Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, November 22, 1956 FOR SALE For Sale—DWELLINGS LOTS For Sale THREE ROOM HOUSE, gas, elec tricity, running water, built-in kitchen, full basement, gas floor furnace, one acre of land, lots of fruit. About one mile from Cald well. 25 ACRES, five room bungalow, electricity, running water, built-in kitchen, full basement, coal furnace, garage, barn, gran ary, some timber, coal on farm for home use. On good road. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE, gas, elec tricity, sink in kitchen, located on USR 21 in Belie Valley. SIX ROOM HOUSE, gas, elec tricity, good well. Located in Macksburg. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, gas, elec tricity, sink in kitchen. Two lots, collar. On good road in Ava SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, gas elec tricity, built-in kitchen, two baths, cellar. Two extra good lots. Good location in Caldwell. FIVE ROOM HOUSE, modern except furnace, gas, electricity, bath, built-in kitchen, city water, full basement, 4.75 acres of land Also two three-room houses on property. Good road, about one mile from Caldwell on Route 73. FOUR ROOM MODERN house, gas, electric, built-in kitchen, batli. gas furnace, garage, located in Caldwell. CHESTER J. HOWILER—Realtor 5164 West Street Phone 250-W 16tf Caldwell. Ohio GOOD EIGHT room house, good well and cistern, gas and elec tric lights. Good location. Priced very reasonably. WELL, ITS A BARGAIN 70 acre farm, 15 minutes drive from Caldwell. All farm build ings necessary. Livestock: eight head of milk cows, six in produe tion. Milk truck picks up milk every day. Good team of horses all machinery and farm imple ments will go. All you have to do is step in and take possession Everything on farm goes except auto and a few carpenter tools Better see us at once. A wonder l'ul bargain. GOOD FARM located on State route. One tract includes 48 acres and one 87 acres, totaling 135 acres. Farf can be divided if you want small farm. A MODERN six room house, full basement with laundry room and garage. A 15 minute drive from Caldwell. We are ready to talk to you about any real estate you may have for sale. HOWARD M. SHAFER, Realtor 526 North Street, Caldwell, Ohio Phone 333 SEVEN-ROOM two-story house in Cumberland, with basement Wired for electricity and water in house. Outbuilding and large lot. Needs some repair. Josie Wilson, 823 Virginia Street Zanesville, Ohio. Phone GL 2-8577. 19 20 21 Classifieds Pay Dividends FURNISHINGS!! Simple os the Murphy's Up To IV 24 Mo#. To Poy Murphy's Furniture CALDWELL, OHIO FOR SALE iKvELLINCSS LOTS GOOD COMFORTABLE eight room home, new complete bath, cabinet sink in kitchen, slate roof, good shingle siding, gas, electricity, partial basement, good well, cistern, on large lot. Good location in Summerfield. See this now. Priced under $4,000. ALSO HAVE 10 room modern, one acre ground eight room modern, except for incomplete bath .78 acre ground and six room modern all in good loca tion in Summerfield. See these properties to appreciate them. Chester J. Howiler—Realtor A. Raymon Fogle, Salesman Summerfield, Ohio 21 22 23 SIX ROOM HOUSE, with oil furnace, good well and cistern, water in kitchen, four acres with aspberrv and strawberry patch and farm pond. Richard Gee, Hir amsb'.irg, Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. SIX ROOM HOUSE with bath and three lots, located one blpck south of the high school building in Belle Valley. J. Seamster, Belle Valley, Ohio Phone Caldwell 309-F-6. 20 21 22 pd. FOUR ROOM HOUSE and a two room house and two lots in Carlisle. Both have electricity and gas. Contact Nellie Crum, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 1. 19 20 21pd FOR SALE OR RENT. Six rooms and bath, in South Olive. Con tact Howard Devol, 1028 Belford Street, Caldwell, Ohio. Phone 130-J. 19-20-21pd For Sale—LIVESTOCK GOOD EIGHT-WEEKS-old pigs $14.00 a pair. Mitchell Keyser. Route 5, Caldwell, South of Shar on. 21 pd ONE, TWO-YEAR-OLD spotted English hound. Started good Also a five-year-old good black and tan hound. Reason for selling I am now unable to hunt. Be home evenings. Bert Bonar, Route 1 Harriettsville, Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. EIGHT REGISTERED Brown- Swiss heifers, ages one year to two years, from COBA sires. One to be fresh in January and one in February. Elmer G. Cline Quaker City, Ohio, Route 1. On County Road 31, near Batesville 19 20 21pd TWO BROOD SOWS, Berk bred and 21 pigs, just weaned. M. Weekley, Caldwell, Ohio. Route 4. 20 21 22pd CHOICE DELAINE rams. $20.00 and Corriedale, $25.00. R. A Robinson, route 2, Lore City Ohio. 1!2 miles south of Old Washington. 20 21 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Service —COBA dairy or beef bulls Contact Billy Moore or Floyd Henderson or phone Oaldwell 100. 27tf AGED TEAM of horses, 3000 pounds, will sell single or double three head of stock cat tie, one year old 48 head of De laine ewes, bred 34 head of De laine lambs 700 to 800 bales o hay and a Stevens Walnut Hil .22 calibre rifle. John and Fred Baesel, Lowell, Ohio, Route 2, in Jackson Township on County Road 75. 20 21 22pd O S, Buckeye Yorkshires breeding stock with or without papers. No Sunday sales. Everett Leedom, New Concord Ohio, Route 3. Phone Cumber land 17-R-515. 19 20 21 Dead Stock Removed! HOUSES and COWS FREE DICKSON RENDERING CO. Phone FR-3-4532 Marietta, Ohio We do not accept collect calls. Fulmer Custom-Fit SEAT COVERS Heed Motor Sales Phone 108 West Street Caldwell, Ohio COAL We Are Taking Orders For Coal To Be Used This Winter In The Homes. Delivery Every Day Except Sunday. Mine Located One-Half Mile North Of Road Fork Or \Vi Miles Off SR 145. BAKER COAL CO. PHONES Caldwell 72-M Lewisvilte 75051 Caldwell, Ohio WANT AD SECTION FOR SALE For Sale— LIVESTOCK 125 EWES, age one to four years old, will sell any rtumber you want also 30 fine wool lambs, 15 yearling weathers, fine and coarse wool ranis, two polled dur ham bulls G. W. Ankrom, three miles West of Batesville, Ohio, on State Route 147. 21 22 23 pd. lO-WEEKS-OLD Hampshire pigs. Heppner's Sohio Service, Cald well, Ohio, Route 4 in Olive. 21 22. COW, due to freshen in Decem ber one yearling Hereford, quarter Jersey and one steer. W. Robbins, Route 1, Caldwell. Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. FOUR COLLIE PUPS, natural heelers, seven weeks old. Harry Vandvne, Summerfield, Route 2. Ohio.' 21 22 21* pd. For Sale—WEARING APPAREL LADIES BLACK WINTER coat. size 42 with zip-in lining. Clean and in A-l condition. Mrs. M. L. Harper, Caldwell, Ohio, Route 4, near Dudley. 20 21 22 pd For Sale—HOUSEHOLD GOODS MAYTAG GAS RANGE, like new, priced low. Call before 3:30 p. m. Robert Urdak, Cald well, Ohio, Route 6. Phone 1G1-F-11. 21. FOR SALE—Used coal furnace in good condition. William Walters. Route 5, Caldwell. Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. TAPPAN gas range in good con dition one door with casing and three windows with casings. Edgar B. Wheeler. 1025 Belford street, Caldwell. 21 22 pd MISCELLANEOUS Household articles. Jean Maekie, 919 Bel ford Street, Caldwell, Ohio Please call before 2:30 p. m. 21. LARGE Warm Morning Heater with jacket. Like new. Cheap or will trade. Irvil Rayner. Ava Ohio. 21 pd LARGE circulating coal heater Harry Morland, Dexter Citv Ohio. 21 22 23 pd USED SPINET PIANO. Like new Full 88 note. Walnut finish Easy terms. Thompson Music Company, 13 North 5th Street Zanesville, Ohio. Phone GLad stone 2-8079. 20 21 USED FURNITURE, refrigerator, washer and range. Mrs. Guy Brown, Fairground Street, Cald well, Ohio Phone 231-R. 19 20 21pd ELECTROLUX gas refrigerator 10 cu. ft. St. Malay's Rectory Fulda, Ohio. Phone Qddwill 738-F-22. 19 20 21 QUILTS, quilt tops, crocheted rugs, handbags and aprons Phone Caldwell 173-J. 19 20 21pd For Sale—CARS TRUCKS 1940 CHEVROLET two-door se dan, black. Fair rubber, spare tire, radio and heater, Runs good Priced low. Earl Bates, Caldwell Ohio, Route 1. Phone 740-F-4. 21. For Sale—FRUIT GRIMES GOLDEN, Stay man Winesap, Rome Beauty apple and sweet cider. Beebe's Orchard Waterford, Ohio. 19 20 21pd YOU CAN GET ALL the apple you want at Law's Fruit Farm True, we have sold the crop to a large packer of apples, but we reserved the right to sell to you our home folks, as long as we have apples to supply you. Come any time except Sundays. We nave a fine selection of varietie and grades. Law Fruit Farm Senecaville, Ohio. Phone Mt Ephraim .16-R-53. 1G-21 pd. GET SOHIO WINTER STARTING GUARANTEE and GUARANTEED RADIATOR PROTECTION at IIEPPNER'S SOHIO SERVICE Caldwell, Ohio Phone 148-J CALL US TODAY! Cars Called For and Delivered! 17 (it %SOO THE THE JOUKNAJU CALDWELL, OHIO FOR SALE For Sato—MACHINERY -TOOLS CO-OP CORN PICKER, six rows hay baler, motor driven prac tically full set of Ford and Co-op machinery. May be seen at Ivan Groves', Salesville, Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. For Sale—SEEDS FEEDS BALED HA\, some timothy and some alfalfa. Jessie Bettinger, Caldwell, Route 4, Ohio. 21 22 23 pd. ALFALFA AND CLOVER mixed hay, also 200 bushels of home grown oats. L. C. Burkhart, Coal Run. Ohio, Route 1. near Keith town. Jit 21 22pd For Sale—MISCELLANEOUS FULLY DRESSED TURKEYS. ready for your oven. John Milev, Mt. Ephraim, Ohio. Phone 17. 19 20 21pd PUBLIC SALE Since I am discontinuing farm ing, I will offer at public auc tion, Saturday, Nov. 24. at my home six miles north of Lower Salem and nine miles south of Caldwell, on USR 21, beginning at 1:00 o'clock p. m. the following: Nine good dairy cows from three to seven years old in pro duction and rebred: yearling Hol stein heifer, eligible to register yearling Hereford heifer five spring calves and brood sow to farrow by sale. Health papers furnished. Good 1949 Ford tractor with new tires: plows cultivators six foot disc Dearborne mower: Dearborne wagon on rubber Dearborne mounted corn planter like new high wagon and some corn and other miscellaneous art icles too numerous to mention. FRANK GILDOW, owner Harold Goddard, Auctioneer. 21. LOST LOST—On the Tom Curtis farm road, a Remington Wing-Mast er 12 gauge shotgun. A liberal re ward is offered for return. Finder please contact Jim Starr. 7c Post Office, Steubenville, Ohio. 21 22 23. LOST OR STRAYED—T^vo year ling heifers, a Roane and Here ford. Isaac McDonald, Caldwell Ohio. Phone 190-F-3. 21 pd LOST, BROWN and white Bor der Collie dog, 12 years old. No collar Finder please contact Dale Garrett. Caldwell. Ohio, Route 1. 20 21 22 FOR RENT FOR RENT, good four room house west side. Good well, cistern' water in house. $12.50 per month if rented before Jan. 1. Harry Davis, 1413 Maple Ave.. Zanesville, Ohio. 21 FOR RENT—Five room apart ment, two rooms and bath up, three rooms down. Garage. Un furnished. 602 W. Main Street, or phone Summerfield 64-F-3. 9 tf. WANTED TO BUY STEEL WHEELS to fit rear of Ford tractor or Ford-Ferguson tractor. Contact Dallas Bond, Noble Tractor Sales, Caldwell. Ohio. 21 22 23 WANTED TO BUY raw furs. See R. B. Miracle at Miracle's Used Cars, East and Olive Streets. Caldwell, Ohio, or at the Cisler farm at Sharon. 20 21 22 23pd FIFTY TO 75 bushels of oats. Phone AXminister 55219 or write O. O. Whited, 904 46th Street, Vienna, W. Va. 19 20 21 pd. WANTED TO BUY—Antiques of all kinds, including old fashion ed bureaus, dressers, corner and wall cupboards, tables, stands, brass and copper kettles, music boxes, lamps, desks, chairs, dolls, guns, dishes, buggies and sur reys. Write Vesta Evans, 2267 East Pike Street, Zanesville, Ohio. 33 to 45 tf. WANTED WANTED:Men to sell everyday needed Nationally Advertised Products in Noble and Morgan Counties. No investment. Car or light truck necessary. Earnings unlimited. $5,000 and up possible first year. Also free life insurance program. Write: Ross Stewart. 1313 12th Street, N. W. Canton, Ohio. 20 21 22 TOMORROW START REPAYING NEXT YEAR. Repay only $27.13 a month including all charges from date of loan. (Popular 2-ycar plan) CITY LOAN 520 West St. Bob Miller, Mgr. Phone 9 Loans Subject To Our Prompt Approval Financing Ohio People Since 1912...On Good Terms AND SAVINGS COMPANy MARKET REPORT Submitted I' oi i i U Utu cuurlcsy The Caldwell Produce Co. Wednesday, Nov. 21 Heavy hens lb. 14c Liftht hens lb. 10c Old cocks lb. 8c Large ««r. A white eggs doz. 40c Large gr. A brown eggs doz. 38c Large gr. white epgs doz. 35c Lnrge p.r. brown eggs doz. 35 Medium A brown eggs doz. 30c Medium A white csss doz. 30c Pullet eggs doz. 20c Current receipt# doz. 28c Butterfat lb. 50c WANTED FEMALE HELP at Guernsey County Home. Good wages and vacations with pay. Nice living quarters. Do not phone. Write O D. Inskeep, Superintendent, Lore City. Ohio. 21 22 23 WANTED, lady patients only Sunshine Rest Home, Ethel McEndree, manager, Pike Street Morristown, Ohio. Phone 2262 19 20 21pd NOTICES COAL—Opening of a new mine on State Route 340, between Hiramsburg and Cumberland. All you want at $2.50 a ton at mine until first of the year. $3:50 in stock pile at Cumberland. Coal weighed at Cumberland tipple Coal sold from 8 a. m. to 4 p. at mine and 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. at tipple. John L. Palmer. Cumber land, Ohio. Phone 22. 21 22 23 24 25 26 pd. NOTICE—Furs and beef hide wanted. Will be at Estadt' Feed Store each Wednesdav from 12:00 to 2:30 p. m. C. R. Teters Caldwell Route 2. in Hoskinsville Phone Caldwell 304-F-21, 21 tf. FREE VITAMINS—Full 30 day supply regularly selling at up $2.85. Yours free to introduce the new MFC Supra-Vita-Mineral line of quality products designed for specific age groups. Send name and age with 25c to cover handling costs—McClellan Frant es Company, 1217 Blondeau. Kee kuk. Iowa. 21 22 pd NOTICE—Does your church roof need painting? We have 200 gallons of roof coating to be giwn free to churches in Noble county Long's Tractor Sales. 809 Miller street, Caldwell. Ohio. 21 pd NOTICE—There will be a meet ing on Saturday. Dec. 1, begin ning at 7:00 o'clock p. m. at the Muskingum Valley Co-Op Cream Station for electing directors for the coining year. D. A. Caldwell TrFWurfV. 20 21 22 NOTICE TO OCR PATRONS— In order to get your 5'i dis count on you fall fertilizer or der, account must be paid by Nov. 25. Caldwell Implement. Supply Co., Caldwell, Ohio. 19 20 21 "We Buy and Sell Anything tor the HOME" G. T. JENNINGS FURNITURE STORE Phone 113 Caldwell, Ohio INSURE YOUR CAR or truck with Motorists Mutual Insur ance Company. The best com pany at the time of a loss. Joe Buckey, Agent, Caldwell, Ohio. WHY WORRY if afflicted with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O at Gillespie's Drug Store Caldwell, Ohio. 27 pd NOTICE—Local hauling: good run-of-mine coal from Mt. Eph raim, McFarland or Byesville No 7 also lump, egg. nut or .slack coal. Sand, gravel and crushc limestone hauled. We charge eight cents per bushel above cost of coal for hauling. Amos Frank lin, Caldwell, Ohio. Phon£ 207-W 4t.f How at JLtw NOTICES NOTICE—Expert picture fram ing, good selection. Murphy's Furniture Store, Caldwell, Ohio. 43 tf. NOTICE TO BIDDERS State of Oiiio Department of Highway* State Highway Purchasing Office Legal Copy No. 56-670 Invitation No. J109 Scaled proposals will he received from prequal'fk'd bidders at the Stat#. Highway Purchasing Office, Room iWHi. Ohio Departments Bid"., Columbus. Ohio, until 11:00 A. M. Ohio Eastern Standard Time, Dec-ember 5. 1^36. 1t: The purchase of Radio Stations and Mobile Radio Equipment induci ng installation in the following toun ies: Allen, Van Wert. Paulding, De iancr, Putnam, Hancock, Hardin, Wy mdot. Licking. Knox, Fairfield, Perry Muskingum. Coshocton. Guer.i-ey, Shelby. Darke, Mercer. Miami, Aug. ize, Logan, Champaign, Clark, fiut r, Preble, Montgomery, Greene, Hamilton, Warren. Clinton. Clermont. Poss, Highland, Brown, Adams, Pike. ioto, Lawrence, Jackson, Washing ion, Athens,. Gallia, Vinton, Hocking Aleigs, Morgan. Noble, Monroe, Ha lison, Tutvarawas, Holmes, Carroll Columbiana, Jefferson, Belmont. No installation required Franklin, Port age. and Cuyahoga Counties. The minimum wage to be paid to all labor employed on these contract Miall be in accordance with Section 4115.03 through Section 4115.07 of the Revised Code of Ohio. Prequaliiication: Bidders must apply for prcquaiificntion with the depart ment at lea.-t 10 days before the date set to open bid:-. Information pertain ing thereto and Prcqualifying Blank may be obtained from the Highway Credit Examiner, Room !»07-E, Ohi'c Departments Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. Date M't for completion: For com plete information check bidding blank Before entering into a contract t!u succivsfill bidder will be required to furnish approved completion bond in the amount of one half oi bid. The bidder must submit with his bid certified cheek in the amount of ?10.o00.00. Bidding Forms, plans and specifica tions are on file in the Purchasing Office. Room 80K. Ohio Departments Bldg.. Columbus. Ohio. The Director reserves the right to reject any and all bids. S. O. LINZELL. State Highway Director I'O 21 I. LEGAL NOTICE IN TI1F OMMON' I'LIiVS COURT OK NOIU-i COI'NTY, OIIIO In thy M.tU«r o Transfer i Funds Of the Village oi CuiUwill, O'.uo. Notice is hereby given that on the 20 th day of November, 1056, the Village of Caldwell, Ohio, the under signed petitioner, filed a petition ii the Court of Common Pleas of Noble County, Ohio, being cause number i*6.'17 on the Docket of said Court asking that Twenty-Five Thousand Two Hundred Fiity-live and .Xt'lO Dollars be transferred from the Bond Retirement Fund to the General Fund, as provided by law. for the reason set forth in said petition and that said petition will be for hearing on the 2fth day oi November, 1U56, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. The Village of Caldwell. Ohio DONALD D. NICHOLS, Mayor VIOLET MORGAREIDGE. Clerk 21 .1 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors in the Ava and Hirams burg communities for their kind ness and beautiful floral offering set at the time of the death o our husband and father. CARD OF THANKS ThankS to my many friends iri Caldwell for their cards and notes of assurance which made my stay in the P. E. S. hospital. Glendale Calif., a bit brighter day by day A continued high level of herd health is the objective of the Pioneer Dairy Feeding Program and has as its result profitable lactations (and lots of thein!) for the entire milking herd. Stop in today for free record charts and •"ceding program booklet. Noble Hatchery Phone 91 Caldwell, Ohio Gladys M. Gaither 811 S. Berendo I-rfis Angeles 5, Calif. 21. CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincer thanks to all •who sent me card letters and flowers and to those who visited me while I was in the hospital and since I returned home. All were greatly ap predated. Mrs. Clara Gildow 21pd. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank my many friends for the wonderful get well cards, visits and gifts tha I received while a patient in the University hospital, Columbus and .since returning home Thanks again for everything. Howard Sanford South Olive. Ohio 2lpd. Available LOCAL DEATHS Frank M. Jordon Funeral services 1t Frank M. Jordtui, a native of Noble county who became a coal traffic execu tive of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, were conducted in Pittsburgh, Tuesday afternoon. Burial was made at Greenlawn cemetery in Columbus. Born at South Olive on Dec. 27, 1884, Mr. Jordan died in Pittsburgh last Friday. He -was a n of ir tf* Pat ton Moreland IN MEMORY In loving remembrance of our dear son ?nd brother, Loren Clark Bole v. who passed away Nov. 24th, 1944. Loving memories never dies, as years roll on and days pass by In our heart a memorr kept, Of the one we loved, And will never forget. We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee. In that fair land we'll know no parting "Be\-ond the Sunset," torever more. Sadly missed by: Father, Mother, Sister and Rrother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holey, Mr. and .Mrs. Dean Boley, Mr. and Mrs. James Stottsberry. 21pd. IN MEMORY In iovn.M iiitmory of my deal husband. Joe Velosky, who left me one year ago, Nov. 27, 1955 The depth of sorrow I cannot tell Of the loss of one I loved so well And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory I hall alwav keep. Sadly miswd by: His Wife, Dora Veloskv 21p IN MEMORY Dear Madison, just three yt-r since you passed away And it has been so very lonely ever since that sad day. As the children gather at our homestead, There stand- vmr \a.-int chair. We know you have ,u.»i e i*. with Jesus But still it's hard to bear. IIow we miss vou. Dearest Dad Mrs. Ethel Stiers Mrs. Dorothy Perkins And we think of you each day As we wait to be reunited In that bright a orld someday Sadly niiKsed by: Wife, Mrs. Mary Martin, children wd gramlrhiMren. 21jxl. CARD OF THANKS To my maiiV neighbors friends, relatives and the organ izations of the Presbyterian church, I wish to say thank you for the lovely flowers, card ^il'ts and letters that I received during my stay in the hospital i:nd since returning home. They were a'l very deeply apcreeirted Mrs. Edgar Love 21 CARD OF THAKKS We v.i.-h to eXpi'ci- jui up preciation for the many beauti lul floral offerings end other acts of kindness at the time of the death of our husband and father, George Bo.sold. We are especially grateful to the friends and neighbors, Rev. Fr. Pekalla the Estadt funeral home and any others who assisted us in our time of bereavement. The George Bosald Family 21pd. CARD OF THANKS I wish to expre-s my sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for the cards, flowers letters and gifts I received dur ing my recent stay at Guernsey Memorial hospital and since re turning home. Special lhanks to those who visited me. Your kind ness will always be remembered 21 Andy Mika. Sr. Ava. Route 1, Ohio (Coul Rider* Page Fiv« and Palmyra (Webber) Jordan.* He was a brother of the late L. C. Jordan of South Olive and the late Elmer W. Jordan of Pataskala, Ohio. .' Frank Jordan began his rail-, road career as a platform freight handler at Canal Dover, Ohio, at." the age of 16. His first job with the B. & O. was at Marietta. He^~ retired in 1952 as assistant to the., coal traffic manager of the B.~ & O. after long service as gen eral coal freight agent in Pitts burgh and Baltimore. From Marietta, Mr. Jordan's career with the railroad tookr him. to Madisonville, Ohio, and., then to Shawnee. Then, after re turning to Marietta as B. & 0.„ agent, he was assigned to Co lumbus, where he served as^ traveling freight agent and comC. mercial freight agent during the later years of World War I. From Columbus, he moved to West Virginia, where, as division^ freight agent, he worked in Wheeling. Grafton, and Charles ton. Through his work on coal traf-* fic and rate structures, he acquir-~ ed a wide acquaintanceship in both railroad and coal industry circles. Honored with a life membership in the Pittsburgh Traffic club, he was also a re-! tired member of the Central Traffic Region Coal, Coke and Iron committee. As a hobby, Mr. Jordan col lected carved ivory objects of art. His collection was the sub ject of a number of newspaper feature stories and magazine articles. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Lou D. Jordan and a daugh ter, Mrs. H. Cooley of GaV enda, Ohio. Orville Rummer Orvilic Rurnm'j.-. 70, died at. 10:30 a. m., Sunday at his home in the Churchtown commuinty. Born Nov. 16. 1886, in Lowell, he was the son of the late Sylvester and Annie Davij Rum mer. On July 25. 1910, he mar ried Minnie M. Dutton, who survives. Other survivors include two" sons, Raymond of Caldwell and Homer of Marietta: four grand children a brother, Gordon of Lowell, and two sisters, Mr?. Linnie Coon of Carlington, Pa., and Mrs. Olive Willford of Chandiersville. Funeral services v. ere held on Tuesday at 1:30 m. at thu Doudna and McClure funeral home. Burial was made in the Greenlawn cemeterv. fill Williams Friend- Cald-.veil and Sum merfield nave received word of the death of Bill Williams, native of Caldwell, which occurred at his hom =.i (.'..r.ton ia Wednes day. Williams had been ill for the past two years. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Williams and resided on Fair ground street in Caldwell. He is survived by his wife, the former Alice Horton of Summer field: a son and one brother, fhester Williams of Caldwell., Funeral services and interment were held in Canton. FAMILY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Young en tertained Sunday at their home on North street with a family dinner. Covers were arranged for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert L. Nichols and son. Doug, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young and chil dren. Don. Diane and Denise of Columbus. Mrs. Mary Rea and the host and hostess. The occasion was in observance of the 42nd wedding anniversary of the host and hostess and the 10th wedding anniversary of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks to all those who so kindly visited or sent cards while I was in the hospital. They certainly helped to pass the long hours. AUCTION SALES Every Monday—7:00 Located Three Miles East of Cambridge on Route 265, WE HAVE A NEW SELECTION OF XMAS GIFTS, ALSO FURNITURE. YOU PAY THE FRILL YOU SET. SAVE A DAY'S WAGES BY ATTENDING THESE AUCTIONS. Consignments of Used Goods Accepted on Day of Sole. EVERYONE WELCOME. mm ART Auctioneer and Mauay^r. Phone Antrim—32569. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fink ::i p. m, Just off U. S. Route 40. Centralized School Building