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Page Six—B i Annual Community Institute Held Wednesday At Elk HARRIETTSVILLE The Farmer's Institute was held on Wednesday at the Elk local school. The dinner was served at noon by the women of the Meth odist church. The school program prizes were as follows: posters, 7 and 8 grades, first, Keith Hughlett, second, Blake Prvor 4th. 5th and 6th grades, first, Linda Rohrer. second. Mary Huffman, third, Gary Strain mech. drawing, Larry Crum. Bobby Huffman: bread board. Joe Fliehman and Larry Crum: metal scoop. Bob Huffman and Joe Fliehman: wood scoop. Bob Huffman and Joe Fliehman hall tree. Dean Scott vegetable display, Emilene Schramm, Frank Baker and Justine Smithberger fruit dis play, Mark Huffman rugs. Jean Hockenberrv, and Mae Stephens: quilts, Virginia Luke and Bert Johanning: crochet. Opal Lee and Pearl Pabst: embroidery, Elsie Unger and Ada Ayers: aprons, Bert Johanning and Justine Smithberger aplique, Ada Ayers end Justine Smithberger home economics, swing. Ann Johan ning and Betty Crum speaking contest, grades 1. 5 and 3. LinJa Ullman, Gregory Duff and Patty Twanger speaking contest, grades 4. 5, and 6, Sally Mor rison, Sandra Fliehman and Betty Williams speaking contest, grades 7 and 8th, Larry Betting er, David Huffman, and Laura Bettinger. A! 1 were awarded prizes. Society Meets The Altar and Kosarv Society of St. Henry's Catholic church held their November meeting on Thursday evening in St. Henry's palace hall, A program was given with all having an active part. At the close of the business session, a social hour was enjoyed and lunch was served to Mrs. Reta Archer. Mrs. Freda Noll.. Mrs. Ethel Schoeppner. Mrs. Rose Schoeppner. Mrs. Onita Zwick, Whmthmr you travml STRAIGHT-THRU NORTHBOUND I I si s I i.AM: 1:07 a.i. ».oo a.m. ...» ».••• i Belle Valley lit llyesville ... Cambridge Sl.lli Can ion .. SU.T4 Akron Cleveland **».» SOUTHBOUND I'.rsrs i.i.a\ e .... :4.) p.m. i) I i i.» p.iu Dexter City 30c Lower Salem 7'! Marietta ... sl.lli Pai'kcrsbiirg. W. V «. sl.liO Charleston. W. Va. Claiksbmii. V a Local High School S4.0! Cincinnati. Ohio }'lus ix. Extra Savings i:i Rd Trip: (Tiims Shown are Standard Time) GREYHOUND TERMINAL Phone 135 Cumberland Street MM* fcfeft. tCSNlCRUISEIt and Th« Highboy Traveler e y o n Mrs. Agnes Thompson, Mrs. Wanda Lee Zwick, Mrs. Cleo Feldner, Mrs. Verna Klemm Mk?. Hazel Smithberger, Mrs Lorene Huffman. Miss Justin* Smithberger and Miss Elaine Zwick. Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Marian Mr. W. T. Miller and -Miss Glendi Milter of Lowell route, wen Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs Mary Haidet and sister. Dr. H. L. Duncan. Phillip Schenk. Joe T. Ullman and W. Ullman enjoyed a few day: last week, pheasant hunting near Lima. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Cunningham anc family were Mr. and Mrs. Lewi: Carnal of Wakeman. Other Sun day dinner guests were Mis? Martha VanFossen, Mr. and Mrs Richard Cunningham and Mari yn Sue and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lucas and sons. Mrs. Delsie Thornberrv and Mrs. Fanchon Thornberrv and children of Cleveland, are spend. ing a few days with Mr. J. VanFossen. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stevens, of Marietta, spent veterans day with Mr. and Mrs. Erval Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Craven, of| Lowell, were Monday afternoon and night and Tuesday guests at the Stevens home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Cummings and son. Michael, of Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schoep pner. qf Lower Salem, were Sun day evening quests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schoeppner and chil dren. Mi. and Mrs. J. E. Walker, Jim and Ronnie were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bennett and children. four jj.-nt irom Friday through Sun-1 Mrs. Carl Stevens spent Sat-I f£ mdav with her daughter. Mrs. Henry Nobbs and sons of Wil li am st own. Mr*. Mabel Baker was called t»1 the home of her father, Geoi ge[ Zimmerman on Saturday cve-| ning. II .--uttered a cerebral hem-| irragc. Lt. j. .) David W. Ayers, sonl of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Ayers. of Marietta, formerly of Harrictts ville. who was injured in an automobile accident, is still on the critical list at this writing His address is: U. S. Naval Hos pital, Room 253, Pensacola. Fla. a n u e o n o n a y e v e n i n a .even o'clock held at the PioneerJ House Reslaurant at FARMERS Youngsters who arc members of our 4-H Clubs ond FFA groups often lead the woy for us older folks. Nowadays many prize winning 4-H and FFA project calves are sired by great bulls of the Centra' Ohio Breeding Association Young farmers know about the lower costs of artificial breeding. They know, too, about the higher production and better type to be had from daughters of COBA Selected Sires "Breed to the Sett" THIS HIGH QUALITY DAIRY BREEDING IS AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE Tin "V BctUf Cai Phone County Extension Office Caldwell 100 NOBLE COUNTY DAIRY SERVICE UNIT Farmer-Owned and Operated Affiliated with tbr- Ohio Breeding Association Farm Planner !Ki:i.K ARIETTA The new farm planner for Noble county. Merle Marietta, already assumed his new duties at the offices of the Noble Soil Conservation district on North street. He is a graduate of Ohio State university and comes to Caldwell from St. Clairsville, where he served in a similar capacity for one year. He is married and the father of four children. Mr. Marietta fills the vacancy created when Frank Calvin resigned to ac cept a state job in Georgia. weekend! vi^'ted for a few days visit. Mrs. C. E. Johanning entertain ed on Sunday with a dinner in TT Sher l^nin^mh day anniversary. A decorated cake formed the centerpiece for the table. Covers were arranged Personals— Airs. Ruth Rowland, of Na tional. Washington, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Laura Fowler, West street. She also Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Miller and family and Marvin Garrett of Alliance, were guests of Mr. C. D. Miller. Mr.lwell. Jewell Brown, Belle Val Miller and son, Gary remained I ley and Becky Smith, of Cumber- with Louie Brown, Cald- land. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Guiler i and daughters, Vickie and Sherry I Athens routi 'or the honored one. Mi s. Bertha I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schott and Johanning. Ann and Aundree.l son, Eddie, visited over the Supt. and Mrs. Luther Schramm I weekend with relatives in Cleve and hostess. I land. Mr. and Mrs. and sons, of Mary Schott and Ethel Rich A dance will be held at St. Henry's nalace hall on Sunday. ,, wk evening. Nov. 25th. The Midnight!-sl}Gl Sunday with C-)1011" Ramblers will play for dancing I Richards who is a patient jn the nd the women of group I Veterans hospital, Clarksburg, will have the refreshments. I Mrs. T. E. Hazard and grand Mr and Mrs. Paul Newhart. of I daughter, Fairy Lee Morgan, Marietta, and Mr. and Mrs.I spent Sunday with friends in Oscar Kress and children,I Marietta. Mrs. Hazard remained Tommy and Dianna of Cleveland, I f()J. a v jsjt w AI] dav with Mr. and Mrs. Erval I Stevens. Russell Jones, of Cam- "afle,rman bridee, was a Sunday (iuesl. lloimei Geittude Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Fryfoglel Mrs. Nelle Headley, Thelma nd Jimmy and Jane Ann were I Rice. Madue Ferguson. Nola Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and I Clymer and Hazel Shuttieworth Mrs. B. W. Ullman. I cpent Sunday with Mrs. Zov irr Mis. Fave Cunningham of Maple Heights Mr. and Mrs. C. H-j Canton over Schoeppner and Mrs Johnl 1 1 jtii her daughter, -Dutch" Hagerman and Mrs- Middle-! Ml- .i,.l Mrs. Herbert Hartley. ?,"' »nt! M«. Ernest Wilson, of David and Sharon of Falls! rooked Tiee. Church. Va. spent the weekendl Mrs. Eula Archer and Ann v i 1 li their parents, Mr. and Mrs.I Cox. of S.n ahsville route 1 Wilbert Stephens of Harrietts-I visited Saturday with Laur ville and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Hart-I Blake and shopped in Caldwell ley of Ilelpie 1 is Columbus. the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clymer and family, of Reynoldsburg. spent the weekend with hi* mother, Air.-. Nola Clynv-r. Dex er City. Mrs. Ethel Hazard visited last Thursday with friends in Co umbus. Mrs. Hazel Shuttieworth has cturned to her home here alter spending the past week with her daughter. Mrs. Donald Bowen and family of Norwalk. Mr. and Mrs. James Reed Mar quis visited with relatives in tin weekend and an ton-Massi 11 on a Schoeppner attended a Stanley! tended the looth ..n William Radclitf has re turned tu her home in Caldwell bourne. I from Columbus where she has Mr. Leo Huffman and Mr. and! been visiting with her son Mrs. John Huffman, Johnny andl Robert Radcliff and family Stevie wore guests in^ the homel Mary Wilson, who Is employed of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ke.lei audi Hazard's beautv shop, visited ..I Wellston over the week-l ,„e Kwkvni with hel. pa„,nts Dr. and Mrs. E. G. Ditch and Judge and Mrs. W. Vernon Archer were among those from Caldwell who attended Dad' dn.v at Ohio Wesleyan Univer ity. Delaware, Saturday. Shirley Davis and daughter-in !. w. Helen Davis, of Sarah.-ville Mr. and Mrs. George Gildow of I.lba Clyde Steele of Caldwell ioute Martha Archer and daughter, Mrs. John Steele of Cambridge and Joan Gant, of Sarahsville route, were caller ast week at the home of Sarah nd Lvdia Gant. of East street. Clothes Create 90% Of the Impression You Make! Can You Pass the N.P. Test? Electronic Dry Cleaninc "If Your Clothes are Not Becoming to You, They Should be Cotniug to Us THE JOURNAL, CALDWELL, OHIO Ml. Ephraim MT. EPHRAIM The Seneca Homemakers club met Wednes day at the home of Mrs. Gordon ates. A pot luck dinner was enjoj ed noon and the business meeting as conducted by Mrs. Anna Beryl Rich, the president. Mrs. Jane Bates demonstrated laun dry and ironing a shirt. The next meeting will be mak ing sewing boxes on Dec. 12 at 00 o'clock in the Mason hall. Each adult is to bring a 50 cents gift exchange and each child a 5 cents exchange. Those attending were Nellie Graham, Nelle Bond. Cynthia, ickie and Jeannie Law, Anna Beryl, Stevie and Teresa Rich. Marie Bates, Ruthanna, Jeffery. Tudy and June Hannahs, Janice md Peggv Watson, Wava Oliver, *uth Williams. Evelyn and iane Bond, Ardith Mendenhall. Bertha Clark. Letha Reed, Joe nd Bonnie Cleary. Anna Groves, lye Groves, Lura Morrison, ilma Gregory and Kevin Bates, aunita Gregory and Gary Gra ham. Martha, Vickie, and Deb ie Moore. Virginia Ward, Doro thy and Kiel Miley, Reah Bates. Jane and Johnnie Bates, Opal Moore, Jewell and Marilyn Powell. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Miller and son, of Zanesville, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Finley and daughters, of Canton, spent the weekend with R. Bates. Mrs. Kenneth Perkins and family, of Ava, visited Wednes day with Mrs. Joann Powell, Russell Moore, of Zanesville, pent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell nd daughters spent Saturday fternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. Secrest and family at Cald well. Mrs. Doris Rich and family visited last week with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bates and family, Mr. and Airs. Gordon Rites and T. R. Bates spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. George Bates and family at Cambridge. Mrs. Sally Moore, Mrs. Reah Bates and Mrs. Jewell Powell attended O.E.S. chapter meeting at Summefield, Wednesday night. Several hundred members of former par ishioners attended the first annual ingathering and homecoming held at the Pleasant City Methodist church, Sunday, with the pastor. Rev. Paul Mustard in charge. Dedication services for the new organ which was presented to the church by Mrs. Freda Secrest, in memory of her husband, V. Bvrle Secrest, was held at 3 p. m. with organist. Donald Mercer, at the console. Dr. T. F. Alexander, district superintend ent, was the morning speaker and Dr. J. Otis Young, newly elected president of the Ohio Council of Churches, was the principal speaker in the afternoon, during the dedicatory ser vice. A detailed report +hr Lord"? Acre pnn- MT. TABOR Wiley o son attended the basketball game at Harriettsville, Tuesday even ing. Several attended the institute at Carlisle, Tuesday and Tuesday evening. Elsie Wright visited Mrs. Belle Mallett, Wednesday. Miss Elsie Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephen and daugh ters, Ann and Lynn visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Reed and son, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Stephens and daughters, Ann and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkbride and daughter, Joy, Miss Elsie Wright were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family, Sunday. Miss Elsie Wright visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Mallett and family,' Sunday. Mrs. Wayne Mallett and daugh- You save in every way with Ford trucks. First cost is low, operating costs are low, resale value is high, and a 10-million truck study proves Ford trucks last longer! And you get more for your money with a Ford. For example, only Ford gives you modern Short Stroke power in every truck, overv engine -Y-S or Annual Homecoming Held At Pleasant City Church NT. TABOR NEWS V 'v ...less to own...less to run...last longer, too! ject, sponsored ter, Lynne visitod Mrs. Walter Mallett and daughter, Melody Lane, Friday. MT. TABOR Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry and Roger. Miss Elsie Wright and Mrs. Harold Forshey and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mal lett and family Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirk bride visited a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkbride and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mallett and daughter, Melody Lane, Miss Elsie Wright were business call ers in Caldwell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and sons, Jerry and Terry were busi ness callers in Caldwell Wednes day. Mr. Wiley Thompson was call ing on Kenneth Martin Saturday morning Several from this community .// Big payloads with Ford BIG JOBS. Fan) tractor shown has 60,000-lb. GCW. For big jobs...small jobs...all job's Six. And no one else can match Ford's five billion miles of Short Stroke engine experience. You get more comfort with a Driverized Cab, more safety with Ford's Lifeguard steering wheel and double-grip door latch. From pickups to Big Jobs, for trucks that cost less, give you more for y monev -set' our Ford I k'i-h r! CALDWELL MOTORS, Inc. 315 West St. Phone 84 by the church was also made at this meeting. An American flag was presented in mem ory of William Hively and the sanctuary floral decorations were in memory of Rev. H. W. Hales, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stranathan, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kackley, Daisy Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eibel, Dr. D. F. Wilienfelsz, A. F. Lady, Curtis and Ida Secrest, Ethel Ferguson, Kate Hancock, Fred Hancock, Thomas Worth ington, L. M. Smith, O. D. Mustard, Bobbie Lee Hannum, E. O. Bond, Otis Gregg, Bessie Gregg and Mabel Williams. Pictured above is the Pleasant City church, its pastor, Rev. Mustard and Donald Mercer at the console of the new organ. attended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Shroyer at Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Morris' Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and daughter, Shila had dinner and spent the afternoon at Mrs. Estella Miracle and son, Jesse, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Reed and son, Donald visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis Martin and family Saturday night. All enjoyed a chicken din ner at Mr. and Mrs. Neal Step lien and daughters, Ann and Lyn in honor of Barbara Ann's fourth birthday, Nov. 12 and Linda Joy's first birthday, Nov. 13. Miss Ge nene Hannahs was there also. Thursday, November 22, 1956 Walnut Ridge WALNUT RIDGE Several attended the James Warner sale Friday afternoon. William and Otis Horton were business callers at Waterford, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smithbeng er are the parents of a son born recently in Good Samaritan hos pital. Zanesville. Harold Horton, Sandra and Kathy were Sunday visitors at M. I. Horton's. Calvin Smith and Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Horton were callers u Zanesville, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Feldner and sons were visitors at Mose Horton's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith berger were callers at Clarence Dick's one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Horton and son spent Sunday night and Mondav at William Horton's. Reinersville Volunteer Fire Department ANNUAl FESTIVAL Friday-Saturday November 23-24 At Reinersville High School Gymnasium $10(1.00 in Prizes Given Away Nov. 24. Play by Local Talent Nov. 23. Round and Square Dancing Both Nights. Cake Walks, Games and Eats Both Dates. Doors Open at 7:00 P. M. Plenty of Free Parking! ELS WICK JOE YONTZ, Agent ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE! w Most loadspace for your money! New Ford 8-ft. pickup box on 118-in. wheelbase gives up to 19 cu. ft. more capacity than any other tonner! Regular 6 Vz-it. box on 110-in. wheel base offers full 45-cu. ft. capacity. Only Ford pickups offer the economy of Ford-pioneered Short Stroke design in your choice of Six or V-8 engine! The big fleets buy more Ford trucks than any other make See