Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, May 31, 1956 FOR SALE NOW YOU BARGAIN hunters we have it for sale! A large living room, large sized dining room, with exceptionally large kitchen, two good sized bed rooms, with glass enclosed room large enough for spare bedroom, a beautiful built-in bathroom. Laundry in basement. Basement garage and a bargain price ready to sell right now, if you are in a hurry and the price is right. Lot 75x150 feet. Fifteen'minute drive. FIVE ROOM HOUSE located on USR 21. Priced reasonable. WELL, it is a mighty good 65 acre farm with six room house with water, cellar, additional wash room, free gas. Electricity to all the buildings, large 12 Stanchion barn, cement floor with with drainage, crib, brooder house, granary, large henery, water supply to several buildings from never failing spring. Im mediate possession. It's a bar gain near Batesville. A GOOD FRAME building with slate roof. Six good rooms up Stairs with separate stairway. First floor can be converted into living rooms, making two sep arate apartments. Very cheap. South on II. S. Route 21. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER—Realtor 526 North Street—Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 13 ROOM HOUSE, two story garage with workshop upstairs, located one block from Couit House. Have four steady room ers. In South addition of Cald well. Electricity, gas, water and coal heat. Bertha Bettinger, 613 Bridge Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 48 49 50 pd. SIX ROOM HOUSE, with bath, located at 616 Miller street, on the corner of Miller and Bel ford streets. Mrs. Grace Warren, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 47-R. 46 47 48 pd. For Sale—FARMS 45 ACRES. Seven room house, electricity, water in kitchen, part basement. Other outbuild ings. Located at edge of Macks burg. Chester J. Howiler, Real tor, 516West Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phono 250-W. 43tf FARM consisting of 371/:j acres, modern house, good barn and other outbuildings. Located on milk, school bus and mail routes, one mile from the East Union store. Ancil King, owner. 46 47 48 pd. For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPINET PIANO must sell. Piano like new. Can be bought by making small deposit and taking over small monthly payments Inquire Thompson Music Co., 11 W. Church Stroet. Newark, Ohio. Phone FA 6-5681. 47 48 ADMIRAL electric refrigerator 9 cu. l't. and a Maytag Dutch Oven range, in good condition Contact Mrs.'Ruth Boyd, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4. Phone 741 F-2. 46 47 48 pd For Sale—PLANTS A NUMBER OF VARIETIES of nice early tomato plants and other garden plants. 25 cents per dozen. Mrs. Ellis Eicher, Sharon, Ohio 46 47 48 See The Journal for Quality Printing. w A T/:/ CLEANS BASS WILL PAY 100 PER POUND Rags will be inspected Rags must be clean Overalls and silks will be refused The Journal-Leader EVERY is*? FOR SALE for Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS For Sale—MACHINERY -TOOLS OPPORTUNITY THE HELiA'LK property, till North Street, Caldwell, Ohio between the grade school and Christian Church is for sale at $4000. This is an opportunity to get well-located property at low cost, especially for the Handy man to make his own repairs. If interested, contact Attv. John W. Hazard, Caldwell, Ohio. 47 48 49 GOOD six room house in Whig ville, Ohio, on SR 146. Gas and electricity, good condition, $2650. WANTED: farm and home list ings. Any listings accepted will receive our best efforts. RALPH JIRLES. Realtor, 120 E. Uth Street, Cambridge, Ohio. CRAIG C-LEARY, Salesman, Summerfield, Ohio. Phone Mt. Ephraim. 48 40 50. SPECIAL REDUCED prices on Chief garden tractors and at tachments. All new and three sizes in stock. Buckey's Hatchey, Caldwell, Ohio. 47 48 49 MOWERS, side mounted for Case VAC tractor Farmall, Ford or Ferguson. Six foot, $298.00, or seven foot, $305.00, plus small freight charge. Order now. R. D. Buckey Feed Store, Railroad Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 47 48 49 FOR SALE—South Bend metal lathe band saw and a bench saw jointer drill press All is Chalmers tractor, model corn plow and regular plow disc do zer blade one wagon and trailer Carl Leonhardt, third house south of Guernsey County line on USR 21. Call after 6:00 p. m. 46 47 48 pd. For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1953 OLDSMOB1LE SUPER "88" convertible with power-steerin and brakes. W. W. tires, radio and heater. In A-l condition. Phone Caldwell 351-F-22 or 340. 48 49 50 pd. 1951 MODEL 2-DOOR Custom Ford. Equipped with heater, radio, overdrive and back-up lights 22,500 miles in A-l con dition. One owner. Paul Huff man, Harriettsville, Ohio. 46 47 48 pd. PARTS FOR a 1952 Chevrolet. Phone lll-F-6 or see Dale Bridgeman, Florence Addition. 40 47 48 pd. DON'T WEAR OUT your shoes looking for the best "tire deal" in town—we have it! "Big Tire Sale" now in progress. Biggest Trade-in in town on your old tires. Use our ''Easy Pay-Plan"— pay as you drive! Western Auto Associate Store, 417 Main Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 154-M. 48 For Sale—LIVESTOCK SOW AND NINE PIGS for sale near Keithtovvn. Clayton Allen, Caldwell, Ohio, route 3. 48 pd. TEN HAMPSHIRE PIGS, Con" tact Martin W. Schafer, Cald well Route 6. one mile west of Sarahsville on the Sarahsville Belle Valley road. 48 pd. HEREFORD BULL and one Jer sey cow. Wiley Thompson, Summerfield, route 1, on Tabor Ridge. 48 49 50 pd, FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE— two colts, one black mare, three years old, broke and works fine and one bay jnare, one year old", trol«i to' tie or leaS. Wir trade for a mare pony or cattle John Blackstone, Lewisville, Ohio. Phone 7-1S57. 48 pd. SMALL HORSE SADDLE, black with matching bridle and mar tingale. In good condition. Call after 3:30 p. m. Lewis Long, Dex ter City, Ohio. 48 REGISTERED BROWN Swiss cow, seven years old, artil'ical lv bred. Due July 27,1956. Now in milk. Weight 1400 pounds. Also pull type John Deere six foot tractor disk, in fair condi tion. Everett Mallett, Berne, Ohio. 48 TWO COON HOUNDS and a black and tan beagle hound, 1 year old. Contact Ray Miracle, on the Cisler farm near Shav- n, Ohio. 46 47 48 n i BABY CHICKS each Thursd: Place your orders now !, June. Heavy cockerels, $8.00 pr 100. Buckey's Hatchery, Cain well, Ohio. 47 48 4li EIGHT SHOATS, weighing pounds each 11 pure Berk, pigs six fine wool rsn^ and seven coarse wool rams, W. Ankrom, on Route 147, thin miles West of Batesville, Ol-ir 47 to 52 pd BLACK AND WHITE STUD ser vice, weighs 800 pound George Hurst, Belle Valley Ohio. 47 48 49 od REGISTERED D. S. Polled Hen i'ord bulls, one years old. A U. Hurst, Belle Valley, Ohio. 47 48 49 pd. ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COB A dairy or beef bui Contact Billy Moore or Floyd n ndcrson or phone Jaldwi !7tf GALLAGHER MONUMENTS MALAGA, OHIO See and Compare Our Fine Selection. Phone: Woodsfield 2-4008 A I E A IWESTGrX AUCTION »0BSD& V- 1:09 19 years of satisfactory service for the Livestock Producers in this area. Best facilities 2 sets of scales Experienced management Licensed auctioneers State bonded and financially strong. A market yon can patronize With confidence. Tour check over-the-counter if yon wish or la the mail day of sale. The Marietta Live Slock Market, Inc. Pike and Acme Sts. Highway Rts. 7 and 50-N P. M. WANT AD SECTION For Sale—LIVESTOCK TWO REGISTERED Double Standard Polled Hereford bulls, 12 and 14 months old. Hu bert Watson, Quaker Citv, Ohio, Route 1. 48 49 50 pd. PALOMINO saddle horse, five years old registered Polled Hereford bull, 12 years old De Laval cream separator, either electric or hand four-can milk cooler and can rack. Thomas Stiers, 2miles east of Sen eca vi lie, Ohio. 48 For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS STORE EQUIPMENT Hobart meat-grinder, Hobart stainless steel meat-slicer, National cash register, 8 ft. Frigidaire double duty meat case, several gondolas and counters. Phone Caldwell 309-F-31 during the day and 739-F-ll at night. W. D. Methen ey. Belle Valley, Ohio. 48 49 50 TOMATO STICKS, 5 ft., 50c dozen bean poles, 7 ft., 75c dozen. All hardwood. Caldwell Lumber & Builders' Supplies, in Olive, Caldwell. Ohio. 48 49 50 GARDEN PEAT MOSS. All size packages for flowers, shrubs and poultry litter. Buc key's Hatcherv, Caldwell, Ohio. 4G 47 48. PUBLIC SALES PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public auction at the farm of the late H. E. (Bert) Millhone on rout4? 76, 5 miles south of Cumberland, on Saturdav, June 9. Livestock 10 Hereford and Durham cows, 4 yearling stock cattle. Machinery and Equipment Lime spreader, sled, corn sheller, 5-tooth cultivator, wheelbarrow, and other tools. Household Goods Tappan gas stove, 9-ft. Philo refrigera tor, 3 piece livingroom suite, piano, 12 15 wool rug, 3 beds complete, 1 mangle, mixer, dishes and other kitchen utensils. 2 antique dressers, studio couch, table, chairs, cupboards, and other household articles. 1950 Oldsmobilc "88". Terms of Sale—CASH. Sale begins at 1:00 P. M. JOHN MILLHONE, Admr. E. R. Toms—Auctioneer (Not Responsible for Accidents) 48-49 PUBLIC SALE On Saturday, June 16, 1956, the Board of Education of Sharon Local School District will offer for sale at public auction all the fixtures of the Forest Grove High School Building. The sale will begin promptly at 1:00 o'clock p. m. This will include a Westing house electric refrigerator, West inghouse electric range, Sun beam mixette, pinking shears, sewing machine, three typewrit ers, four home ec. desks, sinks, three cupboards, rubber-tired wheelbarrow, and many other items too numerous to list. Terms of sale: Cash at time of sale. R. C. BLAKE, Clerk Board of Education Sharon Local School District (Not responsible for accidents) 46 47 48 49 50 Photo Developing—Gifle^rpic's PUBLIC SALES PUBLIC SALE to be held Sat urday, June 2, starting at one o'clock p. in., one and one-half miles from Whipple. Follow signs at underpass. Having sold my farm, wiil sell Farmall tractor, two 14-in. plows, lime spreader, 8 ft. double disc, spike toothed harrow, Blackhawk 2-row corn planter, two-row side hill culti vator, low wheeled rubber tired wagon, manure spreader, 7 ft. International mower, Co-op pow er take off rake, 3*2 20-rod rolls of wire fence, metal wheelbar row, lawn mower, garden plow, 30 gal. brass, 20 gal, iron kettles, cast iron sink, two grind stones, small tools, cattle rack for F2 Ford Express, 1000 ft. of dry oak and poplar lumber, 400 bales good mixed hay, 100 ft. farm rope, hedge posts, two squares of 14 24 in. slate, 25 building tiles, 24 head of cattle, three year old registered Hereford bull, 2 registered six-year-old cows, one with calf, one to calf in July, five young high grade cows with calves, three two-year-old Heifers with calves, two young cows to calf in July, one grade cow, bred. All cattle in good flesh, pure bred and eligible to register. Machinery used very little. (Not responsible for accidents.) Property of DALPH G. SMITH Hale and Davton—Auctioneers. 48 WANTED RCA VICTOR NEEDS GIRLS RCA's Cambridge Plant has immediate assembly line jobs open for girls. These are steady jobs on both the day (7 a. m. to 3:30 p. m.) and evening (4 £. m. to 12:30 a. m.) shifts. Work is li^ht, clean, and interesting, on wiring, soldering, hand and machine assembly of RCA record players, tape recorders, and high fidelity units. RCA Victor employees enjoy good pay and working con ditions, free life-hospital-sur gical insurance, paid rest periods, 10% bonus for eve ning shifts. If transportation is a prob lem where you live, car pools are being formed in many areas inquire of your neigh bors. Come out today to see if you qualify for these excel lent itor girls. Our Employment Ol'i'ice is open week days from 8 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 3 p. m. All ap plicants must bring social se curity card and evidence of ace. WANTED Man to work at service station on Sundavs. Emil Archer, Shell Station. Cald w el i. Ohio. Fufmer Custom-Fit SEAT COVERS Rwd Motor Sales Phone 108 West Street Caldwell, Oh io CALDWELL CABLE SERVICE THE JOURNAL CALDWELL, OHIO -lu 4lt tfood JO al dll JimsA Cable Connections Expert Television Service Tubes Parts ... all makes Used Antennas and Accessories All Makes TV and Radio Repairs —HOURS— Monday thru Friday 9:00 to 5:00 PHONE 44 South Cumberland Street Opposite Thompson Hospital ,")ilnd. WANTEO MALE HELP WANTED—Are you satisfied with your pres ent income? If not. get into the biggest one-man business in America selling Nationally Ad vertised Watkins Products to both the housewife and the farm er in Noble County. No invest ment necessary. Car or light truck required. $5,000 and up income possible first year, also FREE Life Insurance. Wrile Ross Stewart, 1313 12th Street, N. W., Canton, Ohio. 46 47 48. WANTED—The Southern Noble Local School Board wants a janitor for the Jackson Grade School for the 1956-57 school year. Duties of the janitor will include: Washing of blackboards, keeping rest rooms clean, sweep ing and oiling of floors and prop er care of heating stoves. Sealed bids will be received by the clerk until 6:00 p. m., June 4. 1956. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Marjorie Ogle, clerk, Southern Noble School Board, Dexter City. Ohio. 46 47 48. WANTED—The Southern Noble Local School Board wants a janitor for the Middleburg Grade School for the 1956-57 school year. Duties of the janitor will include: Washing of blackboards, keeping rest rooms clean, sweep ing and oiling of floors and prop er care ol heating stoves. Sealed bids will be received by the clerk until 6:00 p. m., June 4, 1956. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Marjorie Ogle, clerk, Southern Noble School Board, Dexter Citv. Ohio •Hi 47 48. Business Opportunity RESPONSIBLE male or female liwni this area, wanted to ser vice and collect from automatic vending machines. No selling. Age not essential. Car, references and $550 working capital neces sary. 7 to 12 hours weekly can net to S250 monthly. Possibility full time. For local interview, give telephone number and full particulars. Write P. O. Box 5529, Lake Street, Station, Minneap olis 8, Minn. 4 WANTED TO BUY ANTIQUES WANTKDncIudTTTH lamps, figurines, old china, old glass, pewter, clocks, stands, chairs, chests, desks, coverlets, old pictures, paper weights, old banks, caster sets, guns, pistols, cupboards, drop leaf tables, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, iewelrv, old automobiles and larm bells. Anything old. Write or call George Helbling Antiques, 142 N. Main street, Woodsfield. Ohio. Phone 2-4721. 45 ch. tf '/ANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns, dishes, buggies and sur IVDVS. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 33 to 45 tf. POOL YOUR 1956 WOOL. It is important to market your wool in the best way this year. Under the new government program, the highor your market price, the larger your incentive payment. Market your wool through Wool Growers Assn., and get this high er price. For information and bags see: R. B. DeLong, Macks burg, Ohio, Iloute 1. Local rep resentative. 43 49 pd. FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven room house with hot and cold running water and shower bath. Located in West Street in South Addition of Caldwell. Phone 732-F-6. Mr^. Ilosa M. Bates. 48pd FURNISHED AP A E N T. with bathroom, and refrigerator with deep-freeze. Suitable for 1 or 2 girls, downtown in Cald well. Priced very reasonable. No charge for utilities and apart ment is available at once. Phone L'03-W or 294-M. 46 47 48. 140-160 lbs. 160-180 Ihg. 180-120 lbs. :»2ll-240 lb& 240-260 lbs. 2fi~-3ti0 lbs. Sows MARKET BEF0RT Submitted thru the courtesy of The Caldweil Produce Co. Tuesday, May 2# Heavy hens lb. 21c Light hens lb. 14c Old cocks lb. 10c Large gr. A white e£gs doz. 32c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 32c Large gr white eggs doz. 30c Large gr. B. brown eggs doz. 30c Medium A brown eggs doz. 30c Medium A white eggs doz. 30c Pullet eggs doz. 25c Current receipts doz. 32c Butterfat lb. 50c FOR RENT ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK. Mrs. L. E. Love, 712 North street, Caldwell. Ohio. Phone 181-W. 47 48 49 FOR RENT Furnished apart ment. three rooms and bath. Use of washing machine and ga rage provided. All utilities paid. W. C. Howiler. 516 Miller Street, Caldwell, Ohio. 47 48pd FIVE ROOMS and bath. Con tact Reed's Insurance Agency, West Street, Caldwell, Ohio, or phone Cambridge 46583. 30-1 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT—Five room house or apartment. Must be modern and clean. Mrs. Carl Kerby, 1327 Pine Street, Zanes ville, Ohio. Phone GL-2-222U. 47 48 49 pd. LOST FEMALE BEAGLE hound, black, brown and white. Believed to be in Caldwell. Answers to the name of Lady". Finder please call Caldwell 43 during the day and 270-F-21 in the evening. Charles Fogle, Caldwoll, Ohio, R.F.D. 46 47 48. NOTICES NOTICE Sorrel stallion for breeding services. Also a pony stallion service at my home or delivered to your farm. Phone 724-F-3 Summerfield. or see Rome Thompson, Summerfield, Ohio, Route 1. 47 48 49pd NOTICE—It you are having sewer trouble, don't dig up that lawn. Call Wayne Wiley for electric sewer rod service." For sewer or drain trouble, it can't be beat. Phone 174-M. Wiley Plumb ing and Heating, Caldwell. Ohio. 44 to 51. NOTICE—Expert picture train ing, good selection. Murphy's Furniture store, Caldwell, Ohio. 43 tf. "We Buy and Sell Arvthing For the HOME"* G. T. JENNINGS FITRNITl'ltE STOKE Phono 113 Caldwell, Ohio NOTICE—Our complete line of DeKalh and Ohio Certified seed corn is in. See us for kind and variety. Caldwell Implement Supply Co.. 310 East street, Caldwell, Ohio. 4!» 18. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 27 pd. INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com* pany at the time rf a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. Notice of Filing of Petition For Transfer of Funds N.tice is li'Tvlu given that on the I'ltn day of Ma .. 1!)50, The Hoard of Trustees of Center Township. Noble County, Ohio, the undersigned peti tioner. filed a petition in the Court of Common Pleas of Noble County. Ohio, being Cause No. !»G03 on the DoeUet of said Court, asking that $500.00 be transferred from the Road Bridge Fund to the General Fund, an provided by law. for the reasons set forth in said petition and that .-Mid petition will be lor hcanne on tli*.- I'nd day ol June. 1 f»5'i. M. H. ROSS ITER GUY GIBSON WALTER E. DAVIS Market Sale Prices For May 26, 1956 HOG RECEIPTS—-340 HEAD CATTLE RECEIPTS—125 HEAD Choice Steers & Heifers §19.00 to $20.60 (iood Steers & Heifers $ltf.."0 to S19.00 Medium Steers & Heifers $13."»0 to S10.50 Medium & Good Bulls $11.50 to S16.10 Good Cows $.11.50. to S14.00 Medium Cows $11.00 to S12.50 Common Cows $8.50 to S10.50 CALF RECEIPTS—297 HEAD 26 head Prime 130-113 lbs. 52 head Choice 130-115 lbs. 58 head Good 130-215 lbs. 29 head Medium 130-115 lbs. 18 head Medium to Prime 105-125 lbs. 10 bead Plains 135-100 lbs. 16 head Heavies 120-255 lbs. 2 head Heavies 170-30O lbs. 9 head Lights 85-100 lbs. 26 head Lights 80 lbs. & down 39 head Lights 100 lbs. & down SHEEP RECEIPTS—116 HEAD 11 head spring lambs 34 head choiee clips 9 head good elips 28 head common & medium elips 34 head clip sheep BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK BARNESVILLE, OHIO By: Fred F. Fo\ Prosecuting Attorn\ 4i .1 Photo Developing—Gillespie's BARNESVILLE LIVESTOCK OBITUARY $15.00 $!«.50 to S17.90 $17.80 to *18.90 $17.40 to $18.30 Sl«.:o to S17.70 SI4.00 to SI7.00 SO.80 to S13.80 $23.75 to $25.00 $11.70 to $13.50 $19.40 to S20.0.0 $17.30 to $17.90 $16.00 to $21.75 $11.50 to $18.50 $16.00. to $24.35 $16.50 to $18.75 $17.00 §13.25 to $15.00 $14.00 to $31.00 Going back to the farm $16.50 to ,$26.00 ___ $18.50 to SI 1.90 $13.90 to SI7.90 $8.00 to $11.90 83.25 to $5.90 William Taylor Hague wa3 born May 1, 1868 in Marion township, Noble County, Ohio. He departed this life May 20, 1956. On November 12, 1885 he was united in marriage with Rose Archer, who preceded him in death April 30, 1920. To this union were born two daughters, Mrs. Shirley Davis of Sarahsville, and Mrs. Thelma Atkinson of Summerfield, and one son, Dur ban Hague of Akron. He is sur vived by these three children, six grandchildren, twelve great grandchildren, and two brothers, Charles Hague of Sarahsville, and Henry Hague of Kennons burg. One brother, C. T. Hague preceded him to the great bey ond. On October 27. 1921. Mr. Hague was united in marriage with Laura Gant who departed this life December 9, 1940. No chil dren were born to this union. Mr. Hague's entire life was spent in the Marion township community and except for the last six years, which he spent with his daughter, Thelma, he was actively engaged in farming and stock raising. He was well known and highly respected by all who knew him. A friend to many and a loving father has gone to his reward and the memory of his friend ship will linger in the lives of all who knew him. S Card of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for sharing our sorrow. Your thoughtfulness is appreciat ed and will always be re membered. Mr. and Mrs. D. A- Hague Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis 48pd. CARD OF THANKS I take this means to sincerely thank all my friends, neighbors and kinsfolk for their prayers, cards, letters and also those who visited me during my stay in the hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to my good neighbors who assisted in the work at home and to Mr. Bran don for his comforting word Ajr' iri I thank you. Carlos Foster 4bpfl CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my relatives, neighbors, friends and Fr. J. J. Donaldson for the beau tiful cards, visits and especially those who offered prayers for my recovery and helped in anyway while I was a patient in the Mari I etta Memorial hospital and since my returning home. Your kind ness wit! i"ng linger in mv memory Otto J. Miller 4 Up IN MEMORY Iii loving memory of uur dear wife and mother, Mrs. Clarice Wickham, who left us one year ago, June 3, 1955. Gone is the face we loved .-» dear. Silent is the voic*- we !ved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach. Sweet to remember ht who once was here. And who though hLwrnt is just as dear. Lingering iu.-i inside the gate. With her loved ones she will wait: In God's garden bright and fair. She'll be watching t' is there. Sadly missed by: Alex Wickham, The Foreman Family and the Wiley Family. 4oid. Anyone wishing the Fuller Brush Dealer to call, write the FULLER BRUSH DEALER, P. 0. Box 213, Woodsfield, O. BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS!! Simple os the at Up To v 2 4 o s To Pay Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL. OHIO Page IN MEMORY In memory of Nellie B. Dan ford, who passed away June 10, 1945. Time speeds on, eleven years. have passed Since death its gloom, its shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright, We miss that light, and ever will, Your vacant place no one can fill. What would we give, your hand to clasp, Your patient face to see, To hear your voice, to see your smile. As in days that used to be. But some sweet day, we'll meet again And clasp each other's hand once more In heaven, that happy life. In our home you are fondljr remembered, Sweet memories cling to youcr name: Those who loved you in life sincerely, Still love you in death just the same. Sadly missed by: Son: Neil Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis, Brother and Sister: Obert and Dorothy. 48 pd. IN MEMORY In loving memory of dtar son. Bill Hanes, who departed this life, three vears ago, June 5, 1953. Memories are treasures no ore can steal Death leaves heartaches no one can heal: Loved dearly in life and living yet In the hearts ol those who v i 11 never forget. Sadly missed by His Parents: lr. and Mrs. Bud Hanes, Sister, Brothers and Grandparents. 48 IN MEMORY In loving memory of our dear parents, C. B. McFerren, who passed away April 19, 1953, and Losia McFerren, who passed away Dec. 6. 1927. Years hav uojk- but stay, memories As near and dear as yesterday Deep in our hearts they are with us yet. W love them too dearly to •v'er forget. Sadly missed by: The Children Vera, Glen. I la, and Rosalie 4opd Notice of Filing: of Petition For Transfer of Funds Ndtieu i.- heicb given on the 24tli day of May. The Board of Trustor of Wiiviif. Township. Noble County, Ohio, the undersigned peti 'loncr. filed i petition in Court of Common PJen^'of Noble County. Ohio. iein*j Cause Xo. !K)04 on the Docket of ,iid Court, asking that S'OO.i'O be transferred from the Road and Bridge Fund io the Genera) Fund, as pro vided by law. for the reasons set forth in said petition and that ^aid petition will be for hearing on the _'nd June. I!i5(. F. EAGON WILLIAM GHEGG day of RALPH DEN I US By: Fred F. Fojc Piosecuting Attorney 40 & See The Journal for Quality Printing. Dead Stock Removed! IIOIISFS and COWS FREE DICKSON KENIIFKING CO. Phone FR-X-4532 Marietta. Ohio We do not accept collect calls. REV it a REV •lation in *aty pointing. REV, tal(M Uu tim* to get ready and U»» tim* to daan up. And, it'* a dr*om to apply. U»«ri REV«I at how «a»y REV* rich pastel colors and modern d««tton*t REVive dull, un int«r*»ting wall* and woodwork. REVitalirt your home by uting quick- drying odorl«»* REV Satin. u a k o cy Murphy's A A I N kttUK* i Itollf or brw',^»» like a drtoni tough and cor"fl»t**V wa»hab1e beNtft# it'* made with waterproof latex odorl*** wa»he» out of bruth Of roller with jv»t *oap and water! Caldweil Implement & Supply Co. Phone 225 East Street