Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, February 23, 1956 WANT F6R SALE For Salts—DWELLINGS LOTS NOW YOU l-i/XKCAlN hunters we have it for sale! A large living room, large sized dining room, with exceptionally large kitchen, two good sized bed rooms, with glass enclosed room large enough for spare bedroom, a beautiful built-in bathroom. Laundry in basement. Basement garage and a bargain price ready to sell light now, if you are in a hurry and the price is right. Lot 75x150 feet. Fifteen minute drive. FIVE ROOM HOUSE located on USR 21. Priced reasonable. WELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 Stanchion barn, cement floor with with drainage, crib, brooder house, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im mediate possession. It's a bar Si ain near Batesville. GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up ftairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on IT. S. Route 21. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you mav have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 8B6 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE. Modern except furnace. Gas. electric-, bath, built-in kitchen. Two room basement. Hardwood floors. Ga rage and workshop. Large cor ner lot containing .80 acre Priced reasonable. SIX ROOM modern house, gas, electricity, bath, furnace and biult-in kitchen. Full base ment. Double garage. Good lo cation on paved street. SEVEN ROOM HOUSE with bath, utility room, garage and Other outbuildings. Good loca tion on paved street in Caldwell. FIVE ROOM HOUSE with bath and electricity, also well es tablished business, fully equip ped, in seperate buildiner in cluded. Located on Route 21. CHESTER J. HOWILER, Realtor 516 xn West Street. Phone 250-W Caldwell, Ohio HOUSE WITH LOTS 291 and 292 located on Belford street in Caldwell, known as the old Maring property. Reed and Lori 34-35-3(5 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, full basement, completely modern Located at 802 Spruce Street in Caldwell. Also two adjoining lots. Priced to sell. All offers will be considered. Horry W Smith. Caldwell, Ohio. 32 33 34pd BUILDING LOT on Fairground road, level and faces State Rt 78. All utilities available. Charles F. Wiley, 820 W. Main Street Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 174-R. 34 35 3tipd ROOMING HOUSE. 13 rooms Will sell furnishings if desired Located one block from Court house, between the Free Metho dist Church and the Blue Sunoco Filling Station. Bertha Bettinger CI3 Bridge Street, Caldwell, Ohio 34 35 i'Gpd SIX ROOM HOUSE, with base ment, furnace, built-in kitchen and bathroom. Plenty of water and TV antennae included with house. William Neigsch, in Belle Valley, first, house south of the Catholic church. 34 35 3(ipd FARM FOR SALE by owner located southwest of Caldwell Three acres of ground with good block garage and barn, well of water, fruit trees including apple pear, peach, cherry and berries Land can be farmed With a trac tor. Located on mail and bus routes. Oil, gas and coal rights go with land. Make me a cash offer. Joe Ramsier, Caldwell Ohio, Rout:1 3. 34-35-36 pd FARM OF 170 acres, four mile N. W. of Cbesterhill, Ohio. 5: acres tillable, 50 acres timber balance in pasture, well watered large house and barn. Electricity free gas, school bus, mail and milk routes. Mrs. Rosa Newton Chesterhill, Ohio. Phone Chester hill 93-R-35. 34-35-36 pd 70 ACRE FARM, good house with furnace, barn and other outbuildings. Well watered. Will sell reasonable. Also 80 acre farm with no buildings. Farms border one another and are lo catod about three miles from Suinmerfield. Raphael Yontz Lewisville. Ohio, Route 1. Dead Stock Removed! HORSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. EVERY FOR SALE For Sale—LIVESTOCK BABY CHICKS: White Leghorns, White Rocks, New Hampshires, Dominant Whites and Hy-Lines. Place your orders now for March and April. Buckey's Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. 34 35 30 HAMPSHIRE PIGS, ready to go. Andrew Crum, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4. 34 NINE MONTH OLD purebied Polled Hereford bull. No Sun day buyers. Wilbur Grimes, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4. 34-35 pd POLLED HEREFORD bull, nine months old. Price $150.00. Ladd Wheeler, Sarahsville, Ohio. 34 35 36 Paid FINE WOOL EWES, two and three years old, part with lamb at side. Also pigs for sale. G. W. Ankrom, three miles West of Batesville, Ohio, on State Route 147. 33 34 35 pd ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Jaldwell 100. 27tf SEVEN YEAR OLD SORREL riding mare with spotted colt and rebred snow white Welch mare pony, broke to ride or drive. Plenty of work horses, teams or singles. Home after 3:00 p. m. Richard Teeters, Cald well, Ohio, Route 3. In Keith town. 33 34 35 pd. HIGH GRADE Whiteface bull calf, eight months old. Also a good heavy set of tugs and frames. Phone 702-F-15. E. R. Kevser. Caldwell, Ohio, Route 5 34 MILK COWS to freshen soon Milking machines, purchased new and several milk cans. Mit chell Keyser, Caldwell, Ohio. Route 5. 33 34 35 pd Do K. ALB' CHIX were first in the last Texas Random Sample Test in layability and livability Order your high lay, high pay Dekalb Chix today from Caldwell Implement Co. or Noble Hatchery Caldwell, Ohio. 32-33-34 POLLED HEREFORD BULL Roy H. Mason, Warner, Ohio Farm located on State Route 145 32-33-34 pd FOR, SALE Turkey Poults Ohio U. S. approved Pullorum typhoid clean. Beltsville Small Whites Thompson Broad Whites lars'.e strain Broad Breasted Bronze Beltsville Thompson cross CHRISTMAN TURKEY FARM and HATCHERY, Route 3. Woodsfield, Ohio Phone Wood slit-Id 2-45 /j. 32 39 STARTED CHiCKSr 160 Hy-Linc pullets, three weeks old: 80 tly Lines, two weeks old 100 New Hampshire*, as hatched, and 22.r New Hampshire cockerels, week old. Extra day-old chicks each Thursdav. Buckey's Hatcherv Caldwell. Ohio. 34 For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1952 FORD PICKUP truck with stock racks. Low mileage and in very good condition. Als clover seed for sale. Mi's. Her/It Garrett, Summerfield, Ohio. 32-33-34 pd 1951 CHEVROLET, 4-door 1951 Hard-Top Chevrolet 2-dooi 1951 Power Glide Chevrolet, 4 door 1949 Mercury, 2-door sedan. 1949 Oldsmobile, 2-door 1948 Ford, 2-door, extra good condi tion and a 1950 Dodge pieku truck in good condition. Miruci Used Car Sale, corner of East aim Olive streets, Caldwell. 33 34 35 pd. 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedai powerflite transmission, good rubber. This car is in perft condition. Only 13,000 miles bv one careful owner. Mrs. Norm Mendenhall, Caldwell, Ohio, t'iv miles south of Sharon. Phon 709-F-22. 34 35 36p, For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS DAY-BED, opens to full size bed Contact owner any time afte 4:00 p. m. Rosamond Landakei 501 Railroad Street, Caldwtl Ohio. 34pd BUNK BEDS with lamps, lit new. May be used as twin bed. Joe Werberger, Ava, Ohio. Phon Caldwell 348-F-21. 34-35-36 GAS REFRIGERATOR in excel lent condition two gas heatin stoves, both fine heaters 9 1 ft. rug one mattress one wir couch. Contact Jess S. Harri: Caldwell, Ohio. 34 35 36pd CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thank all my neigh bors, friends and relatives foi the nice cards, gifts and all wh visited me during my stay in the St. Francis hospital, Cambridge, and since my return home. LIVESTOCK AUCTION! Robert E. Reed 34 pd. MARIETTA THURSDAY -1:00 P. M. 19 years of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers In this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market you can patronize with confidence. Tour check over-the-counter if yon wish or in the mail day of sale. The Marietta Live Slock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY calves, live days old and over. Estadt's Produce & Feed Store, Cumber land Street, Caldwell, Ohio, hone 31. 34 41 WANTED TO BUY scrap of all kinds. Steel, cast iron, body tin, tin roofing, spouting and ail other sheet metal. Rags, rope, battervs, radiators, brass, copper, lead, zinc, old or wrecked cars, trucks, tractors and farm machin ery. Highest prices paid. Deliver to our yard on State Route 78 in Olive. Phone Caldwell 327-F-4, Foreman Iron and Metal Co. 34 WANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns and dishes. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 33 to 45 pd WANTED lo buy. Prime logs, mixed oak and poplar, 12, 14 and 16 ft. lengths with 15 to 18 inch diameter, $25.00 19 to 23 inch diameter, $30.00 24 inch diameter and up, $35.00 thousand mixed oak, poplar, hard and soft maple. 12. 14 and 16 It. lengths, 12 inch diameter and up. $20.00 all under 12 inch diameter, cut in 8 to 10 ft. lengths, $15.00. All other logs including hickory, beach and sycamore, $15.00. All logs must be put to road and convenient to oad on truck. Edgar A. Burch, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. Phon 270-F-14. 32-33-34-35 pd WANTED—Raw furs and beef hides. I will be at Estadt's Feed Store from 11:00 to 2:00 o'clock each Wednesday. Clyde R. Teeters, Hoskinsville. Phone 304-F-21. 21 tf For S..le—MISCELLANEOUS HOT BED FRAMES with glass will sell all. Donald E. Reed 613 Sprtice Street, Caldwell, Ohio 34-35-36 SCREENED COAL, 16c per bushel. A. U. Hurst, Belle Val ley, Ohio. 33 34 35 LOCUST POSTS for sale. Con tact James Shaw, Sarahsville Ohio. 33-34-35 pd PARTS FOR A 1948 four dooi Ponliac, new brakes, 650X16 tires, life guard tubes, etc. Phom Caldwell 161-F-15 or inquire at Fleertian's Pontiac Co., Caldwell Ohio. 33 34 3f BIG SHOT Windshield Washer Fits all cars and trucks. Washe your windshield while you drive Easy to operate. Price $7.85 Mike's Tire Shop, corner Cum herland and North Streets, Cald well, Ohio. 32-33-34 ONE DOUBLE BOWL and drain boards cabinet, deluxe sink reg. price $229.5)5, now $159.95 also 1949 Chevrolet Vj-ton pickup truck, all metal bed, four good tires oversize, new clutch and motor overhauled recently, also rebuilt transmission and rear end put in recently. New paint job goes with the truck to suit pur chaser, priced at $325.00. High man's General Store, Sarahsville Ohio. 34 DEL AVAL CREAM Separator electric, with stainless steel bowl, large, in good condition Terence Hohman, Caldwell, Ohio Route 4. Phone 735-F-12. 33-34-35 pd SEAT We are now connecting new customers at your request. THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO FOR SALE For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS NEW RED ROSE chick starter improved with increased ener gy levels, more usable vitamins, ugher protein (2!%), DPPD and Methionine with NiCarbazin. Es tadt's Feed Store, Cumberland Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 34 41 13 FT. KNAPHTDE grain box with cattle rack extension, like new. Contact Gene Lambert, Reinersville, Ohio, or O. H. Pick enpaugh, Caldwell, Ohio. 34 35 36pd BALED ALFALFA, clover and timothy mixed hay. Andrew J. Sholtis, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 6. On State Route 285, north of Caldwell. M4 35 lifiod For Sale—HO USEHOLf GOODS THREE PIECE BEDROOM suite, Jenny Lind double bed and twin size springs. William Fer guson, 1020 Belford Stieet, Cald well, Ohio. 33 34 35 For Sale—PLANTS TOMATO, ONION, CABBAGE, plants. Also Pepper, Lettuce. Broccoli, Eggplant. Cauliflower, Sweet Potato. Write for FREE CATALOG with BARGAIN OF FERS. Piedmont Plant Co., Dept. 5t\l, Albany. Gn. 34-35-36-37 FOR RENT FIVE ROOMS and bath. Con tact Reed's Insurance Agency, West Street, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone Cambridge 46583. 30-tf chg. FOR RENT—Three room apart meat with bath. Charles Howi ler, 217 Main Street, Caldwell Ohio. 34 35 36pct WANTED WANTED to buy or lease. Service station, grocery store or what have you. Write Post Office Box 254, Caldwell, Ohio. 32-33-34 pd WANTED—Dozing work of all kinds Clearing work, pond building. Combine and tractoi work of all kinds. Dump bed work, hay baling, corn picking Jusi call for your needs. Blake Davis, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 3 Phone 719-F-23. 32-33-34 pd WANTED—Man and woman wit! car for special work. $10.00 pei day, four hours each day. Write P. O. Box 473, Beverlv, Ohio. 32 33 34 CARD OF THANKS We express our sincere thank 1o friends, relatives and neigh bors who helped in any waj during the tragic death of ou beloved, husband, son, brother and grandson, Donald Gene Franklin. Special thanks to Rev Gaugler, Rev. Kiger, McVav funeral home and to friends fo their beautiful floral tribute snd cards. EventuaSIy we hope fo offer our customers the four major networks, including CBS, NBC, ABC, and Dumont. For Additional Details Contact CHRISTMAN 145 Underwood Street ZANESVJLLE, OHIO —PHONE— ZcrtesvHIe 3-4449 OR Caldwell 58 Wife, Father, Mother ami Family Grandparents. CARD OF TIIANKS We wish lo thank ail those who contributed in any way toward making our farm food sale a success. The Noble County Home Demonstration Council 34 Ftismer Cusfom-Fil Phone IGo West Street Caldwell, Ohio A IONICS ION NOTICES NO'i'liCE— Hy-Line 934—Thrifty, efficient white egg layer Streamlined fc%- greater profit. Hy-Line 934 at 4V4 lbs., lays big hit eggs with low feed intake per dozen laid. 934 lays 12-to 14 months longer. Scarcely any slumps or broodliness. Fewer culls, better iivability. Hy-Line 4 puts more profit in your lay ing flock. Put Hy-Line 934 on your list for 1956. Order now. See or call Buckey's Hatchery, Caldwell, Ohio. :4 35 30 BABY CHICKS White Leg horns, White Rocks, New Hampshire, and Domniant whites, crossbred. Place your order now for February and March. Buckey's Hatchery, Cald well, Ohio. 32 33 34 "We Buy and Sell Anything For the HOME" C. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, OhiO WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-0 at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 pd. NOTICE—Slag by the truck load hauled and spread for $3.75 and $4.00 per ton. Russell C. Keith & Sons, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 0. Phone 270-F-13. 34 35 3(i INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio NOTICE—Coal Hauling! Run-of mine from Palmer and Boyd "hiine and W. Z. Baker Mine Belle Valley and No. 7 coal from McFarland and Dogtown mines Choice of lump, nut or slack. We also haul sand and gravel. Amos Franklin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 20-7-W. 14 tf PUBLIC SALE THE UNDERSIGNED will offer for sale at public auction on Friday, Feb. 24, 1950. at the late residence of Pete Minosky, de ceased, in Detroit. Noble County Ohio, beginning at 1:00 o'clock m., the following personal prop erty "belonging to the estate of Pete Minosky, deceased, consist ing in part of: 2-piece living room suite, TV set, Tipperary chair, radio and phonograph Electrolux sweeper, 7-piec-e bed room suite, electric refrigerate GE washer, Youngstown kitchei cabinets, utility cabinets, 5-piee breakfast set, gas range, 9x12 rug, Seigler oil heater, and other articles too.numerous to men tion. Terms of Sale: Cosh in hand at time of sale, 'IRENE MUtH, Administratrix of the Estate of Pete Minosky. Deceased James Watson—Auctioneer. 32 33 34 IN MEMORY In !o\ in ', memory' of our-dear wife and niuther, Ocea Johnson who passed away one year ago February 27, 1955. Somewhere back of the sunset Where loveliness never dies Mom dwells in a land of glory Near God and the blue *kies. Dear God be thou good to he Keep her in your tender care Make up for all she Has suffered And everything that was unfair. Often we've looked for you, Mom But this time you have gone Away to never more return. Some day we hope to meet you When our days, too, are o'er On that beautiful isle of some where, Where sorrows are no more. Sadly missed by: Husband. Walter Johnson Children, Russell Johnson, Madalyn Price and Verna McCllean. 34pd. Both the school lunch and the school milk programs continued to expand during the first half of the current school year, according io the U. S. Department of Agri culture. —From— Noble Hatchery Phone 91 Spruce Street Caldwell Implement Co Phone 225 Fast Street BEGINNER'S Tap Dancing CUSSES ENROLL NOW! Inquire VFW Hall West Street, Caldwell, Ohio «. Any Thursday from 12:00 to 8:00 p. m. FANNIE GOODMAN INSTRUCTOR MARKET REPORT Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Feb. 22 Heavy lien.- lb, $3c Light hens lb. 15c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white egg.s doz. 38c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 37c Large gr. white eggs doz. 36c Large gr. brown eggs doz. 36c Medium A brown eggs doz. 36c Medium A white eggs doz. 36c Pullet eggs doz. 30c Current receipts doz. 35c Buttt-rlal lb. 46c IN MEMORY In loving memory of my moth er, Madelene Blair Miller, who passed away nine years ago, the 28th of February. Somewhere back of the sunset, Away from the world of strife You, my darling mother, quietly rest. Your passing brought sad tears But I will live with memories Told by those who knew you well, 'Till the Saviour gathers his saved ones Then we will all join you in our Heavenly home above. Sadly missed by: Daughter, Carol Ann Miller. 34 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the cards, and personal calls that I received while in the hospital and during my convalescense at home. O. 11. Pickenpaugh 34 pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered^ me with card?, letters and gifts. Those who visited me and any others who helped in any way while I was a patient in the Guernsey Me morial hospital and since my re turn home. They were ail deeply appreciated. \ln. Levi Miller 34pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere thanks and appreciation to all our friends for the many acts of kindness during the illness and death of our sister, Mrs. Amy Archer Stevens. Special thanks to Rev. Gaugler for his comfort ing words, to the East Union Sunday school and* all who sent flowers and to the McVay funeral home for their efficient services. The Archer Family !34ptJ. CARD OF THANKS I wish in this manner to ex press my sincere thanks and ap preciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the many nice cards and flowers that I received during my stay in the Cleveland Clinic and since returning home All were deeply appreciated. Franz McNutt 34pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank every one who remembered our grand daughter, Patsy Jean Wickham with cards, prayers, gifts and valentines and .the Sarahsville Methodist church for thei nice box of candy while she wa in Children's hospital, Columbus Marie Poling and Family 34pd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the man friends, relatives and neighbor: for the many cards received or my 90th birthday. Cards wer received as far away as Wash ington, D. C., and Colorado. The.\ were all very much appreciated by Mrs. Idella M. Caldwell anc her family. FOR SALE Venetian Blinds Odds Ends From Regular Stock 1 43-inch 60-inch S4.00 1 24-inch 59' ,-incli $2. 1 33-inch 61-inch S3.00 1 33-inch 71'-inch S3.00 1 26' j-inch 43' ,-inch __ S3.00 1 25-inch 61»i-inch $2.7 1 24-inch 54-inch S2.7 1 35K»inch 62-inch $2.50 1 26s-inch 24_-inelt S1.25 1 32-inch 41-inch S3.00. CLOSE-OUT Only 15 Gallons Only 18 Quarts Of discontinued colors Of highest quality Oil Base Flat Wallpaint G8,lon-$3.75 -"~$i.l9 HILL'S, Inc. "Since the Turn of the Century" Caldwell, Ohio CARD OF THANKS I wish in this way to thank each and everyone who sent me the nice cards and letters, to all those who sent gifts and flowers and those who visited me while I was a patient in Good Samari tan hospital. Also my special ap preciation for the prayers offer ed in my behalf and the interest shown in my„ recovery. Mrs. E. J. Hohman Caldwell, route, Ohio CARD OF THANKS I want to thank each and •everyone who sent me the lovely cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in the Bethesda hospital and since my return home. They were all deeply ap preciated and will never be for gotten. Wava McVay FINANCIAL REPORT OF BOARD OF EDI'CATION MMMKRI"IKLll LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT Noble- County. Ohio For Year Ending December 31, 1955 Tax Valuation $2,513,973.00 Tax Levy __ 10.70 Mills School Enrollment 213 Salaries and Wages 530,959 41 RECEIPTS Balance. Januarv 1, 1955 $18,422.53 General Property Taxes $26,615 12 State Foundation Program S27.345.45 transportation Other Distrioti S 289.30 Federal Subsidies Cafe $ 792.12 Lunch Room Receipts School -$ 6,225.10 Insurance .. .. $ 28.2" Work Book Sales $ 199.15 Tot il Receipts and Balance $79,916.97 EXPENDITURES Administration $ 966.75 Instruction $35.345 83 ibraries $ 347.03 raimportation $ 6.528.34 Cafeteria .. $ 8.019.61 Auxiliary ... $ til5 1G Operation School Plant S 6.590.67 Maintenance School Plant .. $ 3.324.40 Balance, December 31. 1955 $18,178.98 "otal Expenditures and Balance ... $79,916.97 I certify the foregoing report to be true and correct. 4 J. G. GUILER. Clerk Board of Education ANNl'AL FINANCIAL REPORT OLIVE TOWNSHIP Noble County. Ohio For Fiscal Year Ending December 31st. 1055 Total Salaries and Wages Paid During the Year 1955 Labor $ 1,843.87 Tax Valuation S6,125,574.00 Tax Levy ... ... 2.00 Mills Caldwell, Ohio February 14. 1856 I certify the following report to be correct. FRANK McAULEY, Township Clerk i:m:r\l township kinds Include Rccripts and Payments of All l-iinds Bond Retirement and Sinking RECEIPTS* General Property Ta?» $ 7.855 20 Gasoline Tax $ 7.200.00 Road Mileage $ 2.236.52 Cemeteries—Sale of lots and Other Receipts $ 62.50 Total Miscellaneous Receipts 5 12.00 Total Receipts .. $17,366.22 PAYMENTS: General Executive Services— Compensation oi Trustees $ 1.710.0 Compensation of Clerk $ 822 12 Expenses of Trustees and Clerks ...„^_-$ 275.50 Total General Executive Services $ 2,807 62 Town Ifall—Maintenance RcjWit $ 330.6* Total Town Hall $ 330 66 Highways—Road Maintenance and Repair—Labor and Materials ... $12,052.38 Total Highways i $12,052.38 Cemeteries— Purchase Of Land $ 500.00 Other Cemetery Expenses $ 150.65 Total Cemeteries $ 650.65 Total Pavmeuis $15,841.31 BONO RETIREMENT AM) SINKING FUNDS RECEIPT'S General Property Tax $ 7,855.20 Other Tax—Gas $ 7.200.00 Miscellaneous and CemeteJJr $ 74.50 Road .Mileage $ 2,236 52 Total Receipts $17,366.22 Interest on Bonds and Notes .... $ 233.70 Bonds and Notes Retired S 4.000 00 Total Payments $ 4,233 V0 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS BY FUNDS Balance. January 1. 1955 (Clerk's» $ 7.048.05 Receipts During Year $17,366.22 Total Receipts and Balance $22,889.36 Pavments During Year .$15,841.31 Balance, December 31. 1955 i Clerk's i ._ $ $7,048.05 Outstanding Warrants. IDecc-mber 31. 1955 _. .. $ 98.53 Balance in Depositorv Dr.-, :,ie: 31, 1955 S 7.] 58 Anyone wishing the Fuller Brush Dealer to call, write the FULLER BRUSH DEALER, P. 0. Box 213, Woodsfield, O. Sows COWS DeLaval and BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK Market Sale Prices for Saturday, February 18. HOG RECEIPTS 304 HEAD 140-160 lbs. S9.85 to Slft.50 160-180 lbs. S11.00 to SI 1.50 180-220 lbs. SI 1.80 to S12.70 220-250 lbs. SI 1.20 to SI 1.95 276 lbs. CATTLE RECEIPTS 87 HEAD Choice steers SI 8.20 to $20.10 Good cattle S16.00 to S18.00 Medium cattle S12.50 to $15.50 Bulls S12.10 to S15.4U Good cows S11.00 to $12.70 Holstoins S12.70 and down Medium Common cows S7.50 to S9.50 Shelly and slow cows $2.00 to S6.00 CALF RECEIPTS 25« HEAD 5 head prime—130-215 lbs. S29.25 to $31.25 15 head choice—130-215 lbs. S25.00 to S29.50 36 head good—130-215 lbs. $24.75 to S26.35 11 head medium—130-215 lbs. $21.50. to $24.00 28 head medium to prime—105-125 lbs. S17.00 to S21.25 5 head plain—120-180 lbs. $12.00 to $17.25 ^6 head lights—85-100 lbs. .... $13.70. to S16.20 95 head lights—80 lbs. and down $9.90 to $12.60 22 head lights—100 lbs. and down $13.00 to $17.60 Going back to the farm. LAMB RECEIPTS 314 HEAD 22 head good to prime wool lambs weighing 105-107 lbs. 819.60 to S20.90 100 head high choice and prime clip lambs weighing 73-92 lbs. S19.00 to $20.00 54 head choice clip lambs weighing- 75-85 lbs. $18.60. to S18.95 28 head good clip lambs weighing 75-90 lbs. $17.90 to $18.50 52 head good to prime heavv clip iambs weighing 95-105 lbs. $17.30 lo $18.00 19 head common, medium and heavy coarse larabs weighing 54-120 lbs. $10.00 to $17.25 38 head woll and clip sheep $3.50 to !S8.00 BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO P&ge Seven ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT CENTER TOWNSHIP Noble County. Ohio For the Fiscal Year Ending December 31. 1 -155 Total Salaries and Wages Paid During the Year 1955 ... $4,336.69 Tax Valuation ..... $1,065.62000 Center Township Noble County, Ohio February 20, 1956 I hereby certify the following r«£trt to be correct ROBERT MERRY, Township Clerk GENERAL TOWNSHIP FUNDS Include Receipt', .irui Payments of All Funds Except iionti Retirement sad Sinking Funds RECEIPTS: General Property Tax ——. $ 2,26?.03 Sales Tax (Local Gov't.) S 40u.00 Gasoline Tax $ 7,200.00 Inheritance Tax $ 6.48 Cigarette Tax $ 28.46 Cemeteries—Sale of lots and Other Receipts $ 75.00 Auto Registration $ 2i#68,84 Miscellaneous Receipts— Sarahsville Corp. $ 4.36 Total Miscellaneous Receipts $ 4.36 Total Receipts .. $12,445.17 PAYMENTS: General Executive Services— Compensation of Trustees __ $ 2.067.OO Compensation of Clerk 432.27 Expenses of Trustees and Clerks ....... $ 83.27 Legal Service 16.55 Total General Executive Services $ Town Hall—Maintenance and Repair 44.88 Total Town Hall 44.88 Highways—Road Maintenance and Repair—-Labor and Materials $ 7.627.47 Road Machinery and Tools $ 706.G6 Total Highways $ 8.334.13 Cemeteries—Compensation o£ Officers and Employees __ 264.00 Total Cemeteries .. $ 264.00 Miscellaneous—Memorial Day Expenses $ Deductions by County Auditor: County Health Department $ 14?»05 For Workmen's Compensation $ 63.8t» Total Miscellaneous $ 235.91 Total Pavments ... $11,478.01 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS BY FUNDS Total of Al! Funds Balance. Januarv 1. 10S5 (Clerk's) $ 1.495.57 Receipts During Year $12,445.17 Total Receipts and Balance $ 13.940.74 Payments During Year $11,478.01 Balance. December 31. 1955 (Clerk's) $ 2,462.73 Balance in Depository. Dee.-mbrr .5! 462.73 AUCTION We will sell at public auction at our residence located one-half mile north of Chesterhill, Ohio, on State Route 377 on FRIDAY, MAR. 2, 1956 Ci Miir. nciriLi it 12 o'clock noon. 23 HEAD OF JERSEYS 12 Cows 11 Heiiers A complete dispersal of nn out standing purebred herd,_ either registered or eligible. 1955 H.I.R. "herd average: 8115 lbs. milk, 5.2'/ 420 lbs. fat. One of the top pro ducing herds in Morgan County with records up to 604 lbs. fat ac tual. Bangs certified free Herd No. 11037. T. B. Accredited He-d No. 545461. 30 dav Bangs teste'd. DAIRY EQUIPMENT ".'.-unit magnetic milk er: 6-c-an "VV-iiStinghouiie cooler 12 10-gallon milk cans hot water tanks: wash vat: 6-can Westing house milk cooler wall cooler connected to milk cooler. TRICK One-ton 1950 Cncvrolet track— stock rack—4 new rnud grip spear tires. MACHINERY •1952 Model A John Deere trac tor John De-oro tractor cultiva tor: two 14-inch. I.H.C. plows 7 ft. I.H.C. disc and tandem 7 ft. Model 30 New Idea tractor mow er 41- ft. Carlisle earth master 2-section spike tooth harrow 1953 P.T.O. Co-op side delivery rake David Bradley push bar hay loader 1952 No. 77 New Hol land baler John D-sere tractor spreader N-sw Holland buzz saw for Farmall & New Idea rubber tired wagon and bed 2-wheel rubber tired trailer David Bradly corn sheller Let/, burr mill portable irrigation pump forge vies anvil: drill press big circulating coal heat-er ironer and items too numerous to mention. Hot lunch will be served. Terms: CASH. Vern L. Faires & Son, Owners. Chesterhill. Ohio Phones: Chesterhill 82-R-54 or 82-R-151 Gene Slagle, Auctioneer Marion, Ohio. 4 {Not responsible for accident*) Personal income in Ohio in 1954 ranked fifth among the tates in total but tenth on a .er capita basis. Over 70 percent was in the form of wages and alai ies. Income per person of si,983 was 12 percent about the average for the U. S. S10.50 S8.0.0 to $10.20 S9.50 to SI 1.0-0