Newspaper Page Text
November 24. 1955 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS 75 ACRES, good eight room house with bath, basement and electricity. Two barns and other outbuildings, on state highway. SIX ROOM STRICTLY modern brick home with two baths, gas furnace, garage, hardwood floors, built-in kitchen, extra lot. This is practically a new home of the latest design and planning. 58 ACRES, good six-room house with basement, electricity, well find cistern. Good barn and out buildings. Tractor farm in good state of production. Farm pond and on a good slag road. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE with bath, gas and electricity, base ment. Lot size 80 115 ft. One block from public square. SEVERAL good building lots for sale, in good locations. CHESTER J. HOWILER, Realtor 516 Vz West Street Phone 250-W Caldwell, Ohio 17 tf FIVE ROOM HOUSE located on USR 21. Priced reasonable. WELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house With water, cellar, additional Wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 ftanchion barn, cement floor With with drainage, crib, brooder kouse, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im mediate possession. It's a bar gain near Batesville. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into Living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on U. S. Route 21. A GOOD LOT on North Street, excavated for full basement and garage. Very reasonably priced. A bargain. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 626 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE with sun porch, and oil furnace. Lewis Moscrip, owner. Phone 174-R for an appointment. 21 22 23pd MODERN SIX ROOM house with balh. In very good location. Inquire at 509 Walnut Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 20 21 22pd For Sale—FARMS 69 ACRE FARM with five room house, gas and electricity, barn and other outbuildings. Located on SR 78, two miles east of Cald well. W. O. Claypool, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. 21 22 23pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1955 FORD PICKUP, ton, six cylinder. Contact Lloyd E. THl* man, Lower Salem, Ohio, Route 1. Inquire at Harriettsville, Ohio. 21 22 23 1947 PLYMOUTH, with radio, heater and windshield washers, in A-l condition. Claude Wilson, west side of Belle Valley, Ohio, on State Route 215. 21 22 23pd 1952 GM PICKUP, one-half ton truck in A-l shape, four new tires, size 15", 700X6 ply and new helpers springs. A bargain at $550.00 Virgil Brown, Ava, Ohio. 19, 20, 21 pd. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS HOME COMFORT wood and coal range, white enamel, in good condition. Wayne McFarland, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3. 20 21 22pd USED CROSLEY apartment size deep freeze. Has a capa city of 150 pounds. Mrs. Donald H. Harkins, 715 West street or phone 94. 19, 20, 21 ch. DUO THERM OIL heater, with tank that holds approximately 250 gallons, A-l condition. H. G. Williams, Sarahsville, Ohio, Rt. 1 in Mt. Ephraim. 21 22 23pd REIGEL HEATER stove, with jacket. Like new. Contact N, H. Bigley, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. 21pd TWO GAS HEATING stoves. $10.00 each. E. H. Crock, Cald well. Ohio. Route 1. 21pd Briggs fir Stratton Service Parts Clinton Precision-Built Service Parts COMPLETE FOE SERVICE PARTS See Mike's Tire Shop Phone 200 Cumberland & North Streets EVERY FOR SALE For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS NORGE OIL HEATER, 70,000 BTU, 150 gallon storage tank and 20 feet copper tubing. Good condition. William H. Rich, Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. 21 22 23 For Sale—LIVESTOCK HORSE, eight years old, a good worker. Martin W. Shafer, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. On the Sarahsville-Belle Valley road. 21 22 23pd TEN BERK and York pigs, extra good, ready to go. Clayton Burrier, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. 21pd 23-MONTH-OLD Brown Swiss bull, (COBA). Contact Charles Sverc-ek, Belle Valley, Ohio, or phone Caldwell 354-F-2. 21 22 23 SPOTTED MARE PONY, quiet with children. William Wells, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 20 21 22pd TWO FIRST CALF heifers with calves at side also young roosters, corn fed. Ira Pryor, 1415 North Street, Caldwell, O 20 21 22 DOUBLE STANDARD polled Hereford bulls. Ages: six months old, eight months, three are 13 months, and one is three years old. Elma Wagner & Sons, Waterford, Ohio. 20 21 22pd 25 TURKEYS and live pigs, eight weeks old, ready to seil Mrs. James'Hesson, Dexter City, Ohio, Route 2. 20 21 22pd TWO GOOD JERSEY cows, due to freshen soon. Also a Cole man oil heater with outside tank and connections. Vernon Moore, Summerfield, Ohio. Phone Sum merfield 46-F-ll. 19,20. 21. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Caldwell 100. 27tf SIX PUREBRED ANGUS bulls, eight months old. Timmons Brothers, Quaker City, Ohio. 19 20 21 chg. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC RAZORS Sun beam, Schick, Remington, and Norelco. Also Anson tie clasps und cuff links. Use our conven ient, Christmas lay-away plan Lewis E. Henery, Jeweler, Cum berland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 21 22 23 DRESSED TURKEYS for Thanks giving, Christmas and New Years. To order phone John C. Miley at Mt. Ephraim or write Sarahsville, Ohio, Route 1. 21 22 23pd FOR THE HOLIDAYS, we have turkeys and chickens in any amount. Also pullets for laying purposes. Hannahs & Menden ha 11 Poultry Farm, Sarahsville, Ohio, Route* 1. Phone Mt. Eph raim exchange. 20 21 22pd WANTED WANTED—Girl or woman for general housework, to work in Columbus, good wages. For fur ther information contact Mrs Clyde Parks, 517 Fairground St. Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 86-M. 20 21 22 WANTED TO BUY WANTED—Raw furs and beef hides. I will be at Estadt's Feed Store from 11:00 to 2:00 o'clock each Wednesday. Clyde R. Teeters, Hoskinsville. Phone 304-F-21. 21 tf WANTED TO BUY bushel bas kets, 15c each. Ball's Cash Market, Cumberland St., Cald well, Ohio. 21 22 23 WANTED TO BUY 100 pullets Mitchell Keyser, Caldwell, O. Route 5. 20 21 22pd FOR RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE and bath, half block from the Square. Dack Blake, Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 82. 19 20 21pd. FOUR ROOM unfurnished apart ment, upstairs. Reasonable Inquire at 409 Poplar street Caldwell. 19, 20, 21 pd THREE-ROOM furnished apart ment, located on Miller Street Caldwell, Ohio. Will be avail able around Nov. 19. Floyd Henderson. 901 North Stree Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 193-W. 19 20 21 Dead Stock Removed! HORSES and COWS IKLI DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio Wre do not accept collect calls. MARIETTA LIVESTOCK AUCTION! THURSDAY -1:00 P. N. 19 yeans of satisfactory service tor the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Your check over-the-counter if you wish or in the mail day of sale. The Marietta Live Stock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N WANT AD SECTION FOR RENT FOR RENT—-HOUSE—free rent, to someone who will feed my cattle. Kathryn Womack, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4, in Dudley. 21pd FOR RENT—Three room apart ment with bath, completely furnished. Inquire at Gray's Store, Caldwoll, Ohio. 21 22 23 FOR RENT OR WILL consider selling, seven room house with garden lot, gas, electricity, well and cistern. Located on USR 21 at the Lower Macksburg bridge. H. L. Thompson, Macksburg, Ohio. 19-20-21pd. LOST LOST OR STRAYED, spring calf, red with white face. H. C. Jor dan, Caldwell, Ohio. 21 22 23 LOST—Block (pulley) for wire line, near Fulda. Finder notify Donald Morris, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. Phone 709-F-3. 21pd LOST—Small brown male dog, short legs, stub tail. Answers to the name of Bobo. Childen's pet. Call William J. Clark at Ava Brick plant 21pd PUBLIC SALES PUBLIC SALE—1 will offer for sale at public auction, at my farm located on State Route 724, between Stafford and Berne, on Saturday, December 3, beginning promptly at 12:30 p. m. the fol lowing real estate and personal property: LIVESTOCK—Cow, five years old, whiteface, weighing 1,200 pounds: yearling heifer on cow, black polled, weighing 800 lbs. MACHINERY Cub tractor and equipment consisting of mower, plows, cultivators and grader blade International dump trailor with racks shovel plow and disc harrow. HOUSEHOLD GOODS—Estate electric range, gas range, three gas heaters, coal and gas range, coal h-eating stove, new living room suite, three full beds, two single beds, Wizard 9 cubic ft. refrigerator, two dressers, two cupboards, two side board dres sers, stands, tables, chairs, elec tric sweeper and attachments Rothoen 17-inch television, table model with stand, practically new new set of dishes, lamps and many other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE Farm con sisting of 82 acres with two barns, six room house, garage, chicken house and grant-ry. Hot and cold water in the house, electricity, free gas in the house. Grit well on farm and all royalty goes with farm. Terms of sale—CASH. Not responsible for any accidents MAYWOOD LUCAS, Owner Lewisville, Ohio, Route 1. Weddle Bros., Auctioneers. 20-21-22 pd NOTICES NOTICE—Coal Hauling! Run-of mine from Palmer and Boyd mine and W. Z. Baker Mine, Belle Valley and No. 7 coal from McFarland and Dogtown mines. Choice of lump, nut or slack. We also haul sand and gravel. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 20-7-W. j4 tf INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. "We Buy and Sell Anything For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio NOTICE: CALVES GO tor Way ne Calfnip milk replacer like cats go for catnip. Helps raise calves at lower cost. See us to day. Sunshine F-eed Store, Cum berland street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 124. 19 21 23 chg NOTICE—Regular meeting of the Elk Township Board of Trus tees will be held on Monday. Dec. 5, 1955, at 9:00 a. m. instead of Friday, Dec. 2, 1955. Lloyd E Ullman, Clerk. 21 WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 22pd THE JOURNAL, CALJVATLL, OHIO MARKET REPORT Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Nov. 23 Heavy hens lb. 18c Light hens lb. 14c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 46c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 44c Larpe gr. white eggs doz. 40c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 38c Medium A white eggs doz. 35c Medium A brown eggs doz. 35c Pullet eggs doz. 25c Current receipts doz. 35c Butterfat lb. 46c NOTICES COLOSTRUM IS essential for three days. Then feed your calves Calfnip and sell all your milk. Ask us. Sunshine Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 124. 21 23 25 INCREASE YOUR MILK check by selling all your milk and feeding your calves Wayne Calf nip. Sunshine Feed Store, Cum berland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 124. 21 23 25 IDEAL FOR CHRISTMAS RINGS! Diamonds, Birthstones, B'ack Onyx, and Fraternal. We have a large stock of watch bands. Buy now. Use our con venient lay-awav plan for your early Christmas buying. Lewis E. Henery, Jeweler, Cumberland Street. Caldwell, Ohio. 21 22 23 WATCHES Elgin, Hamilton, Bulova and Faith. Buy now while the stock is complete. Use our convenient lay-away plan for your early Christmas buying. Lewis E. Henery, Jeweler, Cum berland Street, Caldwell, Ohio 21 22 23 NOTICE For hauling of coal, garbage and trash, contact William Wells, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4, or phone 725-F-31. 20 21 22pd XinTIT1!1 rnrv nttn T% nnw* i** 5/iiv To get your 5' discount on your Fall Fertilizer order, it must be paid for by Thursday, Dec. 1, 1935. Caldwell Imple ment and Supply Co., Caldwell, Ohio. 19 20 21 NOTICE: 20 million calves can't be wrong. Raise your calves on Wayne Calfnip and make more money. Ask us-Sunshine Feed Store, Cumberland street, Cald well, Ohio. Phone 124. 19 21 23 ehq. IN MEMORY In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Loren Clark Boley, who left us Nov. 24, 1944. Remembrance is a golden chain, Death tries to break, but all in Vain To have, to love and then to part, Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. Sleep on Dear Loren, the years are so long Since leaving our hearts filled with sadness and tears You know how we loved you, and yes, love you yet. Tho God took you from us, we cannot forget. You left us a beautiful memory A sorrow too great to be told, But to us who love and lost you, Your memory will neve grow old. Sadly missed by: Mother, Brother and Sister Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boley Mr. and Mrs. James Stottsberrv Mr. and Mrs. Dean Boley 21pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank those who re membered me in any way durin my recent stay in the Good Sam aritan hospital and since my re turn home. Everything wa deeply appreciated and will always be remembered. Fulmer Custom-Fit SEAT COVERS Reed Motor Sales Phone 108 West Street Caldwell, Oh io ROY A. BRADIS0N AUTO BODY AND PAINT SPECIALIST —AT— F1EEMAH P0NTIAC CO. (J. S. Route 21 South Phone 78 Caldwell, Ohio ALL WORK GUARANTEED. WE GIVE FREE ESTIMATES! Thelma Bigley 21pd. OBITUARY Mr. A va (J. Wharton, toil of Arthur and Mary E. Wharton, was born at Summerfield, Ohio, on September 14, 1870 and de parted this life on the morning of October 19, 1955, while a patient in Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, Ohio. His age being 85 years, one month and four days. He was united in marriage to Nellie L. Cuningham on July 13, 1892. To this union were born six children: Mrs. Ira Denbow of Akron Mrs. Fred Fowler and Mrs. Kelly Hughes of Zanesville Mrs. Arthur Batten, Howard and A. G. Wharton, Jr., of Summer field, and one child deceased Mrs. Wharton preceded him in death December 27, 1926. Other survivors aie two brothers, Charley and Danford Wharton of Summerfield two sisters, Mrs. Ina Bates of Sum merfield and Mrs. V. K Herlan of Zanesville. There are «ine grandchildren and six gre.-.t grandchildren. In November, 1932 he was married to Ethel Easley who also survives, along with four step children. Mr. Wharton has spent his entire life in this community serving as a mail carrier from the local postoffice for 28 years until his retirement in 1935. For the major portion of his life he was a member of the Summer field church. He was known as a good man, a devoted husband and father, a familiar figure in our midst. As relatives, neigh bors and friends we shall miss him until we meet again in that happier land. The following is a tribute to Mr. Wharton written by W. Garrett. He followed his Saviour all the way And often times to Him he'd pray, He sensed the dearness of God's love How well he knew of that house above, He loved to sing those hymns of praise With exultation his voice he'd raise, To tell of the love that he had—SUPREME— His face all a glow from God's sunbeam. He lived his beliefs in a manner grand True sermons of faith you could understand. His way of life was a living fire For the hope he breathed helped to umpire, All whom he met along life's road, He helped them bear their heavy load. So as he witnessed with his life, In this earthly home of pain and strife, He knew a crown would grace his head For to such as he there is no dead. And his soul to-day is still alive, In our memories too, he will long survive. So as we bid him our last sad adieu, The portals of heaven will welcome him thru, And as time turns the final few pages, We meet him again by the "Rock of the Ages". 4th —Personals— Mr. and Mrs. James M. John ion and daughter Marianne, spent the weekend in the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson of Cleveland and called on Mr. and Mrs. John Ely, also of Cleveland. Mr. Ely was a for mer teacher at Dexter City High school. Mrs. Ivan Ziler spent the past weekend with her sister, Mrs. Lena D. Kuntz in Lak-ewood. En route home she visited with Mrs. Homer Lawrence in Bay ViHiage Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ziler in Mas sillon and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Parks in Canton. MEETING PLACE CHANGED In the future, the Girl Scout troops will meet in the Boy Scout headquarters under Ral ston's Rexall store. They met Tuesday evening at the V.F.W. for roll call and then went to their new rooms for a general fall housecleaning. Donna Barn hart, Lois Kirchner and Thelma Moore are the leaders. FIGURES IN ACCIDENT A car driven by Robert Will iams, 22, Cleveland, was con siderably damaged Saturday morning when it failed to nego tiate a curve on USR 21, one mile south of Ava, struck a guard rail and tree. The Cambridge state highway patrol invest gated. Williams was not injured HEADS LODGE George Lawrence was elected master of Sharon lodge, F. & A M., al their annual meeting last week. Other officers named were: Marion Ogle, S. W. Dana Caldwell, J. W. Ivan Ellison. S. D. Robert Blake, J. D. Byron Steen, secretary B. B. Wheeler, treasurer, and Harry Harmon, tyler. ATTEND MEETING Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyte Walken shaw represented Noble county at the closed meeting of the Ohio Republican campaign conference held last Monday and Tuesday at the Neil house in Columbus Mr. Walkenshaw served as acting executive chairman from this county in the absence of John McFerren, who could not attend. IN MEMORY In memory of our dear pre cious baby, Betty Lou Wells, who passed away ten years ago, Nov ember 24, 1945. We had a little treasure once, She was our pride and joy, We loved her, oh, perhaps too well, For soon she passed away. God has blessed our home With three shining faces, To held take the place of the one, We loved and lost. They say time heals all broken hearts, But, oh, that seems untrue, For ten years have so slowly passed— And our hearts still ache for you. Sadly missed by: Mother and Father, Stir, and Mrs. Chalmer Wells Sister, Cheryl Joan, Brothers, Larry and Garry 21pd. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of ex pressing our thanks to our neigh bors, relatives and friends for the prayers and all other acts of kindness shown us while our baby has been in the hospital! and since we have him home. Load From 8:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. BAKER COAL C0MPAMY SELECTION PRICE CONDITION The three main factors of a used car buy are selection, price, and condition. Each one by it» self is not the set standard. But the combination of all three is what makes the difference between a good or a bad deal. A large selection, a fair price and a guarantee as to condition is what y o u a n e e a Bill's Motor Sales & Union Streets Phone 358 Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Smith Dexter City, Ohio 21 Domestic Coal For Sale! Mine Located Four Miles Eost of Berne Short Distance off State Route 145 Commonly Referred To As Flag Ron Across from County Garage McConnelsville, Ohio CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all aur friends, neighbors and those who assisted in any way at the time of the illness and death of our aunt, Elizabeth Frye. Thanks for the beautiful flowers and all the other expressions of sympathy and especially to Rev. Lowell Kigo" and Rev. Agnes Allen for their comforting words, Ruth Day for her beautiful music and the Clarence A. Brubach funeral home for their efficient and kind service. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Finney and Relatives of Elisabeth Frye. 21pd. CARD OF THANKS In sincere appreciation to aH my friends for the cards, letters and flowers that I received dur ing my stay in the Guernsey Me morial hospital and since my re turn home. Also thanks to the doctors and the staff of the hos pital for their wonderful care. Eta Kirk bride Miller Street Caldwell, Ohio 2!pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the friends and neighbors who sent flowers and anyone who helped in any way during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Martha Wil ley. All were very deeply ap predated and will never be for gotten. fke Children 21 (hek i It's our improved grinding and ration-mixittf service developed by Purina, the world's largest and moet experienced company in the coaeetttrate business. Bring your grain. Let us grind and mix it according to Purina Research Approved Formulas. You select the Formulas that fit your needs. Check our quick service our accurate grinding and mixing. We believe you'll like us and come back often. BACKED BY PURINA'S 61 YEARS EXPERIENCE, AND BY OVER 200,000,000 BAGS OF PURINA CONCENTRATES SUMMERFIELD MILL PHONE 13 SUMMERFIELD, OHIO E K I I N S E V I E a K S W S I I i i i i i i i i a i BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Sale Prices for Saturday, November 19 HOG RECEIPTS 359 HEAD 160.1*0 lbs. $10.50 to $12.25 180-220 lbs. $12.35 to $12.90 220-240 lbs. §11.80 to $12.50 240-2i)ft U*. *11.00 to $13.00 Sows $9.25 to $9.50 CATTLE RECEIPTS 120 HEAD No High Choice or Prime Cattle on Sale. Good Cattle S15.00 to $17.00 Medium Cattle 813.50 to S15.00 Piain Cattle $11.00 to $13.00 Stocker Calves and Steers $14.0.0 to §17.75 Bulls $10.00 to S14.10 Good Cows $9-50 to SI 1.25 Medium Cows $8.00. to $9.50 Common Cows $6.50 to $8.00 Shelly Cows $3.90 to S6.00 CALF RECEIPTS 176 HEAD 5 Head Prime—130-215 lbs. $27.Q0 to $27.75 18 Head Choice—130-215 lbs. S23.00 to $25.70 14 Head C.ood—130215 lbs. $16.tM) to $21.50 8 Head Medium—130-215 lbs. $14.50 to $15.80 19 Head Medium to Prime—105-125 lbs. $12.00 to $23.00 6 Head Heavies—230-250 lbs. $19.00 to $21.50 3 Head Plains—120-145 lbs. $9.85 to $10.00 17 Head Lights—85-100 lbs. $11.60 to $12.00 71 Head Lights—80 lbs. and down $8.60 to $10.60 SWEEP RECEIPTS 7 HEAD Lambs $10.«0 to $18.50 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO Page Five IN MEMORY In memory of Madison Martin who passed away two years ago, November 19, 1953. A wonderful husband, father and aid, One who was better Ood never made. A wonderful Worker, Wb leytl and trues, One in a mi Hon, tMt' father was you. Just in your judgement, always right, Honest and liberal eve* upright. Loved by your friends andall whom you knew. Our wonderful fatlpB, "that father was you. Peacefully sleeping, testing at last The world's weary troubles and trails are passed. In silence he suffered, in patience he bore, 'Till God called him howie to suffer no more. Sadly missed by: His Wife, Mary ftbutln, Children and Grandchildtfen. 21pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my appreifiUh tion in this manner for the birth day cards, gifts and other best wishes which I received on my 85th birthday anniversary on Nov. 13. They were all deeply appreciated. Many thanks. Mrs. Fannie Oliver Quaker City, Ofeio Route 1 2J#«. our service put TOP FEEDING VALUE 'II you* 9r®#n irn