Newspaper Page Text
Page tVo (P&A&jojwi Mr. and Mrs. John Blackburn of Walnut street, entertained the following at a dinner Saturday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Harley DeHoff, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hall and Trudy Moyer, of Can ton. Mrs. Dwain Dyer and son, Dee of Caldwell, were in Columbus Saturday and attended the musi cal "Holiday On Ice." Mr. and Mrs. A1 Walton of Chautauqua cou-lt are visiting in Cleveland this week. County Home Demonstration News La-t week we three agents attended our annual extension conference at Ohio State Univer sity. There are 340 county exten sion workers in the state of Ohio. Approximately 42 of these work ers were new this year, one of the largest groups of new agents to join the staff in any one year. Annual conference is always a good chance to exchange ideas with other workers, in addition to gaining some additional know ledge in subject matter. We have been around to sev eral communities teaching the lesson on "Choosing Curtains and Draperies." Among those com munities were Summerfield, Sharon, Ava and Harriettsville. The officers of the Home Demonstration council met re cently to make some plans for the winter. They also set up some tenative revisions of the council constitution, which are to be voted on the January meet ing. Mrs. Hatiie VanFleet, Mrs. Irene DeVolld, Mrs. Betty Hedge, Mrs. Pauline Wickham, Mrs. Evelyn Bond, Mrs. Wava Oliver, Mrs. Gladys Seffens, Mrs. Elsie Smith, Elizabeth Dollison, Mrs. Nettie Magis all attended the district home demonstration meeting held at Marietta on Oct. 12th. Mr. C. F. Christian, exten sion agricultural editor, was pre sent to lead discussions on what makes a good meeting and how to tell about it. From all reports, it was quite a good meeting. The Christmas Tea Committee met yesterday to make plans for the Christmas program and tea for all homemakers of the county. It will either be held on December 13th or 16th, so watch for those dates. We think there will be a tiood program and lots of good fellowship. This is differ ent from what we have been having in the past. There will be no displays on Christmas Ideas this year, but we think you'll enjoy this. Keep this date in mind. You would be interested to know that we have heard from Evelyn Weaver. She should be arriving in Pakistan about the last of this week. From all in dications she is having quite a good trip abroad not actually getting seasick, but coming close to it. Evelyn mailed the letter from Beriut, Lebanon, the half way mark in her trip to Pakis tan. She said probably the big gest thrill was in seeing land after 15 days on water. Next week is th£ week of Community Institutes, as you have been reading in the paper. Perhaps we'll see you folks at one of these. Mabel Sarbaugh Home Demonstration Agent Vfl&jnJtwn Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Parry and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Parry, of Zanesville, called at the home of Mayor and Mrs. Homer Johnson on Monday of this week. Thursday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parcell, of the Beverly com munity, were Mr. and Mrs. Lew Parcell, of Montrose, Colorado, Mrs. Delia Roberts, Mrs. Nellie Parcell, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Welch, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Par cell, Ronnie Parcell, Mr. and Mrs. William Parcell and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wheeler spent the weekend in Loudon ville where Mr. Wheeler served as best man for the wedding of Miss Olive Lifer and Donald D. Derrow at the Zion Lutheran church. Visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Palmer Manson the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Dick and family, all of Tiro, Ohio. Mrs. Florence Moore and Stan ley Jordon. of Caldwell, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Stanley Hamilton and daughter, Beatrice. Nelle Headley, Madge Fergu son, Hazel Shuttleworth and Thelma Rice have returned to their homes in Caldwell after a week's vacation in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dudley and children, of Wadsworth, were weekend guests in the home of Mr. Dudley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearley Dudley, of Hoskins ville. Callers at the home of Lydia and Sarah Gant, of East street this past week were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. George Gildow, Rev. Clyde Still, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Archer and Ollie Reed. Mrs. C. M. Racey, of Fair ground street, visited with her brother, Henry Reitler, of Cos hocton, who is seriously ill in the St. Francis hospital, Cam bridge. Mrs. H. M. Shafer, of North street, was called to New Mar tinsville, W. Va., Thursday be cause of the illness of her sister in-law, Mrs. E. E. Ilendlee. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hatcher and son, Bobby, of Hai-r etsville, were visiting Saturday with friends in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. William Rucker of Hillcrest spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Os borne of Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Studa and daughter, Susan, Burgettstown, Pa., spent the weekend with Mrs. Studa's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McKee i Caldwell route. Mrs. Ida Wiley. bel Walsh and Willi:-.iv. TV Calif., Up to 91 more starting traction Up to 39% more stopping traction More rubber on the road for quieter opera tion longer wear GOODYEAR *5 '. lu'v v'.s'Vr 1A v DO'.BIE 00 -v V relatives •tr.f! :'i i 'a!*:.. and Nob'.f? i .. Mr. am! Mrs. limmn U.uke of Mack Vo.'ig c.'v day re cently uU .•' the for1 mer's son, Wallace Blake and family of Logan. Mrs. Nellie Warren and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Murrey of Macks burg attended a birthday dinner for C. A. Murrey in Sistersville, W. Va. Sunday. Mi's Krrn: T»an Johnson, Stu- durse at Bethesda School o' N fsing, Zanesvi'l:-. was a v r- --. -me of Wal- SUBURBANITE by GOOD# EAGLE BATTERIES TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON ANY Goodyear Double Eagle Battery (fiiaranteed 4 Years! HOSPITAL NOTES Good Samaritan Mrs. Anna Young, of Cumber land, was dismissed Oct. 19. Mrs. Frank Ostroski, of Cald-| well, was dismissed Oct. 20. Mrs. Gladys L. Green, of Cald well, was admitted Oct. 22. Mrs. Mable Dovenbarger, of| Sharon, was dismissed Oct. 22. St. Francis Hospital Mrs. James Tilton, of Belford street, was admitted to the hos pital, Saturday for observation] Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Schockling, of CaldwellI route 1, and Mrs. Florence West of Pleasant City, were admitted) Oct. 19. Dismissed Oct. 19 were Mrs. Walter Miley and infant son, of Senecaville Mrs. Fines Ivey and[ infant son, of Pleasant City route 2 and Lois Carpenter, of Quaker City route 3. John Methenev, of Pleasant| City, was dismissed Oct. 20. Mrs. Lillian Wentworth, of I Summerfield, and Dallas Keylor, of Summerfield route 2, were| dismissed Oct. 22. Marietta Memorial Donald Williams, of Macks burg, was admitted to the hos pital on Oct. 19 for observation and treatment. The trip to the hospital was made in the Mc Vay ambulance. Admitted. Oct. 17, were Jerry Bosner, Lowell, and William Phillis, Beverly. Charles Stewart, of Coal Run, was dismissed Oct. 17. Admitted Oct. 18 were Mrs. Walter Ullman, Lower Salem: Mrs. Walter Angle, Beverlv and Miss Shirley Carter, Lower Salem. Charles Wickens, Dexter City and Mrs. Thomas Bond and in fant, Caldwell route, were dis missed Oct. 18. Admitted Oct. 19 was Gay land Thompson, of Lower Salem. Mrs. Walter Ullman, of Low er Salem route 1, and George Webb, of Beverly, were dismiss ed Oct. 19. Roy Mendcnhall, of Lowell route 2. and Mrs. Lillie Baker. Caldwell route 2, were admitted Oct. 20. Dismissed Oct. 20 was Mrs. Mary Wcppler, of Coal Run. Gary Bosner. of Lowell, Galen Thompson, of Lower Salem, Miss Shirley Carter, of Lower Salem, and Mrs. Lillie Baker, of Cald well route 2. were dismissed Admitted Oct. 22 was Mrs. George Snvder, of Lowell. Dismissed Oct. 22 were Mrs. Leroy Sampson and infant, of Beverly, Mrs. Walter Tyson, of Beverly route 1, Dewey Allen, of Reinorsville route 1, and Mrs. Lorah Beardmore, of Harrietts ville. Mrs. Harriet Stephens, of Elba, was admitted Oct. 23. Dismissed Oct. 23 were Paul Spencer, of Lower Salem, and William Phillis of Beverly. Marietta Osteopathic Admitted Oct. 17 were Nor-| man Edward Rice, of Whipple route 2. and Mrs. Edna G. Mor-| ris, of Summerfield route 1. Mrs. Dorothy Schob, of Lowell, was dismissed Oct. 17. Mrs. Edna G. Morris, of Sum merfield route 1, was dismissed Oct. 17. Norman E. Rice, of Whipple, was dismissed Oct. 23. Photo Developing Gillespie's ATTENTION .. NEW CAR OWNERS! AVAILABLE IN TUBELESS OR CONVENTIONAL TIRES. ood/year New Treads $ MIKE'S 1015 UP KfS. Exchange TIRE "On the Square" Phone 200 SHOP Grant Hospital John Christopher was dis missed from the Grant hospital, Columbus, to his home on West street, Sunday. Bethesda Hospital Eldon Dale Martin, of Cumber land route 2, was dismissed Oct. 19. Fred Hall of Cumberland route 1, was admitted Oct. 21. Mrs. Hazel Leonard, of Cum berland route 1, and Mrs. John Cowgill and infant of Cumber land, were dismissed Oct. 21. Clement Guiler, of Caldwell route 6, was dismissed Oct. 22. Mrs. Ruth Mary Cubbison. of Senecaville, was admitted Oct. 23. Miss Charlotte Monroe, of Cumberland route 3, was dis missed Oct. 22. William H. Simonton, of Cald well, was admitted Oct. 22. Guernsey Memorial Carl Mallett, of West street, uflcred a stroke Monday even ing at his home. He was remov |'ed to the hospital in the McVay ambulance. Mrs. Lewis Moore was dismiss ed from the hospital on Oct. 21. She was taken in the McVay ambulance to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Esther McElroy of the Ava community. Dismissed Oct. 18 were Mrs. Clifford Marquis, of Sharon, Mrs. Mike Malenda and infant son of Belle Valley, and Thomas H. Douglass of Quaker City. Mrs. George Galayda was re moved from the hospital to her home in Coal Rid^e, Wednesday afternoon in the Murphy ambul ance. Admitted Oct. 19 were June daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Char les Franklin, of Caldwell. Clyde Bates, of Summerfield route 2, Harley Bates, of Sum merfield route 2, and Wayne Carman, of Quaker City route 2, wee admitted Oct. 20. Nancy Moore, of Ava, and Wayne Carman, of Quaker City route 2, were dismissed Oct. 21. Admitted Oct. 22 was Rod ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Moore, of Ava route 1. Admitted Oct. 22 were Mrs. Milan Lestock, of Cumberland and Mrs. Robert Caldwell, of Caldwell route 6. Craig Cross, of Cumberland route 2 and Mrs. Marie Hopps, of Pleasant City, was dismissed Oct. 22. John Nuckles, of Senecaville, was dismissed Oct. 23. Ohio Fuel f( 'i ntmued from page one) It was estimated today that practically every resident in Mt. Ephraim has signed up for the new gas installation. The project will cost approxi mately $20,000 before it is com pleted it was learned today. Guy^ Nutter and so^i ol'-Cam bridge1 are the contractors* and they will be in charge of laying the main pipe and service con nections. All Mt. Ephraim residents will be serviced directly from the Ohio Fuel Elk pump station, which is located in Noble county. Prior to the gas line instal lation this week, all the homes in Mt. Ephraim, numbering some 35-, were heated by coal or fuel oil. FORFEITS BOND Morris Raymond Hicks, of 'leveland, was arrested by Sheriff Conaway for reckless Iriving. He posted a bond of $20 to appear before acting Mayor Donald Nichols, Oct. 22, which was later forfeited. a/H£: JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Community Institute (Continued troin page one) Rcnrock Institute Rev. Sutton will open the mor ning session with the invocation at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. Joan Rich ards will give a talk, after which the nominating committee will be appointed. A pot tuck lunch will be en joyed with coffee being furnish ed. There will be group singing, short talks and report of the committees in the afternoon. Featuring the evening session will be a talk by Camille Schouppe, international farm youth exchange student from Belgium. Mabel Sarbaugh will also speak briefly. Balesville Institute The first eight grades will furnish the morning program with the invocation by Rev. George Singleterry. Mrs. Younkman will be the principal speaker. Lunch will be served by ladies of the Meth odist church. The high school will furnish the afternoon program with Miss Sarbaugh and Mrs. Younk man on thp program. In the evening at 7:30, {he committees will make their re ports and a local program is lanned. The Beaver Hills Garden club will be in charge of decorations. Jackson Institute The complete program fgr Jackson institute, which will be held Friday, Nov. 4, will be an nounced in next week's publica tion. Mrs. Joan Richards will be the principal speaker. ON T. V. SHOW Deborah Ann, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardner, Caldwell, appeared on Movie Marshall over WTRF-TV, Wheeling, last week. OFFICE TO CLOSE The social security office in Caldwell will be open Friday, Nov. 18th instead of Friday, Nov. 11th, because of the holiday. A GE Automatic Dishwasher—was $269.95 now $199.90 Dishmaster Dishwasher—Close-Out Special .... only $19.95 American Dishwasher—was $339.95 now $99.95 Youngstown 48-inch Sink now $139.95 New '55 Frigidaire Refrigerator—was $329.95 now $259.95 GE Refrigerator (14 cu. ft.)—was $569.95 .... now $499.95 GE Refrigerator (11 cu. ft.)—was $299.95 .... now $249.95 Ironrite Ironer—was $189.95 now $139.95 Used Prosperity Gas Range only $49.95 Used Estate Gas Range only $34.95 Used Kenmore Washer only $35.00 Used ABC Washer only $10.00 Westinghouse Iron—was $11.95 now $2.95 Sunbeam Iron —was $14.95 now $6.95 Sunbeam Waffle Iron —was $28.95 now $22.50 Sunbeam Mixer -was $42.50 now $37.50 Hamilton Mixer —was $37.50 now $29.95 Mirro-Matic 6-Qt. Pressure Cooker—was $16.95 now $12.50 Automatic Broiler—was $14.95 now $3.95 Sunbeam French Fryer—was $31.50 now $20.00 Sunbeam Coffee Master—was $37.50 now $29.50 NOBLE COUNTY 4-H CLUB NEWS A CENT A POUND! BRiNd Macksbuit *!«-rry Maids The October meeting of the Macksburg Merry Maids Four-H club was held on October 19 in the home of Donna Rowlands. It was in the form of a Hal loween party and a number of the members came masked. Those attending were Barbara Vaughn, Sandra Bates, Linda Jeffer.v, Marilyn Watson, Mari lyn McAtee, Judy McAtee, Eliza beth Parks, Donna Rowlands and Frances Rowlands. Guests were Joyce McAtee and Betty Jo Goodwill. Mrs. Sara McAtee, Mrs. Rita* McAtee, Mrs. Bessie Rowlands and Mrs. Vir ginia Frew, advisors, were pre sent. Refreshments were served during the social hour and games were enjoyed. The next meet ing will be held on Nov. 16 at 7:00 p. m. in the home of Mari lyn McAtee. Frances Rowlands. ATTEND GRAND 'CHAPTER Mesdames Marv Tipton, Mary Morgareidge, Elsie Kirchner, Nell Startzrnan, Mary Secrest, Mary Hanes, Helen Harmon, Susabelle McVay, Gerald Mar tin and Misses Thelma Rice and Martha Morgareidge were among those from Caldwell that at tended the Annual Grand Chap ter Session, Order of Eastern Star in the public auditorium. Cleveland on Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday of this week. ATTEND CONFERENCE Mrs. Jean Hesson, president of the local B.P.W. club and Miss Marlene Wells, secretary, at tended the District 12 B.P.W. conference held in the Jefferson grade school, Dresden, Sunday. There was 102 members from the district in attendance. Mrs. Hes son participated in a panel dis cussion and Miss Wells served as time keeper. Dr. Esther Mc .Ginnis was the speaker in the afternoon. beautiful 3x5 Black and 0 White Finished Portrait of you, your child or family group (limited to four subjects) for only ... NAME WITH YOU ST. ADDRESS TOWN coon only onf day! 4# 5 9. Cr MERCURY DROPS The mercury dropped to a low of 27 degrees Tuesday morning, according to Richard Burlin game, official weatherman for the county. This is the new low, so far, for the current fall months. Now is the time to have that portrait taken for Xmas STUDIO HOURS 12:00 Noon to 8:00 P. M. LIMITED 2 ADVERTISING OFFERS PER FAMILY 1 ptSubject Noble County's Oldest and Largest Appliance Dealer For the Buy of a Lifetime! Greatest Savings Ever Offered at Our Close-Out Sale! See the New 1956 DODGE Six Cylinder This Truck including .. Olan Milli Portrait Reproduced By Permission Nov. 2 WEIGHT Thursday October 27. 1955 IN MAYOR'S COURT Bill Lee Spurdock, of Cleve land was arrested over the week end by Sheriff Conaway for speeding. He posted a bond of $50 to appear in the Mayors court Monday, which he forfeit ed. 'A-Ton Express Heavy Duty Retrr Springs Directional Signals 2-Tone Paint Federal Tax Sales Tax delivers for M655" Worl W. Thompson Cumberland Street Caldwell, Ohio STUDIO LOCATION V.F.W. Caldwell, Ohio TV Lamp: —was $6.95 now $1.29 TV Lamp —was $5.50 now 79c TV Lamp —was $4.50 now 89c GE Filter Flow Washer—was $319.95 now $289.95 GE (620) Clothes Dryer—was $229.95 now $199.95 (1956 Models) GE (520) Clothes Dryer—was $199.95 now $169.95 GE (320) Clothes Dryer—was $159.95 now $139.95 Free Installation to Customers on Mcnongahela Electric Co. O RANGES DRYERS WATER HEATERS THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY VALUES AT 515 West Street Caldwell, Ohio STORE HOURS: 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY We Will Continue Our Service in Caldwell and Noble County. a A I O A N A I A N E