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Thursday, March 8, 1956 Crooksville Sharpshooter Is Valley League's Top Scorer Larry Cook of Crooksville won the scoring title in the Mus kingum Valley League this season with 395 points in 16 games an average of 24.6 per game. The record of 425 was set last year by Joe Brannon of Philo. Leon Bates of Caldwell finished in sixth spot with 276 points for an average of 17.2 for 16 league games. A new one-game high of 98 points was registered by Caldwell in a 98-72 win over Crooksville re placing the old mark of 96 held by New Concord and New Lex ington. Complete scoring was as follows: LEON BATES Caldwell's top scorer Cast Completed For Junior Class Play The Junior class of Belle Val ley high school is presenting a class play on Thursday evening, March 8 at 8:00 p. m. The play is a three-act comedy entitled, "Don't Darken My Door." Members of the cast include: Charles Steed, Jane Burlingame, Jimmy DeVolld, Murilla Hill, Gerald Elliott, Deanna Lapp, Rebecca Blake, and Janet Men denhall. Mrs. William For.,hey, dramatics teacher, is directing the play. Mr. and Mrs. James Retzer and daughters and Miss Singer of Cadiz visited Sunday with Mrs. Nettie Tilton of Cumberland street. RoxY W1DE VISION ua am PANORAMIC SCREEN l&ursda y Friday- Saturday March 8-9-10 STERLING HAYDFN Anna Marie ALBERGIIETTI RICHARD CARLSON J. CARROLL NAISH In Trurolor rr The Last Command' FRANK LOVEJOY ri „n as n.r "FINGER MAN rr Sun.-Mon.-Tues.-\Ved. March 11-12--13-14 EEEEE3 TONY CURTIS COLLEEN MILLER -JechniGofor GENE BARRY- DAN O'HERUHY ANGELA LANSBURY GFORGt 00ITNZ JOHN HOYT MYRNA HANSEN THI SIJNDAV Creat Novel and Stage Play! 395 344 299 286 279 276 Cook, Crooksville ... 157 81 Russell, Roseville ... 130 84 Lewis, & 132 35 Grey, New Lex 132 22 Zimmer, Dresden 103 73 L. Bates, Caldwell 114 Williams, N. 96 Harris, & 84 Sawyer, N. C. .... Miller, Roseville MacLaine, Philo S. Bates, Caldwell Manson, Caldwell Barringer, Philo Dawson, Dresden .. B. Watts, Crooks. ... S. Smith, Roseville Holmes, Dresden ... Watson, Caldwell Richardson, & King, New Lex 73 27 Johnson, N. C. G. Kittle, Glouster G. Prince, Dresden Hutchison, New Lex 57 20 Vaught, Glouster ... 48 38 Wolfe, Glouster 53 27 K. Smith, Roseville 41 46 Sims, N. C. 46 34 Plant, New Lex 39 43 Swingle, Philo 30 54 Hughes, Crooks. 44 23 McKinnev, Crooks. ... 36 38 Hunter, Glouster Weaver, N. C. .. Dunnette, Glouster Carr, Roseville 32 24 Humphrey, Philo .... 26 34 Goldsberry, N. L. E. Prince, Dresden Wilson, Roseville Plescher, N. C. Gyure, Glouster Curtis, N. ... Maxwell, & Trainer, Philo M. Kittle, Glouster Tannchill, Crooks. Aichele, Crooks. 16 Davis, Caldwell 10 Bice, Dresden 16 13 Williams, Dresden .. 17 9 Mason, Philo ..... 14 14 Stalter. New Lex .... 14 14 Shroyer, Dresden .. 12 Fink, New Lex 9 ti rose. & 8 McKibben, & .. 12 Staker, Philo 9 J. Smith, & .... 9 Thomas, Philo 48 74 266 79 247 48 50 27 98 90 93 71 88 73 66 64 73 62 71 66 59 73 31 63 48 244 230 213 63 205 28 204 56 202 70 202 201 195 191 177 174 173 169 156 153 134 134 133 128 126 121 114 111 110 108 105 97 88 36 85 84 77 74 66 63 til 61 58 57 5H 45 45 43 42 42 36 32 32 32 31 31 2G 20 20 18 1 16 16 15 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 9 66 37 64 28 69 15 35 38 47 11 42 13 24 37 28 28 28 21 31 12 19 28 21 21 25 23 20 19 11 15 18 19 24 25 12 14 16 8 13 13 6 n 10 4 7 6 Wilson, Caldwell .. Gaddis, Roseville ... Sorrell, New Lex Buckey, Caldwell Thompson, Dresden Shaw, Roseville Lincicome, Crooks. Storts, New Lex .... D. Keith, Glouster Milligan, Caldwell Sands, New Lex G. Smith, & .. 6 1 4 6 5 1 5 8 4 2 1 5 4 5 2 1 1 1 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 2 6 5 5 6 4 2 4 5 Boles, Dresden 5 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 2 2 2 Lloyd, Roseville Hatcher, N. C. McGee, Roseville Ralph, & Dalton, Philo Busse, New Lex Rodgers, Crooks. Fleming, Caldwell Harper, Roseville Carr, & ....... Kirby, Glouster Fleming, Crooks. Hammers, Crooks. Ring, Dresden 0 Hoover, New Lex 1 Marshall, N. C. 2 Ross. N. C. 2 Watkins, Roseville 1 Watts, Philo 1 Kraps, & 0 Waldeck, Glouster 0 Safigan, Caldwell .... Cannon. Roseville Blackford, Philo Savage, New Lex .. Hughes, N. Poole, Crooks. Bragg, & Henery, & 0 C. Keith, Glouster .. 1 Brant. Crooks. 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 1 Wednesday, March 7 n Long John Silver" RSDAY-FRIDAY S \11 RDAY, MARCH 8-9-10 ALkfitwt AUTIKKOIH nailS* nmlUMuSsS MONDAY TCESDAY-WEDNESDAY, Mar. 11-12-13-14 From the AND Humphrey BOGART Fredric MARCH 1 THE DESPERATE HOURS ARTHUR KMNBY MARTHA SCOTT Leaves For Spring Training Bill Robertson is shown with the Lord Calvart trophy he received as the most valuable player in the Provincial League last season. As a member of the Quebec Braves, he walked off with the league's batting average by hitting a lusty .344 mark. Bill Robertson Moving Up With Atlanta Crackers Bill Robertson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robertson, 833 Walnut street, will leave Friday morning by plane for Jackson ville, Fla., where lve will report for spring training with the Atlanta, Ga., "Crackers". The following article appeared in the Atlanta Journal, con cerning this Caldwell slugger: Sarahsville Wins Over Dexter City In Grade Finals The Isoble county grade school championship was decided Mon day night in the Caldwell gym nasium when SaVahsville defeat ed Dexter City 52-40 in a close game. After playing nip-and-tuck for three quarters, Sarahsville spurt ed in the final period to sew up the game. It was the third time Sarahs ville has won the title and mark ed their third year without de feat. Harold Vorhies is the coach. Stock Local defeated Buffalo 38-26 in the consolation prelimin ary. Sarahsville—52 Young 7 1 15 Jr. Wheeler 3 2 8 Guiler 5 2 12 B. Davis 3 0 6 Bates 5 1 11 Jack Wheeler 0 0 0 Totals 23 6 52 Dexter City—40 Binegar 2 1 5 Long 0 1 1 Ogle 1 3 5 L. Glidden 12 4 28 Mitchell ..... 0 1 1 Totals ..... 15 10 40 Sarahsville 10 26 36 52 Dexter City 9 27 34 40 Stock Local—38 L. Crum 7 1 15 Brown 1 0 2 R. Dimmeiiing ... 1 0 2 M. Dimmerling 2 7 11 Martin 2 0 4 J. Crura 1 2 4 Totals 14 10 38 Buffalo—26 Ginn 5 1 11 Seloek 0 1 1 Feldner ..... 3 8 9 Dudley 2 0 4 Rossiter .. 0 0 0 Crow 0 1 1 Totals 10 6 26 Stock 7 16 29 38 Buffalo 5 12 23 26 THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO "Bill Robertson is not conced ing that the Atlanta Crackers' 1956 outfield will be (left to right) Dick Sinovic, Jack Daniels and Bob Montag. Robertson possesses the *most impressive x*ecommendation of any incoming Cracker. He led the Provincial League in five departments last year and is confident he can make the leap from Class to double-A. He is one of only two men on the Cracker roster who passed the century mark in runs-batted in last year. His 108 RBI topped the Provincial League as did his total bases (277), doubles (33). hits (173) and batting average (.342). v Robertson also hit 19 home runs and wrapped up the league's Most Valuable Player award. That in detail is the recom mendation Robertson will hand to Manager Clyde King when the Crackers launch spring train ing in Jacksonville, Fla., next week. Except for pitchers, the Crackers have not been very successful with Quebec grad uates. Robertson hopes to change the luck. If he gets a home with the Crackers, Robertson should find Ponce de Leon Park's dimensions to his liking. A 21 ycar-olrt native of Caldwell, Ohio, Robertson is a 6-2, 205 pound left-handed hitter. Signed by old major leaguer Denny Galehouse, Robertson did not reach the .300 mark his first two seasons in professional base ball. The Milwaukee Braves pur chased him on the recommenda tion of scout Gil English after one season in the Tar Heel League. At Evansville in 1954 he got off to a bad start and was shuf fled off to Eau Claire where lie hit .296 in 103 games. Last year, the Braves say, he found him self and they point to the records for evidence. He is a welcome addition to King's roster but the Cracker skipper reserves comment until he sees the 205-pounder in action." Officials: Bailey and Wehr. Photo Developing—Gillespie's An Added St*rvice WEHR'S A* the young at heart! All pants purchased at Wehr's upon request will be pegged FREE. For the latest and smartest in young men's wear you are sure to find it here! JOE MENDENHALL W E S Main Street Caldwell, Ohio Two Lads From County Receive Honorable Mention On All-Sectional Tourney Team Gary Davis of the Caldwell Redskins and Mel Davis of Sarahs ville were tWfe only two local basketball players to receive honor able mention on the Marietta All-Sectional tournament team se lected today, following tourney play last week. Led by runners-up Salem-Liberty with three choices, Wash ngton County teams won all but one spot on the all-sectional team selected by 10 ballots after SHORTS By LONG THE REDSKINS, under coach Marvin P. Wood, had their first winning basketball season in six years with 10 wins against nine losses. Season scores were as follows: C. O Dresden 45 43 Glouster 69 50 New Concord ... 57 60 McConnelsville 52 40 Philo 64 54 New Lexington 39 47 Roseville 53 75 Crooksville 81 60 Byesville .. .... 60 79 Dresden 54 90 Glouster 58 52 New Concord 55 50 Philo 49 47 New Lexington 76 56 Rosevillp 53 58 Crooksville ... 98 72 McConnelsville 61 79 Woodsfield ... 68 76 Beverly 68 86 Totals 1160-1174 LEON BATES led the Redskins in scoring with 321 points in 19 games, an average of 16.9 per ame. Individual scoring* L. Bates .. 133 55-119 321 Manson 112 33-73 257 S. Bates 85 71-130 239 Watson 85 35-75 205 Davis 12 29-57 53 Buekev 12 3-13 27 Wilson 5 13-32 23 Milligan 2 12-20 16 Fleming 6 3-6 15 Safigan 0 2-2 2 Devolld 0 0-3 0 Caldwell 451 256-530 1160 Opponents .... 429 316-585 1174 SAM BATES led the regulars in foul shooting with 54% as follows: Att. Made Safigan 2 2 100 Milligan 20 12 60 S. Bates ... 130 71 54 Davis 57 29 50 Fleming .. ... 6 3 50 Watson 75 35 46 L. Bates 119 55 46 Manson 73 33 45 Wilson ... 32 13 40 Buckey 13 3 23 Devolld 3 0 0 Caldwell ... 530 256 48 Opponents 585 316 54 DON CUNNINGHAM led the re serves in scoring with a total of 170 points as follows: Cunningham 69 32-82 170 Milligan ... 51 27-69 129 Murrey 30 27-79 87 Ferguson 25 19-42 69 Devolld 20 22-36 62 Jackson 14 16-33 44 Buckey 6 3-3 15 Robertson 2 2-3 6 McKitrick 2 1-3 5 Carter 1 1-2 3 Fleming 1 0-2 2 Totals 221 150-354 592 (fyindictv LOOKS TO THE FUTURE vrasBs literature the championship game Saturday evening at Ban Johnson field house. There were no unanimous choiccs on the eight-man first team. Ralph Antill, of Woodsfield, was the only player outside Washington county to land a berth on the first team. He was likewise selected to the all-tour ney team last year along with Ray Gessel, of Beverly. Mel Davis, of Sarahsville, was the only member of the two Noble county basketball teams entered at Marietta to receive honorable mention. It will be recalled they lost their initial game to Newport by only two points and then Newport went on to take the sectional title. Followers of the three teams from this county all agreed that the Sarahsville Red Devils made the best showing in the Marietta tournament. Glen Baker, Don Buchanan and Ronnie Hall were the three Salem players honored. Champ ion Newport placed its durable duo of Dick Harris and Harold Francis. In addition to Gessel, Beverly, also placed Lloyd Drake. The honorable mention list in cludes Mel Davis of Sarahsville, and Chuck Isaly of River Local, who were first-team choices last year. FIRST TEAM Ray Besscl Beverly Ralph Antill Woodsfield Dick Harris Newport Glen Baker Salem Lloyd Drake Beverly Harold Francis Newport Don Buchanan Salem Ronnie Hall Salem HONORABLE MENTION Dick Clark Beverly Don Benadum Beverly Chuck Isaly River Local Mylen Haught River Local Ray Raper River Local Mel Davis Sarahsville Gary Davis Caldwell Sarahsville High Juniors To Present (lass Play The Junior class of Sarahs ville high school will present three-act comedy entitled "The Boarding House Reach", Friday evening, March 16 at 8:00 o'clock in the high school auditorium. The play will be presented under the direction of Miss Lucy Jane Wheeler, assisted by Cindy Clark. The cast includes Mel Went worth, Billy Bond, Jack Brooks Orvetta Tarleton, Carol Bates Betty Lou VanDyne, Evelyr Khkbride, Buddy Ginn, Sada Leasure, Cuyler Charleton, Mar tha Miley, Ronald McConnell Vera Robinson. Gladys Clark Cindy Clark, LeRoy Leasure and Frank Miley, Paul Funk is the stage man ager. The public is cordially invited to attend. Edna Brown of Mt. Vernon and Nell Hedge of Zanesville called recently at the home of Miss Effie Warren, Walnut street Round & Square Dance Belle Valley American Legion Hall SATURDAY, MARCH 10 Music by Larry and the Midnight Ramblers Admission—25c It*® fen to raise Chinchillas— these cute little animals have no disagreeable odor. They are vermin free. Ideal to raise in or near the home. Feed bill is $2.50 to $5.00 per year. Chinchilla fur is so light in weight that it is the only better grade fur in the world which does not pull the fabric when used as trim on sheer evening gowns. Therefore, as much as 30% more use may be found for chinchilla than similar furs in its class. There still aren't enough good breeders to fill the demand, so you can also sell breeding stock. Chinchilla raising is enjoyable. It can be started as a part-time venture, and continued into a full-time business with a wonderful future for those who see its possibilities today visit our herd, or write tor DR. P. ROMIO MR. F. R. GETROST RD. 2, ADENA, OHIO 2011 Belmont St. Located on Rt. 250, Nine Bellaire, Ohio Miles West of Bridgeport, O. Located on Rt. 7, Four Miles Phone: Adena 6222 South of Bridgeport, Ohio Phone Bellaire 2185-R Batesville's Joe Hughes Cops Noble County Scoring Title In the closest Noble County League scoring race on record, Joe Hughes of Batesville snared the title by one point over Bill Lallathin of Harriettsville. Hughes registered 272 points in 10 games, an average of 27 per game. The record of 373 points was set by Mike Varhola of Belle Valley in 12 games last year. The only record set this year was by Jim Devolld of Belle Valley with 21 fr&a throws in one game. The old mark was 14 held jointly by Mike Varhola of Belle Valley, Pat McCort of Batesville and Don Theiss of Dexter City. Complete scoring was as follows: J. Hughes, Bates. 103 66 272 Lallathin, Harr. 105 61 27] N. Schott, Harr. 102 41 245 Clark, Sarahs. 104 37 245 Davis, Dexter City 95 48 2: Devolld, B. V. 65 67 If 7 Bond, Sarahs. 76 25 177 Stevens, Harr. 72 27 171 Davis, Sarahs. 66 28 lfif) J. Schott, Harr. 61 24 14fi Larrick, Sum 52 33 137 Bates, Sarahs. 45 46 13H Og^e, Dexter City .._ 56 23 135 Dennis, B. V. 50 29 129 Buckley, B. V. 49 21 110 Mitchell, D. C. 39 40 11ft Starr, Batesville 50 16 llti Warner, Sum. 39 25 103 Leasure, Sum. 35 23 93 Gibson, Sum 29 26 P,4 Christman, Sum. ... 34 14 82 Poulton, Sarahs. 29 14 72 Stotts, Batesville 24 23 71 Batten, Dexter City 26 16 68 Nau. Dexter City 27 10 64 Rutherford, Sarahs. 21 18 60 Gregg, Batesville ... 17 18 52 Anderson, B. V. 17 11 45 Wyscarver, Bates. ... 18 7 43 D. Hughes, Bates. 19 5 43 Fleeman, Harr. 20 2 42 Ogle, B. V 13 14 40 Rogers, Sarahs. 16 0 32 Steed, B. V. 11 9 31 Keylor, Sum. .10 9 29 Hannahs, Sum. 12 3 27 Christman, Bates. ... 9 3 21 Martin, Sum. 10 0 20 Walker, Harr. 5 7 17 Gavdos, B. V 5 6 16 McElroy, B. V. 5 5 15 Ball, Dexter City _. 6 3 15 Smithberger, Harr. 4 6 14 Schoeppner, Harr. 3 3 9 E. Ogle, B. V 1 6 8 Leach, Batesville ... 2 3 7 Spence, Sum. ... 1 5 7 Kovaleski, Harr. .... 2 2 6 Poling. Dexter City 2 2 6 Carpenter, Sum. 1 3 5 Casey, Sarahs. 1 1 3 Binegar, D. C. 1 1 3 Rossiter, B. V. 0 2 2 Neuhart, Batesville 1 0 2 Neuberger, D. C. ... 0 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Collins of Fairbourne spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Dewey Collins of Belford street For kitchens, bathrooms and ALL woodwork 1 JOE HUGHES wins county title Students Invited To Career Conlerencei It ja expected that several stu dents from Noble county will at tend a career conference for seniors who are interested in Agriculture and Home Economics to be held at Zanesville high school, Wednesday, March 14, beginning at 7:30 p. m. At these conferences, sponsor ed by the college of agriculture, Ohio State University, occupa tional opportunities which are open to college graduates will be discussed. It was pointed out there are many career opportunities in the fields of teaching agriculture, production, selling, research, business and home economics. It is for this reason that every effort will be made to have as many Noble county students as possible attend this conference. TO PRESENT PROGRAM Bob Corbin, entertainer from Barnesville, will be at the Sum merfield high school auditorium Friday evening, March 9 to pre sent a program at 8:00 o'clock. The program will feature com edy, music, magic, prizes and a talent contest. This evening of entertainment is being sponsored by the Senior class. Public in vited. KEMGLO America's favorite enamel it looks and washes like baked enamel Colors to thrill you .. ranging from verr pale to very deep, plus Stay-White, a true white that really stays white. All with a rich subdued lustre. Goes on easily. No undercoater needed. Dries in 3 to 4 hours. In the same lovely colors as Kem-Glo Super Kem-Tone is the favorite wall paint for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. Goes on over wallpaper, plaster and wall board. Easy to j* apply, dries in an hour, and it's guaranteed wash able. One gallon does the walls of an average room. I Ask For Your Free Home Decorator! DONALD D. NICHOLS Phone 63-J Caldwell, Ohio One coat covers most surfaces. th« washable LATEX wail paint SIPJB