for stain less steel... the same kind of stainless steel used to make your kitchen knives and utensils. Ferrosilicon, made at Marietta with quartzite from ELICTHO A Bkvi*iou al Us&km PORT PORT BLINKEY Emmett Blake returned home Friday after visiting his son, Wallace Blake and family at Logan. He also accompanied his son and family on a fishing trip to Perlee Island, Canada. Paul Scarberry, of Washing ton, Pa., was a Sunday caller at the Blake and Goodwill home. He also called on other friends in Macksburg, Miss Josephine Blake, of Dex ter City, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blake. Glen F. Warren, township trustee, attended a meeting of Washington county trustees and clerks at Marietta on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thompson and baby Jean spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lorey, of Caldwell route. We hear we have a very talented man in Port Blinkey who plays different musical instruments. He (Floyd Thompson) played for the Bates Hill reunion. Miss Lucy Howiler returned home Thursday after visiting relatives at Newark, Columbus, Mt. Vernon, Ashland and Sun bury, Ohio. Miss Mabel Jenkins, of Wheel ing, W. Va., has returned home after spending a few days with her sister, Miss Lucy Howiler. Miss Bertha Holdren, of Co lumbus, Mabel Ullman, Hazel and Fay Spies of Lower Salem and Mrs. Sheila Stephens, of Elba, called on Miss Lucy Howi ler, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis spent Sunday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Norma Leget of Vincent route. Miss Charlotte Patten, of Newark, has returned from a two month's so-joum in Europe. It was an ocean voyage and we didn't promise not to tell that she was just a little mite sea sick while crossing. Mrs. Hamer Parcell and fam ily motored thru some of the southern states for their health but returned to their home sav- YOU GO ON YOUR VACATION, SEE US ABOUT A TRAVEL This can be written from one day to six months at very attractive rates. TW§ can be written to cover baggage as well as accidental death and medical expense. This policy also covers accidents at home as well as in traveling while in force. See or phone: A N K E E n A Marietta, Ohio Page 1M KEY irtg that Ohio was the hottest state of all, Mrs. Parcell (Carrie) is POLICY! Caldwell, Ohio a Sep: Ontario and Ohio, goes into many steels used for bridges and buildings, for motors and transformers. Ferromrmganese, produced at Marietta from man ganese ores found in India and the Gold Coast of Africa, gives strength and toughness to steel and helps to remove its impurities. You may have often seen the great mounds of raw materials at ELECTROMET. Garnered from all the world, this is the stuff of which good, efficient steels are made for your convenience and for better living. The term "Btfeetromet" to ft reftrtwed trade-mark of U&ioc Carbide and Carbon Corporation. si§^ ter of Mrs. Howard Lewis. Wgi hope the trip was beneficial. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Swain of Alliance, called on old friensfei in Macksburg and Port Blinkey on Saturday. Cumberland CUMBERLAND Mr. and Mrs. Pfafft, and family, of Bos ton, Mass., visited with their uncle and aunt, Ernest Reed, and Mrs. Stella Watson. Mrs. Esther Hawkins has had as guests the past week, the thr«« children of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burlingham, of near Otsego, Mrs. John Wagoner and two grand children, of Washington, Iowa, Mrs. Mary Newman, Mrs. Lot tie Crow of Lorain, Mrs. Lucille Fiwpher, of Columbus, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Betty Frisbee. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Phillips, seal Don, of Adamsville, spent Sun* day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ellis, of Zanesville, and J. H. Ellis, of Ruraldale were supper guests on Sunday evening at the H. W. Ellis home. Edna Engle is employed in Cambridge. We again wish to remind the public of the Volunteer Fir#» mans Festival at Cumberland# August 26-27. Round dancing on Friday night from 9 until 12. Both round and square on Satur day evening. Amusements for all and also refreshments. STORE AIR CONDITIONED Air conditioning of Kegerreis store on Cumberland street, has been completed by the owners with the installation of four-two ton units being placed on the north side of their new build ing. This is the second business place in Caldwell to be air con ditioned this month, including that of Schafers restaurant on North street, owned and operated by Robert Robey.