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Page Stx—B Ohio Fuel Gas Co. Will Hold "Mrs. Hotncmaker" Contest Homemakers in Noble County were invited today to ent the 18th annual "Mrs. America" contest, sponsored locally by Ohio Fuel Gas Company. The nation-wide contest will skyrocket some unknown house wife to fame as the leading homemaker in the nation in 1956. Bernard Reed, local manager for the Ohio Fuel, said application blanks for the 115.000 prize con test will be available, starting Tuesday, at the gas company office. 918 Wheeling Ave., Cam bridge, and at local gas appliance stores. Entries must be filed by March 31. The event is open to all mar ried women over 21 years of age. Winners will be chosen at local, district, state, and national levels. Mr. Reed said factors in judg ing will include homemaking ability, personality, character, appearance, and community acti vities. He emphasized that the winner will be chosen primarily for her skill as a housewife. Noble county's entry in "Mrs. America'' competition will be selected the week of April 1 in preliminary eliminations to be conducted by three judges from the community. Judges will be selected soon. Finalists in local competition will be awarded sterling silver compotes. The first-place winner will compete with winners from other area communities in a "cook-off" in a district contest at Zanesville, the week of April 8. Each contestant at the district level will receive a set of Hallite wear-Ever aluminum ware. The district "cook-off"' winner will win an automatic gas range, and will advance to the state wide contest in Columbus April )s *r: if 'r v 18. Th£t event will decide who comes the new "Mrs. Ohio". Mi Mary Aubry of Toledo is the cu: rent "Mrs. Ohio". The winn will get an all-expense paid trp for herself and her husband to Ellinor Village. Fla., to compete in the nation-wide "Mjs America" finals. In addition, the woman nam i "Mrs. Ohio" will win a Servel gas refrigerator, automatic wash er and gas dryer, John Wood automatic gas water heater, $500 toward a wardrobe and charm course, $100 worth of Samsonite luggage, $100 Gruen watch, $100 worth of perfume and $100 worth of Sacony sports clothes. The homemaker selected "Mrs. America" will receive prizes valued at more than $15,000. The prize list includes an all-expense paid vacation in Ellinor Village, at Daytona Beach, Fla., an all expense paid trip to European cities and the Belgian Congo, a complete "New Freedom" gas kitchen, and a 1956 Desoto sedan. Mr. Reed said "The next 'Mrs. Amercia' could be right here in Caldwell." If your husband boasts about your cooking and you are a good homemaker, this contest is for you." Mr. Reed said. Classifieds Pay Dividends BIG WHITE EGGS $hdbfehfy Pl NEW CALDWELL IMPLEMENT CO. rno.NF I S S I I NOBLE HATCHERY PHONE SPRIT*: STREET mm hi I V Theme 225 f&fr & V, JELLED MAGIC IS NOW AVAILABLE AT... Caldwell Implement & Supply Co. In Choir MISS MAXINE BOGER Miss Maxine Boger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Boger, of Lima, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Gorby, of Hiramsburg, is a member of the A-Cappella Choir from Bowling Green University that is on tour in Florida. Miss Boger is a sophomore at Bowling Green University where she is majoring in music. Kennonsburg KENNONSBURG Because of the county basketball tourna ment, the latter part of this month, there will not be a grange meeting, Feb. 23rd. The next meeting will be Friday evening, March 2nd. The youth of the grange will present the program when youth night will be observ ed. Refreshments of coffee and cookies will be served. Club Meets Mrs. Nettie Magis entertained the Wayne Homemakers club at her home Wednesday. Nine mem bers were present. Mrs. Grace Wyscarver will be the hostess in March. Personals Miss Carolyn Williams is ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sell and children, of Canton, spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Lash ley. Mrs. Harold Meighen of Salesville, was visiting her mother, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ures Massie and H. L. Moore were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rataiczak and son, Curtis, near Batesville, Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Williams and children were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Brown near Batesville one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Rossiter and daughter, Cledith, of near Batesville, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wells, Sunday even ing. DISMISSED TO liOMi Owen H. Pickenpaugh, local Ford and Mercury dealer, was dismissed from the Marietta Memorial hospital last week to I lis home on Belford street. He us recovering from a major «.p oration. PLEDGED TO FRATERNITY Charles F. Thompson, son oi Dr. C. F. Thompson, has been pledged to Delta Upsilon frater nity at Marietta college, where he is a freshman. He is a grad uate of the Caldwell hierh school ...CAWT-pmp OK HUN LIKE I mame tr$ mct IT^ ftOWS owwcrl the newest develops in interior paint —perfect for walls, ceilings and woodwork? East Street THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL. OHIO Officers-Teachers Class Of Church Enjoys fueling, Thursday N ghl, In Social Rooms PLEASANT CITY The February meeting of the officers, teachers of the Methodist Sun day school was held Thursday evening in the social room of the church. The meeting opened with pray er of Charley Withington. The secretary, Betty Miley, read the last month's minutes and were approved. The Easter program was dis cussed and was voted to purchase Sunday school song books. Rev. Paul Mustard closed the meet ing with prayer. Those present were Mrs. Eliza beth Worth lnjrton, Mrs, Mona Eddy, Mrs. Bessi6 Hively. Mr. Charles Withington, Mrs. Beulah Long, Miss Betty Miley, Mrs. Erma Williams. Mr. Clark Buc key, and Rev. and Mrs. Paul Mustard. Spent Weekend Richard Kovalchik, student at Ohio University, Athens, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kovalchik. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miley and daughter, Betty Jean, visit ed Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell and daughters, Evelyn and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leonhardt and son, Richard were weekend guests of relatives in Cleveland. Miss Sandra Secrest, of Buf falo, visited recently with Mrs. Hazel Bayly and son, Merlin. Mr. and Mrs. Max Warehime and children, of Tallmadge, visit ed over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Warehime. Mrs. Marie Hannum, Mrs. Susie Secrest and Fred called on Harley Davis and family of New Concord, Sunday. Mrs. Ester Kackley and son, Bruce, Mrs. Eulalia McKee and Mrs. Ruby Secrest called on Mrs. Helen Miley, Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allen and son, Tommy, of Canton, -pent the weekend with his sis ter, Mrs. Iril Nicholson and hus band. Mrs. Allen also visited her father, Mr. Carl Hively, who is seriously ill in a Zanesville hos pital. Other Sunday guests at the Nicholson home were Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Nicholson, of Byes ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nicholson and children of Zanes ville. Mrs. Susie Secrest had as Sun day guests Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bates, of Sarahsville, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Davis, of New Phila delphia, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Boley and Arthur Hannum, of Ava. Mrs. Harriett Riggle, Mrs. Clara Cunningham, Mrs. Zelma Williams and Mrs. Delma Wil liams spent Thursday with Mrs. Mary Ann Bond of route 1. The day was spent in upholstering a chair. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gress were business callers in Byes ville, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams visited Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Mary Groves and son, Merritt and family. Several women from the com munity held a rag sewing Mon day at the Lutheran church. A covered dish lunch was enjoyed at the noon hour. The balls of rags will be sent to the Veterans hospital at Dayton where they will be made into rugs by the disabled veterans. David German has secured employment at the Ohio Power strip mine office near Cumber land. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, of Canton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wagner and daughter. Clyde LePage and Rev. Paul Mustard attended an area-wide rally evangelistic program at Columbus, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Bond and family of route 1, entertained at their home Thursday evening Ford builds BIG JOBS up through 65,000 lbs. CiCW! And for '56, Ford Extra Heavy Duty Trucks give big capacity increases, to let you haul as much as 5,000 lbs. more payload! No other line of trucks, rated for such big loads, is priced as low as Ford! In the past eight years, no other extra heavy make has won such speedy acceptance by truck buyers! Ford's experience in the extra-heavy duty field has resulted in a choice of over 130 BIG JOB models, to tit your needs more exactly. if FT More horsepower per dollar than any other truck line in Kord's range! Proved by comparisons of net h.p. and suggested list prices. Hood air scoop. 4-barrel carburetor, and dual ex haust svstem available on Series 750 and up, for extra reaetve power. t: Only Ford Trucks have Short Stroke power stand ard in every model! Piston travel is less, friction is greatly reduced. Deep Y-block construction gives main bearings full 240" support, instead of usual 180r —for much longer bearing life. Smiles DEBBIE SUE RENNER Debbie Sue is the six months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Renner, of Chillieothe. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McCandless, of Caldwell. Emma Kirkbride, of Sarahsville, is the maternal great-grandmother. with a dinner in honor of the birthday anniversary of her father, Glen Williams. Mrs. Wil liams was also a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Williams spent Friday evening with their son, Homer and family at Byes ville. CARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to ex press my sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives who helped in anyway during the illness and death of my hus band. Your kindness will long be rememlbered. 33pd. Martha Schafer DISMISSED FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Wava McVay was dismiss ed from Bethesda hospital, Zanesville, Thursday, to her home on North street. She is improving rapidly. Sodium-cooled exhaust valves run up to 225° cooler. Solid tungsten cobalt valve seat inserts resist heat and pitting. R. K. Poole, of Wytheville, was elected as temporary chairman, Eddie Steele, of Bluefield, was selected as temporary secretary, and Lewis Jones, of Wytheville, was selected as temporary treas urer. Committee Members Named Committee members from each county and town were named to serve on the Steering Committee. An all out effort will be made to form Booster clubs in every town, city and county from Cleveland, Ohio, to the Florida line in South Carolina. On next Thursday night at the Matz Hotel in Bluefield, another meeting will be held, and rep resentatives from the Virginia counties, as well as some leaders from North Carolina, and from various points in West Virginia will be invited. At this meeting it is proposed that a permanent committee be formed, and work launched at once to organize the Association through the five states, as well as issue maps and folders. The famed highway is defi nately recognized as the most scenic for tourists, and it is the firm belief of the people in at tendance at the meeting Wednes day night that with reasonable allocations, Route 21 can be made '•m w w. if Power steering standard* at no extra cost! NEW Ford T-800 And here's why! Ford's experience gives you a combination of long-iife heavy-duty engine features found in no other truck line 0. H. PICKENPAUGH 3t5 West SM- Caldwell, Ohio GRLAI IV, FOED TH&AXRE, CHANNEL V WHEELING, W. VA* EACH THURSDAY, 930 P. M., E. S. I. Thursday, February 16, 1958 Plans Now Underway To Reorganize Highway Association Plans are well underway for the reorganization of the once famous Lakes-to-Florida Highway, a road improvement group founded by the late R. P. Johnson of Wytheville. Wednesday night in a meeting held at Big Walker Lookout, representatives from Grayson, Wythe. Bland Counties, Va., and Mercer County, W. Va., and Bluefield met and tentative plans were made to revive the Association and start a move ment for improvement of U. S. Route 21, in all states through which the national highway passes. into a modern highway, and again prove to be by far the most popular route to Florida. Archer's Ridge ARCHER S RIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and Mrs. Opal Leasure visited Homer Poulton, a patient at the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge. Mrs. Rachel Robinson, of East Union, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Zedrick Clark Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Leasure and children, Patty, Betty, Mar gie and Leroy of Pleasant City, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and family. Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clark and family were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson and family, Natie Wickham and grandson, Larry Wickham and Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son, Ronnie. Mrs. Bertha Lahue and son, Ronnie visited Friday evening with Mrs. Eva Gerst and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Paisley. RETURNED HOME Mrs. Walter Ramsey and infant son were returned to their home in the Sharon community this past week from the Marietta Memorial hospital. The trip was made in the McVay ambulance. For All Your insurance Needs Howiler Insurance Service Office 516/2 West Street Phone 250-W CALDWELL, OHIO a? i* tandem -axle Big Job, GVW 42,000 lbs. Qe+ bigger QhcfbeHet i/a/uec dunbg out A