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JThursdav. November 24. I9C5 Look Who's Here! Mr. fcmd M: Ronald Whetl'i of Caldwell route 6 announce the birth of a son on November 12 at the Good Samaritan hospital, Zanesville. The new one weigh ed seven pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Jerry Dean. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Moore of Summerfield and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wheeler of Caldw-ell route 6. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crum of Summerfield are announcing the birth of a son, Nov. 16 in the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. The new arrival weighed eight grounds and four ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dudley of Ava, route 1, are the parents of a six pound, 15 ounce son, born in Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge, Monday, Nov. 21. Mr. and Mrs. Euril Leonard "Bud" Rich of Mt. Ephraim an nounce the birth of a daughter on November 17 at the Guernsey Memorial hospital in Cambridge. The new arrival weighed six pounds,, 11 and ^4 ounces and has been named Teresa Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Graham of Mt. Ephraim are the maternal grand parents and Mr. and Mrs. William Rich of Senecaville route 1 are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lashley and Homer Rich of Kennonsburg are the paternal great grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Urdak of Caldwell route 6 are announcing the birth of a son, Sunday, Nov. 20 at Thompson's hospital. The infant weighed eight pounds and has been named William Edward. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Urdak of Columbus and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fraun feltar of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Gordon z of West street are announcing the adoption of a two month old daughter weighing 12 pounds, four ounces. She has been named Alice Renee. The adopted grand parents are Mr. and Mi's. William Gordon of Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young of Crooks ville route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rehak of 2166 Warren road, Lakewood, fornjerly of Caldwell, are an nouncing the birth of a son. The infant has been named Robert Gould Rehak. He was born Nov. 13 at Fairview Pk. hospital, Cleveland. The paternal grand father is Gould Brown of Cald well. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tilton of Belle Valley are the parents of a son born, Nov 17 in the Guernsey Memorial hospital. The infant ^weighed seven pounds and six ounces at birth. Photo Developing:—Gillespie's Contact Us R. C. Moore WW** Mr. and ii„. Don Anderson of Lowell route 2 are the parents of a daughter, born Nov. 17 in the Marietta Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walters of Caldwell are announcing the birth of a daughter, Nov. 16 in the Good Samaritan hospital. ttUtllKtlfllllllltlllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICtllllMllllllllllllt I Happy Birthday! Wednesday, Nov. 23 Charles S. Forshey. Thursday, Nov. 24 Lula Belle Robinson. Saturday, Nov. 26 Howard Thompson Sunday, Nov. 27 Ruby Parks, Roberta Cleary, Harold Clark, Carter Shaffer, Paul McVay, Dotty Bates, Clar ence Moore, Virginia Dee Wat son, Rose Evelyn Crum, Clarice Jennings. Monday, Nov. 28 Durward McKee, Marilyn Wehr, Vicky Guiler, Margaret Meighen. Tuesday, Nov. 29 Lillian Smith, J. G. Guiler, Delores Guiler, Walter Douglass, Ruth Knox. Wednesday, Nov. 30 Ivu Poling, Judy Reed. Thursday, Dec. 1 Frances Wood. COUNTY AGENTS MEETING On Monday. Nov. 28. county agents, associate agents and home agents from Morgan, Washington and Monroe counties will meet with the Noble county staff in Caldwell. They will dis cuss district activities for the coming year. RECEIVE TURKEY Francis Dimmerling, Ida Dim merling, Carl Archer and Clara Mallett of Carlisle and Charles Saling of Dexter City were the lucky winners of the turkeys given away at the Thanksgiving dan^e at St. Michael'? v»r»n in Carlisle last week. MOVE TO SUMMERFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tilton, who have been occupying the Gray apartment on Main street, moved this week to Summerfield where they will make their future home. Mrs. Tilton is the former Mary Carpenter of that community. END OF SIX WEEKS When the Caldwell high school was dismissed Wednesday noon for the Thanksgiving vacation, it also marked the end of the second six weeks of school, ac cording to Principal Gilbert W. Weekley. The Caldwell grade schools, however, are on a four weeks period. Lei Us Help You fbr For the next three weeks until Dec. 15, we will cut out FREE any FIGURINE you desire in your home decorating outdoor plan. You need only pay for the plywood used. The three judges will be named by the Noble County Chamber of Commerce and all judging will be completed by Friday evening, Dec. 23, so that the prize money may be received by Christmas. (The above prizes are in addition to those already offered by the Chamber of Commerce) For Additional Details. Lumber Phone 54 Fairground Road Personals— Mrs. Dealt lilies and children, Denice and Roger of Columbus spent the past weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ralph of Fairground street. Mr. and Mrs. Glen lams of Caldwell route have returned to their home after spending a week with their daughter in Massa chusetts. Mrs. Sarah Young returned to her home on Chautauqua court, Sunday after spending the week visiting Mrs. Daisy Wade and other relatives and friends in Co lumbus. Visitors the past week at the home of Lydia and Sarah Gant on East street were Dorothy Gil dow, Rev. Clyde Still, Robert Tucker, Marcus Gant and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Carter of South Olive spent the weekend with Mrs. Carter's sister, Mrs. John Cardiff and family of Co lumbus. Mrs. Catherine Blake of Co lumbus was a weekend guest at the home of her son, Harvey Blake and family ol' Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Went worth and Mr. and Mrs. Culbert son of Zanesville visited Sunday with Mrs. Grace Johnson of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nau and dau ghter, Beverly visited Sunday afternoon with Walter and Luna Ullman of Harriettsville. Mrs. Fred Carter of Canton is visiting this week with her moth er, Mrs. Thelma Biglev of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burli game and daughter, Susan have returned to their home in Brook field township after visiting with relatives in Ripley, W. Va. Donald Seffens of Norwalk spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seffens of Cumberland street. Mrs. Raymond G. Moore of Walnut street visited Thursday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Stickel in Zanesville. Mrs. Ellen Douglass, Mrs. Jes sie Young and Mrs. Kathryn Merry of Caldwell were visiting with relatives and friends Co lumbus one day last week. Miss Sylvia Sharp of Zanes ville visited recently with Mrs. Nellie Moore of Belford street. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams of Byesville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Williams and H. G. Williams of Mt. Eph raim. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Boeshaar of Main street this past weekend were their son, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Boeshaar and children, Helena, Nancy and Billy of West Mans field. Mrs. Boeshaar served a delieiuos turkey dinner to the a bove named on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William T. John son have been visiting the past week with friends and relatives in Caldwell. Christmas In conjunction with the Noble County Chamber of Commerce ''Christmas Home Decoration Contest", we will give— THREE BEAUTIFUL CUPS and *25 IN CASH PRIZES TO THE TOP FOUR WINNERS! All homes entered in this contest will be judged on an individual basis. No community projects will be considered by the judges. FREE! FREE! i i i Company, Inc. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO -DEATH NOTICES- Mrs. Romola Blake ivlrs. I'oii.ola Blake, (i-t, who -pent most of her life in this community and had resided in Akron for the past few years, died at 3:30 p. m. Thursday, Nov. 17 after a short illness. She was born Dec. 18, 1890 in Hoskinsville, a daughter of Samuel B. and Alice McKee Racey and was a member of the North Hill Methodist church in Akron. For several years she was employed in the West Side Mar ket, Caldwell. Her mother, Alice Racey, was a well-known painter in Noble county and surrounding areas, and her father S. B. Racey was a school examiner and Supt. of Noble county schools for many years. Surviving are a son, Bruce, and two grandchildren, Russell and Betsy Blake, all of Akron a brother, Donald Racey, of Co lumbus a sister, Mrs. Grace Middleton of Darrowsville, O. Lester Pickenpaugh, C. M. Racey and Thelma Bigley, all of Cald well, were cousins of Mrs. Blake and Neil Racey of Caldwell was a nephew. Her husband, Linley and a son, Bobby, preceded her in death. Funeral services were held Saturday in the Hennessey funeral home in Akron and the body was brought to the Murphy funeral home where services were held at 2:00 p. m. Sunday with Rev. Walter Brown officiating. Interment was made in the Olive cemetery. Mrs. Josephine Addleman Mrs. Josephine Addleman, 88, mother of Mis. Clayton McKee, Caldwell route 6, died at her home in Riverside, Calif., accord ing to word received by relatives. She was the last of a family of eight children born to Harvey and Margaret Adams, deceased, who for a number of years resided in the Macksburg com munity. A son, Paul Addleman, was killed three years ago in a traffic accident at Riverside, Calif. Funeral services were held on Saturday morning from the Simons funeral home and inter ment made in Arlington, Calif. Mrs. Addleman had resided in the west for the past 27 years. In addition to her daughter, she is survived by the daughter-in law, nine grandchildren four great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews in Ohio. Lawrence Franklin Relatives have been notified of (he death of Lawrence Frank lin of Dayton, formerly of Noble county. Mr. Franklin passed away on November 18 as a result of an internal hemorrhage that he had suffered Thursday. He was reared in the Whig ville community, a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Franklin. He was a graduate of Caldwell high school. He is survived by the follow ing sisters of Noble county: Jennie Danford, Hazel Rich and Lalla Hicks and a brother, Ben Franklin of Barnesville. He is also survived by his wife, two LAYAWM good/vear COMPARE! AT $40 i nuna ami a grandson, all of Dayton. Funeral services were held and burial was made Tuesday in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rich and Mrs. Norma Miley of the Sarahsville community attended the funeral. Mrs. Martha Willey Mis. Maitha Fiances Bond Willey, ui Cambridge, formerly of Noble county, died in her home Wednesday, Nov. 16 fol lowing an illness of six months. Born Jan. 12, 1871 in Noble county, she was the daughter of William and Mary Harold Bird man. She was a member of the Free Methodist church. Surviving are a daughter, Bernice Greathouse, of Caldwell three sons, Bernard, Or a and Lewis Bond, of Caldwell 23 grandchildren 13 great grand children and a sister, Mrs. Anna Danford, of Caldwell. Funeral services were held Saturday at 1:00 p. m. in the Free Methodist church in Cam bridge with the pastor, Rev. James Florence, officiating. Burial was made in the Olive cemetery and the Scott funeral home was in charge of the ar rangements. Otto John Hupp Othj Juhn Hupp, 48, life long resident of Fulda com munity, died Sunday evening in Rocky Glen Sanatorium, McCon nelsville, where he had been a patient for five years. He was a son of the late Frank and Elizabeth Estadt Hupp and was born April 19, 1907 in Enoch township. He was a farmer and a member of St. Mary's Catholic church at Fulda. Surviving are three brothers, Beda and John of Caldwell route: Alex of Woodsfield route two sisters, Mrs. Mildred Craft and Mrs. Ida Michael, both of the Fulda community. Funeral services were held Wednesday at 9:30 a. m. at St. Mary's Catholic church with Rev. Fr. B. J. Mattes officiating. In terment was made in the church cemetery with the Estadt funeral home in charge of arrangements. William L. Steen WiUiom L. Steen. 63, of Na vi He, lnd., formerly of Macksburg community, di Thursday night at his home lowing a heart attack. Mr. Steen was born April 1892 in Macksburg, the son Joseph and Phoebe Steen. I was a veteran of World War Surviving are his wid Louella, Zanesville two dau ters, Mrs. Joseph Tati of i Adamsville road and Mrs. Wi iam Kaiser of Zanesville a s Robert Steen of Zanesville number of grandchildren brother, Charles Steen of Cant, two sisters, Mrs. Effie Stan! and Mrs. Lizzie Kingsbury, of Canton. Funeral services were held the funeral home at 2:30 o'clot Monday afternoon, with R Curtice Powell officiating. Bui was in Soldier's Circle at Woe lawn cemetery. TOYS STOP ANOSWrt AT TH.S S,^ A SMALL DEPOSIT HOtbs YOUR SELECTION BOYS' OR GIRLS' 20-INCH BIKE Trainer wheels included at no extra charge High quality, American made beauty! Easily removed trainer wheeis. Standard American coaster brake, Goodyear *r quality balloon tires, standard rims, steel frame. Boy's, two-tone green with white trim. Girl's, blue with white trim. 95 Mike's Tire Shop Sufi'i'sscr to Ge-i!ycar Srrri'r S~!orc North & Cumberland Streets Phone 200 Caldwell, Ohio Personals— Weekend guest* in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Shafer were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rose and daughter, Linda of Hudson, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Foster Steele of New Martinsville, W. Va. and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tracy and sons Bob and Gary of Myra, Pa. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Funk houser of Lancaster, Pa., have re turned to their home after being called here by the serious ill ness of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Long of Miller street. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Gorby and children uf Trinway, Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Gorby and children of Mc-Connelsville spent the past Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gorby of Mc Connelsville. Ina Boney and friends of Can ton are enjoying a vacation in Florida. Miss Boney is the grand daughter of Mrs. Bessie Daw of Ava. Mrs. Nelson Leasure has re turned home after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Archer and family of Zanesville. Mr. and Mrs. William Tarleton and Mrs. William Moore of Cald well and Mrs. Stella Neuhart of Woodsfield attended the mid winter VFW encampment in Canton recently. Mrs. Tarleton remained a few days as her brother-in-law was to undergo surgery. Miss Ruth Ann DeVolld re turned to Chicago, 111. Tuesday after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo DeVolld of Caldwell route. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wray and son, Jon of Byesville were re cent dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ramage of West street. Recent callers at the home of Joseph Parcell and family in Beverly were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mayo and son, Dwain, Mrs. James Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Welch, Harry Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mitchell, Jr., and son, Timmie. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fogle, Mrs. A. C. Murphy, Mrs. Michael Sholtis and Ed. Ubanks, of Caldwell community, attended revival services Sunday at thelmhoff. Members are to bring Revival Center in Pittsburgh, Pa.their own table service. LIGHTER... HIGHER... FINER CAKES AUTOMATIC MIX/MASTER Exclusive larger BOWL-FIT beaters for higher, lighter, finer-textured cakes, fluffier mashed potatoes. Mixmaster puts extra deliciousness, extra success into cooking and bak ing. Mixes, mashes, whips, beats, stirs, blends, folds, juices, etc. rfunbeam RADIANT CONTROL TOASTER Radiant Control gives same uniform toast whether bread =Sag=gg=gBBggBgBSg-B5SgS=" Mnbmtn is frozen or fresh, rye or white, thick or thin. 516 North Street tfmheam UUMINU SOCIAL KVKNTS ClFele 1, W. S. C. S Circle 1, V/. S. C. S. of the First Methodist church will meet Thursday evening, December 1 in the home of Eleanor Moore on Chautauqua court, with Grace Henderson and Mari^jn Robey serving as companion hostesses. A covered dish dinner will be served at 6:30 o'clock. The meat will be provided. A 50 cent col lection will be taken to buy a family a gift for Christmas. The bazaar envelopes should be brought to this meeting. Mizpah Class The Mizpah Class of the First Methodist church have postponed their meeting from Thursday, No vember 24 to Friday, December 2. The place and time will be announced later. Worthwhile Class Members of the Worthwhile Class of the First Church of Christ and their families will hold their annual turkey dinner Tuesday evening, November 29 at 6:30 o'clock in the church din ing room. All members are urged to attend. 32 SB Olive Grange Olive Grange No. 398 will meet Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock for their regular meeting. At that time the installation of officers for the coming year will be held. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish. All members are urged to attend. Mixed Dance There will be a mixed dance Friday evening, November 25 at the Buffalo Rural school build ing. The Shenandoah Valley Gang will furnish the music. The public is invited. Circle No. 2 Members of Circle No. 2, W. S. C. S. of the Methodist church will meet Thursday evening, Dec. 1 at the home of Mrs. Mary Rich creek. The annual Xmas pot luck and gift exchange will be held at this time. Co-hostesses are Mary Hanes, Virginia Baker, Violet Morgareidge and Joanne The finest of oil ways to molt# perfect coffee •very time ••Somatically. A U O A I (tfmbeSm SHAVIMAST1R Big, SMOOTH single head shaves closer, faster than any other method wet or dry. 5 year free service guarantee on Sunbeam's power* ful REAL motor. legJSB Mixed Dance There will be a mixed dance Saturday evening, November 16 at St. Mary's parish hall, Fulda, sponsored by the June Group. The Shenandoah Valley Gang will furnish the music. The pub lic is welcome. Home Demonstration Meeting On Tuesday, Nov. 29, there will be a meeting for the leaders of home demonstration groups in Noble county, which will be held in the basement of the Caldwell Methodist church, beginning at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. Cleve Reed of Belle Valley, Mrs. Audrey Long and Miss Sarbaugh will be teach ing this lesson. It is important for each group to have two peo ple at this meeting in order that they can have this project taught at the local groups. A sack lunch will be served at noon. Fulda Grange The Fulda grange, No. 2468 will have their regular meeting, Thursday, Dec. 1, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The first and second degrees will be conferred on a number of candidates. Clarence Schott will be in charge of the business. A pot luck lunch will be served. DEATHS William Craig William Craig, 79, a retired farmer, died Sunday morning at his nome at Berne, following a short illness. He was a member of the Sum merfield Lodge No. 425, F. & A. M., the Methodist church and Carlisle grange. Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. E. W. Archer, of Mercedes, Texas, and Mrs. Edward Merry, of Caldwell, and a brother, Frank Craig of Summerfield. His wife, Laura, died in March 1954. Masonic rites were conducted at the Mallett funeral home on Monday at 8:00 p. m. and funeral services were held Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. in the Berne Meth odist church, with Rev. Lowell Kiger officiating. Interment was made in the Eastern cemetery at Summerfield. Sunbeam MIXMASTER JUNIOR PtRCOlATOH^ (Mt Junior Mixet made. Full-mix beaters produce greater volume The most beautiful auto matic percolator made. Set it for in Its* time. mild or strong. CONTROUID HEAT i^kfrmnSr FRYPAN Perfect CON TROLLED HEAT for more deliciou: foods by simply setting the dial. Water-sealed BARNHART'S Caldwell, Ohio Phone 20 Use our CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY Plan