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Thursday, March 8, 1956 Beaver Hills Garden Club Will Hold Meeting Friday Evening At Edythe Dollison Home ^UAKEli CITY The Brav er Hills Garden Club will meet with Mrs. Edythe Dollison on Friday evening, March 9. The meeting having been postponed on account of a death in the fam ily- Class Meeting The Dorcas Class of th*3 Chris tian Church will meet this Thurs day evening, March 8 at the home of Mrs. Helen Eagon, with Mrs. Nora Markle as co-hostess. w. s. c. s Tho W. S. C. S. of the Metho dist church will meet this Thurs day evening, March 8 at the church. Word ol' Death Friends here have received word of the death of Myrtle McBurney, of Collingswood. N. J. which occurred Thursday, March 1. lie was a former resi dent of this place and has visited hei'e since going to Collingswood. He was the son of William and Etta Griest McBurney, both de ceased. He is survived by his wife and one son. One sistor also survives. Russell McBurney, Mrs. Eleanor Hughes and Gilbert Hartley are cousins of the de ceased. The funeral and burial was made at that place. Attend Meeting Hazel McBurney, Anna Hall, Helen Floyd, Lura Cline and Beatrice Bates I'epresented the local Home Demonstration club in a meeting at the Ninth street Methodist church on Friday af ternoon from 3:30 p. m. when Miss Jane Scott of the Simplicity Pat tern Co. conducted a session in home sewing. Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Loveall fourth S E N EC A V ILL E The fourth in a series of Methodist-Presby terian joint services will be held Thursday evening in the Meth odist Church. Rev. Barthlow will bring the message. On March 15th, Rev. Denver L. Springer, associate pastor of the Lakewood Methodist will be present to speak at the Presbyterian church at 7:30 o'clock. W. S. C. S. Meets Following the Lenten service held in the Presbyterian Church Thursday, March 1st, the W. S. C. S. met in the Social rooms of the Methodist Church. A busi ness session was conducted by the president, Mrs. Oeia Ander son. Mrs. Kathleen Keller and Mrs. Clara Meek were the host esses. Club Entertained Mrs. Kate Allan recently was hostess to the 500 Club at her home on High Street. Cards were enjoyed at two tables with Mrs. W. W. Wilson receiving the prize Attends Wedding Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Devinc at tended the wedding of their nep hew. Dwain Devine of Zoarville, to A1 :e !•'.'•!(•• i' !icral C'it v. and daughter, Betty of Charles ton, W. Va. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lurid Cline and with other relatives here over the weekend. The M.Y.F. will enjoy a ban quet servel at the Colonial Inn, Old Washington on Friday eve ning, March 9. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brothers and family of Sugar Creek visited with his brother, Ray Brothers and family on Sunday. The Ron ald Brothers are moving back to Quaker City and will reside on Broadway. The Halls are mov ing back to their farm, east of town, which has been occupied by their son, who on Saturday moved to a property which they recently purchased in JCldon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reynolds, who have been living in the Lena Hart property on Main street, moved to Cambridge Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Car penter and son, who have been living in the Morgan apartment on South street, will move to the Hart property this week. Mrs. Lewis King and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Law rence King and family in Colum bus on Sunday. Carl Huth of Peoria. 111., visit ed with his wife and her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rob inson over the weekend. Mrs. Taylor House of Seneca ville called on Mrs. W. J. Moore Thursday. Mrs. Angelia Carvel of Lore City route visited with her son, Jules Canel and family over the weekend. There will be preaching ser vices at the Methodist Church the week preceding Easter, by the pastor, Rev. Robert Zinsmeister. In Series o! Joint Meetings Will Be Held Thursday At Methodist Church The teremonv was performed in the Methodist Church with a re ception following at the bride's home. Family Reunion The child ten of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Seciest gathered at their home recently for a family re union honoring Captain and Mrs. R. J. Danaher of Ft. Benning, Ga. Those present were Captain and Mrs. Manaher and son, Rick ey and daughter, Mary Lynn Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lake and daughter. Tacy of Columbus, Mr E. L. Secrest of Barberton and Miss Josephine Wise of Colum bus. Miss Shirley Pry or left recent ly for Washington. D. C., where she has accepted a position with the F. B. I Mr. and Mrs. James Weekley of Marietta spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Lester Weekley. Miss Cuina Rich spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Tilton is Stowe. Homemakers cook about 1095 meals each year, not counting sthvia! invn.-ions. For All Your ilnsurance Needs Howiler Office, '•hi'.. West Street CALDWELL, Insurance Service COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE ALL MAKES BARNHOUSE CHEVROLET COMPANY Telephone 2G1 Miller Street I'hone 230-W OHIO i 5UMMERFIELD NEWS iLiLtD ivOiC'it Havener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Havener will appear on television each Wednesday for a program series for ten weeks. Havener will appear at 9:00 a. m. on Channel 10, Columbus in con nection with his extension work. Palm Sunday Palm Sunday will be observed in the local Methodist church this Sunday. The Rev. Lowell Kiger will deliver the message at 11:00 o'clock. Reception of members will also bo held during the wor ship service. Special music will be furnished by the church choir. Homemakers Club Mrs. Geraldine Ilannnhs will entertain the Homemakers club at her home Thursday with a quilting. A sack lunch will be served at noon. Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Perry Philpot en tertained Sunday afternoon with a birthday party honoring the 14th birthday anniversary of their daughter Elaine. Guests were Louise and Beverly Dodds, Helen Moore, Barbara Barnett, Kathryn Bishop, Kathryn Shack les. Linda and Carol Cunningham, Norma Bates, Vivian Moore. Glo ria Guiler and Bonnie Moore. Games were enjoyed and deli cious refreshments were served by the host and hostess. The hon ored one was presented with a number of beautiful gifts includ ing gifts from a number who were nuable to attend. In Hospital Anna Belle and Jean Warner, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Warner underwent minor surgery for the removal of their tonsils Monday in the Marietta Memorial hosptial. Birthday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. William Mans perger entertained Sunday eve ning with a chicken dinner in honor of the birthday anniver sary of their daughter, Dorothy Jean McFarland. Those enoying the dinner were John McFai land and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meek. Helen Meek, the honored one and the host and hostess. Returned Home Herb Snyder has been return ed to his home here after being a patient in the Wheeling Clinic Mr. Snyder, who had been under going treatment is much improv ed. Church Services On Sunday, March 11. a spec ial Red Cross program will be presented at the Methodist church here. Rev. Lowell Kiger will d* liver the sermon. Birthday Celebrants Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fogle en tertained Saturday with a birth day dinner in honor.of the birth day anniversaries of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Finnev. Mr. and Mr Chester King of Akron were also guests in the Fogle home. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrett and children of Caldwell route were Sunday dinner guests n the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Garrett. Shirley Caste Ho of Quaker City visited Monday with Mr. and Mr: William Warner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gibson Cambridge visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gibson and Offa Bishop. Dana Reed was also a guest of Mrs Offa Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. William Warnei and family visited last week with. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Eishbaugh of Quaker City route. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Young and Ila Dailey of Roseville visit ed over the weekend with Mrs Daily. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Watson visit ed Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. ira LaFollet. Mary Brown and Mrs. Stanley Dvaruple were callers in Sen eeaville Wednesday. Herb Snyder was a caller in Barnesville Monday. While he was there he visited with his THE JOURNA UdUgJiter, iiedia. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stevens were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stevens L. A. Wheatley has returned to Cuyahoga Falls after a week's illness at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Larrick and son and Mrs. James Carpen ter and daughters, visited Sunday evening with Mrs. L. A. Wheat ley. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Fogle Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fra shure and children of Parkers burg, W. Va. Robert Havener of Columbus and Miss Patricia Bolin of Wis consin were weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern on Havener. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Guiler and children of Athens, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Guiler and daughter of Caldwell visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guiler and family. The above mentioned visited in the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Danford of Whig ville. Ohio's commercial corn allot ment for 1956 is 2,534,035 acres, compared to 2,960,633 acres in 1955. E A S I N E E I N U E S ARMOUR Mea& ALL DIFFERENT ALL DELICIOUS ^Treet Corned Beef School Day PEANUT Smooth and Tasty 24 Pj 'ar JUICY TEXAS SEEDLESS CALDWELL. OHIO Elba ELBA Mr. and Mrs. Denzel F. VanFosser., of Marietta, were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse VanFossen, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill were Mrs. Doris Kirkbride, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goodwill, of Marietta, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Goodwill, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ilendershot of Whipple, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Goodwill and family, Darrell, Larry and Denise and Mrs. Clara Reed, of Elba. Carrie Stack was in Marietta, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kirkbride, of Zanesville, were Saturday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Goodwill. Maxine Addlesburger, of Cald well, and Mrs. Thomas Foraker, of Canton, were Monday callers of Mrs. Carrie Stack. Gale and Rosemary Goodwill were in Caldwell, Saturday. Carrie Stack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ad dlesbui*ger at Caldwell. Gale, Rosemary and Betty Jo Goodwill and Mrs. Doris Kirk bride were in Caldwell Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Max Hesson and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hesson. 3 $1.00 Vienna Sausage 2 for 39c s5Corned Beef Hash HUME OWNED FOOD MARKETS 2,or cm Potted Meats 2 3 55 LARGE 'I "-MH'MUJJg RED SKINNED SAVORY GRAPEFRUIT 19 BUTTERS NAVY.BEANS [!Efl NEW POTATOES 3l"23c YELLOW ONIONS 10 -"49c WINESAP APPLES 2 NEW CABBAGE BOLOGNA (Piece) PLATE BOIL KRAFT Choice Hand Picked CQ Bag V V i i i wT u25c Lb. 5Lb 8a8 WILLSCREEK NEWS WILLSCREEK Here we are the beginning of March anti still nice weather. We may have some bad weather yet. Clyde Bates is in a very seri ous condition at the present time. We are glad to hear that Reu ben Parks is much improved. Alva Carpenter and family were visitors, at their son and daughters at Summerfield last Saturday evening. I heard old Johnn Stotte said one time that it took all kinds of people to make a world and that we had them. I remember too, he said there is as much dif ference in people as anybody. Curtis Rataiczak says he will be married the last day of March. We wish him all the happiness in the world. Darrel Roe has bought a new automobile. Eckard Hague .f Senecaville was on the creek last week. Ronald Bates and family were visitors at Hayes Bates' last Sat urday. Dave Betts was a caller here last Saturday. Dave is not iri a very good shape. Acel Leach is now getting along nicely. He will soon be walking. i Frank Bates had quite a sick spell last Saturday but is now better. Some fishers here last Satur day from Clarington and they got some fish. MINRTURE 37c GR€€n 5TftmP5 MEAT DEPARTMENT 3 lbs.—*100 PORK SAUSAGE Lb—15c WEMERS G. P. Moore is now selling the new fishing license. Forest Roe, one of my old pupils of Newcomerstown, was visiting at Clifford Stephen's last Saturday and calling on Albert Roe. who is staving at Clifford's. Albert is not doing so well. Leo Clark and wife were visit ors at Alva Clark's over the weekend. Calvin Smith took a load of lamb to the Barnesville sales on Saturday. Roy Leach and family were visitors at Acel Leach's, Sunday. We hear Junior Lashley has bought the M. G. Long hardware store in Batesville and will soon take possession. Wayne Day and family were visitors at Blaine Day's, Sunday. William Gregg and son, of Yoker Valley, were here Sunday. Roger Long and Frank Wvs carver are on the hunt of a good coon dog. Frank had to kill his coon dog, one of the best in this countrv. MARSHMALLOWS 2 KRAFT'S PARKAY s\LADA lc Ileal'1 AMERICAN BEAUTY 3§f PORK & BEANS Page Five—B Middleburg MIDDLEBURG Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanberry and son, Har vey were in Zanesville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanberry and children visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Clark and other relatives at Crooksville. Charles Stanberry, who had his back injured at the Cleveland Graphite Bronze factory at Cald well is back to work, but still taking treatments f^r his back. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brotton and Mrs. John Antill spent Wednes day at Parkersburg. Clem Moreland of Cleveland spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and boys. Mrs. Blanche Shafer of Har riettsville, Mrs. Lenora Estadt were dinner guests Wendesdav of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Carnes and son Eugene of Bella Valley. Mrs. Leland Clark and boys spent Monday at Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morrison, Mrs. Kathryn Poland and chil dren. Dick and Beverly. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morrison and daughter Sherry attended church at Crum's Ridge Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon and eve ning with Zanesville. GREEN smmps 10 Oz With FREE Cat's Eye Marble Dyanshine Liquid Polishes 21* 2 55' 64 a Bag KOBIN IIOOI) H|| 41 AC FLOUR 25b ^5|-95 SAK.U E\ "Garden Sweet' PEAS 59® 17 Cms 49^ POST-TENS I "ASSORTED CEREALS" 33 Pkg. s S 4:1,lt""69' THE VERY BEST FOR YOUR SHOES Dyanshine Wax Polishes 2, 25* Lb.—35c Lb.—39c