Newspaper Page Text
Page Four—B Lf New Telephone Switchboard Installed At Summerfield Exchange By Company SUMMERFIELD The C,en c-iai Telephone Company install ed a new switchboard here this week. Mrs. Wh^atlev is Uir main operator at thk i«.«al office. Chicken Dinner Mr. an.1 Mrs. Perry Philpot en tertained with a chicken dinner Sunday. Covers were arranged for Mr. and Mrs. James Spente and daughter, Kay of Road Fork, Lou and Elaine Philpot and the host and hostess. Returns Home Mrs. Of fa Bishop has returned to he-- home here after spend ing the past several months in the hoir.-.? of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gib son. Mrs. Bishop is recovering from a stroke. She was atvom panied home by her daughters, Mrs. Cecil Gibsdn and Mrs. Ber nard VanDyne. In Clinic H.-rbert Snyder was admitted to the Wheeling Clinic Monday for observation and treatment. At Aultman Hospital Mrs. El'fie Bates is a patient in the Aultman hospital, Canton. Mrs. Bates is recovering from a fractured back which she receiv ed in a recent fall. Services -End The Rev. Lowell Kiger, pastor of the Methodist church, closed a vory successful series of meet ings Sunday evening. District Superintendent, Thurman Alex ander of Cambridge, spoke at the closing services. Returned Home Mrs. Ruth McGinnis has re turned to her home here after spending the past several weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fife in Cam bridge. From Florida Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havener have returned to their home here after spending a ten day vaca tion with Mrs. Havener's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Cable Horton and a number of other places of in terest in Florida. (Mass Meeting The Alpha Omega Sunday School class was entertained Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. Ella Richeson. A delicious lunch was served during the so cial hour. Purchase Property Vernon Moore has purchased the property owned by the late, Elizabeth Fry. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Dan Warner and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Palmer. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Gibson were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson of Cambridge* %H Mrs. Emily Havener was a call er in Caldwell Monday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Horton on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Gail Horton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bode. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calland of Marietta visited Sunday with Mr. and Mis. William Warner and family and John F. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. David Weisent of Columbus spent the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank W^isent. Those from here who attended the Perryopolis church Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek and daughter, Helen. Mrs. Maxine Mathers, William Oliver and Helen Moore visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lane Orme of Akron. Mrs. William Oliver, who had been visiting with her daughters in Akron for the past few weeks, accompanied the group home. Leo Kullman of Columbus visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode and other friends in this community. Mrs. Daisy Philpot was a Sun day dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bode. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wat son were Mr. and Mrs. William Bond and son, Billie of Pleasant City route. Mr. and Mrs. Paul King of New Vienna and Mary Kathleen King of Columbus, visited Sun day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis King. Nelle Cunningham visited with Mary Brown Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bircher visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Brague of Byesville. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stephen visited in Woodsl'ield Monday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Moore Sunday were Mrs. Lillie Moore and Mrs. Sulli van and daughter of Zanesville. lla Dailey of Roscville visited with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Dai ley over the weekend. IN HOSPITAL Wilbur Walters, of Belford street, was taken from his home Thursday afternoon to the Guernsey Memorial hospital, Cambridge. He was admitted for observation and treatment and the trip was made in the MeVay ambulance. WILL VISIT HERE Glen E. Wilkinson, of San Diego, Calif., will arrive in Cakl well March 1 for a visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hupp, Spruce street and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mallett, of Caldwell ro.ite 1. America's Best Buy Why not have fun while you're being practical? Here are some wonderful ways to do just that! Each one is sleek and exciting as a sports car, handy as a pickup truck and extra big in the bargain with a road-leveling 122" wheelbase! But the really breath-taking difference in Pontiac's line of fabulous family wagons is the way they GO! There5® nothing like it because they're powered by the greatest performance team ever offered in a station wagon the mighty 227- 4'- FLEENAN PONTIAC CO. Here & Yon HERE AND YON Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Poling have re turned to their home in Sarahs ville after spending the past four months with their daughter, Ruth and family in Zanesville. Weekend visitors of ihe Poj ings were their soil, Junior and daughter, Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Asberry White and children, Sandra, Paul, Patty, Timmie and Tommie, Mrs. Donna Lafollett, Mis. Callie Meighen, Becky and Mike Kirk, Diana and Donnie Moore and Emma Kirkbride. Emma Kirkbride has returned to her home in Sarahsville after spending several days with rela tives in Cambridge. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Bowden visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ira Johns and son, Joe. Russell Kirkbride and Ray mond Poling were recent visitors of Walter Johnson. Mis. Fannie Kirkbride is spending a few days with her daughter, Rose Danley and fam ily. Mrs. Osa Secrest and Emma Kirkbride visited Sunday with Maggie Phillips. Mrs. Agnes Palmer spent part of the past week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Depew. ilsy a fe parents in Sarahs\ Patsy Jean Wiekham is spend ing a tew days with her grand Crooked Tree CROOKED THEE Mr. and Mrs. Larry Arnold and children of Columbus, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Theiss Mrs. Rosa Boon has returned home after visiting relatives at Newark and Hebron. Miss Virginia Wickens, of Wooster, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Way Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Bettinger and son, David of Wolf Run, called on Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Chandler, Saturday evening. Russell Chandler was a caller at Beverly, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lamp were callers at the G. E. Chand ler home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Binegar and family were calling on rela tives near Marietta, Sunday. Jonas Stack, of Keithtown, was a caller at the G. E. Chand ler home, Thursday. Ervin and Frank Lamp, Alice Lamp and Jennie Griffin were at Caldwell, Saturday evening. Benny Griflin and Alice Lamp called at the G. E. Chandler home, Sunday evening. Russell Chandler called qn his brother, Hanford Chandler at Macksburg, Sunday. Ervin Lamp and Benny Gtif fin were at Marietta, Saturday. 860 4-DOOR, 3-MOt, with room for 9 paatengert... both rear tcait fold flat for extra cargo apace. The: ear »ay» 00 and the prue uhh'i atopyoul MUSK RATS ARB OHIO'S .AND MB NA WON '5 L6ADIN FURbEARER. AND ALSO PRODUCE HNS MEAT AND BLAZING GO! horsepower Strato-Streak V-8 and revolutionary Strato-Flight Hydra-Matic Drive*! And that big, extra power means a new kind of handling ease and liveliness you've never known in a big car And wait 'til you hear the prices. They're as practical and exciting ... as the cars them selves starting right down with the lowest! Come in soon—let us show you why these fabulous '56 Ponljacs are rated America's best station wagon buys! l-Mis: JOURNAL*, CALPwii.'.LtL, OHIO Under Oftio Sides Fourth grade Ronnie Fraz ier, David Frisbee, Joyce How ell, Betty Jo Malvin, Delores Palmer. Fifth grade Nila Itovd, Char lotte Huff, David Howell, Sara Lou Martin. Sixth grade Carolee Ford, Janet Howell, Sharon Mellinger, Christine Moorehead, Dallas Monroe, Donna Stevens. Seventh grade—Wanda Kling ler, Dianna Hutchins, Darlene Craiso, Carol Frisbee, Gary Lar rick, Robert Myers. Eight grade Naomi Kacklev, Judith Bates, Joyce Cowgill, Janet Stephens, John Merva. Ninth grade Shirley Bell, Dee Ann Ford, Wanda Tom, Shirley Stevens. By DIVISION OF WILDLIFE OMOf fNtANO MUSKKAT POPULATION' ON CktBKS, KNZKS, AND LAKES ISHI&H M/S Y£AR AND IS /N GOOD HEALTH Tenth gr.ule Helen Kackley, PONTIAC Pkoae 78 870 4-DOOR, 2-fteat^ rear -fat folds flut for 7Vj' wrrytiig $pace with gate closed, 'J' gate open. Caldwell, Ohio BUT MUSK.RATS //V ME LAKE BR IB MARSUSS~ WHERE A LARGE SHARE OF THE FUR /S TAKEN** SUFFERED FROM AN EPIZOOTIC D/SEASB called err/nqton'x DISEASE a CUMBERLAND NEWS CUMBERLAND The follow ing is the honor roll of both the grade and high school: First grade Debbie Bates. Charlotte Gee, Peggy Ann Har lan, Marjorie Hill, Ronnie Kotoff, Tawney Long, Sue Moorehead, Linda Sharrock, Micky Jordan, Kathy Ruggles, Edna Engle. Second grade Eugene Voy tko, Roberta Barnett, Barbara Bay, Linda Bates, Carol Cowgill, Pauline Dingey, Douglas llall, Kenneth Hertel, Barbara Long, Sue Maust, William Maust. Third grade Richard Bar nett. Jeffrey Collins, Joanne Frazier, Robert Gentry, Margaret Merva, Charles Tom. Virginia Paisley, James Stephens, Wm. Barnett, Shirley Moore. Eleventh grade Alice Dud ley, Norma Hall, Joanne Hickle, Joseph Roseman, Elloise Walts. Twelfth grade Barbara Fris bee, Nancy Tom. Dungannon DUNGANNON Miss Nora Hughes speni Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Ed Stewart. Mrs. Ruth Stewart, Mrs. Doro thy Mincks attended the funeral services of Mrs. George Schim rrfel at the Peoples funeral home at Lowell, Friday afternoon. Janet and Larry Mincks, of Beverly, visited their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks one evening last week. Quite a large crowd attended the funeral services of Karl Augenstein which was held at the church at this place Monday at 1:00 o'clock with Rev. Brandon minister of the First Church of Christ, of Caldwell, officiating. Burial was made in the Green Lawn cemetery, Lowell by Mc Curty and Son, undertakers, of Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mincks visited their son, Dean Mincks and wife, of Dexter City route, one evening last week. Renrock RENROCK Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bkkiord entertainedvSun day with a chicken dinner in honor of the following: Roy Reed, Floyd Reed, Pearl Waite, Danny Bickl'ord and Junior Reed whose birthdays ail are in February. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Reed! Mr. and Mrs. James Reed, Mr. and Mrs. James Waite, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed, Charles and Don King, Floyd Reed, Itol Reed, David, Junior, Carmen, Billy, Lonnie. Janice and Becky Reed, Linda, Debra and Mike Waite, the host and hostess and children Dianna, DaAsne, Danny, Deri and Denny. Mr. Owen Reed and wife were Zanesville shoppers, one day last week. Mrs. Itol Heed spent Sunday evening with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Woodford of Dudley. Jay Barnes, wife and son, of Unionville, spent an evening last week with Roy Reed and family. Keiihiown KEITHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Ard Chandler and son, Har ley were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Craig and son, Johnny of Devola. Betty Teeters and daughters, Nancy and Judy were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves and family. Mrs. Oma Groves had the mis fortune on Saturday evening by falling on a milk bottle and re ceived a bad cut on her hand which required three stitches to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Groves and sons were Sunday evening callers at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Stack and children, Dean and Thelma were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chandler and Mrs. Chandler at tended church services on Sun day a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chandler and sons, Jeff and Mike have re cently moved to the Glen Wag ner house on 339 near Crooked Tree. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hughes of Kent, called on Nora and Duke Hughes on Sunday afternoon. Joann Hanson of near Crook ed Tree, visited recently at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwards and daughter, Pam, spent a few days recently with relatives in Columbus. ASSETS United States Government Bonds. ,$164,809,482.36 Municipal and Corporation Bonds. 103.250,241.97 Preferred Stocks 21,015,405.00 Mortgage Loans 326.024,317.30 Ground Rents 11,775,013.98 Real Estate! Properties Occupied by ihe Company 4,079,167.20 Investment 3,041,851.35 Policy Loans 15,975,130.84 Cash on Hand and in Banks 12,071,303.19 Accrued Interest and Rents 3,067,825.14 Premiums in Course of Collection 6,682,330.32 Other Assets.. 495,123.70 TOTAL $672,287,192.35 Policies in Force Insurance in Force $3,068,365,575 Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Dickison have returned from New Orleans, La., whore thoy attended the Mardi Gras. Miss Joan Huntsman and Judy Phillips of Columbus spent the weekend with the formers moth er, Mrs. Cyril Hendershot and husband. Mr. and Mrs. John Phil lips of Columbus joined them on Sunday and all returned home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kennedy of Mt. Gilead visited the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Eagon and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Bates left Wednesday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Don Speaks and family of Lexington, Ky. C. G. House and Mr. and Mrs. Will is Swank of Canton spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Loveall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Swank also visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Swank of near Salesville. Rev. Robert Zinsmeister was guest preacher at the Summer field Thursday evening service of the Methodist Church. Rev. Lowell Kiger is the pastor of the church. Mrs. Wilmer Hartley has re turned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bricker of Mar shalville. R. W. Moore of Caldwell call ed on his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Moore Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walton Cline of Phoenix, Ariz., is visiting fti.: par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lurid Cline and with his sister, Mrs. Willis Nichols and family of Barnes ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beits attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Corner Brown at Summerfield on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Robert Zinsmeister was guest speaker at the Byesville First Methodist Church on Sun day evening. The Mens Brotherhood of the Methodist Church will meet this Thursday evening with the Bates vilie brotherhood. Rev. Floyd Workman will be the out of town speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barrett of Shrove were Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith visited their daughter, Mrs. Davis Steele and family of Chagrin Falls, a few days this week. WESTERN AND SOUTHERN &$th Annual Statement December 31, 1955 HESTERS AJIt SOUTHERN LIFE MIRMCE jMPlY CINCINNATI, OHIO B. E. THEURER, Manager 3202 MAPLE AVENUE ZANESVILLE, OHIO Phone: 2-4655 1ThuY*ci9V Quaker City Well Represented A! Of Methodist Youth Fellowship, Monday QUAKER CITY The Sub District Rally ot the M.Y.F. of the Methodist church was held at Pleasant City on last Monday evening.'Twenty three members from the local society attended. LIABILITIES Statutory Poffey Reserves ... Policy Proceeds and Dividends left with Company 5,812,075.00 Dividends to Policyholders Payable in 1956 7,458,785.00 Policy Benefits Currently Outstanding 1,174,973.37 Premiums and Interest Paid! in Advance 3,259,711.46 Accrued Taxes Payable in 1956.... 2,814,000.00 Escrow Accounts and Unallocated Funds 3,845,599.32 Other Liabilities 1,701,876.23 Security Valuation Reserve..[ 3,821.758.97 Reserve for Mortgage Loan Fluctuation and Other Contingencies r.. 8,150,000.00 Reserve for Ultimate Changes in Policy Valuation Standards.... 6,000,000.00 Surplus tT '50,000,000.00 TOTAL«................$672,287,192.35 4/655/527 M, 1956 Rally Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robin son of Kent spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Lingo. Mrs. Carl Huth of Peoria, 111., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson and brother, Dick, last week. Mrs. Jack Cochran of Cam bridge spent th-j weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Meighon. Miss Jean Thompson of Sales ville route, is substituting in the high school in the place of Mrs. Marie Hull, who remains ill at her home in Salesville. Fredericksdale FREDER1CKSDALE Mr. and Mrs. William Shaw and fam ily of Belmont visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davidson. Edna Arnold visited Wednes-' day afternoon with Mr. L. D. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis and children, Debbie and Donnie of MoConnelsville visited the week end with her parents, Mr. atfed Mrs. Walter Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, Edna Arnold and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davis and family were Sun day dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis. Lewis Davidson lost one of his registered holstein cows with rabies. Stafford STAFFORD Mr. William Mallett was a Marietta caller on Wednesday. Mrs. Lois Mallett spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Lafferre and son, of Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawkins, N. H. Ullman and Mrs. Mary Markle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robbins and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Sutton and Nancy, of Delaware, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Harold Markey and Danny Stoffel of near Can ton, spent a weekend recently with relatives here. Mr. Nelson Hagerman visited Sunday evening recently with his father, Charley Hagerman and aunt, Hatty Hardesty. Mrs. Miller Draper had the misfortune of falling and break in.: her arm last week. $578,248,413.00