Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, February 16, 1956 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS NOW YOU BARGAIN hunters we have it for sale! A large living room, large sized dining room, with exceptionally large kitchen, two good sized bed rooms, with glass enclosed room large enough for spare bedroom, a beautiful built-in bathroom. Laundry in basement. Basement garage and a bargain price ready to sell right now, if you are in a hurry and the price is right. Lot 95x150 leet. Fifteen minute drive. FIVE ROOM HOUSE located on USR 21. Priced reasonable. WELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 stanchion barn, cement floor with with drainage, crib, brooder house, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im ©lediate possession. It's a bar lain near Batesville. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof Six good rooms up stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on II. S. Route 21. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 52l North. Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. Modern except furnace. Gas, electric, bath, built-in kitchen. Two loom basement. Hardwood floors. Ga rage and workshop. Large cor ner lot containing .80 acre. Priced reasonable. 22 ACRES. FIVE ROOM house with bath, electric and cellar. Barn, garage and other out buildings. Located on State Route 78. SIX ROOM modern house, gas, electricity, bath, furnace and biult-in kitchen. Full base menu Double garage. Good lo cation on paved street. SEVFN ROOM HOUSE with bath, utility room, garage and other outbuildings. Good loca tion on paved street in Caldwell. FIVE ROOM HOUSE with bath and electricity, also well es tablished business, fully equip ped, in seperate building in cluded. Located on Route 21. CHESTER J. HOW1LER, Realtor 516Ms West Street, Phone 250-W Caldwell, Ohio SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, full basement, completely modern. Located at 802 Spruce Street in Caldwell. Also two adjoining lots. Priced to sell. All offers will be considered. Harry W. Smith, Caldwell, Ohio. •A2 33 34pd vor Sale—FARMS 70 ACRE FARM, good house with furnace, bain and other outbuildings. Well watered. Will sell reasonable. Also 80 acre farm with no buildings. Farms border one another and are lo cated about three miles from Summerfield. Raphael Yontz, Lewisville. Ohio, Route 1. 32 33 34 pd. FARM on SR 340 in Iiiramsburg, consisting of 15 acres. Four room cottage, basement, furnace and electricity. Small barn, good well and cistern, located on school bus and mail route, close to chinch. H. D. Murrey, Hirams burg, Ohio. 31 32 33 pd. For Sale—SEEDS FEEDS GOOD MIX Ml) HAY, Timothy, Clover and Alfalfa. Will sell by thti ton or the truckload. J. B. Parrish, 716 Fairground Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 239-W. 32 33 35 For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS THREE PIECE BEDROOM suite, Jenny Lind double bed and twin size springs. William Fer guson, 1020 Bel lord Street, Cald well, Ohio. 33 34 35 CIRCULATING GAS heater, capable of heating live rooms bed, complete dining room suite fnd a Zenith cabinet model radio. Mrs. Dorothy Dyer, 528 Spruce street, Caldwell, Ohio. 33 NEW AND USED TV SETS. One used 21-inch Admiral console. In good condition. Also antennas, rotos, lead-in wire, insulators, and all necessary installation equipment. Western Auto Asso ciate Store, Main Street, Cald well, Ohio. 31 32 33 Dead Sicck Removed! HOUSES ami COWS lliLL DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FK-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. EVERY 19 yeans of satisfactory FOR SALE For Sale—LIVESTOCK NINE MONTH OLD purebred Polled Hereford bull. No Sun day buyers. Wilbur Grimes, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4. 33 TEAM OF HORSES, spotted, five years old, well broke, weight, 1250 pounds. Kenyon Boyd, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5, near Sharon. 33 34 35 pd. FINE WOOL EWES, two and three years old, part with lamb at sitle. Also pigs for sale. G. W. Ankrom, three miles West of Batesville, Ohio, on State Route 147. 33 34 35 pd. SEVEN YEAR OLD SORREL riding mare with spotted colt and rebred snow white Welch mare pony, broke to ride or drive. Plenty of work horses, teams or singles. Home after 3:00 p. m. Richard Teeters, Cald well, Ohio, Route 3. In Keith tuwn. 33 34 35 pd. MILK COWS to freshen soon. Milking machines, purchased new and several milk cans. Mit chell Keyser, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5. 33 34 35 pd. HAMPSHIRE BOAR, old enough for service. C. J. Lorey, Cald well, Ohio, Route 6. 33 pd. DeKALB CHIX were first in the last Texas Random Sample Test in layability and livability. Order your high lay, high pay, Dekalb Chix today from Caldwell Implement Co. or Noble Hatchery Caldwell, Ohio. 32-33-34 SEVEN HAMPSHIRE PIGS, seven weeks old. Clyde Davis, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4, on Davis Ridge. 33, 34, 35 POLLED HEREFORD BULL. Roy H. Mason, Warner, Ohio. Farm located on State Route 145. 32-33-34 pd FOR SALE Turkey Poults, Ohio U. S. approved Pullorum typhoid clean. Beltsville Small Whites Thompson Broad Whites, la»'ge strain Broad Breasted Bronze Beltsville Thompson cross CHRISTMAN TURKEY FARM and HATCHERY, Route 3. Woodsfield, Ohio Phone Wood sfield 2-4556. 32 39 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls. Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Caldwell 100. 27tf For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1952 FORD PICKUP truck with stock racks. Low mileage and in very good condition. Also clover seed for sale. Mi-s. Herzle Garrett, Summerfield, Ohio. 32-33-34 pd 1951 CHEVROLET, 4-door 1951 Hard-Top Chevrolet 2-door 19.31 Power Glide Chevrolet, 4 door 1949 Mercury, 2-door sedan 1949 Oldsmobile, 2-door 1948 Ford, 2-door, extra ^ood condi tion and a 1950 Dodge pickup .truck in good condition. Miracle Used Car Sale, corner of East and Olive streets, Caldwell. 33 34 35 pd. For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS DELAVAL CREAM Separator, large, in good condition. Ter ence Hohman, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. Phone 735-F-12. 33 34 35 pd. SCREENED CO.AL, 16c per bushel. A. U. Hurst, Belle Val ley, Ohio. 33 34 35 PARTS FOR A 1948 four door Pontiac, new brakes, 650X1 (i tires, life guard tubes, etc. Phone Caldwell 161-F-15 or inquire at Fleeman's Pontiac Co., Caldwell, Ohio. 33 34 35 LOCUST POSTS for sale. Con tact James Shaw, Sarahsville. Ohio. 33-34-35 pd BIG SHOT Windshield Washer. Fits all cars and trucks. Washes your windshield while you drive. Easy to operate. Price $7.8:). Mike's Tire Shop, corner Cum berland and North Streets, Cald well, Ohio. 32-33-34 FRUIT TREES. Ohio Grown (all two years old) apple, peach, sweet and sour cherry, plum, pear. All trees are first class and some from Allan's Nursery in Ohio. All orders should be plac ed as soon as possible. Trees will be ordered to arrive at my home by April 5, Gilbert W. Week Icy. 206 Cumberland Street, Caldwvil, Ohio. Phone 271-R. 31 32 33 chg. JAMES A. WATSON AUCTIONEER Phone 274-R Caldwell 607 Cumberland Street CALDWELL, OHIO Please Call or Write for Auction Sales Service. A I E A LIVESTOCK AUCTION! THURSDAY -1:00 P. M. service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A mail day of sale. market with confidence. Your check over-the-counter The Marietta Live Slock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme 8ta. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N you ean patronise if yon wish or in the WANT AD SECTION WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, ^uns and dishes. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 33 to 45 pd WANTED to buy. Prime logs, mixed oak and poplar, 12. 14 and 16 it. lengths with 15 to 18 inch diameter. $25.00: 19 to 23 inch diameter, $30.00 24 inch diameter and up, $35.00 per thousand mixed oak, poplar, hard and soft maple, 12. 14 and 16 ft. lengths, 12 inch diameter and up, $20'.00 all under 12 inch diameter, cut in 8 to 10 ft. lengths, $15.00. All other logs including hickory, beach and sycamore, $15.00. .All logs must be put to road and convenient to load on truck. Edgar A. Burch, Caldwell. Ohio, Route 6. Phone 270-F-14. 32-33-34-35 pd WANTED TO BUY scrap of all kinds, Steel, cast iron, body tin, tin roofing, spouting and all other sheet metal. Rags, rope, batterys, radiators, brass, copper, lead, zinc, old or wrecked cars, trucks, tractors and rrni machin ery. Highest prices paid. Deliver to our yard on State Route 73 in Olive. Phone Caldwell 327-F-4, Foreman Iron and Metal Co. 33 WANTED—Raw furs and beef hides. I will be at Estadt's Feed Store from 11:00 to 2:00 o'clock each Wednesday. Clyde R. Teeters, Hoskinsville. Phone 304-F-21. 21tl' Business Opportunity RESPONSIBLE male or female, from this area, wanted to ser vice and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references, and $500.00 working capital ne cessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly can net to $250.00 monthly. Possibly full time. For local interview give phone and full particulars. Write P. O. Box 5529, Lake St. Station, Minneapolis 8, Minne sota. 33 FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS and bath. Con tact Reed's Insurance Agency, West Street, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone Cambridge 465fe3. 30-tf chg. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, two miles west of Dexter City on County Road No. 40, with free gas, water in house and one acre garden lot. Also 30 acres of bot tom land with farm buildings for rent on the Olive Green CnieJi, five miles from Beverly a farm of 347 acres on State Route 75 with two houses, two- barns and other outbuildings and a 108 acre farm. E. E. Jei'fers, Dexter City, Ohio. Phone Dexter Citv 18-F-3. 31 32 33 pd. WANTED WANTED to buy or lease. Service station, grocery store or what have vou. Write Post Office Box 254. Caldwell, Ohio. 32-33-34 pd WANTED—Dozing work of all kinds Clearing work, pond building. Combine and tractor work of all kinds. Dump bed work, hay baling, corn picking. Just call for your needs. Blake DavK Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3. Phony 71 i't |-"-23. 32-33 I'A pd Phone ICS V ENJOY GOOD Terms of Sale: Cash in THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO WANTED WANTED—A good route man to sell nationally advertised pro ducts in Noble County. No invest ment required. Car or truck ne •ssary. Earnings unlimited. Also a chance for FREE life insurance. Write Ross Stewart, 1313-12th St. N. W., Canton, Ohio. 33 FEMALE HELP WANTED—Part or full time—Opening for per sonable, educated, active woman who can work 20 hours a week or more. Car necessary. This posi tion combines SERVICE IN TEREST AND INCOME as few others do. For personal interview in your home write H. D. CARR, 342 East State Street, Columbus 15, Ohio. 33 pd WANTED-~Man and woman with car for special work. $10.00 per day, four hours each day. Write P. O. Box 473, Beverly, Ohio. 32 33 34 PUBLIC SALE THK UNDERSIGNED will offer fw sale at public auction on Friday, Feb. 24. 1956. at the late residence of Pete Minosky, de ceased, in Detroit, Noble County, Ohio, beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m., the following personal prop erty belonging to the estate of Pete Minosky, deceased, consist ing in part of: 2-piece living room suite, TV 'set, Tipperary chair, radio and phonograph, Electrolux sweeper, 7-piece bed room suite, electric refrigerator, GE washer, Youngstown kitchen cabinets, utility cabinets, 5-piece breakfast set, gas range, 9^12 rug, Seigler oil heater, and other articles too numerous to men lion. hand at time of sale. IRENE, MUTH, Administratrix of the Estate of Pete Minosky, Deceased. James Watson—Auctioneer. :2 33 34 PUBLIC SALE The Under signed will offer at public auc tion on the premises formerly owned and occupied by Eliza beth Frye in Summerfield. Ohio, on February 17, 1956, beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m. the follow ing items: Bed, davenport, table and four chairs, refrigerator, kitchen-table, gas heat-cT, gas cook stove, chest, cabinet, pull-up chair, hall cos tumer, lamp and stand, easy chair and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: Cash in hand on day of sale. Clarence A. Brubach', Adminis trator of the Estate of Elizabeth Frye, deceased. 31-32-33 NOTICES NOTICE—I will be giving piam lessons and anyone wishing tc enroll shoulti contact me. Garv Lyons, 334 Lewis Street. Cald well, Ohio. Phone 216-M. 31 32 33 chg. NOTICE—Coal Hauling! Run-of mino from Palmer and Boyd mine arid W. Z. Baker Mine, Belle Valley and No. 7 coal from MeFarland and Dogtown mines. Choice of lump, nut or slack. We also haul sand and gravel. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 20-7-W. 14 If. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Hurkey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. Fulraer Cwsfosn-Fif SEAT W Mm Rwd Motor ftalrs (J.A vLff y West Caldwell, Ohio tflTT—ni CALDWELL CABLE SERVICE IN OKtfinOM Si reel TELEVISION AT ML TIMES We are now connecting new customers at your request. Eventually we hope to offer our customers the four major networks, including CBS, NBC, ABC, and Dumont. For Additional Details Contact CHRISTMAN ELECTRONICS 145 Underwood Street ZANESV'LLE, OHIO -T-PHONE— Zanesville 3-4449 OR Caldwell 58 MARKET REPORT Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Feb. 15 Heavy hens lb. 23c Light bens lb. 15c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white eggs doz. 38c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 37c Large gr. white eggs doz. 36c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 36c Medium A brown eggs doz. 36c Medium A white eggs doz. 36c Pullet eggs doz. 30c Current receipts doz. 35c Butterfat lb. 46c NOTICES BABY CHICKS White Leg horns, White Rocks, New Hampshire, and Domniant whites, crossbred. Place your order now for February and March. But key's Hatchery, Cald well, Ohio. 32 33 34 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere thanks to friends, relatives and neighbors who helped in any way during the illness and death of our loved one, Gladys Finley. Special, thanks for the floral trib utes and to the McVay funeral home, Dr. E. B. McCalland, Rev Floyd Gaugler and the singers. Your kindness was deeply appre ciated and will long ba remem bered. Father and Mother Mr. and Mrs. Homer Finley Brother and Sisters 33 CARD OF THANKS I wish, in this manner, to thank all of my friends and neighbors for the lovely gifts and cards which I received while in the hospital and since my return home, and for the cheering visits of friends. I wish to express my special apprecia tion for the prayers offered in my behalf and the interest shown in my well being. Mrs. Goldie Laiighlin ir „Cald\vell, Ohio 33pd. BEGINNER'S Tap Dancing CLASSES ENROLL NOW! inquire VFW Hail West Street, Caldwell, Ohio Any Thursday from 12:00 to 8:00 p. m. FANNIE GOODMAN INSTlit Till! FOR SALE Four room house with full basement and large lot. $1500. Six room house with lull basement. Needs some repairs. SI GOO. Four room cottage, extra nice. $2250. Phone Cumberland 165 After 5:01) P. M. JIM FOX Cumberland, Ohio 140-160 lbs. LEGAL NOTICE Resolution to Create New Local School District Whereas it appears to this Board that the citizens and local boards of education oi Dexter City, Jackson and iVIiddleburg Local School Districts believe that the best interests of tlier. schools will be served by a combina tion* of territory, and Whereas the local boards have passed resolutions in favor of such action, and Whereas the Noble County Board of Education believes such action to be for the best interests of the educational system in the County, Be it hereby resolved that, in ac cordance with the provisions of R. C. 11311.26, a new local school district be and the same is hereby created. Such new local school district is created by combining all of the school ter ritory presently known as the Dexter City Local school district, all of the territory presently known as: the Jackson Local school district and all ot the territory presently as the Middleburg Local school dis trict, with the exception of the prop erty or farms in said Middleburg Local school district located in Section 14, Range 8, Township of Stock Township, owned by Union Carbide ar.d Carbon Company, Robert Schdl, C'.em Arnold and W. H. Archer. Also the lands in the north hall of Section 23, Jefferson Township. Range 8. Township 6 and the northwest quarter of Section 24 of Jefferson Township. Range 8. Township C, owned by Union Carbide and Carbon Company, Ed. Ritterbcck, Joseph Salirig, E. P. Heil and Joe Singer.* Boundary of said territory is clearly indicated on rrmp filed in the office oi Auditor of Noble County. All such territory described above, with excep tions noted, shall be joined to form a new local school district. Furthermore, the Noble County Board ot' Education makes the fol lowing equitable division of the funds and indebtedness between the dis tricts involved: The legal title of the school prop erty of all the districts involved shall be vested in the Board of Education of the newly created district. All other funds of the districts in volved shall be deposited to the treasury of the Board of Education of the newly created district. All debts and other incumbrances, if any. of the districts involved shall be assumed by the newly created district. Be it further resolved that the clerk of tllis board shall cause to be made in the manner provided by law. publication of this resolution and its adoption, in a newspaper of general circulation in the territory affected and that he shall further transmit copy of this resolution to th# auditor of the county in which the territory affected by the action of this board is located. This is to certify that the above resolution was duly paused by a unanimous vote of the Noble County Board of Education at its regular meeting on February 8, 1956 H. C. SECREST. Clerk Noble Countv Board of Education 33 34 LEGAL NOTICE Resolution for Transfer of Territory Be it resolved, that the following described territory be and the same is hereby transferred from the Middleburg Local School District, Noble County. Ohio, to the Fulda Local School District. Noble County, Ohio, in accordance with the pro visions of R. C. 3311.22. The propertv or farm* in said Middleburg Local school district locat ed in Section 14, Range 8, Townshio 0 of Stock Township, owned by Union Carbide and Carbon Comoanv, Robert Schell. Clem Arnold and W. H. Archer. Also the lands in the north Inli of Section 23. Jefferson Township. Rango 8. Township and the northwest quarter of Section 24 of Jefferson Township. Range 8. Township 6. owned bv Union Carbide and Carbon Com pany, Ed Ritterbeck. Joseph Saling. E. P. Heil and Joe Singer. Be it further resolved that the clerk of thif Board shall file within ten davs after the date of adoption of this resolution, a map showing th» boundaries of the above transferred territory, together with a oprtif'ed copv of this resolution, with the Auditor of Noble County. Ohio. This is to certify that the ibove resolution was dulv passed by a unanimous vote of the Noble County Board of Education at it« regulat meeting on Febrarv 8. 1958. H. C. SECRF.ST. Clerk Noble County Board of Education 33 34 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thank? and appreciation to our friends and neighbors for their kindness, beautiful floral offerings and cards at the death of our deai father, Harry E. Mitchell. Also Dr. J. D. Mitchell, Rev. Lenley Addis, the McVay funeral home and singers. CATTLE RECEIPTS 130 HEAD Choice steers $18.40 to S20.20 S18.00 S15.00 Good cattle $15.ji0 to Medium cattle $12.50 to Hulls $11-80 to Good COWS $11.00. to 812.60 Hulstein cows $11.75 and down Medium cows $9.50 to $11.00 Common cows $7.10 to $9.00 Mitchell Family 33 Photo Develonine—nntpsnmp's Anyone wishing the Fuller Brush Dealer to call, write the FULLER BRUSH DEALER, P. O, Box 213, Woodsfield, O. BAHNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Sale Prices for Saturday, February 11 IIOG RECEIPTS 281 HEAD 160-180 lbs. $11.85 to $12.00 180-220 lbs. $12.00 to $13.15 Mostly S12.55 and up. 220-240 lbs. $12.00 to S12.75 240-:10. lbs. $12.00 to $14.50 SOWS RECEIPTS 242 HEAD CALF head prime—160-210 lbs. $31.75 to 1 Iiead prime—2."0 lbs. 27 head choice—-130-215 lbf. 28 head good—130.-215 lbs. 13 head medium—130-215 lbs. 22 head medium to prime—105-125 lbs. head plain—135-215 lbs. $13.50 to 36 head lights—85-100 lbs. $14.20 to 75 bead lights—80 lbs. and down ... $10.0.0 to 17 head lights—100 lbs. and down $14.00 to Going Back to the Farm. LAMB RECEIPTS 237 HEAD 30 head choice wool lambs 820.90 10 head common to medium wool lambs $14.35 to 818.20 67 head high choice and prime clip lambs $18.85 to 820.50 66 head choice clip lambs $18.00 to 818.80 34 head choice heavy clip lambs weighing 101 to 112 lbs. .. $16.75 to $17.90 22 head medium to food clip lambs $15.00 to 817.75 8 head sheep $5.25 to $8.00 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BAHNESVILLE, OHIO $10.50. S14.10 $32.50 $29.50 S30.00 827.00 826.00 824.00 S16.00 816.75 812.70 820.00 ... $27.25 to $23.00 to $20.50 to $17.25 to REVIVAL MEETINGS Revival meetings will open at the Church of Christ on Main street, Sunday, Feb. 19 and con tinue thru to Feb. 26. Services will be held each evening at 7:30 p. m. Evangelist Fred E. Dennis of Marietta, will occupy the pulpit. ENJOYING VISIT Mi- Martha B. Morris, of Dex ter City, has been spending the winter months with her brother, Rev. A. W. Ahrendts and family of York, Nebraska. She is now visiting in the home of her son, Howard Morris of London be fore returning to her home here NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Casr N'o Ci'95 Estate oi Henry F. Scliaier. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Martha Schafer. of Caldwell. R. F. D. No. 4. Noble County, Ohio, has been duly appointed executrix of the estate of Henry F. Schafer, deceased, late of Enoch Township, Noble County. Ohio. Creditors are required to file their claims with said fiduciary within four months. Dated this 9th dav of February. 19.V EARL MCGINNIS. Probate Judge of t-aid Countv 3 31 33 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends, neighbors and relatives for their lovely cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in St. Anthony's hospital, Colum bus, and since my return home. They were all deeply appreciat ed. Glenna C. Hayes 33 SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS ^PRECISION-TRIMMED WALLPAPER Perfect, precision trimmed edge gives the you smoothest wall you ever saw! Save time .. save money choose fromhundredsoismart, new patterns in rich colors. DOMALO D. NICHOLS Phone 63-J "Hie Best For Less" CALDWELL, OHIO National Brands Store HOME-OWNED Z7 ruo4\fa VIKING DOG FOOD 16 Oz. 3 for 27c IFF VALLEY FROZEN LIMAS 10 Oz. Can 2 for 35c SHELF PAPER Roll—25c KARO Waffle Syrup Bottle—25c SPRED-IT CHEESE 2 Lb. Box—59c ARMOUR CRECENT SLICED BACON Lb.—29c Page Seven RE-SCHEDULED CHAINSAW JAMBOREE AT HIRAMSBURG SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 1:00 P. M. One-fourth mile from the Hiramsburg Store. Watch for the Signs. -FREE Coffee Doughnuts Come and Watch the Wood Fly. Use a Chain Saw. SPONSORED BY (Ylobla Farm Bureau Co-Op Caldwell, Ohio wymote FREE DELIVERY iOb WES'l SlitCEI EVERYBODY'S LIQUID BLUING PL—12c UNSWEETENED Grapefruit Juice 40 O/ Can 33c TESTMARK TISSUE Roll—15c ROYAL Instant Pudding 2 Boxes—27c NU-MAID 0LE0 2- 59 Lbs. DE-CAF Instant Coffee 4oz. Jar—$1.19 CHINK BOLOGNA 3" Lbs.—95c LENTEN FOOD Haddock- Cat Fish- Perch -Cod