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Page Six—B Quaker City ^UAKkk cil V Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Lawrence spent Thursday in Cambridge. The Dr. attended a staff meeting at St. Francis hospital and Mrs. Law rence visited her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Stubbs and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Kimmel and Ronnie McGill, of Scio, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Reid on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Griffin of Eldon, have returned from a visit with her sisters, Mrs. Elsie Finley, Miss Bertha Hall, of Akron and Gailord Hall of Ash land. Mrs. Robert Zinsmeister and Mrs. Hallie Bundy of Quaker City were business visitors in Cambridge. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stockdale of Londonberry, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pat terson last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Knight, of Zanesville, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin, of Mt. Ephraim, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Markle and daugh ter. Mrs. Lawrence Eagon is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Ken Ken nedy and husband of Mt. Gilead. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Weber are the parents of a son, born at Barnesville General hospital on Thursday, Sept. 22. Mr. and Mrs. John Connor, and Mrs. Laura Weber are grandparents of the new arrival. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Clarkson, of Thomville and Miss Alice Layne of Shadyside, visited during the weekend a« the Basil Foraker home here. The Men's Brotherhood of the Methodist church met on Thurs day evening, Sept. 22 at the church. The men of Batesville Methodist church were guests. Homer Reid was in charge of the meeting. Group singing and a general discussion followed. There being no out-of-town speaker, refreshments were ser ved and a social hour followed. Not meeting will be last Thurs day in October. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gray and family, of Barnesville, were guests of Mr. and Mr? Otis householder, east of town Si in day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bewley and family and Mrs. Laura Carpenter of Quaker City, returned from a two weeks vacation to Las Cruces, New Mexico, where they visited their daughter and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bundy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Carpenter and son were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Carpenter and son, Keith. Class No. 9 of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. W. R. Loveall this Thursday nite at 7:30. Mrs. Ray Patterson will have charge of the meeting. Mrs. Margaret Hendershot spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dudley, of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Abel Canel and daughter, of Canton, visited during the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jules Canel. s pA C* ,t irr- ClEVElANt NEW PHILADELPHIA UHRICHS V1UE WOODS HUD *r %t, 1st... "i no vents Con'l make dirt or no flue or chimney is needed to carry them away. You can install an electric water heater anywhere. JWER urs txncve ofiio I 5 Muskingum Land, the area contained on the watershed of the Muskingum River, wraps up in one bundle a large share of Ohio's water sports recreational facilities in the ten permanent lakes of the Muskingum Water shed Conservancy District and Route 8 that runs from Cleve land on Lake Erie to the town of Fly on the Ohio River is a popu lar highway of travel of motorists into this area. The path of Route 8 across Ohio was well known as a travel route of the Indians who lived in the Ohio Country bclore the com 1 ... BATESVILLE NEWS lidlt\svliIt llic i' i'ieiidftiup class held their Sept. meeting at the church, Wednesday evening. P«^arl Cline and Nellie Powell were hostesses. The Beaver Valley Grange met Wednesday evening, conferring the third and fourth degrees on several candidates. At the close of the meeting, cookies and cof fee were served, and a social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. William Summers of Middlebourne, W. Va., spent Saturday with Mrs. Julia Wag ner. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Luberg, of Woodsfield, and Mrs. Pearl House, of this place, were recent visitors of Andrew Needs at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Paul Olham, of Cambridge. Mrs. Laura Shepherd, of Tem peranceville, spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Glass Powell. Mrs. Robert Brown and daugh ter of Quaker City, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roe. Mrs. Lester Betts and daugh ter, Julia and Mrs. Carrie Roe were Wheeling shoppers on Sat urday. water heaters flame Nothing to turn on or off or check up on. Fully automatic. As safe, dean, and1' dependable as electric light. i COMPANY A U E S 3 i U A N i- i MW rMILAOIirniA ifc, ing of the white man and today even the ducks and geese en route between their winter feed ing grounds in the South and their nesting grounds in Canada are learning to use this chain of waterways on their travels. On Route 8 at the south edge of New Philadelphia is one of Ohio's top tourist attractions of today, the reconstructed Schoen brunn Village which gives the motor traveler a chance to turn back the pages of history as he visits a community that looks to day just as it did when the vil lage was inhabited by Christian Indians back in 1772. Mrs. Sim ley iVlci-'ceis. spent Sunday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Heber McPeek, of Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. William Klass, of Ashland, Ky., were recent visi tors of Mr. and Mrs. William Deal Mr. and Mrs. Paul Atkinson and Mrs. Frank Atkinson were shoppers in Wheeling, Friday. Mrs.4 Jack Eagon visited Wed nesday with relatives in Byes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Betts were Cambridge shoppers, Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Weber, of Columbus, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Betts and with Mrs. Laura Weber, of Quaker City. Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Pfeffer, a son, Sept. 23, at the Barnesville hospital. The mother is the former Marie Clucus, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Powell visiter Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Rosa St. Clair, of Salesville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Betts, of Quaker City, route, called on Mrs. Agnes Wehr last Thursday. are 2 u i n s u a i o n Because heat's applied from intide, only an electric water heater can be insulated all around. low flown payment easy budget terms see your dealer now THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHTO NOBLE TOWNSHIP Sorry to have missed writing my news letter last week but am sure you'll excuse me when I tell you I was visiting with my mother, Mrs. Lula Anderson and other relatives in Canton. My daugh ter, Frances Milligan and chil dren and I rAotored up on Friday .nd returned Tuesday after a wonderful weekend. Mom was suffering with arthritis but seem improved Tuesday. She lys "hello" to all her old friends id neighbors here in Noble county. Homemakers Club On Thursday, September 15, Mrs. Ida McMannis was hostess to the Belle Valley Homemakers club at her home in New A thenj small talk passed the morn ing all too quickly, followed by a delicious repast at noon of bak ed ham (by the hostess) and cov ered dishes (by the members). Some very unique and clever contests occupied the social hour. Prizes going to Jessie Reed and Patricia Stiers. Due to the absence of president, Grace Mc Kee, and vice president, Nora Stewart, Sara Hurst presided over the election of officers foi the coming year as follows: Lucy Feldner, president Jessie Reed, vice president Billy Bates, secre tary and news reporter, Gladys Boley, treasurer Sara Hurst as counsellor Jessie Reed and Goldie Preston, leader. Present at this delightful meet ing were: Mesdames Laura Fos ter, Iva Carnes, Bertha Davis, Elizabeth Fogle, Lucy Feldner, Sara Hurst, Gladys Boley, Irene DeVolld, Jessie Reed, Leota Ralph, Billy Bates, Patricia Stiers and Betty Lou McKee, also 1M ^'4 swp \:m S W 0 LOOKS Biiers two children, Nikki Stiers and Marvin Feldner, all of Belle Val ley Mrs. Clinton Smith and Vivian Kay of Cadiz Mrs. Mc Mannis, Mrs. Doris Chaney and Mrs. Helen Estepp of New Athens. Thanks to Mr. McMannis a most pleasant day and a hope she can join us at our October meeting which will be held at the home of Sara Hurst, Oct. 20. Remodeling Parsonage The Belle Valley Methodist church and parsonage are in the process of new "make up' which I am sure will result in better looks and longer life. W. C. Reed is also giving his house a new paint job mighty nice. Death Note We, in this community, are extending our heart felt symp athy to the bereaved family of Mr. Emmor Bond, of Sarahsville, who passed away Sunday morn ing. Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bates and Jim were: Henry Grimes, Olive Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Milligan and children, Cheryl and Michael. A feast of squirrel was in order (very sea sonal, eh?). On Friday Harry Bates and Eva Davis of Pleasant City were welcome all day guests. Personals Recently Mr. and Mrs. Bunk Metheney and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Metheney motored to New Athens for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed McMannis. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. R. Parrish of Bellington, W. Va., are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reed this week. I sat* y 2 V s 'i" sf New 2?3-hor»apower Montdair hardtop coup*—one of 1 2 models in 3 series Great new 210- and 225-hp SAFETY-SURGE V-8 engines New high in usable power—faster getaway than ever More styling innovations, new freshness everywhere 12 bi£ models, new fleet of low^illiouiette hardtops U MACKSBURG George Hale, Marietta, was a visitor here Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Kraps, Mr and Mrs. Bob Kraps attended the Homecoming here Sunday. Dr. William Phillips Youngs town, delivered the morning sermon at the Macksburg Home coming here Sunday, with liis wife and family. Howard Snyder, of Ashtabula, visited here over the weekend. Mrs. Ollie Bloomingdale, of Cleveland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Walters. Rev. and Mrs. William Kathary arrived home from Mt. Vernon where they were called by the illness of their son, Denver Kathary. Rev. Lela Howland, of Fair view, attended the afternoon ses sion of the church reunion and delivered a sermonette. Mrs. Enid Wiper, of Akron, is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. S. B. Longfellow. Mrs. Jessie Pyles and Mrs. Virginia McKee, of Cambridge, Mr. and Mrs. John Bates Jr., were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mrs. Irene McKee. Mrs. Minnie Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Jeffers, of Dexter City enjoyed an outing at Stone Creek a few days re cently. Mrs. Ethel Steen, of Canton, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hunter and attend ed the church reunion, Sunday. Mrs. Nelda Griggs, of Fairview is visiting a few days with Mrs. Ella Walters and friends. Mrs. Walters is home from Marietta hospital and improving. Mrs. Edna Tarleton, of Cald well, visited relatives here Sun day. "&5S» i iiii III ummuwi S 5. i t'mwiW The business meeting was con ducted by Mrs. Jane Bates. Plans were made to have a parcel post sale and election dinner. The next meeting will be the third Thursday evening of Octo ber with Mrs. Ruth Williams and Mrs. Curie Bates fes host esses. Refreshments were ser ved to twenty four members and guests. Personals Emma and George Kent, of Sarahsville, visited Monday with Mrs. Arthur Moore and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell. Mrs. Joann Powell, Mrs. Betty McVicker and Mrs. Jewell Pow ell and daughter, Janet attended a Stanley Brush party at the home of Mrs. Victor Williams on Thursday afternoon^ The Community club will have a pot luck dinner and quilt piec ing Friday instead of Wednes day at the school building. Each one is asked to bring needles and thread. Miss Rita Finley, of Canton, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family. L. G. Reed and Hildreth Craig of Zanesville, visited Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Luella Pringle. Luther Stiles, Mrs. Jane Bates and son, John and Mrs. Zelma Stiles attended the horse rac ing at Delaware, Thursday. Harmon Moore, of Kennons burg, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shafer. v A S •C' y s v «. Will IIIIIJLWIJIWJ BIG...REELS BIG...ACTS BIG...IS BIG! THE BIG BUY FOR 1956 e 0. H. PICKENPAUGH 315 West Slreel—Caldwell, Ohio V-'. fe, 4L mm*'* «#lr iv Brilliant new Flo-Tone color styling, illustrated above New smartly-tailored, color-matched interiors New Safety-Engineered features including safety door Jocks, impact-absorbing safety steering wheel, safety seat belts*, padded instrument panel*and padded sun visor* Thursday, September 29, 1955 MT. EPHEAW HEWS MT. EPHRAIM The W.S. C.S. met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Betty Mc Vicker with Mrs. Joann Powell as companion hostess. The pro gram was led by Mrs. Dora Mil ler and Mrs. Jewell Powell. Mrs. Sally Moore visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bates at Woodsfield. Mrs. Edith Williams received word Saturday of a son born to Mr. and Mrs. James Ritterbeck of Zanesville, Sept. 23. The in fants was named Gregory Ed ward. Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Keyser, of Sharon, and Mrs. Kenneth Per kins and daughters, Thefesa Ann and Diane visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Waitman Jackson, Jr. and family, of Akron. James W. Lumbatif Dies At Lewisville James W. Lumbatis, 63, died suddenly Sept. 20 at his home in Lewisville. Death was believed due to a heart attack. He served in World War I. He was a life residen of Monroe county and a member of the Methodist church. He had been retired in recent years because of failing health. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. C. R. Denbow, of Robston, Texas, Mrs. Thomas Hupp, of New Matamoras and Mrs. W. C. Garrett, of Summerfield, and a number of nieces and nephews. Services were held a 2:00 p. m. Thursday at the Bauer and Turner funeral home with Rev. Dale Cole officiating. REUNION PLANNED Several from Noble county will attend the annual reunion of the Standard Oil company Quarter Century club to be held Saturday in Columbus. This in cludes all employees who have 25 years or more service with the company. An interesting program is being planned. V *Optiorwl at extra cost BE S*