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Page Four -DEATH NOTICES- William H. Metheney William H. Met'nencv, 74, of Belle Valley, died Sunday night tt Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge, where he was ad mitted Friday after suffering a heart attack. He was born in Noble county and spent his entire life in this community. He was a son of William and Louisa Metheney. Survivors are his widow, Ethel two sons, Harold and Wilbert Metheney, of Belle Val ley two daughters, Mrs. Vera Moore, of Tucson, Arizona, and Mrs. Virginia McFerren, of Waterford: 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Belle Valley Meth odist church with Rev. Floyd Gaugler officiating. Burial was made in Mt. Zion cemetery. The McVay funeral home was in charge of the services. D. E. Smith D. E. Smith, 88, died early Friday at the home of his son in-law and daughter, the former Mayor Earl D. Schob and Mrs. Schob, of Marietta. Smith was born in Washington county, a son of the late G. A. and Adeline Twiggs Smith. On Dec 19, 1890, he married Eliza beth Pfaff, who died in 1939. Surviving are a son, a daugh ter, one brother, four grandchil dren and two great grandchil dren. One son, Bernard, pre ceded him in death. Mr. Smith operated a general store at Whipple until 1905 when he moved to Marietta and for many years was associated with the old Brown-Hutch ins Candy Co. He was a member of the First Coneregational Iinmanuel Baptist Affiliated church. Funeral services were held Sunday at 3:00 p. m. at the Doudna and McClure funeial home. The Rev. Frank Wright officiated and burial was in Oak Grove remetery. William Peters William Peters, 69, of Coal Run, died Monday at 5:30 p. m. at his home. A lifelong resident of the Coal Run community, he was the son of the late John and Martha Ramsey Peters. On April 16, 1913, he was married to the former Helen Lucas, who sur vives at the family home. Survivors in addition to his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Louise Meeks, of Coal Run three sons, .IJoyd, of Waterford route 1 and Luther and Law rence, of Coal Run two brothers, Hugh of Coal Run and Frank of Zanesville and eight grandchil dren. Funeral services were conduct ed Wednesday at 2:00 p. m. at the McCurdy funeral home in Beverly. Burial was made in Beverly cemetery. John K. Torchik John Kenneth Torch ik, 11 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Mike Torchik, of Jewett route 1, died Saturday afternoon at Ohio Valley General hosDital at Wheeling of a liver condition. He is the grandson of John Tor chik, of Caldwell. The child was born in Har rison county, June 8, 1944 and was a member of the Bethel Methodist church, near Jewett. He was also a member of the 4-H club and the Modern Wood men of America. Surviving are a brother, a sister, his maternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Newell, of Jewett route 1 and the pater nal grandfather, John Torchik, of Caldwell. Funeral services were -ield Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Bethel Methodist church with Rev. Charles Rothel and Rev. Florence Henry officiating. Madge G. McLaughlin Mrs. Madge McLaughlin, 70, of Sarahsville, died Monday at St. Francis hospital where she was admitted a week ago after suffering a stroke. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Grimes, and a life long resident of Noble county. Mrs. McLaughlin had been a news correspondent to the Noble county Journal and Leader for a number of years. Survivors in addition to her husband, George, are a sister, Miss Myrtle Grimes, of Caldwell route 6, a half-brother, Rev. John Grimes, of Athens and two half-sisters, Mrs. Anna Plumb and Mrs. Vivian Mullens, of Akron. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10:00 o'clock at the McVay funeral home with Rev. Paul Smith of ficiating. Burial was made in Village View cemetery at Sar ahsville. Albert J. Ruby Albert Johnson Ruby, 84, of Plainfield, a retired farmer, died Saturday morning at the home oi his daughter, Mrs. John Milligan, Cambridge. Born Nov. 5, 1872 at Ker.nons burg, he was a son of Johnson and Elizabeth Tucker Ruby. The family later moved to Coshocton county. On July 7, 1897, he mar ried Ruey Myers. He was a member of the Plainfield Methodist church and Birds Run Grange. In addition to his widow, he leaves a son, four daughters, a brother and three grandchildren. A son, seven brothers, and three sisters preceded him in death. Masonic services were held at the home Sunday at 7:00 m. and funeral services were held Monday at 2:00 p. m. at Plain field Methodist church with Rev. Donald Yaussey officiating. Burial was made in Plainfield cemetery. The Bonnell funeral home was in charge. Frank W. Smith Frank W. Smith, 74, died sud denly Monday at 2:30 p. m. at his home in Marietta. He was an oil well producer and contractor. Born Nov. 1, 1880 at Elba, he was the son of the late John and Melissa Pierce Smith. On Nov. 24, 1904, he was married to the former Amy Gennett, who sur vives at the family home. Other survivors are one son, Lucian B. Smith, of Warner two sisters-in-law, Hallie Dodd and Ollie Darrah, btfth of Caldwell two daughters, one brother, one sister, and five grandchildren. One son, Berman, died in World War II. Services were held today (Thursday) at 2:30 p. m. at Doudna & McClure funeral home, with Rev. C. William Black officiating. Burial was made in the Oak Grove Mau soleum. ADMITTED TO CLINIC Miss Viola Crum, of Caldwell was admitted to the Cleveland clinic on Oct. 25 for observation and treatment. IDEAL GIFT FOR CHILDREN We have added to our stock all four series of the VELOCIPEDES For the child in your family! NO. 850 SERIES VELOCIPEDES NO. 900 SERIES VELOCIPEDES 3 Sixes—10", 12". 16" 3 Sii«»-10", 12", 16" NO. 300 SERIES VELOCIPEDES 3 Sixes—10", 12", 16" HO. 100 Use Our Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan for Xmas Tipton's Hardware Corner Main and Cumberland Phone 21 Caldwell, Ohio SERIES ROCKINC HORSE REAL ESTATE TRANSFER! Department of Internal Rev enue to Virgil H. Watson, motice of tax lien. John D. Ames, et. al., to B. H. Putnam, surrender of lease. Hervey E. Raney to Margaret Raney, et. al., Jackson township, 197 acres, certificate for trans fer. Margaret Raney to Dean and Helen Raney, Jackson township, 4 acres. Affidavit for transfer. Dean and Thelma Raney to Helen Raney, Jackson township, 131 acres. Helen Raney to Dean Raney, Jackson township, 120 acres. Anna and Oliver Montgomery to Donald Goodhart, Beaver township, 33.10 acres. Margaret and Basil Charlton to Ernest J. and Lela M. Tilton", Belle Valley, lot 136. Bureau of Unemployment Compensation to W. C. Stephens, Opr. notice of lien. Ernest Schott to Mary Schott. et. al., village of Detroit, Ohio, lots 23, 24,25. Affidavit for trans fer. Clark O. and Delpha Devoid to the Ohio Power Co., Canton, (deed of easement). Amy Riski, administratrix of the estate of Catherine Feldner to Oliver F. Moore, Caldwell, part of lot 122. Pearl Muhlbach, deceased, to Herman Muhlbach, Caldwell, Olive township, 71.38 acres. Vz interest of 2.96 Itcres. Certificate for transfer. Keneth W. Muhlbach, et. al., to Herman P. Muhlbach, Cald well, 2.96 acres. Keneth W. Muhlbach, et. al., to Herman P. Muhlbach, Olive township, 71.38 acres. Forrest and Iola Delancey to Willard and Marie Fry, Moors Add. to the Village of Laura, lots 70-71-72, Enola Hamilton, et. al., to Andy Mika, Jr., lease. O. J. Lorenz to Beatrice Lorenz, village of Caldwell, lots 4-5, interest on E. half. O. J. and Beatrice Lorenz to Robert E. Lorenz, et. al., village of Caldwell, lots 4-5. O. J. and Beatrice Lorenz to Mary Katheryn Lorenz, Imp. Com. Add., village of Caldwell, lots 338, 339. Willard and Eileen Bates to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Bernard J. and Elizabeth M. Saling to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Arthur and Madge Davis to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Cyde and Elsie Crum to Lean der Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Lemuel and Bertha Davis to Leander Crock and Ruben Schaf er. Right of Way. Gould and Elnorah Brown to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Roy and Mary McLaughlin to Leander Crock and Ruben Schafer, Right of Way. Friendly Circle Club Meets At Parcell Home Mrs. Joe Parcell, of the Bev erly community, entertained the Friendly Circle club at her home' Wednesday, Oct. 19. At noon s delicious dinner was enjoyed with the afternoon hours being spent in quilting. Mrs. Ellen Taylor won the door prize and Mrs. Carrie Parcell, the (,'uest prize. Members and guests were Mrs. Vivian Phyllis, Mary Wiley, Josephine Wiley, Ethel Francis, Irene Noyes, Roxie Albright, Eileen Taylor, Zelda Clark, Fay Burchett. Ruth Haussei', Yolanda Finkel, Florence Stiers, Lavada Sylvus, Doris Welch, Beulah Stewart, Barbara VanDyke, Francis Huck, Mrs. Effie Par cell, Zora Welch, Carrie Parcell, Geneva Williams, several chil dren, Herman Welch and Joe Parcell. ' OLTRNAjl, CAjlD^ T^lju, OHTO PROBATE COURT NEWS In the land sale of Homer Jerles, administrator of the estate of Milberry Jerles, deceas ed, Homer Jerles, et. al. Hear ing had Oct. 10, 1955. Finding sale necessary and ordering ap praisement. Answer and cross petition in action on petition to sell real estate, filed. Order of appraisement -entry confirming appraisement, dispensing with land and ordering private sale. Order of private sale issued. Entry confirming sale ordering deed and distribution in proceed ing to sell real estate. In the land sale of Clair J. Murphy, administrator of the estate of Michael F. Pyciak aka Mike Pyciak, deceased, Micteel F. Pyciak, et. al. Order of piwic sale issued. Report of sale return ed and filed. Entry confirming sale, ordering deed and distribu tion. In the will of John H. Starr, deceased. Commission to take deposition of witnesses to will, returned and filed. Depositions of witnesses to will, returned and filed. Proof of signature of wit ness to will, filed. Order admit ting to probate and record (commission Ret.). In the guardianship of David W. Reed, ninth partial account of George Amos, guardian. Filed for hearing Dec. 5, 1955 at 10:00 a. m. In the estate of Ernest S. Schott, deceased. Application with itemized statement for det ermination of inheritance tax, filed. Entry-estate not subject to inheritance tax, filed. Affidavit in lieu of schedule of claims, fil ed. First and final account of Edward Schott, administrator, filed for hearing, Dec. 5, 1955 Dexler City W.S.C.S. Holds Party Thursday The W.S.C.S. of the Dexter City Methodist church held their 15th birthday party at the church Thursday, October 20. A beautiful birthday cake with 15 candles centered the table. The candles were lighted by the past presidents of the organiza tion in an impressing ceremony. Merqbers of the W.S.C.S. of the Mary Reed Memorial church and former members of the Dexter City W.S.C.S. were special guests for the evening. An interesting program on the achievements of the organization was presented with the presi dent, Grace Robinson, in charge Refreshments were served during the social hour to the following members and guests: Josephine Sullivan, Carrie Dan ford, Bertha Hayes, Mabel Misel, Martha Warren, Melva Batten, Myrtle Dillehay, Alice Theiss, Elsie Chandler, Cora Lamp, Ger aldine Martin, Mary W. Travis, Virginia Doan, Norma Augen stein. I Irene Wilson, Mrs. Walter Smith, Jennie Horton, Mary Smith, Edith McFarland, Rosa lee Boone, Cora Rucker, Helen Ogle, Nola Clymer, Clara Mose ley, Josephine Blake, Blanch Long, Sara Warren, Bernice Webber, Grace Robinson, Ila Clymer, Edna Vaughn, Nancy Clymer and Joan Warren. Woman's Literary Club Meets Tuesday Evening Mrs. Rama Steen was hostess to the Woman's Literary club at her home on Belford street, Tuesday evening. Members present answered the roll call by giving a health rule. The program included an article entitled "Salk -Victory Over Polio" by Irma Smith and an article on "Miracle Drugs" by Ethel Pryor. Louise Clark gave the story of Louis Pasteur. A short business session wn held with the president, Rama Steen, in charge. Engineer Boots For Boys and Men! Retained Black Leather. $6-95 up to $13-50 Basketball Shoes With Red Stripe or Plain BALL-BAND or U. S. KEDS. $4-49 $6-50 Rubber Footwear for the Entire Family CARL'S SHOE STORE Your Family Shoe Store Cumberland Street Caldwell, Ohio (P&i&ojwl] Vybwtion Mr. and Mrs. George. Samuels of Henderson, Ky., vis'ited sev eral days the past week with their daughter, Mrs. E. G. Ditch and family, North street. Mrs. Mary VanFossen of Mar ietta visited in Caldwell, Cleve land, Ashland, Barberton and Akron with friends and relatives for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Ralph and Jean Mayes of Sharon and Dale Ackley of Caldwell have return ed to their homes after a two weeks visit with relatives in New Mexico. They visited with the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hayes and family of Hobbs, N. M. and with the lat tet's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Scott of Albuquerque, N. M. They were accompanied to Hobbs by Terry Hayes who had been spending some time with his grandparents. Mrs. Cora Rucker of Dexter City Mrs. Alberta Ackley of Sharon and Mrs. Ada Ackley of Caldwell visited recently with the former's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Chapman and fam ily in Newark. Enroute home they visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Idell Spillman in New Concord. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffrey and family, of Dexter City, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jeffery, of Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Romans and Mrs. Harry Romans of Akron, Mrs. Kathryn Boyd and daughter, Kathy, and Fred and Paul Schneeberger of Dexter City route. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Steinberger of Newark were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hupp of Bronze Heights. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Drake have returned to their home in Wash ington D. C. after spending the weekend with friends in Cald well. Marie Lloyd of Zanesville and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gill of Co lumbus were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bee cher Gill of Maple Heights. Worthwhile Sunday School Class Meets On Thursday The Worthwhile class of the First Church of Christ held their regular meeting Thursday even ing in the church basement with approximately 25 in attendance. Robert Long, vice president, conducted a short business ses sion, and Harold Dyer had charge of the devotional service. Hosts for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. and Mrs Robert Long and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Elliott. MARRIAGE PERMIT According to probate judge, Earl P. McGinnis, there was only one marriage permit issued over the weekend to Fred Gordon, Sarahsville route 1, farmer, and Helen Spence, of Caldwell, do mestic. BUY HOME Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fry, of Belle Valley, have purchased the Forest Delancey property in Coal Ridge and are moving to their new home this week. SEPARATION PAPERS There were four separations from the U. S. Navy filed in the County Recorder's office during the past week. They included Joseph Burbacher, Donald Riley Lashlev, James Thomas Bates, and Donald Lee King. EYE INJURED Richard Gill, 16, of Lower Salem, had shattered glass re moved from his left eye, Wed nesday, Oct. 19, at the Marietta Memorial hospital. He suffered the injury when a light shattered at school. Save 5 Ways st Ch&ic© Used Cars 1955 DODGE 1954 Plymouth 1954 Plymouth 1954 Chevrolet 1953 Chevrolet 1952 DODGE 1950 Chevrolet 1949 Plymouth 1949 DODGE 1948 DODGE Mrs. Hazel Shuttleworth of Lewis street is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Don Bo wen and family in Norwalk. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill of North street spent Sunday with their daughter, Talitha in Park ersburg, W. Va. Mrs. Margaret Hendershot of Quaker City spent last Saturday with Mrs. Miley Carter of Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray of Main street visited this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bruns of Cleveland. Judy Smith._ student nurse, of Columbus, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rov Smith of Park Heights. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Feldner of East Union were Mr. and Mrs. Denver Bates and children, Pat ty Jo, Terry Allen and Danny and Donald Feldner of Canton Miss Lola Phillips of Zanesville Mr. and Mrs. Don Bishop and son, Gregg of Cambridge Mrs. M. Z. Kirkbride and sons, Donald and Donna of Summerfield route 1 Mr. and Mrs. Willard Love, Mrs. Merle Coss and daughter, Becky of Woodsfield route Mrs. Earl Christy and children, Sharon and Pamela of Graysville Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Carpentqr and daughter, Twila Sue, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sorg and children, Tommy, Kay leen and Lee. Donald Seffens, of Norwalk. spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seffens of Cumberland street, Mrs. Vera Antill, Dexter City, Mrs. Greeten Woodford, Cald well route 3, Mrs. Mary Jane Kackley, Pleasant City route, Miss Betty Faye Sanford and Donald Sanford, Caldwell, were in Columbus Sunday and attend ed the "Holiday On Ice." Mrs. Eva Oborne, of Akron, returned to her sister's home, Mrs. Harry Sanford, West street, after several days visit with her sister, Miss Lydia Milton, of Zanesville. Mrs. Donald W. Sanford and sons, Bobby and Jerry, of West street, accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Milligan to Salem for a week's visit. The Milligans returned home after a three weeks' tour of the West Coast and southern states. Pfc. Harley H. Fowler, who is stationed at Fort Hayes in Columbus, spent a few days last week with his mother, Mrs. Lucille Fowler, of Belford street. M.r. and Mrs. Herman Starr, of Caldwell, attended the '"Holiday On Ice" in Columbus over the weekend. Wheeler Bible Class Meets In Ramage Home Mrs. Carter Shafer and Mrs. Gerald Ramage entertained the Wheeler Bible class of the First Baptist church last Tuesday evening in the Ramage home on West street. Mrs. Harry Colley, president, conducted the business session at which time routine business was transacted. Mrs. Ed. Ickes had charge of the devotional service and the program. Members present were Mrs. Roy Wikander, Mrs. Harry Col ley, Mrs. W. C. Wehr, Mrs. Len Davis, Mrs. Charles Milligan, Mrs. Ed. Ickes, Mrs. Henry Sim onton, Mrs. Raymond Moore, Mrs. Harold Brown, one guest, Nancy Ramage, and the host esses. FUNDS TRANSFERRED The Noble county commission ers transferred $20,000 from the auto license fund to the road and bridge fund, Monday, when they held their regular meeting. All voted yes on this transfer. \DqpBjEl ROYAL 4-DOOR SEDAN 2-Tone Paint—W/S Tires 7,000 Miles SAVOY 4-DOOR SEDAN Hy-Drive—2-Tone Paint 19,000 Miles—One Owner SAVOY 4 DOOR SEDAN Radio—Heater 22,000 Miles—One Owner BEL-AIR 2 DOOR SEDAN Radio—IIe:rter A Clean Car. 210 SERIES—2-DOOR SEDAN Heater—Seat Covers Good Rubber CORONET CLl'B COl'PK Automatic Trans.—Heater One Owner—32,000 Miles. 2-DOOR SEDAN New Paint—Seat Covers Good Rubber. Special Deluxe Club Coupe Radio—Heater Good Rubber. WAYFARER 2-DOOR Engine Overhauled New Paint. 3-PASSENGER COUPE Radio—Heater Good Rubber W0RL W. THOMPSON 510 Cumberland Street Caldwell, Ohio CRASHES RED LIGHT Anno St. Clair, of Cumberland, was arrested Monday by Jack Oliver. She was charged with crashing a red light. She appear ed'before Mayor Homer Johnson and was fined $5 and costs. Tomato Catsup 14-oz. Bottle 5 for 98c 5-lb. Strained 2-lb. Strained 1 -lb. Strained Section Comb 3-lb. Frame Comb Pure Black Pepper Lb.—80c Rome Yellow Delicious 3 lbs e k Bushel NEW IMPORTED CHESTNUTS Lb.—23c LONG1IORN CHEESE Lb.—52c SAUSAGE 3 lbs.—$1.00 Lb.—39c Thursday. October 27. 1955 INJURED IN FALL Mrs. Elsie Chandler, of Dexter City route 1. was treated Friday in the emergency room at Mari etta Memorial hospital for a lac erated right wrist as the result of a fall in her home. SPECIALS For THURSDAY- FRIDAY- SATURDAY Only! Chocolate Drop Candy 25c LB. NEW CORN MEAL 5 LBS. 35E BALL'S SPECIAL! Potato Chips POLL POUND Only Budget Coffee Lb. Bag—69c Ground Fresh! 4 9 Large Size .. INSTANT Boscul Coffee $1.19 Special This Thursday-Friday-Saturday Only! With Each 5 Purchase One 45c Section EDEE COMB HONEY .. T1% NEW SALT FISH Lb.—25c 46- oz. Donald Duck TOMATO JUICE 2 lg. cons—59c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 25 lb. sack—$1.99 PITRF BOSCIJL Peanut Butter Davy Crockett or Flowered Glasses Each—39c APPLES Winesap --Red Romes 90c $300 SOLID CABBAGE Lb.—6c David Davies Economic OLEO Lb.—21c STEAK STEAK STEAK Round Sirloin T-Bone LB. 69 Fresh Ground SLAB BACON fiece3lbs.—$1.00 Sliced Ball's Cash Market FREE DELIVERY SERVICE! Open evenings untii 9:00 for your shopping Phone 106-J Cumberland Street Caldwell, Ohio Lb.—39c convenience!