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Thurcdav. November 24. 1955 HARRIETTSVILLE NEWS 11 AiiKiL'i i. o v Mi'. and Mrs. Ray Baker entertained members of the Farm Bureau Council No. 11 with a six o'clock turkey dinner on Thursday even ing. After the dinner a timely dis cussion topic was led by H. M. Ayers. During the social hour games in charge of Mrs. Beryl VanFos sen were enjoyed. Members attending were Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm, Mrs. C. E. Johanning, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Char ley VanFossen, Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ayers, of Marietta, Miss Justine Smithberger, Roman Smithberger and Frank Baker. Dinner Guests Mrs. Richard Cuningham en tertained on Thursday evening with a six o'clock chicken dinner in honor of her mother, Mrs. den Wilson's birthday anniver sary. A decorated cake centered the table. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wilson, Gary Wilson, Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Caldwell, Richard Cunningham and Marilyn Sue and hostess. In & Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner were guests on Saturday even ing of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Noll of McConnelsville. In Columbus Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kelby spent Friday afternoon and Saturday with relatives at Columbus. Birthday Party Mrs. Bertha Johanning enter tained on Saturday evening in honor of her son, Harry Luther's eighth birthday and her sister, Mrs. Blanch Schafer's birthday anniversary. Lunch of homemade ice cream and birthday cake, coffee and pop were served to the honored ones: Bill Schafer and Harry •James, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm, Mrs. C. E. Johanning, Ann and Aundree Johanning and hostess. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lucas and sons, Wadie and Joe were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.. Don Bennett and daughters. At Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schramm at tended a beef cattle meeting under the Washington county extension department at Mari etta, Jim Warner, Ohio State university beef cattle extension specialist, was the speaker. Personals day Mrs. J. F. Wnlkor spent Fri t'vi-inil£ Willi ilfci tiaUgiiUr, Mrs. Mabel Bennett and family. Mrs. Oscar Davis and children and Mrs. Harry Davis of Lower Salem were dinner guests on Friday of Mrs. Floyd Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Forshey, Miss Martha VanFossen and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cunningham and Marilyn Sue were Saturday evening quests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cuningham, James and Faye. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nobbs and sons, Billy, Timmy and Tommy and Mrs. Edith Stevens spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lindy Stevens and Linda of Woodsfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charley VanFos sen and son, Haven of Columbus, were guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. George VanFossen. Other Sunday afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Maywood Love, Roger and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Archie VanFossen, Marvin and Velma and Ernest Walker. Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Caldwell, is visiting with her son, Glen Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hartshorn and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brum and Rosalee of Newport Pike, visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. C. E. Johanning. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams and son, Hank of Marietta, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mi's. Harold Baker and Shirley. Joan Morrison spent Friday night and Saturday with Mrs. Don Bennett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore, of Caldwell, were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Anna Baker. Mrs. Leo Huffman was brought to the home of her son, John Huffman on Wednesday from Marietta Memorial hospital where she received treatment. She is still confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dennis of Germantown and Mr. and Mrs. James Dennis and Cheryl, of Elba, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dennis and family. Mrs. C. H. Schoeppner was a business visitor at Caldwell on Thursday. Mrs. Alma Miller, Mrs. Beryl VanFossen and Mrs. Minnie Stevens attended a Farm Bureau Women's committee meeting at the Co-op building at Caldwell on Tuesday afternoon. CONSTRUCTION HOME Robert C. Moore is construct ing a new home on North street on the vacant lot between the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Vere Miller nnd Mr. Anna Olonrv. COLLEY INSURANCE First National Bank Building Phone 125 Caldwell, Ohio Look at the trucks that are I New INTERNATIONALS- To save the BIG money on the job you need a truck that's all truck. And we've got 'em. They're trucks that are built from the drawing board out as trucks. With no passenger car engines or components asked to do a truck job. That pays off in BIG money, because your truck stays on the job longer, INTERNATIONAL' TRUCKS All-Truck Built to save you the BIG money I Baker Sales & U. S. Rt. 21 South Phone 72-M Caldwell H\€R£ WILL &ft Any Unaer Ohio stole s By DIVISION OF WILDIIFE IN 41 COUNT IE 3 IN EASTERN AND SOuMmR OHIO THIS YEAR ARCHERS CAN enoof FROM Nov 24 THROUGH Dec. 15 ^AND SHOTGUN HUNT/NO /S LEGAL. DSC. t'2'b. deer buck or DOE-MAY BE TAKEN. 'SHOOTING HOURS ARB O 9 A O 4 PLEASANT PLEASANT CITY Mrs. Bessie Hively entertained twenty six members of the Builders class at her home Thursday evening for their regular monthly meet ing. The president, Mrs. Jewell Patton, was in charge of the de votionals and read the origin of Thanksgiving and offered prayer. Mrs. Minnie Secrest read the history of Thanksgiving. During the business meeting, plans were made for their Christmas program which will follow a buffet dinner at six o'clock in the Methodist church dining room. The 1955 Cheersis ters will be revealed and '56 ones chosen. Each member is requested to bring a fifty-nine cent gift and a baby picture of themselves. Mrs. Vera Hopps was in charge of the program which consisted of reading by Mrs. Ruby Secrest, Miss Betty Miley, Mrs. Margaret Beebe and Mrs. Hopps, closing with a song. Mrs. Marie Hannum and Mrs. Beebe had charge of the con tests with prizes being won by Esther Buckey, Vera Hopps, Ruby Secrest and Betty Miley. A lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants, Mar ian Oliver, Phyllis Hively and Norene Hively to the following members present, Carol Will iams, Minnie Secrest, Esther Buc key, Margaret Beebe, Maude Fin iii'gan, Marie Hannum, Eulalia AlcKee, Pe&rl Sprout, Helen Miley, Mary Lou Secrest, Hazel Watkins, Vera Hopps, Erma Williams, Lois Gress, Fern Will iams, Ruby Secrest, Jewell Pat ton, Betty Miley, Beulah Gander, Sue Faught, Esther Kackley and iViona Eddy. more dependably. Repairs are fewer, and less costly. And for all their money saving value, we can show you the right truck for your job that can't be beat for comfort, performance or style. But there's no need to take our word for it, when you can come in and see for yourself. How about today? w u Your fob is covered in the world's most complete truck line. We offer the right frock for any Job, from '/2-ton pickups to 90,000 lb off-highway giants. THE JOURNAL, GALDWELL, OriiO WILDLIFE OFFICIAL'S UR&e HUNTERS TO HUNT ON TUB FRINGE AREAS WHERE THERE MAY OR. AI AY NOT &E AS MANY DEER. 3UT WHERE THERE WILL Be FEWER HUNTERS*-AND HUNTING, PERMISSION /S EASIER. TO OBTAIN CITY NEWS liomemakers Meets The Mt. Zion Homemaker's club held their November meet ing Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ava Groves on route 1. Miss Mabel Sarbaugh, county home demonstration agent, was present and had charge of the project on curtains and drapies. At noon a cafeteria dinner was enjoyed by the following who were present, Mesdames Jean Crow and sons, Zelma Williams, Helen Secrest, Edna Johnson, Fern Williams, Ida Bailey, Cora Nicholson, Ruby Secrest, Har riett Riggle, Minnie Secrest, Miss Sarbaugh and hostess. Mrs. Cora Nicholson was in charge of contests with Jean Crow and Minnie Secrest win ning the prizes. Mrs. Crow also received the door prize. The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Edna Johnson. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ellison spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark near Ava. Mrs. Goldie Boyd fell Tuesday afternoon at the side door of the S. S. Kresge store in Cambridge and fractured her left hip. She was removed to St. Francis hos pital where the fractured was treated. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and children, of Byesville, visit ed Sunday afternoon and even ing with Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Bond and family of route 1, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams, of route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Secrest were shoppers in Cambridge on Tuesday. Mrs. Marie Mercer and Mrs Helen Emerson, who are em ployed in New Concord, wen at their homes over the week end. HUNTERS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lorenz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Colley have returned to their homes from Iron Bridge, Ontario, Canada, where each of the fel lows bagged a deer. All three were does, according to the hunters with the average weight around 125 pounds. Enroute home, they were caught in the snow blizzard which enveloped Michigan last week. NORTHBOUND BUSES LEAVE 1:07 A. M. 5:27 A. M. 9:05 A. iJ :25 A. M. 4:55 P. M. Cambridge, Ohio $ .95 Neweomerstown, Ohio $ 1.65 Canton, Ohio $ 3.20 Akron, Ohio 3.85 Cleveland, Ohio S 4.85 New York, N. Y. $13.1® SOUTHBOUND BUSES LEAVE 3:05 A. M. 11:15 A. M. 3:45 P. 9:25 P. M. 11:50 P. M. Marietta, Ohio $ .95 Parkersburg, W. Va. $ 1.35 Charleston, W. Va. $ 3.15 Charlotte. N. Sll.tiO Jacksonville, Fla. $18.45 Miami, Fla. $24.85 Plus Tax. Extra Savings on Rd Trips (Times Shown are Standard Time) GREYHOUND TERMINAL Phone 135 Cumberland Street on many trip*, «t no extra cost, you'll ride the new air-ride buses SGSNSCRU1SER and the Highway Traveler Elba I ELBA A lincken dinner was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill on Sun day in honor of Mr. Goodwill. Those present were Paul Good will of Marietta, Howard Kaneif of Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hendershot of Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Goodwill and chil dren, Clara Reed, Florence Swain. He received many nice gifts and cards. Personals Mis." Erma Blackburn, of Bev erly, was a Wednesday caller of Anna Goodwill. Mrs. Jean Garrett and daugh ter, Connie Dawn, of Cuyahoga Falls, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker. Mrs. Anna Goodwill and Betty Jo Goodwill attended the Stan ley Brush party at Mrs. Huida Baker's at Lower Salem. J. W. Hughey, Jr., and Elmer Lori, of Zanesville, spent Sun day at their home here. Betty Goodwill and Thelma Hesson were in Marietta, Tues day. Thelma Hesson and children, Gladys Hesson, Homer Hesson and Mr. and Mrs. James Hesson and daughter were in Caldwell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker and daughter, Helen, of Lower Salem, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Baker. Mrs. Elmer Lori has returned to Zanesville where they will live. Tuesday callers of Anna Good will were Hulda Baker, Elsie Linton, and Mary Louise Antill and son. Betty Goodwill and sons wire in Caldwell, Saturday. Leroy Dean Hughey has re turned to school after two weeks of illness. Beth Baker spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scho field at Highland Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Goodwill and daughter, Denise Caldwell last week. were in FRACTURES HIP Mrs. Thomas Boyd, 60, Pleas ant City, fell at the side door of the S. S. Kresge store in Cam bridge recently. She was admit ted to St. Francis hospital im mediately for treatment of fractured hip. Her condition was reported as 'fair" on Wednesday. FILED SEPARATIONS There were two separations from the Armed Forces filed in the county recorder's office dur ing the past week. They were: Fred K. Wheeler, retirement from th U. S. Army and Joe Ivan Woodford, separation from the U. S. Air Force MT. EPHRAIM NEWS MT. EPTTftAIM A quilting and pot luck dinner was enjoyed by members of the W.S.C.S. at the home of Mrs. Jane Bates, Friday. Plans were made for the Christmas program to be Dec. 8 in the evening at which time secret sister names will be re vealed and new ones drawn. Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell spent Sunday afternoon with relatives in Ava. Sally Moore, Reah Bates and Jewell Powell attended the Sum merfield Eastern Star Chapter, Monday evening. Mrs. Marilyn Ritterbeck and son, of Zanesville, visited Tues day with Mrs. Edith Williams and son. P. S. Moore left Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Moore at Groves, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shafer visited last Sunday with Har mon Moore at Kennonsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gibbs visited Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Powell. Mrs. Josie Williams and fam ily visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Hazel Powell and son, Earl. NOBLE COUNTY 4-H CLUB NEWS Macksburg Merry Maids The November meeting of the Macksburg Merry Maids was held Wednesday in the home of Marilyn McAtee. The roll call was answered by giving the Four-H pledge. Plans were made to meet on December 13 at 7:30 p. m. in the home of Marilyn McAtee. The club will make Christmas gifts for their mothers at this meeting. The next regular club meeting will be held December 23 at 7:00 p. m. in the home of Judy McAtee. A gift exchange will be held at this meeting. Members present were Patty Hughey, Wilma Jackson, Wilda Jackson, Linda Jeffery, Marilyn McAtee, Mary Mincks, Linda Mincks, Elizabeth Parks, Mari lyn Watson, Donna Rowlands and Frances Rowlands. Mrs. Vir ginia Frew, Mrs. Rita McAtee and Mrs. Sarah McAtee, advis ors and one guest, Joyce McAtee were also present. Frances Rowlands, news reporter. MINOR ACCIDENT An accident was reported re cently by Marietta Police which involved cars driven by Kenneth L. Nickelson, 21, of Sarahsville and Frederick C. Love, 19, of Williamstown. Police said Love had stopped for the traffic light in Marietta. Says Tom Holiday MANAGER OF THE NEW SOHIO CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT Sohio has created a whole new department whose only function is improving service for Sohio's customers and friends. It's called the Sohio Customer Service Department and it's headed by a friendly, helpful fellow called Tom Holiday. It's his department's job to handle inquiries, requests and suggestions from you. Why not get acquainted with him soon? Just write him at this address: TOM HOLIDAY SOHIO CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT MIDLAND BLDG., CLEVELAND IS, OHIO /"T Mrs. James Sholtis, Mrs. Zola Williams and Mrs. Mary Rich were shopping in Zanesville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Secrest and son, of Caldwell, visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. A. N. Secrest and Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Powell and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Oather Morrison, Isaac and Eva Miley of Seneca ville route, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donice Say re and family at Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McVicker and Earl Powell visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -\ndervon and sons. "What can we do for you? Anytime is Time for a Glass of tif's talk turkey about food: For a drink that's really good .To top off your holiday dinner, A glass of milk is a winnwJ For vitamins and goodness too Milk's the favorite food for you. Page Three*!® AMBULANCE TRIPS Virgil West was removid from the Guernsey Memorial hospital to his home on North street, and Mrs. Bernice Ruther ford was taken from her home on Railroad street to the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. Both trips were made in the McVay ambulance, Saturday. WINS PRIZE Miss Martha Calland, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Calland of West Lafayette, formerly of Noble county, won first prize in the Coshocton county Four-H club food conservation contest held recently. Dick Leasure of Elk township is Miss Calland's nd lather. MILK *4 Caldwell Produce Co. Phone 75 Caldwell, Ohio w & i/ 1