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fcpue Two Pzgt Tom Sch«»: n Family Reunions In Noble County... rn ki imhn The fifth annual Schoeppner reunion was held Sunday at St. Mary's hall in Fulda. A delicious pot luck dinner •wis enjoyed at noon by all, and social diversions occupied the afternoon hours. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bernard and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schoeppner and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Catlin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eller and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Behm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoeppner and family. Sovia Buck, Bernice Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schoep pner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gerst, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schoeppner and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Schorten and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schoeppner and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schoeppner, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clem Estadt and family, Vera Schoeppner, Jim Myers, Anna Mae Estadt, Tom Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Schoeppner, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Schoeppner, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bowers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cris Nelson and fnmily, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hiner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harl^y Estadt and son, Mary Schoeppner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schoeppner, John Schoeppner and daughters, Eulalia Lylals, Ruth Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Preusser, Leonard Schoeppner, Mr. and Mrs. K. Clay and family Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Griffeth, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Gursky and familv, Mr. and Mrs SrorH I At first symptom of battery weakness, drive in to us for expert treatment Fast test and charge, rentals, new batteries. Battery *5 00 Trade-in On Any Double Eagle Battery 95 and Mi and Mr Schoeppner and family. thf» ernon ROWLANDS REUNION The seventh annual reunion of the late Marion and Alcena Row lands family was held Aug. 7 al Newcomerstown roadside park on Route 21. The much needed rain did not dampen the spirits of those pre sent. From well filled picnic bas kets, a bountiful supply of food was served at the noon hour. Two births and two deaths were reported since last year. Music was furnished by the Dov enbarger family. We appreciate their talent very much. All but three of the immediate members of the family were pre sent. The hard rain in early after noon broke up the gathering. Nevertheless every one was happy with saying good bye. Those present were: Frank Rowlands, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Rowlands, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rowlands and daughter, Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rowlands and Richie and Jenny, Clifton Rowlands and Margaret and Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Row lands, Christine and Chris, Mrs. Stella Smith, Mrs. Dollie Bird and daughter, Sara Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Chalmer Smith and daugh ter, Linnie, Rachel Rowlands, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dye, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest King and grandson, Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hendershot and daughters, Bar bara and Vivian, Mr. and Mrs. John Gennis, Mrs. Clement Rook and children, Joan, Junior, Ron ald and Jimmy, Paul Rowlands, Mr. and Mrs. James N. Doven bargor, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doven barger and daughters, Cindy and Linda, Mr*and Mrs. James Dov enbarger, Jr. and daughter, Sheila, Harold Dovenbarger, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dovenbarger and children, John and Judy, R. T. Dovenbarger, Mr. and Mr?. Jun ior Dovenb?irgor and daughter, Interior. Si?"' I ft" 18". UP GOODYEAR $4^ BiCYCLE 26 DELUXE Hl-WAY PAYRQl Here's the full-size Columbia bicycle that has Muality features and equipment that make for cycling lua. Smart crescent-type fenders, streamlined tank, and a i: lemming black and red finish with red trim add up to real beauty. This deluxe model comes completely equipped with heavy duty kickstand, New Departure or Bendix Brakes, Troxe! Raddle and PLASTIC SEAT COVER $16-95 UP 2-Door and 4-Door all tin famous Goodyear Tires AUTO MUFFLERS 5s*.95 up ConifrucftOA A new muffler can make your old car purr like new. Get one today. A price you can't afford t» n*m. 7/i i-?m Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Conger and son. Buddy, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Waite and children, Delora and Lonnie, Lester Staub, Cecil Holmes, Faye Cutchall, James Preston, Ronnie Bowman and Jack Gessel. Two Bound To Grsnd Jury In Shooting Spree Irwin Milner, 38, and his wife, Ada May, 39, of Lowell route 2, were bound to the grand jury Friday by Justice of the Peace, Ben Hall, in connection with the wounding Tuesday of William Peters, 69, of Stockport route. Milner's bond was set at $1,500 of charges of assault with intent to wound. His wife is under a $500 bond as a material witness. Both pleaded innocent. Peters told officers from the sheriffs department that he was shot in the hip as he walked away from the residence of John Gordon, near Lowell, Tuesday at 3:30 a.m. after he had tried to gain admittance. Milner said he shot Peters with a .22 caliber rifle when Gordon ordered him to shoot. Gordon was released following the hearing late Fri day. LUCKY WINNER Mrs. Robert Robey, of Cald well, was the lucky winner of the $5.00 hat given away Satur day at Nola's Hat shop on North street.. Drawing was held at the store with Mary Lou Widmayer, of 4041 Oakland Blvd., Cam bridge, drawing the lucky num ber from over 300 registrants. SUFFERS STROKE Frank Gibson, 87, prominent retired merchant of Caldwell, suffered a light stroke at his home on West street, Tuesday. Mr. Gibson was removed Sunday to Guernsey Memorial hospital for treatment and observation. Mr. Gibson is one of the oldest retired businessmen in Caldwell. "it" or JL 2. "r -*F PR0TECT-0-MAT |l«« 1hptf Mo's And ?nvo The Of V»ui» fnf Thift oblong floor mat is flexible to fit floor eontaurt. If* «ajisr *o rwncv* and replace takes only a minute to lift the Protect-O M*t fnr cleaning *lmk mud, and dirt from the floors of your car. Will fit front or rear floors of any car. Protects and preserves original mats and adds to the boauty of car's $1.69 Ml TRAILER CONNECTOR $2-79 Here'* your be*t bet for a universe' trailer coupling. Adjusts to clamp on straight, curved, wide or narrow bumpers bumper need not be drilled. The l/«-inch hole accom. modates either ball or clevis pin* Aluminum finish on steet. AC SPARK PLUGS feature Cora/ux Insulator* Easier Starting Batter Idling Lets Plug Fouling Better Heat Conduction Lea* Insulator Breakage AC's patented insulator is the most important improvement since the one-piece plug. Amazing new insulator is clay Iree ceramic. Because oi its qreater heat conductivity, longer, thinner insulator tips can be used—greater strength permits use oi high assembly pressures. AC's are original equipment lor more than half the cars and trucks produced —nationally accepted for fuel economy, smoother idling, bet ler starts. *8*. jr a JUMBO CUSHION Vinyl P/ostfe 9R Side* and Bock A form-fitting «uto seat cushion nad" for comfortable driving. Choose from assortment of colors. Mike's Tire Shop Successor to Goodyear Service Store North & Cumberland Streets Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio jiHMII itmiifttitmfitFttMMiitfitwfi? Coming Events I on the Social Register Davis-Russell Reunion The annual Davis-Russell re union will be held Sunday, Aug. 28, at the Cambridge City park, Cambridge. A dinner -will be en joyed at the noon hour. The pavilion has been reserved in the event of inclement weather. Amusement for the children is available at the .park. Relatives and friends are cordially in vited to attend. & Meeting A Junior Leadership meeting will be held Monday, August 29 at the art hall at the Noble county fairground starting at 7:30 o'clock. Work will be done on the fair booth. Home made ice cream and cake will be served. All members are urged to attend. as st je. Ilomecominf The annual Halley's Ridge homecoming will be held Sunday Aug. 28 at the Halley's Ridge school house. The public is cordially invited to attend. To Hold Dance The February group of Fulda is sponsoring a round and square dance on Sunday, August 28 at St. Mary's hall in Fulda. The dance 'will begin at 9:00 o'clock. Refreshments will be served and the public is cordially invited to attend. Barn Dance An old fashioned barn dance will be held at the Harold Kil burn farm on State Route 145, Sunday evening, Aug. 27 begin ning at 8:30 o'clock. Music will be furnished by the Rhythm Makers, of Newport. No admis sion will be charged. Refresh ments will be sold by members of the Summit Sewing Sallies 4-H club. Olive Grange Olive grange No. 398 will hold n meeting August 26, Friday at K:00 o'clock at the grange hall. First and second degree work will be conferred with Lamar Dowling, master in charge. In spection -will also be held. All members are requested to attend. Pot luck dinner with a covered dish and sandwiches will be .served. Wedding Dance A wedding dance will be held Sept. 1. Saturday at the Burk hart parish hall, honoring Robert Smithberger and Marybelle Elliott, who will be united in marriage that day at the Catholic church in Ozark. Everyone is invited to attend the wedding ind the dance. To Hold Dance Sponsored by the Mothers club a mixed dance will be held at the Brookfield school house, Sat urday night, Aug. 27. Mizpah Class The Mizpah class of the First Methodist church will hold an ice cream supper Friday even ing, August 26 at 6:30 o'clock at the roadside park, north of Caldwell. In case of inclement weather, this affair will be held in the church social rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Orton Lantz will be in charge of the program, and Hobart Feldner will be in charge of the business session. Ice Cream Social An ire cream social will be held Friday evening, August 26 at 7:30 o'clock at the Hoskinsville Methodist church, sponsored by ('lass 4 of the Sunday school. All proceeds will go for the repair ing of the church. Public invited. Carlisle Grange Carlisle Grange No. 2344 will meet in regular session Thurs day evening, August 25. Follow ing the business meeting, a literary program will be present ed. All members are urged to attend. Center Grange Center grange No. 2285 will hold a special meeting Thursday evening, August 25 at the school house. Renroek grange will be a visiting grange and they will present the program. Refresh ments of pie, sandwiches and pickles will be served. All mem bers are yrged to attend. District Picnic There will be a picnic at thit Barnesville park, Sunday, Aug. 28 at 3:00 p. m. EST for O.E.S. members and their families of District 15. Each member is re quested to bring a covered dish, sandwiches and table service. Laurel Grange Laurel grange No. 1378 will hold its regular meeting Thurs day evening at 8:00 o'clock. In spection will be held and a pot luck supper will be served dur ing the social hour. A good at tendance is desired. Mother's Club The Dexter City Mother's club will meet Monday evening, Aug. 29 at 7:30 o'clock in the school cafeteria. NEWCOMERS TO CALDWELL Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hunt and son have moved to the Ehler mann duplex on Oaklawn avenue from McConnelsville. Hunt is an employee of the Cen tral Ohio Coal company, with operations centered in the Brook field township mining area. TO WITCHITA, KANSAS Neil Smith, trainer for the Al-Maria Arabian horse farm, Bethesda, Md., stopped in Cald well Monday enroute to Witchita, Kansas, where he was scheduled to pick up a shipment of horses. He was accompanied by Wesley B. Marshall, Jr., reporter and ace photographer for The Journal Leader, Caldwell. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Look Who's Under Ohio skies bf LstVtSfGN Of WiLDUfk Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Thomp son are announcing the birth of an eight pound daughter on Aug. 13. The new arrival has been named Debra Jean. Grandpar ents are Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Riggle, of Pleasant City and Rev. and Mrs. John Thompson, of Powhattan Point. Great-grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Rig gle of Newcomerstown. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sorg, of Summerfield route, are announc ing the birth of an eight pound, ten ounce daughter at the Thompson hospital, August 26. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Song, of Summerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dyer, of Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Palmei of Zanesville, announce the re cent birth of a daughter named Charlene Rose. The Palmers' are former residents of Summerfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Warner, of Summerfield route, announce the birth of a daughter, named Crystal Anne. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Sorg. Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Clark, of Waynesburg, Ohio, an nounce the birth of a nine pound, two ounce son, Aug. 12. named Larry Gene. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Homer Roe, Sum merfield route and Harry Clark of Sarahsville. Great grandpar ents are Albert. Roe, of Sum merfield route and Lillie Step hens of Findlay. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bates, of near Middlebourne, announce the birth of a son last week. Grandparents are Mr. a«d Mrs. Glen Bates and Mr.. and Mrs. Edward McVicker, all of near Quaker City. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Matthews of Walnut street, are announc ing the birth of an eight pound, eleven ounce son at the Mari etta Memorial hospital on Mon day. The new arrival has been named Leonard Eugene. Grand parents are Mrs. Cecil Buckey, of Ava and Mrs. Lilty Matthews, of Marietta. ______ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eibel, of Cumberland route 2, are an nouncing the birth of twins at the Guernsey Memorial hospital on August 20. The son, born at 2:07 p. m., weighed seven pounds and four ounces, and the daugh ter, born at 2:24 p. m., weighed six pounds, four ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Waddell, of New Concord, formQrly of Caldwell, are announcing the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Aug. 21 at Bethesda hospital, Zanesville. Mr. Waddell is em ployed with the Central Coal company in Brookfield township Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wells, Lewis street, are announcing tb# birth of a son, Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 17, at Marietta Memorial hospital. The infant weighed in --rn ii maaiWaSiaafe n is*' FAMMPOm NANA 71-lL'S HGft I'O 6£ 7W£ BEST FISHING ftBSULTS- FROM SMALL PONDS CLEAR DIRBCTI0N9 ON STOCKING FERTILIZING AND hARVeST/NG TH6 FISH• AK.B TOLD &V AN 6XPGRT- FN- Here! Mr. and Mrs. William Howiler, West street, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday morning, Aug. 24, at Thompson hospital. The infant has been named Wil liam Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Howiler, of Caldwell, are the paternal grandparents. Mrs. F. U. Perez, of Columbus and Roy Mason of Urbana, are the maternal grandparents. Mrs. Anna Howiler, of Caldwell, is a great-grandmother to the new arrival. The father is employed with The Journal-Leader, Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wind, of Pleasant City, are announcing the birth of a son at the Marietta Memorial hospital on August 18. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yontz, of Lewisville, are announcing the birth of a seven pound, eight ounce daughter, Aug. 9 at their home. The new arrival £as been named Kathleen Ann. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weisent, of Dexter City and Mr. and Mrs. William Yontz of Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. William Rayner, of Caldwell, announce the birth of a daughter on August 23 at the St. Francis hospital in Cam bridge. The new arrival weighed seven pounds and has been named Sandra Yvonne. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Weekley, of Cald well, are the maternal grand parents and Mr. and Mrs. Ervel Rayner, of Ava, are the paternal grandparents. wxim TOS '-G*lCUiXUK£ sxrawstcN seRVfcs-^ rj fSTATe UNIs/SttSlTY SijueriH 396 at eight popunds, 2lk ounces and has been named Thomas Le Roy. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miller of Sharon and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wells, of Dexter City, are the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, of Macksburg, are the paternal great-grandparents. Mrs. Wells is the former Shirley Miller, of Caldwell. Two Macksburg Residents Injured In Aulo Accident Twu Macksburg residents were injured in a head-on collision at 5:15 p. m., Monday on a town ship road in Noble county, ac cording to the state highway patrol. Taken to Marietta Memorial hospiptal for treatment were Elmer Gessel, 19, of Macksburg route 1, who was cut on the nose and had several teeth knocked out and Herman Neu berger, 51, of Macksburg, the other driver, who, received lacerations of the left knee and several broken teeth. Gessel was arrested for driv ing left of center and fined $5 and costs by Mayor P. R. Blake, of Dexter City. FAMILY DINNER Members of the Caldwell Lions club enjoyed a family pot luck dinner, Wednesday evening, Aug. 24, at the Noble county Fish & Game club. Merle Barnhart, president, had charge of the pro gram. The dinner was for the members, their wives and fam ilies. MOVING AROUND Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson and family arc moving to the Murl Rich property on North street, recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. George Daugherty, who purchas ed the Everett Archer property. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yontz will move to the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. MARRIAGE PERMITS Judge Earl McGinnis issued two marriage applications on Friday to Andrew Archer, 24, carpenter, of Caldwell route 1, and Dorla Thompson, 20, factory worker, of Caldwell route 4. The second application was issued to Donald S. Williams, 22, college student, of Cambridge, and Mar garet Jean McGregor, 20, college student, of Caldwell. AUTHORIZE REPAIR The Noble county commission ers transacted only one single item of business, at their Mon day session. They authorized the repair of the roof on the veter ans house, Belford street, oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Franklin. HAND INJURED James DeVolld sustained a severe gash on his right hand, Tuesday afternoon, when he was ripping off a tin roof on a build ing adjacent to their home, north of Belle Valley. He received medical attention at the office of Dr. N. S. Reed. GIVEN FINE Dan Ball, of Ava, was arrested by Sheriff Donald Conaway on Tuesday for disorderly conduct. He appeared before Mayor Homer Johnson, Wednesday and was fined $25 and costs. He was unable to pay the fine and was confined to the county jail. DIVORCE GRANTED Patricia Long, of Dexter City, was granted a divorce in common pleas court on Tuesday from David Long, of Columbus. She charged the defendant with gross neglect of duty. She was award ed the custody of the child, Lynn Long, four years of age. Her attorney was L. C. Young. WINNERS NAMED Earl Archer, of Summerfield, won the $100.00 at the annual homecoming Sunday for St. Michael's parish,* Berne. Ronald Crum, of Summerfielcf, won second prize of $50.00 and third place winner was John Pocsik, of Martins Ferry in the amount of $25.00. Irene Archer, of Sum merfield route 1, won a pair of embroidered pillow cases. Rev. Fr. Wargo expressed his ap preciation today to all those who attended the homecoming. Summer shearing helps keep rams cool. That, in turn, helps gets better early season fertility and consequently a better l?mh crop. TO ARIZONA Mrs. W. O. Claypool and son, Kenneth (Butch), are now in Tucson, Arizona, where they will remain for two months in the interest of the latter's health. Young Claypool is suffering from asthma. INJURES HAND Sherman Darrah, of Macks burg, was treated at the office of a local physician Thursday afternoon for severe lacerations of his left hand which he receiv ed whilp working with an ok'c1n pump. mmm WS tVi 41 & ft A V ROYAL GELATIN 4 pkgs.—25c NEW COMB HONEY Section—45c 2 Lbs. O Ball's BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES White Yellow Devils Food WW Oc Cc o Thursday, August 25, 1955 INJURED IN ACCIDENT Herbie Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, of Ava route 1. sustained lacerations of his arm in Canton last week in a freak accident. He was visiting his cousin, Sammy Robinson, when he fell against a knife which an older boy was using to whittle. It took several stitches at Aultman, hospital to close the wound. You can't rise with the lark if you've been out on one the ni^ht before. ROBIN MOD FLOUR 25 LB. SACK. *2" S E E U S O f4l i FRESH YELLOW TABLE PEACHES ONIONS 3 lbs.—25c 4 lbs.—23c atermeions VOl CHOICE! 5#% POST Grapcnuf Flakes 2 pkgs.—49c Scale model Ford in each pkg. PURE ANi: Arbuckle Sugar 25 lb. sock—$2.49 29c s Lb». 65 •o 8. RASPBERRY RED, I PKG. ORANGE AND LIME YELLOW A COMPLETE AT ALL TIMES! SKINLESS WEJNERS Lb,—39c. SWIFT'S Allsweet Oleo Buy 3 Lbs. for $1.00 Get 1 Lb. Free! OAST BE!" LB.~37C 3 Pound Chunk or More 3 LBS. $ 00 8 Less Than Three Pounds or Sliced 3 LB. 9' FRESH GROUND Cash IIS9H® Market FREE DELS VERY SERVICE! Open evenings until 9:00 for your shopping convenience! Phone 106-J Cumberland Street Caldwell, Ohio